
Defines functions keepNonNULL nestsImpsPerGroupComb checkNameConvention checkForAdjustmentAndLmer checkJK.arguments checkWecForUV funadjustLavaanWec groupVersusTotalMean buildString funAdjustEL funAdjust identifyFunctionCall createAnalysisInfTable checkFactorLevels prepareInfo prepForReport2 repLmer repGlm repQuantile repTable repMean captureObjectsInList genTS

Documented in repGlm repLmer repMean repQuantile repTable

### generiert Zeitstempel
genTS <- function() {
   timeStamp <- eatTools::removeNonNumeric(strsplit(format(Sys.time(), digits = 2L), " ")[[1]][2])

### Liste mit default-Argumenten der eatRep-Hauptfunktion ... wird spaeter um das angereichert, fuer das keine defaults gesetzt sind
argl <- list(wgt = NULL, L1wgt=NULL, L2wgt=NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, jkfac = NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL,
        toCall = c("mean", "table", "quantile", "glm", "cov", "lmer", "glmer"), groups = NULL, refGrp = NULL, group.differences.by = NULL, cross.differences = FALSE, group.delimiter = "_",
        adjust=NULL, useEffectLiteR = TRUE, trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, na.rm = FALSE, forcePooling = TRUE, boundary = 3, doCheck = TRUE, separate.missing.indicator = FALSE, expected.values = NULL, probs = NULL, nBoot = NULL, bootMethod = NULL, formula=NULL, family=NULL, formula.fixed=NULL, formula.random=NULL,
        forceSingularityTreatment = FALSE, glmTransformation = c("none", "sdY"), correct=TRUE, onlyCheck = FALSE, poolMethod = "mice", useWec = FALSE, reihenfolge = NULL, clusters=NULL, fc = NULL, isRecursive = FALSE, depOri = NULL, nCores=NULL)

### objekte auf dem NAMESPACE in Liste schreiben
captureObjectsInList <- function(env, exclude = NULL) {
            obj  <- ls(envir = env)
            if(!is.null(exclude)) {
                obj <- setdiff(obj, exclude)
            a    <- list()
            for ( i in obj) {
                 x <- eval(parse(text=i), envir = env)
                 if ( is.null(x)) {
                      a[i] <- list(NULL)
                 }  else {
                      a[[i]] <- x
### Hilfsfunktion fuer jackknife.glm
createCall <- function ( hetero, allNam, formula) {
         part1 <- ifelse(hetero, yes = "estimatr::lm_robust(", no = "lm(")
         part2 <- "formula, data = dat.i"
         if ( is.null(allNam[["wgt"]]) && is.null(allNam[["clusters"]]) && !hetero) {
              part3 <- paste0(part1, part2, ")")
         if ( !is.null(allNam[["wgt"]])) {
                   part2 <- paste0(part2, ", weights = ",allNam[["wgt"]] )
         if ( hetero) {
              part2 <- paste0(part2, ", se_type = se_type")
         if(!is.null(allNam[["clusters"]])) {
              part2 <- paste0(part2, ", clusters = ",allNam[["clusters"]])
         part3 <- paste0(part1, part2, ")")
### allNam <- list(wgt = "Gewichtungsvariable")
### write(createCall(hetero = TRUE, weights = "wgt", clusters = NULL, allNam=allNam), file = "c:/diskdrv/Winword/Psycho/IQB/temp/29_stan_wd/test1.r")

### Hilfsfunktion fuer eatRep: abhaengige und unabhaengige Variablen identifizieren
identify_UV_AV <- function ( a, glmerFormula)  {
          a["independent"] <- list(NULL)                                        ### initialisieren
          if(a%$$%toCall == "glm") {                                            ### fuer glm und lmer muessen abhaengge und unabhaengige Variablen aus Formel extrahiert werden
             a$dependent  <- as.character(a%$$%formula)[2]
             a$independent<- all.vars(a$formula[-2])
          if(a%$$%toCall == "lmer") {
             a$independent<- unique(c(all.vars(a%$$%formula.random), all.vars(a%$$%formula.fixed)))
          if(a%$$%toCall == "glmer") {
             a$dependent  <- as.character(glmerFormula)[2]
             a$independent<- all.vars(glmerFormula[-2])

### https://stackoverflow.com/questions/65650613/get-all-the-factor-variables-from-a-formula-call
extractFactorVarsFromFormula <- function ( formula) {
         r <- Reduce(paste0, deparse(formula))
         r2<- methods::el(regmatches(r, gregexpr("(?<=factor\\().*?(?=\\))", r, perl=TRUE)))

### Hilfsfunktion: steuert den default bei der Auswahl der sandwich-estimator
chooseSeType <- function ( se_type, clusters) {
       if ( length(se_type) > 1) {                                              ### untere zeile: defaults setzen
            if ( is.null(clusters)) { se_type <- "HC3" } else { se_type <- "CR2"}
       se_type <- match.arg(arg = se_type, choices = c("HC3", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "CR0", "CR2"))

### generateRandomJk1Zones (datSel, "IDSTUD", 100)
generateRandomJk1Zones <- function (datL, unit, nZones, name = "randomCluster") {
       datL  <- eatTools::makeDataFrame(datL, name = "data", minRow = 4, onlyWarn=FALSE)
       allVar<- list(ID = unit)
       allNam<- eatTools::existsBackgroundVariables(dat = datL, variable=unlist(allVar), warnIfMissing = FALSE)
       if ( "randomCluster" %in% colnames(datL)) {stop("Name '",name,"' already exists in data. Please choose an alternative name.")}
       if ( nZones >= length(unique(datL[,allNam])) ) { stop("Number of zones must not exceed number of units.")}
       if ( nZones >= length(unique(datL[,allNam])) / 5 ) {warning("Number of zones (",nZones,") is large compared to the number of distinct units (",length(unique(datL[,allNam])),").")}
       reps  <- length(unique(datL[,allNam])) / nZones
       zones <- rep(1:nZones, times = ceiling(reps))
       zones <- data.frame ( ID = sample(unique(datL[,allNam]), size = length(unique(datL[,allNam])), replace=FALSE), zone = zones[1:length(unique(datL[,allNam]))], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
       colnames(zones)[2] <- name
       mdat  <- merge(datL, zones, by.x = allNam, by.y = "ID", all = TRUE)

### Wrapper: ruft "eatRep()" mit selektiven Argumenten auf
repMean <- function(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"), PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, jkfac = NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL,
            group.splits = length(groups), group.differences.by = NULL, cross.differences = FALSE, crossDiffSE = c("wec", "rep","old"), adjust = NULL, useEffectLiteR = FALSE, nBoot = 100,
            group.delimiter = "_", trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, dependent, na.rm = FALSE, doCheck = TRUE, engine = c("survey", "BIFIEsurvey"), scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL, hetero=TRUE, se_type = c("HC3", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "CR0", "CR2"),
            clusters =NULL, crossDiffSE.engine= c("lavaan", "lm"), stochasticGroupSizes = FALSE, verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE, nCores=NULL) {
            a    <- captureObjectsInList(env = environment(), exclude = "datL")
            ret  <- repMeanList(datL = datL, a=a)

repMeanList <- function (datL, a) {
            a$depOri <- attr(datL, "depOri")
            a$fc     <- attr(datL, "fc")
            a$crossDiffSE.engine <- match.arg(a%$$%crossDiffSE.engine, choices = c("lavaan", "lm"))
            a$cdse <- match.arg(arg = a%$$%crossDiffSE, choices = c("wec", "rep","old"))
    ### wenn adjustiert wird, koennen cross.level differenzen nur mit methode 'old' bestimmt werden
            if (!is.null(a%$$%adjust)) {
                if(is.list(a%$$%cross.differences) || isTRUE(a%$$%cross.differences)) {
                     if ( a%$$%cdse != "old") {
                         warning("To date, for adjusted means, cross-level differences can only be computed with method 'old'. Set 'crossDiffSE' to 'old'.")
                         a$cdse <- "old"
            a$type    <- car::recode(match.arg(arg = toupper(a%$$%type), choices = c("NONE", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "FAY")), "'FAY'='Fay'")
            a$se_type <- chooseSeType(a%$$%se_type, a%$$%clusters)
            datL      <- eatTools::makeDataFrame ( datL, name = "datL", minRow = 2, onlyWarn=FALSE)
            if ( is.null ( attr(datL, "modus"))) {
                  a$modus <- identifyMode ( name = "mean", type = car::recode(match.arg(arg = toupper(a%$$%type), choices = c("NONE", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "FAY")), "'FAY'='Fay'"))
            }  else  {
                  a$modus <- attr(datL, "modus")                                ### untere Zeile: damit man nicht immer copy/pasten muss, wenn man Argument uebergibt,
            }                                                                   ### also repInd=repInd, doCheck=doCheck, etc., wird das hier ueber eine eatTools-Funktion gemacht
            a$toCall <- "mean"
            ret      <- eatRep(datL = datL, a=a)
            if ( isFALSE(ret[["allNam"]][["cross.differences"]])) {return(ret)} ### wenn keine cross differences, dann wird hier gestoppt und zurueckgegeben
            if ( (is.list(a%$$%cross.differences) || a%$$%cross.differences == TRUE) && a%$$%cdse == "old" ) {
                 ret[["SE_correction"]] <- list(NULL)
                 class(ret[["SE_correction"]]) <- c("old", "list")
            }                                                                   ### hier beginnen cross-level differences
            if ( is.list(a%$$%cross.differences) || isTRUE(a%$$%cross.differences) ) {
                  toAppl<- superSplitter(group = ret[["allNam"]][["group"]], group.splits = a%$$%group.splits, group.differences.by = ret[["allNam"]][["group.differences.by"]], group.delimiter = a%$$%group.delimiter , dependent=ret[["allNam"]][["dependent"]] )
                  stopifnot(length ( toAppl ) > 1)
                  vgl <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(toAppl), FUN = function ( y ) {
                         gdb <- attr(toAppl[[y]], "group.differences.by")
                         if ( is.null(gdb)) {gdb <- NA}
                         res <-  data.frame ( analysis.number = y, hierarchy.level = length(toAppl[[y]]), groups.divided.by = paste(toAppl[[y]], collapse=" + "), group.differences.by = gdb)
                  ana <- lapply ( combinat::combn(x=vgl[,"analysis.number"], m=2, simplify=FALSE), FUN = function ( aa ) {
                         t1 <- abs(diff(vgl[ match(aa, vgl[,"analysis.number"]),"hierarchy.level"])) == 1
                         t2 <- TRUE                                             ### Vergleiche sollen nur angestellt werden, wenn Differenz der Hierarchielevel = 1 und
                         if ( vgl[min(aa),"hierarchy.level"] != 0 ) {           ### alle bis auf eine Gruppierungsvariable der hoeheren Ebene in der unteren enthalten sind, und
                              nam<- lapply(sort(aa), FUN = function ( z ) {     ### wenn Vergleiche Teilmenge dessen ist, was in 'cross.differences' angegeben ist
                                    n1 <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(vgl[z,"groups.divided.by"]), split=" |\\+"))
                                    n1 <- n1[which(nchar(n1)>0)]
                              if ( length(setdiff(nam[[2]], nam[[1]])) != 1) { t2 <- FALSE }
                         t3 <- TRUE
                         if (  is.list(a%$$%cross.differences) ) {
                             if ( sum(unlist(lapply(a%$$%cross.differences, FUN = function (v1) { all(sort(vgl[ match(aa, vgl[,"analysis.number"]),"hierarchy.level"]) == sort(v1))}))) == 0) {t3 <- FALSE}
                         if(isTRUE(t1) && isTRUE(t2) && isTRUE(t3)) {return(aa)} else {return(NULL)} })
                  ana <- ana[which(unlist(lapply(ana, FUN = function (l) {!is.null(l)}))==TRUE)]
                  if ( sum(abs(unlist(lapply(a%$$%cross.differences, diff))) > 1) > 0 ) {
                      warning("Computation of cross level differences using '",a%$$%cdse,"' method is only possible for differences according to adjacent levels. Non-adjacent levels will be ignored.")
                  }  else {
                      if ( a%$$%verbose ) {
                            if (a%$$%cdse != "wec" || is.null(ret[["allNam"]][["PSU"]])) {
                                cat(paste0("Compute cross level differences using '",a%$$%cdse,"' method.\n"))
                            }  else  {
                                cat(paste0("Compute cross level differences using '",a%$$%cdse,"' method. Assume ",car::recode(a%$$%hetero, "TRUE='heteroscedastic'; FALSE='homoscedastic'")," variances.\n"))
                  spl <- lapply(ana, FUN = function ( aa ) {
                         vgl <- vgl[aa,]
                         if (vgl[1,"hierarchy.level"] != 0) {                   ### wenn referenzdatensatz bspw. alle Maedchen sein soll, wird der jetzt nach den Gruppierungsvariablen gesplittet
                             nam <- unlist(strsplit(as.character(vgl[1,"groups.divided.by"]), split=" |\\+"))
                             nam <- nam[which(nchar(nam)>0)]
                             dat <- by(datL, INDICES = datL[,nam], FUN = function ( d ) {return(d)})
                             grp <- setdiff(unlist(strsplit(as.character(vgl[2,"groups.divided.by"]), split=" |\\+")) , nam)
                             grp <- grp[which(nchar(grp)>0)]
                         }  else  {                                             ### else = Referenz ist Gesamtdatensatz -> Liste mit nur einem Element
                             dat <- list(datL)
                             grp <- as.character(vgl[2,"groups.divided.by"])
                         cld <- lapply(dat, FUN = function ( d ) {              ### 'cld' = cross level differences
                                if ( is.null(ret[["allNam"]][["wgt"]]) || !ret[["allNam"]][["wgt"]] %in% colnames(d)) {
                                     stopifnot(is.null(a%$$%wgt))               ### workaround: wenn keine gewichte spezifiziert wurden, werden sie auf 1 gesetzt und allNam$wgt ist nicht NULL
                                     message("   '",a%$$%cdse,"' method: Assume equally weighted cases.")
                                     gew <- NULL                                ### deswegen sucht er im Datensatz eine gewichtungsvariable, die nur 1en enthaelt und gibt Fehlermeldung
                                } else {                                        ### Fuer diesen Fall wird fuer 'wgt' das Argument 'NULL' uebergeben
                                     gew <- ret[["allNam"]][["wgt"]]
                                }                                               ### untere Zeilen: bloeder hotfix, notwendig wegen anderem Hotfix, weil ret$allNam$nest nicht NULL ist, selbst wenn keine nests spezifiziert werden (damit 'by' funktioniert)
                                if (is.null(a%$$%nest)) {ne <- NULL} else {ne <- ret[["allNam"]][["nest"]]}
                                if (is.null(a%$$%imp))  {im <- NULL} else {im <- ret[["allNam"]][["imp"]]}
                                if ( vgl[1,"hierarchy.level"] != 0) {           ### untere Zeile: gsub() -- in eatRep() werden '_' und Punkte aus Gruppierungsvariablen geloescht, sie muessen daher hier (VOR dem eatRep-Aufruf) bereits gegebenenfalls aus den Faktor levels geloescht werden
                                     rg <- eatTools::facToChar(d[1,nam, drop=FALSE])
                                     rg <- do.call("rbind", lapply(names(rg), FUN = function (r){data.frame ( groupName = r, groupValue = gsub("\\.", "", gsub("_", "",as.character(rg[1,r]))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) }))
                                }  else  {
                                     rg <- NULL
                                if ( isTRUE(a%$$%hetero)) {
                                     if ( a%$$%cdse == "rep"){
                                         warning("Method 'rep' is not yet adapted for heterogeneous variances. Results might not be trustworthy.")
                                }  else  {
                                     if(!is.null(ret[["allNam"]][["clusters"]])) {
                                         stop("If clusters are specified, 'hetero' must be TRUE.")
                                if ( a%$$%cdse == "wec" ) {                     ### untere Zeile: fuer wec muss Gruppierungsvariable faktor sein, in 'eatRep()' werden Gruppierungsvariablen generell
                                     if ( !inherits(d[,grp], "factor") ) {      ### bzw. allgemein gecheckt, duerfen dort auch character sein, nur hier eben nicht, deshalb hier ein strengeres Kriterium
                                         warning("Group variable '",grp,"' must be of class 'factor' for '",a%$$%cdse,"'. Change class of '",grp,"' from '",class(d[,grp]),"' to 'factor'.")
                                         d[,grp] <- as.factor(d[,grp])
                                     attr(d, "wrapperForWec") <- TRUE
                                     if ( isTRUE(a%$$%stochasticGroupSizes) && ( !is.null(ret[["allNam"]][["PSU"]]) || !is.null(ret[["allNam"]][["repWgt"]]) ) ) {
                                          message("To date, stochastic group sizes cannot be used in combination with replication mehods. Switch to fixed group sizes.")
                                          stochasticGroupSizes <- FALSE
                                     if ( isTRUE(a%$$%stochasticGroupSizes) &&  a%$$%crossDiffSE.engine == "lm" ) {
                                          message("To date, stochastic group sizes cannot be computed with 'lm' engine. Switch to crossDiffSE.engine == 'lavaan'.")
                                          a$crossDiffSE.engine  <- "lavaan"
                                     b <- repGlm(datL=d, ID=ret[["allNam"]][["ID"]], wgt = gew, type = a%$$%type, PSU = ret[["allNam"]][["PSU"]], repInd = ret[["allNam"]][["repInd"]],
                                                  repWgt = ret[["allNam"]][["repWgt"]], nest=ne, imp=im, trend = a%$$%trend,
                                                  formula = as.formula(paste0(ret[["allNam"]][["dependent"]] , " ~ ", grp)), doCheck = a%$$%doCheck, na.rm = a%$$%na.rm, useWec = TRUE,
                                                  scale = a%$$%scale, rscales = a%$$%rscales, mse=a%$$%mse, rho=a%$$%rho, hetero=a%$$%hetero, se_type=a%$$%se_type , crossDiffSE.engine= a%$$%crossDiffSE.engine, stochasticGroupSizes=a%$$%stochasticGroupSizes,
                                                  verbose=a%$$%verbose, progress=a%$$%progress, clusters=a%$$%clusters)
                                }  else  {                                      ### hier beginnt methode cross differences ohne wec, also 'rep' bzw. 'old'. problem: bei aufruf eatrep muss ich ja alle argumente in a$, die ich hier nicht explizit nenne, auf ihre defaults zuruecksetzen. Das bedeutet, die entsprechenden Eintraege in a$ zu loeschen
                                     g <- list(ID = ret[["allNam"]][["ID"]], wgt = gew, PSU = ret[["allNam"]][["PSU"]], repInd = ret[["allNam"]][["repInd"]],  toCall = "cov",  nest = ne, imp = im, groups = grp, refGrp =  rg, dependent = ret[["allNam"]][["dependent"]], engine = "survey", reihenfolge = ret[["allNam"]][["group"]], doCheck = FALSE, group.splits = length(grp))
                                     a <- c(a[setdiff(names(a), names(g))], g)
                                     keep <- c("ID", "wgt", "PSU", "repInd", "toCall", "nest", "imp", "groups","group.splits", "refGrp", "dependent", "engine", "reihenfolge", "type", "jkfac", "nBoot","trend", "na.rm", "modus", "scale", "rscales", "mse", "rho", "verbose", "progress", "clusters", "fc", "adjRegType", "cdse", "crossDiffSE.engine")
                                     weg  <- setdiff(names(a), keep)
                                     if(length(weg)>0) {a <- a[-eatTools::whereAre(weg, names(a), verbose=FALSE)]}
                                     b <- eatRep(datL =d, a=a)
                                b[["vgl"]]      <- vgl
                                b[["focGrp"]]   <- grp                          ### Fokus- und Referenzgruppe in Ergebnisoutput eintragen,
                                b[["refGrp"]]   <- "all"                        ### zur Weiterverarbeitung in den Reportingfunktionen
                                if(!is.null(rg)) {b[["refGrp"]] <- rg}
                  spl <- unlist(spl, recursive=FALSE)
                  class(spl) <- c( car::recode(a%$$%cdse, "'wec'='wec_se_correction'; 'rep'='rep_se_correction'"), "list")
                  ret[["SE_correction"]] <- spl

