
Defines functions funnel.default

Documented in funnel.default

funnel.default <- function(x, vi, sei, ni, subset, yaxis="sei", xlim, ylim, xlab, ylab, slab,
steps=5, at, atransf, targs, digits, level=95,
back, shade, hlines,
refline=0, lty=3, pch, col, bg,
label=FALSE, offset=0.4, legend=FALSE, ...) {


   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   na.act <- getOption("na.action")

   if (!is.element(na.act, c("na.omit", "na.exclude", "na.fail", "na.pass")))
      stop(mstyle$stop("Unknown 'na.action' specified under options()."))

   if (missing(subset))
      subset <- NULL

   yaxis <- match.arg(yaxis, c("sei", "vi", "seinv", "vinv", "ni", "ninv", "sqrtni", "sqrtninv", "lni", "wi"))

   if (missing(atransf))
      atransf <- FALSE

   atransf.char <- deparse(atransf)

   if (anyNA(level) || is.null(level))
      stop(mstyle$stop("Argument 'level' cannot be NA or NULL."))


   if (missing(back))
      back <- .coladj(par("bg","fg"), dark=0.1, light=-0.2)

   if (missing(shade))
      shade <- .coladj(par("bg","fg"), dark=c(0.2,-0.8), light=c(0,1))

   if (length(level) > 1L && length(shade) == 1L) {
      #shade <- rep(shade, length(level))
      shade2 <- .coladj(par("bg","fg"), dark=c(0.5,-0.3), light=c(-0.5,0.3))
      shade <- colorRampPalette(c(shade,shade2))(length(level))
      shade[-1] <- rev(shade[-1])

   if (missing(hlines))
      hlines <- .coladj(par("bg","fg"), dark=c(0,-0.9), light=c(0,1))

   if (is.null(refline))
      refline <- NA

   if (missing(pch))
      pch <- 19

   yi <- x

   k <- length(yi)

   ### check if sample size information is available if plotting (some function of) of the sample sizes on the y-axis

   if (missing(ni))
      ni <- NULL

   if (is.element(yaxis, c("ni", "ninv", "sqrtni", "sqrtninv", "lni"))) {
      if (is.null(ni))
         ni <- attr(yi, "ni")
      if (!is.null(ni) && length(ni) != k)
         stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Length of the 'ni' argument (", length(ni), ") does not correspond to the number of outcomes (", k, ").")))
      if (is.null(ni))
         stop(mstyle$stop("No sample size information available."))

   ### check if sampling variances and/or standard errors are available

   if (missing(vi))
      vi <- NULL

   if (is.function(vi)) # if vi is utils::vi()
      stop(mstyle$stop("Cannot find variable specified for 'vi' argument."))

   if (missing(sei))
      sei <- NULL

   if (is.null(vi)) {
      if (!is.null(sei))
         vi <- sei^2
   if (is.null(sei)) {
      if (!is.null(vi))
         sei <- sqrt(vi)

   if (is.element(yaxis, c("sei", "vi", "seinv", "vinv", "wi"))) {
      if (is.null(vi))
         stop(mstyle$stop("Must specify 'vi' or 'sei' argument."))
      if (length(vi) != k)
         stop(mstyle$stop("Length of 'yi' and 'vi' (or 'sei') is not the same."))

   ### set negative variances and/or standard errors to 0

   if (!is.null(vi))
      vi[vi < 0] <- 0
   if (!is.null(sei))
      sei[sei < 0] <- 0

   ### if unspecified, get slab from attributes of yi; if not available or it doesn't have the right length, set slab <- 1:k

   if (missing(slab)) {
      slab <- attr(yi, "slab")
      if (is.null(slab) || length(slab) != k)
         slab <- seq_along(yi)

   if (length(slab) != k)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Length of the 'slab' argument (", length(slab), ") does not correspond to the number of outcomes (", k, ").")))

