
#' @include scenario.R

#' @title Function \code{generate_data_from_model}
#' @description Simulates count data fromt the Laplace-prior version of the model 
#' given hyperparameters. All hyperparameters must be given in the \code{truth} slot 
#' of the \code{Scenario} object argument.
#' @export
#' @return a list: a \code{Scenario} object with the scenario and a \code{Starts} object
#' with the true parameters that the count dataset in the \code{Scenario} object
#' was simulated from.
#' @param genes number of genes/features/response variables in the data
#' @param design Design matrix, with \code{N} rows and \code{L} columns.
#' Same format as in \code{edgeR::glmFit}, with RNA-seq libraries/samples as rows
#' and each \code{beta_{l, .}} as a column.
#' @param truth a \code{Starts} object containing the necessary initialization constants
#' and hyperparameters. All hyperparameters must be supplied.
generate_data_from_model = function(genes, design, truth){
  libraries = nrow(design)

  stopifnot(libraries >= 3)
  stopifnot(libraries == nrow(design))

  counts = NA
  truth@xi = rep(1, genes*ncol(design))

    truth@beta = numeric(0)
    for(l in 1:ncol(design)){
      xi = rep(1, genes)
      beta = rnorm(n = genes, mean = truth@theta[l], sd = sqrt(truth@sigmaSquared[l]))
      truth@xi = c(truth@xi, xi)
      truth@beta = c(truth@beta, beta)

    truth@gamma = 1/rgamma(genes, shape = truth@nu/2, rate = truth@nu*truth@tau/2)
    if(!length(truth@h)) truth@h = 0
    if(length(truth@h) != libraries) truth@h = rep(truth@h, length.out = libraries)
    h = matrix(rep(truth@h, each = genes), ncol = libraries)

    gammat = matrix(rep(truth@gamma, times = libraries), ncol = libraries)
    epsilon = matrix(rnorm(libraries*genes, 0, sqrt(gammat)), ncol = libraries)
    beta = matrix(truth@beta, nrow = genes)
    mu = t(design %*% t(beta))

    counts = matrix(rpois(genes*libraries, exp(h + epsilon + mu)), nrow = genes)

  rownames(counts) = paste("gene_", 1:genes, sep="")
  colnames(counts) = rownames(design)

  truth@epsilon = as.vector(epsilon)
  Scenario(counts = counts, design = design, supplement = list(truth = truth))
wlandau/fbseq documentation built on May 4, 2019, 8:43 a.m.