#' Internal Use Function
#' That transforms data for boxplot.
#' @description This function transforms filtered subset of inputmethfile to a dataframe for boxplot.
#' @param methallchr refers to the filtered subset of inputmethfile.
#' @return Outputs dataframe.
#' @examples
#' Boxplot_trans(methallchr)
#' @export
Boxplot_trans <- function(methallchr){
groupfile <- NULL
#calculate the total group number from input file
groupnum <- length(grep("_1",colnames(methallchr))) / 2
for(i in 1:groupnum){
realreplicatenum <- length(grep(paste(i, "_", sep = ""), colnames(methallchr))) / 2
for(j in 1:realreplicatenum){
colnum <- grep(paste("Cs", i, "_", j, sep = ""), colnames(methallchr))
framefile <- data.frame(methallchr[,c(colnum, colnum + 1)], 0, 0, paste(i, "_", j, sep = ""))
colnames(framefile) <-c( "Cs","Ts", "Read", "Meth", "Sample")
groupfile <- rbind(groupfile, framefile)
colnames(groupfile) <-c( "Cs","Ts", "Read", "Meth", "Sample")
# Calculate the read coverage and methylation level #
groupfile$Read <- groupfile$Cs + groupfile$Ts
groupfile$Meth <- groupfile$Cs / groupfile$Read
#' Boxplot the methylation levels or read numbers in different samples.
#' @import dplyr
#' @description This function outputs the methylation levels or read numbers of the selected genes or all the genes in the different samples.
#' @param inputmethfile refers to the input file with methylation levels.
#' @param inputrefseqfile refers to the input of gene regions.
#' @param Meth_plot refers to whether to plot the methylation levels, with default TRUE, otherwise to plot the read numbers.
#' @param ylab refers to the label of y axis, with default "Methylation level".
#' @param refseqname refers to NCBI ID of specific gene, with default NULL.
#' @param col refers to boxplot colors, with default NULL.
#' @return Outputs a boxplot figure with all the samples.
#' @examples
#' Sample_boxplot(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile)
#' Sample_boxplot(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, refseqname = "NM_001011874")
#' Sample_boxplot(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, refseqname = c("NM_001011874", "NM_001289465"))
#' Sample_boxplot(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, ylab = "Methylation level (%)",
#' refseqname = c("NM_001011874", "NM_001289465", "NM_008866"), col = c("red", "green", "blue", "yellow", "purple"))
#' Sample_boxplot(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, Meth_plot = FALSE, ylab = "Read number", col = c("red", "blue"))
#' Sample_boxplot(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, Meth_plot = FALSE, ylab = "Read number", refseqname = c("NM_001011874", "NM_001289465"))
#' Sample_boxplot(inputmethfile_QC, inputrefseqfile, Meth_plot = FALSE, ylab = "Read number",
#' refseqname = c("NM_001011874", "NM_001289465", "NM_008866"), col = c("red", "green", "blue"))
#' @export
Sample_boxplot <- function(inputmethfile, inputrefseqfile, Meth_plot = TRUE, ylab = "Methylation level", refseqname = NULL, col = NULL){
# total methylation level #
if(is.null(refseqname) == TRUE){
# transforms a dataframe for boxplot #
groupfile <- Boxplot_trans(inputmethfile)
if(Meth_plot == TRUE){
boxplot(Meth*100 ~ Sample, groupfile, ylab = ylab, main = "Overall methylation level", col = col)
boxplot(Read ~ Sample, groupfile, ylab = ylab, main = "Overall read number", col = col)
#check how many gene names
}else if(length(refseqname)==1){
#check a list of genes from regiongeneall file
geneall <- filter(inputrefseqfile, refseq %in% refseqname)
methallchr <- filter(inputmethfile, chr %in% geneall$chr, posi >= geneall$start, posi <= geneall$end)
groupfile <- Boxplot_trans(methallchr)
if(Meth_plot == TRUE){
boxplot(Meth*100 ~ Sample, groupfile, ylab = ylab, main = refseqname, col = col)
boxplot(Read ~ Sample, groupfile, ylab = ylab, main = refseqname, col = col)
#check a list of genes from regiongeneall file
geneall <- filter(inputrefseqfile, refseq %in% refseqname)
# set the subsequent figures #
op <- par(mfrow=c(length(refseqname),1))
for(i in 1:length(refseqname)){
genealli <- geneall[i,]
methallchr <- filter(inputmethfile, chr %in% genealli$chr, posi >= genealli$start, posi <= genealli$end)
groupfile <- Boxplot_trans(methallchr)
if(Meth_plot == TRUE){
boxplot(Meth*100 ~ Sample, groupfile, ylab = ylab, main = refseqname[i], col = col)
boxplot(Read ~ Sample, groupfile, ylab = ylab, main = refseqname[i], col = col)
# At end of plotting, reset to previous settings of par #
#' Boxplot the methylation levels for groups.
