.Biomod.Models <- function (Model, Ids, PA.samp, TypeGLM, Test, No.trees, CV.tree,
CV.ann, quant, NbRunEval, Spline, DataSplit, Yweights, Roc,
Optimized.Threshold.Roc, Kappa, TSS, KeepPredIndependent,
if (Model == "GLM") {
if (TypeGLM == "poly") {
Type <- "GLMp"
cat("Model=GLM polynomial + quadratic")
if (TypeGLM == "quad") {
Type <- "GLMq"
cat("Model=GLM quadratic \n")
if (TypeGLM == "simple") {
Type <- "GLMs"
cat("Model=GLM linear \n")
if (Test == "AIC") {
criteria <- 2
cat("\t Stepwise procedure using AIC criteria \n")
if (Test == "BIC") {
criteria <- log(length(PA.samp))
cat("\t Stepwise procedure using BIC criteria \n")
if (Model == "GBM") {
cat("Model=Generalised Boosting Regression \n")
cat("\t", No.trees, "maximum different trees and lambda Fold Cross-Validation \n")
if (Model == "GAM") {
cat("Model=GAM spline \n")
cat("\t", Spline, " Degrees of smoothing \n")
if (Model == "CTA") {
cat("Model=Classification tree \n")
cat("\t", CV.tree, "Fold Cross-Validation \n")
if (Model == "ANN") {
cat("Model=Artificial Neural Network \n")
cat("\t", CV.ann, "Fold Cross Validation + 3 Repetitions \n")
cat("Calibration and evaluation phase: Nb of cross-validations: ",
ncol(Ids), "\n")
if (Model == "SRE")
cat("Model=Surface Range Envelop \n")
if (Model == "FDA"){
cat("Model=Flexible Discriminant Analysis \n")
if (Model == "MARS")
cat("Model=Multiple Adaptive Regression Splines \n")
if (Model == "RF")
cat("Model=Breiman and Cutler's random forests for classification and regression \n")
if (Model == "GLM" | Model == "GAM")
Prev <- sum(DataBIOMOD[, i + Biomod.material$NbVar])/nrow(DataBIOMOD)
if (Model == "CTA")
if (Model == "RF")
if (Roc & Model != "SRE")
AUC.train <- 0
if (Kappa)
Kappa.train <- 0
if (TSS)
TSS.train <- 0
SpNames <- Biomod.material$species.names
NbVar <- Biomod.material$NbVar
ErrorCounter <- 0
if (Model == "GBM")
GBM.list <- list()
RunWeights <- Yweights[, i]
for (k in 1:(ncol(Ids) + 1)) {
if (exists("model.sp"))
if (exists("g.pred"))
if (k == (ncol(Ids) + 1)) {
if (Biomod.material$NbRepPA == 0)
nam <- "full"
else nam <- paste("PA", pa, sep = "")
calib.lines <- pred.lines <- PA.samp
else {
if (Biomod.material$NbRepPA == 0)
nam <- paste("full_rep", k, sep = "")
else nam <- paste("PA", pa, "_rep", k, sep = "")
calib.lines <- PA.samp[Ids[, k]]
pred.lines <- PA.samp[-Ids[, k]]
assign("calib.lines", calib.lines, pos = 1)
if (Model == "ANN") {
CV_nnet = .CV.nnet(Input = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
1:NbVar], Target = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines, NbVar +
i], nbCV = CV.ann, W = RunWeights[calib.lines])
if (k == (ncol(Ids) + 1)) {
if (is.null(Yweights))
model.sp <- nnet(eval(parse(text=paste(paste("DataBIOMOD[calib.lines, NbVar +",i,"]"),paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes, "GBM"),collapse="")))),
data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,], size = CV_nnet[1,
1], rang = 0.1, decay = CV_nnet[1, 2], maxit = 200,
trace = FALSE)
else model.sp <- nnet(eval(parse(text=paste(paste("DataBIOMOD[calib.lines, NbVar +",i,"]"),paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes,"GBM"),collapse="")))),
data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,], size = CV_nnet[1,
1], rang = 0.1, decay = CV_nnet[1, 2], weights=RunWeights[calib.lines], maxit = 200,
trace = FALSE)
else {
if (is.null(Yweights))
try(model.sp <- nnet(eval(parse(text=paste("DataBIOMOD[calib.lines, NbVar +",i,"]",paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes,"GBM"),collapse="")))),
data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,],
size = CV_nnet[1, 1], rang = 0.1, decay = CV_nnet[1,
2], maxit = 200, trace = FALSE, weights=RunWeights[calib.lines]), silent = TRUE)
