
Defines functions GetMaxPosCoeff GetMinPosCoeff GetMaxNegCoeff GetMinNegCoeff GetMaxRawPVal FilterBipartiNet FilterNetByCor GetMinConnectedGraphs scale_vec_colours GetColorGradient ComputeColorGradient generate_breaks sync2vecs rescale2NewRange doID2LabelMapping UpdateNetworkLayout PerformLayOut ExtractModule ExportNetwork convertIgraph2JSON community.significance.test FindCommunities ExcludeNodes GetShortestPaths GetNetsQueryNum GetNetsNodeNum GetNetsEdgeNum GetNetsNameString GetNetsName UpdateSubnetStats ComputeSubnetStats PrepareSubnetDownloads DecomposeGraph GetNodeBetweenness GetNodeDegrees GetNodeNames GetNodeIDs GetNodeEmblEntrezIDs GetNodeEntrezIDs PrepareNetwork PlotNetwork CreateGraph UpdateIntegPathwayAnalysis

Documented in CreateGraph UpdateIntegPathwayAnalysis

#'Update integrative pathway analysis for new input list
#'@description used for integrative analysis
#'as well as general pathways analysis for meta-analysis results
#'@usage UpdateIntegPathwayAnalysis(mSetObj=NA, qids, file.nm, 
#'topo="dc", enrich="hyper", libOpt="integ")
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@param qids Input the query IDs
#'@param file.nm Input the name of the file
#'@param topo Select the mode for topology analysis: Degree Centrality ("dc") measures the number of links that connect to a node
#'(representing either a gene or metabolite) within a pathway; Closeness Centrality ("cc") measures the overall distance from a given node
#'to all other nodes in a pathway; Betweenness Centrality ("bc")measures the number of shortest paths from all nodes to all the others that pass through a given node within a pathway.
#'@param enrich Method to perform over-representation analysis (ORA) based on either hypergenometrics analysis ("hyper")
#' or Fisher's exact method ("fisher").
#'@param libOpt Select the different modes of pathways, either the gene-metabolite mode ("integ") which allows for joint-analysis
#' and visualization of both significant genes and metabolites or the gene-centric ("genetic") and metabolite-centric mode ("metab") which allows users
#' to identify enriched pathways driven by significant genes or metabolites, respectively.
#'@author Jeff Xia \email{jeff.xia@mcgill.ca}
#'McGill University, Canada
#'License: GNU GPL (>= 2)
UpdateIntegPathwayAnalysis <- function(mSetObj=NA, qids, file.nm, topo="dc", enrich="hyper", libOpt="integ",vis.type=""){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  # make sure this is annotated   
    AddErrMsg("It appears that data is not annotated yet - unknown organism and ID types! Please use other modules (pathway/network) to access this function.");
  sub.dir <- paste0("kegg/jointpa/",libOpt);
  destfile <- paste0(mSetObj$org, ".qs");
  current.kegglib <<- .get.my.lib(destfile, sub.dir);

  qids <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(qids, "; ", fixed=TRUE));
  idtypes <- unlist(sapply(qids, function(x) substring(x, 1, 1) == "C"))
  qcmpds <- qids[idtypes]
  qgenes <- qids[!idtypes]

  set.size <- length(current.kegglib$mset.list);
  ms.list <- lapply(current.kegglib$mset.list, function(x){strsplit(x, " ", fixed=TRUE)});
  current.universe <- unique(unlist(ms.list));

  # prepare for the result table
  res.mat<-matrix(0, nrow=set.size, ncol=7);
  colnames(res.mat)<-c("Total", "Expected", "Hits", "P.Value", "Topology", "PVal.Z",  "Topo.Z");

  mSetObj$dataSet$pathinteg.method <- libOpt;
  mSetObj$dataSet$path.mat <- NULL;

  if(libOpt == "genetic"){
    gene.vec <- paste(mSetObj$org, ":", qgenes, sep="");
    ora.vec <- gene.vec;
    ora.vec.ids <- c(qgenes);
    uniq.count <- current.kegglib$uniq.gene.count;
    uniq.len <- current.kegglib$gene.counts;

  }else if(libOpt == "metab"){
    cmpd.vec <- paste("cpd:", qcmpds, sep="");
    ora.vec <- cmpd.vec;
    ora.vec.ids <- c(qcmpds);
    uniq.count <- current.kegglib$uniq.cmpd.count
    uniq.len <- current.kegglib$cmpd.counts;

  }else{ # integ

    cmpd.vec <- paste("cpd:", qcmpds, sep="");
    gene.vec <- paste(mSetObj$org, ":", qgenes, sep="");
    ora.vec <- c(cmpd.vec, gene.vec);
    ora.vec.ids <- c(qcmpds, qgenes);

    uniq.count <- current.kegglib$uniq.cmpd.count
    uniq.len <- current.kegglib$cmpd.counts;
    uniq.count <- uniq.count + current.kegglib$uniq.gene.count;
    uniq.len <- uniq.len + current.kegglib$gene.counts;

  # need to cut to the universe covered by the pathways, not all genes
  ora.vec <- ora.vec[ora.vec %in% current.universe]
  q.size <- length(ora.vec);
  # note, we need to do twice one for nodes (for plotting)
  # one for query for calculating, as one node can be associated with multiple matches
  # get the matched nodes on each pathway
  hits.path <- lapply(ms.list, function(x) {unlist(lapply(x, function(var){any(var%in%ora.vec);}),use.names=FALSE)});
  names(hits.path) <- current.kegglib$path.ids;

