
Defines functions ops.marketValue ops.nominal ops.income ops.liquidity

# Copyright (c) 2015 by ZHAW.
# Please see accompanying distribution file for license.

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Operations Contract class definition
#' An operations contract represents any operational activity 
#' in monetary units within an organization. Such an activity
#' can be an Investment, Reserving, or any (re-) occuring cost
#' or income position.
#' @param ContractID A unique identifier of the Operations contract
#' @param ContractDealDate Timestamp as per when the contract was initiated
#' @param Currency The currency in which \link{ReservingPattern}, \link{DepreciationPattern},
#'                 \link{IncomePattern} are denominated
#' @param Params A list containing parameters used in the \link{CashFlowPattern}, 
#'               \link{InvestPattern}, and \link{ReservePattern} functions
#' @param ReservePattern A function evaluating the pattern of building reserves. The 
#'                       function must implemente two arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{model}{The \link{RiskFactorConnector} object used when evaluating the pattern}
#' \item{params}{The \link{Params} object used when evaluating the pattern}
#' }
#' @param InvestPattern A function evaluating the pattern of investment and depreciation. The 
#'                       function must implemente two arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{model}{The \link{RiskFactorConnector} object used when evaluating the pattern}
#' \item{params}{The \link{Params} object used when evaluating the pattern}
#' }
#' @param CashFlowPattern A function evaluating the pattern of generated cash flows. 
#'                        The function must implement two arguments:
#' \itemize{
#' \item{model}{The \link{RiskFactorConnector} object used when evaluating the pattern}
#' \item{params}{The \link{Params} object used when evaluating the pattern}
#' }
#' @param RiskFactorConnector (optional) A risk factor environment within which the Operations
#'                            contract will be evaluated
#' @return
#' @include FEMSContract.R
#' @export
#' @rdname ops-classes
            contains = "FEMSContract",
            fields = list(
              ContractType = "character",
              ContractID = "character",
              ContractDealDate = "character",
              Currency = "character",
              RiskFactorConnector = "RiskFactorConnector"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
# Child Classes of Operations & Constructorsv
#' @export
            contains = "Operations",
            fields = list(
              pattern = "function",
              args = "list"

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' OperationalCF Contract class definition
#' An operational cash flows contract represents any operational activity 
#' in monetary units within an organization. 
#' @param pattern A function evaluating the pattern of generated cash flows. 
#' @param args The list of arguments used when evaluating the pattern
#' @usage OperationalCF(ContractID, pattern, args, ...)
#' @examples 
#' times = timeSequence(from="2014-01-01", by="3 months", length.out=9)
#' values = cumsum(c(1,rnorm(8,0.02,0.1)))
#' idx <- Index(label = "PriceIndex", data = values, charvec = times)
#' revenue <- function(idx, times) { 
#'   idx$Data[as.character(times),] * 1000
#' }
#' revenue(idx=idx, times=times)
#' OpCFs <- OperationalCF(
#'   ContractID="Ops001", Currency="CHF",
#'   pattern = revenue, 
#'   args = list( # the argument of the function
#'     idx = idx,  
#'    times = as.character(times)))
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "OperationalCF",
           def = function(pattern, args, ...){

#' @export
setMethod(f = "OperationalCF", signature = c(pattern="function", args="list"),
          definition = function(pattern, args, ...){
            object = new("OperationalCF")
            object$pattern <- pattern
            object$args <- args
            pars = list(...)
            }  else if (is.list(pars[[1]])) {
              FEMS:::set(object=object, what=pars[[1]])
            } else {
              FEMS:::set(object=object, what=pars)

setMethod(f = "initialize", signature="OperationalCF",
          function(.Object, ...) {
            .Object <- callNextMethod()
            # initialize pars
            .Object$ContractType = "OperationalCF"
            .Object$pattern = function(model, params) { NULL }

