
Defines functions doCompoundMapping doGeneIDMapping HMDBID2KEGGID KEGGID2HMDBID HMDBID2Name KEGGPATHID2SMPDBIDs KEGGID2Name GetKEGG.PathNames SetOrganism Setup.BiofluidType Setup.ConcData GetFinalNameMap PerformGeneMapping PerformCmpdMapping MetaboliteMappingExact CrossReferencing

Documented in CrossReferencing doCompoundMapping doGeneIDMapping GetFinalNameMap HMDBID2KEGGID HMDBID2Name KEGGID2HMDBID KEGGID2Name KEGGPATHID2SMPDBIDs MetaboliteMappingExact PerformCmpdMapping PerformGeneMapping SetOrganism Setup.BiofluidType Setup.ConcData

#'Various functions for mapping b/w names & database identifiers

#'Given a list of compound names or ids, find matched name or ids from selected databases
#'@description Given a list of compound names or ids
#'find matched name or IDs from selected databases
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects).
#'@param q.type Input the query type, "name" for compound names, "hmdb" for HMDB IDs, "kegg" for KEGG IDs, "pubchem"
#'for PubChem CIDs, "chebi" for ChEBI IDs, "metlin" for METLIN IDs, and "hmdb_kegg" for a both KEGG and HMDB IDs.
#'@param hmdb Logical, T to cross reference to HMDB, F to not.
#'@param pubchem Logical, T to cross reference to PubChem, F to not.
#'@param chebi Logical, T to cross reference to CheBI, F to not.
#'@param kegg Logical, T to cross reference to KEGG, F to not.
#'@param metlin Logical, T to cross reference to MetLin, F to not.
#'@param lipid Logical, if features are lipids (T), a different database will be used for
#'compound matching.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

CrossReferencing <- function(mSetObj=NA, q.type, hmdb=T, pubchem=T, 
                             chebi=F, kegg=T, metlin=F, lipid=F){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  # record the filter for 8 major databases
  mSetObj$return.cols <- c(hmdb, pubchem, chebi, kegg, metlin);
  mSetObj$lipid.feats <- lipid
  # record all the data
  if(!exists("name.map", where = mSetObj)){
    mSetObj$name.map <- list();
  # distribute job
  mSetObj$dataSet$q.type <- q.type;
    MetaboliteMappingExact(mSetObj, q.type, lipid);
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
    mSetObj <- MetaboliteMappingExact(mSetObj, q.type, lipid);
  # do some sanity check
  todo.inx <- which(is.na(mSetObj$name.map$hit.inx));
  if(length(mSetObj$name.map$hit.inx) == 0){
    mSetObj$msgSet$nmcheck.msg <- c(0, "No hits found for the given compound ID. Please make 
                                    sure that correct compound IDs or common compound names are used.");
  }else if(length(todo.inx)/length(mSetObj$name.map$hit.inx) > 0.5){
    mSetObj$msgSet$nmcheck.msg <- c(0, "Over half of the compound IDs could not be matched to our database. Please make 
                                    sure that correct compound IDs or common compound names are used.");
  }else if (length(todo.inx) > 15){
    mSetObj$msgSet$nmcheck.msg <- c(2, "There are >15 compounds without matches. You can either proceed or if necessary, update these compound IDs and upload again.");        
    mSetObj$msgSet$nmcheck.msg <- c(1, "Name matching OK, please inspect (and manual correct) the results then proceed.");   
    if(length(todo.inx) == length(mSetObj$name.map$hit.inx)){
      AddErrMsg("Name matching failed! Please make sure that correct standardized feature names are used!")

