
Defines functions getenumCI2022

Documented in getenumCI2022

#' Summarizes veris enumerations from verisr objects
#' This is the primary analysis function for veris.  calculates the point 
#'    estimate and credible intervals for enumerations. (For example, 
#'     'Malware', 'Hacking', etc within 'action').
#' The 'by' parameter allows enumerating one feature by another, (for example
#'    to count the frequency of each action by year).
#' Unknowns are generally excluded as 'not tested'.  If 'NA' is an enumeration
#'    in the feature being enumerated, it must be specified with the 'na.rm'
#'    parameter as whether NA should be included or not is highly dependent on
#'    the hypothesis being tested.
#' This function accurately enumerates single logical columns, character 
#'     feature columns, and features spanning multiple logical columns (such as 
#'     action.*).  It cannot enumerate free-form text columns.  It accurately 
#'     calculates the sample size 'n' as the number of rows (independent of the
#'     number of enumerations present in the feature).
#' GetenumCI() can also provide binomial confidence intervals for the 
#'     enumerations tested within the features.  See the parameters for details.
#' While getenumCI() may work on other types of dataframes, it was designed for
#'     verisr dataframes and data.tables.  It is not tested nor recommended for
#'     any other type.
#' @param veris A verisr object
#' @param enum A veris feature or enumeration to summarize
#' @param by A veris feature or enumeration to group by
#' @param na.rm A boolean of whether to include not applicable in the sample set.
#'     This is REQUIRED if enum has a potential value of NA as there is no 
#'     'default' method for handling NAs.  Instead, it depends on the 
#'     hypothesis being tested.
#' @param unk A boolean referring whether to include 'unknown' in the sample.
#'     The default is 'FALSE' and should rarely be overwritten.
#' @param short.names A boolean identifying whether to use the full enumeration
#'     name or just the last section. (i.e. action.hacking.variety.SQLi vs
#'     just SQLi.)
#' @param top Integer limiting the output to top enumerations.
#' @param ci.method A confidence interval method to use.  Options are "mcmc" or "bootstrap".  "bootstrap"uses the bayes process from the binom package.  "mcmc" uses a binomial model based on rstan, rstanarm, brms.
#' @param cred.mass the amount of probability mass that will be contained in 
#'   reported credible intervals. This argument fills a similar role as 
#'   conf.level in \code{\link{binom.test}}.
#' @param round.freq An integer indicating how many places to round
#'     the frequency value to. (default = 5)
#' @param na DEPRECIATED! Use '\code{na.rm}' parameter.
#' @param ci.level DEPRECIATED! same as \code{cred.mass}.
#' @param ci.params Set to TRUE to recieve a list column in the output of or used to recreate the model used to determine the ci.
#' @param force getenumCI() will attempt to enforce sane confidence-based practices (such as hiding x and freq in low sample sizes).  Setting force to 'TRUE' will override these best practices.
#' @param quietly When TRUE, suppress all warnings and messages.  This is helpful when getenumCI is used in a larger script or markdown document.
#' @param ... A catch all for functions using arguments from previous
#'     versions of getenum.
#' @return A data frame summarizing the enumeration
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' tmp <- tempfile(fileext = ".dat")
#' download.file("https://github.com/vz-risk/VCDB/raw/master/data/verisr/vcdb.dat", tmp, quiet=TRUE)
#' load(tmp, verbose=TRUE)
#' library(magrittr)
#' chunk <- getenumCI(vcdb, "action.hacking.variety")
#' chunk
#' chunk <- getenumCI(vcdb, "action.hacking.variety", top=10)
#' chunk <- getenumCI(vcdb, "action.hacking.variety", by="timeline.incident.year")
#' chunk
#' chunk <- getenumCI(vcdb, 
#'                    "action.hacking.variety", 
#'                    by="timeline.incident.year") 
#' chunk %>% 
#'     dplyr::select(by, enum, freq) %>% 
#'     tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from=enum, values_from=freq, values_fill = list(freq=0))
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "action")
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "asset.variety")
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "asset.assets.variety")
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "asset.assets.variety", ci.method="wilson")
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "asset.cloud", na.rm=FALSE)
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "action.social.variety.Phishing")
#' getenumCI(vcdb, "actor.*.motive", ci.method="wilson", na.rm=FALSE)
#' rm(vcdb)
getenumCI2022 <- function(veris, 
                      na.rm = NULL, 
                      na = NULL, 
                      top = NULL,
                      force = FALSE,
                      quietly = FALSE,
                      ...) {
  lifecycle::deprecate_warn("version", "verisr::getenumCI2022()", "verisr::getenumCI2023()")
  # Below this value for 'n', apply ci best practices from https://github.com/vz-risk/dbir-private/issues/43 unless force = TRUE
  ci_n <- 30 # chosen semi-arbitrarily, but it is roughly where frequentist normal approximations break down.
  n_floor <- 5 # chosen semi-arbitrarily.  return empty dataframe
  # even though the parameter is 'na.rm', we still use 'na' internally.
  if (!is.null(na.rm)) {
    na = !na.rm  # if na.rm is set, change na to it. (na is the logical opposit of na.rm)
  } else if (!is.null(na)) {
    if (!quietly) { warning("'na' is depriciated.  please use 'na.rm'.") }
  # legacy veris objects are data tables, however data tables cause problems.
  if (data.table::is.data.table(veris)) {
    df <- as.data.frame(veris)
  } else {
    df <- veris
  # legacy veris objects have 'pattern' as an ordered factor for some reason but it can cause problems so removing.
  if ("pattern" %in% names(df)) {
    df[["pattern"]] <- as.character(df[["pattern"]])
  # Sanity check since previous getenumCI's didn't require it.
  if (!"plus.master_id" %in% names(df)) {stop("'plus.master_id' must be in the veris object passed to getenumCI().")}
  # filter out unneeded columns for memory sake
  df <- df[, c("plus.master_id", grep(paste0("^", enum, "|", enum, "[.][A-Z0-9][^.]|", by, "|", by, "[.][A-Z0-9][^.]$"), names(df), value=TRUE))]

  # for backwards compatibility
  if (!is.null(ci.level)) {
    cred.mass <- ci.level
  # because we aren't keeping the 'method' and don't want to duplicate rows for each method, only 1 allowed.
  if (length(ci.method) > 1) {
    if (!quietly) { warning("More than one confidence interval method specified. Using first.") }
    ci.method <- ci.method[1]
  if (!is.null(ci.method) && !ci.method %in% c("mcmc", "bootstrap", "bayes")) {
    stop(paste0("ci.method ", ci.method, " not one of c('mcmc', 'bootstrap', 'bayes')."))