### Wrapper: ruft "eatRep()" mit selektiven Argumenten auf
repTable<- function(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"),
            PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, jkfac = NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL, group.splits = length(groups), group.differences.by = NULL, cross.differences = FALSE, crossDiffSE = c("wec", "rep","old"),
            nBoot = 100, chiSquare = FALSE, correct = TRUE, group.delimiter = "_", trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, dependent , separate.missing.indicator = FALSE,na.rm=FALSE, expected.values = NULL, doCheck = TRUE, forceTable = FALSE,
            engine = c("survey", "BIFIEsurvey"), scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL, verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE, nCores=NULL ) {
            a    <- c(captureObjectsInList(env = environment(), exclude = "datL"), crossDiffSE.engine = "lavaan", adjust = list(NULL), se_type ="HC3")
            ret  <- repTableList(datL = datL, a=a)

repTableList <- function (datL, a) {
            a$crossDiffSE <- "old"                                              ### untere Zeile: warum so kompliziert? 'cross.differences' kann TRUE/FALSE oder eine Liste sein!
            if(isFALSE(a%$$%cross.differences) == FALSE) {message("To date, only method 'old' is applicable for cross level differences in frequency tables.")}
            a$modus <- identifyMode ( name = "table", type = car::recode(match.arg(arg = toupper(a%$$%type), choices = c("NONE", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "FAY")), "'FAY'='Fay'"))
            datL  <- eatTools::makeDataFrame ( datL, minRow = 2, onlyWarn=FALSE)
            b     <- a; b[["toCall"]] <- "table"
            b[["doCheck"]]   <- FALSE
            b[["onlyCheck"]] <- TRUE
            b[["fc"]]        <- "repTable"
            chk1  <- eatRep(datL =datL, a=b)
            if ( length(unique(datL[,chk1[["dependent"]]])) == 2 && isTRUE(all(sort(unique(datL[,chk1[["dependent"]]])) == 0:1)) && isFALSE(a%$$%forceTable)) {
                 attr(datL, "modus") <- a%$$%modus                              ### obere Zeile: wrapper! hier wird repTable ueber repMean aufgerufen; fuer eine kategorielle Variable
                 attr(datL,"fc") <- "repTable"                                  ### sind die Haeufigkeiten die Mittelwerte der Indikatoren der Faktorstufen; untere Zeilen, Achtung!! hier muessen immer zwei '&'-Zeichen gesetzt werden!!
                 b   <- a
                 for ( i in c("ID", "wgt", "PSU", "repInd", "nest", "imp", "trend", "linkErr", "dependent")) {b[[i]] <- chk1[[i]]}
                 ret <- repMeanList(datL = datL, a=b)
            }  else  {
                 if ( !is.null(a%$$%group.differences.by) && isFALSE(a%$$%chiSquare)) {
                    b   <- a
                    b[["toCall"]] <- "table"
                    b[["onlyCheck"]] <- TRUE                                    ### Funbktion wird erstmal nur zum checken benutzt
                    b[["fc"]] <- "repTable"
                    chk <- eatRep(datL=datL, a=b)
    ### missing handling muss vorneweg geschehen
                    isNa<- which ( is.na ( datL[, chk[["dependent"]] ] ))
                    if ( length ( isNa ) > 0 ) {
                         warning("Warning: Found ",length(isNa)," missing values in dependent variable '",chk[["dependent"]],"'.")
                         if ( isTRUE(a%$$%separate.missing.indicator) ) {
                              stopifnot ( length( intersect ( "missing" , names(table(datL[, chk[["dependent"]] ])) )) == 0 )
                              if(inherits(datL[, chk[["dependent"]] ], "factor")){# Hotfix: fuer Faktorvariablen funktioniert das einfache subsetting
                                  levOld <- levels(datL[, chk[["dependent"]] ]) ### dat[which(is.na(dat[,"var"])) ,"var"] <- "missing" nicht
                                  datL[, chk[["dependent"]] ] <- as.character(datL[, chk[["dependent"]] ])
                                  datL[isNa, chk[["dependent"]] ] <- "missing"
                                  datL[, chk[["dependent"]] ] <- factor(datL[, chk[["dependent"]] ], levels=c(levOld, "missing"))
                              }  else  {
                                  datL[isNa, chk[["dependent"]] ] <- "missing"
                         }  else  {
                              if ( isFALSE(a%$$%na.rm ) ) { stop("If no separate missing indicator is used ('separate.missing.indicator == FALSE'), 'na.rm' must be TRUE if missing values occur.\n")}
                              datL <- datL[-isNa,]
                    }                                                           ### Ende des missing handlings
                    frml<- as.formula ( paste("~ ",chk[["dependent"]]," - 1",sep="") )
                    datL[, chk[["dependent"]] ] <- as.character( datL[, chk[["dependent"]] ] )
                    matr<- data.frame ( model.matrix ( frml, data = datL) )     ### untere zeilen: Wrapper liefert objekt von repMean zurueck,
                    datL<- data.frame ( datL,  matr, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)  ### der Output muss deshalb in das Format von 'table' umgeformt werden, das macht die Funktion 'clearTab' am Ende von 'eatRep'
                    ret <- lapply ( colnames(matr), FUN = function ( dpd ) {
                           attr(datL, "modus") <- a%$$%modus
                           attr(datL,"depOri") <- chk[["dependent"]]
                           attr(datL,"fc") <- "repTable"
                           b   <- a
                           b[["dependent"]] <- dpd
                           for ( i in c("ID", "wgt", "PSU", "repInd", "nest", "imp", "trend", "linkErr")) {b[[i]] <- chk1[[i]]}
                           res <- repMeanList ( datL = datL, a = b)
                           return(res) } )
    ### Output zusammenfassen: kein Trend ... dann ist "resT" eine Liste mit nur einem Element, das ein data.frame ist
                    if ( length(ret[[1]][["resT"]]) == 1) {
                         lst <- do.call("rbind", lapply(ret, FUN = function ( x ) { x[["resT"]][["noTrend"]]}))
                         ret <- ret[[1]]
                         ret[["resT"]][["noTrend"]] <- lst
                    }  else  {
    ### Output zusammenfassen: Trend
                         nams<- names(ret[[1]][["resT"]])
                         lst <- lapply(nams, FUN = function ( na ) { do.call("rbind", lapply(ret, FUN = function ( x ) { x[["resT"]][[na]]}))})
                         names(lst) <- nams
                         ret <- ret[[1]]
                         ret[["resT"]] <- lst
                 }  else  {
                    a[["fc"]] <- "repTable"
                    a[["toCall"]] <- "table"
                    ret <- eatRep(datL =datL, a=a)

### Wrapper: ruft "eatRep()" mit selektiven Argumenten auf
repQuantile<- function(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"),
            PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL, group.splits = length(groups),
            cross.differences = FALSE, group.delimiter = "_", trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, dependent, probs = c(0.25, 0.50, 0.75),  na.rm = FALSE,
            nBoot = NULL, bootMethod = c("wSampling","wQuantiles") , doCheck = TRUE, 
            scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL, verbose = TRUE, progress = TRUE)  {
            modus      <- identifyMode ( name = "quantile", type = car::recode(match.arg(arg = toupper(type), choices = c("NONE", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "FAY")), "'FAY'='Fay'"))
            bootMethod <- match.arg ( bootMethod )                              ### repList = replacement list (welche defaultargumente ueberschrieben werden sollen)
            datL       <- eatTools::makeDataFrame ( datL, minRow = 2, onlyWarn=FALSE)
            repList   <- list(ID=ID , wgt = wgt, type=type, PSU = PSU, repInd = repInd, repWgt = repWgt, toCall = "quantile", engine="survey", nest = nest, imp = imp, groups = groups,
                          group.splits = group.splits, cross.differences=cross.differences, trend = trend, linkErr = linkErr, dependent = dependent, group.delimiter=group.delimiter,
                          probs=probs, na.rm=na.rm, nBoot=nBoot, bootMethod=bootMethod, doCheck=doCheck, modus=modus, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, rho=rho, verbose=verbose, progress=progress, clusters=NULL)
            eatRep(datL =datL, a = repList)}

### Wrapper: ruft "eatRep()" mit selektiven Argumenten auf
repGlm  <- function(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, type = c("none", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "Fay"),
            PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, repWgt = NULL, nest=NULL, imp=NULL, groups = NULL,
            group.splits = length(groups), group.delimiter = "_", cross.differences = FALSE, trend = NULL, linkErr = NULL, formula,
            family=gaussian, forceSingularityTreatment = FALSE, glmTransformation = c("none", "sdY"), doCheck = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE,
            poolMethod = c("mice", "scalar") , useWec = FALSE, scale = 1, rscales = 1, mse=TRUE, rho=NULL,
            hetero=TRUE, se_type = c("HC3", "HC0", "HC1", "HC2", "CR0", "CR2"), clusters = NULL, crossDiffSE.engine= c("lavaan", "lm"), stochasticGroupSizes = FALSE, verbose = TRUE,
            progress = TRUE, nCores=NULL) {
            datL   <- eatTools::makeDataFrame ( datL, minRow = 2, onlyWarn=FALSE)
            modus  <- identifyMode ( name = "glm", type = car::recode(match.arg(arg = toupper(type), choices = c("NONE", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "FAY")), "'FAY'='Fay'") )
            poolMethod <- match.arg(poolMethod)
            crossDiffSE.engine <- match.arg(crossDiffSE.engine)
            se_type <- chooseSeType(se_type, clusters)                          ### repList = replacement list (welche defaultargumente ueberschrieben werden sollen)
            replList   <- list(ID=ID , wgt = wgt, type=type, PSU = PSU, repInd = repInd, repWgt = repWgt, toCall = "glm", nest = nest, imp = imp, groups = groups, group.splits = group.splits,
                          cross.differences = cross.differences, trend = trend, linkErr = linkErr, formula=formula, family=family, forceSingularityTreatment=forceSingularityTreatment, glmTransformation = glmTransformation,
                          group.delimiter=group.delimiter, na.rm=na.rm, doCheck=doCheck, modus=modus, poolMethod=poolMethod, useWec=useWec, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, rho=rho, hetero=hetero, se_type=se_type, crossDiffSE.engine=crossDiffSE.engine,
                          stochasticGroupSizes=stochasticGroupSizes, verbose=verbose, progress=progress, clusters=clusters, engine="survey", nCores=nCores)
            eatRep(datL =datL, a = replList)}

### Wrapper: ruft "BIFIEsurvey::BIFIE.twolevelreg()" mit selektiven Argumenten auf
repLmer  <- function(datL, ID, wgt = NULL, L1wgt=NULL, L2wgt=NULL, type = c("JK2", "JK1"),
            PSU = NULL, repInd = NULL, jkfac = NULL, rho=NULL, imp=NULL, group=NULL, trend = NULL,  dependent, formula.fixed, formula.random,
            doCheck = TRUE, na.rm = FALSE, clusters, verbose = TRUE) {
            datL   <- eatTools::makeDataFrame ( datL, minRow = 2, onlyWarn=FALSE)
            modus  <- identifyMode ( name = "lmer", type = car::recode(match.arg(arg = toupper(type), choices = c("JK2", "JK1")), "'FAY'='Fay'") )
            replList   <- list(ID=ID , wgt = wgt, L1wgt=L1wgt, L2wgt=L2wgt, type=type, PSU = PSU, repInd = repInd, jkfac = jkfac, toCall = "lmer", imp = imp, groups =group, group.splits = length(group), trend = trend, dependent=dependent,
                          formula.fixed=formula.fixed, formula.random=formula.random,engine="BIFIEsurvey", na.rm=na.rm, doCheck=doCheck, modus=modus, verbose=verbose, clusters=clusters, rho=rho)
            eatRep(datL =datL, a = replList)}

### Funktion ist nicht user-level, sondern wird von repMean, repTable, repQuantile, repGlm mit entsprechenden Argumenten aufgerufen ... a ist die Argumentenliste 'argl'
eatRep <- function (datL, a) {
          a     <- c(argl[setdiff(names(argl), names(a))], a)                   ### hier wird die von der user-level-Funktion (z.B. repMean) uebergebene Argumentenliste um das erweitert, was nicht explizit angegeben, aber von eatRep als default erwartet wird
          datL  <- eatTools::makeDataFrame(datL, name = "datL", minRow = 2, onlyWarn=FALSE)
          if ( isTRUE(a%$$%useWec) ) { a$forceSingularityTreatment <- TRUE; a$poolMethod <- "scalar"}
          if(is.null(a%$$%trend)) {a["linkErr"] <- list(NULL)}                  ### Hotfix ... sonst gibt es einen fehler, wenn kein Trend bestimmt werden soll, aber dennoch 'linkErr' spezifiziert wird
    ### rauskriegen, was der user urspruenglich aufgerufen hat: repMean, repTable, repGlm .. ? das muss nur beim ersten mal der ggf. rekursiven aufrufe geschehen
          if (is.null(a%$$%fc) && isFALSE(a%$$%onlyCheck)) {                    ### es muss nicht geschehen, wenn die Funktion nur zum checken benutzt wird
               beg   <- Sys.time()
               a$fc  <- identifyFunctionCall()                                  ### zeitschaetzung fuer CRAN/github rausnehmen
          a$toCall<- match.arg(a%$$%toCall, choices = argl[["toCall"]])         ### 'oberste' Funktion suchen, die eatRep gecallt hat; zweiter Teil des Aufrufs ist dazu da, dass nicht "by" drinsteht, wenn "repMean" innerhalb einer anderen "by"-Funktion aufgerufen wird
          a$type  <- car::recode(match.arg(arg = toupper(a%$$%type), choices = c("NONE", "JK2", "JK1", "BRR", "FAY")), "'FAY'='Fay'")
          if ( a%$$%type == "NONE") {a$doJK <- FALSE }  else {a$doJK <- TRUE}
          a$engine<- match.arg(arg = a%$$%engine, choices = c("survey", "BIFIEsurvey"))
          a$glmTransformation <- match.arg(a%$$%glmTransformation, choices = argl[["glmTransformation"]])
          if(isFALSE(a%$$%forceSingularityTreatment) & a%$$%glmTransformation != "none") {
             message("'forceSingularityTreatment' was set to 'FALSE'. Please note that 'glmTransformation' is only possible if 'forceSingularityTreatment' is 'TRUE'.")
          a   <- identify_UV_AV(a=a, glmerFormula=NULL)                         ### hier wird die Argumentenliste ggf. das erste Mal geaendert
          if(is.null(a%$$%groups))  {                                           ### defaults setzen, wenn gruppierungsvariable NULL war
             a$groups <- "wholeGroup"
             datL[,"wholeGroup"] <- "wholePop"
             groupWasNULL <- TRUE
          }  else  {
             groupWasNULL <- FALSE
    ### wenn linkErr kein Scalar, sondern data.frame, muss es hier von 'existsBackgroundVariables' ausgenommen werden
          if ( length(a%$$%linkErr) > 1 ) {
             a$leFrame <- a%$$%linkErr
             a["linkErr"] <- list(NULL)                                         ### 'https://stackoverflow.com/questions/7944809/assigning-null-to-a-list-element-in-r'
          }  else  {
             a["leFrame"] <- list(NULL)
          allVar<- c(a[c("ID", "wgt", "L1wgt", "L2wgt", "PSU", "repInd", "repWgt", "nest", "imp", "trend", "linkErr", "group.differences.by", "dependent", "independent", "adjust", "clusters")], list(group = a%$$%groups))
          allNam<- lapply(allVar, FUN=function(ii) {eatTools::existsBackgroundVariables(dat = datL, variable=ii, warnIfMissing = TRUE, stopIfMissingOnVars = c(allVar[["PSU"]], allVar[["repInd"]]))})
          a     <- c(a[-eatTools::whereAre(names(allNam), names(a), verbose=FALSE)], allNam)
          a[["allNam"]] <- names(allNam)
    ### weil es rekursiv ist, muss der data.frame TROTZDEM in allNam angehangen werden
          if ( !is.null(a%$$%leFrame)) {a$linkErr <- a%$$%leFrame}
          if(a%$$%forceSingularityTreatment == TRUE && !is.null(a%$$%PSU) ) { a$poolMethod <- "scalar"}
    ### Konsistenz der JK-Argumente pruefen (Funktion hat keine Rueckgabe; es werden nur Fehlermeldungen ggf. ausgegeben)
          foo   <- checkJK.arguments(a)
    ### hotfix: bei wec wird ja die Gruppierungsvariable zur UV in regression ... wenn aus den Levels der Gruppierungsvariablen die '_'
    ### entfernt werden, muss das ja auch fuer die UV geschehen, sofern es sich um eine Regression fuer WEC handelt
    ### letzteres muss man erstmal rauskriegen ... geschieht hier ueber attribut des Datensatzes
          auchUV<- checkWecForUV(dat=datL, allNam = a[a%$$%allNam])
    ### check: Gruppierungsvariablen duerfen nicht numerisch sein, und personen muessen in gruppierungsvariable genestet sein
    ### da diese Funktion recht lange dauert, kann man sie weglassen, wenn in trendanalyse sich die Funktion selbst aufruft -
    ### denn der check fand ja bereits beim ersten mal statt.
          if (isFALSE(a%$$%isRecursive)) {                                      ### wird nur gemacht, wenn die Funktion sich nicht wiederholt selbst aufruft
              beg   <- Sys.time()
              datL  <- checkGroupVars ( datL = datL, allNam = a[a%$$%allNam], auchUV = auchUV)
    ### check fuer adjustierungsvariablen: die duerfen nur numerisch oder dichotom sein. dasselbe gilt fuer L1- und L2-Praediktoren in multilevel regressionsmodellen mit BIFIEsurvey
    ### Achtung: ab hier wird der Datensatz in die Argumentenliste mit aufgenommen!
          a     <- checkForAdjustmentAndLmer (datL=datL, a=a, groupWasNULL=groupWasNULL)
    ### check: Manche Variablennamen sind in der Ergebnisstruktur fest vergeben und duerfen daher nutzerseitig nicht als namen von Gruppenvariablen vergeben werden
          foo   <- checkNameConvention( allNam = a[a%$$%allNam])
    ### fuer weighted effect coding muss UV ein Faktor sein, und es darf auch nur eine UV geben
          if (isTRUE(a%$$%useWec) ) {
              if ( length(a%$$%independent) != 1 ) {stop("Only one independent (grouping) variable is allowed for weighted effect coding.\n")}
              if(!inherits(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%independent],c("factor", "character", "logical", "integer"))) {stop(paste0("For weighted effect coding, independent (grouping) variable '",a%$$%independent,"' must be of class 'factor', 'character', 'logical', or 'integer'.\n"))}
    ### Methode "mice" geht nur fuer nicht-genestete Imputationen
          if (a%$$%poolMethod == "mice" && !is.null(a%$$%nest) && a%$$%toCall == "glm" ) {
              message("Method 'mice' is not available for nested imputation. Switch to method 'scalar'.")
              a$poolMethod <- "scalar"
    ### engine BIFIEsurvey geht noch nicht fuer alles, muss fuer manche bedingungen erstmal wieder zurueckgesetzt werden
    ### bifiesurvey verbieten, wenn genestet und/oder bei quantile + glm, und bifie survey verbieten wenn irgendwas anderes als jk2 oder jk1
    ### und bifie survey verbieten, wenn frequency table mit chi.square = TRUE und group.differences = TRUE
          a$engine<- checkEngine (a)
    ### Achtung: wenn Funktion nur zum checken genutzt wird, endet sie hier
          if ( isTRUE(a%$$%onlyCheck) ) {
              ret <- a[a%$$%allNam]
          }  else  {
    ### wie in 'defineModel': Funktion ruft sich rekursiv selber auf, wenn Trend bestimmt werden soll
              if(!is.null(a%$$%trend)) {                                        ### Achtung: hier wenn Trendberechnung geschehen soll
    ### check: wenn es trend gibt, sollte die variable mindestens 2 level haben
                  nlev<- length(unique(a$datL[,a%$$%trend]))
                  if(nlev == 1) {stop(paste0("Trend variable '",a%$$%trend,"' is constant with value '",unique(a$datL[,a%$$%trend]),"'."))}
    ### check: alle Kombinationen von faktoren in beiden datensaetzen?
                  chk5<- checkFactorLevels(a)
    ### repliziere Analyse zweimal, d.h. fuer alle Trendgruppen ... erstmal single core ... Funktion ruft sich 2x oder 3x selber auf
                  resT<- by ( data = a%$$%datL, INDICES = a$datL[,a%$$%trend], FUN = function ( subdat ) {
                         if(a%$$%verbose) {cat(paste("\nTrend group: '",subdat[1,a%$$%trend ], "'\n",sep=""))}
                         b     <- a; b["trend"] <- list(NULL)                   ### aendere die Argumentenliste
                         b$isRecursive <- TRUE                                  ### warum b <- a? Argumentliste wird nur temporaer ueberschrieben!
                         foo   <- eatRep(datL=subdat, a=b)
                         foo[["resT"]][["noTrend"]][,a%$$%trend] <- subdat[1,a%$$%trend ]
                         foo[["allNam"]][["trend"]] <- a%$$%trend
                         return(list(out1=foo[["resT"]][["noTrend"]], out2=foo[["allNam"]]))}, simplify = FALSE)
    ### Trends wurden berechnet: 'resT' aufbereiten, Linkingfehler ranmatchen ... wenn es keinen linkingfehler gibt, wird er auf 0 gesetzt
    ### Hotfix (war in alter eatRep-Version auch schon so): rekursiver Aufruf bei Trends setzt fuer jedes Jahr trend = NULL und linkErr = NULL
    ### Linkerror muss daher jetzt wieder rekonstruiert werden
                  a      <- keepNonNULL(list1 = a, list2 = resT[[1]][["out2"]])
                  a$allNam <- c(names(resT[[1]][["out2"]]), "cross.differences")
                  a$le     <- createLinkingError ( resT = resT, a=a)
                  out3   <- lapply(resT, FUN = function ( k ) { k[["out1"]]})
                  ret    <- list(resT = out3, allNam = a[a%$$%allNam], toCall = a%$$%toCall, family=a%$$%family, le=a%$$%le)
              }  else {
    ### obere Zeile: Ende der inneren Schleife (= Ende des Selbstaufrufs wegen trend) ... das untere wird nun fuer jeden Aufruf abgearbeitet
                  if( length( setdiff ( a%$$%group.differences.by,a%$$%group)) != 0) {stop("Variable in 'group.differences.by' must be included in 'groups'.\n")}
    ### Anzahl der Analysen aufgrund mehrerer Hierarchieebenen definieren ueber den 'super splitter' und Analysen einzeln (ueber 'lapply') starten
                  toAppl<- superSplitter(group = a%$$%group, group.splits = a%$$%group.splits, group.differences.by = a%$$%group.differences.by, group.delimiter = a%$$%group.delimiter , dependent=a%$$%dependent )
                  if(a%$$%verbose){cat(paste(length(toAppl)," analyse(s) overall according to: 'group.splits = ",paste(a%$$%group.splits, collapse = " ") ,"'.", sep=""))}
    ### bei mehr als einer Analyse: genauere Ausgabe auf Konsole printen und consistency checks
                  ret   <- createAnalysisInfTable(toAppl=toAppl, verbose=a%$$%verbose, allNam=a[a%$$%allNam])
    ### cross differences defaulten wenn vom user nicht definiert
                  a     <- setCrossDifferences (a=a)
    ### Achtung: wenn keine Gruppen und/oder Nests und/oder Imputationen spezifiziert sind, erzeuge Variablen mit Werten gleich 1, damit by() funktioniert!
                  beg   <- Sys.time()                                           ### untere Funktion veraendert ggf. das Datensatzobjekt und allNam
                  a     <- createLoopStructure(a=a)
    ### check: wenn cross.differences gemacht werden sollen, dann muessen die faktor levels aller gruppierungsvariablen disjunkt sein (siehe Mail Benjamin, 13.11.2019, 18.11 Uhr)
                  if(!is.null(a%$$%cross.differences)) {
                      if(length(a%$$%group)>1) {
                         lev <- unlist(lapply(a%$$%group, FUN = function ( v ) { unique(as.character(a$datL[,v]))}))
                         if (length(lev) != length(unique(lev))) {stop("Factor levels of grouping variables are not disjunct.\n")}
    ### check: abhaengige Var. numerisch?
                  if(a%$$%toCall %in% c("mean", "quantile", "glm")) {
                     if(!inherits(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%dependent],  c("integer", "numeric"))) {
                         stop(paste0("Dependent variable '",a%$$%dependent,"' has to be of class 'integer' or 'numeric'.\n"))
    ### replicates zuweisen bzw. erzeugen
                  a$repA  <- assignReplicates ( a=a )
    ### innere Schleife (= fuer jede Hierachieebene separat): splitten nach super splitter.
                  allRes<- innerLoop(toAppl=toAppl, ret=ret, a=a)
    ### Output muss aufbereitet werden, sofern eine 'table'-Analyse ueber 'mean' gewrappt wurde, das macht die Funktion 'clearTab'
                  allRes <- clearTab(allRes, allNam = a[a%$$%allNam], depVarOri = a%$$%depOri, fc=a%$$%fc, toCall=a%$$%toCall, datL = a%$$%datL)
                  allRes <- prepForReport2(out=allRes, info = ret, allNam = a[a%$$%allNam])
                  allRes <- list(resT = list(noTrend = allRes), allNam = a[a%$$%allNam], toCall = a%$$%toCall, family=a%$$%family)
                  return(allRes) }} }

