
Defines functions plot.infl.rma.uni

Documented in plot.infl.rma.uni

plot.infl.rma.uni <- function(x, plotinf=TRUE, plotdfbs=FALSE, dfbsnew=FALSE, logcov=TRUE,
layout, slab.style=1, las=0, pch=21, bg, bg.infl, col.na, ...) {

   mstyle <- .get.mstyle()

   .chkclass(class(x), must="infl.rma.uni")

   na.act <- getOption("na.action")

   if (!is.element(na.act, c("na.omit", "na.exclude", "na.fail", "na.pass")))
      stop(mstyle$stop("Unknown 'na.action' specified under options()."))


   if (missing(bg))
      bg <- .coladj(par("bg","fg"), dark=0.35, light=-0.35)

   if (missing(bg.infl))
      bg.infl <- "red"

   if (missing(col.na))
      col.na <- .coladj(par("bg","fg"), dark=0.2, light=-0.2)


   ### check for NAs and stop if there are any when na.act == "na.fail"

   any.na <- is.na(as.data.frame(x$inf))

   if (any(any.na) && na.act == "na.fail")
      stop(mstyle$stop("Missing values in results."))


   ### process plotinf argument

   if (is.logical(plotinf)) {
      if (plotinf) {
         which.inf <- seq_len(8)
   } else {
      which.inf <- plotinf
      which.inf <- which.inf[(which.inf >= 1) & (which.inf <= 8)]
      which.inf <- unique(round(which.inf))
      if (length(which.inf) == 0L)
         stop(mstyle$stop("Incorrect specification of 'plotinf' argument."))
      plotinf <- TRUE

   ### process plotdfbs argument

   if (is.logical(plotdfbs)) {
      if (plotdfbs) {
         which.dfbs <- seq_len(x$p)
   } else {
      which.dfbs <- plotdfbs
      which.dfbs <- which.dfbs[(which.dfbs >= 1) & (which.dfbs <= x$p)]
      which.dfbs <- unique(round(which.dfbs))
      if (length(which.dfbs) == 0L)
         stop(mstyle$stop("Incorrect specification of 'plotdfbs' argument."))
      plotdfbs <- TRUE


   if (!plotinf & !plotdfbs)
      stop(mstyle$stop("At least one of the arguments 'plotinf' or 'plotdfbs' argument must be TRUE."))

   if (!plotinf & dfbsnew)
      dfbsnew <- FALSE

   par.mar <- par("mar")
   par.mar.adj <- par.mar - c(2,2,2,1)
   par.mar.adj[par.mar.adj < 1] <- 1
   par(mar = par.mar.adj)
   par.mfrow <- par("mfrow")
   on.exit(par(mar = par.mar, mfrow = par.mfrow), add=TRUE)


   ### filter out potential arguments to abbreviate() (which cause problems with the various plot functions)

   lplot   <- function(..., minlength, strict) plot(...)
   lpoints <- function(..., minlength, strict) points(...)
   llines  <- function(..., minlength, strict) lines(...)
   laxis   <- function(..., minlength, strict) axis(...)
   labline <- function(..., minlength, strict) abline(...)


   ids <- switch(slab.style, "1" = x$ids, "2" = x$inf$slab, "3" = abbreviate(x$inf$slab, ...))


   ### plot inf values if requested

   if (plotinf) {

      ### set layout (either defaults or user-specified)
      ### note: could also use n2mfrow() here, but this behaves slightly differently

      if (missing(layout)) {

         if (length(which.inf) == 2L)

         if (length(which.inf) == 3L)

         if (length(which.inf) == 4L)

         if (length(which.inf) == 5L)

         if (length(which.inf) == 6L)

         if (length(which.inf) == 7L)

         if (length(which.inf) == 8L)

      } else {
         layout <- layout[layout >= 1]
         layout <- round(layout)
         if (length(layout) != 2L)
            stop(mstyle$stop("Incorrect specification of 'layout' argument."))