  if (ci.method == "mcmc" && length(intersect(c("brms", "tidybayes"), rownames(installed.packages()))) < 2) {
    ci.method <- "bootstrap"
    if (!quietly) { warning("ci.method set to mcmc, but 'brms' and 'tidybayes' not both installed.  updating ci.method to 'bootstrap'") }
  if (!is.null(top) && top < 1) {
    if (!quietly) { warning(paste0("Top must be 1 or greater, but is (", top, "). Setting top to NULL.")) }
    top <- NULL
  # getnumCI2021() calculates sample size based on unique plus.master_id's.  While 
  #   this means that data in multiple rows with the same master_id will be 
  #   counted multiple times, that is intentional in cases where the value is
  #   different.  However, if the same value is listed multiple times for a single 
  #   plus.master_id, it will cause extra counts.  To avoid this, we could flatten
  #   the dataframe, but that's likely to cause unique duplicates in character columns
  #   to go uncounted.   Instead, I think we will deduplicate during counting. - GDB 200619
  # verisr <- dbirR::flatten_verisr(verisr)
  # create a list of enumerations to calculate 'enum' _by_
  if (!is.null(by)) {
    by_enums <- grep(paste0("^",by,"[.][A-Z0-9][^.]*$"), names(df), value=TRUE)
    if (length(by_enums) > 0) {
      by_type <- "multinomial"
      # by_class <- "character"
    } else {
      by_enums <- grep(paste0("^",by,"$"), names(df), value=TRUE)
      if (length(by_enums) == 1) { # could be > 0, but this should help throw errors when not functioning properly. - gdb 090116
        by_enums <- unique(df[[by]])
        by_type <- "single_column"
        # by_class <- class(by_enums)
      } else {
        if (!quietly) { warning(paste0("No column matching 'by' value ", by, ". Ignoring 'by' value.")) }
        by_enums <- c(NA)
        by_type <- "none"
        # by_class <- "character"
  } else {
    by_enums <- c(NA)
    by_type <- "none"
    # by_class <- "character"
  # we use do.call because we don't know how many things we'll be rbinding.
  #  instead, we just get a list of them using lapply and then rbind
  #  on that list.
  # TODO: Parallelize this as time scales linearly with the number of 'by_enums'
  #chunk <- do.call(rbind, lapply(by_enums, function(x) { # switching as you can end up with the wrong number of columns if CI protection triggers on one subchunk and not another - GDB 201216
  chunks_list <- lapply(by_enums, function(x) {
    # subset DF to just the portion we're currently dealing with
    if (by_type == "multinomial") {
      subdf <- df[df[[x]], ]
    } else if (by_type == "single_column") {
      subdf <- df[df[[by]] == x, ]
    } else { # catchall for by_type == 'none', i.e. keep the whole df
      subdf <- df
    subdf[unlist(lapply(subdf, is.logical))][is.na(subdf[unlist(lapply(subdf, is.logical))])] <- FALSE # Replace NA with FALSE to protect against counting errors later (multinomial 'n' removes NAs in sum). - GDB 21-02-20
    # select the columns that match the enumeration and characterize it's/their type
    enum_enums <- grep(paste0("^",enum,"[.][A-Z0-9][^.]*$"), names(subdf), value=TRUE)
    if (length(enum_enums) > 0) {
      enum_type <- "multinomial"
    } else {
      enum_enums <- grep(paste0("^",enum,"$"), names(subdf), value=TRUE)
      if (length(enum_enums) == 1) { # could be > 0, but this should help throw errors when not functioning properly. - gdb 090116
        if (is.logical(subdf[[enum_enums]])) {
          enum_type <- "logical"
          short_names <- gsub('^.*[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", names(subdf))
          logical_enum <- enum_enums
          enum_enums <- grep(paste0("^", gsub('^(.*)[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", logical_enum), "[.][A-Z0-9][^.]*$"), names(subdf), value=TRUE)
        } else {
          enum_type <- "single_column"
      } else if (length(enum_enums) > 1) {
        stop(paste0("Enum ", enum, " resolves to multiple logical columns with a single logical enumeration.",
        "  This is a known limitation of getenumCI.  ",
        "  Remove the enumeration at the end and instead filter the output of getenumCI to the enumeration of interest."))
        enum_type <- "multinomial"
      } else {
        stop(paste0("Enum ", enum, " did not resolve to any columns."))
    # for subdf, remove duplicate values to prevent over-counting single incident (by plus.master_id) - GDB 200619
    # using a for loop as we're not recreating anything but assigning existing memory
    # TODO: Check if this block is necessary. I _think_ we count plus.master_id in all count locations now obviating this (slow) section. - GDB 20-09-29
    if (length(subdf[["master_id"]]) != length(unique(subdf[["plus.master_id"]]))) {
      # first separate duplicate from  non-duplicate master_ids
      rows_per_master_id <- table(df$plus.master_id) # this is slow
      dup_subdf <- subdf[subdf[["plus.master_id"]] %in% names(rows_per_master_id[rows_per_master_id > 1]), ]
      for (master_id in unique(dup_subdf[["plus.master_id"]])) {
        for (column in setdiff(enum_enums, "plus.master_id")) { # attempting to only parse the relevant enumerations to improve performance.