  # get the matched query for each pathway
  hits.query <- lapply(ms.list, function(x) {ora.vec%in%unlist(x);});

  hit.num <- unlist(lapply(hits.query, function(x){sum(x)}), use.names=FALSE);

  if(sum(hit.num) == 0){
    AddErrMsg("No hits found for your input!");

  set.num <- uniq.len;
  res.mat[,1] <- set.num;
  res.mat[,2] <- q.size*(set.num/uniq.count);
  res.mat[,3] <- hit.num;

  # use lower.tail = F for P(X>x)
    res.mat[,4] <- phyper(hit.num-1, set.num, uniq.count-set.num, q.size, lower.tail=F);
  }else if(enrich == "fisher"){
    res.mat[,4] <- GetFisherPvalue(hit.num, q.size, set.num, uniq.count);
    AddErrMsg(paste("Not defined enrichment method:", enrich));

  # toplogy test
  if(topo == "bc"){
    imp.list <- current.kegglib$bc;
  }else if(topo == "dc"){
    imp.list <- current.kegglib$dc;
  }else if(topo == "cc"){
    imp.list <- current.kegglib$cc;
    AddErrMsg(paste("Not defined topology method:", topo));

  # now, perform topological analysis
  # calculate the sum of importance
  res.mat[,5] <- mapply(function(x, y){sum(x[y])}, imp.list, hits.path);

  # now add two more columns for the scaled values
  res.mat[,6] <- scale(-log(res.mat[,4]));
  res.mat[,7] <- scale(res.mat[,5]);

  # now, clean up result, synchronize with hit.query
  res.mat <- res.mat[hit.num>0,,drop = F];
  hits.query <- hits.query[hit.num>0];

  if(nrow(res.mat)> 1){
    # order by p value
    ord.inx <- order(res.mat[,4]);
    res.mat <- signif(res.mat[ord.inx,],3);
    hits.query <- hits.query[ord.inx];

    imp.inx <- res.mat[,4] <= 0.05;
    if(sum(imp.inx) < 10){ # too little left, give the top ones
      topn <- ifelse(nrow(res.mat) > 10, 10, nrow(res.mat));
      res.mat <- res.mat[1:topn,];
      hits.query <- hits.query[1:topn];
      res.mat <- res.mat[imp.inx,];
      hits.query <- hits.query[imp.inx];
      if(sum(imp.inx) > 120){
        # now, clean up result, synchronize with hit.query
        res.mat <- res.mat[1:120,];
        hits.query <- hits.query[1:120];

  hits.names <- lapply(hits.query, function(x) ora.vec.ids[which(x == TRUE)]);

  #get gene symbols
  resTable <- data.frame(Pathway=rownames(res.mat), res.mat);

  fun.anot = hits.names; names(fun.anot) <- resTable[,1];
  fun.pval = resTable[,5]; if(length(fun.pval) ==1) { fun.pval <- matrix(fun.pval) };
  hit.num = resTable[,4]; if(length(hit.num) ==1) { hit.num <- matrix(hit.num) };
  current.setlink <- "http://www.genome.jp/kegg-bin/show_pathway?";

  json.res <- list(
              fun.link = current.setlink[1],
              fun.anot = fun.anot,
              #fun.ids = fun.ids,
              fun.pval = fun.pval,
              hit.num = hit.num
  json.mat <- rjson::toJSON(json.res);
  json.nm <- paste(file.nm, ".json", sep="");


  # write csv
  fun.hits <<- hits.query;
  fun.pval <<- resTable[,5];
  hit.num <<- resTable[,4];
  csv.nm <- paste(file.nm, ".csv", sep="");

      mSetObj$imgSet$enrTables <- list();

  mSetObj$imgSet$enrTables[[vis.type]] <- list();
  mSetObj$imgSet$enrTables[[vis.type]]$table <- resTable;
  mSetObj$imgSet$enrTables[[vis.type]]$library <- libOpt;
  mSetObj$imgSet$enrTables[[vis.type]]$algo <- "Overrepresentation Analysis";

  fast.write.csv(resTable, file=csv.nm, row.names=F);

#'Create igraph from the edgelist saved from graph DB and decompose into subnets
#'@description Function for the network explorer module, prepares user's data for network exploration.
#'@param mSetObj Input name of the created mSet Object
#'@import igraph
CreateGraph <- function(mSetObj=NA){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);


  net.type <- pheno.net$table.nm;
  node.list <- pheno.net$node.data;
  edge.list <- pheno.net$edge.data;

  seed.proteins <- pheno.net$seeds;
  if(net.type == "dspc"){
    if(nrow(edge.list) < 1000){
      top.percent <- round(nrow(edge.list)*0.2);
      top.edge <- sort(unique(edge.list$Pval))[1:top.percent]; #default only show top 20% significant edges when #edges<1000
    }else{                                                    #default only show top 100 significant edges when #edges>1000   
      top.edge <- sort(edge.list$Pval)[1:100];
    top.inx <- match(edge.list$Pval, top.edge);
    topedge.list <- edge.list[!is.na(top.inx), ,drop=F];
    overall.graph <-simplify(graph_from_data_frame(topedge.list, directed=FALSE, vertices=NULL), edge.attr.comb="first");
    seed.graph <<- seed.proteins;
    overall.graph <- simplify(graph.data.frame(edge.list, directed=FALSE, vertices=node.list), remove.multiple=FALSE);
    # add node expression value
    #newIDs <- names(seed.expr);
    newIDs <- seed.graph;
    match.index <- match(V(overall.graph)$name, newIDs);
    expr.vals <- seed.expr[match.index];
    overall.graph <- set.vertex.attribute(overall.graph, "abundance", index = V(overall.graph), value = expr.vals);

  hit.inx <- seed.proteins %in% node.list[,1];
  seed.proteins <<- seed.proteins[hit.inx];

  substats <- DecomposeGraph(overall.graph);
  overall.graph <<- overall.graph;