else try(model.sp <- nnet(eval(parse(text=paste(paste("DataBIOMOD[calib.lines, NbVar +",i,"]"),paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes,"GBM"),collapse="")))),
data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,],
size = CV_nnet[1, 1], rang = 0.1, decay = CV_nnet[1,
2], maxit = 200, trace = FALSE, weights=RunWeights[calib.lines]), silent = TRUE)
if (exists("model.sp"))
TempArray <- predict(model.sp, DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
], type = "raw")
if (Model == "CTA") {
temp <- rpart.control(xval = CV.tree, minbucket = 5,
minsplit = 5, cp = 0.001, maxdepth = 25)
if (k == (ncol(Ids) + 1))
try(model.sp <- rpart(eval(parse(text = paste("as.factor(",
SpNames[i], ")", paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes, "CTA"),
collapse = "")))), DataBIOMOD[calib.lines, ],
weights = RunWeights[calib.lines], control = temp))
else try(model.sp <- rpart(eval(parse(text = paste("as.factor(",
SpNames[i], ")", paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes, "CTA"),
collapse = "")))), DataBIOMOD[calib.lines, ],
weights = RunWeights[calib.lines], control = temp),
silent = TRUE)
if (exists("model.sp")) {
tr <-$cptable)
tr[, 6] <- tr[, 4] + tr[, 5]
tr <- tr[tr[, 2] != 0, ]
Cp <- tr[tr[, 6] == min(tr[, 6]), 1]
if (length(Cp) == 1)
model.sp <- prune(model.sp, cp = Cp)
else model.sp <- prune(model.sp, cp = Cp[2])
g.pred <- data.frame(as.integer(as.numeric(predict(model.sp,
DataBIOMOD[PA.samp, 1:NbVar], type = "prob")[,
2]) * 1000))
if (Model == "GAM") {
gamStart <- gam(eval(parse(text = paste(paste(SpNames[i]),
"~1", collapse = ""))), data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
], family = binomial, weights = RunWeights[calib.lines])
if (k == (ncol(Ids) + 1))
model.sp <- step.gam(gamStart, .scope(DataBIOMOD[1:10,
1:NbVar], "s", Spline), keep = .functionkeep,
direction = "both", trace = FALSE, control = gam.control(maxit = 50,
bf.maxit = 50))
else try(model.sp <- step.gam(gamStart, .scope(DataBIOMOD[1:10,
1:NbVar], "s", Spline), keep = .functionkeep,
direction = "both", trace = FALSE, control = gam.control(maxit = 50,
bf.maxit = 50)), silent = TRUE)
if (exists("model.sp"))
g.pred <- data.frame(as.integer(as.numeric(.testnull(model.sp,
Prev, DataBIOMOD[PA.samp, ])) * 1000))
if (Model == "GBM") {
if (k == (ncol(Ids) + 1))
model.sp <- gbm(eval(parse(text = paste(SpNames[i],
paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes,
"GBM"), collapse = "")))), data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
], distribution = "bernoulli", var.monotone = rep(0,
length = NbVar), w = RunWeights[calib.lines], interaction.depth = 7, shrinkage = 0.001,
bag.fraction = 0.5, train.fraction = 1, n.trees = No.trees,
verbose = FALSE, cv.folds = 5)
else try(model.sp <- gbm(eval(parse(text = paste(SpNames[i],
paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes,
"GBM"), collapse = "")))), data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
], distribution = "bernoulli", var.monotone = rep(0,
length = NbVar), w = RunWeights[calib.lines],
interaction.depth = 7, shrinkage = 0.001, bag.fraction = 0.5,
train.fraction = 1, n.trees = No.trees, verbose = FALSE,
cv.folds = 5), silent = TRUE)
if (exists("model.sp")) {
best.iter <- gbm.perf(model.sp, method = "cv", = FALSE)
g.pred <- data.frame(as.integer(predict.gbm(model.sp,
DataBIOMOD[PA.samp, ], best.iter, type = "response") *
if (Model == "GLM") {
glmStart <- glm(eval(parse(text = paste(paste(SpNames[i]),
"~1", collapse = ""))), data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
], family = binomial, weights = RunWeights[calib.lines])
if (k == (ncol(Ids) + 1))
model.sp <- stepAIC(glmStart, .scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes,
Type), direction = "both", trace = FALSE,