#' @description This function outputs the methylation levels of all the groups in boxplot without considering other features.
#' @param regiongeneall refers to the input file with group methylation levels.
#' @param ttest refers to whether to perform the Student t-test, with default TRUE.
#' @param title refers to the figure title, with default "Group boxplot among genes".
#' @param col refers to the boxplot colors, with default NULL.
#' @return Outputs boxplot figure with groups.
#' @examples
#' Group_boxplot(regiongeneall)
#' Group_boxplot(genebodypromoterall, title = "Three groups among genes in promoter region")
#' Group_boxplot(regiongeneall, ttest = FALSE, title = "Three groups among genes", col = c("red", "green", "blue"))
#' @export
Group_boxplot <- function(regiongeneall, ttest = TRUE, title = "Group boxplot", col = NULL){
#calculate the total group number from input file
groupnum <- length(grep("Methgroup",colnames(regiongeneall)))
groupfile <- NULL
for(i in 1:groupnum){
tmpfile <- regiongeneall[,grep("Methgroup",colnames(regiongeneall))[i]]
framefile <- data.frame(tmpfile, paste("Group", i, sep = ""))
groupfile <- rbind(groupfile, framefile)
colnames(groupfile) <-c("Methylation","Group")
boxplot(Methylation*100 ~ Group, groupfile, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", main = title, col = col)
axis(1, at = 1:groupnum, labels = paste("Group", 1:groupnum, sep = ""), font = 2)
axis(2, las=1)
title(ylab = "Methylation (%)", cex.lab = 1.5)
# student t-test #
if (ttest == TRUE){
num = 1
for(m in 1:(groupnum - 1)){
for(n in (m + 1):groupnum){
pvalue <- round(t.test(regiongeneall[,grep("Methgroup", colnames(regiongeneall))[m]], regiongeneall[,grep("Methgroup",colnames(regiongeneall))[n]])$p.value, 2)
# when pvalue is right #
text(1.5, 95, paste("P value (Group ", m, " vs ", n, ") = ", pvalue, sep = ""), pos = 1, offset = num)
num <- num + 1
#' Internal Use Function.
#' That boxplots the methylation levels for one group based on CpG island features.
#' @description This function output the methylation levels in boxplot for one group based on CpG island features,
#' e.g., CpG island and CpG island shore based on groups.
#' @param genefeatureall_cpgfeature refers to output of Region_match as well.
#' the output of gene or genebody match with cpgi features, e.g., all genes in promoter or exon or intron regions.
#' @param groupnum refers to the group number, can be NULL if without groups but the colnames should have "group" name
#' like CpGislandgroup or Shoregroup, can also be automatically set in the Group_feature_boxplot function.
#' @param ttest refers to whether perform the Student t-test, with default TRUE.
#' @param cpgfeaturelable refers to CpG island features, with default CpGisland" and "Shore".
#' @param title refers to main text of title with default "Group1".
#' @param col refers to colors, with default NULL.
#' @param yaxislabel refers to the label of y axis, with default TRUE,
#' but the yaxislabel will be set to FALSE when Group_feature_boxplot function is used for only one y axis in multiple groups.
#' @return Outputs boxplot figure.