  #tmp-test-js; mSetObj <- PlotNetwork(mSetObj, network.type);

    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
      return(c(length(seed.graph), length(seed.proteins), nrow(node.list), nrow(edge.list), length(pheno.comps), substats));

### Utility functions

# Utility function to plot network for analysis report (CreateGraph)
PlotNetwork <- function(mSetObj=NA, imgName, format="png", dpi=72, width=NA){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);

  img.Name = paste(imgName, "_dpi", dpi, ".", format, sep="");

    w <- 10;
  }else if(width == 0){
    w <- 8;

    w <- width;

  h <- w;

  mSetObj$imgSet$networkplot <- img.Name

  nodeColors <- rep("lightgrey", length(V(overall.graph)))
  idx.cmpd <- as.vector(sapply(names(V(overall.graph)), function(x) substring(x,0,1) == "C"))
  idx.genes <- names(V(overall.graph)) %in% mSetObj$dataSet$gene
  nodeColors[idx.cmpd] <- "orange"
  nodeColors[idx.genes] <- "#306EFF"
  V(overall.graph)$color <- nodeColors

  # annotation
  nms <- V(overall.graph)$name;
  hit.inx <- match(nms, pheno.net$node.data[,1]);
  lbls <- pheno.net$node.data[hit.inx,2];
  V(overall.graph)$name <- as.vector(lbls);

  Cairo::Cairo(file = img.Name, unit="in", dpi=dpi, width=w, height=h, type=format, bg="white");
  text(1,1, "Entrez gene ", col="#306EFF")
  text(1,0.9, "KEGG compound ", col="orange")
  if(sum(nodeColors == "lightgrey") > 0){
    text(1,0.8, "OMIM disease ", col="lightgrey")


PrepareNetwork <- function(net.nm, json.nm){
  convertIgraph2JSON(net.nm, json.nm);
  current.net.nm <<- net.nm;

# from node ID (uniprot) return entrez IDs (one to many)
GetNodeEntrezIDs <- function(uniprotID){
  enIDs <- current.anot[uniprotID];
  enIDs <- paste(enIDs, collapse="||");

GetNodeEmblEntrezIDs <- function(emblprotein){
  enIDs <- current.anot[emblprotein];
  enIDs <- paste(enIDs, collapse="||");

GetNodeIDs <- function(){

GetNodeNames <- function(){

GetNodeDegrees <- function(){

GetNodeBetweenness <- function(){
  round(betweenness(overall.graph, directed=F, normalized=F), 2);

DecomposeGraph <- function(gObj, minNodeNum=3, maxNetNum=10){

  # now decompose to individual connected subnetworks
  comps <- igraph::decompose.graph(gObj, min.vertices=minNodeNum);
  if(length(comps) == 0){
    msg <- paste("No subnetwork was identified with at least", minNodeNum, "nodes!");

  # first compute subnet stats
  net.stats <- ComputeSubnetStats(comps);
  ord.inx <- order(net.stats[,1], decreasing=TRUE);
  net.stats <- net.stats[ord.inx,];
  comps <- comps[ord.inx];
  names(comps) <- rownames(net.stats) <- paste("subnetwork", 1:length(comps), sep="");

  # note, we report stats for all nets (at least 3 nodes);
  hit.inx <- net.stats$Node >= minNodeNum;
  comps <- comps[hit.inx];

  # in case too many
  if(length(comps) > maxNetNum){
     comps <- comps[1:maxNetNum];

  # now record
  pheno.comps <<- comps;
  net.stats <<- net.stats;
  sub.stats <- unlist(lapply(comps, vcount));

PrepareSubnetDownloads <- function(nm){
  g <- pheno.comps[[nm]];
  # need to update graph so that id is compound names rather than ID
  V(g)$name <- as.character(doID2LabelMapping(V(g)$name));
  saveNetworkInSIF(g, nm);

ComputeSubnetStats <- function(comps){
  net.stats <- as.data.frame(matrix(0, ncol = 3, nrow = length(comps)));
  colnames(net.stats) <- c("Node", "Edge", "Query");
  for(i in 1:length(comps)){
    g <- comps[[i]];
    net.stats[i,] <- c(vcount(g),ecount(g),sum(seed.proteins %in% V(g)$name));

UpdateSubnetStats <- function(){
  old.nms <- names(pheno.comps);
  net.stats <- ComputeSubnetStats(pheno.comps);
  ord.inx <- order(net.stats[,1], decreasing=TRUE);
  net.stats <- net.stats[ord.inx,];
  rownames(net.stats) <- old.nms[ord.inx];
  net.stats <<- net.stats;

GetNetsName <- function(){

GetNetsNameString <- function(){
  paste(rownames(net.stats), collapse="||");

GetNetsEdgeNum <- function(){

GetNetsNodeNum <- function(){

GetNetsQueryNum <- function(){

# from to should be valid nodeIDs
GetShortestPaths <- function(from, to){
  current.net <- pheno.comps[[current.net.nm]];
  paths <- igraph::get.all.shortest.paths(current.net, from, to)$res;
  if(length(paths) == 0){
    return (paste("No connection between the two nodes!"));

  path.vec <- vector(mode="character", length=length(paths));
  for(i in 1:length(paths)){
    path.inx <- paths[[i]];
    path.ids <- V(current.net)$name[path.inx];
    path.sybls <- path.ids;
    pids <- paste(path.ids, collapse="->");
    psbls <- paste(path.sybls, collapse="->");
    path.vec[i] <- paste(c(pids, psbls), collapse=";")

  if(length(path.vec) > 50){
    path.vec <- path.vec[1:50];

  all.paths <- paste(path.vec, collapse="||");