control = glm.control(maxit = 100), k = criteria)
else try(model.sp <- stepAIC(glmStart, .scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes
, Type), direction = "both", trace = FALSE,
control = glm.control(maxit = 100), k = criteria),
silent = TRUE)
if (exists("model.sp"))
g.pred <- data.frame(as.integer(.testnull(model.sp,
Prev, DataBIOMOD[PA.samp, ]) * 1000))
if (Model == "MARS") {
if (k == (ncol(Ids) + 1)) {
if (is.null(Yweights))
model.sp <- mars(x = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
1:NbVar], y = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines, NbVar +
i], degree = 2)
else model.sp <- mars(x = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
1:NbVar], y = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines, NbVar +
i], degree = 2, w = RunWeights[calib.lines])
else {
if (is.null(Yweights))
try(model.sp <- mars(x = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
1:NbVar], y = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines, NbVar +
i], degree = 2), silent = TRUE)
else try(model.sp <- mars(x = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
1:NbVar], y = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines, NbVar +
i], degree = 2, w = RunWeights[calib.lines]),
silent = TRUE)
if (exists("model.sp"))
TempArray <- predict(model.sp, DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
if (Model == "FDA") {
# counter <- 1
# g.pred <- NA
# while(counter < 5 | sum( > 0 ){
# if(counter > 1) {cat('\n*** last modeling failed, re-runing the model')}
if (k == (ncol(Ids) + 1)) {
if (is.null(Yweights))
model.sp <- fda(eval(parse(text = paste(SpNames[i],
paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes,
"FDA"), collapse = "")))), data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
], method = mars)
else model.sp <- fda(eval(parse(text = paste(SpNames[i],
paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes,
"FDA"), collapse = "")))), data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
], method = mars, weights = RunWeights[calib.lines])
else {
if (is.null(Yweights))
try(model.sp <- fda(eval(parse(text = paste(SpNames[i],
paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes,
"FDA"), collapse = "")))), data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
], method = mars), silent = TRUE)
else try(model.sp <- fda(eval(parse(text = paste(SpNames[i],
paste(.scopeExpSyst(Biomod.material$VarNames, Biomod.material$VarTypes,
"FDA"), collapse = "")))), data = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
], method = mars, weights = RunWeights[calib.lines]), silent = TRUE)
if (exists("model.sp"))
TempArray <- predict(model.sp, DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
1:NbVar], type = "post")[, 2]
# counter <- counter + 1
# }
if (Model == "RF") {
if (k == (ncol(Ids) + 1))
model.sp <- randomForest(x = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
1:NbVar], y = as.factor(DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
NbVar + i]), ntree = 750, mtry = NbVar/2, importance = TRUE)
else try(model.sp <- randomForest(x = DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
1:NbVar], y = as.factor(DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
NbVar + i]), ntree = 750, mtry = NbVar/2, importance = TRUE),
silent = TRUE)
if (exists("model.sp"))
g.pred <- data.frame(as.integer(predict(model.sp,
DataBIOMOD[PA.samp, 1:NbVar], type = "prob")[,
2] * 1000))
if (Model == "SRE")
g.pred <- data.frame(as.integer(as.numeric(sre(eval(parse(text = paste("DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,]$",
paste(SpNames[i]), collapse = ""))), DataBIOMOD[calib.lines,
1:NbVar], DataBIOMOD[PA.samp, ], quant)) * 1000))
if (any(c("ANN", "FDA", "MARS") == Model)){