#' @examples
#' Cpgfeature_boxplot(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, groupnum = 1, ttest = TRUE, cpgfeaturelable = c("CpGisland", "Shore"), title = "Group1", col = "blue")
#' @export
Cpgfeature_boxplot <- function(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, groupnum = 1, ttest = TRUE, cpgfeaturelable = c("CpGisland", "Shore"), title = "Group1", col = NULL, yaxislabel = TRUE){
# calculate the feature group number #
cpgfeaturenum <- length(grep("Methgroup1", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature)))
featurefile <- NULL
for(i in 1:cpgfeaturenum){
tmpfile <- genefeatureall_cpgfeature[, grep(paste("Methgroup", groupnum, sep = ""), colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[i]]
framefile <- data.frame(tmpfile, paste("Feature", i, sep = ""))
featurefile <- rbind(featurefile, framefile)
colnames(featurefile) <-c("Methylation","Feature")
featurefile <- filter(featurefile, Methylation != "NaN")
boxplot(Methylation*100 ~ Feature, featurefile, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", col = col)
axis(1, at = 1:cpgfeaturenum, labels = cpgfeaturelable, font = 2)
axis(2, las=1)
title(ylab = "Methylation (%)", cex.lab = 1.5)
# student t-test #
if (ttest == TRUE){
# if more than two features #
if(length(cpgfeaturelable) > 2){
num = 1
for(m in 1:(cpgfeaturenum - 1)){
for(n in (m + 1):cpgfeaturenum){
pvalue <- round(t.test(genefeatureall_cpgfeature[,grep(paste("Methgroup", groupnum, sep = ""), colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[m]],
genefeatureall_cpgfeature[,grep(paste("Methgroup", groupnum, sep = ""), colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[n]])$p.value, 2)
# when pvalue is right #
plab <- paste("P value ( ", m, " vs ", n, ") = ", pvalue, sep = "")
text(1.5, y = par()$usr[4]*1.05, xpd=T, label = plab, pos = 1, offset = num, col = col)
num <- num + 1
}else if(length(cpgfeaturelable) == 2){
pvalue <- round(t.test(genefeatureall_cpgfeature[,grep(paste("Methgroup", groupnum, sep = ""), colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[1]],
genefeatureall_cpgfeature[,grep(paste("Methgroup", groupnum, sep = ""), colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[2]])$p.value, 2)
# when pvalue is right #
plab <- paste(title, " ( P value = ", pvalue," )", sep = "")
text(1.5, y = par()$usr[4]*1.05, xpd=T, label = plab, col = col)
#' Boxplot the methylation levels for groups based on CpG island features.
#' @description This function outputs the methylation levels in boxplot for one or more groups based on CpG island features,
#' e.g., CpG island and CpG island shore features.
#' @param genefeatureall_cpgfeature refers to the input file with group methylation levels and CpG island features.
#' @param groupnum refers to the group number, with default "all" for all of the groups.
#' @param ttest refers to whether to perform the Student t-test, with default TRUE.
#' @param cpgfeaturelable refers to CpG island features, with default "CpGisland" and "Shore". Only one CpG island feature can also be available, e.g., "CpGisland".
#' @param title refers to the figure title with default "Group1", "Group2" and "Group3".
#' @param col refers to the boxplot colors, with default NULL.
#' @return Outputs a boxplot figure with groups and CpG island features.
#' @examples
#' Group_cpgfeature_boxplot(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, groupnum = 1)
#' Group_cpgfeature_boxplot(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, groupnum = "all", ttest = TRUE, cpgfeaturelable = c("CpGisland", "Shore"),
#' title = c("Group1", "Group2", "Group3"), col = c("blue", "red", "green"))
#' @export
Group_cpgfeature_boxplot <- function(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, groupnum = "all", ttest = TRUE, cpgfeaturelable = c("CpGisland", "Shore"),
title = c("Group1", "Group2", "Group3"), col = NULL){
if(groupnum == "all"){
# calculate the total feature and group number from input inputmethfile_QC #
featurenum <- length(grep("Methgroup1", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature)))
groupnum <- length(grep("Methgroup",colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))) / featurenum
yaxislabel = FALSE
yaxislabel = TRUE
# draw the full picture and set the subsequent figures #
op <- par(mfrow=c(1, groupnum))
for(i in 1:groupnum){
if(i == 1){
Cpgfeature_boxplot(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, groupnum = i, ttest = TRUE, cpgfeaturelable, title = title[i], col = col[i], yaxislabel)
# add the y axis #
axis(2, las=1)
title(ylab = "Methylation (%)", cex.lab = 1.5)
Cpgfeature_boxplot(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, groupnum = i, ttest = TRUE, cpgfeaturelable, title = title[i], col = col[i], yaxislabel)
# At end of plotting, reset to previous settings of par #
#' Boxplot the methylation levels for gene body based on CpG island features.
#' @description This function outputs the methylation levels in boxplot for one or more features of gene body based on CpG island features,
#' e.g., CpG island and CpG island shore features.
#' @param genefeatureall_cpgfeature refers to the input file of methylation levels with gene body and CpG island features.
#' @param genebodyname refers to the name of gene body features e.g., promoter, exon, intron and TSSes, with default "promoters", "exons", "introns", "TSSes".
