
Defines functions plot_stack rescale

Documented in plot_stack

#' \code{Stacking plot}
#' @param df An input data.frame, with columns of chr and pos.
#' @param chrlen The chr length file, tab delimited.
#' @param centcsv Centeromere file, csv.
#' @param plotcol The column name to plot.
#' @param dorescale Whether to do rescale or not. Default=FALSE.
#' @param cols A list of cols, cols[[1]], cent box; cols[[2]], chr; cols[[3]], highlight.
#' @param ... Other parameters will pass to points().
#' @return return a plot.
#' @examples
#' @export
plot_stack <- function(df, df2, chrlen="data/ZmB73_RefGen_v2.length",
                       centcsv=NULL, plotcol="Dm", dorescale=FALSE,
                       cols=list("red", rep(c("slateblue", "cyan4"), 5), "#ff7373"), ...){


  df <- df[order(df$chr, df$pos), ]
  #### read chr length
  cl <- read.table(chrlen, header=FALSE)
  names(cl) <- c("chrom", "BP")

  plot(c(0, max(cl$BP)), c(10,110), type="n",
       xlab="Physical position (kb)", ylab="", yaxt="n", bty="n")

  axis(side=2, tick =FALSE, las=1, at=c(105, 95, 85, 75, 65, 55, 45, 35, 25, 15),
       labels=paste("Chr", 1:10, sep=""))
  #### chromosome
  for (i in 1:10){
    lines(c(0, cl[i,]$BP), c(105-10*(i-1), 105-10*(i-1)), lwd=2, col="grey")
    #lines (c(centromere[i,]$Start,centromere[i,]$End),
    #       c(105-10*i, 105-10*i),lwd=5, col="tomato")
  ### core plot
  for (chri in 1:10){
    mytab <- subset(df, chr == chri)
      mytab$res <- rescale(mytab[, plotcol], c(-5, 5))
      mytab$res <- mytab[, plotcol]

    points(mytab$pos, 105 - 10*(chri-1) + mytab$res, pch=19, col=cols[[2]][chri], ...)

    for (chri in 1:10){
      mytab <- subset(df2, chr == chri)
        mytab$res <- rescale(mytab[, plotcol], c(-5, 5))
        mytab$res <- mytab[, plotcol]

      points(mytab$pos, 105 - 10*(chri-1) + mytab$res, pch=19, col=cols[[3]], ...)

    cen <- read.csv(centcsv)
    for(i in 1:nrow(cen)){
      rect(xleft=cen$start[i]*1000000, ybottom= 110 - 10*(cen$Chromosome[i] -1),
           xright=cen$end[i]*1000000, ytop= 110 - 10*(cen$Chromosome[i]), border = cols[[1]])

# linearly transforms a numeric object to fit a different range.
# could use a few more sanity checks
#' @export
rescale <- function(x,newrange) {
  if(nargs() > 1 && is.numeric(x) && is.numeric(newrange)) {
    # if newrange has max first, reverse it
    if(newrange[1] > newrange[2]) {
    if(xrange[1] == xrange[2]) stop("can't rescale a constant vector!")
  else {
    cat("Usage: rescale(x,newrange)\n")
    cat("\twhere x is a numeric object and newrange is the min and max of the new range\n")
yangjl/farmeR documentation built on May 4, 2019, 2:28 p.m.