### Hilfsfunktion fuer eatRep(): bereitet output fuer report2() vor. Zum einen werden die Analyse-IDs ergaenzt, und es werden, falls vorhanden, hierarchieebenen ergaenzt
prepForReport2 <- function(out, info, allNam) {
       if (!"comparison" %in% colnames(out)) {
           out[,"comparison"] <- "none"
       }  else  {
           out[,"comparison"] <- car::recode(out[,"comparison"], "NA='none'")
       if(!is.null(allNam[["group"]]) && !identical (allNam[["group"]], "wholeGroup") ) { for ( g in allNam[["group"]]) {out[,g] <- car::recode(out[,g], "NA='total'")  }}
       timeStamp <- genTS()                                                     ### erstmal IDs fuer Punktschaetzer (ohne vergleiche)
    ### erstmal IDs fuer Punktschaetzer (ohne vergleiche)
       out[,"row"] <- 1:nrow(out)
       if(!"none" %in% out[,"comparison"]) {                                    ### hotfix: bei WEC oder rep methode fuer cross-level diffs kann in ergebnisstruktur ggf. kein Eintrag "none" stehen, dann soll alles genommen werden.
           stopifnot(length(unique(out[,"comparison"])) ==1 )
           point  <- out
       }  else  {
           point  <- out[which(out[,"comparison"] == "none"),]
       point     <- data.frame ( type = "point", do.call("rbind", by(data = point, INDICES = point[,c("group", "depVar")], FUN = function (sg) {
                    stopifnot(nrow(unique(sg[,c("parameter", "coefficient")])) == nrow(sg))
                    sg[,"id"] <- paste(timeStamp, min(sg[,"row"]), sep="_")
                    return(sg)})), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ### falls es groupdifferences gibt, jetzt dafuer ids vergeben
       gd        <- out[which(out[,"comparison"] != "none"),]
       if ( nrow(gd)>0 && "none" %in% out[,"comparison"]) {
            gd   <- data.frame ( type = "point", do.call("rbind", by(data = gd, INDICES = gd[,c("group", "depVar")], FUN = function (sg) {
                    suppressWarnings(sg1 <- data.frame ( unique(sg[, c("parameter", setdiff(allNam[["group"]], allNam[["group.differences.by"]])), drop=FALSE]), strsplit(sg[1,allNam[["group.differences.by"]]], ".vs.| - ")[[1]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
                    colnames(sg1)[ncol(sg1)] <- allNam[["group.differences.by"]]
                    sg2 <- merge(sg1, point, by = colnames(sg1), all=FALSE)
                    stopifnot(length(unique(sg2[,"id"])) ==2 || unique(sg1[,"parameter"]) == "chiSquareTest")
                    sg  <- data.frame ( sg, id = paste(timeStamp, min(sg[,"row"]), sep="_"), unit_1 = sort(unique(sg2[,"id"]))[1], unit_2 = sort(unique(sg2[,"id"]))[2], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                    return(sg) })), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
            point<- plyr::rbind.fill(point, gd)
    ### Hierarchieebenen ergaenzen ... mergeAttr kann spaeter ohne warnungen, wenn sich das als ok erwiesen hat
       if(!is.null(info)) {
            inf  <- prepareInfo(info, point, allNam)
            point<- eatTools::mergeAttr(point, inf, by = allNam[["group"]], all.x=TRUE, all.y = FALSE, setAttr=FALSE, xName = "x: variable from data set y not included in x is ok")

prepareInfo <- function(info, point, allNam) {
       vals <- info[,"groups.divided.by"]
       vars <- unique(unlist(strsplit(vals, " \\+ ")))
       inf  <- do.call("rbind", by(data = info, INDICES = info[,"analysis.number"], FUN = function(z) {
               l1 <- list()
               for ( v in vars) {
                   if ( grepl(v, z[["groups.divided.by"]])) {
                       levs <- setdiff(unique(point[which(point[,"comparison"] == "none"),v]), "total")
                       if ( !is.null(allNam[["group.differences.by"]]) && v == allNam[["group.differences.by"]]) {levs <- c(levs, unlist(lapply(combinat::combn(x=levs, m=2, simplify=FALSE), FUN = function (xx) {c(paste(rev(xx), collapse=" - "), paste(xx, collapse=" - "))})))}
                       l1[[v]] <- levs
                   } else {
                       l1[[v]] <- "total"
               l2 <- expand.grid(l1, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
               suppressWarnings(l2 <- data.frame ( l2, z[,"hierarchy.level", drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))

### Hilfsfunktion fuer eatRep(): check whether factor levels are equal between trend groups. Funktion hat keine Rueckgabe, gibt nur ggf. Fehlermeldung
checkFactorLevels <- function(a) {
       for ( i in c("group", "trend", "datL")) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
       if (!is.null(group)) {
             foo <- lapply(group, FUN = function ( gr ) {
                    ch <- by(data = datL, INDICES = datL[,trend], FUN = function ( subdat ) { table(subdat[,gr]) }, simplify = FALSE )
                    cmb<- combinat::combn(x=1:length(ch), m=2, simplify=FALSE)
                    ch1<- all(unlist(lapply(cmb,FUN = function (y) {isTRUE(all.equal(sort(names(ch[[y[1]]])), sort(names(ch[[y[2]]]))))})))
                    if(!ch1) {
                        tab <- table(datL[,c(gr,trend)])
                        warning(paste0("Levels of grouping variable '",gr,"' do not match between trend groups: \n", eatTools::print_and_capture(tab, 5) ))

### Hilfsfunktion fuer eatRep()
createAnalysisInfTable <- function(toAppl, verbose, allNam) {
         if ( length ( toAppl ) > 1) {
               ret <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:length(toAppl), FUN = function ( y ) {
               gdb <- attr(toAppl[[y]], "group.differences.by")
               if ( is.null(gdb)) {gdb <- NA}
               res <-  data.frame ( analysis.number = y, hierarchy.level = length(toAppl[[y]]), groups.divided.by = paste(toAppl[[y]], collapse=" + "), group.differences.by = gdb)
    ### Achtung!! adjustiert werden kann nicht fuer die oberste Hierarchieebene (hierarchy level 0) ... fuer analysen auf dieser Ebene wird adjust zu NULL
               if ( !is.null(allNam[["adjust"]])) {
                      res[,"adjust"] <- car::recode(res[,"hierarchy.level"], "0='FALSE'; else = 'TRUE'")
               if(verbose){cat("\n \n"); print(ret, row.names=FALSE)}
         }  else  {ret <- NULL}

### Hilfsfunktion fuer eatRep()
innerLoop <- function (toAppl, ret, a=a)  {
       allRes<- do.call(plyr::rbind.fill, lapply( names(toAppl), FUN = function ( gr ) {
                a[["str1"]]  <- createInfoString (ai = ret, toCall=a%$$%toCall, gr=gr, toAppl=toAppl)
                if(a%$$%toCall %in% c("mean", "table"))  {                      ### obere Zeile: string snippet fuer fortschrittsanzeige kreieren
                   if ( is.null(attr(toAppl[[gr]], "group.differences.by"))) {
                        a["group.differences.by"] <- list(NULL)
                   }  else  {
                        a$group.differences.by <- attr(toAppl[[gr]], "group.differences.by")
                if( nchar(gr) == 0 ){
                    a$datL[,"dummyGroup"] <- "wholeGroup"
                    a$group     <- "dummyGroup"                                 ### problematisch!! "allNam" wird hier in jedem Schleifendurchlauf ueberschrieben
                    a["adjust"] <- list(NULL)                                   ### auf der obersten Hierarchieebene findet keine Adjustierung statt
                } else {
                    a$group <- toAppl[[gr]]
    ### check: Missings duerfen nur in abhaengiger Variable auftreten!
                noMis <- unlist ( c ( a[a%$$%allNam][-na.omit(match(c("group", "dependent", "cross.differences"), names(a[a%$$%allNam])))], toAppl[gr]) )
                miss  <- which ( sapply(a[["datL"]][,noMis], FUN = function (uu) {length(which(is.na(uu)))}) > 0 )
                if(length(miss)>0) { warning("Unexpected missings in variable(s) ",paste(names(miss), collapse=", "),".")}
    ### check: gleichviele Imputationen je Nest und Gruppe? bei mehr als 2 gruppen zusaetzlich pruefen, ob alle paare besetzt sind (Kreuztabelle)
                beg   <- Sys.time()
                chk3  <- checkImpNest(toAppl = toAppl, gr=gr, a=a)
    ### nur fuer repTable(): "expected.values" aufbereiten ... Funktion veraendert Datensatz und expected.values
                a     <- prepExpecVal (a=a)
                b     <- a[-match("datL", names(a))]                            ### Datensatz aus Argumentliste entfernen
    ### nun wird der Datensatz zuerst nach Nests und je Nest nach Imputationen geteilt
                if ( a%$$%engine=="survey" || isFALSE(a%$$%doJK)) {
                     anaA<- doSurveyAnalyses(datL1 = a[["datL"]], a = b)
                }  else  {                                                      ### hier muesste es jetzt ggf. nach BIFIEsurvey uebergeben werden
                     anaA<- doBifieAnalyses(dat.i = a[["datL"]], a = b)
                if( "dummyGroup" %in% colnames(anaA) )  { anaA <- anaA[,-match("dummyGroup", colnames(anaA))] }
       rownames(allRes) <- NULL

### Hilfsfunktion fuer eatRep()
identifyFunctionCall <- function() {
          i     <- 0                                                            ### wenn wec genutzt werden soll, geht das nur ueber den Hotfix, der auch fuer Singularitaet verwendet wird
          fc    <- NULL                                                         ### initialisieren
          while ( !is.null(sys.call(i))) { fc <- c(fc, eatTools::crop(unlist(strsplit(deparse(sys.call(i))[1], split = "\\("))[1])); i <- i-1  }
    ### unten stehende Zeile deshalb, damit der Nutzer sowohl repMean(...) als auch eatRep::repMean(...) als auch eatRep:::repMean(...) aufrufen kann
          fc   <- unlist(lapply(strsplit(fc, ":"), FUN = function ( l ) {l[length(l)]}))
          fc   <- fc[max(which(fc %in% c("repMean", "repTable", "repGlm", "repQuantile", "repLmer", "repGlmer")))]

checkRegression <- function ( dat, allNam, useWec ) {
                   ch <- lapply( allNam[["independent"]], FUN = function ( i ) {
                         isKonst <- length(unique(dat[,i]))
                         if ( isKonst == 1) {
                              warning("Predictor '",i,"' is constant. Please check your data.")
                         if ( inherits ( dat[,i],  "character" )) {
                              warning("Predictor '",i,"' has class 'character'. Please check your data.")
                         if ( inherits ( dat[,i],  c("character", "factor") )) {
                              if ( isKonst > 15 && isFALSE(useWec) ) {
                                   warning("Predictor '",i,"' of class '",class ( dat[,i] ),"' has ",isKonst," levels. Please check whether this is intended.")
                         } })   }                                               ### keine Rueckgabe

createLinkingError <- function  ( resT = resT, a=a) {
          for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
    ### erstmal checken, ob linkingfehler als scalar oder als data.frame uebergeben wurden ... im zweiten Fall finden die checks erst in computeTrend() statt!
          if (length(linkErr) > 1) {                                            ### data.frame: objekt wird durchgeschleift, checks finden spaeter statt!
              le <- linkErr
              attr(le, "linkingErrorFrame") <- TRUE                             ### das wird gemacht, damit die check-Funktion in computeTrend() erkennt, ob es urspruenglich ein data.frame war!
          }  else  {
    ### hier beginnt scalar methode: nur fuer zwei MZP geeignet!
              if ( is.null ( linkErr ) ) {
                   message("Note: No linking error was defined. Linking error will be defaulted to '0'.")
                   linkErr     <- "le"
                   datL[,"le"] <- 0
    ### Achtung! Wenn Linkingfehler als Spalte im datensatz uebergeben, impliziert das, das die Linkingfehler fuer alle Paare von zeitpunkten
    ### gleich sind, also LE fuer 2011 vs. 2016 == 2011 vs. 2021 == 2016 vs. 2021 ... deshalb hier als Schleife ueber alle Paare!!
    ### rohform des Rueckgabe-data.frames initialisieren
              times<- sort(unique(datL[,trend]))
              paare<- combinat::combn(x=times, m=2, simplify=FALSE)
              les  <- do.call("rbind", lapply(paare, FUN = function (p ) {
                      init <- data.frame ( trendVar = trend, trendLevel1 = p[1] , trendLevel2 = p[2], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                      if ( fc == "repTable") {
                           le <- data.frame ( init, depVar = unique(resT[[1]][["out1"]][,"depVar"]), unique(datL[, c(unique(resT[[1]][["out1"]][,"depVar"]), linkErr),drop=FALSE]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ### jetzt fuer "mean"
                      if ( fc == "repMean") {
                           stopifnot (length(unique(datL[,linkErr])) == 1)
                           le <- unique(datL[,linkErr])                         ### SD-difference: no linking error (=> 0!) (mit Karoline Sachse besprochen)
                           le <- data.frame ( init, depVar = unique(resT[[1]][["out1"]][,"depVar"]), parameter = c("mean", "sd"), le = c(le,0), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ### jetzt fuer "glm"
                      if ( fc %in% c("repGlm", "repLmer", "repGlmer")) {
                           stopifnot (length(unique(datL[,linkErr])) == 1)
                           le <- unique(datL[,linkErr])
                           le <- data.frame ( init, depVar = unique(as.character(resT[[1]][["out1"]][,"depVar"])), parameter = unique(as.character(resT[[1]][["out1"]][,"parameter"])), le = le, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ### jetzt fuer "quantile"
                      if ( fc == "repQuantile") {
                           stopifnot (length(unique(datL[,linkErr])) == 1)
                           le <- data.frame ( init, unique(resT[[1]][["out1"]][,c("depVar", "parameter")]), le = unique(datL[,linkErr]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    ### allgemeine checks
                      colnames(le)[5:6] <- c("parameter", "le")
                      if ( nrow(le) > length(unique(le[,"parameter"]))) {
                           stop("Linking errors must be unique for levels of dependent variable.\n")

conv.quantile      <- function ( dat.i , a) {
                      for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
                      ret  <- do.call("rbind", by(data = dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function ( sub.dat) {
                              if( all(sub.dat[,wgt] == 1) )  {                  ### alle Gewichte sind 1 bzw. gleich
                                 ret   <- Hmisc::hdquantile(x = sub.dat[,dependent], se = TRUE, probs = probs,na.rm=na.rm )
                                 ret   <- data.frame (group = paste(sub.dat[1,group,drop=FALSE], collapse=group.delimiter), depVar = dependent, modus = modus, parameter = rep(names(ret),2), coefficient = rep(c("est","se"),each=length(ret)),value = c(ret,attr(ret,"se")),sub.dat[1,group,drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                              } else {                                          ### wenn Gewichte gefordert, koennen SEs ueber Bootstrap bestimmt werden
                                 if(!is.null(nBoot)) {
                                     if(nBoot<5) {nBoot <- 5}
                                     if(bootMethod == "wQuantiles") {           ### Variante 1
                                         x     <- sub.dat[,dependent]
                                         ret   <- boot::boot(data = x, statistic = function ( x, i) {Hmisc::wtd.quantile(x = x[i], weights = sub.dat[i,wgt], probs = probs,na.rm=na.rm )}, R=nBoot)
                                         ret   <- data.frame (group = paste(sub.dat[1,group,drop=FALSE], collapse=group.delimiter), depVar = dependent, modus = modus, parameter = rep(as.character(probs),2), coefficient = rep(c("est","se"),each=length(probs)), value = c(ret$t0, sapply(data.frame(ret$t), sd)), sub.dat[1,group,drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                                     } else {                                   ### Variante 2
                                         ret   <- do.call("rbind", lapply(1:nBoot, FUN = function (b){
                                                  y   <- sample(x = sub.dat[,dependent], size = length(sub.dat[,dependent]), replace = TRUE, prob = sub.dat[,wgt]/sum(sub.dat[,wgt]))
                                                  ret <- Hmisc::hdquantile(x = y, se = FALSE, probs = probs,na.rm=na.rm )
                                         ret   <- data.frame (group = paste(sub.dat[1,group,drop=FALSE], collapse=group.delimiter), depVar = dependent, modus = modus, parameter = rep(as.character(probs),2), coefficient = rep(c("est","se"),each=length(probs)), value = c(Hmisc::wtd.quantile(x = sub.dat[,dependent], weights = sub.dat[,wgt], probs = probs,na.rm=na.rm ), sapply(data.frame(ret),sd)) , sub.dat[1,group,drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                                 } else {
                                     ret   <- Hmisc::wtd.quantile(x = sub.dat[,dependent], weights = sub.dat[,wgt], probs = probs,na.rm=na.rm )
                                     ret   <- data.frame (group = paste(sub.dat[1,group,drop=FALSE], collapse=group.delimiter), depVar = dependent, modus = modus, parameter = rep(as.character(probs),2), coefficient = rep(c("est","se"),each=length(probs)), value = c(ret, rep(NA, length(probs))) , sub.dat[1,group,drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                      ret[,"comparison"] <- NA

