
Defines functions plot_cells plot_monocle_features plot_pseudotime plot_cds learn_graph_by_resolution assign_clusters_to_cds convert_seu_to_cds

Documented in assign_clusters_to_cds convert_seu_to_cds learn_graph_by_resolution plot_cds plot_cells plot_monocle_features plot_pseudotime

#' Convert a Seurat Object to a Monocle Cell Data Set
#' @param seu
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
#' processed_seu <- clustering_workflow(human_gene_transcript_seu)
#' cds <- convert_seu_to_cds(processed_seu)
convert_seu_to_cds <- function(seu, resolution = 1, min_expression = 0.05) {

    # # drop sample_name metadata column as that is reserved by monocle3
    # seu$sample_name <- NULL
    # cds <- SeuratWrappers::as.cell_data_set(seu) %>%
    #   monocle3::estimate_size_factors()
    # rowData(cds)$gene_short_name <- rownames(cds)
    # return(cds)

    # Building the necessary parts for a basic cds

    # part two, counts sparse matrix

    if ("integrated" %in% names(seu@assays)) {
        default_assay <- "integrated"
    } else {
        default_assay <- "gene"

    DefaultAssay(seu) <- default_assay

    expression_matrix <- Seurat::GetAssayData(seu, slot = "data", assay = "gene")

    count_matrix <- Seurat::GetAssayData(seu, slot = "counts", assay = "gene")

    count_matrix <- count_matrix[row.names(expression_matrix), ]
    count_matrix <- count_matrix[, Matrix::colSums(count_matrix) != 0]

    # part three, gene annotations

    gene_annotation <- data.frame(
        gene_short_name = rownames(count_matrix),
        row.names = rownames(count_matrix)

    # part one, cell information
    cell_metadata <- seu[[]][colnames(count_matrix), ]

    # drop metadata column 'sample_name' for monocle plotting functions if present
    if (any(stringr::str_detect(colnames(cell_metadata), "sample_name"))) {
        cell_metadata <- subset(cell_metadata, select = -sample_name)

    seu <- seu[, colnames(count_matrix)]

    ### Construct the basic cds object
    cds_from_seurat <- monocle3::new_cell_data_set(
        expression_data = count_matrix,
        cell_metadata = cell_metadata,
        gene_metadata = gene_annotation

    cds_from_seurat <- cds_from_seurat[, colnames(seu)]

    # estimate size factors
    cds_from_seurat <- cds_from_seurat[, colSums(as.matrix(monocle3::exprs(cds_from_seurat))) != 0]
    cds_from_seurat <- monocle3::estimate_size_factors(cds_from_seurat)

    ### Construct and assign the made up partition

    recreate.partition <- c(rep(1, length(cds_from_seurat@colData@rownames)))
    names(recreate.partition) <- cds_from_seurat@colData@rownames
    recreate.partition <- as.factor(recreate.partition)

    cds_from_seurat@clusters@listData[["UMAP"]][["partitions"]] <- recreate.partition

    ### Could be a space-holder, but essentially fills out louvain parameters
    cds_from_seurat@clusters@listData[["UMAP"]][["louvain_res"]] <- "NA"

    cds_from_seurat <- monocle3::preprocess_cds(cds_from_seurat, method = "PCA", norm_method = "none")
    cds_from_seurat <- monocle3::reduce_dimension(cds_from_seurat, reduction_method = "UMAP")

    # # reducedDim(cds_from_seurat, "PCA") <- Embeddings(seu, "pca")
    reducedDim(cds_from_seurat, "UMAP") <- Embeddings(seu, "umap")
    # # cds_from_seurat@reducedDims@listData[["UMAP"]] <- Embeddings(seu, "umap")
    # # cds_from_seurat@reducedDims@listData[["PCA"]] <- Embeddings(seu, "pca")
    cds_from_seurat@preprocess_aux$gene_loadings <- Loadings(seu, "pca")

    # cds_from_seurat <- learn_graph_by_resolution(cds_from_seurat, seu, resolution = resolution)


#' Assign Clusters to CDS
#' @param cds
#' @param clusters
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
assign_clusters_to_cds <- function(cds, clusters) {
    clusters <- clusters[rownames(cds@colData)]

    cds@clusters@listData[["UMAP"]][["clusters"]] <- clusters
    names(cds@clusters@listData[["UMAP"]][["clusters"]]) <- cds@colData@rownames