          #for (column in setdiff(names(dup_subdf), "plus.master_id")) {
          #message(column) # DEBUG
          # if (master_id == "0C0FCC7E-A613-4123-AC90-C3997E30756C" & column == "action.Error") {browser()} # DEBUG
          ##dup_cols <- ifelse(dup_subdf[["plus.master_id"]] != master_id, FALSE, duplicated(as.vector(dup_subdf[dup_subdf[["plus.master_id"]] == master_id, column])))
          dup_cols <- rep(FALSE, nrow(dup_subdf))
          dup_cols[dup_subdf[["plus.master_id"]] == master_id] <- duplicated(as.vector(dup_subdf[dup_subdf[["plus.master_id"]] == master_id, column]))
          dup_cols[is.na(dup_cols)] <- FALSE
          # if (length(class(dup_subdf[dup_subdf[["plus.master_id"]] == master_id, column])) > 1) {message(paste(column, paste(class(dup_subdf[dup_subdf[["plus.master_id"]] == master_id, column]), collapse=",")))} # DEBUG
          if (class(rev(dup_subdf[dup_subdf[["plus.master_id"]] == master_id, column]))[1] == "character") {
            # if duplicate(), replace with NA for character  replace with FALSE for logical
            dup_subdf[dup_cols, column] <- NA
          } else if (class(rev(dup_subdf[dup_subdf[["plus.master_id"]] == master_id, column]))[1] == "logical") {
            dup_subdf[dup_cols, column] <- FALSE
          } else {
            # ass as all other character types we'll leave alone.  This assumes no factors.
      subdf <- rbind(
        subdf[subdf[["plus.master_id"]] %in% names(rows_per_master_id[rows_per_master_id == 1]), ],
    ## This entire section calculates the sample size.  We do it early so we can adjust 'top' if n < ci_n  
    # This allows us to handle numerical/factor/character and logical enumerations
    if (enum_type == "multinomial" | enum_type == "logical") {
      subdf_for_n <- subdf[, c(enum_enums, "plus.master_id")]
      ### NOTE: There is no check for multiple values induced by multiple rows with the same plus.master_id.
      ###       If we assume master_id indicates an incident, multiple rows is likely indicative of a desire to count multiple values. - GDB 200619
      if (ncol(subdf_for_n) <= 1) { stop(paste(c("No columns matched feature(s) ", enum, " using regex ", paste0("^",enum,"[.][A-Z0-9][^.]*$"), collapse=" ")))}
      # we remove unknowns because they should normally not be counted
      if (unk == FALSE) {
        if (short.names) {
          subdf_for_n <- subdf_for_n[, !grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|[A-Za-z]{1,3} - [U|u])nknown$", names(subdf_for_n))] # if short names, bla - unknown is removed. See logical section for why. - GDB 17-01-30
        } else {
          subdf_for_n <- subdf_for_n[, !grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|u)nknown$", names(subdf_for_n))] # if long names, bla - unknown is kept in sample. See logical section for why. - GDB 17-01-30
      # Whether to use NAs or not depends on the hypothesis being tested so we require an answer (no default)
      if (is.null(na) & any(grep("[.]NA$", names(subdf_for_n)))) { stop("'na' must be specified if any column names end in .NA")}
      if (!is.null(na)) {
        if (na == FALSE) {
          subdf_for_n <- subdf_for_n[, !grepl(".NA$", names(subdf_for_n)), ]
      # number of records that have one of our enumerations
      #n <- sum(rowSums(subdf_for_n, na.rm=TRUE) > 0, na.rm=TRUE)
      n <- length(unique(subdf_for_n[rowSums(subset(subdf_for_n, select=-c(plus.master_id)), na.rm=TRUE) > 0, ][["plus.master_id"]])) # counts unique master_ids instead of rows directly
      # count of each enumeration
    } else if (enum_type == "single_column") {
      ### Removing below warning. If we assume master_id indicates an incident, multiple rows is likely indicative of a desire to count multiple values. - GDB 200619
      # lapply(unique(subdf[["plus.master_id"]]), function(master_id) {
      #   incident <- unique(subdf[subdf$plus.master_id == master_id, ][[enum_enums]])
      #   if (length(incident) > 1) {warning(paste0("Incident ", master_id, " has ", length(incident), " values (", paste(incident, collapse=","),
      #                                             ") for column ", enum_enums, ".  This will cause overcounting of this incident."))}
      # })
      table_v <- table(subdf[[enum_enums]], useNA="no") # useNA="no" added 210220 - GDB
      v <- as.integer(table_v)
      names(v) <- names(table_v)
      ### Just summing v for 'n' is incorrect as it doesn't count unique master_id's. Fixing below using subdf_for_n - GDB 20-09-28
      #n <- sum(v, na.rm=TRUE)
      subdf_for_n <- subdf[!is.na(subdf[[enum_enums]]), ]
      # remove unknowns
      if (unk == FALSE) {
        #n <- n - sum(v[grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|u)nknown$", names(v))], na.rm=TRUE) # Doesn't handle `Bla - unknown` as these bastardized hierarchies shouldn't be in a single character column. - gdb 17-01-30
        subdf_for_n <- subdf_for_n[tolower(subdf_for_n[[enum_enums]]) != "unknown", ]
      # remove NAs
      if (is.null(na) & any(grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", names(v)))) { stop("'na' must be specified if any column names end in .NA")}
      if (!is.null(na)) {
        if (na == FALSE) {
          #n <- n - sum(v[grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", names(v))], na.rm=TRUE)
          subdf_for_n <- subdf_for_n[tolower(subdf_for_n[[enum_enums]]) != "na", ]
      n <- length(unique(subdf_for_n[["plus.master_id"]]))
    } else {
      stop("class of 'enum' column(s) was not identified, preventing summarization.")
