#nocov start
# very internal function for me to burn everything down. This will remove
# the local library, local cache, and the entire `{renv}` cache.
renv_burn_it_down <- function(path = ".", profile = "lesson-requirements") {
callr::r(function(path, profile) {
wd <- getwd()
# Reset everything on exit
on.exit(setwd(wd), add = TRUE)
unlink(renv::paths$library(project = path), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
unlink(renv::paths$cache(), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
unlink(renv::paths$root(), recursive = TRUE, force = TRUE)
user_profile = FALSE,
env = c(callr::rcmd_safe_env(), "RENV_PROFILE" = profile),
args = list(path = path))
#nocov end
renv_is_allowed <- function() {
tolower(.Platform$OS.type) != "windows"
renv_should_rebuild <- function(path = ".", rebuild, db_path = "site/built/md5sum.txt", profile = "lesson-requirements") {
return_early <- rebuild || # if rebuild is TRUE OR
!getOption("sandpaper.use_renv") || # if we are not using `{renv}` OR
!package_cache_trigger() # if the lockfile does not trigger rebuilds
if (return_early) return(rebuild)
hash <- renv_lockfile_hash(path, db_path, profile)
return(rebuild || !isTRUE(hash$old == hash$new))
#' Get the hash for the previous and current lockfile (as recorded in the lesson)
#' @param path path to the lesson
#' @param db_path path to the database
#' @param profile name of the profile renv uses for the lesson requirements
#' @return a named list:
#' - old: hash value recoreded in the database
#' - new: hash value of the current file
#' @keywords internal
renv_lockfile_hash <- function(path, db_path, profile = "lesson-requirements") {
wd <- getwd()
on.exit(setwd(wd), add = TRUE)
rp <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PROFILE")
on.exit(Sys.setenv(RENV_PROFILE = rp), add = TRUE)
Sys.setenv(RENV_PROFILE = profile)
# old_hash can be length zero here if the file or hash doesn't exist
old_hash <- get_hash(renv::paths$lockfile(project = path), db = db_path)
# md5sum can be NA here if the file doesn't exist
new_hash <- tools::md5sum(renv::paths$lockfile(project = path))
return(list(old = old_hash, new = new_hash))
#' Try to use `{renv}`
#' We use this when sandpaper starts to see if the user has previously consented
#' to `{renv}`. The problem is that [renv::consent()] throws `TRUE` if the user
#' has consented and an error if it has not :(
#' This function wraps `renv::consent()` in a callr function and transforms the
#' error into `FALSE`. It sets the `sandpaper.use_renv` variable to the value of
#' that check and then returns the full text of the output if `FALSE` (this is
#' the WELCOME message that's given when someone uses `{renv}` for the first time)
#' and the last line of output if `TRUE` (a message either that a directory has
#' been created or that consent has already been provided.)
#' @param force if `TRUE`, consent is forced to be TRUE, creating the cache
#' directory if it did not exist before. Defaults to `FALSE`, which gently
#' inquires for consent.
#' @return a character vector
#' @keywords internal
try_use_renv <- function(force = FALSE) {
tmp <- tempfile()
on.exit(unlink(tmp), add = TRUE)
x <- tryCatch({
callr::r(function(ok) {
options("renv.consent" = ok)
renv::consent(provided = ok)
}, args = list(ok = force),
stdout = tmp,
env = c(callr::rcmd_safe_env(),
}, error = function(e) FALSE)
options(sandpaper.use_renv = x)
lines <- readLines(tmp)
if (force) {
lines <- lines[length(lines)]
renv_check_consent <- function(path, quiet, src_files = NULL) {
has_consent <- getOption("sandpaper.use_renv")
if (has_consent) {
lib <- manage_deps(path, snapshot = TRUE, quiet = quiet)
if (!quiet) {
cli::cli_alert_info("Using package cache in {renv::paths$root()}")
} else {
needs_renv <- is.null(src_files) || any(fs::path_ext(src_files) %in% c("Rmd", "rmd"))
if (!quiet && needs_renv) {
msg1 <- "Consent to use package cache not given. Using default library."
msg2 <- "use {.fn use_package_cache} to enable the package cache"
msg3 <- "for reproducible builds."
cli::cli_alert(cli::style_italic(paste(msg2, msg3)), class = "alert-suggestion")
# Default repositories for our packages
renv_carpentries_repos <- function() {
carpentries = "https://carpentries.r-universe.dev/",
carpentries_archive = "https://carpentries.github.io/drat",
CRAN = "https://cran.rstudio.com"
#' Set up a renv profile
#' @param path path to an empty project
#' @param profile the name of the new renv profile
#' @return this is normally called for it's side-effect
#' @noRd
renv_setup_profile <- function(path = ".", profile = "lesson-requirements") {
callr::r(function(path, profile) {
wd <- getwd()
# NOTE: I do not know why, but this takes forever to run when no internet is
# available. Kevin may know why.
renv::init(project = path, bare = TRUE, restart = FALSE, profile = profile)
renv::deactivate(project = path)
args = list(path = path, profile = profile),
show = TRUE,
spinner = FALSE,
user_profile = FALSE,
env = c(callr::rcmd_safe_env(),
"R_PROFILE_USER" = "nada",
"RENV_CONFIG_CACHE_SYMLINKS" = renv_cache_available()))
#' (Experimental) Work with the package cache
#' This function is designed so that you can work on your lesson inside the
#' package cache without overwriting your personal library.