#' Learn Monocle Graph by Resolution
#' @param cds
#' @param resolution
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
learn_graph_by_resolution <- function(cds, seu, resolution = 1) {
    ### Assign the cluster info
    if (any(grepl("integrated", names(cds@colData)))) {
        default_assay <- "integrated"
    } else {
        default_assay <- "gene"

    cds <- monocle3::cluster_cells(cds)

    clusters <- seu[[paste0(default_assay, "_snn_res.", resolution)]]

    clusters <- purrr::set_names(clusters[[1]], rownames(clusters))

    cds <- assign_clusters_to_cds(cds, clusters = clusters)
    print("Learning graph, which can take a while depends on the sample")
    cds <- monocle3::learn_graph(cds, use_partition = T)


#' Plot a Monocle Cell Data Set
#' @param cds
#' @param color_cells_by
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_cds <- function(cds, color_cells_by = NULL, genes = NULL, return_plotly = TRUE) {
    key <- colnames(cds)

    cds[["key"]] <- key

    if (any(grepl("integrated", names(cds@colData)))) {
        default_assay <- "integrated"
    } else {
        default_assay <- "gene"

    # if (color_cells_by == "louvain_cluster"){
    #   color_cells_by = paste0(default_assay, "_snn_res.", resolution)
    # }

    cds_plot <- plot_cells(cds,
        genes = genes,
        label_cell_groups = FALSE,
        label_groups_by_cluster = FALSE,
        label_leaves = FALSE,
        label_branch_points = FALSE,
        color_cells_by = color_cells_by, key = key, cellid = key,
        cell_size = 0.75

    if (return_plotly) {
        cds_plot <-
            cds_plot %>%
            plotly::ggplotly(height = 400) %>%
            plotly_settings() %>%
            plotly::toWebGL() %>%
            # plotly::partial_bundle() %>%


#' Plot pseudotime on a Monocle Cell Data Set
#' @param cds
#' @param resolution
#' @param color_cells_by
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_pseudotime <- function(cds, resolution, color_cells_by = NULL, genes = NULL) {
    key <- seq(1, length(colnames(cds)))
    cellid <- colnames(cds)

    cds[["key"]] <- key
    cds[["cellid"]] <- cellid

    if (any(grepl("integrated", colnames(cds@colData)))) {
        default_assay <- "integrated"
    } else {
        default_assay <- "gene"

    cds_plot <- monocle3::plot_cells(cds,
        show_trajectory_graph = TRUE,
        genes = genes,
        label_cell_groups = FALSE,
        label_groups_by_cluster = FALSE,
        label_leaves = FALSE,
        label_branch_points = FALSE,
        color_cells_by = color_cells_by,
        cell_size = 0.75
    ) +
        # aes(key = key, cellid = cellid) +

    cds_plot <-
        cds_plot %>%
        plotly::ggplotly(height = 400) %>%
        plotly_settings() %>%
        plotly::toWebGL() %>%
        # plotly::partial_bundle() %>%

    # print(cds_plot)

#' Plot feature expression on a Monocle Cell Data Set
#' @param cds
#' @param resolution
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_monocle_features <- function(cds, resolution, genes = NULL, ...) {
    key <- seq(1, length(colnames(cds)))
    cellid <- colnames(cds)

    cds[["key"]] <- key
    cds[["cellid"]] <- cellid

    if (any(grepl("integrated", colnames(cds@colData)))) {
        default_assay <- "integrated"
    } else {
        default_assay <- "gene"

    cds_plot <- plot_cells(cds,
        genes = genes,
        label_cell_groups = FALSE,
        label_groups_by_cluster = FALSE,
        label_leaves = FALSE,
        label_branch_points = FALSE,
        cell_size = 0.75
    ) +
        # aes(key = key, cellid = cellid) +

    cds_plot <-
        cds_plot %>%
        plotly::ggplotly(height = 400) %>%
        plotly::ggplotly(height = 400) %>%
        plotly_settings() %>%
        plotly::toWebGL() %>%
        # plotly::partial_bundle() %>%

