# new a SeqVarGDSClass instance
SeqVarGDSClass <- function(gdsobj, ...)
new("SeqVarGDSClass", gdsobj, ...)
# importFrom(GenomicRanges, granges)
setMethod("granges", "SeqVarGDSClass",
function(x, ...)
vid <- seqGetData(x, "variant.id")
chr <- seqGetData(x, "chromosome")
pos <- seqGetData(x, "position")
reflen <- nchar(seqGetData(x, "$ref"))
reflen[reflen < 1L] <- 1L
gr <- GRanges(seqnames=chr,
ranges=IRanges(start=pos, end=pos+reflen-1L),
names(gr) <- vid
#### from VariantAnnotation ####
setMethod("ref", "SeqVarGDSClass", function(x)
s <- seqGetData(x, "$ref")
# remove invalid characters
s <- gsub("[^ACGTMRWSYKVHDBNacgtmrwsykvhdbn\\-\\+\\.]", ".", s)
setMethod("alt", "SeqVarGDSClass", function(x)
alt <- seqGetData(x, "$alt")
s <- strsplit(alt, ",", fixed=TRUE)
s[alt == ""] <- ""
# remove invalid characters
s <- sapply(s, function(x)
gsub("[^ACGTMRWSYKVHDBNacgtmrwsykvhdbn\\-\\+\\.]", ".", x),
do.call(DNAStringSetList, s)
setMethod("qual", "SeqVarGDSClass", function(x)
qual <- seqGetData(x, "annotation/qual")
qual[is.na(qual)] <- NA # change NaN to NA
setMethod("filt", "SeqVarGDSClass", function(x)
as.character(seqGetData(x, "annotation/filter"))
setMethod("fixed", "SeqVarGDSClass", function(x)
setMethod("header", "SeqVarGDSClass", function(x)
## info
seqsum <- seqSummary(x, check="none", verbose=FALSE)
infoHd <- seqsum$info
# names(infoHd)[2:4] <- c("Number", "Type", "Description")
infoHd <- DataFrame(infoHd[,2:4], row.names=infoHd[,1L])
## geno
genoHd <- seqsum$format
# names(genoHd)[2:4] <- c("Number", "Type", "Description")
genoHd <- DataFrame(genoHd[,2:4], row.names=genoHd[,1L])
## meta
des <- get.attr.gdsn(index.gdsn(x, "description"))
ff <- des$vcf.fileformat
meta <- DataFrameList(fileformat=DataFrame(Value=ff, row.names="fileformat"))
ref <- seqsum$reference
if (length(ref) > 0L)
meta <- c(meta, DataFrameList(reference=DataFrame(Value=ref, row.names="reference")))
n <- index.gdsn(x, "description/vcf.header", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(n))
des <- read.gdsn(n)
## ID=value header fields not parsed in GDS
des <- des[!(des[,1L] %in% c("contig", "SAMPLE", "PEDIGREE")),]
fields <- unique(des[,1L])
for (f in fields) {
des.f <- des[des[,1L] %in% f,,drop=FALSE]
meta.des <- DataFrameList(DataFrame(Value=des.f[,2L], row.names=make.unique(des.f[,1L])))
names(meta.des) <- f
meta <- c(meta, meta.des)
hdr <- c(meta, DataFrameList(INFO=infoHd, FORMAT=genoHd))
## fixed
des <- seqsum$allele
if (nrow(des) > 0L)
hdr[["ALT"]] <- DataFrame(Description=des[,2L], row.names=des[,1L])
des <- seqsum$filter
des <- des[des$Description != "" & !is.na(des$Description),,drop=FALSE]
if (nrow(des) > 0L)
hdr[["FILTER"]] <- DataFrame(Description=des[,2L], row.names=des[,1L])
setMethod("info", "SeqVarGDSClass", function(x, infovar=NULL)
des <- seqSummary(x, "annotation/info", check="none", verbose=FALSE)
if (!is.null(infovar))
des <- des[des$ID %in% infovar, ]
infoDf <- DataFrame(row.names=seqGetData(x, "variant.id"))