    # if we aren't rocing and 'top' was set and the sample size was less than ci_n, rerun but with 'top' off
    if (!force && !is.null(top) && top > 1 && n < ci_n) {
      top <- NULL
      if (!quietly) { warning(paste0("Parameter 'top' ignored when 'n' < ", ci_n, ".  'Top' can only be used if there is a clear break where confidence intervals between two ordered records don't overlap.  Please calculate interdependance, set  'top' to the appropriate breakpoint, and use 'force=TRUE' to avoid this warning.")) }
    # Subset to top enums
    if (!is.null(top)) {
      if (enum_type == "logical") {
        if (!quietly) { warning(paste0("Parameter 'top' incompatible with single logical column enumeration ", enum_enums, ". Skipping filtering to top.")) }

      } else {
        # start by getting a count of each enumeration
        if (enum_type == "single_column") {
          #enum_counts <- table(subdf[[enum_enums]])
          ### Replacing above line with below to ensure unique plus.master_id's are counted, not the column -- GDB 20-09-29
          enum_counts <- table(subdf[!duplicated(subdf[, c("plus.master_id", enum_enums)]), ][[enum_enums]])
        } else if (enum_type == "multinomial") {
          if (short.names) {
            # convert to short names and keep mapping
            name_mapping <- data.frame(full_name = enum_enums, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            name_mapping[["short_name"]] <- gsub('^.*[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", name_mapping[["full_name"]])
            # iterate over unique short names and get counts for them
            short_names <- unique(name_mapping$short_name)
            enum_counts <- unlist(lapply(short_names, function(s) {
              ret <- subdf[, name_mapping[name_mapping$short_name == s, ][["full_name"]]]
              if (!is.null(ncol(ret))) { # if it's a vector and ncol is null, you can skip applying
                ret <- apply(ret, MARGIN=1, any)
              #ret <- sum(ret, na.rm=TRUE)
              ### Replacing above line with below to count master_ids
              ret <- sum(!duplicated(data.frame(plus.master_id = subdf[["plus.master_id"]], enum = ret)) & ret, na.rm=TRUE) # na.rm=TRUE added 210220
            names(enum_counts) <- short_names 
          } else {
            #enum_counts <- colSums(subdf[ , enum_enums]) 
            ### Replacing above line with below to ensure unique plus.master_id's are counted, not the column -- GDB 20-09-29
            enum_counts <- unlist(lapply(enum_enums, function(enum_enum) {length(unique(subdf[subdf[[enum_enum]] & !is.na(subdf[[enum_enum]]), ][["plus.master_id"]]))}))
            names(enum_counts) <- enum_enums
        } else {
          stop("class of 'enum' column(s) was not identified, preventing filtering of top items and further processing")
        # Remove things that should not be a top enumeration.  This includes 'Other', 'Unknown', and 'na' (if na.rm=TRUE)
        enum_counts <- enum_counts[!grepl("^(.+[.]|)(O|o)ther$", names(enum_counts))]
        if (!is.null(unk)) {
          if (unk == FALSE) {
            enum_counts <- enum_counts[!grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|u)nknown$", names(enum_counts))]
        if (!is.null(na)) {
          if (na == FALSE) {
            enum_counts <- enum_counts[!grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", names(enum_counts))]
        # order the enumerations and take the top ones
        # top enums are the actual top enums, plus 'Other', 'Unknown', and potentially NA
        top_enums <- names(enum_counts[rank(-enum_counts, ties.method="min") <= top]) # , grep("^(.+[.]|)(O|o)ther$", enum_enums, value=TRUE)
        top_enums <- intersect(top_enums, names(enum_counts[enum_counts > 0])) # attempt to remove zero from top counts
        if (enum_type == "multinomial" && short.names) {
          top_enums <- name_mapping[name_mapping$short_name %in% top_enums, ][["full_name"]]
        if (!is.null(unk)) {
          if (unk == FALSE) {
            top_enums <- c(top_enums, grep("^(.+[.]|)(U|u)nknown$", enum_enums, value=TRUE))
        if (!is.null(na)) {
          if (na == FALSE) {
            top_enums <- c(top_enums, grep("^(.+[.]|)NA$", enum_enums, value=TRUE))
        # when we assign 'other' to things not in the top enum list, make sure to not assign it to blank or NA as well
        if (enum_type == "single_column") {
          not_top_enums <- setdiff(subdf[[enum_enums]], c(top_enums, ''))
          not_top_enums <- not_top_enums[!is.na(not_top_enums)]
          if (length(not_top_enums) > 0) {
            subdf[grepl(paste0("^", paste(not_top_enums, collapse="|")), subdf[[enum_enums]]), enum_enums] <- "Other"
        } else {
          not_top_enums <- setdiff(enum_enums, c(top_enums, ''))
          not_top_enums <- not_top_enums[!is.na(not_top_enums)]
          if (length(not_top_enums) > 0) {
            if (length(intersect(not_top_enums, names(subdf))) <= 0) {
              subdf[[paste0(enum, ".Other")]] <- FALSE
            } else if (length(intersect(not_top_enums, names(subdf))) == 1) {
              subdf[[paste0(enum, ".Other")]] <- subdf[[not_top_enums]] # this likely is assigning <enum>.Other to itself, but just in case we'll define it generically.
            } else {
              subdf[[paste0(enum, ".Other")]] <- unlist(apply(subdf[, not_top_enums], MARGIN=1, any))
            enum_enums <- c(intersect(top_enums, enum_enums), paste0(enum, ".Other"))
    # This allows us to handle numerical/factor/character and logical enumerations
    if (enum_type == "multinomial" | enum_type == "logical") {
      subdf <- subdf[, c("plus.master_id", enum_enums)]
      if (ncol(subdf) <= 0) { stop(paste(c("No columns matched feature(s) ", enum, " using regex ", paste0("^",enum,"[.][A-Z0-9][^.]*$"), collapse=" ")))}
      #  if short.names, combine columns with short names. (Rather than summing same short name after calculating column sums, which double-counts in 'x'.)
      if (short.names) {
        short_names <- c("plus.master_id", gsub('^.*[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", enum_enums))
        short_names <- c(short_names)
        subdf <- do.call(cbind, lapply(unique(short_names), function(y) { # bind the list of columns returned by lapply
          dups <- grep(paste0("^(",y,")$"), short_names)
          if (length(dups) > 1) {
            #feature <- apply(subdf[ , grep(paste0("^(",y,")$"), short_names)], MARGIN=1, any) # 'grep' selects columns with the name, apply checks if any of the row are true
            feature <- apply(subdf[ , which(y == short_names)], MARGIN=1, any)  # replaced 'grep' with 'which' due to some 'y' containing regex control characters.