    # print(cds_plot)

#' Plot cells of a monocle cell data set
#' @param cds
#' @param x
#' @param y
#' @param reduction_method
#' @param color_cells_by
#' @param group_cells_by
#' @param genes
#' @param show_trajectory_graph
#' @param trajectory_graph_color
#' @param trajectory_graph_segment_size
#' @param norm_method
#' @param label_cell_groups
#' @param label_groups_by_cluster
#' @param group_label_size
#' @param labels_per_group
#' @param label_branch_points
#' @param label_roots
#' @param label_leaves
#' @param graph_label_size
#' @param cell_size
#' @param cell_stroke
#' @param alpha
#' @param min_expr
#' @param rasterize
#' @param scale_to_range
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
plot_cells <- function(cds, x = 1, y = 2, reduction_method = c(
        "UMAP", "tSNE",
        "PCA", "LSI", "Aligned"
    ), color_cells_by = "cluster", group_cells_by = c(
    ), genes = NULL, show_trajectory_graph = TRUE,
    trajectory_graph_color = "grey28", trajectory_graph_segment_size = 0.75,
    norm_method = c("log", "size_only"), label_cell_groups = TRUE,
    label_groups_by_cluster = TRUE, group_label_size = 2, labels_per_group = 1,
    label_branch_points = TRUE, label_roots = TRUE, label_leaves = TRUE,
    graph_label_size = 2, cell_size = 0.35, cell_stroke = I(cell_size / 2),
    alpha = 1, min_expr = 0.1, rasterize = FALSE, scale_to_range = FALSE, ...) {
    reduction_method <- match.arg(reduction_method)
    assertthat::assert_that(methods::is(cds, "cell_data_set"))
        msg = paste(
            "No dimensionality reduction for", reduction_method,
            "calculated.", "Please run reduce_dimensions with",
            "reduction_method =", reduction_method, "before attempting to plot."
    low_dim_coords <- reducedDims(cds)[[reduction_method]]
    assertthat::assert_that(ncol(low_dim_coords) >= max(x, y),
        msg = paste(
            "x and/or y is too large. x and y must",
            "be dimensions in reduced dimension", "space."
    if (!is.null(color_cells_by)) {
        assertthat::assert_that(color_cells_by %in% c(
            "partition", "pseudotime"
        ) | color_cells_by %in%
            names(colData(cds)), msg = paste(
            "color_cells_by must one of",
            "'cluster', 'partition', 'pseudotime,", "or a column in the colData table."
        if (color_cells_by == "pseudotime") {
                    pseudotime(cds, reduction_method = reduction_method)
                error = function(x) {
                        "No pseudotime for", reduction_method,
                        "calculated. Please run order_cells with",
                        "reduction_method =", reduction_method, "before attempting to color by pseudotime."
    assertthat::assert_that(!is.null(color_cells_by) || !is.null(markers),
        msg = paste(
            "Either color_cells_by or markers must",
            "be NULL, cannot color by both!"
    norm_method <- match.arg(norm_method)
    group_cells_by <- match.arg(group_cells_by)
    assertthat::assert_that(!is.null(color_cells_by) || !is.null(genes),
        msg = paste(
            "Either color_cells_by or genes must be",
            "NULL, cannot color by both!"
    if (show_trajectory_graph && is.null(monocle3::principal_graph(cds)[[reduction_method]])) {
        message("No trajectory to plot. Has learn_graph() been called yet?")
        show_trajectory_graph <- FALSE
    gene_short_name <- NA
    sample_name <- NA
    data_dim_1 <- NA
    data_dim_2 <- NA
    if (rasterize) {
        plotting_func <- ggrastr::geom_point_rast
    } else {
