
Defines functions welcome .onAttach

BLR<-function (y, XF = NULL, XR = NULL, XL = NULL, GF = list(ID = NULL, 
    A = NULL), prior = NULL, nIter = 1100, burnIn = 100, thin = 10, 
    thin2 = 1e+10, saveAt = "", minAbsBeta = 1e-09, weights = NULL,verbose=1){

    if(verbose<=0) verbose=1

    y <- as.numeric(y)
    n <- length(y)
    if (!is.null(XF)) {
        if (any(is.na(XF)) | nrow(XF) != n) 
            stop("The number of rows in XF does not correspond with that of y or it contains missing values")
    if (!is.null(XR)) {
        if (any(is.na(XR)) | nrow(XR) != n) 
            stop("The number of rows in XR does not correspond with that of y or it contains missing values")
    if (!is.null(XL)) {
        if (any(is.na(XL)) | nrow(XL) != n) 
            stop("The number of rows in XL does not correspond with that of y or it contains missing values")
    if (is.null(prior)) {
        cat("No prior was provided, BLR is running with improper priors.\n")
        prior = list(varE = list(S = 0, df = 0), varBR = list(S = 0,df = 0), 
		varU = list(S = 0, df = 0), lambda = list(shape = 0, 
            rate = 0, type = "random", value = 50))
    nSums <- 0
    whichNa <- which(is.na(y))
    nNa <- sum(is.na(y))
    if (is.null(weights)) {
        weights <- rep(1, n)
    sumW2 <- sum(weights^2)
    mu <- weighted.mean(x = y, w = weights, na.rm = TRUE)
    yStar <- y * weights
    yStar[whichNa] <- mu * weights[whichNa]
    e <- (yStar - weights * mu)
    varE <- var(e, na.rm = TRUE)/2
    if (is.null(prior$varE)) {
        cat("No prior was provided for residual variance, BLR will use an improper prior.\n")
        prior$varE <- list(df = 0, S = 0)
    post_mu <- 0
    post_varE <- 0
    post_logLik <- 0
    post_yHat <- rep(0, n)
    post_yHat2 <- rep(0, n)
    hasRidge <- !is.null(XR)
    hasXF <- !is.null(XF)
    hasLasso <- !is.null(XL)
    hasGF <- !is.null(GF[[1]])
    if (hasXF) {
        for (i in 1:n) {
            XF[i, ] <- weights[i] * XF[i, ]
        SVD.XF <- svd(XF)
        SVD.XF$Vt <- t(SVD.XF$v)
        SVD.XF <- SVD.XF[-3]
        pF0 <- length(SVD.XF$d)
        pF <- ncol(XF)
        bF0 <- rep(0, pF0)
        bF <- rep(0, pF)
        namesBF <- colnames(XF)
        post_bF <- bF
        post_bF2 <- bF
    if (hasLasso) {
        if (is.null(prior$lambda)) {
            cat("No prior was provided for lambda, BLR will use an improper prior.\n")
            prior$lambda <- list(shape = 0, rate = 0, value = 50, 
                type = "random")
        for (i in 1:n) {
            XL[i, ] <- weights[i] * XL[i, ]
        pL <- ncol(XL)
        xL2 <- colSums(XL*XL)
        bL <- rep(0, pL)
        namesBL <- colnames(XL)
        tau2 <- rep(tmp, pL)
        lambda <- prior$lambda$value
        lambda2 <- lambda^2
        post_lambda <- 0
        post_bL <- rep(0, pL)
        post_bL2 <- post_bL
        post_tau2 <- rep(0, pL)
        XLstacked <- as.vector(XL)
    else {
        lambda = NA
    if (hasRidge) {
        if (is.null(prior$varBR)) {
            cat("No prior was provided for varBR, BLR will use an improper prior.\n")
            prior$varBR <- list(df = 0, S = 0)
        for (i in 1:n) {
            XR[i, ] <- weights[i] * XR[i, ]
        pR <- ncol(XR)
        xR2 <- colSums(XR * XR)
		    bR <- rep(0, pR)
        namesBR <- colnames(XR)
        varBR <-varE/2/sum(xR2/n)
        post_bR <- rep(0, pR)
        post_bR2 <- post_bR
        post_varBR <- 0
        XRstacked <- as.vector(XR)
    if (hasGF) {
        if (is.null(prior$varU)) {
            cat("No prior was provided for varU, BLR will use an improper prior.\n")