#' @export
#' @rdname ops-classes
            contains = "Operations",
            fields = list(
              pattern = "function",
              args = "list",
              InitialExchangeDate = "character",
              MaturityDate = "character",
              NotionalPrincipal = "numeric"
## -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Investments Contract class definition
#' This contract represents the financial side of a real investment. 
#' In consists of an initial negative cash flow, a write-off period and a 
#' final positive cash flow for the salvage value.
#' @param pattern A function evaluating the pattern of generated investments. 
#' @param args The list of arguments used when evaluating the pattern
#' @usage Investments(ContractID, pattern, args, ...)
#' @details The \code{pattern} describes the value of the initial investment 
#' and the write-off pattern as \code{\link{timeSeries}} object. If the write-off
#' does not go down to zere the remaining value is interpreted as salvage value.
#' This is represented by a last event of type MD with a cash inflow of this
#' amount so that the \code{\link{EventSeries}} ends with a nominal value of zero.  
#' @examples 
#' times = timeSequence(from="2014-01-01", by="3 months", length.out=9)
#' write.off <- function(times) {
#'    timeSeries(seq(1000000, 0, length.out=9), times)
#'    }
#' invest <- Investments(
#'               ContractID = "Invest01", Currency = "CHF", 
#'               pattern = write.off, 
#'               args = list(times = times))
#' @export
setGeneric(name = "Investments",
           def = function(...){

## @include
#' @export
#' @rdname ct-methods
setMethod(f = "Investments",signature = c(),
          definition = function(...){
            object = new("Investments")
            pars = list(...)
            }  else if (is.list(pars[[1]])) {
              FEMS:::set(object=object, what=pars[[1]])
            } else {
              FEMS:::set(object=object, what=pars)
            # try to fetch IED, MD and NotionalPrincipal for the Contract
                t0 <- as.character(object$args[[1]][1])
                evs_tmp <- events(object, t0)
                object$InitialExchangeDate <- t0
                object$NotionalPrincipal <- evs_tmp$evs[evs_tmp$evs$Date == t0,"NominalValue"]
                if ("MD" %in% evs_tmp$evs$Type ) {
                  object$MaturityDate <- evs_tmp$evs[evs_tmp$evs$Type == "MD","Date"]
                } else {
                  min_idx <- min(which( evs_tmp$evs$NominalValue==0))
                  object$MaturityDate <- evs_tmp$evs[min_idx, "Date"]
              error=function(cond) {
                # Just ignore this then...

#' @export
setGeneric(name = "Investment",
           def = function(...){

#' @export
#' @rdname ct-methods
setMethod(f = "Investment",signature = c(),
          definition = function(...){

setMethod(f = "initialize", signature="Investments",
          function(.Object, ...) {
            .Object <- callNextMethod()
            # initialize pars
            .Object$ContractType = "Investments"
            .Object$pattern = function(model,params) { NULL }

#' @export
#' @rdname ops-classes
            contains = "Operations",
            fields = list(
              pattern = "function",
              args = "list"

#' @export
#' @rdname ops-methods
setGeneric(name = "Reserves",
           def = function(...){

## @include
#' @export
#' @rdname ct-methods
setMethod(f = "Reserves",signature = c(),
          definition = function(...){
            object = new("Reserves")
            pars = list(...)
            }  else if (is.list(pars[[1]])) {
              FEMS:::set(object=object, what=pars[[1]])
            } else {
              FEMS:::set(object=object, what=pars)

setMethod(f = "initialize", signature="Reserves",
          function(.Object, ...) {
            .Object <- callNextMethod()
            # initialize pars
            .Object$ContractType = "Reserves"
            .Object$pattern = function(model,params) { NULL }

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
#'  Operations Contract constructor definition
# #' @include
#' @export
#' @rdname ops-methods
# setGeneric(name = "Operations",
#            def = function(...){
#              standardGeneric("Operations")
#            })

## @include
#' @export
# setMethod(f = "Operations",signature = c(),
#           definition = function(...){
#               object = new("Operations")
#               pars = list(...)
#               if(length(pars)==0){
#               }  else if (is.list(pars[[1]])) {
#                   FEMS:::set(object=object, what=pars[[1]])
#               } else {
#                 FEMS:::set(object=object, what=pars)
#               }
#               return(object)
#           })