          } else {
            #feature <- subdf[ , grep(paste0("^(",y,")$"), short_names)]
            feature <- subdf[, which(y == short_names)] # replaced 'grep' with 'which' due to some 'y' containing regex control characters.
          feature <- data.frame(feature)
          if (ncol(feature) > 0) {
            names(feature) <- y

      #v <- colSums(subdf, na.rm=TRUE)  # used instead of a loop or plyr::count to compute x
      ### Replacing above line with below to ensure unique plus.master_id's are counted, not the column -- GDB 20-09-29
      subdf_names <- names(subdf)[2:length(names(subdf))] # remove the initial plus.master_id
      ## Adding ` & !is.na(subdf[[enum_enum]])` below to prevent 'na' from being counted.
      v <- unlist(lapply(subdf_names, function(enum_enum) {length(unique(subdf[subdf[[enum_enum]] & !is.na(subdf[[enum_enum]]), ][["plus.master_id"]]))}))
      names(v) <- subdf_names
    } else if (enum_type == "single_column") {
      #table_v <- table(subdf[[enum_enums]])
      ### Replacing above line with below to ensure unique plus.master_id's are counted, not the column -- GDB 20-09-29
      table_v <- table(subdf[!duplicated(subdf[, c("plus.master_id", enum_enums)]), ][[enum_enums]], useNA="no") # useNA="no" added 210220 - GDB
      v <- as.integer(table_v)
      names(v) <- names(table_v)

# 'n' now calcualted above for removing 'top' if n < ci_n      
#      n <- sum(v, na.rm=TRUE)
#      # remove unknowns
#      if (unk == FALSE) {
#        n <- n - sum(v[grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|u)nknown$", names(v))], na.rm=TRUE) # Doesn't handle `Bla - unknown` as these bastardized hierarchies shouldn't be in a single character column. - gdb 17-01-30
#      }
#      # remove NAs
#      if (!is.null(na)) {
#        if (na == FALSE) {
#          n <- n - sum(v[grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", names(v))], na.rm=TRUE)
#        }
#      }
    } else {
      stop("class of 'enum' column(s) was not identified, preventing summarization.")
    # create the chunk for this 'by'
    if (short.names) { # if short names, we treat `foo.Bar - unknown` as an unknown, similar to foo.bar.variety.Unknown being truncated to 'Unknown'
      subchunk <- data.frame(enum=names(v), x=v, n=rep(n, length(v)), freq=v/n)
      enum_subchunk <- subchunk[!grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|[A-Za-z]{1,3} - [U|u])nknown$", subchunk$enum) & !grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", subchunk$enum), ]
      unk_subchunk <- subchunk[grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|[A-Za-z]{1,3} - [U|u])nknown$", subchunk$enum), ]
      na_subchunk <- subchunk[grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", subchunk$enum), ]
    } else { # if long names, we include `foo.Bar - unknown` because we wouldn't truncate, and therefor would include, foo.bar.variety.Unknown
      subchunk <- data.frame(enum=names(v), x=v, n=rep(n, length(v)), freq=v/n)
      enum_subchunk <- subchunk[!grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|u)nknown$", subchunk$enum) & !grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", subchunk$enum), ]
      unk_subchunk <- subchunk[grepl("^(.+[.]|)(U|u)nknown$", subchunk$enum), ]
      na_subchunk <- subchunk[grepl("^(.+[.]|)NA$", subchunk$enum), ]
    # n is not applicable for Unknown (and potentially na) rows so zero it out
    if (unk == FALSE & nrow(unk_subchunk) > 0) {
      unk_subchunk[ , c("n", "freq")] <- NA
    if (!is.null(na)) {
      if (na == FALSE & nrow(na_subchunk) > 0) {
        na_subchunk[ , c("n", "freq")] <- NA
    ### Sanity check
    if (any(na.omit(enum_subchunk$x > enum_subchunk$n))) 
      {stop("At least one measurement (x) was greater than the sample size (n). This should never happen.  Please check your data and try again.")}
    # Because we will remove 'x' and 'freq', there must be a ci.method set if n < ci_n and force != TRUE
    if (!force & n < ci_n) {
      if (length(ci.method) <= 0) {
        if (!quietly) { warning(paste0("ci.method must be set if 'n' < ", ci_n, " and force != TRUE.  Setting ci.method to 'bootstrap' for enumeration ", x, ".  To avoid this warning, please set 'ci.method' to either 'mcmc' or 'bootstrap' or force=TRUE.")) }
        ci.method <- "bootstrap"
    # apply the confidence interval.  Apply to NA's and unk separately depending on if selected. (If you try and apply CI's cart blanc to the NA/Unknowns it can error out on binding the columns)
    if (!is.null(ci.method) && ci.method == "bayes") {
      if (nrow(enum_subchunk) > 0) {
        # replacing the one-liner with this because binom.bayes has a bug that errors if the ends (0 or n) are included in x and number of rows > 3
        enum_subchunk[['method']] <- "bayes"
        enum_subchunk[['lower']] <- NA
        enum_subchunk[['upper']] <- NA
        enum_subchunk[['params']] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(enum_subchunk))
        if (any(enum_subchunk$x != n & enum_subchunk$x != 0)) { # check if any aren't 0 or n. otherwise, calculating a CI will fail.
          enum_subbinom <- binom::binom.bayes(as.integer(enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$x != n & enum_subchunk$x != 0, 'x' ]), as.integer(enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$x != n & enum_subchunk$x != 0, 'n' ], conf.level=cred.mass))
          enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$x != n & enum_subchunk$x != 0, c('lower', 'upper') ] <- enum_subbinom[ , c(7, 8)]
          enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$x != n & enum_subchunk$x != 0, ][['params' ]] <- Map(c, enum_subbinom$shape1, enum_subbinom$shape2)
        ## Commenting out the 'if' blocks as I _think_ they are unnecessary
        if (0 %in% enum_subchunk$x) {
          enum_subbinom_zero <- binom::binom.bayes(0, n, conf.level=cred.mass)
          enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$x == 0, c('lower', 'upper')] <- enum_subbinom_zero[, c(7, 8)]
          enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$x == 0, ][['params']] <- Map(c, enum_subbinom_zero$shape1, enum_subbinom_zero$shape2)
        if (n %in% enum_subchunk$x) {
          enum_subbinom_n <- binom::binom.bayes(n, n, conf.level=cred.mass)
          enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$x == n, c('lower', 'upper')] <- enum_subbinom_n[, c(7, 8)]
          enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$x == n, ][['params']] <- Map(c, enum_subbinom_n$shape1, enum_subbinom_n$shape2)
        # enum_subchunk <- cbind(enum_subchunk, data.frame(method="bayes"), binom::binom.confint(enum_subchunk$x, enum_subchunk$n, conf.level=cred.mass, methods="bayes")[ , c(5, 6)])
      } else {
        enum_subchunk <- cbind(enum_subchunk, data.frame(method=character(), lower=numeric(), upper=numeric()))
        enum_subchunk[['params']] <- list()
      if (unk == FALSE) {
        unk_subchunk <- cbind(unk_subchunk, data.frame(method=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk)), lower=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk)), upper=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk))))
        unk_subchunk[['params']] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(unk_subchunk))
      } else if (nrow(unk_subchunk) >0) {
        unk_subbinom <- binom::binom.bayes(unk_subchunk$x, unk_subchunk$n, conf.level=cred.mass)
        unk_subchunk <- cbind(unk_subchunk, data.frame(method="bayes"), unk_subbinom[ , c(7, 8)])
        unk_subchunk[['params']] <- Map(c, unk_subbinom$shape1, unk_subbinom$shape2)
      } else {
        unk_subchunk <- data.frame()
      if (!is.null(na)) {
        if (na == FALSE) {
          na_subchunk <- cbind(na_subchunk, data.frame(method=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk)), lower=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk)), upper=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk))))
          na_subchunk[['params']] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(na_subchunk))
        } else if (nrow(na_subchunk) > 0) {
          na_subbinom <- binom::binom.bayes(na_subchunk$x, na_subchunk$n, conf.level=cred.mass)
          na_subchunk <- cbind(na_subchunk, data.frame(method="bayes"), na_subbinom[ , c(7, 8)])
          na_subchunk[['params']] <- Map(c, na_subbinom$shape1, na_subbinom$shape2)
        } else {
          na_subchunk <- data.frame()
    } else if (!is.null(ci.method) && ci.method == "bootstrap") {
      if (nrow(enum_subchunk) > 0) {
        enum_subchunk[['method']] <- "bootstrap"
        enum_subchunk[['lower']] <- NA
        enum_subchunk[['upper']] <- NA
        enum_subchunk[['params']] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(enum_subchunk))
        if (nrow(enum_subchunk) > 0) { # check if any aren't 0 or n. otherwise, calculating a CI will fail.