            prior$varU <- list(df = 0, S = 0)
        ID <- factor(GF$ID)
        pU <- nrow(GF$A)
        L <- t(chol(GF$A))
        if (pU != nrow(table(ID))) {
            stop("L must have as many columns and rows as levels on ID\n")
        Z <- model.matrix(~ID - 1)
        for (i in 1:n) {
            Z[i, ] <- weights[i] * Z[i, ]
        Z <- Z %*% L
        z2 <- colSums(Z * Z)
        u <- rep(0, pU)
        namesU <- colnames(GF$A)
        varU <- varE/4/mean(diag(GF$A))
        GF$A <- NULL
        post_U <- u
        post_U2 <- post_U
        post_varU <- 0
        Zstacked <- as.vector(Z)
    time <- proc.time()[3]
    for (i in 1:nIter) {
        if (hasXF) {
            sol <- (crossprod(SVD.XF$u, e) + bF0)
            tmp <- sol + rnorm(n = pF0, sd = sqrt(varE))
            bF <- crossprod(SVD.XF$Vt, tmp/SVD.XF$d)
            e <- e + SVD.XF$u %*% (bF0 - tmp)
            bF0 <- tmp
        if (hasRidge) {
            ans <- .Call("sample_beta", n, pR, XRstacked, xR2, 
                bR, e, rep(varBR, pR), varE, minAbsBeta)
            bR <- ans[[1]]
            e <- ans[[2]]
            SS <- crossprod(bR) + prior$varBR$S
            df <- pR + prior$varBR$df
            varBR <- SS/rchisq(df = df, n = 1)
        if (hasLasso) {
            varBj <- tau2 * varE
            ans <- .Call("sample_beta", n, pL, XLstacked, xL2, 
                bL, e, varBj, varE, minAbsBeta)
            bL <- ans[[1]]
            e <- ans[[2]]
            nu <- sqrt(varE) * lambda/abs(bL)
            try(tmp <- rinvGauss(n = pL, nu = nu, lambda = lambda2))
                  tau2 <- 1/tmp
                  cat("WARNING: tau2 was not updated due to numeric problems with beta\n");
               cat("WARNING: tau2 was not updated due to numeric problems with beta\n");
            if (prior$lambda$type == "random") {
                if (is.null(prior$lambda$rate)) {
                  lambda <- metropLambda(tau2 = tau2, lambda = lambda, 
                    shape1 = prior$lambda$shape1, shape2 = prior$lambda$shape2, 
                    max = prior$lambda$max)
                  lambda2 <- lambda^2
                else {
                  rate <- sum(tau2)/2 + prior$lambda$rate
                  shape <- pL + prior$lambda$shape
                  lambda2 <- rgamma(rate = rate, shape = shape,n = 1)
                       lambda <- sqrt(lambda2)
                     cat("WARNING: lambda was not updated due to numeric problems with beta\n");   
        if (hasGF) {
            ans <- .Call("sample_beta", n, pU, Zstacked, z2, 
                u, e, rep(varU, pU), varE, minAbsBeta)
            u <- ans[[1]]
            e <- ans[[2]]
            SS <- crossprod(u) + prior$varU$S
            df <- pU + prior$varU$df
            varU <- SS/rchisq(df = df, n = 1)
        e <- e + weights * mu
        rhs <- sum(weights * e)/varE
        C <- sumW2/varE
        sol <- rhs/C
        mu <- rnorm(n = 1, sd = sqrt(1/C)) + sol
        e <- e - weights * mu
        SS <- crossprod(e) + prior$varE$S
        df <- n + prior$varE$df
        if (hasLasso) {
                SS <- SS + as.numeric(crossprod(bL/sqrt(tau2)))
                cat("WARNING: SS was not updated due to numeric problems with beta\n");   
            df <- df + pL
        varE <- as.numeric(SS)/rchisq(n = 1, df = df)
        sdE <- sqrt(varE)
        yHat <- yStar - e
        if (nNa > 0) {
            e[whichNa] <- rnorm(n = nNa, sd = sdE)
            yStar[whichNa] <- yHat[whichNa] + e[whichNa]
        if ((i%%thin == 0)) {