# exclude nodes in current.net (networkview)
ExcludeNodes <- function(nodeids, filenm){
  nodes2rm <- strsplit(nodeids, ";", fixed=TRUE)[[1]];
  current.net <- pheno.comps[[current.net.nm]];
  current.net <- igraph::delete.vertices(current.net, nodes2rm);

  # need to remove all orphan nodes
  bad.vs<-V(current.net)$name[degree(current.net) == 0];
  current.net <- igraph::delete.vertices(current.net, bad.vs);

  # return all those nodes that are removed
  nds2rm <- paste(c(bad.vs, nodes2rm), collapse="||");

  # update topo measures
  node.btw <- as.numeric(igraph::betweenness(current.net));
  node.dgr <- as.numeric(igraph::degree(current.net));
  node.exp <- as.numeric(igraph::get.vertex.attribute(current.net, name="abundance", index = V(current.net)));
  nms <- V(current.net)$name;
  hit.inx <- match(nms, pheno.net$node.data[,1]);
  lbls <- pheno.net$node.data[hit.inx,2];

  nodes <- vector(mode="list");
  for(i in 1:length(nms)){
    nodes[[i]] <- list(
      expr = node.exp[i]
  # now only save the node pos to json
  netData <- list(deletes=nds2rm, nodes=nodes);

  pheno.comps[[current.net.nm]] <<- current.net;

  # remember to forget the cached layout, and restart caching, as this is now different object (with the same name)

# support walktrap, infomap and lab propagation
FindCommunities <- function(method="walktrap", use.weight=FALSE){

  # make sure this is the connected
  current.net <- pheno.comps[[current.net.nm]];
  g <- current.net;
    g <- igraph::decompose.graph(current.net, min.vertices=2)[[1]];
  total.size <- length(V(g));

  if(use.weight){ # this is only tested for walktrap, should work for other method
    # now need to compute weights for edges
    egs <- igraph::get.edges(g, E(g)); #node inx
    nodes <- V(g)$name;
    # conver to node id
    negs <- cbind(nodes[egs[,1]],nodes[egs[,2]]);

    # get min FC change
    base.wt <- min(abs(seed.expr))/10;

    # check if user only give a gene list without logFC or all same fake value
    if(length(unique(seed.expr)) == 1){
      seed.expr <- rep(1, nrow(negs));
      base.wt <- 0.1; # weight cannot be 0 in walktrap

    wts <- matrix(base.wt, ncol=2, nrow = nrow(negs));
    for(i in 1:ncol(negs)){
      nd.ids <- negs[,i];
      hit.inx <- match(names(seed.expr), nd.ids);
      pos.inx <- hit.inx[!is.na(hit.inx)];
      wts[pos.inx,i]<- seed.expr[!is.na(hit.inx)]+0.1;
    nwt <- apply(abs(wts), 1, function(x){mean(x)^2})

  if(method == "walktrap"){
    fc <- igraph::walktrap.community(g);
  }else if(method == "infomap"){
    fc <- igraph::infomap.community(g);
  }else if(method == "labelprop"){
    fc <- igraph::label.propagation.community(g);
    print(paste("Unknown method:", method));
    return ("NA||Unknown method!");

  if(length(fc) == 0 || modularity(fc) == 0){
    return ("NA||No communities were detected!");

  # only get communities
  communities <- igraph::communities(fc);
  community.vec <- vector(mode="character", length=length(communities));
  gene.community <- NULL;
  qnum.vec <- NULL;
  pval.vec <- NULL;
  rowcount <- 0;
  nms <- V(g)$name;
  hit.inx <- match(nms, pheno.net$node.data[,1]);
  sybls <- pheno.net$node.data[hit.inx,2];
  names(sybls) <- V(g)$name;
  for(i in 1:length(communities)){
    # update for igraph 1.0.1
    path.ids <- communities[[i]];
    psize <- length(path.ids);
    if(psize < 5){
      next; # ignore very small community
    hits <- seed.proteins %in% path.ids;
    qnums <- sum(hits);
    if(qnums == 0){
      next; # ignor community containing no queries

    rowcount <- rowcount + 1;
    pids <- paste(path.ids, collapse="->");
    #path.sybls <- V(g)$Label[path.inx];
    path.sybls <- sybls[path.ids];
    com.mat <- cbind(path.ids, path.sybls, rep(i, length(path.ids)));
    gene.community <- rbind(gene.community, com.mat);
    qnum.vec <- c(qnum.vec, qnums);

    # calculate p values (comparing in- out- degrees)
    #subgraph <- induced.subgraph(g, path.inx);
    subgraph <- igraph::induced.subgraph(g, path.ids);
    in.degrees <- igraph::degree(subgraph);
    #out.degrees <- degree(g, path.inx) - in.degrees;
    out.degrees <- igraph::degree(g, path.ids) - in.degrees;
    ppval <- wilcox.test(in.degrees, out.degrees)$p.value;
    ppval <- signif(ppval, 3);
    pval.vec <- c(pval.vec, ppval);

    # calculate community score
    community.vec[rowcount] <- paste(c(psize, qnums, ppval, pids), collapse=";");

  ord.inx <- order(pval.vec, decreasing=F);
  community.vec <- community.vec[ord.inx];
  qnum.vec <- qnum.vec[ord.inx];
  ord.inx <- order(qnum.vec, decreasing=T);
  community.vec <- community.vec[ord.inx];

  all.communities <- paste(community.vec, collapse="||");
  colnames(gene.community) <- c("Id", "Label", "Module");
  fast.write.csv(gene.community, file="module_table.csv", row.names=F);

community.significance.test <- function(graph, vs, ...) {
  subgraph <- igraph::induced.subgraph(graph, vs)
  in.degrees <- igraph::degree(subgraph)
  out.degrees <- igraph::degree(graph, vs) - in.degrees
  wilcox.test(in.degrees, out.degrees, ...)