#'Mapping from different metabolite IDs
#'@description For compound names to other ids, can do exact or approximate matches
#'For other IDs, except HMDB ID, all others may return multiple/non-unique hits
#'Multiple hits or non-unique hits will allow users to manually select
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj.
#'@param q.type Inpute the query-type, "name" for compound names, "hmdb" for HMDB IDs, "kegg" for KEGG IDs, "pubchem"
#'for PubChem CIDs, "chebi" for ChEBI IDs, "metlin" for METLIN IDs, and "hmdb_kegg" for a both KEGG and HMDB IDs.
#'@param lipid Boolean, if features are lipids, a different database will be used for
#'compound matching.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
MetaboliteMappingExact <- function(mSetObj=NA, q.type, lipid = F){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  if(lipid & anal.type == "msetqea"){
    qvec <- names(mSet$dataSet$url.var.nms);
    qvec <- mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd;
  # variables to record results
  hit.inx <- vector(mode='numeric', length=length(qvec)); # record hit index, initial 0
  names(hit.inx) <- qvec;
  match.values <- vector(mode='character', length=length(qvec)); # the best matched values (hit names), initial ""
  match.state <- vector(mode='numeric', length=length(qvec));  # match status - 0, no match; 1, exact match; initial 0 
  if(anal.type %in% c("msetora", "msetssp", "msetqea") & lipid){
    cmpd.db <- .get.my.lib("lipid_compound_db.qs");
  }else if(anal.type == "utils"){
    cmpd.db <- .get.my.lib("master_compound_db.qs");
    cmpd.db <- .get.my.lib("compound_db.qs");
  if(q.type == "hmdb"){
    n <- 5 # Number of digits for V3 of HMDB
    hmdb.digits <- as.vector(sapply(cmpd.db$hmdb, function(x) strsplit(x, "HMDB", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]))
    hmdb.v3.ids <- paste0("HMDB", substr(hmdb.digits, nchar(hmdb.digits)-n+1, nchar(hmdb.digits)))
    hit.inx.v3 <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(hmdb.v3.ids));
    hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(cmpd.db$hmdb));
    hit.inx[is.na(hit.inx)] <- hit.inx.v3[is.na(hit.inx)]
    match.values <- cmpd.db$name[hit.inx];
    match.state[!is.na(hit.inx)] <- 1;
  }else if(q.type == "pubchem"){
    hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(cmpd.db$pubchem));
    match.values <- cmpd.db$name[hit.inx];
    match.state[!is.na(hit.inx)] <- 1;
  }else if(q.type == "chebi"){
    hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(cmpd.db$chebi));
    match.values <- cmpd.db$name[hit.inx];
    match.state[!is.na(hit.inx)] <- 1;
  }else if(q.type == "metlin"){
    hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(cmpd.db$metlin));
    match.values <- cmpd.db$name[hit.inx];
    match.state[!is.na(hit.inx)] <- 1;
  }else if(q.type == "kegg"){
    hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(cmpd.db$kegg));
    #hit.inx2 <- match(tolower(qvec), rev(tolower(cmpd.db$kegg)));
    # unique hits
    #nonuniq.hits <- hit.inx + hit.inx2 != nrow(cmpd.db) + 1;
    #hit.inx[nonuniq.hits] <- NA;
    match.values <- cmpd.db$name[hit.inx];
    match.state[!is.na(hit.inx)] <- 1;
  }else if(q.type == "name"){
    # first find exact match to the common compound names
    hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(cmpd.db$name));
    match.values <- cmpd.db$name[hit.inx];
    match.state[!is.na(hit.inx)] <- 1;

    # then try to find exact match to synonyms for the remaining unmatched query names one by one
    if(anal.type %in% c("msetora", "msetssp", "msetqea") & lipid){
      syn.db <- .get.my.lib("lipid_syn_nms.qs")
    }else if(anal.type == "utils"){
      syn.db <- .get.my.lib("master_syn_nms.qs")
      syn.db <- .get.my.lib("syn_nms.qs")
    syns.list <-  syn.db$syns.list;
    todo.inx <- which(is.na(hit.inx));
    if(length(todo.inx) > 0) {
      for(i in 1:length(syns.list)){
        syns <-  syns.list[[i]];
        hitInx <- match(tolower(qvec[todo.inx]), tolower(syns));
        hitPos <- which(!is.na(hitInx));
          # record matched ones
          hit.inx[orig.inx] <- i;                  
          # match.values[orig.inx] <- syns[hitInx[hitPos]];  # show matched synnames
          match.values[orig.inx] <- cmpd.db$name[i];    # show common name
          match.state[orig.inx] <- 1;
          # update unmatched list
        if(length(todo.inx) == 0) break;
  } else {
    print(paste("Unknown compound ID type:", q.type));save(qvec, file = "qvec__checking.rda");save(cmpd.db, file = "cmpd.db__checking.rda")
    # guess a mix of kegg and hmdb ids