        plotting_func <- ggplot2::geom_point
    S_matrix <- reducedDims(cds)[[reduction_method]]
    data_df <- data.frame(S_matrix[, c(x, y)])
    colnames(data_df) <- c("data_dim_1", "data_dim_2")
    data_df$sample_name <- row.names(data_df)
    data_df <- as.data.frame(cbind(data_df, colData(cds)))
    if (group_cells_by == "cluster") {
        data_df$cell_group <- tryCatch(
                clusters(cds, reduction_method = reduction_method)[data_df$sample_name]
            error = function(e) {
    } else if (group_cells_by == "partition") {
        data_df$cell_group <- tryCatch(
                partitions(cds, reduction_method = reduction_method)[data_df$sample_name]
            error = function(e) {
    } else {
        stop("Error: unrecognized way of grouping cells.")
    if (color_cells_by == "cluster") {
        data_df$cell_color <- tryCatch(
                clusters(cds, reduction_method = reduction_method)[data_df$sample_name]
            error = function(e) {
    } else if (color_cells_by == "partition") {
        data_df$cell_color <- tryCatch(
                partitions(cds, reduction_method = reduction_method)[data_df$sample_name]
            error = function(e) {
    } else if (color_cells_by == "pseudotime") {
        data_df$cell_color <- tryCatch(
                pseudotime(cds, reduction_method = reduction_method)[data_df$sample_name]
            error = function(e) {
    } else {
        data_df$cell_color <- colData(cds)[
    if (show_trajectory_graph) {
        ica_space_df <- t(cds@principal_graph_aux[[reduction_method]]$dp_mst) %>%
            as.data.frame() %>%
                prin_graph_dim_1 = x,
                prin_graph_dim_2 = y
            ) %>%
                sample_name = rownames(.),
                sample_state = rownames(.)
        dp_mst <- cds@principal_graph[[reduction_method]]
        edge_df <- dp_mst %>%
            igraph::as_data_frame() %>%
                source = "from",
                target = "to"
            ) %>%
                ica_space_df %>%
                        source = "sample_name", source_prin_graph_dim_1 = "prin_graph_dim_1",
                        source_prin_graph_dim_2 = "prin_graph_dim_2"
                by = "source"
            ) %>%
                ica_space_df %>%
                        target = "sample_name", target_prin_graph_dim_1 = "prin_graph_dim_1",
                        target_prin_graph_dim_2 = "prin_graph_dim_2"
                by = "target"
    markers_exprs <- NULL
    expression_legend_label <- NULL
    if (!is.null(genes)) {
        if (!is.null(dim(genes)) && dim(genes) >= 2) {
            markers <- unlist(genes[, 1], use.names = FALSE)
        } else {
            markers <- genes
        markers_rowData <- as.data.frame(subset(
            gene_short_name %in% markers | row.names(rowData(cds)) %in%
        if (nrow(markers_rowData) == 0) {
            stop("None of the provided genes were found in the cds")
        if (nrow(markers_rowData) >= 1) {
            cds_exprs <- SingleCellExperiment::counts(cds)[row.names(markers_rowData), ,
                drop = FALSE
            cds_exprs <- Matrix::t(Matrix::t(cds_exprs) / monocle3::size_factors(cds))
            if (!is.null(dim(genes)) && dim(genes) >= 2) {
                genes <- as.data.frame(genes)
                row.names(genes) <- genes[, 1]
                genes <- genes[row.names(cds_exprs), ]
                agg_mat <- as.matrix(monocle3::aggregate_gene_expression(cds,
                    norm_method = norm_method, scale_agg_values = FALSE
                if (dim(agg_mat)[2] == 1) agg_mat <- t(agg_mat)