# Adapted from netweavers package
#'@import RColorBrewer
convertIgraph2JSON <- function(net.nm, filenm){

  table.nm <- pheno.net$table.nm;
  g <- pheno.comps[[net.nm]];
  # annotation
  nms <- V(g)$name;
  hit.inx <- match(nms, pheno.net$node.data[,1]);
  lbls <- pheno.net$node.data[hit.inx,2];
  gene.names <- pheno.net$node.data[hit.inx,3];

  if("Evidence" %in% colnames(pheno.net$node.data)){
    evidence.ids <- pheno.net$node.data[hit.inx,4];
  } else {
    evidence.ids <- rep("", length(gene.names));

  # get edge data
  edge.mat <- igraph::get.edgelist(g);
  edge.evidence <- igraph::edge_attr(g, "Evidence");
  edge.coeff <- igraph::edge_attr(g, "Coefficient");
  edge.pval <- igraph::edge_attr(g, "Pval");
  edge.qval <- igraph::edge_attr(g, "Adj_Pval");
    edge.sizes <- as.numeric(rescale2NewRange((-log10(edge.pval)), 0.5, 10));
    edge.sizes.qval <- as.numeric(rescale2NewRange((-log10(edge.qval)), 0.5, 10));
    edge.sizes.coeff <- as.numeric(rescale2NewRange(edge.coeff, 0.5, 10));

    edge.mat <- cbind(id=1:nrow(edge.mat), source=edge.mat[,1], target=edge.mat[,2], evidence=edge.evidence);
  } else if(!is.null(edge.coeff)){
    edge.mat <- cbind(id=1:nrow(edge.mat), source=edge.mat[,1], target=edge.mat[,2], coeff=edge.coeff, pval=edge.pval, qval=edge.qval, esize_pval=edge.sizes, esize_qval=edge.sizes.qval, esize_coeff=edge.sizes.coeff);
    edge.mat <- cbind(id=1:nrow(edge.mat), source=edge.mat[,1], target=edge.mat[,2]);

  # now get coords
  #pos.xy <- PerformLayOut_mem(net.nm, "Default");
  pos.xy <- PerformLayOut(net.nm, "Default");
  # get the note data
  node.btw <- as.numeric(igraph::betweenness(g));
  node.dgr <- as.numeric(igraph::degree(g));
  node.exp <- as.numeric(igraph::get.vertex.attribute(g, name="abundance", index = V(g)));

  # node size to degree values
    min.size = 1;
  }else if(vcount(g)>200){
    min.size = 2;
    min.size = 3;
  node.sizes <- as.numeric(rescale2NewRange((log10(node.dgr))^2, min.size, 9));
  edge.sizes <- 1;
  centered = T;
  notcentered = F;
  coeff <- 0;

  if(table.nm != "dspc"){
  # update node color based on betweenness
  topo.val <- log10(node.btw+1);
  topo.colsb <- ComputeColorGradient(topo.val, "black", notcentered);
  topo.colsw <-  ComputeColorGradient(topo.val, "white", notcentered);

  # color based on expression
  bad.inx <- is.na(node.exp) | node.exp==0;
    exp.val <- node.exp;
    node.colsb.exp <- ComputeColorGradient(exp.val, "black", centered);
    node.colsw.exp <- ComputeColorGradient(exp.val, "white", centered);
    node.colsb.exp[bad.inx] <- "#d3d3d3";
    node.colsw.exp[bad.inx] <- "#c6c6c6";
    # node.colsw.exp[bad.inx] <- "#66CCFF";
    node.colsb.exp <- rep("#d3d3d3",length(node.exp));
    node.colsw.exp <- rep("#c6c6c6",length(node.exp));

  if(table.nm == "global"){
    # now update for bipartite network
    # setup shape (gene circle, other squares)
    # Circles for genes
    shapes <- rep("circle", length(nms));
    # Squares for phenotypes
    mir.inx <- nms %in% edge.mat[,"target"];
    shapes[mir.inx] <- "square";
    # Diamond for metabolites
    cmpds.node <- as.vector(sapply(nms, function(x) substr(x, 1, 1) == "C"))
    shapes[cmpds.node] <- "diamond"
    node.sizes[mir.inx] <- node.sizes[mir.inx] + 0.5;
    # update mir node color
    node.colsw.exp[mir.inx] <- topo.colsw[mir.inx] <- "#306EFF"; # dark blue
    node.colsb.exp[mir.inx] <- topo.colsb[mir.inx] <- "#98F5FF";
  } else if (table.nm == "dspc"){
    # Diamond for metabolites
    # can distinguish known and unknown metabolites using different shapes L.C.
    shapes <- rep("diamond", length(nms));
    topo.colsb <- rep("#98F5FF",length(nms));
    topo.colsw <- rep("#306EFF",length(nms)); # dark blue
    node.colsb.exp <- rep("#d3d3d3",length(node.exp));
    node.colsw.exp <- rep("#c6c6c6",length(node.exp));
  } else {
    # now update for bipartite network
    # setup shape (gene circle, other squares)
    shapes <- rep("circle", length(nms));
    if(pheno.net$db.type != 'ppi' && table.nm != "metabo_metabolites"){ # the other part miRNA or TF will be in square
      mir.inx <- nms %in% edge.mat[,"target"];
      shapes[mir.inx] <- "square";
      node.sizes[mir.inx] <- node.sizes[mir.inx] + 0.5;