    n <- 5 # Number of digits for V3 of HMDB
    hmdb.digits <- as.vector(sapply(cmpd.db$hmdb, function(x) strsplit(x, "HMDB", fixed=TRUE)[[1]][2]))
    hmdb.v3.ids <- paste0("HMDB", substr(hmdb.digits, nchar(hmdb.digits)-n+1, nchar(hmdb.digits)))
    hit.inx.v3 <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(hmdb.v3.ids));
    hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(cmpd.db$hmdb));
    hit.inx[is.na(hit.inx)] <- hit.inx.v3[is.na(hit.inx)]

#    hit.inx <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(cmpd.db$hmdb));
    hit.inx2 <- match(tolower(qvec), tolower(cmpd.db$kegg));
    nohmdbInx <- is.na(hit.inx);
    match.values <- cmpd.db$name[hit.inx];
    match.state[!is.na(hit.inx)] <- 1;
  # empty memory
  mSetObj$name.map$query.vec <- qvec; 
  mSetObj$name.map$hit.inx <- hit.inx;
  mSetObj$name.map$hit.values <- match.values;
  mSetObj$name.map$match.state <- match.state;

#'Perform compound mapping for integrative analysis methods
#'@description Perform compound mapping
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param cmpdIDs Input the list of compound IDs 
#'@param org Input the organism code
#'@param idType Input the ID type
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
PerformCmpdMapping <- function(mSetObj=NA, cmpdIDs, org, idType){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd.orig <- cmpdIDs;
  mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd.org <- org;
  mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd.id.type <- idType;

  if(idType == "name"){
    cmpd.mat <- getDataFromTextArea(cmpdIDs, "tab");
  }else{ # all other id should not contains space
    cmpd.mat <- getDataFromTextArea(cmpdIDs, "space");
  mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd <- rownames(cmpd.mat); # this is for compatibility with name_match function
  mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd.mat <- cmpd.mat;
    return(CrossReferencing(mSetObj, idType, hmdb=T, pubchem=T, chebi=F, kegg=T, metlin=F));
  mSetObjCR <- CrossReferencing(mSetObj, idType, hmdb=T, pubchem=T, chebi=F, kegg=T, metlin=F)

#'Perform integrated gene mapping
#'@description Used for the pathinteg module
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param geneIDs Input the list of gene IDs 
#'@param org Input the organism code
#'@param idType Input the ID type
PerformGeneMapping <- function(mSetObj=NA, geneIDs, org, idType){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  gene.mat <- getDataFromTextArea(geneIDs);
  gene.vec <- rownames(gene.mat);

  #record the info
  mSetObj$dataSet$q.type.gene <- idType;
  mSetObj$dataSet$gene.orig <- geneIDs;
  mSetObj$dataSet$gene.org <- org;
  mSetObj$dataSet$gene.mat <- gene.mat;
  mSetObj$dataSet$gene <- gene.vec;

  enIDs <- doGeneIDMapping(gene.vec, org, idType);
  if(idType == "kos"){
    kos <- gene.vec;
    mSetObj$dataSet$kos.name.map <- kos
  # Handle case when only KOs are mapped with no corresponding entrez id
  na.inx <- is.na(enIDs);
  if(sum(!na.inx) == 0 && idType == "kos"){
    na.inx <- is.na(kos);
  mSetObj$dataSet$gene.name.map <- list(
    match.state = ifelse(is.na(enIDs), 0, 1)
  AddMsg(paste("A total of ", length(unique(enIDs)), "unique genes were uploaded."));
  if(sum(!na.inx) > 0){
    AddErrMsg("Error: no hits found!");

