Man pages for ys-amms/bionexr
Integrative network-based analysis of cancer somatic mutation and expression data

firehose_getMain function for downloading data from firehose.
hnsc_exp_partExample data
hnsc_expressed_genesExample data
hnsc_mut_partExample data
identify_expressed_genesIdentify expressed genes. Identify expressed genes based on...
list_cohortsList available cohorts on firehose website.
list_runsList available runs on firehose website.
list_run_typesList available run types on firehose website.
network_from_ppiGenerate network from PPI-based result.
network_from_significant_branchesGenerate network from pathway branches.
perform_gene_pathwayPerform gene module of pathway-based approach.
perform_gene_ppiPerform gene module of PPI-based approach.
perform_main_pathwayPipeline of pathway-based analysis.
perform_main_ppiPipeline of PPI-based analysis.
perform_network_pathwayPerform network module of pathway-based approach.
perform_network_ppiPerform network module of PPI-based approach.
plot_pathwayvisualize pathway-based network.
plot_ppivisualize PPI-based network.
prepare_maPrepare mutation assessor dataset.
ys-amms/bionexr documentation built on May 4, 2019, 5:33 p.m.