          enum_subdist <- lapply(1:nrow(enum_subchunk), function(i) {
            enum_sub_samples <- data.frame(result = c(rep(TRUE, enum_subchunk[i, 'x']), rep(FALSE, (enum_subchunk[i, 'n'] - enum_subchunk[i, 'x']))))
            if (!any(enum_sub_samples$result)) {
              bootstrap_distribution <- data.frame(replicate=1:500, stat=as.double(0))
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'response') <- "result"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'success') <- "TRUE"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'response_type') <- "factor"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'theory_type') <- "One sample prop z"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'generate') <- TRUE
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'type') <- "bootstrap"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'stat') <- "prop"
            } else if (all(enum_sub_samples$result)) { # if all results are true, infer will error due to a bug so hard coding it.
              bootstrap_distribution <- data.frame(replicate=1:500, stat=as.double(1))
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'response') <- "result"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'success') <- "TRUE"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'response_type') <- "factor"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'theory_type') <- "One sample prop z"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'generate') <- TRUE
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'type') <- "bootstrap"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'stat') <- "prop"
            } else {
              # specify that we variables to use and what their levels mean
              bootstrap_distribution <- infer::specify(enum_sub_samples, response = result, success="TRUE")
              # sample with replacement (bootstrap) to create our bootstrap distributions
              bootstrap_distribution <- infer::generate(bootstrap_distribution, reps=500, type = "bootstrap")
              # calculate a proportion per bootsrap distribution rep
              bootstrap_distribution <- infer::calculate(bootstrap_distribution, stat = "prop")
            # return
          enum_subchunk[ , c('lower', 'upper') ] <- do.call(rbind, lapply(enum_subdist, infer::get_confidence_interval, level=cred.mass, type="percentile"))
          enum_subchunk[ , ][['params' ]] <- enum_subdist
        # enum_subchunk <- cbind(enum_subchunk, data.frame(method="bayes"), binom::binom.confint(enum_subchunk$x, enum_subchunk$n, conf.level=cred.mass, methods="bayes")[ , c(5, 6)])
      } else {
        enum_subchunk <- cbind(enum_subchunk, data.frame(method=character(), lower=numeric(), upper=numeric()))
        enum_subchunk[['params']] <- list()
      if (unk == FALSE) {
        unk_subchunk <- cbind(unk_subchunk, data.frame(method=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk)), lower=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk)), upper=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk))))
        unk_subchunk[['params']] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(unk_subchunk))
      } else if (nrow(unk_subchunk) >0) {
        unk_subdist <- lapply(1:nrow(unk_subchunk), function(i) {
          enum_sub_samples <- data.frame(result = c(rep(TRUE, unk_subchunk[i, 'x']), rep(FALSE, (enum_subchunk[i, 'n'] - enum_subchunk[i, 'x']))))
          if (!any(enum_sub_samples$result)) {
            bootstrap_distribution <- data.frame(replicate=1:500, stat=as.double(0))
            attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'response') <- "result"
            attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'success') <- "TRUE"
            attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'response_type') <- "factor"
            attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'theory_type') <- "One sample prop z"
            attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'generate') <- TRUE
            attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'type') <- "bootstrap"
            attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'stat') <- "prop"
          } else {
            # specify that we variables to use and what their levels mean
            bootstrap_distribution <- infer::specify(enum_sub_samples, response = result, success="TRUE")
            # sample with replacement (bootstrap) to create our bootstrap distributions
            bootstrap_distribution <- infer::generate(bootstrap_distribution, reps=500, type = "bootstrap")
            # calculate a proportion per bootsrap distribution rep
            bootstrap_distribution <- infer::calculate(bootstrap_distribution, stat = "prop")
          # return
        unk_subchunk[['method']] <- "bootstrap"
        unk_subinfer <- do.call(rbind, lapply(unk_subdist, infer::get_confidence_interval, level=cred.mass, type="percentile"))
        names(unk_subinfer) <- c("lower", "upper")
        unk_subchunk <- cbind(unk_subchunk, unk_subinfer)
        unk_subchunk[['params']] <- unk_subdist
      } else {
        unk_subchunk <- data.frame()
      if (!is.null(na)) {
        if (na == FALSE) {
          na_subchunk <- cbind(na_subchunk, data.frame(method=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk)), lower=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk)), upper=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk))))
          na_subchunk[['params']] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(na_subchunk))
        } else if (nrow(na_subchunk) > 0) {
          na_subdist <- lapply(1:nrow(na_subchunk), function(i) {
            enum_sub_samples <- data.frame(result = c(rep(TRUE, na_subchunk[i, 'x']), rep(FALSE, (enum_subchunk[i, 'n'] - enum_subchunk[i, 'x']))))