   ### set y-axis label if not specified

   if (missing(ylab)) {
      if (yaxis == "sei")
         ylab <- "Standard Error"
      if (yaxis == "vi")
         ylab <- "Variance"
      if (yaxis == "seinv")
         ylab <- "Inverse Standard Error"
      if (yaxis == "vinv")
         ylab <- "Inverse Variance"
      if (yaxis == "ni")
         ylab <- "Sample Size"
      if (yaxis == "ninv")
         ylab <- "Inverse Sample Size"
      if (yaxis == "sqrtni")
         ylab <- "Square Root Sample Size"
      if (yaxis == "sqrtninv")
         ylab <- "Inverse Square Root Sample Size"
      if (yaxis == "lni")
         ylab <- "Log Sample Size"
      if (yaxis == "wi")
         ylab <- "Weight (in %)"

   if (missing(at))
      at <- NULL

   if (missing(targs))
      targs <- NULL

   ### default number of digits (if not specified)

   if (missing(digits)) {
      if (yaxis == "sei")
         digits <- c(2L,3L)
      if (yaxis == "vi")
         digits <- c(2L,3L)
      if (yaxis == "seinv")
         digits <- c(2L,3L)
      if (yaxis == "vinv")
         digits <- c(2L,3L)
      if (yaxis == "ni")
         digits <- c(2L,0L)
      if (yaxis == "ninv")
         digits <- c(2L,3L)
      if (yaxis == "sqrtni")
         digits <- c(2L,3L)
      if (yaxis == "sqrtninv")
         digits <- c(2L,3L)
      if (yaxis == "lni")
         digits <- c(2L,3L)
      if (yaxis == "wi")
         digits <- c(2L,2L)
   } else {
      if (length(digits) == 1L)     # digits[1] for x-axis labels
         digits <- c(digits,digits) # digits[2] for y-axis labels

   ### note: digits can also be a list (e.g., digits=list(2L,3)); trailing 0's are dropped for integers

   lty <- .expand1(lty, 2L) # 1st value = funnel lines, 2nd value = reference line

   if (length(pch) == 1L) {
      pch.vec <- FALSE
      pch <- rep(pch, k)
   } else {
      pch.vec <- TRUE
   if (length(pch) != k)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Length of the 'pch' argument (", length(pch), ") does not correspond to the number of outcomes (", k, ").")))

   if (missing(col))
      col <- par("fg")
   if (length(col) == 1L) {
      col.vec <- FALSE
      col <- rep(col, k)
   } else {
      col.vec <- TRUE
   if (length(col) != k)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Length of the 'col' argument (", length(col), ") does not correspond to the number of outcomes (", k, ").")))

   if (missing(bg))
      bg <- .coladj(par("bg","fg"), dark=0.1, light=-0.1)

   if (length(bg) == 1L) {
      bg.vec <- FALSE
      bg <- rep(bg, k)
   } else {
      bg.vec <- TRUE
   if (length(bg) != k)
      stop(mstyle$stop(paste0("Length of the 'bg' argument (", length(bg), ") does not correspond to the number of outcomes (", k, ").")))

   if (length(label) != 1L)
      stop(mstyle$stop("Argument 'label' should be of length 1."))

   ddd <- list(...)

   if (!is.null(ddd$transf))
      warning("Function does not have a 'transf' argument (use 'atransf' instead).", call.=FALSE, immediate.=TRUE)

   lplot     <- function(..., refline2, level2, lty2, colci, colref, colbox, transf, ci.res, at.lab) plot(...)
   labline   <- function(..., refline2, level2, lty2, colci, colref, colbox, transf, ci.res, at.lab) abline(...)
   lsegments <- function(..., refline2, level2, lty2, colci, colref, colbox, transf, ci.res, at.lab) segments(...)
   laxis     <- function(..., refline2, level2, lty2, colci, colref, colbox, transf, ci.res, at.lab) axis(...)
   lpolygon  <- function(..., refline2, level2, lty2, colci, colref, colbox, transf, ci.res, at.lab) polygon(...)
   llines    <- function(..., refline2, level2, lty2, colci, colref, colbox, transf, ci.res, at.lab) lines(...)
   lpoints   <- function(..., refline2, level2, lty2, colci, colref, colbox, transf, ci.res, at.lab) points(...)
   lrect     <- function(..., refline2, level2, lty2, colci, colref, colbox, transf, ci.res, at.lab) rect(...)
   ltext     <- function(..., refline2, level2, lty2, colci, colref, colbox, transf, ci.res, at.lab) text(...)