      # update mir node color
      node.colsw.exp[mir.inx] <- topo.colsw[mir.inx] <- "#306EFF"; # dark blue
      node.colsb.exp[mir.inx] <- topo.colsb[mir.inx] <- "#98F5FF";

  # now create the json object
  nodes <- vector(mode="list");
  for(i in 1:length(node.sizes)){
    # TODO: avoid which here and just attach HMDB matched IDs to the list of Compound nodes
    hmdb.id <- mSet$dataSet$map.table[which(mSet$dataSet$map.table[,1] == nms[i]), 3]

    nodes[[i]] <- list(
      idnb = i,
      x = pos.xy[i,1],
      y = pos.xy[i,2],
        expr = node.exp[i],

  # save node table
  nd.tbl <- data.frame(Id=nms, Label=lbls, Degree=node.dgr, Betweenness=round(node.btw,2));
  # order
  ord.inx <- order(nd.tbl[,3], nd.tbl[,4], decreasing = TRUE)
  nd.tbl <- nd.tbl[ord.inx, ];
  fast.write.csv(nd.tbl, file="node_table.csv", row.names=FALSE);

  # covert to json
  netData <- list(nodes=nodes, edges=edge.mat);
  netData[["edges"]] <- lapply(seq(nrow(netData[["edges"]])), FUN = function(x) {netData[["edges"]][x,]})

# also save to GraphML
ExportNetwork <- function(fileName){
  current.net <- pheno.comps[[current.net.nm]];
  igraph::write.graph(current.net, file=fileName, format="graphml");

ExtractModule<- function(nodeids){
  nodes <- strsplit(nodeids, ";", fixed=TRUE)[[1]];

  g <- pheno.comps[[current.net.nm]];
  # try to see if the nodes themselves are already connected
  hit.inx <- V(g)$name %in% nodes;
  gObj <- igraph::induced.subgraph(g, V(g)$name[hit.inx]);

  # now find connected components
  comps <- igraph::decompose.graph(gObj, min.vertices=1);

  if(length(comps) == 1){ # nodes are all connected
    g <- comps[[1]];
    # extract modules
    paths.list <-list();
    sd.len <- length(nodes);
    for(pos in 1:sd.len){
      paths.list[[pos]] <- igraph::get.shortest.paths(g, nodes[pos], nodes[-(1:pos)])$vpath;
    nds.inxs <- unique(unlist(paths.list));
    nodes2rm <- V(g)$name[-nds.inxs];
    g <- simplify(igraph::delete.vertices(g, nodes2rm));
  nodeList <- igraph::get.data.frame(g, "vertices");
  if(nrow(nodeList) < 3){
    return ("NA");

  module.count <- module.count + 1;
  module.nm <- paste("module", module.count, sep="");
  colnames(nodeList) <- c("Id", "Label");
  ndFileNm = paste(module.nm, "_node_list.csv", sep="");
  fast.write.csv(nodeList, file=ndFileNm, row.names=FALSE);

  edgeList <- igraph::get.data.frame(g, "edges");
  edgeList <- cbind(rownames(edgeList), edgeList);
  colnames(edgeList) <- c("Id", "Source", "Target");
  edgFileNm = paste(module.nm, "_edge_list.csv", sep="");
  fast.write.csv(edgeList, file=edgFileNm, row.names=FALSE);

  filenm <- paste(module.nm, ".json", sep="");

  # record the module
  pheno.comps[[module.nm]] <<- g;

  module.count <<- module.count;

  convertIgraph2JSON(module.nm, filenm);
  return (filenm);

PerformLayOut <- function(net.nm, algo){
  g <- pheno.comps[[net.nm]];
  vc <- vcount(g);
  if(algo == "Default"){
    if(vc > 3000) {
      pos.xy <- igraph::layout.lgl(g, maxiter = 100);
    }else if(vc > 2000) {
      pos.xy <- igraph::layout.lgl(g, maxiter = 150);
    }else if(vc > 1000) {
      pos.xy <- igraph::layout.lgl(g, maxiter = 200);
    }else if(vc < 150){
      pos.xy <- igraph::layout.kamada.kawai(g);
      pos.xy <- igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold(g);
  }else if(algo == "FrR"){
    pos.xy <- igraph::layout.fruchterman.reingold(g);
  }else if(algo == "circle"){
    pos.xy <- igraph::layout.circle(g);
  }else if(algo == "random"){
    pos.xy <- igraph::layout.random(g);
  }else if(algo == "lgl"){
    if(vc > 3000) {
      pos.xy <- igraph::layout.lgl(g, maxiter = 100);
    }else if(vc > 2000) {
      pos.xy <- igraph::layout.lgl(g, maxiter = 150);
    }else {
      pos.xy <- igraph::layout.lgl(g, maxiter = 200);
  }else if(algo == "gopt"){
    # this is a slow one
    if(vc > 3000) {
      maxiter = 50;
    }else if(vc > 2000) {
      maxiter = 100;
    }else if(vc > 1000) {
      maxiter = 200;
      maxiter = 500;
    pos.xy <- igraph::layout.graphopt(g, niter=maxiter);

