cat("* Using the supplied cell calling results(filtered data), `", results$nList[2], "` cells are identified (min.nUMI = `", results$min.nUMI, "`).\n", sep = "")
cat("* Cell calling result(fitered data) cannot be found, so we use the R package [`DropletUtils`](` to identify cell.\n")
cat("* After cell calling, `", results$nList[2], "` cells are identified (min.nUMI = `", results$min.nUMI, "`).\n", sep = "")
plot_grid(results$p.cells.1, results$p.cells.2, ncol = 2)

(Hi-res image: left, right)

wguo-research/scCancer documentation built on May 26, 2024, 9:12 p.m.