
Defines functions multSE

Documented in multSE

#' @title Estimate multivariate standard error.
#' @description This function estimates a multivariate standard error as the residual mean square error from a PERMANOVA for a one-way model, including double resampling.
#' @param D A distance matrix among all samples
#' @param group The grouping vector
#' @param nsamp Number of samples to take from each group (default, NULL - the smallest sample size across all groups will be automatically taken)
#' @param nresamp The number of re-samples (default, 10 000)
#' @param progress Display progess bar ("text" or "none")
#' @details The routine calculates the means using the permutation approach, while the lower and upper quantiles are obtained using the bootstrapping approach including an adjustment for the bias in the bootstrap.
#' The main distinction from the original function (provied in the supplementary data in Anderson & Santana-Garcon, 2013) is that estimation is done not for increasing range of sample sizes, but only for one sample size common for all groups.
#' @return Data frame with the multivariate standard error averaged over resampling interations.
#' @references Anderson M.J., Santana-Garcon J. Measures of precision for dissimilarity-based multivariate analysis of ecological communities. Ecology Letters (2015) 18: 66-73. DOI 10.1111/ele.12385
#' @examples
#' library(vegan)
#' ## Download sample data (from jslefche/multSE)
#' tf <- tempfile()
#' download.file("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/jslefche/multSE/master/data/PoorKnights.csv", tf)
#' pk <- read.csv(tf); rm(tf)
#' D <- vegdist(pk[,3:49] + 1)  # Create species-by-site distance matrix
#' group <- factor(pk$Time)     # groupping factor
#' multSE(D, group, nresamp = 100)             # automatically find the smallest sample size across all groups
#' multSE(D, group, nresamp = 100, nsamp = 10) # take 10 samples from each group
multSE <- function(D, group, nsamp = NULL, nresamp = 10000, progress = "text") {

  # require(plyr)

  # Ensure distance matrix is in the form of a matrix (rather than a "distance" object)
  D <- as.matrix(D)

  # Remove groups with only a single replicate (adapted from https://github.com/jslefche/multSE/)
  grp <- table(group)
  if(min(grp) == 1){
    groups_to_remove <- names(which(grp == 1))
    D <- D[!group %in% groups_to_remove, !group %in% groups_to_remove]
    group <- group[!group %in% groups_to_remove]
    warning("Groups with 1 replicate have been removed from the analysis!\n")

  # Check the specified number of samples
    if(nsamp == 1){ stop("Number of samples (nsamp) should be > 1.\n") }

    if(nsamp > min(table(group))){
      stop("Choose the proper number of samples to take (nsamp): some groups does not have enough samples.\n")

  # Some necessary preliminary functions:
  MSE <- function(D, group) {
    D <- as.matrix(D)
    N <- dim(D)[1]
    g <- length(levels(factor(group)))
    X <- model.matrix(~factor(group))     # Model matrix
    H <- X %*% solve(t(X)%*%X) %*% t(X)   # Hat matrix
    I <- diag(N)                          # Identity matrix
    A <- -0.5*D^2
    G <- A - apply(A,1,mean) %o% rep(1,N) - rep(1,N) %o% apply(A,2,mean) + mean(A)
    MSE <- sum(diag((I-H) %*% G)) / (N-g)

  quant.upper <- function(x) quantile(x, prob = 0.975, na.rm = TRUE)
  quant.lower <- function(x) quantile(x, prob = 0.025, na.rm = TRUE)

  # Getting parameters of the problem
  group <- factor(group)
  ng <- length(levels(group))   # number of groups
  n.i <- table(group)           # number of samples per group
  nmax <- min(n.i)              # smallest sample size across all groups
  N <- sum(n.i)                 # total number of samples
  index <- 1:N                  # sample index

  ## Double resampling function
  resamp <- function(nsub){
    ivec.p <- sample(index[group == levels(group)[1]], size = nsub, replace = FALSE)
    ivec.b <- sample(index[group == levels(group)[1]], size = nsub, replace = TRUE)
    for (i in 2:ng) {
       ivec.p <- c(ivec.p, sample(index[group == levels(group)[i]], size = nsub, replace = FALSE))
       ivec.b <- c(ivec.b, sample(index[group == levels(group)[i]], size = nsub, replace = TRUE))
    group.resamp <- factor(rep(1:ng, each = nsub))
    D.perm <- D[ivec.p, ivec.p]
    D.boot <- D[ivec.b, ivec.b]
    res <- data.frame(
              multSE.store.p = sqrt(MSE(D.perm, group.resamp)/nsub),  # values under permutation resampling
              multSE.store.b = sqrt(MSE(D.boot, group.resamp)/nsub)   # values under bootstrap resampling

  # Repeat resampling
    # For the smallest sample size across all groups
    permvals <- plyr::rdply(.n = nresamp, .expr = resamp(nmax), .progress = progress)
    N_for_table <- nmax
  } else {
    # For the specified sample size
    permvals <- plyr::rdply(.n = nresamp, .expr = resamp(nsamp), .progress = progress)
    N_for_table <- nsamp

  # Estimate means and quantiles over resampling interations
  means <- mean(permvals$multSE.store.p)
  means.b <- mean(permvals$multSE.store.b)
  bias <- means - means.b
  lower <- quant.lower(permvals$multSE.store.b) + bias
  upper <- quant.upper(permvals$multSE.store.b) + bias

  # Calculation of bias and completion of output
  res <- data.frame(
    N = N_for_table,
    MultSE.Mean = means,
    MultSE.LowerCI = lower,
    MultSE.UpperCI = upper
  rownames(res) <- NULL

vmikk/metagMisc documentation built on June 20, 2024, 7:20 a.m.