Man pages for wStockhausen/rTCSAM2015
A set of tools to set up input for, and interact with output from, a TCSAM2015 model run, as well as to compare TCSAM2015 and rsimTCSAM runs.

appendStringAppend a string to another, using a separator, without...
calcLogPriorCalculate log-prior distribution based on input pdfType list
checkHandlingMortalityConsistencyCheck handling mortality/fishing equations consistency.
compareModelsCompare model output from TCSAM2015 and/or rsimTCSAM model...
compareModels.FisheryCatchesCompare fishery catches (abundance) from TCSAM2015 and...
compareModels.FisheryResultsCompare fisheries-related quantities from TCSAM2015 and...
compareModels.FisherySelFcnsCompare fishery selectivity functions from TCSAM2015 and...
compareModels.FisheryYieldsCompare fishery yields (biomass) from TCSAM2015 and rsimTCSAM...
compareModels.FishingRatesCompare fishing rates from TCSAM2015 and rsimTCSAM model...
compareModels.Fits.AggCatchDataCompare fits to aggregated catch data (abundance or biomass)...
compareModels.Fits.NatZDataCompare fits to size compositions from catch data for...
compareModels.GrowthTransitionMatricesCompare growth transition matrices for TCSAM2015 model runs
compareModels.ObjFunValuesPlot all objective function values.
compareModels.ParamEstsFunction to compare parameter values from different TCSAM2015...
compareModels.PopProcessesCompare population process-related quantities from TCSAM2015...
compareModels.PopQuantsCompare population quantities from TCSAM2015 and rsimTCSAM...
compareModels.SelFcns.ByPCCompare selectivity functions from TCSAM2015 and rsimTCSAM...
compareModels.SurveyAbundanceCompare estimated survey abundances from TCSAM2015 and...
compareModels.SurveyBiomassCompare estimated survey biomass from TCSAM2015 and rsimTCSAM...
compareModels.SurveyQsCompare survey Qs from TCSAM2015 and rsimTCSAM model runs.
compareModels.SurveyResultsCompare surveys-related quantities from TCSAM2015 and...
compareModels.SurveySelFcnsCompare selectivity functions from TCSAM2015 and rsimTCSAM...
compareModels.ZScores.AggCatchDataCompare zscores for fits to aggregated catch data (abundance...
compareModels.ZScores.NatZDataCompare z-scores from fits to size compositions from catch...
compileMCMCResultsCompiles MCMC results from a TCSAM2015 model run
extractModelResults.ParamsFunction to extract parameter values from different TCSAM2015...
extractModelResults.ParamsPlusStdDevsFunction to extract parameter estimates and standard...
extractModelResults.RepObjsExtract (and optionally write to csv) model results from...
extractModelResults.StdDevsFunction to extract parameter uncertainty (std) info from...
getInputDataTimeframesGet a dataframe describing the input data time frames
getIntervalLimitsGet interval limits from a vector of midpoints. @description...
getMCMCFileGet a TCSAM2015 MCMC results file
getMCMCResultsRead a TCSAM2015 MCMC (.R) file
getMDFRGet model arrays as a melted dataframe from TCSAM2015 and...
getMDFR.FitsForABDataGet fits to abundance or biomass data as a dataframe
getMDFR.FitsForFleetsGet model fits to abundance, biomass or size frequencies for...
getMDFR.FitsForSizeCompsGet fits for size comps as a dataframe
getMDFR.GrowthTransitionMatricesGet growth transition matrices from model results from...
getMDFR.MeanGrowthIncrementsGet mean growth increments from model results from TCSAM2015...
getMDFR.NatMortGet natural mortality rates from model results from TCSAM2015...
getMDFR.prM2MGet molt-to-maturity ogives from model results from TCSAM2015...
getMDFR.RecSizeDistributionGet recruitment size distribution from model results from...
getMDFR.SexRatioGet recruitment sex ratio from model results from TCSAM2015...
getMDFR.ZScoresForABDataGet z-scores for abundance, biomass data from fits to data as...
