
polychoric <-function (x, y, ML = FALSE, control = list(), std.err = FALSE, 
          maxcor = 0.9999) {
  f <- function(pars) {
    if (length(pars) == 1) {
      rho <- pars
      if (abs(rho) > maxcor) 
        rho <- sign(rho) * maxcor
      row.cuts <- rc
      col.cuts <- cc
    else {
      rho <- pars[1]
      if (abs(rho) > maxcor) 
        rho <- sign(rho) * maxcor
      row.cuts <- pars[2:r]
      col.cuts <- pars[(r + 1):(r + c - 1)]
    P <- binBvn(rho, row.cuts, col.cuts)
    -sum(tab * log(P))
  tab <- if (missing(y))
  else table(x, y)
  zerorows <- apply(tab, 1, function(x) all(x == 0))
  zerocols <- apply(tab, 2, function(x) all(x == 0))
  zr <- sum(zerorows)
  if (0 < zr) 
    warning(paste(zr, " row", suffix <- if (zr == 1) 
      else "s", " with zero marginal", suffix, " removed", 
      sep = ""))
  zc <- sum(zerocols)
  if (0 < zc) 
    warning(paste(zc, " column", suffix <- if (zc == 1) 
      else "s", " with zero marginal", suffix, " removed", 
      sep = ""))
  tab <- tab[!zerorows, , drop = FALSE]
  tab <- tab[, !zerocols, drop = FALSE]
  r <- nrow(tab)
  c <- ncol(tab)
  if (r < 2) {
    warning("the table has fewer than 2 rows")
  if (c < 2) {
    warning("the table has fewer than 2 columns")
  n <- sum(tab)
  rc <- qnorm(cumsum(rowSums(tab))/n)[-r]
  cc <- qnorm(cumsum(colSums(tab))/n)[-c]
  if (ML) {
    result <- optim(c(optimise(f, interval = c(-1, 1))$minimum, 
                      rc, cc), f, control = control, hessian = std.err)
    if (result$par[1] > 1) {
      result$par[1] <- 1
      warning("inadmissible correlation set to 1")
    else if (result$par[1] < -1) {
      result$par[1] <- -1
      warning("inadmissible correlation set to -1")
    if (std.err) {
      chisq <- 2 * (result$value + sum(tab * log((tab + 
      df <- length(tab) - r - c
      result <- list(type = "polychoric", rho = result$par[1], 
                     row.cuts = result$par[2:r], col.cuts = result$par[(r + 
                                                                          1):(r + c - 1)], var = solve(result$hessian), 
                     n = n, chisq = chisq, df = df, ML = TRUE)
      class(result) <- "polycor"
    else return(as.vector(result$par[1]))
  else if (std.err) {
    result <- optim(0, f, control = control, hessian = TRUE, 
                    method = "BFGS")
    if (result$par > 1) {
      result$par <- 1
      warning("inadmissible correlation set to 1")
    else if (result$par < -1) {
      result$par <- -1
      warning("inadmissible correlation set to -1")
    chisq <- 2 * (result$value + sum(tab * log((tab + 1e-06)/n)))
    df <- length(tab) - r - c
    result <- list(type = "polychoric", rho = result$par, 
                   var = 1/result$hessian, n = n, chisq = chisq, df = df, 
                   ML = FALSE)
    class(result) <- "polycor"
  else optimise(f, interval = c(-1, 1))$minimum
villardon/MultBiplotR documentation built on June 5, 2021, 8:55 a.m.