jackknife.quantile <- function ( dat.i , a) {
     for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
     typeS   <- car::recode(type, "'JK2'='JKn'")                                ### typeS steht fuer type_Survey
     design  <- svrepdesign(data = dat.i[,c(group, dependent) ], weights = dat.i[,wgt], type=typeS, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, repweights = repA[match(dat.i[,ID], repA[,ID] ),-1,drop = FALSE], combined.weights = TRUE, rho=rho)
     formel  <- as.formula(paste("~ ",dependent, sep = "") )
    ### Hotfix: return.replicates = FALSE gesetzt, weil es sonst ab survey version 4.1-1 eine fehlermeldung gibt ... weiss nicht, ob man die replicates spaeter nochmal braucht, ich glaube nicht
     quant   <- svyby(formula = formel, by = as.formula(paste("~", paste(group, collapse = " + "))), design = design, FUN = svyquantile, quantiles = probs, return.replicates = FALSE, na.rm = na.rm)
     molt    <- eatTools::facToChar(reshape2::melt(data=quant, id.vars=group, na.rm=FALSE))
     molt[,"parameter"]  <- eatTools::crop(eatTools::removePattern(eatTools::removePattern(molt[,"variable"],paste0("se.", dependent)),dependent), char=".")
     molt    <- do.call("rbind", plyr::alply(molt, .margins = 1, .fun = function (zeile) {
                coef <- eatTools::removePattern(eatTools::crop(eatTools::removePattern(zeile[["variable"]], zeile[["parameter"]]), "."), dependent)
                if ( coef=="") {coef <- "est"} else {stopifnot(coef == "se."); coef <- "se"}
                zeile[["coefficient"]] <- coef
     return(eatTools::facToChar(data.frame ( group = apply(molt[,group,drop=FALSE],1,FUN = function (z) {paste(z,collapse=group.delimiter)}), depVar = dependent, modus = paste(modus,"survey", sep="__"), comparison = NA, molt[,c("parameter", "coefficient", "value", group)], stringsAsFactors = FALSE))) }

conv.table      <- function ( dat.i , a) {
     for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
     tabs <- do.call("rbind", by(data = dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function ( sub.dat) {
             prefix <- data.frame(sub.dat[1,group, drop=FALSE], row.names = NULL, stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
             foo    <- make.indikator(variable = sub.dat[,dependent], name.var = "ind", force.indicators =expected.values, separate.missing.indikator = "no")
             if (all(dat.i[,wgt] == 1)) {wgts <- NULL } else { wgts <- sub.dat[,wgt]}
             ret    <- data.frame ( prefix , eatTools::descr(foo[,-1, drop = FALSE],p.weights = wgts, na.rm=TRUE)[,c("Mean", "std.err")], stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
             ret[,"parameter"] <- substring(rownames(ret),5)
             return(ret)}) )
     Ns   <- do.call("rbind", by(dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function (y) {data.frame ( y[1,group, drop=FALSE], parameter = "Ncases", Mean=length(unique(y[,ID])), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) }))
     tabs <- plyr::rbind.fill(tabs, Ns)
     if(!is.null(group.differences.by))   {
         m    <- tabs
         m$comb.group <- apply(m, 1, FUN = function (ii) { eatTools::crop(paste( ii[group], collapse = "."))})
         m$all.group  <- 1
         tempR<- res.group <- setdiff(group, group.differences.by)
         if(length(res.group) == 0 ) {res.group <- "all.group"}
         difs <- do.call("rbind", by(data = m, INDICES = m[,res.group], FUN = function (iii)   {
                 if(length(tempR)>0) {
                     datSel <- merge(dat.i, iii[!duplicated(iii[,res.group]),res.group,drop=FALSE], by = res.group, all = FALSE)
                 }  else  {
                     datSel <- dat.i
                 tbl    <- table(datSel[,c(group.differences.by, dependent)])
                 chisq  <- chisq.test(tbl, correct = correct)
                 scumm  <- iii[!duplicated(iii[,res.group]),res.group,drop = FALSE]
                 group  <- paste( paste( colnames(scumm), as.character(scumm[1,]), sep="="), sep="", collapse = ", ")
                 dif.iii<- data.frame(group = group, parameter = "chiSquareTest", comparison = "groupDiff", depVar = dependent, modus=modus, coefficient = c("chi2","df","pValue"), value = c(chisq[["statistic"]],chisq[["parameter"]],chisq[["p.value"]]) , stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
                 return(dif.iii)}))                                             ### siehe http://www.vassarstats.net/dist2.html
     }                                                                          ### und http://onlinestatbook.com/2/tests_of_means/difference_means.html
     ret  <- reshape2::melt(tabs, measure.vars = c("Mean", "std.err"), na.rm=TRUE)
     ret[,"coefficient"] <- car::recode(ret[,"variable"], "'Mean'='est'; 'std.err'='se'")
     ret  <- data.frame ( group = apply(ret[,group,drop=FALSE],1,FUN = function (z) {paste(z,collapse=group.delimiter)}), depVar = dependent, modus = modus, comparison = NA, ret[,c("coefficient", "parameter")], value = ret[,"value"], ret[,group,drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
     if(!is.null(group.differences.by))   {return(eatTools::facToChar(plyr::rbind.fill(ret,difs)))} else {return(eatTools::facToChar(ret))}}

jackknife.table <- function ( dat.i , a) {
                   for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
                   dat.i[,dependent] <- factor(dat.i[,dependent], levels = expected.values)
                   typeS     <- car::recode(type, "'JK2'='JKn'")
                   design    <- svrepdesign(data = dat.i[,c(group, dependent)], weights = dat.i[,wgt], type=typeS, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, repweights = repA[match(dat.i[,ID], repA[,ID] ),-1,drop = FALSE], combined.weights = TRUE, rho=rho)
                   formel    <- as.formula(paste("~factor(",dependent,", levels = expected.values)",sep=""))
                   means     <- svyby(formula = formel, by = as.formula(paste("~", paste(as.character(group), collapse = " + "))), design = design, FUN = svymean, deff = FALSE, return.replicates = TRUE)
                   Ns        <- do.call("rbind", by(dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function (y) {data.frame ( y[1,group, drop=FALSE], variable = "est____________Ncases", value=length(unique(y[,ID])), stringsAsFactors = FALSE) }))
                   cols      <- match(paste("factor(",dependent,", levels = expected.values)",expected.values,sep=""), colnames(means))
                   colnames(means)[cols] <- paste("est",expected.values, sep="____________")
                   cols.se   <- grep("^se[[:digit:]]{1,5}$", colnames(means) )
                   stopifnot(length(cols) == length(cols.se))
                   colnames(means)[cols.se] <- paste("se____________", expected.values, sep="")
                   molt      <- reshape2::melt(data=means, id.vars=group, na.rm=TRUE)
                   molt      <- rbind(molt, Ns)
                   splits    <- data.frame ( do.call("rbind", strsplit(as.character(molt[,"variable"]),"____________")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                   colnames(splits) <- c("coefficient", "parameter")
                   ret       <- data.frame ( group = apply(molt[,group,drop=FALSE],1,FUN = function (z) {paste(z,collapse=group.delimiter)}), depVar = dependent, modus = paste(modus,"survey", sep="__"), comparison = NA, splits, value = molt[,"value"], molt[,group,drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                   if(!is.null(group.differences.by))   {
                      m            <- ret
                      m$comb.group <- apply(m, 1, FUN = function (ii) { eatTools::crop(paste( ii[group], collapse = "."))})
                      m$all.group  <- 1
                      res.group    <- tempR <- setdiff(group, group.differences.by)
                      if(length(res.group) == 0 ) {res.group <- "all.group"}
                      difs           <- do.call("rbind", by(data = m, INDICES = m[,res.group], FUN = function (iii)   {
                                        if(length(tempR)>0) {
                                           datSel    <- merge(dat.i, iii[!duplicated(iii[,res.group]),res.group,drop=FALSE], by = res.group, all = FALSE)
                                        }  else  {
                                           datSel    <- dat.i
                                        designSel <- svrepdesign(data = datSel[,c(group.differences.by, dependent)], weights = datSel[,wgt], type=typeS, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, repweights = repA[match(datSel[,ID], repA[,ID] ),-1,drop = FALSE], combined.weights = TRUE, rho=rho)
                                        formel    <- as.formula(paste("~", group.differences.by ,"+",dependent,sep=""))
                                        tbl       <- svychisq(formula = formel, design = designSel, statistic = "Chisq")
                                        scumm     <- iii[!duplicated(iii[,res.group]),res.group,drop = FALSE]
                                        group     <- paste( paste( colnames(scumm), as.character(scumm[1,]), sep="="), sep="", collapse = ", ")
                                        dif.iii   <- data.frame(group = group, parameter = "chiSquareTest", depVar = dependent, modus = paste(modus,"survey", sep="__"), coefficient = c("chi2","df","pValue"), value = c(tbl[["statistic"]],tbl[["parameter"]],tbl[["p.value"]]) , stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
                                        return(dif.iii)                         ### siehe http://www.vassarstats.net/dist2.html
                      } ))                                                      ### http://onlinestatbook.com/2/tests_of_means/difference_means.html
                      difs[,"comparison"] <- "groupDiff"
                   if(!is.null(group.differences.by))   {return(eatTools::facToChar(plyr::rbind.fill(ret,difs)))} else {return(eatTools::facToChar(ret))}}

conv.mean      <- function (dat.i , a) {
                  for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
                  deskr    <- data.frame ( do.call("rbind", by(data = dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function ( sub.dat) {
                              prefix <- sub.dat[1,group, drop=FALSE]
                              if ( all(sub.dat[,wgt] == 1) )  {
                                   useWGT <- NULL
                              }  else  {
                                   useWGT <- sub.dat[,wgt]
                                   attr(useWGT, "onlyUnweightedN") <- TRUE      ### das ist noetig, weil jetzt immer ungewichtete Ns bestimmt werden sollen,
                              }                                                 ### auch wenn der user gewichte angibt. Das wird ja an decr() uebergeben
                              ret    <- data.frame ( nValidUnweighted = length(na.omit(sub.dat[, dependent ])), prefix, eatTools::descr(sub.dat[, dependent ], p.weights = useWGT, na.rm=na.rm)[,c("N", "N.valid", "Mean", "std.err", "Var", "SD")], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                              names(ret) <- c( "nValidUnweighted", group , "Ncases", "NcasesValid", "mean", "se.mean", "var","sd")
                              return(ret)})), modus=modus, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                  if(!is.null(group.differences.by))   {
                     nCat <- table(as.character(dat.i[,group.differences.by]))
                     if ( length(nCat) < 2 ) {
                          cat(paste("Warning: Grouping variable '", group.differences.by, "' only has one category within imputation and/or nest. Group differences cannot be computed. Skip computation.\n",sep=""))
                     }  else  {
                          m            <- deskr
                          m$comb.group <- apply(m, 1, FUN = function (ii) { eatTools::crop(paste( ii[group], collapse = "."))})
                          m$all.group  <- 1
                          res.group    <- tempR <- setdiff(group, group.differences.by)
                          if(length(res.group) == 0 ) {res.group <- "all.group"}
                          kontraste    <- combinat::combn ( x = sort(unique(as.character(m[,group.differences.by]))), m = 2, simplify = FALSE)
                          difs         <- do.call("rbind", by(data = m, INDICES = m[,res.group], FUN = function (iii)   {
                                          ret <- do.call("rbind", lapply(kontraste, FUN = function ( k ) {
                                                 if ( sum ( k %in% iii[,group.differences.by]) != length(k) ) {
                                                    warning("Cannot compute contrasts for 'group.differences.by = ",group.differences.by,"'.")
                                                 }  else  {
                                                    vgl.iii   <- iii[iii[,group.differences.by] %in% k ,]
                                                    true.diff <- computeTrueDiffAndOtherDiffs(vgl.iii, dat = dat.i, group.differences.by=group.differences.by, kontr = k, value="mean")[["true"]]
                                                    scumm     <- sapply(vgl.iii[,res.group,drop = FALSE], as.character)
                                                    group     <- paste( paste( colnames(scumm), scumm[1,], sep="="), sep="", collapse = ", ")
                                                    dummy     <- do.call("cbind", lapply ( a%$$%group, FUN = function ( gg ) {
                                                                 ret <- data.frame ( paste ( rev(unique(vgl.iii[,gg])), collapse = " - "))
                                                                 colnames(ret) <- gg
                                                    dif.iii   <- data.frame(dummy, group = paste(group, paste(k, collapse = ".vs."),sep="____"), parameter = "mean", coefficient = c("est","se"), depVar = dependent, modus=modus, value = c(true.diff, sqrt( sum(vgl.iii[,"sd"]^2 / vgl.iii[,"nValidUnweighted"]) )) , stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
                                                    stopifnot(nrow(dif.iii)==2, nrow(vgl.iii) == 2)
                                                    dummy2    <- dif.iii[1,]
                                                    dummy2[,"coefficient"] <- "es"
                                                    dummy2[,"value"]       <- dif.iii[which(dif.iii[,"coefficient"] == "est"),"value"] / sqrt(0.5*sum(vgl.iii[,"sd"]^2))
                                                    return(dif.iii)             ### siehe http://www.vassarstats.net/dist2.html
                                                 } }))                          ### http://onlinestatbook.com/2/tests_of_means/difference_means.html
                        difs[,"comparison"] <- "groupDiff"
                  deskrR   <- reshape2::melt(data = deskr, id.vars = group, measure.vars = setdiff(colnames(deskr), c("nValidUnweighted", "modus", group) ), na.rm=TRUE)
                  deskrR[,"coefficient"] <- car::recode(deskrR[,"variable"], "'se.mean'='se';else='est'")
                  deskrR[,"parameter"]   <- gsub("se.mean","mean",deskrR[,"variable"])
                  deskrR   <- data.frame ( group = apply(deskrR[,group,drop=FALSE],1,FUN = function (z) {paste(z,collapse=group.delimiter)}), depVar = dependent, modus=modus, comparison = NA, deskrR[,c( "parameter", "coefficient", "value", group)], stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                  if(!is.null(group.differences.by))   {
                      if ( length (nCat ) >1 ) {
                      }   else  {
                  }  else {
                  } }

computeTrueDiffAndOtherDiffs <- function (difs, repl, dat, kontr, group.differences.by, value) {
          stopifnot ( nrow(difs) == 2 )
          refSeq<- names(table(dat[,group.differences.by]))                     ### immer fokusgruppe MINUS referenzgruppe
          reihe <- match(kontr, refSeq)                                         ### dazu rausfinden, was Referenz ist ...
          trueD <- difs[match(refSeq[max(reihe)],difs[,group.differences.by]),value] - difs[match(refSeq[min(reihe)],difs[,group.differences.by]),value]
          if(!missing(repl)) {otherD<- repl[,refSeq[max(reihe)]] - repl[,refSeq[min(reihe)]]} else {otherD<- NULL}
          return(list(true = trueD, other = otherD))  }

jackknife.adjust.mean <- function (dat.i , a) {
          for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
          typeS<- car::recode(type, "'JK2'='JKn'")
          repl <- repA[ match(dat.i[,ID], repA[,ID]),]
          des  <- svrepdesign(data = dat.i[,c(group, dependent, adjust)], weights = dat.i[,wgt], type=typeS, scale = 1, rscales = 1, repweights = repl[,-1, drop = FALSE], combined.weights = TRUE, mse = TRUE, rho=rho)
          if ( useEffectLiteR ) {
               ret <- withReplicates(des, funAdjustEL, allNam=a[allNam], return.replicates=TRUE)
          }  else  {
               ret <- withReplicates(des, funAdjust, allNam=a[allNam], return.replicates=TRUE)
          rs   <- m <- data.frame ( group = rep(rownames(as.data.frame ( ret)),2) , depVar = dependent, modus = paste(modus, "survey", sep="__"), comparison = NA, parameter = "mean", coefficient = rep(c("est", "se"), each = nrow(as.data.frame (ret))), value = reshape2::melt(as.data.frame ( ret), measure.vars = colnames(as.data.frame ( ret)))[,"value"], rbind(do.call("rbind",  by(data=dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function ( x ) { x[1,group, drop=FALSE]}, simplify = FALSE)),do.call("rbind",  by(data=dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function ( x ) { x[1,group, drop=FALSE]}, simplify = FALSE))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
          if(!is.null(group.differences.by))   {
             nCat <- table(as.character(dat.i[,group.differences.by]))
             if ( length(nCat) < 2 ) {
                  warning("Grouping variable '", group.differences.by, "' only has one category within imputation and/or nest. Group differences cannot be computed. Skip computation.")
             }  else  {
                m$comb.group <- apply(m, 1, FUN = function (ii) {eatTools::crop(paste( ii[group], collapse = "."))})
                repl1<- data.frame ( repl = rownames(ret[["replicates"]]),ret[["replicates"]], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
                m$all.group    <- 1
                res.group      <- tempR  <- setdiff(group, group.differences.by)
                if(length(res.group) == 0 ) {res.group <- "all.group"}
                kontraste      <- combinat::combn ( x = sort(unique(as.character(m[,group.differences.by]))), m = 2, simplify = FALSE)
                difs           <- do.call("rbind", by(data = m, INDICES = m[,res.group], FUN = function (iii)   {
                                  ret <- do.call("rbind", lapply(kontraste, FUN = function ( k ) {
                                         if ( sum ( k %in% iii[,group.differences.by]) != length(k) ) {
                                              warning("Cannot compute contrasts for 'group.differences.by = ",group.differences.by,"'.")
                                              return(NULL)                      ### Quelle fuer dieses Vorgehen:
                                         } else {                               ### Mail SW an ZKD, 07.11.2012, 17.54 Uhr, "in Absprache mit Dirk"
                                              vgl.iii <- iii[iii[,group.differences.by] %in% k ,]
                                              vgl.iii <- vgl.iii[which(vgl.iii[,"coefficient"] == "est"),]
                                              diffs   <- computeTrueDiffAndOtherDiffs(difs = vgl.iii, repl = repl1, dat=dat.i, kontr = k, group.differences.by=group.differences.by, value="value")
                                              scumm   <- sapply(vgl.iii[,res.group,drop = FALSE], as.character)
                                              group   <- paste( paste( colnames(scumm), scumm[1,], sep="="), sep="", collapse = ", ")
                                              dummy   <- do.call("cbind", lapply ( a%$$%group, FUN = function ( gg ) {
                                                         ret <- data.frame ( paste ( rev(unique(vgl.iii[,gg])), collapse = " - "))
                                                         colnames(ret) <- gg
                                              dif.iii <- data.frame(dummy, group = group, vgl = paste(k, collapse = ".vs."), dif = diffs[["true"]], se =  sqrt(sum((diffs[["true"]] - diffs[["other"]])^2)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
                                         } }))
                difsL<- data.frame ( comparison = "groupDiff", depVar = dependent, reshape2::melt(data = difs, measure.vars = c("dif", "se") , variable.name = "coefficient" , na.rm=TRUE), modus=paste(modus,"survey", sep="__"), parameter = "mean", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                difsL[,"coefficient"] <- car::recode(difsL[,"coefficient"], "'se'='se'; 'es'='es'; else = 'est'")
                difsL[,"group"] <- apply(difsL[,c("group","vgl")],1,FUN = function (z) {paste(z,collapse="____")})
                rs   <- rbind(rs,difsL[,-match("vgl", colnames(difsL))])
          return(eatTools::facToChar(rs)) }

