#' Extended BIC
#' Calculate the extended BIC criterion on a sparse (refit) network and the input data
#' @param refit adjacency matrix, getOpt from SpiecEasi output
#' @param data input data set used to get the network
#' @param loglik log likeihood of the graphical model
#' @param gamma the model likeihood/complexity tradeoff parameter
#' @export
ebic <- function(refit, data, loglik, gamma=.5) {
df <- sum(refit)/2
n <- nrow(data)
d <- ncol(data)
-n * loglik + log(n) * df + 4 * gamma * log(d) * df
# #' Model selection for picking the right \code{lambda} penalty.
# #' This is identical to huge::huge.stars except that the subsampling loop is replaced with an mclapply function to add parallelization capabilities.
# #'
# #' @param est an estimate/model as produced by the sparseiCov function
# #' @param criterion character string specifying criterion/method for model selection accepts 'stars' [default], 'ric', 'ebic'
# #' @param stars.thresh variability threshold for stars selection
# #' @param ebic.gamma tuning parameter for ebic
# #' @param stars.subsample.ratio The default value 'is 10*sqrt(n)/n' when 'n>144' and '0.8' when 'n<=144', where 'n' is the sample size.
# #' @param rep.num number of subsamplings when \code{criterion} = stars.
# #' @param ncores number of cores to use. Need multiple processers if \code{ncores > 1}
# #' @param normfun normalize internally if data should be renormalized
# #' @importFrom parallel mclapply
# #' @export
# icov.select <- function(est, criterion = 'stars', stars.thresh = 0.05, ebic.gamma = 0.5,
# stars.subsample.ratio = NULL, rep.num = 20, ncores=1, normfun=function(x) x, verbose=FALSE) {
# gcinfo(FALSE)
# if (est$cov.input) {
# message("Model selection is not available when using the covariance matrix as input.")
# class(est) = "select"
# return(est)
# }
# if (!est$cov.input) {
# if (est$method == "mb" && is.null(criterion))
# criterion = "stars"
# if (est$method == "ct" && is.null(criterion))
# criterion = "ebic"
# n = nrow(est$data)
# d = ncol(est$data)
# nlambda = length(est$lambda)
# if (criterion == "ric") {
# if (verbose) {
# message("Conducting rotation information criterion (ric) selection....")
# }
# if (n > rep.num) {
# nr = rep.num
# r = sample(n, rep.num)
# }
# if (n <= rep.num) {
# nr = n
# r = 1:n
# }
# out = .C("RIC", X = as.double(est$data), dd = as.integer(d),
# nn = as.integer(n), r = as.integer(r), nr = as.integer(nr),
# lambda_opt = as.double(0), PACKAGE = "huge")
# est$opt.lambda = out$lambda_opt/n
# rm(out)
# gc()
# if (verbose) {
# message("done\n")
# }
# if (verbose) {
# message("Computing the optimal graph....")
# }
# if (est$opt.lambda > max(cor(est$data)))
# est$refit = Matrix(0, d, d)
# else {
# if (est$method == "mb")
# est$refit = huge::huge.mb(est$data, lambda = est$opt.lambda,
# sym = est$sym, idx.mat = est$idx.mat, verbose = FALSE)$path[[1]]
# if (est$method == "glasso") {
# if (!is.null(est$cov)) {
# tmp = huge::huge.glasso(est$data, lambda = est$opt.lambda,
# scr = est$scr, cov.output = TRUE, verbose = FALSE)
# est$opt.cov = tmp$cov[[1]]
# }
# if (is.null(est$cov))
# tmp = huge::huge.glasso(est$data, lambda = est$opt.lambda,
# verbose = FALSE)
# est$refit = tmp$path[[1]]
# est$opt.icov = tmp$icov[[1]]
# rm(tmp)
# gc()
# }
# if (est$method == "ct")
# est$refit = huge::huge.ct(est$data, lambda = est$opt.lambda,
# verbose = FALSE)$path[[1]]
# }
# est$opt.sparsity = sum(est$refit)/d/(d - 1)
# if (verbose) {
# message("done")
# }
# }
# if (criterion == "ebic" && est$method == "glasso") {
# if (verbose) {
# cat("Conducting extended Bayesian information criterion (ebic) selection....")