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## what happens when an instance should be created?
## @include 
## @export
## @rdname
# setMethod(f = "initialize", signature="Operations",
#           function(.Object, ...) {
#               .Object <- callNextMethod()
#               # initialize pars
#               .Object$ContractType = "Operations"
#               .Object$CashFlowPattern = function(model,params) { NULL }
#               .Object$InvestPattern = function(model,params) { NULL }
#               .Object$ReservePattern = function(model,params) { NULL }
#               return(.Object)
#           })

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## get an overview of most important terms
## @include 
#' @export
## @rdname
# setMethod(f = "summary", signature = "Operations",
#           function(object){
#             # print all terms of the Operations contract
#             terms = FEMS:::get(object = object, what = "all")
#             print(terms)
#           })

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## get list of all available terms
## @include 
#' @export
## @rdname
setMethod(f = "terms", signature = "Operations",

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## setter
## @include 
#' @export
## @rdname
setMethod(f = "set", signature = c("Operations","list"),
          function(object, what, ...){
            silent = lapply(names(what),function(x) object$field(x,what[[x]]))

#' @export
## @rdname
setMethod(f = "set", signature = c("Operations","RiskFactorConnector"),
          function(object, what, ...){
            object$RiskFactorConnector = what

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## add to portfolio
## @include 
#' @export
## @rdname
setMethod(f = "add", signature = c("Portfolio","Operations"),
          function(object, what, ...){

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## events methods for Operations contract
#' @export
#' @rdname ev-methods
setMethod(f = "events", signature = c("Operations", "character", "missing"),
          definition = function(object, ad, model){

#' @export
#' @rdname ev-methods
setMethod(f = "events", signature = c("Operations", "AD0", "missing"),
          definition = function(object, ad, model){
            return(FEMS:::events(object, as.character(ad)))

#' @export
#' @rdname ev-methods
setMethod(f = "events", signature = c("Operations", "timeDate", "missing"),
          definition = function(object, ad, model){

#' @export
#' @rdname ev-methods
setMethod(f = "events", signature = c("Operations", "character", "RiskFactorConnector"),
          definition = function(object, ad, model){

#' @export
#' @rdname ev-methods
setMethod(f = "events", signature = c("Operations", "AD0", "RiskFactorConnector"),
          definition = function(object, ad, model){

#' @export
#' @rdname ev-methods
setMethod(f = "events", signature = c("Operations", "timeDate", "RiskFactorConnector"),
          definition = function(object, ad, model){
            set(object, model)
            return(events(object ,ad))

#' ## -----------------------------------------------------------------
#' ## EventSeries methods for Operations contract
#' @export
#' @rdname evs-methods
setMethod(f = "EventSeries", signature = c("Operations", "character"),
          definition = function(object, ad, ...){

setMethod(f = "EventSeries", signature = c("Operations", "AD0"),
          definition = function(object, ad, ...){

setMethod(f = "EventSeries", signature = c("Operations", "timeDate"),
          definition = function(object, ad, ...){

            # create event series object
            out <- new("EventSeries")
            out$id <- as.character(FEMS:::get(object,"ContractID"))
            out$ct <- as.character(FEMS:::get(object,"ContractType"))

