##' Computes a single Bayes factor, or samples from the posterior, for an ANOVA 
##' model defined by a design matrix
##' This function is not meant to be called by end-users, although 
##' technically-minded users can call this function for flexibility beyond what 
##' the other functions in this package provide. See \code{\link{lmBF}} for a 
##' user-friendly front-end to this function. Details about the priors can be 
##' found in the help for \code{\link{anovaBF}} and the references therein.
##' Arguments \code{struc} and \code{gMap} provide a way of grouping columns of 
##' the design matrix as a factor; the effects in each group will share a common
##' \eqn{g} parameter. Only one of these arguments is needed; if both are given,
##' \code{gMap} takes precedence.
##' \code{gMap} should be a vector of the same length as the number of 
##' nonconstant rows in \code{X}. It will contain all integers from 0 to 
##' \eqn{N_g-1}{Ng-1}, where \eqn{N_g}{Ng} is the total number of \eqn{g} 
##' parameters. Each element of \code{gMap} specifies the group to which that 
##' column belongs.
##' If all columns belonging to a group are adjacent, \code{struc} can instead 
##' be used to compactly represent the groupings. \code{struc} is a vector of 
##' length \eqn{N_g}{Ng}. Each element specifies the number columns in the 
##' group. \code{gMap} is thus the \code{\link{inverse.rle}} of \code{struc}, 
##' minus 1.
##' The vector \code{rscale} should be of length \eqn{N_g}{Ng}, and contain the 
##' prior scales of the standardized effects. See Rouder et al. (2012) for more 
##' details and the help for \code{\link{anovaBF}} for some typical values.
##' The method used to estimate the Bayes factor depends on the \code{method} 
##' argument. "simple" is most accurate for small to moderate sample sizes, and 
##' uses the Monte Carlo sampling method described in Rouder et al. (2012). 
##' "importance" uses an importance sampling algorithm with an importance 
##' distribution that is multivariate normal on log(g). "laplace" does not 
##' sample, but uses a Laplace approximation to the integral. It is expected to 
##' be more accurate for large sample sizes, where MC sampling is slow. If 
##' \code{method="auto"}, then an initial run with both samplers is done, and 
##' the sampling method that yields the least-variable samples is chosen. The 
##' number of initial test iterations is determined by 
##' \code{options(BFpretestIterations)}.
##' If posterior samples are requested, the posterior is sampled with a Gibbs 
##' sampler.
##' @title Use ANOVA design matrix to compute Bayes factors or sample posterior
##' @param y vector of observations
##' @param X design matrix whose number of rows match \code{length(y)}.
##' @param struc vector grouping the columns of \code{X} (see Details).
##' @param gMap alternative way of grouping the columns of \code{X}
##' @param rscale a vector of prior scale(s) of appropriate length (see 
##'   Details).
##' @param iterations Number of Monte Carlo samples used to estimate Bayes 
##'   factor or posterior
##' @param progress  if \code{TRUE}, show progress with a text progress bar
##' @param gibi interface for a future graphical user interface (not intended 
##'   for use by end users)
##' @param gibbs if \code{TRUE}, return samples from the posterior instead of a 
##'   Bayes factor
##' @param ignoreCols if \code{NULL} and \code{gibbs=TRUE}, all parameter
##'   estimates are returned in the MCMC object. If not \code{NULL}, a vector of
##'   length P-1 (where P is number of columns in the design matrix) giving which
##'   effect estimates to ignore in output
##' @param thin MCMC chain to every \code{thin} iterations. Default of 1 means 
##'   no thinning. Only used if \code{gibbs=TRUE}
##' @param method the integration method (only valid if \code{gibbs=TRUE}); one 
##'   of "simple", "importance", "laplace", or "auto"
##' @param continuous either FALSE is no continuous covariates are included, or 
##'   a logical vector of length equal to number of columns of X indicating 
##'   which columns of the design matrix represent continuous covariates
##' @param noSample if \code{TRUE}, do not sample, instead returning NA. This is 
##'   intended to be used with functions generating and testing many models at one time, 
##'   such as \code{\link{anovaBF}}
##' @return If \code{posterior} is \code{FALSE}, a vector of length 2 containing
##'   the computed log(e) Bayes factor (against the intercept-only null), along 
##'   with a proportional error estimate on the Bayes factor. Otherwise, an 
##'   object of class \code{mcmc}, containing MCMC samples from the posterior is
##'   returned.