# # flush.console()
# }
# est$ebic.score = -n * est$loglik + log(n) * est$df + 4 * ebic.gamma * log(d) * est$df
# est$opt.index = which.min(est$ebic.score)
# est$refit = est$path[[est$opt.index]]
# est$opt.icov = est$icov[[est$opt.index]]
# if (est$cov.output)
# est$opt.cov = est$cov[[est$opt.index]]
# est$opt.lambda = est$lambda[est$opt.index]
# est$opt.sparsity = est$sparsity[est$opt.index]
# if (verbose) {
# message("done\n")
# # flush.console()
# }
# }
# if (criterion == "stars") {
# if (is.null(stars.subsample.ratio)) {
# if (n > 144)
# stars.subsample.ratio = 10 * sqrt(n)/n
# if (n <= 144)
# stars.subsample.ratio = 0.8
# }
# # for (i in 1:nlambda) merge[[i]] <- Matrix(0, d, d)
# if (verbose) {
# mes = "Conducting Subsampling....."
# message(mes, appendLF = FALSE)
# }
# # for (i in 1:rep.num) {
# premerge <- parallel::mclapply(1:rep.num, function(i) {
# # if (verbose) {
# # mes <- paste(c("Conducting Subsampling....in progress:",
# # floor(100 * i/rep.num), "%"), collapse = "")
# # cat(mes, "\r")
# # flush.console()
# # }
# # merge <- replicate(nlambda, Matrix(0, d,d))
# ind.sample = sample(c(1:n), floor(n * stars.subsample.ratio),
# replace = FALSE)
# if (est$method == "mb")
# tmp = huge::huge.mb(normfun(est$data[ind.sample, ]), lambda = est$lambda,
# scr = est$scr, idx.mat = est$idx.mat, sym = est$sym,
# verbose = FALSE)$path
# if (est$method == "ct")
# tmp = huge::huge.ct(normfun(est$data[ind.sample, ]), lambda = est$lambda,
# verbose = FALSE)$path
# if (est$method == "glasso")
# tmp = huge::huge.glasso(normfun(est$data[ind.sample, ]), lambda = est$lambda,
# scr = est$scr, verbose = FALSE)$path
# # for (j in 1:nlambda) merge[[j]] <- merge[[j]] + tmp[[j]]
# rm(ind.sample)
# gc()
# return(tmp)
# }, mc.cores=ncores)
# # }
# # merge <- lapply(merge, as.matrix)
# # merge <- lapply(merge, simplify2array)
# # est$merge <- lapply(1:dim(merge)[3], function(i) merge[,,i]/rep.num)
# merge <- Reduce(function(l1, l2) lapply(1:length(l1),
# function(i) l1[[i]] + l2[[i]]), premerge, accumulate=FALSE)
# if (verbose) {
# message("done")
# }
# est$variability = rep(0, nlambda)
# est$merge <- vector('list', nlambda)
# for (i in 1:nlambda) {
# est$merge[[i]] <- merge[[i]]/rep.num
# est$variability[i] <- 4 * sum(est$merge[[i]] * (1 - est$merge[[i]]))/(d * (d - 1))
# }
# est$opt.index = max(which.max(est$variability >=
# stars.thresh)[1] - 1, 1)
# est$refit = est$path[[est$opt.index]]
# est$opt.lambda = est$lambda[est$opt.index]
# est$opt.sparsity = est$sparsity[est$opt.index]
# if (est$method == "glasso") {
# est$opt.icov = est$icov[[est$opt.index]]
# if (!is.null(est$cov))
# est$opt.cov = est$cov[[est$opt.index]]
# }
# }
# est$criterion = criterion
# class(est) = "select"
# return(est)
# }
# }
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