if (nrow(des) > 0L)
for (i in seq_len(nrow(des)))
v <- seqGetData(x, paste0("annotation/info/", des$ID[i]), .padNA=FALSE)
## deal with variable length fields
if (!is.null(names(v)))
vl <- .variableLengthToList(v)
## each element should have length number of alt alleles, even for NAs
if (des$Number[i] == "A")
nAlt <- lengths(SeqArray::alt(x))
addNA <- which(nAlt > 1L & is.na(vl))
for (ind in addNA)
vl[[ind]] <- rep(NA, nAlt[ind])
v <- .toAtomicList(vl, des$Type[i])
} else if (!is.null(dim(v)))
## v is a matrix with nrow="Number"
vl <- list()
for (j in 1:ncol(v))
vl[[j]] <- v[,j]
v <- .toAtomicList(vl, des$Type[i])
if (is.atomic(v))
v[is.na(v)] <- NA # change NaN to NA
v[v %in% ""] <- NA
infoDf[[des$ID[i]]] <- v
setMethod("geno", "SeqVarGDSClass", function(x, genovar=NULL)
## genotype
sample.id <- seqGetData(x, "sample.id")
variant.id <- seqGetData(x, "variant.id")
if (is.null(genovar) || "GT" %in% genovar)
gt <- seqApply(x, c(genovar="genotype", phase="phase"),
function(x) {
sep <- ifelse(x$phase, "|", "/")
paste(x$genovar[1L,], sep, x$genovar[2L,], sep="")
as.is="list", margin="by.variant")
gt <- matrix(unlist(gt), ncol=length(gt),
dimnames=list(sample.id, variant.id))
gt[gt == "NA/NA"] <- "."
gt <- t(gt)
genoSl <- SimpleList(GT=gt)
} else {
genoSl <- SimpleList()
## all other fields
des <- seqSummary(x, "annotation/format", check="none", verbose=FALSE)
if (!is.null(genovar))
des <- des[des$ID %in% genovar,]
if (nrow(des) > 0L)
for (i in 1:nrow(des))
var.name <- paste("annotation/format/", des$ID[i], sep="")
number <- suppressWarnings(as.integer(des$Number[i]))
if (!is.na(number) && number > 1L)
v <- seqApply(x, var.name, function(v) v,
as.is="list", margin="by.variant")
vm <- array(
dim=c(length(variant.id), length(sample.id), number),
dimnames=list(variant.id, sample.id, NULL))
for (j in 1:length(v))
if (is.null(v[[j]]))
vm[j,,] <- NA
} else {
vm[j,,] <- v[[j]]
v <- vm
} else {
v <- seqGetData(x, var.name, .padNA=FALSE)
if (!is.null(names(v)))
if (all(v$length == 1L) && !is.na(number) && number == 1L)
v <- v$data
} else {
v <- seqApply(x, var.name, function(v) v,
as.is="list", margin="by.variant")
v <- .variableLengthToMatrix(v)
dimnames(v) <- list(sample.id, variant.id)
v <- t(v)
genoSl[[des$ID[i]]] <- v
if (is.null(names(genoSl))) names(genoSl) <- character()
#### from SummarizedExperiment ####
setMethod("rowRanges", "SeqVarGDSClass", function(x)
ID=seqGetData(x, "annotation/id"),
setMethod("colData", "SeqVarGDSClass", function(x)
sample.id <- seqGetData(x, "sample.id")
node <- index.gdsn(x, "sample.annotation", silent=TRUE)
if (!is.null(node))
vars <- ls.gdsn(node)
vars <- character()
if (length(vars) > 0)
annot <- lapply(vars, function(v) {
seqGetData(x, paste0("sample.annotation/", v), .padNA=FALSE)
names(annot) <- vars
DataFrame(Samples=seq_along(sample.id), annot, row.names=sample.id)
} else {
DataFrame(Samples=seq_along(sample.id), row.names=sample.id)
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