            # AD0 event
            events <- data.frame(Date=as.character(ad),
            # evaluate cash flow pattern
            # ops <- object$CashFlowPattern(object$RiskFactorConnector, object$params)
            # code is generalized so that an arbitrary function with arbitrary
            # arguments can be passed.
            if (class(object)=="OperationalCF") {
              ops <- do.call(object$pattern, object$args)
            # } else {
            #   ops <- NULL
            # }
              if(!is.null(ops)) {
                vals <- as.numeric(series(ops))
                events <- rbind(
                  events, data.frame(
                    Type="OPS", Level="P", Currency=object$Currency,
                    Time=yearFraction(as.character(ad), as.character(time(ops)), 
                                      convention = "30E360"),
                    NominalValue=0.0, NominalRate=0.0, NominalAccrued=0.0))
              # evaluate invest pattern
              # Should be generalized, cf. above
              # ops <- object$InvestPattern(object$RiskFactorConnector,object$params)
            } else if (class(object)=="Investments") {
              ops <- do.call(object$pattern, object$args)
            # } else {
            #   ops <- NULL
            # }
              if(!is.null(ops)) {
                if (length(ops)<2) stop("An investment pattern needs to have length>1!")
                vals <- c(ops[1,],diff(ops)[-1,])
                events <- rbind(
                  events, data.frame(
                    Level="P", Currency=object$Currency,
                    Time=yearFraction(as.character(ad), as.character(time(ops)), 
                                      convention = "30E360"),
                    NominalValue=vals, NominalRate=0.0, NominalAccrued=0.0))
              # If there is a salvage value (write-off no till 0)
              # we add a last event of type MD and the remaining value
              if ( tail(ops,1) > 0 ) {
                tmp <- tail(ops,1)
                vals <- as.numeric(series(tmp))
                events <- rbind(events, 
                                                             convention = "30E360"), # This should not be hardcoded!!!
            # evaluate reserving pattern
            # Should be generalized, cf. above
            } else if (class(object)=="Reserves") {
              ops <- object$pattern(object$RiskFactorConnector, object$args)
              # } else {
              #   ops <- NULL
              # }
              if(!is.null(ops)) {
                # compute change in nominal value, note, reserves are liabilities so interprete
                # nominal positions as (-1) * nominal
                vals <- diff(-ops)[-1]
                events <- rbind(events,
                                                          convention = "30E360"),
            } else {
              stop("No known Contract Type.")
            # convert to (sorted) timeSeries
            # Note: AD0 event needs to be after all other events of the same instant
            tms <- paste0(events$Date,"T00:00:00")
            tms[events$Type=="AD0"] <- paste0(substring(tms[events$Type=="AD0"],1,10),"T23:59:59")
            events <- events[order(tms),]
            evs.ts <- timeSeries(events,timeDate(events$Date))
            # compute nominal value
            evs.ts$NominalValue <- cumsum(evs.ts$NominalValue)
            # exclude pre-ad0 events
            # Note, its a sorted series so just look for AD0-event index
            evs.ts <- tail(evs.ts,nrow(evs.ts)-(which(evs.ts$Type=="AD0")-1))
            # convert back to data.frame
            events <- as.data.frame(series(evs.ts))
            events$Value <- as.numeric(events$Value)
            events$Time <- as.numeric(events$Time)
            events$NominalValue <- as.numeric(events$NominalValue)
            events$NominalRate <- as.numeric(events$NominalRate)
            events$NominalAccrued <- as.numeric(events$NominalAccrued)
            rownames(events) <- NULL
            # attach events to series
            out$evs  <-  events

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## liquidity methods for Operations contract
#' @export
#' @rdname liq-methods
setMethod(f = "liquidity", signature = c("Operations", "timeDate", "missing"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, ...){
            return(liquidity(object, by, type="marginal", ...))

#' @export
#' @include TimeBuckets.R
#' @rdname liq-methods
setMethod(f = "liquidity", signature = c("Operations", "timeBuckets", "missing"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, ...){
            liq <- liquidity(object, as.timeDate(by), type="marginal", ...)
            names(liq) <- by@bucketLabs

#' @export
#' @rdname liq-methods
setMethod(f = "liquidity", signature = c("Operations", "timeDate", "character"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, ...){
            ops.liquidity(events(object, by[1]), by, type, ...)

#' @export
#' @include TimeBuckets.R
#' @rdname liq-methods
setMethod(f = "liquidity", signature = c("Operations", "timeBuckets", "character"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, ...){
            liq <- liquidity(object, as.timeDate(by), type=type, ...)
            names(liq) <- by@bucketLabs