##' @export
##' @keywords htest
##' @author Richard D. Morey (\email{richarddmorey@@gmail.com}), Jeffery N. 
##'   Rouder (\email{rouderj@@missouri.edu})
##' @seealso  See \code{\link{lmBF}} for the user-friendly front end to this 
##'   function; see \code{\link{regressionBF}} and \code{anovaBF} for testing 
##'   many regression or ANOVA models simultaneously.
##' @references Rouder, J. N., Morey, R. D., Speckman, P. L., Province, J. M., 
##'   (2012) Default Bayes Factors for ANOVA Designs. Journal of Mathematical 
##'   Psychology.  56.  p. 356-374.
##' @examples
##' ## Classical example, taken from t.test() example
##' ## Student's sleep data
##' data(sleep)
##' plot(extra ~ group, data = sleep)
##' ## traditional ANOVA gives a p value of 0.00283
##' summary(aov(extra ~ group + Error(ID/group), data = sleep))
##' ## Build design matrix
##' group.column <- rep(1/c(-sqrt(2),sqrt(2)),each=10)
##' subject.matrix <- model.matrix(~sleep$ID - 1,data=sleep$ID)
##' ## Note that we include no constant column
##' X <- cbind(group.column, subject.matrix)
##' ## (log) Bayes factor of full model against grand-mean only model
##' bf.full <- nWayAOV(y = sleep$extra, X = X, struc = c(1,10), rscale=c(.5,1))
##' exp(bf.full['bf'])
##' ## Compare with lmBF result (should be about the same, give or take 1%)
##' bf.full2 <- lmBF(extra ~ group + ID, data = sleep, whichRandom = "ID")
##' bf.full2

nWayAOV<- function(y, X, struc = NULL, gMap = NULL, rscale, iterations = 10000, progress = options()$BFprogress, gibi = NULL, gibbs = FALSE, ignoreCols=NULL, thin=1, method="auto", continuous=FALSE, noSample = FALSE)
  if(!is.numeric(y)) stop("y must be numeric.")  
  if(!is.numeric(X)) stop("X must be numeric.")  
  # Check thinning to make sure number is reasonable
  if( (thin<1) | (thin>(iterations/3)) ) stop("MCMC thin parameter cannot be less than 1 or greater than iterations/3. Was:", thin)
  N = length(y)
	X = matrix( X, nrow=N )
  constantCols = apply(X,2,function(v) length(unique(v)))==1
  if( sum(constantCols) > 0 )
    X = X[,-which(constantCols)]
	  warning( sum(constantCols)," constant columns removed from X." )
	P = ncol(X)
    if(length(gMap) != P)
      stop("Invalid gMap argument. length(gMap) must be the the same as the number of parameters (excluding intercept): ",sum(gMap)," != ",P)
    if( !all(0:max(gMap) %in% unique(gMap)) )
      stop("Invalid gMap argument: no index can be skipped.")
    nGs = as.integer(max(gMap) + 1)
  }else if(!is.null(struc)){
    struc = unlist(struc)
    if(sum(struc) != P)
      stop("Invalid struc argument. sum(struc) must be the the same as the number of parameters (excluding intercept): ",sum(struc)," != ",P)
    nGs = length(struc)
    gMap = as.integer(inverse.rle(list(values = (1:nGs)-1, lengths = struc)))
    stop("One of gMap or struc must be defined.")
  if(is.null(ignoreCols)) ignoreCols = rep(0,P)
  a = rep(0.5,nGs)
    b = rscale^2/2
    stop("Length of rscale vector wrong. Was ", length(rscale), " and should be ", nGs,".")
  nullLike = - ((N-1)/2)*log((N-1)*var(y))
  # What if we can use quadrature?
  if(nGs==1 & !gibbs & all(!continuous)) 
  Cy = y - mean(y)
  CX = apply(X,2,function(v) v - mean(v))
  # Rearrange design matrix if continuous columns are included
  # We will undo this later if chains have to be returned
      #### If all covariates are continuous, we want to use Gaussian quadrature.
      #warning("All covariates are continuous: using Gaussian quadrature.")