   ### refline2, level2, and lty2 for adding a second reference line / funnel

   refline2 <- ddd$refline2
   level2   <- .chkddd(ddd$level2, 95)
   lty2     <- .chkddd(ddd$lty2, 3)

   ### number of y-axis values at which to calculate the bounds of the pseudo confidence interval

   ci.res <- .chkddd(ddd$ci.res, 1000)

   ### to adjust color of reference line, region bounds, and the L box

   colref <- .chkddd(ddd$colref, .coladj(par("bg","fg"), dark=0.6, light=-0.6))
   colci  <- .chkddd(ddd$colci,  .coladj(par("bg","fg"), dark=0.6, light=-0.6))
   colbox <- .chkddd(ddd$colbox, .coladj(par("bg","fg"), dark=0.6, light=-0.6))


   ### if a subset of studies is specified

   if (!is.null(subset)) {
      subset <- .chksubset(subset, length(yi))
      yi   <- .getsubset(yi,   subset)
      vi   <- .getsubset(vi,   subset)
      sei  <- .getsubset(sei,  subset)
      ni   <- .getsubset(ni,   subset)
      slab <- .getsubset(slab, subset)
      pch  <- .getsubset(pch,  subset)
      col  <- .getsubset(col,  subset)
      bg   <- .getsubset(bg,   subset)

   ### check for NAs and act accordingly

   has.na <- is.na(yi) | (if (is.element(yaxis, c("vi", "vinv"))) is.na(vi) else FALSE) | (if (is.element(yaxis, c("sei", "seinv"))) is.na(vi) else FALSE) | (if (is.element(yaxis, c("ni", "ninv", "sqrtni", "sqrtninv", "lni"))) is.na(ni) else FALSE)

   if (any(has.na)) {

      not.na <- !has.na

      if (na.act == "na.omit" || na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {

         yi   <- yi[not.na]
         vi   <- vi[not.na]
         sei  <- sei[not.na]
         ni   <- ni[not.na]
         slab <- slab[not.na]
         pch  <- pch[not.na]
         col  <- col[not.na]
         bg   <- bg[not.na]


      if (na.act == "na.fail")
         stop(mstyle$stop("Missing values in data."))


   if (missing(xlab))
      xlab <- .setlab(attr(yi, "measure"), transf.char="FALSE", atransf.char, gentype=1)

   ### at least two studies left?

   if (length(yi) < 2L)
      stop(mstyle$stop("Plotting terminated since k < 2."))

   ### get weights

   if (yaxis == "wi") {
      if (any(vi <= 0))
         stop(mstyle$stop("Cannot plot weights when there are non-positive sampling variances in the data."))
      weights <- 1/vi
      weights <- weights / sum(weights) * 100


   ### set y-axis limits

   if (missing(ylim)) {

      ### 1st ylim value is always the lowest precision  (should be at the bottom of the plot)
      ### 2nd ylim value is always the highest precision (should be at the top of the plot)

      if (yaxis == "sei")
         ylim <- c(max(sei), 0)
      if (yaxis == "vi")
         ylim <- c(max(vi), 0)
      if (yaxis == "seinv")
         ylim <- c(min(1/sei), max(1/sei))
      if (yaxis == "vinv")
         ylim <- c(min(1/vi), max(1/vi))
      if (yaxis == "ni")
         ylim <- c(min(ni), max(ni))
      if (yaxis == "ninv")
         ylim <- c(max(1/ni), min(1/ni))
      if (yaxis == "sqrtni")
         ylim <- c(min(sqrt(ni)), max(sqrt(ni)))
      if (yaxis == "sqrtninv")
         ylim <- c(max(1/sqrt(ni)), min(1/sqrt(ni)))
      if (yaxis == "lni")
         ylim <- c(min(log(ni)), max(log(ni)))
      if (yaxis == "wi")
         ylim <- c(min(weights), max(weights))