if (exists("TempArray")){
g.pred <- data.frame(as.integer(.Rescaler4(as.numeric(TempArray),
ref = DataBIOMOD[PA.samp, NbVar + i], run = paste(SpNames[i],
"_", Model, "_", nam, sep = ""), original = TRUE) *
### checking for NA in g.pred #########################
if(sum([,])) > 0){ # some NA detected
if(sum([,])) == ncol(g.pred) * nrow(g.pred)){ # only NA
rm('g.pred') # model failed
} else { # only few NAs
na.detected <- which(
# remove Na's pred lines of all data
if (k == (ncol(Ids) + 1)) {
calib.lines <- pred.lines <- PA.samp[-na.detected]
} else {
if(sum( as.vector(Ids[, k]) %in% na.detected ) > 0){
# remove from Ids
Ids <- data.frame(Ids[Ids[,k] %in% na.detected,])
PA.samp <- PA.samp[-na.detected]
calib.lines <- PA.samp[Ids[, k]]
pred.lines <- PA.samp[-Ids[, k]] <- g.pred
g.pred <- na.omit(g.pred)
if (!exists("g.pred")) {
ErrorCounter <- ErrorCounter + 1
BM[["calibration.failures"]] <- c(BM[["calibration.failures"]],
paste(SpNames[i], "_", Model, "_", nam, sep = ""))
if (exists("g.pred")) {
if (k != (ncol(Ids) + 1)) {
if (Roc)
auc.stat <- .somers2(g.pred[-Ids[, k], ], DataBIOMOD[pred.lines,
NbVar + i])["C"]
if (Kappa)
kappa.stat <- KappaRepet(DataBIOMOD[pred.lines,
NbVar + i], g.pred[-Ids[, k], ])$Kappa
if (TSS)
tss.stat <- KappaRepet(DataBIOMOD[pred.lines,
NbVar + i], g.pred[-Ids[, k], ], TSS = TRUE)$TSS
if (k != (ncol(Ids) + 1)) {
if (Model == "SRE") {
if (Kappa)
Kappa.train <- Kappa.train + .KappaSRE(DataBIOMOD[pred.lines,
NbVar + i], g.pred[-Ids[, k], ])$Kappa
if (TSS)
TSS.train <- TSS.train + .KappaSRE(DataBIOMOD[pred.lines,
NbVar + i], g.pred[-Ids[, k], ], TSS = TRUE)$TSS
else {
if (Roc)
AUC.train <- AUC.train + auc.stat
if (Kappa)
Kappa.train <- Kappa.train + kappa.stat
if (TSS)
TSS.train <- TSS.train + tss.stat
else {
if (Model == "SRE") {
if (Kappa) <- .KappaSRE(DataBIOMOD[pred.lines,
NbVar + i], g.pred[, ])$Kappa
if (TSS) <- .KappaSRE(DataBIOMOD[pred.lines,
NbVar + i], g.pred[, ], TSS = TRUE)$TSS
else {
if (Roc) <- .somers2(g.pred[, ], DataBIOMOD[pred.lines,
NbVar + i])["C"]
if (Kappa) <- KappaRepet(DataBIOMOD[pred.lines,
NbVar + i], g.pred[, ])$Kappa
if (TSS) <- KappaRepet(DataBIOMOD[pred.lines,
NbVar + i], g.pred[, ], TSS = TRUE)$TSS
# deal with independent data (evaluation models with independent data)
if (Biomod.material$ {
if (Model == "GLM")
predind <- .testnull(model.sp, Prev, DataEvalBIOMOD)
if (Model == "GAM")
predind <- .testnull(model.sp, Prev, DataEvalBIOMOD)
if (Model == "ANN") {
predind <- predict(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD, type = "raw")
if (Model == "CTA")
predind <- predict(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD[, 1:NbVar],
type = "prob")[, 2]
if (Model == "GBM")
predind <- predict.gbm(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD,
best.iter, type = "response")
if (Model == "MARS")
predind <- predict(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD[, 1:NbVar])
if (Model == "FDA")
predind <- predict(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD[, 1:NbVar],
type = "post")[, 2]
if (Model == "RF")
predind <- predict(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD[, 1:NbVar],
type = "prob")[, 2]
if (Model == "SRE")
predind <- as.integer(as.numeric(sre(eval(parse(text = paste("DataBIOMOD$",
paste(SpNames[i]), collapse = ""))), DataBIOMOD[1:NbVar],
DataEvalBIOMOD, quant)) * 1000)
if (any(c("ANN", "FDA", "MARS") == Model))
predind <- .Rescaler4(predind, ref = DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i], run = paste(SpNames[i], "_", Model,
"_", nam, sep = ""))
predind <- as.integer(as.numeric(predind) * 1000)
if (k != (ncol(Ids) + 1)) {
if (Roc && Model != "SRE"){
Evaluation.results.Roc[[paste(SpNames[i], "_",
nam, sep = "")]][Model, ] <- c(round(auc.stat,
