Man pages for xuranw/MuSiC
Multi-subject single cell deconvolution

Abs_diff_multiPlot heatmap of Absolute difference between estimated and...
Anova_infoANOVA Test for each gene
Boxplot_EstBoxplot of estimated cell type proportions
bulk_constructConstruct artificial bulk tissue expression from single cell...
CellTotal.dfCompare cell type specific total expression (library size)...
Eval_multiEvaluate estimation methods
Eval_sim_boxplotEvaluate simulation results by boxplots
fpkmToTpmCalculate fpkm to tpm
get_upper_triGet upper triangle matrix
Jitter_EstJitter plot of estimated cell type proportions
music2_prop_toastMuSiC2 Deconvolution with TOAST
music2_prop_t_statisticsMuSiC2 Deconvolution with T Statistics
music.basicEstimate cell type proportion with MuSiC and NNLS
music.basic.ctEstimate cell type proportion with MuSiC and NNLS
music_basisPrepare Design matrix and Cross-subject Variance for MuSiC...
music_Design.matrixCell type specific library size
music.iterScaling bulk data and signature matrix and estimate cell type...
music.iter.ctScaling bulk data and signature matrix and estimate cell type...
music_M.thetaCross-subject Mean of Relative Abudance
music_propMuSiC Deconvolution
music_prop.clusterMuSiC Deconvolution with Clusters
music_SCell type specific library size
music_SigmaCross-subject Variance of Relative Abundance
music_Sigma.ctCross-subject Covariance of Relative Abundance
music_ThetaSubject and cell type specific relative abundance
my.loglog transformation with regulation
my.rowMeansCalculate Row Means with NA remove
my.sqrtCalculate square root of all values
plotCellTotal.twoPlot the cell type specific library size of 2 single cell...
Prop_comp_multiPlot heatmap of real and estimated cell type proportions
Prop_convertConvert list of real and estimated cell type proportions to...
Prop_heat_EstHeatmap of estimated cell type proportions
relative.abCalculate relative abundance
Relative_gene_boxplotBoxplot of relative abundance
Scatter_multiPlot Scatter plot of real and estimated cell type proportions
Twocelltype.GeneratorSimulate Single cell read counts
Weight_calCalculate weight with cross-subject variance for each cell... weight with cross cell type covariance
xuranw/MuSiC documentation built on March 7, 2024, 11:45 a.m.