      for (i in seq_along(which.inf)) {

         if (which.inf[i] == 1) {

            zi     <- x$inf$rstudent
            not.na <- !is.na(zi)

            if (na.act == "na.omit") {
               zi       <- zi[not.na]
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)-sum(!not.na)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl[not.na]
               lab.ids  <- ids[not.na]
            if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl
               lab.ids  <- ids
            if (any(!is.na(zi))) {
               zi.min <- min(min(zi,-2,na.rm=TRUE), qnorm(0.025))*1.05
               zi.max <- max(max(zi, 2,na.rm=TRUE), qnorm(0.975))*1.05
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(1,len.ids), ylim=c(zi.min,zi.max), xaxt="n", main="rstudent", xlab="", ylab="", las=las, ...)
               laxis(side=1, at=seq_len(len.ids), labels=lab.ids, xlab="", las=las, ...)
               labline(h=0, lty="dashed", ...)
               labline(h=c(qnorm(0.025),qnorm(0.975)), lty="dotted", ...)
               if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass")
                  llines(seq_len(len.ids)[not.na], zi[not.na], col=col.na, ...)
               llines(seq_len(len.ids), zi, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids),           y=zi,           bg=bg,      pch=pch, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], y=zi[ids.infl], bg=bg.infl, pch=pch, ...)
               #if (num.infl)
               #   text(seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], zi[ids.infl], seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], pos=ifelse(zi[ids.infl] > 0, 3, 1), ...)
            } else {
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main="rstudent", xlab="", ylab="", ...)


         if (which.inf[i] == 2) {

            zi     <- x$inf$dffits
            not.na <- !is.na(zi)

            if (na.act == "na.omit") {
               zi       <- zi[not.na]
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)-sum(!not.na)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl[not.na]
               lab.ids  <- ids[not.na]
            if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl
               lab.ids  <- ids
            if (any(!is.na(zi))) {
               zi.min <- min(min(zi,na.rm=TRUE), -3*sqrt(x$p/(x$k-x$p)))*1.05
               zi.max <- max(max(zi,na.rm=TRUE),  3*sqrt(x$p/(x$k-x$p)))*1.05
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(1,len.ids), ylim=c(zi.min,zi.max), xaxt="n", main="dffits", xlab="", ylab="", las=las, ...)
               laxis(side=1, at=seq_len(len.ids), labels=lab.ids, xlab="", las=las, ...)
               labline(h= 0, lty="dashed", ...)
               labline(h= 3*sqrt(x$p/(x$k-x$p)), lty="dotted", ...)
               labline(h=-3*sqrt(x$p/(x$k-x$p)), lty="dotted", ...)
               if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass")
                  llines(seq_len(len.ids)[not.na], zi[not.na], col=col.na, ...)
               llines(seq_len(len.ids), zi, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids),           y=zi,           bg=bg,      pch=pch, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], y=zi[ids.infl], bg=bg.infl, pch=pch, ...)
               #if (num.infl)
               #   text(seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], zi[ids.infl], seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], pos=ifelse(zi[ids.infl] > 0, 3, 1), ...)
            } else {
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main="dffits", xlab="", ylab="", ...)


         if (which.inf[i] == 3) {

            zi     <- x$inf$cook.d
            not.na <- !is.na(zi)

            if (na.act == "na.omit") {
               zi       <- zi[not.na]
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)-sum(!not.na)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl[not.na]
               lab.ids  <- ids[not.na]
            if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl
               lab.ids  <- ids
            if (any(!is.na(zi))) {
               zi.min <- 0
               zi.max <- max(zi,na.rm=TRUE)*1.05
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(1,len.ids), ylim=c(zi.min,zi.max), xaxt="n", main="cook.d", xlab="", ylab="", las=las, ...)
               laxis(side=1, at=seq_len(len.ids), labels=lab.ids, xlab="", las=las, ...)
               labline(h=qchisq(0.5, df=x$m), lty="dotted", ...)
               if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass")
                  llines(seq_len(len.ids)[not.na], zi[not.na], col=col.na, ...)
               llines(seq_len(len.ids), zi, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids),           y=zi,           bg=bg,      pch=pch, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], y=zi[ids.infl], bg=bg.infl, pch=pch, ...)
               #if (num.infl)
               #   text(seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], zi[ids.infl], seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], pos=3, ...)
            } else {
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main="cook.d", xlab="", ylab="", ...)