      ### infinite y-axis limits can happen with "seinv" and "vinv" when one or more sampling variances are 0

      if (any(is.infinite(ylim)))
         stop(mstyle$stop("Setting 'ylim' automatically not possible (must set y-axis limits manually)."))

   } else {

      ### make sure that user supplied limits are in the right order

      if (is.element(yaxis, c("sei", "vi", "ninv", "sqrtninv")))
         ylim <- c(max(ylim), min(ylim))

      if (is.element(yaxis, c("seinv", "vinv", "ni", "sqrtni", "lni", "wi")))
         ylim <- c(min(ylim), max(ylim))

      ### make sure that user supplied limits are in the appropriate range

      if (is.element(yaxis, c("sei", "vi", "ni", "ninv", "sqrtni", "sqrtninv", "lni"))) {
         if (ylim[1] < 0 || ylim[2] < 0)
            stop(mstyle$stop("Both y-axis limits must be >= 0."))

      if (is.element(yaxis, c("seinv", "vinv"))) {
         if (ylim[1] <= 0 || ylim[2] <= 0)
            stop(mstyle$stop("Both y-axis limits must be > 0."))

      if (is.element(yaxis, c("wi"))) {
         if (ylim[1] < 0 || ylim[2] < 0)
            stop(mstyle$stop("Both y-axis limits must be >= 0."))



   ### set x-axis limits

   if (is.element(yaxis, c("sei", "vi", "seinv", "vinv"))) {

      level  <- .level(level, allow.vector=TRUE) # note: there may be multiple level values
      level2 <- .level(level2)
      level.min <- min(level) # note: smallest level is the widest CI
      lvals     <- length(level)

      ### calculate the CI bounds at the bottom of the figure (for the widest CI if there are multiple)

      if (yaxis == "sei") {
         x.lb.bot <- refline - qnorm(level.min/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(ylim[1]^2)
         x.ub.bot <- refline + qnorm(level.min/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(ylim[1]^2)
      if (yaxis == "vi") {
         x.lb.bot <- refline - qnorm(level.min/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(ylim[1])
         x.ub.bot <- refline + qnorm(level.min/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(ylim[1])
      if (yaxis == "seinv") {
         x.lb.bot <- refline - qnorm(level.min/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(1/ylim[1]^2)
         x.ub.bot <- refline + qnorm(level.min/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(1/ylim[1]^2)
      if (yaxis == "vinv") {
         x.lb.bot <- refline - qnorm(level.min/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(1/ylim[1])
         x.ub.bot <- refline + qnorm(level.min/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(1/ylim[1])

      if (missing(xlim)) {
         xlim    <- c(min(x.lb.bot,min(yi),na.rm=TRUE), max(x.ub.bot,max(yi),na.rm=TRUE)) # make sure x-axis not only includes widest CI, but also all yi values
         rxlim   <- xlim[2] - xlim[1]        # calculate range of the x-axis limits
         xlim[1] <- xlim[1] - (rxlim * 0.10) # subtract 10% of range from lower x-axis bound
         xlim[2] <- xlim[2] + (rxlim * 0.10) # add      10% of range to   upper x-axis bound
      } else {
         xlim <- sort(xlim) # just in case the user supplies the limits in the wrong order


   if (is.element(yaxis, c("ni", "ninv", "sqrtni", "sqrtninv", "lni", "wi"))) {

      if (missing(xlim)) {
         xlim    <- c(min(yi), max(yi))
         rxlim   <- xlim[2] - xlim[1]        # calculate range of the x-axis limits
         xlim[1] <- xlim[1] - (rxlim * 0.10) # subtract 10% of range from lower x-axis bound
         xlim[2] <- xlim[2] + (rxlim * 0.10) # add      10% of range to   upper x-axis bound
      } else {
         xlim <- sort(xlim) # just in case the user supplies the limits in the wrong order