# internal liquidity calculation function
# @param object a data.frame, the output of events method applied to an Operations contract
# @param by the by argument to a liquidity method
# @param type the type argument to a liquidity method
ops.liquidity = function(object, by, type, digits=2){
            if (type=="marginal") {
              evs = FEMS:::get(object, "evs")
              # filter by liquidity-category events
              evs = subset(evs, Type %in% c("AD0","OPS","PR"))
              # compute aggregate cash flows for remaining events
              liq = timeSeries(rep(0, length(by)), charvec=by)
              cf.raw = timeSeries(evs$Value,
                                charvec=substring(evs$Date, 1, 10))
              cf.aggr = aggregate(cf.raw, by, FUN=sum)
              liq[time(cf.aggr),] <- cf.aggr
              liq = as.numeric(series(liq))[-1]
            } else if (type=="cumulative") {
              liq = cumsum(liquidity(object, by, type="marginal"))
            } else {
              stop(paste("Liquidity type '", type, "' not recognized!", sep=""))
            return(round(liq, digits))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## income methods for Operations contract
#' @export
#' @rdname inc-methods
setMethod(f = "income", signature = c("Operations", "timeDate", "missing"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, ...){
            return(income(object, by, type="marginal", ...))

#' @export
#' @include TimeBuckets.R
#' @rdname inc-methods
setMethod(f = "income", signature = c("Operations", "timeBuckets", "missing"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, ...){
            inc <- income(object, as.timeDate(by), type="marginal", ...)
            names(inc) <- by@bucketLabs

#' @export
#' @rdname liq-methods
setMethod(f = "income", signature = c("Operations", "timeDate", "character"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, ...){
            FEMS:::ops.income(object, by, type, ...)

#' @export
#' @include TimeBuckets.R
#' @rdname inc-methods
setMethod(f = "income", signature = c("Operations", "timeBuckets", "character"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, ...){
            inc <- income(object, as.timeDate(by), type=type, ...)
            names(inc) <- by@bucketLabs

# internal income calculation function
# @param object an Operations contract
# @param by the by argument to a income method
# @param type the type argument to a income method
ops.income = function(object, by, type, digits=2){
  if (!type %in% c("marginal", "cumulative")) {
    stop(paste("Income type '", type, "' not recognized!", sep=""))

  # compute events
  events <- events(object, by[1])

  # compute marginal income
  evs <- FEMS:::get(events, "evs")
  # filter by income-category events
  evs <- subset(evs, Type %in% c("AD0", "OPS", "RES"))
  # compute aggregate cash flows for remaining events
  inc <- timeSeries(rep(0, length(by)), charvec=by)
  cf.raw <- timeSeries(evs$Value,
                    charvec=substring(evs$Date, 1, 10))
  cf.aggr=aggregate(cf.raw, by, FUN=sum)
  inc[time(cf.aggr),] <- cf.aggr
  inc <- as.numeric(series(inc))[-1]

  # compute cumulative
  if(type=="cumulative") {
    inc <- cumsum(inc)

  return(round(inc, digits))

## -----------------------------------------------------------------
## value methods for Operations Contract
#' @export
#' @rdname val-methods
setMethod(f = "value", signature = c("Operations", "AD0", "character", "missing"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, ... ){
            value(object, timeDate(substring(as.character(by), 1, 10)),type, ...)       

#' @export
#' @rdname val-methods
setMethod(f = "value", signature = c("Operations", "character", "character", "missing"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, ...){
            value(object,timeDate(substring(by, 1, 10)), type, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname val-methods
setMethod(f = "value", signature = c("Operations", "timeDate", "character", "missing"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, ...){
            if(type=="nominal") {
              return(ops.nominal(events(object, by[1]), by, ...))
            } else if (type %in% "market") {
              stop("Need argument 'method' in order to evaluate 'markToModel'-type value!")
            } else {
              stop(paste("Value type '", type, "' not recognized!", sep=""))

#' @export
#' @rdname val-methods
setMethod(f = "value", signature = c("Operations", "timeBuckets", "character", 
          definition = function(object, by, type, ...){
            # message("Method 'value' with signature with timeBuckets")
            if(type=="nominal") {
              by2 = as.timeDate(by)
              val = ops.nominal(events(object, by2[1]), by2, ...)
              names(val) = by@breakLabs
            } else if (type %in% "market") {
              stop("Need argument 'method' in order to evaluate 'markToModel'-type value!")
            } else {
              stop(paste("Value type '", type, "' not recognized!", sep=""))

setMethod(f = "value", signature = c("Operations", "AD0", "character", "DiscountingEngine"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, method, ...){
            value(object,timeDate(substring(as.character(by), 1, 10)), type, method, ...)       

