
test_that("siQuote works for normally escaped strings", {

  test_string <- "unquoted string?: \"that contains $unescaped quotes!\""
  expect_equal(siQuote(character(0)), "")
  expect_equal(siQuote(""), "")
  expect_equal(siQuote("hello: there"), "'hello: there'")

  expectation <- paste0("'", test_string, "'")
  expect_equal(siQuote(test_string), expectation)
  expect_equal(siQuote(expectation), expectation)

  test_single <- "a string?: [with] 'single quotes' and \"unescaped double quotes\" wow!"
  expectation <- "\"a string?: [with] 'single quotes' and \\\"unescaped double quotes\\\" wow!\""
  expect_equal(siQuote(test_single), expectation)
  expect_equal(siQuote(expectation), expectation)


cli::test_that_cli("polite yaml throws a message when there is no yaml", {
  withr::local_file(tmp <- tempfile())
  cat("# A header\n\nbut no yaml :/\n", file = tmp)
  expect_message(politely_get_yaml(tmp), "No yaml header found in the first 10 lines")


test_that("polite yaml works", {

yaml <- "---
a: |
  is some
b: is it?

This is not poetry

  withr::local_file(tmp <- tempfile())
  cat(yaml, file = tmp, sep = "\n")
  rl <- readLines(tmp)
  pgy <- politely_get_yaml(tmp)
  YML <- yaml::yaml.load(pgy)

  expect_true(length(rl) > length(pgy))
  expect_true(length(pgy) == 26)
  expect_true(length(YML) == 2)
  expect_named(YML, c("a", "b"))


test_that("yaml_list() processes nested lists", {
  x <- letters[1:3]
  nester <- list(b = x, a = list(hello = x, jello = as.list(setNames(x, rev(x)))))
zkamvar/sandpaper documentation built on Sept. 5, 2024, 6:21 a.m.