#' Build plain markdown from the RMarkdown episodes
#' In the spirit of `{hugodown}`, This function will build plain markdown files
#' as a minimal R package in the `site/` folder of your `{sandpaper}` lesson
#' repository tagged with the hash of your file to ensure that only files that
#' have changed are rebuilt.
#' @param path the path to your repository (defaults to your current working
#' directory)
#' @param rebuild if `TRUE`, everything will be built from scratch as if there
#' was no cache. Defaults to `FALSE`, which will only build markdown files that
#' haven't been built before.
#' @return `TRUE` if it was successful, a character vector of issues if it was
#' unsuccessful.
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso [build_episode_md()]
build_markdown <- function(path = ".", rebuild = FALSE, quiet = FALSE, slug = NULL) {
# step 1: build the markdown vignettes and site (if it doesn't exist)
if (rebuild) {
} else {
# check if the lesson needs to be reset
lsn <- this_lesson(path)
outdir <- path_built(path)
# Determine build status for the episodes ------------------------------------
sources <- get_build_sources(path, outdir, slug, quiet)
no_renv_needed <- !any(fs::path_ext(sources) %in% c("Rmd", "rmd"))
if (no_renv_needed) {
op <- getOption("sandpaper.use_renv")
on.exit(options(sandpaper.use_renv = op), add = TRUE)
options(sandpaper.use_renv = FALSE)
# If the user accidentally used rmarkdown::render(), then they would end up
# with an html artifact in here and it will clog up the machinery. Best to
# remove it at the source.
db_path <- fs::path(outdir, "md5sum.txt")
rebuild <- renv_should_rebuild(path, rebuild, db_path)
db <- build_status(sources, db_path, rebuild, write = FALSE)
update <- FALSE
if (update) write_build_db(db$new, db_path)
}, add = TRUE)
# Copy the files to the assets directory -------------------------------------
copy_build_assets(path, outdir, overview = lsn$overview)
# Remove detritus ------------------------------------------------------------
remove <- db$remove
if (length(remove)) {
# Remove previously built files
tryCatch(fs::file_delete(remove), error = function(e) {})
# Also remove any figures generated by those files
for (built_slug in get_slug(remove)) {
figs <- get_figs(path, built_slug)
if (length(figs)) fs::file_delete(figs)
cli::cli_div(theme = sandpaper_cli_theme())
# Only build if there are markdown sources to be built.
needs_building <- fs::path_ext(db$build) %in% c("md", "Rmd")
if (any(needs_building)) {
# Render the episode files to the built directory --------------------------
renv_check_consent(path, quiet, sources)
# determine if we need to fail when errors are triggered
fail_on_error <- this_metadata$get()[["fail_on_error"]]
# this is `error` in the knitr sense of `error = TRUE` means
# fail_on_error = FALSE.
error <- is.null(fail_on_error) || !fail_on_error
# exclude files that do not need to be rebuilt
build_me <- db$build[needs_building]
slugs <- get_slug(build_me)
if (!error && !quiet) {
cli::cli_alert_info("{.code fail_on_error: true}. Use {.code error=TRUE} in code chunks for demonstrative errors")
for (i in seq_along(build_me)) {
path = build_me[i],
outdir = outdir,
workdir = outdir,
quiet = quiet,
error = error
handout <- this_metadata$get()[["handout"]]
# produces the default headings, challenges, code, etc
# TODO: this needs improving to allow users to choose what to include based
# on a yaml list
handout <- if (is.null(handout)) FALSE else handout
should_build_handout <- !isFALSE(handout)
if (should_build_handout) {
build_handout(path, out = handout)
} else {
if (!quiet) {
cli::cli_alert_success("All files up-to-date; nothing to rebuild!")
# Update hash of `{renv}` file if it exists ------------------------------------
if (getOption("sandpaper.use_renv")) {
hash <- renv_lockfile_hash(path, db_path)
lf_hash <- fs::path_file(db$new$file) == "renv.lock"
lf_exists <- !is.na(hash$new)
lf_updated <- !isTRUE(hash$new == db$new$checksum[lf_hash])
if (lf_exists && lf_updated) {
db$new$checksum[lf_hash] <- hash$new
# Update metadata ------------------------------------------------------------
if (length(db$build) > 0) {
# The config triggers a rebuild of the pkgdown yaml file, otherwise the
# timestamp is updated.
if (any(fs::path_file(db$build) == "config.yaml")) {
write_pkgdown_yaml(create_pkgdown_yaml(path), path)
} else {
# We've made it this far, so the database can be updated
update <- TRUE
copy_build_assets <- function(path, outdir, overview = FALSE) {
path <- root_path(path)
# get all the non-markdown files
known_folders <- c("episodes", "learners", "instructors", "profiles")
artifacts <- get_source_artifacts(path, known_folders)
resource_folders <- c("data", "files", "fig")
# enforce dir will create a directory if it doesn't exist, so that it's
# always available for the user, even if git is not tracking it.
to_copy <- vapply(known_folders,
FUN = function(f) {
enforce_dir(fs::path(path, f, resource_folders))
FUN.VALUE = character(3)
to_copy <- c(as.vector(to_copy), artifacts)
if (overview) {
# overview lessons are special, so we are going to explicitly search the top
# directory for the resource folders and then copy them only if they exist
needed <- fs::dir_ls(path, type = "directory")
needed <- needed[fs::path_file(needed) %in% resource_folders]
to_copy <- c(needed, to_copy)
for (f in to_copy) {
copy_assets(f, outdir)
remove_rendered_html <- function(episodes) {
htmls <- fs::path_ext_set(episodes, "html")
exists <- fs::file_exists(htmls)
if (any(exists)) {
# Get a vector of markdown files to build with names.
get_build_sources <- function(path, outdir, slug = NULL, quiet) {
source_list <- .resources$get() %||% get_resource_list(path, warn = !quiet)
# filter out the assets (e.g. child files) from the source list
no_asset <- names(source_list) %nin% c("files", "data", "fig")
sources <- unlist(source_list[no_asset], use.names = FALSE)
names(sources) <- get_slug(sources)
if (is.null(slug)) {
copy_maybe(sources[["config"]], fs::path(outdir, "config.yaml"))
copy_lockfile(sources, fs::path(outdir, "renv.lock"))
} else {
sources <- sources[slug]
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.