   ### if user has specified 'at' argument, make sure xlim actually contains the min and max 'at' values

   if (!is.null(at)) {
      xlim[1] <- min(c(xlim[1], at), na.rm=TRUE)
      xlim[2] <- max(c(xlim[2], at), na.rm=TRUE)


   ### set up plot

   lplot(NA, NA, xlim=xlim, ylim=ylim, xlab=xlab, ylab=ylab, xaxt="n", yaxt="n", bty="n", ...)

   ### add background shading

   par.usr <- par("usr")
   lrect(par.usr[1], par.usr[3], par.usr[2], par.usr[4], col=back, border=NA, ...)

   ### add y-axis

   laxis(side=2, at=seq(from=ylim[1], to=ylim[2], length.out=steps), labels=fmtx(seq(from=ylim[1], to=ylim[2], length.out=steps), digits[[2]], drop0ifint=TRUE), ...)

   ### add horizontal lines

   labline(h=seq(from=ylim[1], to=ylim[2], length.out=steps), col=hlines, ...)


   ### add CI region(s)

   if (is.element(yaxis, c("sei", "vi", "seinv", "vinv"))) {

      ### add a bit to the top/bottom ylim so that the CI region(s) fill out the entire figure

      if (yaxis == "sei") {
         rylim   <- ylim[1] - ylim[2]
         ylim[1] <- ylim[1] + (rylim * 0.10)
         ylim[2] <- max(0, ylim[2] - (rylim * 0.10))

      if (yaxis == "vi") {
         rylim   <- ylim[1] - ylim[2]
         ylim[1] <- ylim[1] + (rylim * 0.10)
         ylim[2] <- max(0, ylim[2] - (rylim * 0.10))

      if (yaxis == "seinv") {
         rylim   <- ylim[2] - ylim[1]
         #ylim[1] <- max(.0001, ylim[1] - (rylim * 0.10)) # not clear how much to add to bottom
         ylim[2] <- ylim[2] + (rylim * 0.10)

      if (yaxis == "vinv") {
         rylim   <- ylim[2] - ylim[1]
         #ylim[1] <- max(.0001, ylim[1] - (rylim * 0.10)) # not clear how much to add to bottom
         ylim[2] <- ylim[2] + (rylim * 0.10)

      yi.vals <- seq(from=ylim[1], to=ylim[2], length.out=ci.res)

      if (yaxis == "sei")
         vi.vals  <- yi.vals^2

      if (yaxis == "vi")
         vi.vals  <- yi.vals

      if (yaxis == "seinv")
         vi.vals  <- 1/yi.vals^2

      if (yaxis == "vinv")
         vi.vals  <- 1/yi.vals

      for (m in lvals:1) {

         ci.left  <- refline - qnorm(level[m]/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(vi.vals)
         ci.right <- refline + qnorm(level[m]/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(vi.vals)

         lpolygon(c(ci.left,ci.right[ci.res:1]), c(yi.vals,yi.vals[ci.res:1]), border=NA, col=shade[m], ...)
         llines(ci.left,  yi.vals, lty=lty[1], col=colci, ...)
         llines(ci.right, yi.vals, lty=lty[1], col=colci, ...)


      if (!is.null(refline2)) {

         ci.left  <- refline2 - qnorm(level2/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(vi.vals)
         ci.right <- refline2 + qnorm(level2/2, lower.tail=FALSE) * sqrt(vi.vals)
         llines(ci.left,  yi.vals, lty=lty2, col=colci, ...)
         llines(ci.right, yi.vals, lty=lty2, col=colci, ...)