        chains = linearReg.Gibbs(y, X, iterations = iterations, 
                                 rscale = rscale, progress = progress, 
        R2 = t(y)%*%X%*%solve(t(X)%*%X)%*%t(X)%*%y / (t(y)%*%y)
        bf = linearReg.R2stat(N=N,p=ncol(X),R2=R2,rscale=rscale)  
    if(length(continuous) != P) stop("argument continuous must have same length as number of predictors")
    if(length(unique(gMap[continuous]))!=1) stop("gMap for continuous predictors don't all point to same g value")
    sortX = order(!continuous)
    revSortX = order(sortX)
    X = X[,sortX]
    CX = CX[,sortX]
    gMap = gMap[sortX]
    ignoreCols = ignoreCols[sortX]
    incCont = sum(continuous)
      X[,1:incCont] = CX[,1:incCont]
      priorX = (t(CX[,1:incCont]) %*% CX[,1:incCont])/N
      priorX = sum(CX[,1]^2)/N
    incCont = 0
    priorX = 1
  XtCX = t(CX) %*% CX
  #XtCy = t(CX) %*% C %*% as.matrix(y,cols=1)
  XtCy = t(CX) %*% as.matrix(y,cols=1)
  ytCy = var(y)*(N-1)

  ####### Progress bar stuff
	if(!is.null(gibi)) {
			stop("Malformed GIBI argument (not a function). You should not set this argument if running oneWayAOV.Gibbs from the console.")
	if(progress & is.null(gibi) & !noSample){
		pb = txtProgressBar(min = 0, max = 100, style = 3) 
  pbFun = function(samps){ 
    	percent = as.integer(round(samps / iterations * 100))
    		setTxtProgressBar(pb, percent)
  ############ End progress bar stuff
  if(gibbs){ # Create chains
    Z = cbind(1,X)
    ZtZ = t(Z)%*%Z
    Zty = t(Z)%*%matrix(y,ncol=1)
    # set up for not outputing some parameters
    nOutputPars = sum(1-ignoreCols)
    ignoreColsExtend = c(0,ignoreCols,0,rep(0,nGs))
    # should we sample?
      chains = matrix(NA,nOutputPars + 2 + nGs,2)
      chains = .Call("RGibbsNwayAov", 
                   as.integer(iterations), y, Z, ZtZ, priorX, Zty, as.integer(N), 
                   as.integer(P), as.integer(nGs), as.integer(gMap), rscale, as.integer(incCont),
                   as.integer(ignoreColsExtend), as.integer(thin),
                   as.integer(iterations/100*progress), pbFun, new.env(), 
      dim(chains) <- c(nOutputPars + 2 + nGs, as.integer(iterations) %/% as.integer(thin))
    chains = mcmc(t(chains))  
    # Unsort the chains if we had continuous covariates
      # Account for ignored columns when resorting
      revSort = 1+order(sortX[!ignoreCols])
      chains[,1 + 1:nOutputPars] = chains[,revSort]
      labels = c("mu",paste("beta",1:P,sep="_")[!ignoreCols[revSortX]],"sig2",paste("g",1:nGs,sep="_"))
      labels = c("mu",paste("beta",1:P,sep="_")[!ignoreCols],"sig2",paste("g",1:nGs,sep="_"))
    colnames(chains) = labels
    retVal = chains
  }else if(noSample){
    retVal = c(bf = NA, properror=NA)
  }else{# Compute Bayes factor
    if(method %in% c("simple","importance","auto")){
      retVal = doNwaySampling(method, y, X, rscale, nullLike, 
                   as.integer(iterations), XtCX, priorX, XtCy, ytCy, 
                   as.integer(N), as.integer(P), as.integer(nGs), 
                   as.integer(gMap), a, b, as.integer(incCont), progress, pbFun)
    }else if(method=="laplace"){
      bf = laplaceAOV(y,X,rscale,gMap,priorX,incCont)
      retVal = c(bf = bf, properror=properror)
      if(inherits(pb,"txtProgressBar")) close(pb);
      stop("Unknown method specified.")
  if(inherits(pb,"txtProgressBar")) close(pb);

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