
Defines functions log_norm_mean_vector fitfn_lnorm fixed_mean_vector fitfn_fixed sim_counts unsparseSigma addmin shannon neff convert_MD_format

Documented in convert_MD_format fixed_mean_vector log_norm_mean_vector neff shannon sim_counts unsparseSigma

#' Draw mean vector from a log-normal vector & find the logsd parameter that
#' matches the desired n_eff
#' @export
log_norm_mean_vector <- function(D, logmean=1, neff) {
# Generate an micrbial community-like vector of D means
    if (neff > D) stop("Effective species number is higher than number of species")
    logsd <- optim(0, fitfn_lnorm, neff=neff, D=D, logmean=logmean, method="Brent", lower=0, upper=1e1, control = list(abstol=1e-8))
    means <- replicate(100, rlnorm(D, logmean, logsd$par))
    neffs <- apply(means, 2, neff)
    ind   <- which.min(abs(neff - neffs))

#' @keywords internal
fitfn_lnorm <- function(logsd, neff, logmean, D) {
    abs(neff - mean(replicate(10, neff(rlnorm(D, logmean, logsd)))))

#' Draw mean vector from a vector of fixed means & pick the abundance values for a
#' fixed number of bugs with higher means that also matches the desired n_eff
#' @export
fixed_mean_vector <- function(D, neff, val=2, numhigher=ceiling(D/50)) {
    if (neff > D) stop("Effective species number is higher than number of species")
    y <- optim(rep(val, numhigher), fitfn_fixed, x=(x<-rep(val, D-numhigher)), neff=neff, method="L-BFGS-B", lower=val, upper=Inf, control = list(factr = .5))

#' @keywords internal
fitfn_fixed <- function(y, x, neff) {
    abs(neff - neff(c(y,x)))

#' Simulate count data from various theoretical distributions
#'   @param n -> number of samples
#'   @param mu -> vector of 'OTU' means across samples
#'   @param Sigma -> positive definite matrix, one will be generated if not provided
#'   @param negscheme -> function to deal with negative values (for method MVLN data)
#'   @note required: length(mu) == nrow(Sigma) == ncol(Sigma)
#'   @export
sim_counts <- function(n = 1, mu, Sigma=NULL, method='ZINB', negscheme=exp, targetneff, ...) {

    if (method == 'MVLN') { 
        corpar <- as.matrix(Sigma)
        Y      <- negscheme(mvrnorm(n, mu, Sigma))

# TODO: implement non-zero inflated versions
    } else if (method == "MN") {
        Y <- negscheme(multivnomial(n, mu, as.matrix(Sigma)))
    } else if (method == "ZIP") {
        Y <- rmvzipois(n, mu, Sigma, ...)
    } else if (method == "Poi") {
        Y <- rmvpois(n, mu, Sigma, ...)

    } else if (method == "ZINB") {
        Y <- rmvzinegbin(n, mu, Sigma, ...)

    } else if (method == "NegBin") {
        Y <- rmvnegbin(n, mu, Sigma, ...)
    } else {
        stop(paste("Error: method ", method, " not supported", sep=""))

    list(data=as.matrix(Y), empcor=cor(Y), incor=as.matrix(Sigma))

#' deprecated covariance generator
#' @keywords internal
unsparseSigma <- function(dimension, avecor=0.5, sparsity=0.5) {

    require(msm) ; require(Matrix)
    cormat <- matrix(0, dimension, dimension)
    d <- dimension

    cors <- rtnorm((d*(d-1))/2, mean=avecor, lower=-.999, upper=.999, sd=sparsity)
    cormat[lower.tri(cormat, diag=F)] <- cormat[upper.tri(cormat, diag=F)] <- cors
    diag(cormat) <- 1
    return(nearPD(cormat, corr=TRUE)$mat)

#' @keywords internal
addmin <- function(x, jitter=1e-3) {
    x + abs(min(x)) + jitter

#' compute the shannon entropy from a vector (normalized internally)
#' Shannon entropy is:
#'     sum [ x_i log(x_i) ]
#' @param x data vector
#' @return shannon entropy in base e
#' @export
shannon <- function(x) {
    x.f <- (x+1)/sum(x+1)

#' N_effective: Compute the exponential of the shannon entropy. linearizes shannon entropy, for a better diveristy metric (effective number of species)
#' @param x data vector
#' @return N_eff in base e
#' @export
neff <- function(x) exp(shannon(x))

#' keywords internal
convert_MD_format <- function(matrix, textname="otus") {
    if (is.null(colnames(matrix))) colnames(matrix) <- 1:ncol(matrix)
    if (is.null(rownames(matrix))) rownames(matrix) <- 1:nrow(matrix)
    header <- c(textname, colnames(matrix))
    newmat <- cbind(rownames(matrix), matrix)
    newmat <- rbind(header, newmat)
zdk123/codmeR documentation built on May 4, 2019, 10:14 p.m.