### Hilfsfunktion fuer jackknife.adjust.mean: braucht keine Standardfehler, da die mit jackknife bestimmt werden
funAdjust <- function(w, data, allNam){                                         ### 'w' = weights
       data[,allNam[["wgt"]]] <- w
       frml<- as.formula(paste0(allNam[["dependent"]]," ~ ", paste(allNam[["adjust"]], collapse = " + ")))
       if ( all(data[,allNam[["wgt"]]] == 1) )  {                               ### adjustierte Mittelwerte ungewichtet
            means <- by ( data = data, INDICES = data[,allNam[["group"]]], FUN = function ( gr ) {
                     reg <- lm(frml, data = gr)
                     cof1<- coef(reg)                                           ### untere Zeile: innerhalb der Funktion muss mean(dat...) stehen, nicht mean(gr...), sonst kriegt man nur die unadjustieren Mittelwerte
                     res1<- cof1[["(Intercept)"]]+ sum(unlist(lapply(names(cof1)[-1], FUN = function ( v ) { mean(data[,v]) * cof1[[v]]})))
       }  else  {
            means <- by ( data = data, INDICES = data[,allNam[["group"]]], FUN = function ( gr ) {
                     do  <- paste0("lm(frml, data = gr, weights = ",allNam[["wgt"]],")")
                     reg <- eval(parse(text=do))
                     cof1<- coef(reg)
                     res1<- cof1[["(Intercept)"]]+ sum(unlist(lapply(names(cof1)[-1], FUN = function ( v ) { Hmisc::wtd.mean(data[,v], weights = data[,allNam[["wgt"]]]) * cof1[[v]]})))
       ret   <- as.vector(means)                                                ### Funktion gibt einen numerischen Vektor zurueck, der Namen hat
       names(ret) <- names(means)

### Hilfsfunktion fuer jackknife.adjust.mean
funAdjustEL <- function(w, data, allNam){
       data[,allNam[["wgt"]]] <- w
       if ( all(data[,allNam[["wgt"]]] == 1) )  {                               ### adjustierte Mittelwerte ungewichtet
            res <- EffectLiteR::effectLite(y = allNam[["dependent"]], x = allNam[["group"]], z = allNam[["adjust"]], data = data, fixed.cell = TRUE, fixed.z = FALSE, homoscedasticity = FALSE, method="sem")
       }  else  {
            frml<- as.formula(paste0("~", allNam[["wgt"]]))
            res <- suppressMessages(EffectLiteR::effectLite(y = allNam[["dependent"]], x = allNam[["group"]], z = allNam[["adjust"]], data = data, fixed.cell = TRUE, fixed.z = FALSE, homoscedasticity = FALSE, weights = frml, method="sem"))
       ret <- res@results@adjmeans[,"Estimate"]
       names(ret) <- names(table(data[,allNam[["group"]]]))
conv.adjust.mean <- function ( dat.i, a) {
       for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
       if(isTRUE(useEffectLiteR)) {                                             ### benutze effectLite
           if ( all(dat.i[,wgt] == 1) ) {                                       ### ohne Gewichte
                res <- EffectLiteR::effectLite(y = dependent, x = group, z = adjust, data = dat.i, fixed.cell = TRUE, fixed.z = FALSE, homoscedasticity = FALSE, method="sem")
           }  else  {
                st  <- paste("suppressMessages(EffectLiteR::effectLite(y = dependent, x = group, z = adjust, data = dat.i, fixed.cell = TRUE, fixed.z = FALSE, homoscedasticity = FALSE, weights = ~ ",wgt,", method=\"sem\"))", sep="")
                res <- eval(parse( text=st))
           vals <- reshape2::melt(res@results@adjmeans, measure.vars = c("Estimate", "SE"))[,"value"]
       }  else  {                                                               ### benutze kein effectLite: Standardfehler mit deltamethode
           means <- do.call("rbind", by ( data = dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function ( gr ) {
                    frml<- paste0(dependent, " ~ ", paste(adjust, collapse = " + "))
                    if ( all(dat.i[,wgt] == 1) ) {                              ### ohne Gewichte
                         reg <- lm(as.formula(frml), data = gr)                 ### ungewichtete Regression linear
                         x_m <- sapply(dat.i[,adjust], mean)                    ### ungewichtete Mittelwerte der adjustierungsvariablen
                    }  else  {                                                  ### untere Zeile: gewichtete Regression
                         reg <- eval(parse(text = paste0("lm(as.formula(frml), data = gr, weights = ",wgt, ")")))
                         x_m <- unlist(lapply (adjust, FUN = function (u) { Hmisc::wtd.mean(dat.i[,u], weights = dat.i[,wgt])}))
                    }                                                           ### obere Zeile: gewichtete Mittelwerte der adjustierungsvariablen
                    cof1<- coef(reg)
                    adj <- cof1[1] + sum(cof1[-1] * x_m)
                    pars<- c(cof1, x_m)
                    mat <- matrix(0, length(cof1) + length(x_m), length(cof1) + length(x_m))
                    mat[1:length(cof1), 1:length(cof1)] <- vcov(reg)
                    if ( all(dat.i[,wgt] == 1) ) {                              ### ungewichtete Varianz
                         mat[(length(cof1)+1):nrow(mat), (length(cof1)+1):ncol(mat)] <- var(gr[,adjust]) / (nrow(gr)-1)
                    }  else  {                                                  ### gewichtete Varianz
                         mat[(length(cof1)+1):nrow(mat), (length(cof1)+1):ncol(mat)] <- cov.wt(gr[,adjust, drop=FALSE], wt = gr[,wgt], cor = FALSE, center = TRUE)[["cov"]] / (nrow(gr)-1)
                    frm2<- paste0("~x1 + ", paste(paste("x", 2:length(cof1), sep=""), paste("x", (length(cof1)+1):(length(cof1)+length(x_m)), sep=""), collapse=" + ", sep="*"))
                    se  <- msm::deltamethod(as.formula(frm2), pars, mat)
                    return(data.frame ( mw = adj, se = se, stringsAsFactors = FALSE))}))
           vals  <- reshape2::melt(means, measure.vars = c("mw", "se"))[,"value"]
       rs   <- m <- data.frame ( group = rep(names(table(dat.i[,group])) , 2), depVar = dependent, modus = modus, comparison = NA, parameter = "mean", coefficient = rep(c("est", "se"), each = length(vals)/2), value = vals, rbind(do.call("rbind",  by(data=dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function ( x ) { x[1,group, drop=FALSE]}, simplify = FALSE)),do.call("rbind",  by(data=dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function ( x ) { x[1,group, drop=FALSE]}, simplify = FALSE))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
       if(!is.null(group.differences.by))   {                                   ### jetzt gruppendifferenzen, wenn es welche geben soll
           nCat <- table(as.character(dat.i[,group.differences.by]))
           if ( length(nCat) < 2 ) {
                cat(paste("Warning: Grouping variable '", group.differences.by, "' only has one category within imputation and/or nest. Group differences cannot be computed. Skip computation.\n",sep=""))
           }  else  {
                m$comb.group <- apply(m, 1, FUN = function (ii) { eatTools::crop(paste( ii[group], collapse = "."))})
                m$all.group  <- 1
                res.group    <- tempR <- setdiff(group, group.differences.by)
                if(length(res.group) == 0 ) {res.group <- "all.group"}
                kontraste    <- combinat::combn ( x = sort(unique(as.character(m[,group.differences.by]))), m = 2, simplify = FALSE)
                difs         <- do.call("rbind", by(data = m, INDICES = m[,res.group], FUN = function (iii)   {
                                ret <- do.call("rbind", lapply(kontraste, FUN = function ( k ) {
                                       if ( sum ( k %in% iii[,group.differences.by]) != length(k) ) {
                                            warning("Cannot compute contrasts for 'group.differences.by = ",group.differences.by,"'.")
                                       }  else  {
                                            vgl.iii   <- eatTools::makeDataFrame(tidyr::pivot_wider(iii[iii[,group.differences.by] %in% k ,], names_from = "coefficient", values_from = "value"), verbose=FALSE)
                                            true.diff <- computeTrueDiffAndOtherDiffs(vgl.iii, dat = dat.i, group.differences.by=group.differences.by, kontr = k, value="est")[["true"]]
                                            scumm     <- sapply(vgl.iii[,res.group,drop = FALSE], as.character)
                                            group     <- paste( paste( colnames(scumm), scumm[1,], sep="="), sep="", collapse = ", ")
                                            dummy     <- do.call("cbind", lapply ( a%$$%group, FUN = function ( gg ) {
                                                         ret <- data.frame ( paste ( rev(unique(vgl.iii[,gg])), collapse = " - "))
                                                         colnames(ret) <- gg
                                            dif.iii   <- data.frame(dummy, group = paste(group, paste(k, collapse = ".vs."),sep="____"), comparison = "groupDiff", parameter = "mean", coefficient = c("est","se"), depVar = dependent, modus=modus, value = c(true.diff, sqrt(sum(vgl.iii[,"se"]^2))) , stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
                                            stopifnot(nrow(dif.iii)==2, nrow(vgl.iii) == 2)
                                                 } }))
       if(!is.null(group.differences.by))   {
          if ( length (nCat ) >1 ) {
          }   else  {
       }  else {
       } }

jackknife.mean <- function (dat.i , a) {
          for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }                            ### alles auf den namespace exportieren
          typeS<- car::recode(type, "'JK2'='JKn'")
          repl <- repA[ match(dat.i[,ID], repA[,ID]),]
          des  <- svrepdesign(data = dat.i[,c(group, dependent)], weights = dat.i[,wgt], type=typeS, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, repweights = repl[,-1, drop = FALSE], combined.weights = TRUE, rho=rho)
          rets <- data.frame ( target = c("Ncases", "NcasesValid", "mean", "var"), FunctionToCall = c(NA,NA,"svymean","svyvar"), formelToCall = c("paste(\"~ \", \"N_weighted\",sep=\"\")","paste(\"~ \", \"N_weightedValid\",sep=\"\")","paste(\"~ \",dependent, sep = \"\")","paste(\"~ \",dependent, sep = \"\")"), naAction = c("FALSE","TRUE","na.rm","na.rm"), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          ret  <- apply(rets, 1, FUN = function ( toCall ) {                    ### svyby wird dreimal aufgerufen ...
                  if (is.na(toCall[["FunctionToCall"]])) {                      ### Achtung: N und N.valid sollen jetzt immer ungewichtet bestimmt werden! deshalb wird svy fuer diese ersten beiden nicht mehr gecallt
                      resL <- do.call("rbind", by(data=dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function (y){
                              if (toCall[["target"]] == "Ncases") {weg <- 0} else {weg <- length(which(is.na(y[,dependent])))}
                              r1 <- data.frame ( y[1,group, drop=FALSE], parameter =toCall[["target"]], coefficient="est", value=nrow(y)-weg, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                              return(r1) }))
                  }  else  {
                      do   <- paste("svyby(formula = as.formula(",toCall[["formelToCall"]],"), by = as.formula(paste(\"~\", paste(group, collapse = \" + \"))), design = des, FUN = ",toCall[["FunctionToCall"]],",na.rm=",toCall[["naAction"]],", deff = FALSE, return.replicates = TRUE)",sep="")
                      res  <- suppressWarnings(eval(parse(text=do)))            ### Warning erklaert in Word-Doc, wird unterdrueckt da irrelevant fuer Paket
                      resL <- reshape2::melt( data = res, id.vars = group, variable.name = "coefficient" , na.rm=TRUE)
                      stopifnot(length(table(resL[,"coefficient"])) == 2)
                      resL[,"coefficient"] <- car::recode(resL[,"coefficient"], "'se'='se'; else ='est'")
                      resL[,"parameter"]   <- toCall[["target"]]
                      attr(resL, "original") <- res
          sds  <- do.call("rbind", by(data = dat.i, INDICES =  dat.i[,group], FUN = function (uu) {
                  namen   <- uu[1, group, drop=FALSE]                           ### Warning erklaert in Word-Doc, wird unterdrueckt da irrelevant fuer Paket
                  sub.rep <- repl[ match(uu[,ID], repl[,ID] ) ,  ]
                  des.uu  <- svrepdesign(data = uu[,c(group, dependent)], weights = uu[,wgt], type=typeS, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, repweights = sub.rep[,-1, drop = FALSE], combined.weights = TRUE, rho=rho)
                  var.uu  <- suppressWarnings(svyvar(x = as.formula(paste("~",dependent,sep="")), design = des.uu, deff = FALSE, return.replicates = TRUE, na.rm = na.rm))
                  ret     <- data.frame(namen, est = as.numeric(sqrt(coef(var.uu))), se =  as.numeric(sqrt(vcov(var.uu)/(4*coef(var.uu)))), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
                  return(ret)}) )
          sds  <- data.frame ( reshape2::melt(data = sds, id.vars = group, variable.name = "coefficient" , na.rm=TRUE), parameter = "sd", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          resAl<- rbind(do.call("rbind",ret), sds)
          resAl<- data.frame ( group = apply(resAl[,group,drop=FALSE],1,FUN = function (z) {paste(z,collapse=group.delimiter)}), depVar = dependent, modus=paste(modus,"survey", sep="__"), comparison = NA, resAl[,c("parameter","coefficient","value",group)] , stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          if(!is.null(group.differences.by))   {
             nCat <- table(as.character(dat.i[,group.differences.by]))
             if ( length(nCat) < 2 ) {
                  warning("Grouping variable '", group.differences.by, "' only has one category within imputation and/or nest. Group differences cannot be computed. Skip computation.")
             }  else  {
                m1   <- attr(ret[[ which(rets[,"target"] == "mean") ]], "original")
                m1   <- merge(m1, unique(resAl[,intersect(colnames(resAl), colnames(m1)), drop=FALSE]), all.x = TRUE, all.y = FALSE)
                sd   <- sds[which(sds[,"coefficient"] == "est"),]
                colnames(sd) <- car::recode(colnames(sd), "'value'='standardabweichung'")
                m    <- merge(m1, sd, by = group, all = TRUE)
                stopifnot(nrow(m) == nrow(m1))
                m$comb.group <- apply(m, 1, FUN = function (ii) {eatTools::crop(paste( ii[group], collapse = "."))})
                repl1<- data.frame(t(attr(attr(ret[[which(rets[,"target"] == "mean")]], "original"), "replicates")), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
                colnames(repl1) <- replCols <- paste("replNum", 1:ncol(repl1), sep="")
                repl1[,"comb.group"] <- rownames(repl1)
                m    <- merge(m, repl1, by = "comb.group" )
                m$all.group    <- 1
                res.group      <- tempR  <- setdiff(group, group.differences.by)
                if(length(res.group) == 0 ) {res.group <- "all.group"}
                kontraste      <- combinat::combn ( x = sort(unique(as.character(m[,group.differences.by]))), m = 2, simplify = FALSE)
                difs           <- do.call("rbind", by(data = m, INDICES = m[,res.group], FUN = function (iii)   {
                                  ret <- do.call("rbind", lapply(kontraste, FUN = function ( k ) {
                                         if ( sum ( k %in% iii[,group.differences.by]) != length(k) ) {
                                              warning("Cannot compute contrasts for 'group.differences.by = ",group.differences.by,"'.")
                                              return(NULL)                      ### Quelle fuer dieses Vorgehen:
                                         } else {                               ### Mail SW an ZKD, 07.11.2012, 17.54 Uhr, "in Absprache mit Dirk"
                                              vgl.iii <- iii[iii[,group.differences.by] %in% k ,]
                                              repl    <- eatTools::makeDataFrame(t(vgl.iii[,replCols]), verbose=FALSE)
                                              colnames(repl) <- vgl.iii[,group.differences.by]
                                              diffs   <- computeTrueDiffAndOtherDiffs(difs = vgl.iii, repl =  repl, dat=dat.i, kontr = k, group.differences.by=group.differences.by, value=intersect(colnames(vgl.iii), dependent))
                                              scumm   <- sapply(vgl.iii[,res.group,drop = FALSE], as.character)
                                              group   <- paste( paste( colnames(scumm), scumm[1,], sep="="), sep="", collapse = ", ")
                                              dummy   <- do.call("cbind", lapply ( a%$$%group, FUN = function ( gg ) {
                                                         ret <- data.frame ( paste ( rev(unique(vgl.iii[,gg])), collapse = " - "))
                                                         colnames(ret) <- gg    ### obere Zeile: Achtung! Hier muss a%$$%group stehen, nicht group!!
                                              dif.iii <- data.frame(dummy, group = group, vgl = paste(k, collapse = ".vs."), dif = diffs[["true"]], se =  sqrt(sum((diffs[["true"]] - diffs[["other"]])^2)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE )
                                              dif.iii <- data.frame(dif.iii, es = dif.iii[["dif"]] / sqrt(0.5*sum(vgl.iii[,"standardabweichung"]^2)))
                                         } }))
                difsL<- data.frame ( depVar = dependent, reshape2::melt(data = difs, measure.vars = c("dif", "se", "es") , variable.name = "coefficient" , na.rm=TRUE), modus=paste(modus,"survey", sep="__"), parameter = "mean", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
                difsL[,"coefficient"] <- car::recode(difsL[,"coefficient"], "'se'='se'; 'es'='es'; else = 'est'")
                difsL[,"comparison"]  <- "groupDiff"
                difsL[,"depVar"]      <- dependent
                difsL[,"group"] <- apply(difsL[,c("group","vgl")],1,FUN = function (z) {paste(z,collapse="____")})
                resAl<- rbind(resAl,difsL[,-match("vgl", colnames(difsL))])
          return(eatTools::facToChar(resAl)) }

### richtige Reihenfolge des gepasteten strings im Rueckgabeobjekt
buildString <- function(dat, allNam, refGrp, reihenfolge ) {
      strng <- paste0(rep(as.vector(unlist(by(data=dat, INDICES = dat[,allNam[["group"]]], FUN = function ( x ) {
               def <- c(x[1,allNam[["group"]]],refGrp[["groupValue"]])
               ref <- reihenfolge
               reih<- unlist(lapply(ref, FUN = function ( z ) {which(def %in% dat[,z])}))
               ret <- paste(def[reih], collapse="_")
               return(ret)}))), 2),giveRefgroup(refGrp))

giveRefgroup <- function ( refGrp) {
          if ( is.null(refGrp)) {return(".vs.wholeGroup")}
          ret <- paste0(".vs.", paste(apply(refGrp, MARGIN = 1, FUN = function ( zeile ) { zeile[["groupValue"]]}), collapse="_"))

jackknife.cov <- function (dat.i , a){
          for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
          typeS<- car::recode(type, "'JK2'='JKn'")
          repl <- repA[ match(dat.i[,ID], repA[,ID]),]
          des  <- svrepdesign(data = dat.i[,c(group, dependent)], weights = dat.i[,wgt], type=typeS, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, repweights = repl[,-1, drop = FALSE], combined.weights = TRUE, rho=rho)
          ret  <- withReplicates(des, groupVersusTotalMean, allNam=a[allNam])
          rs   <- data.frame ( group =  buildString(dat= dat.i,allNam=a[allNam], refGrp=refGrp, reihenfolge) , depVar = dependent, modus = NA, comparison = "crossDiff", parameter = "mean", coefficient = rep(c("est", "se"), each = nrow(ret)), value = reshape2::melt(as.data.frame ( ret), measure.vars = colnames(as.data.frame ( ret)))[,"value"], rbind(do.call("rbind",  by(data=dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function ( x ) { x[1,group, drop=FALSE]}, simplify = FALSE)),do.call("rbind",  by(data=dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function ( x ) { x[1,group, drop=FALSE]}, simplify = FALSE))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)