getMDFR.ZScoresForCatchDataGet fits to catch data (abundance, biomass) as z-scores in a...
getMDFR.ZScoresForFleetsGet model fits to abundance, biomass or size frequencies as...
getMDFR.ZScoresForSizeCompsGet residuals from size frequency fits as dataframe
getObjGet an object from a list object using the specified path...
getObjFunValues.AggregateCatchGet aggregate catch components in the objective function as a...
getObjFunValues.CatchDataGet catch data components in the objective function as a...
getObjFunValues.ComponentsGet model components in the objective function as a melted...
getObjFunValues.DataGet data components in the objective function as a melted...
getObjFunValues.FleetsGet fleet data components in the objective function as a...
getObjFunValues.NatZGet size comps components in the objective function as a...
getObjFunValues.PenaltiesGet model penalties in the objective function as a melted...
getObjFunValues.PriorsGet model priors in the objective function as a melted...
getPlotSymbologyGet symbology info for plotting purposes
getPrsGet a TCSAM2015 prs object by reading initial and final...
getRepGet a TCSAM2015 report object (by reading a TCSAM2015 model...
getRunCommandsGenerate run commands for a tcsam2015 model run
getStdGet a TCSAM2015 std object by reading a .std file
plotAggregateCatchDataPlot aggregate catch data
plotAggregateCatchDataGGPlot aggregate catch data
plotBarsCreate or add a bar plot.
plotCatchDataPlot catch data
plotCompsAsCirclesCreate or add to a circle plot of age or size comp.s.
plotCompsAsCirclesGGCreate or add to a circle plot of age or size comp.s.
plotDataModelComparisonsPlot model-estimated and observed data for comparison.
plotEffNsForSizeFreqsPlot ISSs and ESSs from size frequency fits as time series
plotEffNsGGPlot input and estimated sample sizes from size frequency...
plotEffortRegressionsPlot regressions of capture rate on effort to assess effort...
plotErrorBars.HAdd horizontal error bars to current plot
plotErrorBars.VAdd vertical error bars to current plot
plotExploitationRatesGGPlot time series of exploitation rates based on abundance...
plotFisheriesResultsPlot model results for fisheries.
plotFisheryCatchesGGPlot time series of the fishery catch (numbers: captured,...
plotFisheryYieldsGGPlot time series of the fishery yield (biomass: captured,...
plotFishingRatesGGPlot time series of the fully-selected fishery capture rates.
plotFitsGG.MeanSizeCompsPlot mean size comps fits
plotFitsGG.SizeCompsPlot fits to size comps
plotInputDataTimeframesPlot an input data timeframe dataframe
plotMatrixPlot a matrix as a color map.
plotMCMCDensityCalculate and plot a posterior density based on an MCMC data...
plotMCMCResultsPlot compiled MCMC results.
plotMCMCResults.forArray3DCalculate and plot a posterior density based on a 3d MCMC...
plotMCMCResults.forMatrixCalculate and plot a posterior density based on a MCMC data...
plotMCMCResults.forVectorCalculate and plot a posterior density based on a MCMC data...
plotMDFR.BarLinePlot melted dataframe using a barchart/line-plot format.
plotMDFR.BarsPlot melted dataframe using a barchart format.
plotMDFR.BubblesCreate or add to a circle plot of age or size comp.s.
plotMDFR.XYPlot melted dataframe using an xy-plot format.
plotMeanSizeCompsPlot comparison of observed and model size comps averaged...
plotMeanSizeCompsGGPlot comparisons of mean model and data size compositions by...
plotModelResults.ScalarParamsFunction to plot parameter values and associated uncertainty...
plotMulti.ggPlot multiple ggplot graphs on the same page.
plotNatZPlot numbers-at-size as circles
plotNM.ByPCPlot natural mortality estimates by parameter combination.
plotObjFunValues.DataPlot data values (surveys and fisheries) used in the...
plotObjFunValues.PenaltiesPlot penalties used in the objective function, grouped by...
plotObjFunValues.PriorsPlot prior values used in the objective function, grouped by...