#'Return the final (after user selection) map as dataframe
#'@description Returns three columns: original name, HMDB name and KEGG ID,
#'for enrichment and pathway analysis, respectively
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param lipid Logical
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
GetFinalNameMap <- function(mSetObj=NA, lipid = FALSE){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  lipid = mSetObj$lipid.feats

  if (is.null(lipid)) {
    lipid = FALSE

  hit.inx <- mSetObj$name.map$hit.inx;
  hit.values <- mSetObj$name.map$hit.values;
  match.state <- mSetObj$name.map$match.state;
  qvec <- mSetObj$dataSet$cmpd;
  nm.mat <- matrix(nrow=length(qvec), ncol=4);
  colnames(nm.mat) <- c("query", "hmdb",  "kegg", "hmdbid");

  if(anal.type %in% c("msetora", "msetssp", "msetqea") & lipid){
    cmpd.db <- .get.my.lib("lipid_compound_db.qs");
  }else if(anal.type == "utils"){
    cmpd.db <- .get.my.lib("master_compound_db.qs");
    cmpd.db <- .get.my.lib("compound_db.qs");
  for (i in 1:length(qvec)){

    hit <-cmpd.db[hit.inx[i], ,drop=FALSE];
      hmdb.hit <- NA;
      hmdb.hit.id <- NA;
      kegg.hit <- NA;
      hmdb.hit <- ifelse(nchar(hit.values[i])==0, NA, hit.values[i]);
      hmdb.hit.id <- ifelse(nchar(hit$hmdb_id)==0, NA, hit$hmdb_id);
      kegg.hit <- ifelse(nchar(hit$kegg_id)==0, NA, hit$kegg_id);
    nm.mat[i, ]<-c(qvec[i], hmdb.hit, kegg.hit, hmdb.hit.id);

#'Save concentration data
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param conc Input the concentration data
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
Setup.ConcData<-function(mSetObj=NA, conc){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mSetObj$dataSet$norm <- conc;

#'Save biofluid type for SSP
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param type Input the biofluid type
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
Setup.BiofluidType<-function(mSetObj=NA, type){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mSetObj$dataSet$biofluid <- type;

#'Set organism for further analysis
#'@param mSetObj Input the name of the created mSetObj (see InitDataObjects)
#'@param org Set organism ID
SetOrganism <- function(mSetObj=NA, org){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  mSetObj$org <- org;

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

#'Given a vector containing KEGGIDs, returns a vector of KEGG compound names
#'@description This function, given a vector containing KEGGIDs, returns a vector of KEGG compound names.
#'@param ids Vector of KEGG ids
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

  cmpd.db <- .get.my.lib("compound_db.qs");
  hit.inx<- match(ids, cmpd.db$kegg);
  return(cmpd.db[hit.inx, 3]);

#'Given a vector containing KEGG pathway IDs, return a vector containing SMPDB IDs (only for hsa)
#'@description This function, when given a vector of KEGG pathway IDs, return a vector of SMPDB IDs (only for hsa).
#'SMPDB standing for the Small Molecule Pathway Database, and hsa standing for human serum albumin. 
#'@param ids Vector of KEGG pathway IDs
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

  hit.inx<-match(ids, path.map[,1]);
  return(path.map[hit.inx, 3]);

#'Given a vector of HMDBIDs, return a vector of HMDB compound names
#'@description This function, when given a vector of HMDBIDs, return a vector of HMDB compound names. HMDB standing
#'for the Human Metabolome Database. 
#'@param ids Input the vector of HMDB Ids
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

  cmpd.db <- .get.my.lib("compound_db.qs");
  hit.inx<- match(ids, cmpd.db$hmdb);
  return(cmpd.db[hit.inx, "name"]);

#'Given a vector of KEGGIDs, return a vector of HMDB ID
#'@description This functionn, when given a vector of KEGGIDs, returns a vector of HMDB IDs. HMDB standing
#'for the Human Metabolome Database. 
#'@param ids Vector of KEGG ids
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

  cmpd.db <- .get.my.lib("compound_db.qs");
  hit.inx<- match(ids, cmpd.db$kegg);
  return(cmpd.db[hit.inx, "hmdb_id"]);

#'Given a vector of HMDBIDs, return a vector of KEGG IDs
#'@description This function, when given a vector of HMDBIDs, returns a vector of KEGG ID. HMDB standing
#'for the Human Metabolome Database. 
#'@param ids Input the vector of HMDB Ids
#'@author Jeff Xia\email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)

  cmpd.db <- .get.my.lib("compound_db.qs");
  hit.inx<- match(ids, cmpd.db$hmdb);
  return(cmpd.db[hit.inx, "kegg_id"]);