### Hilfsfunktion fuer jackknife.cov und conv.cov
groupVersusTotalMean <- function(w, data, allNam){                              ### 'd' = dependent; 'g' = grouping; 'w' = weights
       data[,allNam[["wgt"]]] <- w
       if ( all(data[,allNam[["wgt"]]] == 1) )  {
           ret <- by(data=data, INDICES = data[,allNam[["group"]]], FUN = function ( y ) { mean(y[,allNam[["dependent"]]])})
           gm  <- mean(data[,allNam[["dependent"]]])                            ### Gesamtmittelwert ungewichtet
       }  else  {
           ret <- by(data=data, INDICES = data[,allNam[["group"]]], FUN = function ( y ) { Hmisc::wtd.mean(y[,allNam[["dependent"]]], weights = y[,allNam[["wgt"]]])})
           gm  <- Hmisc::wtd.mean(data[,allNam[["dependent"]]], weights = data[,allNam[["wgt"]]])
       }                                                                        ### obere zeile: Gesamtmittelwert gewichtet
       ret <- gm - ret

conv.cov <- function (dat.i, a){
          covs<- boot::boot(data=dat.i, R = a%$$%nBoot, statistic = function ( x, i) {groupVersusTotalMean(w = x[i,a%$$%wgt], data = x[i,c(a%$$%group, a%$$%dependent)], allNam=a[a%$$%allNam])})
          mns <- colMeans(covs$t)
          ses <- sapply(as.data.frame(covs$t), FUN = sd)                        
          rs  <- data.frame ( group =  buildString(dat= dat.i,allNam=a[a%$$%allNam], refGrp=a%$$%refGrp, a%$$%reihenfolge) , depVar = a%$$%dependent, modus = NA, comparison = "crossDiff", parameter = "mean", coefficient = rep(c("est", "se"), each = length(mns)), value = c(mns, ses), rbind(do.call("rbind",  by(data=dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,a%$$%group], FUN = function ( x ) { x[1,a%$$%group, drop=FALSE]}, simplify = FALSE)),do.call("rbind",  by(data=dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,a%$$%group], FUN = function ( x ) { x[1,a%$$%group, drop=FALSE]}, simplify = FALSE))), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
### Hilfsfunktion fuer repGlm()
jackknife.glm <- function (dat.i , a) {
                 for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }                     ### family und formula muessen sowieso auf den NAMESPACE gegeben werden, sonst misslingt svyglm. Keine Ahnung warum.
                 sub.ana <- by(data = dat.i, INDICES = dat.i[,group], FUN = function (sub.dat) {
                            nam    <- sub.dat[1,group,drop=FALSE]               ### Funktionen, die die Liste 'a' nicht mehr weitergeben muessen, duerfen auf den namespace exportieren
                            if ( wgt == "wgtOne") {
                                 glm.ii <- test <- glm(formula = formula, data = sub.dat, family = family)
                            }  else  {
                                 glm.ii <- test <- eval(parse(text = paste("glm(formula = formula, data = sub.dat, family = family, weights = ",wgt,")",sep="")))
                            singular       <- names(glm.ii[["coefficients"]])[which(is.na(glm.ii[["coefficients"]]))]
                            if(doJK) {
                                modus    <- paste(modus, "survey", sep="__")
                                typeS    <- car::recode(type, "'JK2'='JKn'")
                                design   <- svrepdesign(data = sub.dat[,c(group, independent, dependent) ], weights = sub.dat[,wgt], type=typeS, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, repweights = repA[match(sub.dat[,ID], repA[,ID] ),-1,drop = FALSE], combined.weights = TRUE, rho=rho)
                                if(length(singular) == 0 & isFALSE(a%$$%forceSingularityTreatment) ) {
    ### hier koennen die Warnungen unterdrueckt werden, denn sie werden ja bereits oben ausgegeben (hier nur fuer jedes replicate separat)
                                   glm.ii  <- suppressWarnings(svyglm(formula = formula, design = design, return.replicates = FALSE, family = family))
                            summaryGlm     <- summary(glm.ii)
    ### AIC, deviance etc. nur auslesen, wenn linkfunktion NICHT 'identity'. Achtung das na.omit(glm.ii[["coefficients"]]) macht man, um die singulaeren Terme loszuwerden
                            if (  length(grep("gaussian", glm.ii[["family"]][["family"]])) > 0 ) {
                                  r2     <- list ( R2 = var(glm.ii$fitted.values)/var(glm.ii$y) , N = length(glm.ii$fitted.values) )
                                  res.bl <- data.frame ( group=paste(sub.dat[1,group], collapse=group.delimiter), depVar =dependent,modus = modus, parameter = c(rep(c("Ncases",names(na.omit(glm.ii[["coefficients"]]))),2),"R2"),
                                            coefficient = c(rep(c("est","se"),each=1+length(names(na.omit(glm.ii[["coefficients"]])))),"est"),
                                            value=c(r2[["N"]],na.omit(glm.ii[["coefficients"]]),NA,summaryGlm$coef[,2],r2[["R2"]]),sub.dat[1,group, drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
                            }   else  {                                         ### hier jetzt fuer logistische modelle
                                  r2     <- fmsb::NagelkerkeR2(glm.ii)          ### pseudo-R2 fuer logistische Modelle, herkoemmliches fuer lineare
                                  if(wgt != "wgtOne" && doJK == FALSE) {        ### bug (?) in nagelkerke funktion wenn r2 fuer gewichtete logistische regressionen ohne jackknife bestimmt wird. deswegen wird hier r2 immer ungewichtet bestimmt
                                     unwgt <- glm(formula = formula, data = sub.dat, family = family)
                                     r2    <- fmsb::NagelkerkeR2(unwgt)
                                  res.bl <- data.frame ( group=paste(sub.dat[1,group], collapse=group.delimiter), depVar =dependent,modus = modus, parameter = c(rep(c("Ncases",names(na.omit(glm.ii[["coefficients"]]))),2),"R2","deviance", "null.deviance", "AIC", "df.residual", "df.null"),
                                            coefficient = c(rep(c("est","se"),each=1+length(names(na.omit(glm.ii[["coefficients"]])))),rep("est", 6)), value=c(r2[["N"]],na.omit(glm.ii[["coefficients"]]),NA,summaryGlm$coef[,2],r2[["R2"]],test$deviance, test$null.deviance, test$aic, test$df.residual, test$df.null),sub.dat[1,group, drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
                            attr(glm.ii, "r2") <- r2                            ### r2 ranhaengen, damit es bei reconstructResultsStructureGlm nicht neu berechnet werden muss
                            if(doJK || isTRUE(useWec) ) {                       ### jetzt kommt die Behandlung, wenn zusaetzlich zu JK noch singularitaet auftritt. das ueberschreibt nun die bisherige "res.bl"
                                if(length(which(is.na(glm.ii[["coefficients"]]))) > 0 ) {
                                   message("Singularity problem in regression estimation for ", length(singular)," coefficient(s): ",paste(singular, collapse = ", "),". Try workaround ... ")
                                if(isTRUE(forceSingularityTreatment) && isFALSE(useWec)) {
                                   message("Compute coefficients in the expectation of singularities ... ")
                                if(length(singular) > 0 || forceSingularityTreatment == TRUE ) {
                                   stopifnot(length(as.character(formula)) == 3 )
                                   if ( isFALSE(useWec) ) {
                                       warning("Unidentified bug with Nagelkerkes r^2 in singularity treatment. No r^2 is computed.")
                                       if ( glmTransformation == "none" )  {resRoh <- withReplicates(design, getOutputIfSingular, allNam=a[allNam],  frml= formula, fam =family)}
                                       if ( glmTransformation == "sdY" )   {resRoh <- withReplicates(design, getOutputIfSingularT1, allNam=a[allNam],  frml= formula, fam =family)}
                                   }  else  {                                   ### untere Zeile: Kontraste fuer jedes replicate separat bestimmen
                                       if ( crossDiffSE.engine == "lavaan") {
                                            if(doJK ) {                         ### mit lavaan und mit replikationsanalyse
                                                design1<- svrepdesign(data = dat.i[,c(independent, dependent)], weights = dat.i[,wgt], type=typeS, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, repweights = repA[match(dat.i[,ID], repA[,ID] ),-1,drop = FALSE], combined.weights = TRUE, rho=rho)
                                                ret    <- withReplicates(design1, funadjustLavaanWec, allNam=a[allNam])
                                                resRoh <- data.frame ( ret, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
                                                rownames(resRoh) <- paste0(independent, rownames(resRoh))
                                            }  else  {                          ### mit lavaan, aber ohne ohne Replikationsanalysen
                                                res    <- groupToTotalMeanComparisonLavaan ( d = dat.i, y.var = dependent, group.var = independent, weight.var=wgt, heterogeneous=hetero, stchgrsz=stochasticGroupSizes, extended.results=FALSE, lavaan.syntax.path=NULL, run=TRUE, lavaan.summary.output=FALSE )
                                                resRoh <- data.frame ( theta = res[,"est"], SE = res[,"se"], stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
                                                rownames(resRoh) <- paste0(independent, res[,"par"])
                                       }  else  {                               ### bisherge lm-methode
                                            contrasts(dat.i[,as.character(formula)[3]]) <- eatTools::contr.wec.weighted(dat.i[,as.character(formula)[3]], omitted=names(table(dat.i[,as.character(formula)[3]]))[1], weights = dat.i[,wgt])
                                            if(doJK ) {
                                                design1<- svrepdesign(data = dat.i[,c(independent, dependent) ], weights = dat.i[,wgt], type=typeS, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, repweights = repA[match(dat.i[,ID], repA[,ID] ),-1,drop = FALSE], combined.weights = TRUE, rho=rho)
    ### fuer Replikationsanalysen werden die Standardfehler nicht gebraucht, sondern ueber jackknife bestimmt. Man braucht nur die Koeffizienten. Das heisst, hierfuer kann die konventionelle lm() Funktion benutzt werden
    ### Achtung: in untere Zeile MUSS data.frame(...) vorgeschrieben werden, weil das Objekt sonst Klasse 'svrepstat' hat und nicht ge-rbinded werden kann
                                                resRoh1<- data.frame ( withReplicates(design1, getOutputIfSingularWec, allNam=a[allNam], frml = formula), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
                                                contrasts(dat.i[,as.character(formula)[3]]) <- eatTools::contr.wec.weighted(dat.i[,as.character(formula)[3]], omitted=names(table(dat.i[,as.character(formula)[3]]))[length(names(table(dat.i[,as.character(formula)[3]])))], weights =  dat.i[,wgt])
                                                design2<- svrepdesign(data = dat.i[,c(independent, dependent) ], weights = dat.i[,wgt], type=typeS, scale = scale, rscales = rscales, mse=mse, repweights = repA[match(dat.i[,ID], repA[,ID] ),-1,drop = FALSE], combined.weights = TRUE, rho=rho)
                                                resRoh2<- data.frame ( withReplicates(design2, getOutputIfSingularWec, allNam=a[allNam], frml = formula), stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
                                                resRoh <- rbind(resRoh1, resRoh2)[which(!duplicated(c(row.names(resRoh1), row.names(resRoh2)))),]
                                            }  else  {                          ### linear models with weighted observations: https://www.r-bloggers.com/2015/09/linear-models-with-weighted-observations/
                                                res1   <- eval(parse(text=createCall ( hetero=hetero, allNam=a[allNam], formula=formula) ), envir=NULL)
                                                contrasts(dat.i[,as.character(formula)[3]]) <- eatTools::contr.wec.weighted(dat.i[,as.character(formula)[3]], omitted=names(table(dat.i[,as.character(formula)[3]]))[length(names(table(dat.i[,as.character(formula)[3]])))], weights =  dat.i[,wgt])
                                                res2   <- eval(parse(text=createCall ( hetero=hetero, allNam=a[allNam], formula=formula) ))
                                                rowNams<- c(rownames(summary(res1)[["coefficients"]]), rownames(summary(res2)[["coefficients"]]))
                                                weg    <- which(duplicated(rowNams))
                                                rowNams<- rowNams[-weg]         ### Achtung!! Das Problem ist, dass diese zeilen sowohl fuer lm() als auch fuer estimatr::lm_robust funktionieren muessen!
                                                resRoh <- data.frame ( rbind ( summary(res1)[["coefficients"]], summary(res2)[["coefficients"]]), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)[-weg,1:2]
                                                colnames(resRoh) <- c("theta", "SE")
                                                resRoh <- rbind(resRoh, data.frame ( theta = c(summary(res1)[["r.squared"]], length(res1[["fitted.values"]])), SE = c(NA, NA), stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
                                                rownames(resRoh) <- c(rowNams, "R2", "Nvalid")
                                   }                                            ### rownames(resRoh) <- gsub("N", "Ncases", rownames(resRoh))
                                   index      <- which(nchar(rownames(resRoh)) == 0)
                                   if(length(index)>0) { for ( j in 1:length(index)) { rownames(resRoh)[index[j]] <- paste("dummyPar",j,sep="")}}
                                   res.bl     <- data.frame ( group=paste(sub.dat[1,group], collapse=group.delimiter), depVar =dependent,modus = modus, parameter = rep(rownames(resRoh), 2), coefficient = c(rep("est", nrow(resRoh)), rep("se", nrow(resRoh))),
                                                 value = c(resRoh[,"theta"], resRoh[,"SE"]), sub.dat[1,group, drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
                                   weg        <- intersect ( which(res.bl[,"coefficient"] == "se") , which(res.bl[,"value"] == 0) )
                                   if(length(weg)>0) { res.bl[weg,"value"] <- NA}
                            return(list ( res.bl=res.bl, glm.ii=glm.ii, nam=nam)) })
                 ori.glm <- lapply(sub.ana, FUN = function ( x ) { x[["glm.ii"]]})
                 nams    <- lapply(sub.ana, FUN = function ( x ) { x[["nam"]]})
                 sub.ana <- do.call("rbind", lapply(sub.ana, FUN = function ( x ) { x[["res.bl"]]}))
                 sub.ana[,"comparison"] <- NA
                 return(list(sub.ana=sub.ana, ori.glm=ori.glm, nams=nams)) }
### Hilfsfunktion fuer jackknife.glm (wec mit lavaan)
### stochastische gruppengroessen werden nicht parametrisiert, da die ja immer irgendwie nicht stochastisch sind wenn jackknife gemacht wird
funadjustLavaanWec <- function(w, data, allNam){
       data[,allNam[["wgt"]]] <- w
       res  <- groupToTotalMeanComparisonLavaan ( d = data, y.var = allNam[["dependent"]], group.var = allNam[["independent"]], weight.var=allNam[["wgt"]], heterogeneous=TRUE, stchgrsz=FALSE, extended.results=FALSE, lavaan.syntax.path=NULL, run=TRUE, lavaan.summary.output=FALSE )
       ret  <- res[,"est"]
       names(ret) <- res[,"par"]

superSplitter <- function ( group=NULL, group.splits = length(group), group.differences.by = NULL, group.delimiter = "_" , dependent )  {
             group        <- as.list(group)
             names(group) <- unlist(group)
             if(max(group.splits)> length(group)) {group.splits[which(group.splits>length(group))] <- length(group)}
             group.splits <- unique(group.splits)
             superSplitti <- unlist(lapply(group.splits, FUN = function ( x ) {
                             spl <- combinat::combn(names(group),x)
                             if(inherits(spl, "matrix")) { spl <- as.list(data.frame(spl))} else {spl <- list(spl)}
                             spl <- unlist(lapply(spl, FUN = function ( y ) { paste(as.character(unlist(y)), collapse="________")}))
             superSplitti <- strsplit(superSplitti, "________")
             namen        <- unlist(lapply(superSplitti, FUN = function ( y ) { paste(y, collapse=group.delimiter)}))
             superSplitti <- lapply(superSplitti, FUN = function ( y ) {
                             if(!is.null(group.differences.by)) {if( group.differences.by %in% y ) { attr(y,"group.differences.by") <- group.differences.by}}
             names(superSplitti) <- namen

dG <- function ( jk2.out , analyses = NULL, digits = 3, printDeviance, add ) {
    ### ggf. nach Trendgruppen getrennt
            trend <- lapply(names(jk2.out[["resT"]]), FUN = function (tr) {
                     cat(paste("       Trend group: '", tr, "'.\n",sep=""))
                     splitData <- by ( data = jk2.out[["resT"]][[tr]], INDICES = jk2.out[["resT"]][[tr]][,c("group", "depVar")], FUN = function ( spl ) {return(spl)})
			               if(is.null(analyses)) {analyses <- 1:length(splitData)}
                     for ( i in analyses) {
                           spl    <- splitData[[i]]
                           weg1   <- which ( spl[,"parameter"] %in% c("Ncases","Nvalid","R2", "deviance", "df.null", "df.residual", "null.deviance", "AIC"))
                           weg2   <- grep("wholePopDiff",spl[,"parameter"])
                           weg3   <- grep("^p$", spl[,"coefficient"])
                           ret    <- reshape2::dcast(spl[-unique(c(weg1, weg2, weg3)),], parameter~coefficient)
                           ret[,"t.value"] <- ret[,"est"] / ret[,"se"]
                           df     <- spl[ spl[,"parameter"] == "Nvalid" & spl[,"coefficient"] == "est"  ,"value"] - nrow(ret)
                           ret[,"p.value"] <- 2*(1-pt( q = abs(ret[,"t.value"]), df = df ))
                           ret[,"sig"]     <- eatTools::num.to.cat(x = ret[,"p.value"], cut.points = c(0.001, 0.01, 0.05, 0.1), cat.values = c("***", "**", "*", ".", ""))
                           retNR  <- ret
                           ret    <- eatTools::roundDF(ret, digits=digits)
                           groupNamen <- setdiff(colnames(spl), c("group","depVar","modus", "parameter", "coefficient","value", "comparison"))
                           if ( length(groupNamen)>0) {
                                cat ( paste( "            groups: ", paste( groupNamen, unlist(lapply(spl[1,groupNamen], as.character)), sep=" = ", collapse = "; "),"\n",sep=""))
                           if ( length(add) >0 ) {
                                for ( jj in names(add)) {
                                     lz  <- 18 - nchar(jj)                      ### Anzahl leerzeichen
                                     if ( lz < 0 ) {lz <- 0}
                                     cat(paste( paste(rep(" ", times = lz),collapse=""), jj, ": ", add[[jj]], "\n", sep=""))
                           cat ( paste( "dependent Variable: ", as.character(spl[1,"depVar"]), "\n \n", sep=""))
                           r2     <- spl[ spl[,"parameter"] == "R2" ,"value"]
                           cat(paste("\n            R-squared: ",round(r2[1],digits = digits),"; SE(R-squared): ",round(r2[2],digits = digits),"\n",sep=""))
                           if ( isTRUE(printDeviance) ) {
                                for ( prms in c("deviance", "null.deviance", "df.null", "df.residual", "AIC")) {
                                      if ( prms %in% spl[,"parameter"] ) {
                                           cat(paste  ( paste(rep(" ", times = 21 - nchar(prms)),collapse=""),prms,": ", round ( spl[intersect(which(spl[,"parameter"] == prms), which(spl[,"coefficient"] == "est")),"value"],digits = digits), "\n", sep=""))
                           nn     <- spl[ spl[,"parameter"] == "Nvalid" & spl[,"coefficient"] =="est" ,"value"]
                           cat(paste( round(nn, digits = 2), " observations and ",round(df,digits = 2), " degrees of freedom.",sep="")); cat("\n")
                           if(i != max(analyses)) { cat(paste0(paste(rep("-",times=66),collapse=""),"\n")) }
                     if ( tr != names(jk2.out[["resT"]])[length(names(jk2.out[["resT"]]))] ) {
                     }) }

getOutputIfSingularWec <- function ( w, data, allNam, frml) {
                       data[,allNam[["wgt"]]] <- w
                       do  <- paste0("lm(formula = ",capture.output(frml)[1],", weights=",allNam[["wgt"]],", data=data)")
                       res <- eval(parse(text=do))
                       coefs <- c(res[["coefficients"]], R2 = summary(res)[["r.squared"]], Nvalid = length(res$fitted.values))

### Hilfsfunktion fuer repGlm() wenn Regression singulaere Terme enthaelt
### Achtung: negelkerke wird irgendwie falsch berechnet, keine Ahnung woran es liegt, wird ausgeschlossen
getOutputIfSingular <- function ( w, data, allNam, frml, fam ) {
                       data[,allNam[["wgt"]]] <- w
                       do  <- paste0("glm(formula = ",capture.output(frml),", weights=",allNam[["wgt"]],", data=data, family = fam)")
                       res <- eval(parse(text=do))
                       coefs <- na.omit(coef(res))
                       rnagel<- unlist(fmsb::NagelkerkeR2(res))
                       names(rnagel) <- c("Nvalid", "R2nagel")
                       rnagel<- rnagel[1]
                       coefs <- c(coefs, R2 = var(res$fitted.values)/var(res$y), rnagel)
### wie oben, nur werden hier lineare Transformationen der Regressionskoeffizienten erlaubt
### unstandardisierte Koeffizienten werden genutzt, um den logit vorherzusagen
### jede person hat auf dieser logitvariablen einen wert
### standardabweichung der vorhergesagten logits + (pi^2) / 3 wird genutzt, um varianz der latenten variable zu bestimmen
### unstandardisierten logits werden durch varianz der lat. variablen geteilt, um standardisierte zu erhalten
### Achtung: negelkerke wird irgendwie falsch berechnet, keine Ahnung woran es liegt, wird ausgeschlossen
getOutputIfSingularT1<- function ( w, data, allNam, frml, fam ) {
                       data[,allNam[["wgt"]]] <- w
                       do  <- paste0("glm(formula = ",capture.output(frml),", weights=",allNam[["wgt"]],", data=data, family = fam)")
                       res <- eval(parse(text=do))
                       coefs <- na.omit(coef(res))
                       pred  <- sd ( res[["linear.predictors"]] ) +  (pi^2)/3
                       coefs <- coefs/pred
                       rnagel<- unlist(fmsb::NagelkerkeR2(res))
                       names(rnagel) <- c("Nvalid", "R2nagel")
                       rnagel<- rnagel[1]
                       coefs <- c(coefs, R2 = var(res$fitted.values)/var(res$y), rnagel)

clearTab <- function ( repTable.output, allNam , depVarOri, fc, toCall, datL) {
            if ( fc == "repTable" && toCall == "mean" ) {
                 stopifnot ( all(repTable.output[,"parameter"] %in% c("meanGroupDiff", "wholePopDiff") == FALSE))
                 jk2 <- repTable.output[which(repTable.output[,"parameter"] == "mean"),]
                 stopifnot(length(unique(jk2[,"depVar"]))==1)                   ### jetzt die Ncases dazu
                 Nc  <- repTable.output[intersect(which(repTable.output[,"parameter"] %in% c("Ncases", "NcasesValid")),  which(repTable.output[,"coefficient"] == "est")),]
                 if(!is.null(depVarOri)) {                                      ### obere Zeile subset(...) geht nicht in Paketen, siehe Mail Benjamin, 14.11.2022, 14.28 Uhr
                     prm <- datL[which(datL[,as.character(jk2[1,"depVar"])]==1),depVarOri]
                     jk2[,"depVar"]   <- depVarOri
                     Nc[,"depVar"]    <- depVarOri
                 }  else  {
                     prm <- "1"
                 jk2[,"parameter"] <- unique(prm)
                 jk2 <- rbind(jk2, Nc)
            }  else  {
            } }