digits = 3), "none", round(.somers2(g.pred[,
], DataBIOMOD[PA.samp, NbVar + i])["C"],
digits = 3), round(CutOff.Optimised(DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i], g.pred[, ]), digits = 3))
if (Biomod.material${
"_", nam, sep = "")]][Model, 2] <- round(.somers2(predind,
DataEvalBIOMOD[, NbVar + i])["C"], digits = 3)
if (Kappa){
"_", nam, sep = "")]][Model, ] <- c(round(kappa.stat,
digits = 3), "none", KappaRepet(DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i], g.pred[, ])[c(1, 2, 4, 6)])
if (Biomod.material${
"_", nam, sep = "")]][Model, 2] <- round(KappaRepet(DataEvalBIOMOD[,
NbVar + i], predind)$Kappa, digits = 3)
if (TSS){
Evaluation.results.TSS[[paste(SpNames[i], "_",
nam, sep = "")]][Model, ] <- c(round(tss.stat,
digits = 3), "none", KappaRepet(DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i], g.pred[, ], TSS = TRUE)[c(1, 2,
4, 6)])
if (Biomod.material${
"_", nam, sep = "")]][Model, 2] <- round(KappaRepet(DataEvalBIOMOD[,
NbVar + i], predind, TSS = TRUE)$TSS, digits = 3)
if (Model == "GBM")
eval(parse(text = paste("GBM.list$", nam, " <- best.iter",
sep = "")))
# save g.pred
if (k == (ncol(Ids) + 1)){
if(exists('')){ # na in g.pred
Array[, Model, 1, pa] <-[,]
} else{
Array[, Model, 1, pa] <- g.pred[, ]
} else {
if(exists('')){ # na in g.pred
Array[, Model, (k + 1), pa] <-[,]
} else {
Array[, Model, (k + 1), pa] <- g.pred[, ]
# if (Model != "SRE")
# eval(parse(text = paste("assign('", SpNames[i],
# "_", Model, "_", nam, "', model.sp, pos=1)", sep = "")))
# if (Model != "SRE")
# eval(parse(text = paste("save(", SpNames[i],
# "_", Model, "_", nam, ",file='", getwd(), "/models/",
# SpNames[i], "_", Model, "_", nam, "', compress='xz')", sep = "")))
if (Model != "SRE"){
eval(parse(text = paste(SpNames[i], "_", Model, "_", nam, "= model.sp", sep = "")))
eval(parse(text = paste("save(", SpNames[i],
"_", Model, "_", nam, ",file='", getwd(), "/models/",
SpNames[i], "_", Model, "_", nam, "', compress='xz')", sep = "")))
eval(parse(text = paste("rm(", SpNames[i], "_", Model, "_", nam, ")", sep = "")))
assign("Array", Array, pos = 1)
assign("BM", BM, pos = 1)
if (Model == "GBM")
assign("GBM.list", GBM.list, pos = 1)
if (Roc & Model != "SRE")
AUC.train <- AUC.train/(ncol(Ids) - ErrorCounter)
if (Kappa)
Kappa.train <- Kappa.train/(ncol(Ids) - ErrorCounter)
if (TSS)
TSS.train <- TSS.train/(ncol(Ids) - ErrorCounter)
if (VarImport > 0) {
cat("Evaluating Predictor Contributions in ", Model,
"...", "\n")
TempVarImp <- = 0, nrow = 1,
ncol = Biomod.material$NbVar))
names(TempVarImp) <- names(DataBIOMOD)[1:Biomod.material$NbVar]
for (J in 1:Biomod.material$NbVar) {
for (K in 1:VarImport) {
TempDS <- DataBIOMOD[PA.samp, 1:Biomod.material$NbVar]
TempDS[, J] <- sample(TempDS[, J])
if (Model == "ANN") {
TempVarImp[1, J] <- TempVarImp[1, J] + cor(g.pred[,
], as.integer(.Rescaler4(as.numeric(predict(model.sp,
TempDS, type = "raw")), ref = DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i], run = paste(SpNames[i], "_ANN_",
nam, sep = "")) * 1000))
if (Model == "CTA")
TempVarImp[1, J] <- TempVarImp[1, J] + cor(g.pred[,
], as.integer(as.numeric(predict(model.sp,
TempDS, type = "prob")[, 2]) * 1000))
if (Model == "GLM")
TempVarImp[1, J] <- TempVarImp[1, J] + cor(g.pred[,
], as.integer(as.numeric(.testnull(model.sp,
Prev, TempDS)) * 1000))
if (Model == "GAM")
TempVarImp[1, J] <- TempVarImp[1, J] + cor(g.pred[,
], as.integer(as.numeric(.testnull(model.sp,
Prev, TempDS)) * 1000))
if (Model == "GBM")
TempVarImp[1, J] <- TempVarImp[1, J] + cor(g.pred[,
], as.integer(as.numeric(predict.gbm(model.sp,
TempDS, best.iter, type = "response")) *
if (Model == "MARS")
TempVarImp[1, J] <- TempVarImp[1, J] + cor(g.pred[,
], as.integer(.Rescaler4(predict(model.sp,