#'Convert different gene IDs into entrez IDs for downstream analysis
#'@description Gene ID mapping, gene annotation, compound
#'mapping, KEGG mapping
#'@param q.vec Input the query
#'@param org Input the organism type
#'@param type Input the type of data to annotate 
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
doGeneIDMapping <- function(q.vec, org, type){
  sqlite.path <- paste0(url.pre, org, "_genes.sqlite");
    sqlite_url <- paste0("https://www.xialab.ca/resources/sqlite/", 
                         org, "_genes.sqlite");
    sqlite.path <- paste0(getwd(), "/",org, "_genes.sqlite")
    download.file(sqlite_url,destfile = sqlite.path, method = "curl")
  con <- .get.sqlite.con(sqlite.path); 
  if(type == "symbol"){
    db.map = dbReadTable(con, "entrez")
    if(org == "dme"){
      q.vec <- paste0("Dmel_", q.vec)
    hit.inx <- match(q.vec, db.map[, "symbol"]);
  }else if(type == "entrez"){
    db.map = dbReadTable(con, "entrez")
    hit.inx <- match(q.vec, db.map[, "gene_id"]);
    if(type == "genbank"){
      db.map = dbReadTable(con, "entrez_gb");
    }else if(type == "embl"){
      db.map = dbReadTable(con, "entrez_embl_gene");
    }else if(type == "refseq"){
      db.map = dbReadTable(con, "entrez_refseq");
      q.mat <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(q.vec, "\\."));
      q.vec <- q.mat[,1];
    }else if(type == "kos"){
      db.map = dbReadTable(con, "entrez_ortholog");
    }else if(type == "uniprot"){
      db.map = dbReadTable(con, "entrez_uniprot");
    hit.inx <- match(q.vec, db.map[, "accession"]);
  if(org %in% c("bta", "dre", "gga", "hsa", "mmu", "osa", "rno")){
    entrezs=db.map[hit.inx, "gene_id"];
    entrezs=db.map[hit.inx, "symbol"];
  rm(db.map, q.vec); gc();

#'Perform compound mapping
#'@param cmpd.vec Input compound vector
#'@param q.type Query type
doCompoundMapping<-function(cmpd.vec, q.type){
  cmpd.map <- .get.my.lib("compound_db.qs");
  if(q.type == "name"){
    # first find exact match to the common compound names
    hit.inx <- match(tolower(cmpd.vec), tolower(cmpd.map$name));
    # then try to find exact match to synanyms for the remaining unmatched query names one by one
    todo.inx <-which(is.na(hit.inx));
    if(length(todo.inx) > 0){
      # then try to find exact match to synanyms for the remaining unmatched query names one by one
      syn.db <- .get.my.lib("syn_nms.qs")
      syns.list <-  syn.db$syns.list;
      for(i in 1:length(syns.list)){
        syns <-  syns.list[[i]];
        hitInx <- match(tolower(cmpd.vec[todo.inx]), tolower(syns));
        hitPos <- which(!is.na(hitInx));
          # record matched ones
          hit.inx[orig.inx] <- i;
          # update unmatched list
        if(length(todo.inx) == 0) break;
    dat <-  cmpd.map[hit.inx, "kegg"];
    if(q.type == "hmdb"){
      hit.inx <- match(tolower(cmpd.vec), tolower(cmpd.map$hmdb));
    }else if(q.type == "kegg"){ 
      hit.inx <- match(tolower(cmpd.vec), tolower(cmpd.map$kegg));
    }else if(q.type == "pubchem"){ 
      hit.inx <- match(tolower(cmpd.vec), tolower(cmpd.map$pubchem));
    }else if(q.type == "chebi"){
      hit.inx <- match(tolower(cmpd.vec), tolower(cmpd.map$chebi));
    }else if(q.type == "reactome"){ 
      hit.inx <- match(tolower(cmpd.vec), tolower(cmpd.map$reactome));
      print("No support is available for this compound database");
    dat <-  cmpd.map[hit.inx, "kegg"];
xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR documentation built on April 20, 2024, 8:13 p.m.