         if (which.inf[i] == 4) {

            zi     <- x$inf$cov.r
            not.na <- !is.na(zi)

            if (na.act == "na.omit") {
               zi       <- zi[not.na]
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)-sum(!not.na)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl[not.na]
               lab.ids  <- ids[not.na]
            if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl
               lab.ids  <- ids
            if (any(!is.na(zi))) {
               zi.min <- min(zi,na.rm=TRUE)
               zi.max <- max(zi,na.rm=TRUE)
               if (logcov) {
                  lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(1,len.ids), ylim=c(zi.min,zi.max), xaxt="n", main="cov.r", xlab="", ylab="", las=las, log="y", ...)
               } else {
                  lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(1,len.ids), ylim=c(zi.min,zi.max), xaxt="n", main="cov.r", xlab="", ylab="", las=las, ...)
               laxis(side=1, at=seq_len(len.ids), labels=lab.ids, xlab="", las=las, ...)
               labline(h=1, lty="dashed", ...)
               #labline(h=1+3*x$m/(x$k-x$m), lty="dotted", ...)
               #labline(h=1-3*x$m/(x$k-x$m), lty="dotted", ...)
               if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass")
                  llines(seq_len(len.ids)[not.na], zi[not.na], col=col.na, ...)
               llines(seq_len(len.ids), zi, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids),           y=zi,           bg=bg,      pch=pch, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], y=zi[ids.infl], bg=bg.infl, pch=pch, ...)
               #if (num.infl)
               #   text(seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], zi[ids.infl], seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], pos=ifelse(zi[ids.infl] > 1, 3, 1), ...)
            } else {
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main="cov.r", xlab="", ylab="", ...)


         if (which.inf[i] == 5) {

            zi     <- x$inf$tau2.del
            not.na <- !is.na(zi)

            if (na.act == "na.omit") {
               zi       <- zi[not.na]
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)-sum(!not.na)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl[not.na]
               lab.ids  <- ids[not.na]
            if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl
               lab.ids  <- ids
            if (any(!is.na(zi))) {
               zi.min <- min(zi,na.rm=TRUE)
               zi.max <- max(zi,na.rm=TRUE)
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(1,len.ids), ylim=c(zi.min,zi.max), xaxt="n", main="tau2.del", xlab="", ylab="", las=las, ...)
               laxis(side=1, at=seq_len(len.ids), labels=lab.ids, xlab="", las=las, ...)
               labline(h=x$tau2, lty="dashed", ...)
               if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass")
                  llines(seq_len(len.ids)[not.na], zi[not.na], col=col.na, ...)
               llines(seq_len(len.ids), zi, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids),           y=zi,           bg=bg,      pch=pch, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], y=zi[ids.infl], bg=bg.infl, pch=pch, ...)
            } else {
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main="tau2.del", xlab="", ylab="", ...)


         if (which.inf[i] == 6) {

            zi     <- x$inf$QE.del
            not.na <- !is.na(zi)

            if (na.act == "na.omit") {
               zi       <- zi[not.na]
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)-sum(!not.na)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl[not.na]
               lab.ids  <- ids[not.na]
            if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl
               lab.ids  <- ids
            if (any(!is.na(zi))) {
               zi.min <- min(zi,na.rm=TRUE)
               zi.max <- max(zi,na.rm=TRUE)
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(1,len.ids), ylim=c(zi.min,zi.max), xaxt="n", main="QE.del", xlab="", ylab="", las=las, ...)
               laxis(side=1, at=seq_len(len.ids), labels=lab.ids, xlab="", las=las, ...)
               labline(h=x$QE, lty="dashed", ...)
               #labline(h=qchisq(0.95, df=x$k-x$p), lty="dotted", ...)
               labline(h=x$k-x$p, lty="dotted", ...)
               if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass")
                  llines(seq_len(len.ids)[not.na], zi[not.na], col=col.na, ...)
               llines(seq_len(len.ids), zi, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids),           y=zi,           bg=bg,      pch=pch, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], y=zi[ids.infl], bg=bg.infl, pch=pch, ...)
            } else {
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main="QE.del", xlab="", ylab="", ...)