            if (!any(enum_sub_samples$result)) {
              bootstrap_distribution <- data.frame(replicate=1:500, stat=as.double(0))
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'response') <- "result"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'success') <- "TRUE"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'response_type') <- "factor"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'theory_type') <- "One sample prop z"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'generate') <- TRUE
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'type') <- "bootstrap"
              attr(bootstrap_distribution, 'stat') <- "prop"
            } else {
              # specify that we variables to use and what their levels mean
              bootstrap_distribution <- infer::specify(enum_sub_samples, response = result, success="TRUE")
              # sample with replacement (bootstrap) to create our bootstrap distributions
              bootstrap_distribution <- infer::generate(bootstrap_distribution, reps=500, type = "bootstrap")
              # calculate a proportion per bootsrap distribution rep
              bootstrap_distribution <- infer::calculate(bootstrap_distribution, stat = "prop")
            # return
          na_subchunk[['method']] <- "bootstrap"
          na_subinfer <- do.call(rbind, lapply(na_subdist, infer::get_confidence_interval, level=cred.mass, type="percentile"))
          names(na_subinfer) <- c("lower", "upper")
          na_subchunk <- cbind(na_subchunk, na_subinfer)
          na_subchunk[['params']] <- na_subdist
        } else {
          na_subchunk <- data.frame()
    } else if (!is.null(ci.method) && ci.method == "mcmc") {
      # An MCMC bayes approach to the confidence interval
      # First step is to join all the sections that need to be modeled.  That way we don't have to compile multiple models
      subchunk_to_ci <- enum_subchunk[FALSE, ] # create an initial empty dataframe
      if (nrow(enum_subchunk) > 0) {
        subchunk_to_ci <- rbind(subchunk_to_ci, enum_subchunk)
      if (!is.null(unk) && (unk)) {
        subchunk_to_ci <- rbind(subchunk_to_ci, unk_subchunk)
      if (!is.null(na) && (na)) {
        subchunk_to_ci <- rbind(subchunk_to_ci, na_subchunk)
      # compile the model  
      if (nrow(subchunk_to_ci) > 0 ) {
        # I use a simple binomial model, but other options may provide better estimates:
        # Also considered family=zero_inflated_binomial()
        # Also considered family=beta_binomial2 from https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/brms/vignettes/brms_customfamilies.html
        suppressWarnings(require('rstan')) # because rstan has issues if not loaded.
        #m <- suppressWarnings(brms::brm(x | trials(n) ~ (1|enum), 
        #               data=subchunk_to_ci, 
        #               family = binomial(), 
        #               control = list(adapt_delta = .90, max_treedepth=10),
        #               silent=TRUE, refresh=0, open_progress=FALSE)) # suppress most messages
        #mcmc <- tidybayes::spread_draws(m, b_Intercept, r_enum[enum,])
        #mcmc$condition_mean <- logit2prob(mcmc$b_Intercept + mcmc$r_enum)
        Prior <- brms::set_prior("student_t(3,0,1.6)", class = "b") # student_t because this is a logic so continuous and infinit. 3 deg of freedom (brms default), centered on 0, 1.6 because thats the logic scaled value brms recommends
        m <- suppressWarnings(brms::brm(x | trials(n) ~ 0 + (enum), 
                     family=binomial(link="logit"), # use logit because it mapps 0-1 to -inf to +inf which helps make sampling work better
                     control = list(adapt_delta = .90, max_treedepth=10),
                     silent=TRUE, refresh=0, open_progress=FALSE))
        mcmc <- tidybayes::gather_draws(m, `^b_enum.*`, regex=TRUE)
        mcmc$condition_mean <- logit2prob(mcmc$.value)
        mcmc <- tidybayes::median_qi(mcmc, .width=cred.mass)
        mcmc$enum <- gsub("^b_enum(.+)$", "\\1", mcmc$.variable)
        ## brms rewrites the column names. We're going to _try_ and fix that by mapping them back to the chunk enums.
        ## this may or may not work since we can't be _sure_ they sort the same. 
        ## As such, this is a hack until a mapping can be extracted from the model object or the same function used internally can be used to create a mapping.
        #mcmc$enum <- plyr::mapvalues(enum, sort(unique(enum)), sort(levels(chunk$enum)))
        ## Per https://discourse.mc-stan.org/t/brms-non-standard-variable-name-modification/11412
        mcmc$enum <- plyr::mapvalues(mcmc$enum, gsub("[ \t\r\n]", ".", as.character(unique(subchunk_to_ci$enum))), as.character(unique(subchunk_to_ci$enum)), warn_missing=FALSE) # it would be nice to not have to import plyr, but oh well. - GDB 191123
        mcmc$enum <- plyr::mapvalues(mcmc$enum, gsub("[ ]", "", as.character(unique(subchunk_to_ci$enum))), as.character(unique(subchunk_to_ci$enum)), warn_missing=FALSE) 
        mcmc$enum <- plyr::mapvalues(mcmc$enum, gsub("[*]", "MU", as.character(unique(subchunk_to_ci$enum))), as.character(unique(subchunk_to_ci$enum)), warn_missing=FALSE) 
        mcmc$enum <- plyr::mapvalues(mcmc$enum, gsub("[\\-]", "M", as.character(unique(subchunk_to_ci$enum))), as.character(unique(subchunk_to_ci$enum)), warn_missing=FALSE) 
      # separate the values back into their respective subchunks
      if (nrow(enum_subchunk) > 0) {
        enum_subchunk <- cbind(enum_subchunk, data.frame(method="mcmc", lower=mcmc$condition_mean.lower[match(enum_subchunk$enum, mcmc$enum)], upper=mcmc$condition_mean.upper[match(enum_subchunk$enum, mcmc$enum)]))
        enum_subchunk[['params']] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(enum_subchunk))
        mcmc <- mcmc[(nrow(enum_subchunk)+1):nrow(mcmc), ] #remove the subchunk rows.