            tmp <- c(varE)
            fileName <- paste(saveAt, "varE", ".dat", sep = "")
            write(tmp, ncolumns = length(tmp), file = fileName, append = TRUE, 
                sep = " ")
            if (hasXF) {
                tmp <- bF
                fileName <- paste(saveAt, "bF", ".dat", sep = "")
                write(tmp, ncolumns = length(tmp), file = fileName, 
                  append = TRUE, sep = " ")
            if (hasLasso) {
                tmp <- lambda
                fileName <- paste(saveAt, "lambda", ".dat", sep = "")
                write(tmp, ncolumns = length(tmp), file = fileName, 
                  append = TRUE, sep = " ")
            if (hasRidge) {
                tmp <- varBR
                fileName <- paste(saveAt, "varBR", ".dat", sep = "")
                write(tmp, ncolumns = length(tmp), file = fileName, 
                  append = TRUE, sep = " ")
            if (hasGF) {
                tmp <- varU
                fileName <- paste(saveAt, "varU", ".dat", sep = "")
                write(tmp, ncolumns = length(tmp), file = fileName, 
                  append = TRUE, sep = " ")
            if (i >= burnIn) {
                nSums <- nSums + 1
                k <- (nSums - 1)/(nSums)
                tmpE <- e/weights
                tmpSD <- sqrt(varE)/weights
                if (nNa > 0) {
                  tmpE <- tmpE[-whichNa]
                  tmpSD <- tmpSD[-whichNa]
                logLik <- sum(dnorm(tmpE, sd = tmpSD, log = TRUE))
                post_logLik <- post_logLik * k + logLik/nSums
                post_mu <- post_mu * k + mu/nSums
                post_varE <- post_varE * k + varE/nSums
                post_yHat <- post_yHat * k + yHat/nSums
                post_yHat2 <- post_yHat2 * k + (yHat^2)/nSums
                if (hasXF) {
                  post_bF <- post_bF * k + bF/nSums
                  post_bF2 <- post_bF2 * k + (bF^2)/nSums
                if (hasLasso) {
                  post_lambda <- post_lambda * k + lambda/nSums
                  post_bL <- post_bL * k + bL/nSums
                  post_bL2 <- post_bL2 * k + (bL^2)/nSums
                  post_tau2 <- post_tau2 * k + tau2/nSums
                if (hasRidge) {
                  post_bR <- post_bR * k + bR/nSums
                  post_bR2 <- post_bR2 * k + (bR^2)/nSums
                  post_varBR <- post_varBR * k + varBR/nSums
                if (hasGF) {
                  post_U <- post_U * k + tmpU/nSums
                  post_U2 <- post_U2 * k + (tmpU^2)/nSums
                  post_varU <- post_varU * k + varU/nSums
        if ((i%%thin2 == 0) & (i > burnIn)) {
            tmp <- post_yHat
            fileName <- paste(saveAt, "rmYHat", ".dat", sep = "")
            write(tmp, ncolumns = length(tmp), file = fileName, append = TRUE, 
                sep = " ")
            if (hasLasso) {
                tmp <- post_bL
                fileName <- paste(saveAt, "rmBL", ".dat", sep = "")
                write(tmp, ncolumns = length(tmp), file = fileName, 
                  append = TRUE, sep = " ")
            if (hasRidge) {
                tmp <- post_bR
                fileName <- paste(saveAt, "rmBR", ".dat", sep = "")
                write(tmp, ncolumns = length(tmp), file = fileName, 
                  append = TRUE, sep = " ")
            if (hasGF) {
                tmp <- post_U
                fileName <- paste(saveAt, "rmU", ".dat", sep = "")
                write(tmp, ncolumns = length(tmp), file = fileName, 
                  append = TRUE, sep = " ")
        tmp <- proc.time()[3]