                markers_exprs <- agg_mat
                markers_exprs <- reshape2::melt(markers_exprs)
                colnames(markers_exprs)[1:2] <- c(
                if (is.factor(genes[, 2])) {
                    markers_exprs$feature_id <- factor(markers_exprs$feature_id,
                        levels = levels(genes[, 2])
                markers_exprs$feature_label <- markers_exprs$feature_id
                norm_method <- "size_only"
                expression_legend_label <- "Expression score"
            } else {
                cds_exprs@x <- round(10000 * cds_exprs@x) / 10000
                markers_exprs <- matrix(cds_exprs, nrow = nrow(markers_rowData))
                colnames(markers_exprs) <- colnames(SingleCellExperiment::counts(cds))
                row.names(markers_exprs) <- row.names(markers_rowData)
                markers_exprs <- reshape2::melt(markers_exprs)
                colnames(markers_exprs)[1:2] <- c(
                markers_exprs <- merge(markers_exprs, markers_rowData,
                    by.x = "feature_id", by.y = "row.names"
                if (is.null(markers_exprs$gene_short_name)) {
                    markers_exprs$feature_label <- as.character(markers_exprs$feature_id)
                } else {
                    markers_exprs$feature_label <- as.character(markers_exprs$gene_short_name)
                markers_exprs$feature_label <- ifelse(is.na(markers_exprs$feature_label) |
                    !as.character(markers_exprs$feature_label) %in%
                        markers, as.character(markers_exprs$feature_id),
                markers_exprs$feature_label <- factor(markers_exprs$feature_label,
                    levels = markers
                if (norm_method == "size_only") {
                    expression_legend_label <- "Expression"
                } else {
                    expression_legend_label <- "log10(Expression)"
            if (scale_to_range) {
                markers_exprs <- dplyr::group_by(
                ) %>%
                        max_val_for_feature = max(value),
                        min_val_for_feature = min(value)
                    ) %>%
                    dplyr::mutate(value = 100 *
                        (value - min_val_for_feature) / (max_val_for_feature -
                expression_legend_label <- "% Max"
    if (label_cell_groups && is.null(color_cells_by) == FALSE) {
        if (is.null(data_df$cell_color)) {
            if (is.null(genes)) {
                    color_cells_by, "not found in colData(cds), cells will",
                    "not be colored"
            text_df <- NULL
            label_cell_groups <- FALSE
        } else {
            if (is.character(data_df$cell_color) || is.factor(data_df$cell_color)) {
                if (label_groups_by_cluster && is.null(data_df$cell_group) ==
                    FALSE) {
                    text_df <- data_df %>%
                        dplyr::group_by(cell_group) %>%
                        dplyr::mutate(cells_in_cluster = dplyr::n()) %>%
                        dplyr::group_by(cell_color, add = TRUE) %>%
                        dplyr::mutate(per = dplyr::n() / cells_in_cluster)
                    median_coord_df <- text_df %>% dplyr::summarize(
                        fraction_of_group = dplyr::n(),
                        text_x = stats::median(x = data_dim_1),
                        text_y = stats::median(x = data_dim_2)
                    text_df <- suppressMessages(text_df %>% dplyr::select(per) %>%
                    text_df <- suppressMessages(dplyr::inner_join(
                    text_df <- text_df %>%
                        dplyr::group_by(cell_group) %>%
                        dplyr::top_n(labels_per_group, per)
                } else {
                    text_df <- data_df %>%
                        dplyr::group_by(cell_color) %>%
                        dplyr::mutate(per = 1)
                    median_coord_df <- text_df %>% dplyr::summarize(
                        fraction_of_group = dplyr::n(),
                        text_x = stats::median(x = data_dim_1),
                        text_y = stats::median(x = data_dim_2)
                    text_df <- suppressMessages(text_df %>% dplyr::select(per) %>%
                    text_df <- suppressMessages(dplyr::inner_join(
                    text_df <- text_df %>%
                        dplyr::group_by(cell_color) %>%
                        dplyr::top_n(labels_per_group, per)
                text_df$label <- as.character(text_df %>% dplyr::pull(cell_color))
            } else {
                    "Cells aren't colored in a way that allows them to",
                    "be grouped."
                text_df <- NULL
                label_cell_groups <- FALSE
    if (!is.null(markers_exprs) && nrow(markers_exprs) > 0) {
        data_df <- merge(data_df, markers_exprs,
            by.x = "sample_name",
            by.y = "cell_id"
        data_df$value <- with(data_df, ifelse(value >= min_expr,
            value, NA
        na_sub <- data_df[is.na(data_df$value), ]
        if (norm_method == "size_only") {
            g <- ggplot(data = data_df, aes(
                x = data_dim_1,
                y = data_dim_2
            )) +
                    size = I(cell_size), stroke = I(cell_stroke),
                    color = "grey80", alpha = alpha, data = na_sub
                ) +
                plotting_func(aes(color = value),
                    size = I(cell_size),
                    stroke = I(cell_stroke), na.rm = TRUE
                ) +
                    option = "plasma",