plotParametersPlot initial & final values, limits, and priors for model...
plotParameters.DevsVectorVectorPlot initial and final parameter values associated with a...
plotParameters.NumberVectorPlot initial and final parameter values associated with a...
plotParameters.VectorVectorPlot initial and final parameter values associated with a...
plotPDFRectsPlot a pdfRects object on an existing plot.
plotPopComponents.AbundancePlot population abundance components.
plotPopComponents.BiomassPlot population biomass components.
plotPopQuantsPlot model-estimated population quantities such as natural...
plotPrGrowth.ByPCPlot pr(z'|x,z) estimates by parameter combination.
plotPrMaturity.ByPCPlot pr(mature|z) estimates by parameter combination.
plotRecruitsPlot time series of TCSAM 2015 model recruits
plotRecruits.SexRatioPlot time series of TCSAM 2015 model sex ratio for recruits
plotSelFcns.ByYearCompare selectivity functions from TCSAM2015 and rsimTCSAM...
plotSizeCompsComparisons0Plot comparisons of model and data size compositions.
plotSizeCompsComparisons1Plot comparisons of model and data size compositions by year.
plotSizeCompsComparisons2DEPRECATED: Plot comparisons of model and data size...
plotSizeCompsGG.SinglePlot size comps from a single year (possibly for multiple...
plotSpBPlot time series of TCSAM 2014 model spawning biomass
plotTCSAM2015Plot TCSAM2015 model output
plotTCSAM2015IPlot TCSAM2015 model output
plotTCSAM2015JPlot TCSAM2015 model output
plot.xyConvenience function to make an x-y plot
plotXYConvenience function to make an x-y plot
plotZScoresPlot z-scores from fits to data
plotZScoresForAllPlot z-scores for all components
plotZScoresForCatchDataPlot fits to catch data (abundance, biomass, size freq.s) as...
plotZScoresForFisheriesPlot model fits to abundance, biomass and size frequencies as...
plotZScoresForFleetsPlot model fits to abundance, biomass and size frequencies as...
plotZScoresForSizeFreqsPlot residuals from size frequency fits
plotZScoresForSurveysPlot model fits to abundance, biomass and size frequencies as...
plotZScoresGGPlot z-scores from fits to data
plotZScoresGG1.SizeFreqsPlot residuals from size frequency fits
plotZScoresGG.SizeFreqsPlot residuals from size frequency fits
readParamsCSVRead a TCSAM2015 model parameters csv file and return a...
readParFileCreate a TCSAM2015 par object from a par file.
readReportFileRead a TCSAM2015 model report (.rep) file.
readStdFileRead a TCSAM2015 model std file and return a dataframe of...
reformatTimeBlocksReformat rsim, tcsam notation for time blocks to a standard...
removeImmOSRemove rows marked as immature, old shell from a dataframe
runJitterFunction to run TCSAM2015 multiple times using jittered...
runProfilesFunction to run profiles on a TCSAM2015 model.
runSequenceFunction to run a sequence of TCSAM2015 models.
runTCSAM2015Function to run TCSAM2015.
selectReportFileGet a TCSAM2015 model report file
sumByDimsSum array by specified dimensions
writeModelResultsToCSV.FisheriesWrite fishery quantities from model results from TCSAM2015...
writeModelResultsToCSV.FisherySelFcnsWrite fishery selectivity functions to csv from TCSAM2015 and...
writeModelResultsToCSV.ObjFunValuesWrite all objective function values to csvs
writeModelResultsToCSV.ParamEstsFunction to write parameter values and standard deviations...
writeModelResultsToCSV.PopProcessesWrite population processes from model results from TCSAM2015...
writeModelResultsToCSV.PopQuantsWrite population quantities from model results from TCSAM2015...
writeModelResultsToCSV.SurveysWrite survey quantities from model results from TCSAM2015 and...
writeModelResultsToCSV.SurveySelFcnsWrite survey selectivity functions to csv from TCSAM2015 and...
wStockhausen/rTCSAM2015 documentation built on May 3, 2019, 7:14 p.m.