### definiert die Funktion (mean, table, glm ... ) und die Methode (JK2, BRR, oder konventionell) fuer Funktion 'eatRep'
chooseFunction <- function (datI, a, pb) {
        pb$tick(); flush.console()
        glms  <- grps <- nams <- NULL                                           ### glms initialisieren, wird ueberschrieben, wenn toCall = 'glm'
        if( a%$$%toCall != "glm" ) {
            fun   <- gsub("\\.\\.", ".", paste(car::recode(a%$$%doJK, "1='jackknife'; 0='conv'"), ifelse(is.null(a%$$%adjust), "", "adjust"), a%$$%toCall, sep="."))
            ana.i <- eval(parse(text=paste0(fun, "(dat.i = datI, a=a)")))
        }  else  {                                                              ### initiate checks specifically for regression models
            doChek<- checkRegression ( dat = datI, allNam=a[a%$$%allNam], useWec=a%$$%useWec)
            ana.i <- jackknife.glm ( dat.i = datI , a=a)
            glms  <- ana.i[["ori.glm"]]
            grps  <- ana.i[["nams"]]
            nams  <- lapply(grps, FUN = function ( x ) { paste(as.character(unlist(x)), collapse=a%$$%group.delimiter)})
            ana.i <- ana.i[["sub.ana"]]
        ana.i <- data.frame ( ana.i, datI[1,c(a%$$%nest, a%$$%imp),drop=FALSE], stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)
        return(list(ana.i=ana.i, glms=glms, nams=nams, grps=grps))}

findEstSeNames <- function (out) {
         if ( "est" %in% colnames(out) ) {
             est <- "est"
        } else {
             stopifnot ( "estimate" %in% colnames(out))
             est <- "estimate"
        if ( "se" %in% colnames(out) ) {
             se <- "se"
        } else {
             stopifnot ( "std.error" %in% colnames(out))
             se <- "std.error"
        return(c(est, se))}

reconstructResultsStructureGlm <- function ( group, neu, grps, group.delimiter, pooled, allNam, modus, formula) {
        r2  <- lapply(neu[[group]], FUN = function ( x ) {attr(x, "r2")[["R2"]]})
        Nval<- lapply(neu[[group]], FUN = function ( x ) {length(x$fitted.values)})
        mat <- which ( unlist(lapply(grps[[1]], FUN = function ( x ) { paste(as.character(unlist(x)), collapse = group.delimiter)})) == group)
    ### achtung: manchmal heissen die Spalten im glm-Output 'est', manchmal 'estimate' ... bzw. manchmal 'se', manchmal 'std.error'
        out <- summary(pooled[[group]])
        nams<- findEstSeNames(out)
    ### in alten Versionen von mice/miceadds waren die Parameter die row.names des 'out'-Objekts
    ### inzwischen sind sie in separaten spalten ... rausfinden, in welcher Weise die Parameter enthalten sind
    ### zur sicherheit wird versucht, die Parameternamen aus dem formula-Objekt zu extrahieren
        prms<- all.vars(formula)[-1]
        col <- which(unlist(lapply(out, FUN = function ( co ) { length(unlist(lapply(prms, FUN = function ( l ) { grep(l, co)})))}))>0)
        stopifnot(length(col) <= 1)
        if ( length(col) == 1) { prm <- as.character(out[,col])}
        if ( length(col) == 0) { prm <- rownames(out)}
        ret <- data.frame ( group=group, depVar =allNam[["dependent"]],modus = modus, comparison = NA, parameter = c(rep(c("Ncases","Nvalid",prm),2),"R2"),
               coefficient = c(rep(c("est","se"),each=2+length(prm)),"est") , value= c(NA, min(unlist(Nval)),out[,nams[1]], NA, NA, out[,nams[2]], pool.R2(unlist(r2), unlist(Nval), verbose = FALSE )[["m.pooled"]]), grps[[1]][[mat]], stringsAsFactors = FALSE, row.names = NULL)

### MH wollte in grauer Vorzeit, dass unten stehendes keinen Fehler ergibt; da das aber spaeter schiefgeht, muss es hier eine Fehlermeldung geben
### 06.12.2019, SW: habe jetzt wieder Fehlermeldungen draus gemacht
### 27.08.2024, SW. Funktion hat keine Rueckgabe (mehr), checkt nur
checkData <- function ( sub.dat, a) {
        for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
        if(!is.null(PSU)) {
            nJkZones <- length(table(as.character(sub.dat[,PSU])))
            if(nJkZones<2)  {
               warning("Found group(s) with less than 2 PSUs. Please check your data!")
        }                                                                       ### untere Zeile: prueft; es darf GAR KEINE Missings geben
        if( (toCall == "table" & isFALSE(separate.missing.indicator)) | (toCall %in% c("mean", "quantile", "glm") & isFALSE(na.rm) ) )  {
            nObserved <- length(which(is.na(sub.dat[, dependent])))
            if(nObserved>0) {                                                   
               if ( toCall %in% c("mean", "quantile", "glm") ) {
                    stop(paste0("Found unexpected missing data in dependent variable '",dependent,"' for at least one group. Please check your data or set 'na.rm==TRUE'.\n"))
               }  else  {
                    warning(paste0("Found unexpected missing data in dependent variable '",dependent,"' for at least one group although 'separate.missing.indicator' was set to 'FALSE'."))
        nMissing <- length(which(is.na(sub.dat[, dependent])))                  ### es darf NICHT ALLES missing sein
        if(nMissing == nrow(sub.dat))  { stop(paste0("(At least) some groups without any observed data in dependent variable '",dependent,"'. Please check your data!\n"))}}

checkNests <- function (x, allNam, toAppl, gr) {
        if(length(x[,allNam[["ID"]]]) != length(unique(x[,allNam[["ID"]]])))  {stop("ID variable '",allNam[["ID"]],"' is not unique within nests and imputations.")}
        if( length(toAppl[[gr]])>0) { ret <- lapply( toAppl[[gr]], FUN = function ( y ) {table(x[,y])}) } else {ret <- 1}
        return(list(ret=ret)) }

doSurveyAnalyses <- function (datL1, a) {
        nrep<- table(datL1[, c(a%$$%nest, a%$$%imp)])
        nrep<- prod(dim(nrep))
    ### progress bar fuer analysen anzeigen
        cri1<- nrep > 4 & length(unique(datL1[,a%$$%ID]))>2000 & a%$$%doJK
        cri2<- FALSE
        if ( isFALSE(a%$$%doJK)) {
             cri2<- nrep > 9 & length(unique(datL1[,a%$$%ID]))>5000
        if ( a%$$%progress && (isTRUE(cri1) | isTRUE(cri2)) ) {
             pb  <- progress::progress_bar$new( format = paste0(a%$$%str1, " [:bar] :percent in :elapsed"), incomplete = " ", total = nrep, clear = FALSE, width= 75, show_after = 0.01)
        }  else  {
             pb <- list()
             pb$tick <- function (){return(NULL)}
        ana <- do.call("rbind", by(data = datL1, INDICES = datL1[,a%$$%nest], FUN = function ( datN ) {
    ### optional: multicore handling, um die einzelnen Imputationen parallel zu verarbeiten
               if ( !is.null(a%$$%nCores) && a%$$%nCores > 1 && !is.null(a%$$%imp) && length(unique(datN[,a%$$%imp])) > 1) {
                    if ( length(unique(datN[,a%$$%imp])) < a%$$%nCores) {a$nCores <- length(unique(datN[,a%$$%imp]))}
               }  else {
                    a["nCores"] <- list(NULL)
               }                                                                ### Aufruf wird nicht mehr mit allen Argumenten hintereinander copy/paste eingefuegt
               if (is.null(a%$$%nCores)) {                                      ### hier beginnt der single core Fall
                    anaI <- by(data = datN, INDICES = datN[,a%$$%imp], FUN = chooseFunction, a=a, pb=pb)
               }  else  {                                                       ### jetzt multicore
                    doIt <- function (laufnummer,  a, pb ) {
                            if(!exists("repMean"))  { library(eatRep) }
                            dat <- datN[which(datN[,a%$$%imp] == laufnummer),]
                            ret <- chooseFunction ( datI = dat, a=a, pb=pb)
                    beg  <- Sys.time()
                    cl   <- makeCluster(a%$$%nCores, type = "SOCK")
                    anaI <- clusterApply(cl = cl, x = 1:length(unique(datN[,a%$$%imp])), fun = doIt, a=a, pb=pb)
                    tme  <- eatTools::removePattern(capture.output(print(Sys.time() - beg, digits=3)), pattern="Time difference of ")
                    message(paste0("Multicore processing of '",a%$$%modus,"', using ",length(unique(datN[,a%$$%imp]))," imputations and ",a%$$%nCores," cores: ",tme))
               glms <- lapply(anaI, FUN = function ( x ) { x[["glms"]]})
               nams <- lapply(anaI, FUN = function ( x ) { x[["nams"]]})
               grps <- lapply(anaI, FUN = function ( x ) { x[["grps"]]})
    ### hier werden jetzt, sofern nicht genestet imputiert wurde, Regressionskoeffizienten nach Methode "mice" gepoolt
    ### die Listenstruktur des Objekts muss umgedreht werden
               if ( a%$$%toCall == "glm" && a%$$%poolMethod == "mice" && length(glms) > 1) {
                    aussen <- unlist(nams[[1]])
                    innen  <- names(nams)
                    for ( j in 1:length(glms)) { names(glms[[j]]) <- aussen }
                    neu    <- lapply(aussen, FUN = function ( a ) {lapply(innen, FUN = function ( i ) { glms[[i]][[a]]})})
                    pooled <- lapply(neu, FUN = function ( x ) { mice::pool(mice::as.mira(x)) } )
                    names(pooled) <- names(neu) <- aussen
    ### jetzt muss hier die ergebnisstruktur rekonstruiert werden und 'anaI' genannt werden
                    anaI   <- do.call("rbind", lapply(aussen, FUN = reconstructResultsStructureGlm, neu=neu, grps=grps, group.delimiter=a%$$%group.delimiter, pooled=pooled, allNam=a[a%$$%allNam], modus=a%$$%modus, formula=a%$$%formula))
               }  else  {                                                       ### bei methode 'scalar' wird erst spaeter gepoolt
                    anaI <- do.call("rbind", lapply(anaI, FUN = function ( x ) { x[["ana.i"]]}))
        if ( length(unique(ana[,"modus"])) >1 ) {
             warning("Heterogeneous mode: '", paste(unique(ana[,"modus"]), collapse="', '"),"'")
        mod <- unique(ana[,"modus"])
    ### es wird nur gepoolt, wenn es mehr als eine Imputation gibt!
        if ( a%$$%poolMethod == "mice" && a%$$%toCall == "glm")  {
             retList <- ana
        }  else  {
             if( length(table(ana[,a%$$%imp])) > 1 ) {
                 retList <- jk2.pool ( datLong = ana, allNam=a[a%$$%allNam], forceSingularityTreatment = a%$$%forceSingularityTreatment, modus=mod)
             }  else  {
                 retList <- ana[,-match(c(a%$$%nest, a%$$%imp), colnames(ana))]
    ### p-Werte ergaenzen ... geschieht erst nach dem poolen der Standardfehler
        retList <- addSig (dat = retList, allNam = a[a%$$%allNam])

checkEngine <- function ( a) {
          if (a%$$%engine == "BIFIEsurvey") {
              if (!is.null(a%$$%nest) ) {
                  message("Engine 'BIFIEsurvey' currently does not work for nested imputation. Set 'engine' to 'survey'.")
                  a$engine <- "survey"
              if ( length(unlist(lapply(c("glm", "quantile"), FUN = function ( y ) {unlist(lapply(c(a%$$%modus, a%$$%toCall), FUN = function (w) { grep(y, w)}))}))) > 0 ) {
                  message("Engine 'BIFIEsurvey' currently does not work for regression models and quantiles. Set 'engine' to 'survey'.")
                  a$engine <- "survey"
              if ( !a%$$%type %in% c("JK2", "JK1", "NONE") ) {
                  message("Engine 'BIFIEsurvey' currently only works for jackknife 1 and jackknife 2. Set 'engine' to 'survey' due to type = '",a%$$%type,"'.")
                  a$engine <- "survey"
              if ( !is.null(a%$$%adjust)) {
                   message("Engine 'BIFIEsurvey' currently does not work for adjusted means. Set 'engine' to 'survey'.")
                   a$engine <- "survey"
              }                                                                 ### bifie survey verbieten, wenn frequency table mit chi.square = TRUE und group.differences = TRUE
              if ( a%$$%toCall == "table" && !is.null(a%$$%group.differences.by) ) {
                   message("Engine 'BIFIEsurvey' currently does not work for chi.square tests of group differences of frequency tables. Set 'engine' to 'survey'.")
                   a$engine <- "survey"

### Hilfsfunktion fuer eatRep()
checkWecForUV <- function(dat, allNam) {
          if(!is.null(attr(dat, "wrapperForWec"))) {
             auchUV <- allNam[["independent"]]
          }  else  {
             auchUV <- NULL

checkJK.arguments <- function(a) {
          if ( a%$$%type %in% c("JK1", "JK2")) {
               if ( is.null(a%$$%repWgt)) {
                   if (is.null(a%$$%PSU) ) {
                       stop("For type = '",a%$$%type,"', 'PSU' must be defined if no replicate weights are specified (i.e., if 'repWgt' is NULL).")
                   if (a%$$%type == "JK2" && is.null(a%$$%repInd) ) {
                       stop("For type = '",a%$$%type,"', 'repInd' must be defined if no replicate weights are specified (i.e., if 'repWgt' is NULL).")

checkGroupVars <- function ( datL, allNam, auchUV) {
    ### Personen mit Gewicht = 0 ausschliessen, damit sie nicht bei Ncases mitgezaehlt werden
    ### Aber Achtung: Gewicht = NA nicht mit ausschliessen, denn das ist kritisch und soll spaeter ggf. fehlermeldung werfen
          if(!is.null(allNam[["wgt"]])) {
             w0 <- which(datL[,allNam[["wgt"]]] == 0)
             if(length(w0) >0){
                nID  <- unique(datL[w0,allNam[["ID"]]])
                message("Remove ",length(nID), " students with zero weights to avoid counting them when determining sample size.")
                datL <- datL[-w0,]
          if(!is.null(allNam[["group"]]) || !is.null(auchUV) ) {
             chk <- lapply(allNam[["group"]], FUN = function ( v ) { if ( !inherits(datL[,v],  c("factor", "character", "logical", "integer"))) {stop(paste0("Grouping variable '",v,"' must be of class 'factor', 'character', 'logical', or 'integer'.\n"))} })
             for ( gg in c(allNam[["group"]], auchUV) ) {                       ### levels der Gruppen duerfen keine "." oder "_" enthalten, falls cross differences berechnet werden sollen
    ### personen muessen in gruppierungsvariable genestet sein, aber fuer jede Imputation und jedes Nest separat! (es sei denn, es gibt keine Imputationen oder die Gruppenvariable ist nicht imputiert)
                   if ( length(which(is.na(datL[,gg])))>0) { stop("Grouping variable '",gg,"' contains ",length(which(is.na(datL[,gg])))," missing values.")}
                   isImp<- TRUE                                                 ### initialisieren: wir gehen davon aus, dass die Variable imputiert ist
                   if ( is.null(allNam[["nest"]]) && is.null(allNam[["imp"]]) ) {
                        isImp <- FALSE                                          ### rauskriegen, ob fuer jede Imputation
                   }  else  {                                                   ### die genestetheit ueberprueft werden muss oder ob das fuer alle
                        imps  <- c(allNam[["nest"]], allNam[["imp"]])           ### zusammen geht
                        if ( length(imps) == 1) {
                             datL[,"g"] <- datL[,imps]
                        }  else  {
                             txt   <- paste0("datL |> tidyr::unite(\"g\", c(", paste(match(c(allNam[["nest"]],allNam[["imp"]]), colnames(datL)),collapse=", "),"), remove=FALSE)")
                             datL  <- eval(parse(text=txt))
                        isUniq<- eatGADS::checkUniqueness2(datL, varName=gg, idVar=allNam[["ID"]], impVar="g")
                        if(is.na(isUniq)) {
                            warning("'eatGADS::checkUniqueness2' returns NA. TRUE/FALSE is expected.")
                            isImp <- TRUE
                        }  else  {
                            if(isUniq) { isImp <- FALSE}
    ### wenn die Gruppierungsvariable nicht imputiert ist, genuegt es, den check nur fuer die erste Imputation auszufuehren
                   if ( isFALSE(isImp) ) {
                        if ( "g" %in% colnames(datL) ) {
                            d <- datL[which(datL[,"g"] == unique(datL[,"g"])[1]),]
                        }  else  {
                            d <- datL
                        chk2 <- lme4::isNested(d[,allNam[["ID"]]], d[,gg])
                   }  else  {
                        chk2 <- all(by(data = datL, INDICES = datL[,c(allNam[["nest"]], allNam[["imp"]])], FUN = function ( i ) { lme4::isNested(i[,allNam[["ID"]]], i[,gg])}))
                   if (isFALSE(chk2)) { warning("Grouping variable '",gg,"' is not nested within persons (variable '",allNam[["ID"]],"').") }
    ### Umlaute-Bug aus dem LV 2012: workaround
                   if ( inherits(datL[,gg], "character")) {
                       if(inherits(try(foo <- gsub("[[:punct:]]", "", datL[,gg])  ),"try-error"))  {
                           datL[,gg] <- iconv(datL[,gg], "latin1", "UTF-8")
                   }                                                            ### ende workaround
                   if ( inherits(datL[,gg], c("factor", "character")) && any(grepl("\\.|_|^ | $", datL[,gg])) > 0) {
                       message( "Levels of grouping variable '",gg, "' contain '.' and/or '_' and/or leading/trailing space characters which is not allowed. '.' and '_' and leading/trailing space characters will be deleted.")
                       if ( inherits ( datL[,gg], "factor")) {
                           levNew <- eatTools::crop(gsub("\\.|_", "", levels(datL[,gg])))
                           datL[,gg] <- factor(eatTools::crop(gsub("\\.|_", "", datL[,gg])), levels = levNew)
                       }  else  {
                           datL[,gg] <- eatTools::crop(gsub("\\.|_", "", datL[,gg]))
          if(!is.null(allNam[["group"]]) | !is.null(allNam[["independent"]]) ) {
             for ( gg in c(allNam[["group"]], allNam[["independent"]]) ) {
                 if (inherits ( datL[,gg], "factor")) {                         ### ausserdem duerfen fuer Gruppierungs- und unabhaengig Variablen keine factor levels ohne Beobachtungen drinsein
                     if ( any(table(datL[,gg]) == 0)) {
                          lev <- names(which(table(datL[,gg]) !=0))
                          nlv <- names(which(table(datL[,gg]) ==0))
                          message( "Delete level(s) '", paste(nlv, collapse="', '"), "' of grouping or independent variable '",gg,"' without any observations.")
                          datL[,gg] <- factor(as.character(datL[,gg]), levels =lev)
          if ( "g" %in% colnames(datL)) {datL <- datL[,-match("g", colnames(datL))]}