   ### add vertical reference line
   ### use segments so that line does not extent beyond tip of CI region

   if (is.element(yaxis, c("sei", "vi", "seinv", "vinv")))
      lsegments(refline, ylim[1], refline, ylim[2], lty=lty[2], col=colref, ...)

   if (is.element(yaxis, c("ni", "ninv", "sqrtni", "sqrtninv", "lni", "wi")))
      labline(v=refline, lty=lty[2], col=colref, ...)


   ### add points

   xaxis.vals <- yi

   if (yaxis == "sei")
      yaxis.vals <- sei

   if (yaxis == "vi")
      yaxis.vals <- vi

   if (yaxis == "seinv")
      yaxis.vals <- 1/sei

   if (yaxis == "vinv")
      yaxis.vals <- 1/vi

   if (yaxis == "ni")
      yaxis.vals <- ni

   if (yaxis == "ninv")
      yaxis.vals <- 1/ni

   if (yaxis == "sqrtni")
      yaxis.vals <- sqrt(ni)

   if (yaxis == "sqrtninv")
      yaxis.vals <- 1/sqrt(ni)

   if (yaxis == "lni")
      yaxis.vals <- log(ni)

   if (yaxis == "wi")
      yaxis.vals <- weights

   lpoints(x=xaxis.vals, y=yaxis.vals, pch=pch, col=col, bg=bg, ...)


   ### generate x-axis positions if none are specified

   if (is.null(at)) {
      at <- axTicks(side=1)
      #at <- pretty(x=c(alim[1], alim[2]), n=steps-1)
      #at <- pretty(x=c(min(ci.lb), max(ci.ub)), n=steps-1)
   } else {
      at <- at[at > par("usr")[1]]
      at <- at[at < par("usr")[2]]

   if (is.null(ddd$at.lab)) {

      at.lab <- at

      if (is.function(atransf)) {
         if (is.null(targs)) {
            at.lab <- fmtx(sapply(at.lab, atransf), digits[[1]], drop0ifint=TRUE)
         } else {
            at.lab <- fmtx(sapply(at.lab, atransf, targs), digits[[1]], drop0ifint=TRUE)
      } else {
         at.lab <- fmtx(at.lab, digits[[1]], drop0ifint=TRUE)

   } else {

      at.lab <- ddd$at.lab


   ### add x-axis

   laxis(side=1, at=at, labels=at.lab, ...)

   ### add L-shaped box around plot

   if (!is.na(colbox))
      box(bty="l", col=colbox)


   ### labeling of points

   k <- length(yi)

   if (is.numeric(label) || is.character(label) || .isTRUE(label)) {

      if (is.na(refline))
         refline <- mean(yi, na.rm=TRUE)

      if (is.numeric(label)) {
         label <- round(label)
         if (label < 0)
            label <- 0
         if (label > k)
            label <- k
         label <- order(abs(yi - refline), decreasing=TRUE)[seq_len(label)]
      } else if ((is.character(label) && label == "all") || .isTRUE(label)) {
         label <- seq_len(k)
      } else if ((is.character(label) && label == "out")) {
         if (!is.element(yaxis, c("sei", "vi", "seinv", "vinv"))) {
            label <- seq_len(k)
         } else {
            label <- which(abs(yi - refline) / sqrt(vi) >= qnorm(level.min/2, lower.tail=FALSE))
      } else {
         label <- NULL

      for (i in label)
            ltext(yi[i], yaxis.vals[i], slab[i], pos=ifelse(yi[i]-refline >= 0, 4, 2), offset=offset, ...)



   ### add legend (if requested)

   .funnel.legend(legend, level, shade, back, yaxis, trimfill=FALSE, pch, col, bg, pch.fill=NA, pch.vec, col.vec, bg.vec, colci)


   ### prepare data frame to return

   sav <- data.frame(x=xaxis.vals, y=yaxis.vals, slab=slab, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)


wviechtb/metafor documentation built on July 12, 2024, 6:33 a.m.