#' @export
#' @rdname val-methods
setMethod(f = "value", signature = c("Operations", "character", "character", "DiscountingEngine"),
          definition = function(object, by, type, method, ...){
            value(object, timeDate(substring(by, 1, 10)), type, method, ...)

#' @export
#' @rdname val-methods
setMethod(f = "value", signature = c("Operations", "timeDate", "character", 
          definition = function(object, by, type, method, ...){
            if(type=="nominal") {
              return(ops.nominal(events(object, by[1]), by, ...))
            } else if (type %in% "market") {
              # print("valuation of operations contract")
              evs <- events(object, by[1])
              tmp <- ops.marketValue(evs, by, method, ...)
          # return(ops.marketValue(events(object, by[1]), by, method, ...))
            } else {
              stop(paste("Value type '", type, "' not recognized!", sep=""))

#' @export
#' @rdname val-methods
setMethod(f = "value", signature = c("Operations", "timeBuckets", "character", 
          definition = function(object, by, type, method, ...){

            # message("Method 'value' with signature with timeBuckets")
            if(type=="nominal") {
              by2 = as.timeDate(by)
              val = ops.nominal(events(object, as.timeDate(by2[1])[1]), by2, ...)
              names(val) = by@breakLabs
            } else if (type %in% "market") {
              val = ops.marketValue(events(object, as.timeDate(by[1])[1]), by, method, ...)
              names(val) = by@breakLabs
            } else {
              stop(paste("Value type '", type, "' not recognized!", sep=""))

# internal value functions
ops.nominal = function(object, by, digits=2) {
  # message("entered ops.nominal")
  # extract events and times
  evs <- FEMS:::get(object, "evs")[,c("Date", "NominalValue", "Type")]
  colnames(evs) <- c("times","values","types")
  evs$times <- timeDate(evs$times)
  # message("execute sapply") 
  # iterate through valuation times and fetch "last observed" nominal value state
  val <- sapply(substring(by, 1, 10), function(ad) {
    # evs.sub <- subset(evs, times<=timeDate(substring(ad, 1, 10)))
    # "<=" is ok for T00 but for T24, it shoud be "<".
    evs.sub <- subset(evs, times<=timeDate(ad))
    return(tail(evs.sub, n=1)$values)
  return(round(val, digits=digits))

ops.marketValue = function(object, by, method, digits=2) {
  # extract discounting parameters
  spread <- FEMS:::get(method,"dc.spread")
  # dc <- get(method, "RiskFactorObject") # This is wrong.
  dc <- get(method, "dc.object")

  FEMS::set(dc, list(Rates = FEMS::get(dc, "Rates") + spread))
  # extract cashflow events
  evs <- FEMS:::get(object,"evs")[, c("Date", "Value","Type")]
  colnames(evs) <- c("times", "values", "types")
  evs$times <- timeDate(evs$times)
  evs <- subset(evs, types %in% c("OPS", "PR", "MD", "IED"))
  # iterate through valuation times and compute present value of remaining 
  # cashflows
  by <- as.character(by)
  val <- sapply(by, function(ad) {
    # times must be STRICTLY greater (">"), otherwise inconsistent with 
    # liquidity and income computation
    evs.sub <- subset(evs, times > timeDate(substring(ad, 1, 10)))
    if (nrow(evs.sub)==0) {
    } else {
      cfs <- evs.sub$values
      dts <- as.character(evs.sub$times)
      dfs <- FEMS::discountFactors(dc, from=ad, to=dts)
  # rebase yield curve
      list(Rates=FEMS:::get(dc,"Rates") - spread)) # TODO: implement discounting more consistently
  # return values
  return(round(val, digits=digits))
wbreymann/FEMS documentation built on Dec. 8, 2022, 9:43 a.m.