#' @param ttest refers to whether perform the Student t-test, with default TRUE.
#' @param cpgfeaturelable refers to CpG island features, with default "CpGisland" and "Shore".
#' @param title refers to the figure title, with default "Promoter", "Exon", "Intron" and "TSS".
#' @param col refers to the boxplot colors, with default NULL.
#' @return Outputs a boxplot figure with gene body and CpG island features.
#' @examples
#' Genebody_cpgfeature_boxplot(genefeatureall_cpgfeature)
#' Genebody_cpgfeature_boxplot(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, genebodyname = c("promoters","exons"),
#' ttest = TRUE, cpgfeaturelable = c("CpGisland", "Shore"), title = c("Promoter", "Exon"), col = c("blue", "red"))
#' Genebody_cpgfeature_boxplot(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, genebodyname = c("promoters","exons","introns","TSSes"),
#' ttest = TRUE, cpgfeaturelable = c("CpGisland", "Shore"), title = c("Promoters", "Exons", "Introns", "TSSes"), col = c("blue", "red", "green", "purple"))
#' @export
Genebody_cpgfeature_boxplot <- function(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, genebodyname = c("promoters","exons","introns","TSSes"),
ttest = TRUE, cpgfeaturelable = c("CpGisland", "Shore"), title = c("Promoter", "Exon", "Intron", "TSS"), col = NULL){
# calculate the total feature and group number from input inputmethfile_QC #
featurenum <- length(grep("Methgroup1", colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature)))
groupnum <- length(grep("Methgroup",colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))) / featurenum
# calculate the genebody feature group number #
genebodyfeaturenum <- length(genebodyname)
# draw the full picture and set the subsequent figures #
op <- par(mfrow=c(1, genebodyfeaturenum))
for(i in 1:genebodyfeaturenum){
featurefile <- NULL
# gene body feature column contain "_" #
genefeatureall_cpgfeature$feature <- unlist(lapply(X = genefeatureall_cpgfeature$feature, FUN = function(x) {return(strsplit(x, split = "_")[[1]][1])}))
subfile <- filter(genefeatureall_cpgfeature, feature %in% genebodyname[i])
# calculate the feature group number #
cpgfeaturenum <- length(cpgfeaturelable)
for(j in 1: cpgfeaturenum){
tmpfile <- subfile[,grep(cpgfeaturelable[j], colnames(subfile))[1:groupnum]]
# unlist the tmfile to make list to one vector #
framefile <- data.frame(matrix(unlist(tmpfile)), paste("Feature", j, sep = ""))
featurefile <- rbind(featurefile, framefile)
colnames(featurefile) <-c("Methylation","Feature")
featurefile <- filter(featurefile, Methylation != "NaN")
# boxplot #
boxplot(Methylation*100 ~ Feature, featurefile, axes = FALSE, xlab = "", ylab = "", col = col[i])
axis(1, at = 1:cpgfeaturenum, labels = cpgfeaturelable, font = 2)
# add one y axis #
if(i == 1){
axis(2, las=1)
title(ylab = "Methylation (%)", cex.lab = 1.5)
# student t-test #
if (ttest == TRUE){
# if more than two features #
if(length(cpgfeaturelable) > 2){
num = 1
for(m in 1:(cpgfeaturenum - 1)){
for(n in (m + 1):cpgfeaturenum){
pvalue <- round(t.test(genefeatureall_cpgfeature[,grep(cpgfeaturelable[m], colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[1:groupnum]],
genefeatureall_cpgfeature[,grep(cpgfeaturelable[n], colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[1:groupnum]])$p.value, 2)
# when pvalue is right #
plab <- paste("P value ( ", m, " vs ", n, ") = ", pvalue, sep = "")
text(1.5, 0.95, plab, pos = 1, offset = num, col = col[i])
num <- num + 1
}else if(length(cpgfeaturelable) == 2){
pvalue <- round(t.test(genefeatureall_cpgfeature[,grep(cpgfeaturelable[1], colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[1:groupnum]],
genefeatureall_cpgfeature[,grep(cpgfeaturelable[2], colnames(genefeatureall_cpgfeature))[1:groupnum]])$p.value, 2)
# when pvalue is right #
plab <- paste(title[i], " ( P value = ", pvalue," )", sep = "")
text(1.5, y = par()$usr[4]*1.05, xpd=T, label=plab, col = col[i])
# At end of plotting, reset to previous settings of par #
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