checkForAdjustmentAndLmer <- function(datL, a, groupWasNULL) {
    ### adjustierungsvariablen und lmer-Praediktoren fuer multilevel analysen in bifie survey duerfen nur numerisch oder dichotom sein und sollten keine missings enthalten
          if(!is.null(a%$$%adjust) || !is.null(a%$$%formula.random) || !is.null(a%$$%formula.fixed) ) {
             vars<- rbind(data.frame (type = rep("adjust", length(a%$$%adjust)),vars = a%$$%adjust , stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                          data.frame (type = rep("fixed", length(all.vars(a%$$%formula.fixed))),vars = all.vars(a%$$%formula.fixed) , stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
                          data.frame (type = rep("random", length(all.vars(a%$$%formula.random))),vars = all.vars(a%$$%formula.random) , stringsAsFactors = FALSE))
             for (v in unique(vars[,2])) {
                if ( inherits(datL[,v], c("logical")) ) {
                     message(paste0("Logical variable '",v,"' will be transformed into numeric."))
                     datL[,v] <- as.numeric(datL[,v])
                if ( !inherits(datL[,v], c("numeric", "integer", "character", "factor"))) {stop(paste0("Adjusting variable '",v,"' must be of class 'numeric', 'integer', 'character', or 'factor'.\n")) }
                if ( length(which(is.na(datL[,v]))) >0 ) {stop(paste0("Adjusting variable '",v,"' has missing values."))}
             vars[,"isFac"] <- sapply(vars[,2], FUN = function ( v ) {inherits(datL[,v], c("factor", "character"))})
             if (length(which(vars[,"isFac"]==TRUE))>0) {
                 for ( g in which(vars[,"isFac"]==TRUE)) {
                       if (vars[g,"type"] == "adjust") {                        ### untere Zeile: Levels der Adjustierungsvariablen duerfen keine Leerzeichen, Doppelpunkte, Klammer auf oder Klammer zu haben, da model.matrix die als colnames verwendet und dort sind sie in data.frames nicht erlaubt
                            datL[,vars[g,"vars"]] <- gsub("\\(|\\)|:| |-|,", ".", as.character(datL[,vars[g,"vars"]]))
                            newFr <- model.matrix( as.formula (paste("~",vars[g,"vars"],sep="")), data = datL)[,-1,drop=FALSE]
                            message(paste("    Adjusting variable '",vars[g,"vars"],"' of class '",class(datL[,vars[g,"vars"]]),"' was converted to ",ncol(newFr)," indicator(s) with name(s) '",paste(colnames(newFr), collapse= "', '"), "'.",sep=""))
                            datL  <- data.frame(datL, newFr, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
                            a$adjust <- c(setdiff(a%$$%adjust,vars[g,"vars"]), colnames(newFr))
                       if (vars[g,"type"] == "fixed") {
                            if ( !vars[g,"vars"] %in% extractFactorVarsFromFormula(a%$$%formula.fixed) && vars[g,"vars"] %in% all.vars(a%$$%formula.fixed) ) {
                                 stop(paste0("Variable '",vars[g,"vars"],"' of class '",class(datL[,vars[g,"vars"]]), "' should be specified with 'as.factor(",vars[g,"vars"],")' in the formula.fixed argument.\n  If '",vars[g,"vars"],"' should be modeled as numeric, please change variable class of '",vars[g,"vars"],"' in the data into numeric."))
                       if (vars[g,"type"] == "random") {
                            if ( !vars[g,"vars"] %in% extractFactorVarsFromFormula(a%$$%formula.random) && vars[g,"vars"] %in% all.vars(a%$$%formula.random) ) {
                                 warning(paste0("Variable '",vars[g,"vars"],"' of class '",class(datL[,vars[g,"vars"]]), "' should be specified with 'as.factor(",vars[g,"vars"],")' in the formula.random argument.\n  If '",vars[g,"vars"],"' should be modeled as numeric, please change variable class of '",vars[g,"vars"],"' in the data into numeric."))
    ### wenn es adjustierungsvariablen gibt, darf groups nicht NULL gewesen sein, also nicht "wholeGroup" sein ... es darf aber (zumindest zunaechst einmal) nur eine Gruppierungsvariable geben
             if ( groupWasNULL && !is.null(a%$$%adjust)) {stop("When adjusted variables are defined, argument 'groups' must not be NULL.")}
             if ( length(a%$$%group)>1  && !is.null(a%$$%adjust) ) {stop("When adjusted variables are defined, to date, only one grouping variable is allowed.")}
    ### wenn es adjustierungsvariablen gibt, koennen cross-level differences vorerst nur mit methode 'old' bestimmt werden
    ### dieser check findet in der Funktion repMean statt ... aber: wenn es adjustierungsvariablen gibt, kann nicht BIFIEsurvey benutzt werden
          a[["datL"]] <- datL
checkNameConvention <- function( allNam) {
          na    <- c("N_weightedValid", "N_weighted",  "wgtOne", "wgtOne2","le", "variable", "est", "se")
          naGr  <- c("wholePop", "group", "depVar", "modus", "parameter", "coefficient", "value", "linkErr", "comparison", "sum", "trendvariable", "g", "le", "splitVar", "rowNr", "variable", "Freq", "id", "unit_1", "unit_2", "comb.group", "row", "coef", "label1", "label2", "hierarchy.level")
          naInd <- c("(Intercept)", "Ncases", "Nvalid", "R2",  "R2nagel", "linkErr", "variable")
          naGr1 <- which ( allNam[["group"]] %in% naGr )                        ### hier kuenftig besser: "verbotene" Variablennamen sollen automatisch umbenannt werden!
          if(length(naGr1)>0)  {stop(paste0("Following name(s) of grouping variables in data set are forbidden due to danger of confusion with result structure:\n     '", paste(allNam[["group"]][naGr1], collapse="', '"), "'\n  Please rename these variable(s) in the data set.\n"))}
          naInd1<- which ( allNam[["independent"]] %in% naInd )
          if(length(naInd1)>0)  {stop(paste0("Following name(s) of independent variables in data set are forbidden due to danger of confusion with result structure:\n     '", paste(allNam[["independent"]][naInd1], collapse="', '"), "'\n  Please rename these variable(s) in the data set.\n"))}
          na2   <- which ( unlist(allNam) %in% na )
          if(length(na2)>0)  {stop(paste0("Following variable name(s) in data set are forbidden due to danger of confusion with result structure:\n     '", paste(unlist(allNam)[na2], collapse="', '"), "'\n  Please rename these variable(s) in the data set.\n"))} }

setCrossDifferences <- function (a) {
          if ( !is.list(a%$$%cross.differences)) {
               if ( !is.logical (a%$$%cross.differences)) {
                    message("Argument 'cross.differences' must be either logical or a list. Set 'cross.differences' to FALSE.")
                    a$cross.differences <- FALSE
               if ( isTRUE(a%$$%cross.differences)) {
                    if ( "wholeGroup" %in% (a%$$%group) ) {
                          message("No groups defined. Set 'cross.differences' to FALSE.")
                          a$cross.differences <- FALSE
                    }  else  {
                          if ( length(a%$$%group.splits)==1) {
                                message("Argument 'group.splits' was set to 1. No cross-level differences can be computed. Set 'cross.differences' to FALSE.")
                                a$cross.differences <- FALSE
                          }  else  {
                                a$cross.differences <- combinat::combn(x=a%$$%group.splits,m=2, simplify = FALSE)
          }  else  {                                                            ### checks muessen nur gemacht werden, wenn die Liste nicht automatisch erzeugt wurde
               if(!all(unlist(lapply(a%$$%cross.differences, length)) == 2)) {stop("Each element in 'cross.differences' must be a vector of length 2.\n")}
               if(!all(unlist(lapply(a%$$%cross.differences, inherits, what = c("integer","numeric"))))) {stop("Each element in 'cross.differences' must be a numerical vector.\n")}
               if(!all(unlist(lapply(a%$$%cross.differences, FUN = function ( x ) { length(unique(x))})) ==2 ) ) {stop("Each element in 'cross.differences' must be a vector of 2 different numbers.\n")}
               vals <- unique(unlist(a%$$%cross.differences))
               if(!all(vals %in% (a%$$%group.splits))) {stop("All numerical values in 'cross.differences' must be included in 'group.splits'.\n")}
               a$cross.differences <- lapply( a%$$%cross.differences, sort )
               if ( length(a%$$%cross.differences) != length(unique(a%$$%cross.differences)) ) {
                    message("Some comparisons in 'cross.differences' are identical. Duplicated comparisons will be removed.")
                    a$cross.differences <- unique(a%$$%cross.differences)
          a[["allNam"]] <- c(a[["allNam"]], "cross.differences")

### Achtung: wenn keine Gruppen und/oder Nests und/oder Imputationen spezifiziert sind, erzeuge Variablen mit Werten gleich 1, damit by() funktioniert!
createLoopStructure <- function (a) {
          if( is.null(a%$$%imp) )  { a$datL[,"imp"] <- 1; a$imp <- "imp" } else { stopifnot(length(a%$$%imp) == 1 ); a$datL[,a$imp] <- as.character(a$datL[,a$imp])}
          if( is.null(a%$$%wgt) )  { a$datL[,"wgtOne"] <- 1; a$wgt <- "wgtOne" } else {
              stopifnot(length(a%$$%wgt) == 1 )
              if ( !inherits(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%wgt], c("numeric", "integer")) ) { stop ( paste("Error: 'wgt' variable '",a%$$%wgt,"' of class '",paste(class(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%wgt]),collapse = "', '"),"' has to be numeric.\n",sep="")) }
              isMis <- which(is.na(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%wgt]))
              isZero<- which ( a[["datL"]][,a%$$%wgt] == 0 )
              if(length(isMis)>0) { stop (paste ( "Error: Found ",length(isMis)," missing values in the weight variable '",a%$$%wgt,"'.\n",sep="")) }
              if(length(isZero)>0) { warning( "Found ",length(isZero)," zero weights in the weight variable '",a%$$%wgt,"'.") }
          if( is.null(a%$$%L2wgt) )  { a[["datL"]][,"wgtOne2"] <- 1; a$L2wgt <- "wgtOne2" }
          if(!is.null(a%$$%nest))  {
              stopifnot(length(a%$$%nest) == 1 )
              a[["datL"]][,a%$$%nest] <- as.character(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%nest])
              if(a%$$%verbose){cat(paste("\nAssume nested structure with ", length(table(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%nest]))," nests and ",length(table(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%imp]))," imputations in each nest. This will result in ",length(table(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%nest]))," x ",length(table(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%imp]))," = ",length(table(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%nest]))*length(table(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%imp]))," imputation replicates.\n",sep=""))}
          }  else  { if(a%$$%verbose){cat("\nAssume unnested structure with ",length(table(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%imp]))," imputations.\n",sep="")}}
          if( is.null(a%$$%nest) ) { a$datL[,"nest"]  <- 1; a$nest  <- "nest" }
          if(!is.null(a%$$%group)) {                                            ### untere Zeile: das, damit leere Gruppen nicht ueber by() mit geschleift werden, wie es passiert, wenn Gruppen als Faktoren definiert sind
              for ( jj in a%$$%group )  { a$datL[,jj] <- as.character(a$datL[,jj]) }

### replicates zuweisen bzw. erzeugen
assignReplicates <- function ( a) {
    ### wenn Replicates bereits uebergeben, muss PSU und repInd NULL sein
          if(!is.null(a%$$%repWgt) ) {
              if ( !is.null(a%$$%PSU) | !is.null(a%$$%repInd) ) {
                    warning("Arguments 'PSU' and 'repInd' are expected to be NULL if replicate weights are already defined (via 'repWgt').\n    'PSU' and 'repInd' will be ignored.")
    ### replicates erzeugen (nur einmal fuer alle Analysen, und nur wenn 'repWgt' NULL ist)
          if(!is.null(a%$$%repWgt))  {
              repA <- data.frame ( a[["datL"]][,a%$$%ID, drop=FALSE], a[["datL"]][,a%$$%repWgt ])
              repA <- repA[!duplicated(repA[,a%$$%ID]),]
          }  else  {
              if(!is.null(a%$$%PSU) && a%$$%engine=="survey" )  {
                  repW <- a[["datL"]][!duplicated(a[["datL"]][,a%$$%ID]),]
                  repA <- generate.replicates(dat = repW, a=a)
              }  else  { repA <- NULL}

generate.replicates <- function ( dat, a)   {
          for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
          if(type %in% c("JK2", "BRR")) { stopifnot(length(PSU) == 1 & length(repInd) == 1 ) }
          if(type  == "JK1" ) { if(!is.null(repInd))  {
             cat("'repInd' is ignored for 'type = JK1'.\n")
             a["repInd"] <- list(NULL)
          }  }
          vars        <- unlist(a[allNam][c("ID", "wgt", "PSU", "repInd")])
          dat.i       <- dat[,vars]
          if(type %in% c("JK2", "BRR")) { if( !all( names(table(dat.i[,repInd])) == c(0,1)) ) {stop("Only 0 and 1 are allowed for 'repInd' variable.\n")} }
          zonen       <- names(table(as.character(dat.i[,PSU]) ) )
          if ( verbose) { cat(paste("Create ",length(zonen)," replicate weights according to ",type," procedure.\n",sep=""))}
          if ( progress && nrow(dat)>5000 & length(zonen) > 50 ) {              ### progress bar wird nur angezeigt, wenn es auch nennenswerte Zeit dauert
               pb     <- progress::progress_bar$new( format = "         replicates [:bar] :percent in :elapsed", incomplete = " ", total = length(zonen), clear = FALSE, width= 75, show_after = 0.01)
          missings    <- sapply(dat.i, FUN = function (ii) {length(which(is.na(ii)))})
          if(!all(missings == 0)) {
              mis.vars <- paste(names(missings)[which(missings != 0)], collapse = ", ")
              stop(paste("Found missing value(s) in variable(s) ", mis.vars,".\n",sep=""))
          }                                                                     ### untere Zeile: in JK-2 werden die gewichte nur in der entsprechenden PSU FUER EIN REPLICATE geaendert
          reps <- data.frame ( lapply(zonen , FUN = function(ii) {              ### in BRR werden die Gewichte in allen Zonen FUER EIN REPLICATE geaendert!
                  if ( progress && nrow(dat)>5000 & length(zonen) > 50 ) { pb$tick() }
                  rep.ii <- dat.i[,wgt]                                         ### in JK-1 werden die Gewichte nur in der entsprechenden PSU FUER ALLE REPLICATES geaendert
                  if(type == "JK2")  { rep.ii[dat.i[,PSU] == ii ] <- ifelse(dat.i[ dat.i[,PSU] == ii ,repInd] == 1, 0, 2 * rep.ii[dat.i[,PSU] == ii ] ) }
                  if(type == "BRR")  { rep.ii <- ifelse(dat.i[ ,repInd] == 1, 0, 2 * rep.ii ) }
                  if(type == "JK1")  {
                     rep.ii[ which ( dat.i[,PSU] == ii) ] <- 0
                     rep.ii[ which ( dat.i[,PSU] != ii) ] <- rep.ii[ which ( dat.i[,PSU] != ii) ] *  ( sum(dat.i[,wgt]) / sum (rep.ii))
                  return(rep.ii) }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          colnames(reps) <- paste(wgt, 1:ncol(reps), sep="_")
          ret            <- data.frame(dat.i[,ID,drop=FALSE], reps, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          attr(ret, "n.replicates") <- length(zonen)
          return(ret) }

checkImpNest <- function (toAppl, gr, a) {
          for ( i in names(a)) { assign(i, a[[i]]) }
          if(isTRUE(doCheck)) {                                                 ### wenn check=TRUE, werden fuer jede Analyse des splitters
             if ( length( toAppl[[gr]] ) > 1) {                                 ### eine Reihe von checks durchgefuehrt
                  crsTab <- table(datL[,toAppl[[gr]]])
                  if ( length(which(crsTab < 10 )) > 0 ) {
                       warning("Small number of observations in some combinations of grouping variables:\n   Recommend to remove these group(s).\n", eatTools::print_and_capture(crsTab, 3) )
             impNes<- by(data = datL, INDICES = datL[, c(nest, toAppl[[gr]]) ], FUN = function ( x ) { length(table(as.character(x[,imp])))}, simplify = FALSE)
             laenge<- which(sapply(impNes, length) == 0)
             if ( length(laenge ) > 0 ) {
                  warning(length(laenge), " combination(s) of groups without any observations. Analysis might crash.")
    ### check: gleich viele nests/imputationen je kombination von gruppierungsvariablen?
             chk1  <- nestsImpsPerGroupComb(datL=datL, allNam=a[allNam], toAppl=toAppl, gr=gr)
    ### check: gleichviele PSUs je nest?
             if(!is.null(PSU))  {
                  psuNes<- table ( by(data = datL, INDICES = datL[,nest], FUN = function ( x ) { length(table(as.character(x[,PSU])))}, simplify = FALSE) )
                  if(length(psuNes) != 1 ) {warning("Number of PSUs differ across nests!\n", eatTools::print_and_capture(psuNes, 3))}
    ### check: sind fuer jede Gruppe alle Faktorstufen in allen nests und allen imputationen vorhanden? z.B. nicht in einer Imputation nur Jungen
             impNes<- by(data = datL, INDICES = datL[, c(nest, imp) ], FUN = checkNests, allNam=a[allNam], toAppl=toAppl, gr=gr, simplify = FALSE)
             impNes<- data.frame ( do.call("rbind", lapply(impNes, FUN = function ( x ) { unlist(lapply(x[["ret"]], FUN = length)) })) )
             if ( !all ( sapply(impNes, FUN = function ( x ) { length(table(x)) } ) == 1) ) { warning("Number of units in at least one group differs across imputations!")}
    ### Achtung!! jetzt der check, der in der alten Version ueber 'checkData' gemacht wurde!
             chk2  <- do.call("rbind", by(data = datL, INDICES = datL[,c( group, nest, imp)], FUN = checkData, a=a))

### Hilfsfunktion fuer checkImpNest
nestsImpsPerGroupComb <- function(datL, allNam, toAppl, gr) {
         impNes<- table(datL[, c(allNam[["nest"]], allNam[["imp"]], toAppl[[gr]]) ])
         inDF  <- as.data.frame(impNes)
         if ( length(toAppl[[gr]]) >0) {ind <- inDF[,toAppl[[gr]]]} else {ind <- rep(1, nrow(inDF))}
         grpVar<- by(data=inDF, INDICES = ind, FUN = function (grp) {
                  ch1 <- by(data = grp, INDICES = grp[,allNam[["nest"]]], FUN = function (i) {unique(i[,allNam[["imp"]]])})
                  if(length(ch1)>1) {
                      cmb <- combinat::combn(x=1:length(ch1), m=2, simplify=FALSE)# gleichviele imputationen je nest?
                      ch1 <- all(unlist(lapply(cmb, FUN = function (j) {isTRUE(all.equal(ch1[[j[1]]], ch1[[j[2]]]))})))
                  }  else {
                      ch1 <- TRUE
                  ch2 <- all(grp[,"Freq"]>0)
                  ch3 <- length(unique(grp[,"Freq"])) == 1
                  return(c(ch1, ch2, ch3))})
         if ( any(impNes==0) || any( unlist(grpVar) == FALSE) ) {warning("Number of imputations differ across nests and/or groups!\n", eatTools::print_and_capture(impNes, 3))}}

prepExpecVal <- function (a) {
          if(a%$$%toCall=="table") {
             misInd <- which(is.na(a$datL[,a%$$%dependent]))
             if(isTRUE(a%$$%separate.missing.indicator)) {
                if(length(misInd)>0) { a$datL[misInd,a%$$%dependent] <- "<NA>"}
             }  else {
                if(length(misInd)>0) {
                   warning("No seperate missing categorie was chosen. ", length(misInd), " missings were found anyhow for ",a%$$%dependent,". Missings will be deleted from the data.")
                   if(length(misInd) == nrow(a%$$%datL)) {stop()}
                   a$datL <- a$datL[-misInd,]
             a$expected.values <- sort(unique(c(a%$$%expected.values, names(table(a$datL[,a%$$%dependent])))))

createInfoString <- function ( ai, toCall, gr, toAppl) {
          nr <- ifelse(is.null(ai), 1, match(gr, names(toAppl)))
          st <- paste0(paste(rep(" ", times = 8-nchar(toCall)),collapse=""), toCall, " analysis ",nr)
keepNonNULL <- function(list1, list2){
          comm <- intersect(names(list1), names(list2))
          vgl  <- data.frame ( name = comm, list1 = unlist(lapply(comm, FUN = function (co) {is.null(list1[[co]])})), list2 = unlist(lapply(comm, FUN = function (co) {is.null(list2[[co]])})), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
          weg1 <- intersect(which(vgl[,"list1"]), which(!vgl[,"list2"]))
          if(length(weg1)>0) {list1 <- list1[-eatTools::whereAre(vgl[weg1,"name"], names(list1), verbose=FALSE)]}
          weg2 <- intersect(which(vgl[,"list2"]), which(!vgl[,"list1"]))
          if(length(weg2)>0) {list2 <- list2[-eatTools::whereAre(vgl[weg2,"name"], names(list2), verbose=FALSE)]}
          if(length(intersect(names(list1), names(list2))) > 0 ) {
              ret  <- c(list1[-eatTools::whereAre(names(list2), names(list1), verbose=FALSE)], list2)
          }  else  {
              ret  <- c(list1, list2)
weirichs/eatRep documentation built on Sept. 23, 2024, 1:04 p.m.