UpdateNetworkLayout <- function(algo, filenm){
  current.net <- pheno.comps[[current.net.nm]];
  #pos.xy <- PerformLayOut_mem(current.net.nm, algo);
  pos.xy <- PerformLayOut(current.net.nm, algo);
  nms <- V(current.net)$name;
  nodes <- vector(mode="list");
  for(i in 1:length(nms)){
    nodes[[i]] <- list(
  # now only save the node pos to json
  netData <- list(nodes=nodes);

doID2LabelMapping <- function(entrez.vec){

  hit.inx <- match(entrez.vec, nodeListu[, "Id"]);
  symbols <- nodeListu[hit.inx, "Label"];

  # if not gene symbol, use id by itself
  na.inx <- is.na(symbols);
  symbols[na.inx] <- entrez.vec[na.inx];

# new range [a, b]
rescale2NewRange <- function(qvec, a, b){
  q.min <- min(qvec);
  q.max <- max(qvec);
  if(length(qvec) < 50){
    a <- a*2;
  if(q.max == q.min){
    new.vec <- rep(8, length(qvec));
    coef.a <- (b-a)/(q.max-q.min);
    const.b <- b - coef.a*q.max;
    new.vec <- coef.a*qvec + const.b;

# re-arrange one vector elements according to another vector values
# usually src is character vector to be arranged
# target is numberic vector of same length
sync2vecs <- function(src.vec, tgt.vec){
  if(length(src.vec) != length(tgt.vec)){
    print("must be of the same length!");
  ord.inx <- match(rank(tgt.vec, ties.method="random"), 1:length(tgt.vec));

generate_breaks = function(x, n, center = F){
    m = max(abs(c(min(x, na.rm = T), max(x, na.rm = T))))
    res = seq(-m, m, length.out = n + 1)
    res = seq(min(x, na.rm = T), max(x, na.rm = T), length.out = n + 1)

ComputeColorGradient <- function(nd.vec, background="black", centered){
  color <- GetColorGradient(background, centered);
  breaks <- generate_breaks(nd.vec, length(color), center = centered);
  return(scale_vec_colours(nd.vec, col = color, breaks = breaks));

GetColorGradient <- function(background, center){
  if(background == "black"){
      return(c(colorRampPalette(c("#31A231", "#5BC85B", "#90EE90", "#C1FFC1"))(50), colorRampPalette(c("#FF9DA6", "#FF7783", "#E32636", "#BD0313"))(50)));
  }else{ # white background
      return(c(colorRampPalette(c("#137B13", "#31A231", "#5BC85B", "#90EE90"))(50), colorRampPalette(c("#FF7783", "#E32636", "#BD0313", "#96000D"))(50)));
      # return(colorRampPalette(c("grey", "orange", "red", "darkred"))(100));
      # return(colorRampPalette(c("#80d0f0", rainbow(8, start=0.8, end=1)))(100));
      return(colorRampPalette(hsv(h = seq(0.72, 1, 0.035), s = 0.72, v = 1))(100));

scale_vec_colours = function(x, col = rainbow(10), breaks = NA){
  breaks <- sort(unique(breaks));
  return(col[as.numeric(cut(x, breaks = breaks, include.lowest = T))])

# for a given graph, obtain the smallest subgraphs that contain
# all the seed nodes. This is acheived by iteratively remove
# the marginal nodes (degree = 1) that are not in the seeds
GetMinConnectedGraphs <- function(mSetObj=NA, max.len = 200){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  # need to test
  # first get shortest paths for all pair-wise seeds
  my.seeds <- seed.graph;

  # remove seeds not in the network
  keep.inx <- my.seeds %in% V(overall.graph)$name;
  my.seeds <- my.seeds[keep.inx]; 
  sd.len <- length(my.seeds);
  paths.list <-list();

  # first trim overall.graph to remove no-seed nodes of degree 1
  dgrs <- degree(overall.graph);
  keep.inx <- dgrs > 1 | (names(dgrs) %in% my.seeds);
  nodes2rm <- V(overall.graph)$name[!keep.inx];
  overall.graph <-  simplify(delete.vertices(overall.graph, nodes2rm));

  # need to restrict the operation b/c get.shortest.paths is very time consuming
  # for top max.len highest degrees
  if(sd.len > max.len){
    hit.inx <- names(dgrs) %in% my.seeds;
    sd.dgrs <- dgrs[hit.inx];
    sd.dgrs <- rev(sort(sd.dgrs));
    # need to synchronize all (seed.proteins) and top seeds (my.seeds)
    seed.proteins <- names(sd.dgrs);
      sd.len <-  table(hit.inx)[["TRUE"]];
      sd.len <-  max.len;
    my.seeds <- seed.proteins[1:sd.len];
    msg <- paste("The minimum connected network was computed using the top", sd.len, "seed proteins in the network based on their degrees.");
    msg <- paste("The minimum connected network was computed using all seed proteins in the network.");

  # now calculate the shortest paths for
  # each seed vs. all other seeds (note, to remove pairs already calculated previously)
  for(pos in 1:sd.len){
    paths.list[[pos]] <- get.shortest.paths(overall.graph, my.seeds[pos], seed.proteins[-(1:pos)])$vpath;
  nds.inxs <- unique(unlist(paths.list));
  nodes2rm <- V(overall.graph)$name[-nds.inxs];
  g <- simplify(delete.vertices(overall.graph, nodes2rm));

  nodeList <- get.data.frame(g, "vertices");
  colnames(nodeList) <- c("Id", "Label");
  fast.write.csv(nodeList, file="orig_node_list.csv", row.names=F);

  edgeList <- get.data.frame(g, "edges");
  edgeList <- cbind(rownames(edgeList), edgeList);
  colnames(edgeList) <- c("Id", "Source", "Target");
  fast.write.csv(edgeList, file="orig_edge_list.csv", row.names=F);

  path.list <- NULL;
  substats <- DecomposeGraph(g);