                    name = expression_legend_label, na.value = "grey80",
                    end = 0.8, alpha = alpha
                ) +
                guides(alpha = FALSE) +
        } else {
            g <- ggplot(data = data_df, aes(
                x = data_dim_1,
                y = data_dim_2
            )) +
                    size = I(cell_size), stroke = I(cell_stroke),
                    color = "grey80", data = na_sub, alpha = alpha
                ) +
                plotting_func(aes(color = log10(value + min_expr)),
                    size = I(cell_size), stroke = I(cell_stroke),
                    na.rm = TRUE, alpha = alpha
                ) +
                    option = "plasma",
                    name = expression_legend_label, na.value = "grey80",
                    end = 0.8, alpha = alpha
                ) +
                guides(alpha = FALSE) +
    } else {
        g <- ggplot(data = data_df, aes(x = data_dim_1, y = data_dim_2))
        if (color_cells_by %in% c("cluster", "partition")) {
            if (is.null(data_df$cell_color)) {
                g <- g + geom_point(
                    color = I("gray"), size = I(cell_size),
                    stroke = I(cell_stroke), na.rm = TRUE, alpha = I(alpha)
                    "cluster_cells() has not been called yet, can't",
                    "color cells by cluster"
            } else {
                g <- g + geom_point(aes(color = cell_color, ...),
                    size = I(cell_size), stroke = I(cell_stroke),
                    na.rm = TRUE, alpha = alpha
            g <- g + guides(color = guide_legend(
                title = color_cells_by,
                override.aes = list(size = 4)
        } else if (class(data_df$cell_color) == "numeric") {
            g <- g + geom_point(aes(color = cell_color, ...),
                size = I(cell_size),
                stroke = I(cell_stroke), na.rm = TRUE, alpha = alpha
            g <- g + viridis::scale_color_viridis(
                name = color_cells_by,
                option = "C"
        } else {
            g <- g + geom_point(aes(color = cell_color, ...),
                size = I(cell_size),
                stroke = I(cell_stroke), na.rm = TRUE, alpha = alpha
            g <- g + guides(color = guide_legend(
                title = color_cells_by,
                override.aes = list(size = 4)
    if (show_trajectory_graph) {
        g <- g + geom_segment(
                x = "source_prin_graph_dim_1",
                y = "source_prin_graph_dim_2", xend = "target_prin_graph_dim_1",
                yend = "target_prin_graph_dim_2"
            size = trajectory_graph_segment_size,
            color = I(trajectory_graph_color), linetype = "solid",
            na.rm = TRUE, data = edge_df
        if (label_branch_points) {
            mst_branch_nodes <- branch_nodes(cds)
            branch_point_df <- ica_space_df %>%
                )) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(branch_point_idx = seq_len(dplyr::n()))
            g <- g + geom_point(
                    x = "prin_graph_dim_1",
                    y = "prin_graph_dim_2"
                shape = 21, stroke = I(trajectory_graph_segment_size),
                color = "white", fill = "black", size = I(graph_label_size *
                    1.5), na.rm = TRUE, branch_point_df
            ) + geom_text(
                    x = "prin_graph_dim_1",
                    y = "prin_graph_dim_2", label = "branch_point_idx"
                size = I(graph_label_size), color = "white",
                na.rm = TRUE, branch_point_df
        if (label_leaves) {
            mst_leaf_nodes <- leaf_nodes(cds)
            leaf_df <- ica_space_df %>%
                )) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(leaf_idx = seq_len(dplyr::n()))
            g <- g + geom_point(
                    x = "prin_graph_dim_1",
                    y = "prin_graph_dim_2"
                shape = 21, stroke = I(trajectory_graph_segment_size),
                color = "black", fill = "lightgray", size = I(graph_label_size *
                    1.5), na.rm = TRUE, leaf_df
            ) + geom_text(
                    x = "prin_graph_dim_1",
                    y = "prin_graph_dim_2", label = "leaf_idx"
                size = I(graph_label_size), color = "black",
                na.rm = TRUE, leaf_df
        if (label_roots) {
            mst_root_nodes <- monocle3:::root_nodes(cds)
            root_df <- ica_space_df %>%
                )) %>%
                dplyr::mutate(root_idx = seq_len(dplyr::n()))
            g <- g + geom_point(
                    x = "prin_graph_dim_1",
                    y = "prin_graph_dim_2"
                shape = 21, stroke = I(trajectory_graph_segment_size),
                color = "black", fill = "white", size = I(graph_label_size *
                    1.5), na.rm = TRUE, root_df
            ) + geom_text(
                    x = "prin_graph_dim_1",
                    y = "prin_graph_dim_2", label = "root_idx"
                size = I(graph_label_size), color = "black",
                na.rm = TRUE, root_df
    if (label_cell_groups) {
        g <- g + ggrepel::geom_text_repel(data = text_df, mapping = aes_string(
            x = "text_x",
            y = "text_y", label = "label"
        ), size = I(group_label_size))
        if (is.null(markers_exprs)) {
            g <- g + theme(legend.position = "none")
    g <- g + monocle3:::monocle_theme_opts() + xlab(paste(
    )) + ylab(paste(reduction_method, y)) + theme(legend.key = element_blank()) +
        theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = "white"))