TempDS[, 1:NbVar]), ref = DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i], run = paste(SpNames[i], "_MARS_",
nam, sep = "")) * 1000))
if (Model == "FDA")
TempVarImp[1, J] <- TempVarImp[1, J] + cor(g.pred[,
], as.integer(.Rescaler4(predict(model.sp,
TempDS, type = "post")[, 2], ref = DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i], run = paste(SpNames[i], "_FDA_",
nam, sep = "")) * 1000))
if (Model == "RF")
TempVarImp[1, J] <- TempVarImp[1, J] + cor(g.pred[,
], as.integer(as.numeric(predict(model.sp,
TempDS, type = "prob")[, 2]) * 1000))
if (Model == "SRE")
TempVarImp[1, J] <- TempVarImp[1, J] + cor(g.pred[,
], as.integer(as.numeric(sre(eval(parse(text = paste("DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,]$",
paste(SpNames[i]), collapse = ""))), TempDS,
DataBIOMOD[PA.samp, ], quant)) * 1000))
VarImportance[[i]][Model, ] <- round(as.numeric(1 - (TempVarImp/VarImport)),
digits = 3)
assign("VarImportance", VarImportance, pos = 1)
if (Biomod.material$ {
if (Model == "GLM")
predind <- .testnull(model.sp, Prev, DataEvalBIOMOD)
if (Model == "GAM")
predind <- .testnull(model.sp, Prev, DataEvalBIOMOD)
if (Model == "ANN") {
predind <- predict(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD, type = "raw")
if (Model == "CTA")
predind <- predict(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD[, 1:NbVar],
type = "prob")[, 2]
if (Model == "GBM")
predind <- predict.gbm(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD,
best.iter, type = "response")
if (Model == "MARS")
predind <- predict(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD[, 1:NbVar])
if (Model == "FDA")
predind <- predict(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD[, 1:NbVar],
type = "post")[, 2]
if (Model == "RF")
predind <- predict(model.sp, DataEvalBIOMOD[, 1:NbVar],
type = "prob")[, 2]
if (Model == "SRE")
predind <- as.integer(as.numeric(sre(eval(parse(text = paste("DataBIOMOD$",
paste(SpNames[i]), collapse = ""))), DataBIOMOD[1:NbVar],
DataEvalBIOMOD, quant)) * 1000)
if (any(c("ANN", "FDA", "MARS") == Model))
predind <- .Rescaler4(predind, ref = DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i], run = paste(SpNames[i], "_", Model,
"_", nam, sep = ""))
predind <- as.integer(as.numeric(predind) * 1000)
if (Roc && Model != "SRE") {
"_", nam, sep = "")]][Model, ] <- c(round(AUC.train,
digits = 3), "none", round(.somers2(g.pred[, ], DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i])["C"], digits = 3), round(CutOff.Optimised(DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i], g.pred[, ]), digits = 3))
if (Biomod.material$
"_", nam, sep = "")]][Model, 2] <- round(.somers2(predind,
DataEvalBIOMOD[, NbVar + i])["C"], digits = 3)
assign("Evaluation.results.Roc", Evaluation.results.Roc,
pos = 1)
if (Kappa) {
"_", nam, sep = "")]][Model, ] <- c(round(Kappa.train,
digits = 3), "none", KappaRepet(DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i], g.pred[, ])[c(1, 2, 4, 6)])
if (Biomod.material$
"_", nam, sep = "")]][Model, 2] <- round(KappaRepet(DataEvalBIOMOD[,
NbVar + i], predind)$Kappa, digits = 3)
assign("Evaluation.results.Kappa", Evaluation.results.Kappa,
pos = 1)
if (TSS) {
"_", nam, sep = "")]][Model, ] <- c(round(TSS.train,
digits = 3), "none", KappaRepet(DataBIOMOD[PA.samp,
NbVar + i], g.pred[, ], TSS = TRUE)[c(1, 2, 4, 6)])
if (Biomod.material$
"_", nam, sep = "")]][Model, 2] <- round(KappaRepet(DataEvalBIOMOD[,
NbVar + i], predind, TSS = TRUE)$TSS, digits = 3)
assign("Evaluation.results.TSS", Evaluation.results.TSS,
pos = 1)
if (Biomod.material$ && KeepPredIndependent)
assign("predind", predind, pos = 1)
assign("Biomod.material", Biomod.material, pos = 1)
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