      } else {
        enum_subchunk <- cbind(enum_subchunk, data.frame(method=character(), lower=numeric(), upper=numeric()))
        enum_subchunk[['params']] <- list()
      if (unk == FALSE) {
        unk_subchunk <- cbind(unk_subchunk, data.frame(method=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk)), lower=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk)), upper=rep(NA, nrow(unk_subchunk))))
        unk_subchunk[['params']] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(unk_subchunk))
      } else if (nrow(unk_subchunk) >0) {
        unk_subchunk <- cbind(unk_subchunk, data.frame(method="mcmc", lower=mcmc$condition_mean.lower[[1]], upper=mcmc$condition_mean.upper[[1]]))
        unk_subchunk[['params']] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(unk_subchunk))
        mcmc <- mcmc[2:nrow(mcmc), ] #remove the subchunk rows.
      } else {
        unk_subchunk <- data.frame()
      if (!is.null(na)) {
        if (na == FALSE) {
          na_subchunk <- cbind(na_subchunk, data.frame(method=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk)), lower=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk)), upper=rep(NA, nrow(na_subchunk))))
          na_subchunk[['params']] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(na_subchunk))
        } else if (nrow(na_subchunk) > 0) {
          na_subchunk <- cbind(na_subchunk, data.frame(method="mcmc", lower=mcmc$condition_mean.lower[[1]], upper=mcmc$condition_mean.upper[[1]]))
          na_subchunk[['params']] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(na_subchunk))
        } else {
          na_subchunk <- data.frame()
    # If logical (rather than multinomial), remove all rows other than the one logical
    if (enum_type == "logical") {
      if (short.names) {
        logical_enum_end <- gsub('^(.*)[.]([^.]+$)', "\\2", logical_enum)
        enum_subchunk <- enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$enum == logical_enum_end, ]
      } else {
        enum_subchunk <- enum_subchunk[enum_subchunk$enum == logical_enum, ]
    # recombine the portions of the subchunk
    subchunk <- rbind(enum_subchunk, na_subchunk, unk_subchunk)
    # add the 'by' column
    subchunk <- cbind(rep(x, nrow(subchunk)), subchunk)
    names(subchunk)[1] <- "by"
    if (!force & n < ci_n) {
      subchunk$x[!is.na(subchunk$n)] <- NA
      subchunk$freq[!is.na(subchunk$n)] <- NA
    # We do this here after the  subchunk join in case enum_subchunk didn't have any rows
    # Also, this will not be in the '1' position after sorting.  But since there is  a model per 'by', it'd be a PITA to place it.
    # people will just need to find it in the output per by. (It's the only non-null param.)
    if (ci.params && !is.null(ci.method) && ci.method == "mcmc") {subchunk[1, 'params'][[1]] <- list(m)} 
    subchunk # return
  ## Since some chunks may be below ci_min
  #if (any(unlist(lapply(chunks_list, function(l) {"lower" %in% names(l)})))) {
  chunks_list <- lapply(chunks_list, function(subchunk) {
    if (nrow(subchunk) == 0) { # handles zero values
      subchunk <- data.frame(by = factor(), x = integer(), n = integer(), freq = numeric(), method = character(), lower = numeric(), upper = numeric(), params=list())
    } else {
      if (!"lower" %in% names(subchunk)) { # handles some values but not enough
        subchunk$method <- "none"
        subchunk$lower <- NA_real_
        subchunk$upper <- NA_real_
      if (!"params" %in% names(subchunk)) {
        subchunk[["params"]] <- vector(mode = "list", nrow(subchunk))

  chunk <- do.call(rbind, chunks_list) # now that we've fixed any column issues, bind the columns again
  # if there was no 'by', delete the 'by' column
  if (by_type != "multinomial" && by_type != "single_column") {
    chunk <- chunk[ , -1]
  # if short names, only use the bit of the enum name after the last period
  if (short.names) {
    if (is.character(chunk$enum)) {
      # chunk$enum <- as(stringr::str_match(chunk$enum, "[^.]+$"), by_class)
      # chunk$enum <- unlist(regmatches(chunk$enum, regexec("[^.]+$", chunk$enum)))
      chunk$enum <- gsub('^.*[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", chunk$enum)
    if("by" %in% names(chunk)) {
      if (is.character(chunk$by)) {
        # chunk$by <- as(stringr::str_match(chunk$by, "[^.]+$"), by_class)
        # chunk$by <- unlist(regmatches(chunk$by, regexec("[^.]+$", chunk$by)))
        chunk$by <- gsub('^.*[.]([^.]+$)', "\\1", chunk$by)
  if (round.freq>0) {
    chunk$freq <- round(chunk$freq, round.freq)
    if ("lower" %in% names(chunk)) {
      chunk$lower <- round(chunk$lower, round.freq)
      chunk$upper <- round(chunk$upper, round.freq)
  # reorder output
  # if !force and n < ci_n, order enum alphabetically, otherwise order by freq.
  if (!force & any(chunk$n < ci_n, na.rm=TRUE)) {
    if ("by" %in% names(chunk)) {
      chunk <- chunk[order(chunk$by, as.character(chunk$enum)), ] 
      chunk$enum <- factor(chunk$enum, levels=rev(unique(chunk$enum)))
    } else {
      chunk <- chunk[order(as.character(chunk$enum)), ]
      chunk$enum <- factor(chunk$enum, levels=rev(unique(chunk$enum)))
  } else {
    if ("by" %in% names(chunk)) {
      chunk <- chunk[order(chunk$by, -chunk$freq), ] 
      chunk$enum <- factor(chunk$enum, levels=rev(unique(chunk$enum)))
    } else {
      chunk <- chunk[order(-chunk$freq), ]
      chunk$enum <- factor(chunk$enum, levels=unique(chunk$enum))
  # replace row numbers
  rownames(chunk) <- seq(length=nrow(chunk))
  # rownames(chunk) <- NULL
  if (!force) {
    if (any(chunk$n < n_floor, na.rm=TRUE)) {
      if (!quietly) { warning(paste0("Removing all rows with n < ", n_floor, ".  ", n_floor, " is the smallest samples size appropriate for the DBIR. Use force = TRUE to avoid this removal.  If this leaves n othing but columns with no sample size, those will be removed as well.")) }
    chunk <- chunk[is.na(chunk$n) | chunk$n >= n_floor, ]
    if (all(is.na(chunk$n))) {
      chunk <- chunk[!is.na(chunk$n), ]
  # if no params, drop the params
  if (!ci.params) {
    chunk <- chunk[, names(chunk) != "params"]
  # return
vz-risk/verisr documentation built on Aug. 5, 2023, 4:34 a.m.