         if (which.inf[i] == 7) {

            zi     <- x$inf$hat
            not.na <- !is.na(zi)

            if (na.act == "na.omit") {
               zi       <- zi[not.na]
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)-sum(!not.na)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl[not.na]
               lab.ids  <- ids[not.na]
            if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl
               lab.ids  <- ids
            if (any(!is.na(zi))) {
               zi.min <- 0
               zi.max <- max(max(zi,na.rm=TRUE), 3*x$p/x$k)*1.05
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(1,len.ids), ylim=c(zi.min,zi.max), xaxt="n", main="hat", xlab="", ylab="", las=las, ...)
               laxis(side=1, at=seq_len(len.ids), labels=lab.ids, xlab="", las=las, ...)
               labline(h=x$p/x$k, lty="dashed", ...)
               labline(h=3*x$p/x$k, lty="dotted", ...)
               if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass")
                  llines(seq_len(len.ids)[not.na], zi[not.na], col=col.na, ...)
               llines(seq_len(len.ids), zi, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids),           y=zi,           bg=bg,      pch=pch, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], y=zi[ids.infl], bg=bg.infl, pch=pch, ...)
            } else {
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main="hat", xlab="", ylab="", ...)


         if (which.inf[i] == 8) {

            zi     <- x$inf$weight
            not.na <- !is.na(zi)

            if (na.act == "na.omit") {
               zi       <- zi[not.na]
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)-sum(!not.na)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl[not.na]
               lab.ids  <- ids[not.na]
            if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {
               len.ids  <- length(x$ids)
               ids.infl <- x$is.infl
               lab.ids  <- ids
            if (any(!is.na(zi))) {
               zi.min <- 0
               zi.max <- max(zi,na.rm=TRUE)*1.05
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(1,len.ids), ylim=c(zi.min,zi.max), xaxt="n", main="weight", xlab="", ylab="", las=las, ...)
               laxis(side=1, at=seq_len(len.ids), labels=lab.ids, xlab="", las=las, ...)
               labline(h=100/x$k, lty="dashed", ...)
               if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass")
                  llines(seq_len(len.ids)[not.na], zi[not.na], col=col.na, ...)
               llines(seq_len(len.ids), zi, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids),           y=zi,           bg=bg,      pch=pch, ...)
               lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], y=zi[ids.infl], bg=bg.infl, pch=pch, ...)
            } else {
               lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1), xaxt="n", yaxt="n", main="weight", xlab="", ylab="", ...)





   ### plot dfbs values if requested

   if (plotdfbs) {

      if (dfbsnew) {
         par.mar <- par("mar")
         par.mar.adj <- par.mar - c(2,2,2,1)
         par.mar.adj[par.mar.adj < 1] <- 1
         par(mar = par.mar.adj)
         on.exit(par(mar = par.mar), add=TRUE)
      } else {
         if (plotinf) {
            par.ask <- par("ask")
            on.exit(par(ask = par.ask), add=TRUE)


      for (i in seq_along(which.dfbs)) {

         zi     <- x$dfbs[[which.dfbs[i]]]
         not.na <- !is.na(zi)

         if (na.act == "na.omit") {
            zi       <- zi[not.na]
            len.ids  <- length(x$ids)-sum(!not.na)
            ids.infl <- x$is.infl[not.na]
            lab.ids  <- ids[not.na]
         if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass") {
            len.ids  <- length(x$ids)
            ids.infl <- x$is.infl
            lab.ids  <- ids
         zi.min <- min(zi,na.rm=TRUE)*1.05
         zi.max <- max(zi,na.rm=TRUE)*1.05
         lplot(NA, NA, xlim=c(1,len.ids), ylim=c(zi.min,zi.max), xaxt="n", main=paste("dfbs: ", names(x$dfbs)[which.dfbs[i]]), xlab="", ylab="", las=las, ...)
         laxis(side=1, at=seq_len(len.ids), labels=lab.ids, xlab="", las=las, ...)
         labline(h= 0, lty="dashed", ...)
         labline(h= 1, lty="dotted", ...)
         labline(h=-1, lty="dotted", ...)
         if (na.act == "na.exclude" || na.act == "na.pass")
            llines(seq_len(len.ids)[not.na], zi[not.na], col=col.na, ...)
         llines(seq_len(len.ids), zi, ...)
         lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids),           y=zi,           bg=bg,      pch=pch, ...)
         lpoints(x=seq_len(len.ids)[ids.infl], y=zi[ids.infl], bg=bg.infl, pch=pch, ...)





wviechtb/metafor documentation built on Sept. 13, 2024, 8:05 p.m.