#' @return a function that will reset your R environment to its original state
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' if (interactive() && fs::dir_exists("episodes")) {
#' library("sandpaper")
#' done <- work_with_cache()
#' print(.libPaths())
#' # install.packages("cowsay") # install cowsay to your lesson cache
#' # cowsay::say() # hello world
#' # detach('package:cowsay') # detach the package from your current session
#' done() # finish the session
#' # try(cowsay::say()) # this fails because it's not in your global library
#' print(.libPaths())
#' }
#nocov start
work_with_cache <- function(profile = "lesson-requirements") {
stopifnot("This only works interactively" = interactive())
prof <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PROFILE")
prompt <- getOption("prompt")
done <- function() {
Sys.setenv("RENV_PROFILE" = prof)
options(prompt = prompt)
done_alert <- glue::glue("{cli::symbol$info} call `done()` when you are finished with the session.")
prmpt <- glue::glue("{cli::style_inverse('[lesson]')}{prompt}")
Sys.setenv("RENV_PROFILE" = profile)
options(prompt = prmpt)
#' Print a diagnostics report for the package cache
#' @param path the path to the lesson to use for diagnostics
#' @param profile the profile to work with (defaults to "lesson-requirements"
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
renv_diagnostics <- function(path = ".", profile = "lesson-requirements") {
prof <- Sys.getenv("RENV_PROFILE")
Sys.setenv("RENV_PROFILE" = prof)
invisible(utils::capture.output(renv::deactivate(), type = "message"))
}, add = TRUE)
Sys.setenv("RENV_PROFILE" = profile)
renv::load(project = path)
renv::diagnostics(project = path)
#nocov end
renv_cache_available <- function() {
rccs <- renv::config$cache.symlinks()
stf <- getOption("sandpaper.test_fixture")
if (is.null(rccs) && is.null(stf)) {
} else if (!is.null(stf)) {
} else {
callr_manage_deps <- function(path, repos, snapshot, lockfile_exists) {
wd <- getwd()
old_repos <- getOption("repos")
user_prof <- getOption("renv.config.user.profile")
# Reset everything on exit
options(repos = old_repos)
options(renv.config.user.profile = user_prof)
}, add = TRUE)
# Set up our working directory and the default repositories
options(repos = repos)
options(renv.config.user.profile = FALSE)
renv_lib <- renv::paths$library(project = path)
renv_lock <- renv::paths$lockfile(project = path)
# Steps to update a `{renv}` environment regardless of whether or not the user
# has initiated `{renv}` in the first place
# 1. find the packages we need from the global library or elsewhere, and
# load them into the profile's library
cli::cli_alert("Searching for and installing available dependencies")
#nocov start
if (lockfile_exists) {
# if there _is_ a lockfile, we only want to hydrate new packages that do not
# previously exist in the library, because otherwise, we end up trying to
# install packages that we should be able to install with renv::restore().
installed <- utils::installed.packages(lib.loc = renv_lib)[, "Package"]
deps <- unique(renv::dependencies(path = path, root = path, dev = TRUE)$Package)
pkgs <- setdiff(deps, installed)
needs_hydration <- length(pkgs) > 0
} else {
# If there is not a lockfile, we need to run a fully hydration
pkgs <- NULL
needs_hydration <- TRUE
#nocov end
if (needs_hydration) {
#nocov start
if (packageVersion("renv") == "0.17.2") {
# 2023-03-24 ---- renv cannot find the right packages
# <https://github.com/rstudio/renv/issues/1177#issuecomment-1483295938>
# The problem here is that renv sees that 'callr' and other packages are
# installed in other libraries on the .libPaths(), and so skips
# installing them into the project library that is being hydrated.
# If you need a temporary workaround, it should suffice to "clear" the
# library paths before calling hydrate()
#nocov end
hydra <- renv::hydrate(packages = pkgs, library = renv_lib, update = FALSE,
sources = .libPaths(), project = path, prompt = FALSE)
#nocov start
# NOTE: I am not testing this now because this code requires yet another
# step to install packages. I will rely on the integration tests to help
# me out here.
# When we have missing packages, this will help to search for and install
# missing bioconductor packages, if this is the actual problem.
if (length(hydra$missing)) {
pkgs <- vapply(hydra$missing, function(pkg) pkg$package, character(1))
cli::cli_alert_warning("Attempting to install missing packages assuming bioc")
renv::install(paste0("bioc::", pkgs), library = renv_lib, project = path)
#nocov end
# 2. If the lockfile exists, we update the library to the versions that are
# recorded.
if (lockfile_exists) {
cli::cli_alert("Restoring any dependency versions")
res <- renv::restore(project = path, library = renv_lib,
lockfile = renv_lock, prompt = FALSE)
if (snapshot) {
# 3. Load the current profile, unloading it when we exit
renv::load(project = path)
snap <- NULL
invisible(utils::capture.output(renv::deactivate(project = path), type = "message"))
}, add = TRUE)
# 4. Snapshot the current state of the library to the lockfile to
# synchronize
cli::cli_alert("Recording changes in lockfile")
snap <- renv::snapshot(project = path, lockfile = renv_lock, prompt = FALSE)
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