    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
      overall.graph <<- overall.graph;
      return(c(length(seed.graph),length(seed.proteins), vcount(overall.graph), ecount(overall.graph), length(pheno.comps), substats));

FilterNetByCor <- function(min.pval, min.qval, neg.coeff1, neg.coeff2, pos.coeff1, pos.coeff2){
  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  edge.list <- pheno.net$edge.data;
  # filter by correlation coefficient only
  edge.list.filter.neg <- edge.list[which(edge.list$Coefficient >= neg.coeff1 & edge.list$Coefficient < neg.coeff2),];
  edge.list.filter.pos <- edge.list[which(edge.list$Coefficient >= pos.coeff1 & edge.list$Coefficient < pos.coeff2),];
  edge.list.filter <- rbind(edge.list.filter.neg, edge.list.filter.pos);
  # filter by both correlation coefficient and p values
  # also apply to filter by p values only b/c correlation coefficient were set to -1, 0, 0, 1 in java 
  if(min.pval > 0){
    edge.list.filter.neg <- edge.list[which(edge.list$Pval <= min.pval & edge.list$Coefficient >= neg.coeff1 & edge.list$Coefficient < neg.coeff2),];
    edge.list.filter.pos <- edge.list[which(edge.list$Pval <= min.pval & edge.list$Coefficient >= pos.coeff1 & edge.list$Coefficient < pos.coeff2),];
    edge.list.filter <- rbind(edge.list.filter.neg, edge.list.filter.pos);
  if(min.qval > 0){
    edge.list.filter.neg <- edge.list[which(edge.list$Adj_Pval <= min.qval & edge.list$Coefficient >= neg.coeff1 & edge.list$Coefficient < neg.coeff2),];
    edge.list.filter.pos <- edge.list[which(edge.list$Adj_Pval <= min.qval & edge.list$Coefficient >= pos.coeff1 & edge.list$Coefficient < pos.coeff2),];
    edge.list.filter <- rbind(edge.list.filter.neg, edge.list.filter.pos);
  overall.graph <-simplify(graph_from_data_frame(edge.list.filter, directed=FALSE, vertices=NULL), edge.attr.comb="first");
  msg <- paste("A total of", nrow(edge.list)-nrow(edge.list.filter) , "edges was reduced.");

  substats <- DecomposeGraph(overall.graph);
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
      overall.graph <<- overall.graph;
      return(c(length(seed.proteins),length(seed.proteins), vcount(overall.graph), ecount(overall.graph), length(pheno.comps), substats));

FilterBipartiNet <- function(mSetObj=NA, nd.type, min.dgr, min.btw){

  mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
  all.nms <- V(overall.graph)$name;
  edge.mat <- get.edgelist(overall.graph);
  dgrs <- degree(overall.graph);
  nodes2rm.dgr <- nodes2rm.btw <- NULL;

  if(nd.type == "gene"){
    hit.inx <- all.nms %in% edge.mat[,1];
  }else if(nd.type=="other"){
    hit.inx <- all.nms %in% edge.mat[,2];
  }else{ # all
    hit.inx <- rep(TRUE, length(all.nms));

  if(min.dgr > 0){
    rm.inx <- dgrs <= min.dgr & hit.inx;
    nodes2rm.dgr <- V(overall.graph)$name[rm.inx];
  if(min.btw > 0){
    btws <- betweenness(overall.graph);
    rm.inx <- btws <= min.btw & hit.inx;
    nodes2rm.btw <- V(overall.graph)$name[rm.inx];

  nodes2rm <- unique(c(nodes2rm.dgr, nodes2rm.btw));
  overall.graph <- simplify(delete.vertices(overall.graph, nodes2rm), edge.attr.comb=list("first"));
  # the simplify() function removes the edge attributes by default
  # added edge.attr.comb=list("first") to always chooses the first attribute value
  AddMsg(paste("A total of", length(nodes2rm) , "was reduced."));
  substats <- DecomposeGraph(overall.graph);
    mSetObj <- .get.mSet(mSetObj);
      overall.graph <<- overall.graph;
      return(c(length(seed.graph),length(seed.proteins), vcount(overall.graph), ecount(overall.graph), length(pheno.comps), substats));

  edge.attr <- edge_attr(overall.graph);
  res <- round(max(edge.attr$Pval), digits = 6);

  edge.attr <- edge_attr(overall.graph);
  coeff <- edge.attr$Coefficient;
  neg.coeff <- coeff[coeff<0];
  if(length(neg.coeff) == 0){ # when there is no negative coefficnets
    res <- 0;
  }else {
    res <- round(min(neg.coeff), digits = 6);

  edge.attr <- edge_attr(overall.graph);
  coeff <- edge.attr$Coefficient;
  neg.coeff <- coeff[coeff<0];
  if(length(neg.coeff) == 0){ # when there is no negative coefficnets
    res <- 0;
  }else {
    res <- round(max(neg.coeff), digits = 6);

  edge.attr <- edge_attr(overall.graph);
  coeff <- edge.attr$Coefficient;
  pos.coeff <- coeff[coeff>0];
  if(length(pos.coeff) == 0){ # when there is no positive coefficnets
    res <- 0;
  }else {
    res <- round(min(pos.coeff), digits = 6);

  edge.attr <- edge_attr(overall.graph);
  coeff <- edge.attr$Coefficient;
  pos.coeff <- coeff[coeff>0];
  if(length(pos.coeff) == 0){ # when there is no positive coefficnets
    res <- 0;
  }else {
    res <- round(max(pos.coeff), digits = 6);
xia-lab/MetaboAnalystR documentation built on April 15, 2024, 12:16 p.m.