        	cat(paste(c("Iter: ", "time/iter: ", "varE: ", "lambda: "), 
            		c(i, round(tmp - time, 3), round(varE, 3), round(lambda, 

        time <- tmp
    tmp <- sqrt(post_yHat2 - (post_yHat^2))
    out <- list(y = y, weights = weights, mu = post_mu, varE = post_varE, 
        yHat = I(post_yHat/weights), SD.yHat = I(tmp/weights), 
        whichNa = whichNa)
    names(out$yHat) <- names(y)
    names(out$SD.yHat) <- names(y)
    tmpE <- (yStar - post_yHat)/weights
    tmpSD <- sqrt(post_varE)/weights
    if (nNa > 0) {
        tmpE <- tmpE[-whichNa]
        tmpSD <- tmpSD[-whichNa]
    out$fit <- list()
    out$fit$logLikAtPostMean <- sum(dnorm(tmpE, sd = tmpSD, log = TRUE))
    out$fit$postMeanLogLik <- post_logLik
    out$fit$pD <- -2 * (post_logLik - out$fit$logLikAtPostMean)
    out$fit$DIC <- out$fit$pD - 2 * post_logLik
    if (hasXF) {
        out$bF <- as.vector(post_bF)
        out$SD.bF <- as.vector(sqrt(post_bF2 - post_bF^2))
        names(out$bF) <- namesBF
        names(out$SD.bF) <- namesBF
    if (hasLasso) {
        out$lambda <- post_lambda
        out$bL <- as.vector(post_bL)
        tmp <- as.vector(sqrt(post_bL2 - (post_bL^2)))
        out$SD.bL <- tmp
        out$tau2 <- post_tau2
        names(out$bL) <- namesBL
        names(out$SD.bL) <- namesBL
    if (hasRidge) {
        out$bR <- as.vector(post_bR)
        tmp <- as.vector(sqrt(post_bR2 - (post_bR^2)))
        out$SD.bR <- tmp
        out$varBR <- post_varBR
        names(out$bR) <- namesBR
        names(out$SD.bR) <- namesBR
    if (hasGF) {
        out$u <- as.vector(post_U)
        tmp <- as.vector(sqrt(post_U2 - (post_U^2)))
        out$SD.u <- tmp
        out$varU <- post_varU
        names(out$u) <- namesU
        names(out$SD.u) <- namesU
    out$prior <- prior
    out$nIter <- nIter
    out$burnIn <- burnIn
    out$thin <- thin

    cat("========  Bayesian Regression Coupled with LASSO ========")
    cat("#                                                       #")
    cat("#                    BLR v1.2                           #")
    cat("#                   August, 2010                        #")
    cat("#          Contact: perpdgo@colpos.mx                   #")
    cat("#                                                       #")

dScaledInvChisq<-function (x, df, S){
    tmp <- dchisq(S/x, df = df)/(x^2)
dLambda<-function (rate, shape, lambda) {
    tmp <- dgamma(x = I(lambda^2), rate = rate, shape = shape) * 2 * lambda

metropLambda<-function (tau2, lambda, shape1 = 1.2, shape2 = 1.2, max = 200, ncp = 0)
    lambda2 <- lambda^2
    l2_new <- rgamma(rate = sum(tau2)/2, shape = length(tau2),
        n = 1)
    l_new <- sqrt(l2_new)
    logP_old <- sum(dexp(x = tau2, log = TRUE, rate = (lambda2/2))) +
        dbeta(x = lambda/max, log = TRUE, shape1 = shape1, shape2 = shape2) -
        dgamma(shape = sum(tau2)/2, rate = length(tau2), x = (2/lambda2),
            log = TRUE)
    logP_new <- sum(dexp(x = tau2, log = TRUE, rate = (l2_new/2))) +
        dbeta(x = l_new/max, log = TRUE, shape1 = shape1, shape2 = shape2) -
        dgamma(shape = sum(tau2)/2, rate = length(tau2), x = (2/l2_new),
            log = TRUE)
    accept <- (logP_new - logP_old) > log(runif(1))
    if (accept) {
        lambda <- l_new

.onAttach <- function(library, pkg)
  Rv <- R.Version()
  if(!exists("getRversion", baseenv()) || (getRversion() < "2.10"))
    stop("This package requires R 2.10 or later")
  assign(".BLR.home", file.path(library, pkg),
         pos=match("package:BLR", search()))
  BLR.version <- "1.3 (2012-03-18)"
  assign(".BLR.version", BLR.version, pos=match("package:BLR", search()))
    packageStartupMessage(paste("Package 'BLR', ", BLR.version, ". ",sep=""),appendLF=TRUE)
    packageStartupMessage("Type 'help(BLR)' for summary information",appendLF=TRUE)

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BLR documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:49 p.m.