#' Threshold monocle genes
#' @param seu
#' @param cds
#' @param min_expression
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
threshold_monocle_genes <- function(seu, cds, min_expression = 0.05) {
    # browser()
    agg_mat <- Seurat::GetAssayData(seu, assay = "gene") %>%

    lgl_agg_mat <- agg_mat > min_expression

    percent_cells <- rowSums(lgl_agg_mat) / dim(lgl_agg_mat)[2]

    monocle3::fData(cds)$percent_cells <- percent_cells


#' Title
#' @param cds
#' @param cells
#' @param pr_deg_ids
#' @param seu_resolution
#' @param collapse_rows
#' @param collapse_cols
#' @param resolution
#' @param group.by
#' @param group.bar.height
#' @param cluster_columns
#' @param column_split
#' @param col_dendrogram
#' @param mm_col_dend
#' @param ...
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
monocle_module_heatmap <- function(cds, pr_deg_ids, seu_resolution, cells = NULL, collapse_rows = TRUE,
    resolution = 10^seq(-6, -1), group.by = "batch", group.bar.height = 0.01,
    cluster_columns = FALSE, cluster_rows = TRUE,
    column_split = NULL, col_dendrogram = "ward.D2", mm_col_dend = 30, min_percent = 0.05, ...) {
    collapse_rows <- switch(collapse_rows,
        modules = TRUE,
        genes = FALSE

    if (any(grepl("integrated", colnames(cds@colData)))) {
        default_assay <- "integrated"
    } else {
        default_assay <- "gene"

    seu_resolution <- paste0(default_assay, "_snn_res.", seu_resolution)

    cds <- cds[pr_deg_ids, ]

    cds2 <- monocle3::preprocess_cds(cds) %>%
            max_components = 2,
            reduction_method = "UMAP"

    thresholded_genes <- monocle3::fData(cds) %>%
        tibble::as_tibble() %>%
        dplyr::mutate(id = gene_short_name) %>%
        dplyr::filter(percent_cells > 0.05)

    cds <- cds[rownames(cds) %in% thresholded_genes$id, ]

    gene_module_df <- monocle3::find_gene_modules(cds2, resolution = resolution) %>%
        dplyr::arrange(module) %>%
        dplyr::filter(id %in% rownames(cds)) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(thresholded_genes, by = "id") %>%

    cell_group_df <- tibble::tibble(
        cell = row.names(colData(cds)),
        cell_group = colData(cds)[[seu_resolution]]
    ) %>%
        dplyr::mutate(cell_group = cell)

    if (collapse_rows != TRUE) {
        heatmap_row_df <-
            dplyr::select(gene_module_df, id) %>%
            dplyr::mutate(module = id)

        module_levels <- levels(gene_module_df$module)
        col <- scales::hue_pal()(length(module_levels))
        names(col) <- module_levels

        col <- list(module = col[gene_module_df$module])

        row_ha <- ComplexHeatmap::rowAnnotation(module = gene_module_df$module, col = col)
    } else {
        heatmap_row_df <- gene_module_df

        module_levels <- levels(gene_module_df$module)
        col <- scales::hue_pal()(length(module_levels))
        names(col) <- module_levels

        col <- list(module = col[gene_module_df$module])

        row_ha <- ComplexHeatmap::rowAnnotation(module = unique(gene_module_df$module), col = col)

    agg_mat <- monocle3::aggregate_gene_expression(cds, heatmap_row_df)

    # reorder aggregation matrix by pseudotime
    col_order <- sort(monocle3::pseudotime(cds))
    agg_mat <- agg_mat[, names(col_order)]

    group.by <- group.by %||% "batch"
    cells <- cells %||% colnames(x = cds)

    pseudotime_tbl <-
        monocle3::pseudotime(cds) %>%
        tibble::enframe("sample_id", "pseudotime")

    groups.use <- colData(cds)[cells, group.by, drop = FALSE] %>%
        as.data.frame() %>%
        tibble::rownames_to_column("sample_id") %>%
        dplyr::mutate(across(where(is.character), as.factor)) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(pseudotime_tbl, by = "sample_id") %>%
        dplyr::arrange(pseudotime) %>%
        data.frame(row.names = 1) %>%

    groups.use[is.na(groups.use)] <- min(groups.use$pseudotime, na.rm = TRUE)

    groups.use.factor <- groups.use[sapply(groups.use, is.factor)]
    ha_cols.factor <- NULL
    if (length(groups.use.factor) > 0) {
        ha_col_names.factor <- lapply(groups.use.factor, levels)
        ha_cols.factor <- purrr::map(ha_col_names.factor, ~ (scales::hue_pal())(length(.x))) %>%
            purrr::map2(ha_col_names.factor, set_names)
    groups.use.numeric <- groups.use[sapply(groups.use, is.numeric)]
    ha_cols.numeric <- NULL
    if (length(groups.use.numeric) > 0) {
        numeric_col_fun <- function(myvec, color) {
            circlize::colorRamp2(range(myvec), c("white", color))
        ha_col_names.numeric <- names(groups.use.numeric)
        ha_col_hues.numeric <- (scales::hue_pal())(length(ha_col_names.numeric))
        ha_cols.numeric <- purrr::map2(
            ha_col_hues.numeric, numeric_col_fun
    ha_cols <- c(ha_cols.factor, ha_cols.numeric)
    column_ha <- ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(
        df = groups.use,
        height = unit(group.bar.height, "points"), col = ha_cols

    module_heatmap <- ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(as.matrix(agg_mat),
        name = "log expression",
        top_annotation = column_ha,
        left_annotation = row_ha,
        cluster_columns = cluster_columns,
        cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
        show_column_names = FALSE,
        column_dend_height = unit(mm_col_dend, "mm"),
        # column_split = column_split,
        column_title = NULL,

    # module_heatmap <- iheatmapr::iheatmap(as.matrix(agg_mat), col_labels = TRUE, row_labels = TRUE, cluster_rows = "hclust", cluster_cols = NULL)

    return(list(module_table = gene_module_df, module_heatmap = module_heatmap, agg_mat = agg_mat))

#' Flip Pseudotime
#' @param cds
#' @return
#' @export
#' @examples
flip_pseudotime <- function(cds) {
    # pull original ptime
    orig_pseudotime <- monocle3::pseudotime(cds)
    orig_pseudotime[is.infinite(orig_pseudotime)] <- NA

    # sort ptime
    forward_pseudotime <- sort(orig_pseudotime[!is.na(orig_pseudotime)])

    # rev ptime and flip names
    rev_pseudotime <- rev(forward_pseudotime)
    names(rev_pseudotime) <- names(forward_pseudotime)

    rev_pseudotime <- c(rev_pseudotime, orig_pseudotime[is.na(orig_pseudotime)])

    # sort rev ptime by original order
    rev_pseudotime <- rev_pseudotime[names(orig_pseudotime)]

    # assign flipped ptime to cds
    cds@principal_graph_aux$UMAP$pseudotime <- rev_pseudotime


export_pseudotime <- function(cds, root_cells) {
    root_cells <- root_cells %>%
        set_names(.) %>%
        tibble::enframe("sample_id", "root_cell") %>%
        dplyr::mutate(root_cell = 1)

    monocle_pt <- monocle3::pseudotime(cds) %>%
        tibble::enframe("sample_id", "pseudotime") %>%
        dplyr::arrange(pseudotime) %>%
        dplyr::left_join(root_cells, by = "sample_id")

whtns/seuratTools documentation built on June 28, 2024, 8:30 p.m.