
Defines functions CMData read.CMData unwrap.CMData ran.CMData mg.Resample mg.DirMult mg.LogitNorm mg.MixMult

Documented in CMData mg.DirMult mg.LogitNorm mg.MixMult mg.Resample ran.CMData read.CMData unwrap.CMData

#'Create a `CMdata' object from a data frame.
#'The \code{CMData} function creates an object of class \dfn{CMData} that is
#'used in further analyses. It identifies the variables that define treatment
#'group, clustersize and the number of responses for each outcome type.
#'@importFrom stats aggregate
#'@param x a data frame with one row representing a cluster or potentially a
#'set of clusters of the same size and number of responses for each outcome
#'@param trt the name of the variable that defines treatment group
#'@param nresp either a character vector with the names or a numeric vector with indices
#'of the variables that define the number of responses in
#'the cluster for each outcome type. If \code{clustersize} is \code{NULL}, then it will be
#'calculated assuming that the \code{nresp} vector contains all the possible outcomes.
#'If \code{clustersize} is given, then an additional category is created for the excess cluster members.
#'@param clustersize the name or index of the variable that defines cluster size, or \code{NULL}. If \code{NULL},
#'its value will be calculated by adding the counts from the \code{nresp} variables. If defined,
#'an additional response type will be created for the excess cluster members.
#'@param freq the name or index of the variable that defines the number of clusters
#'represented by the data row. If \code{NULL}, then each row is assumed to
#'correspond to one cluster.
#'@return A data frame with each row representing all the clusters with the
#'same trt/size/number of responses, and standardized variable names:
#'@return \item{Trt}{factor, the treatment group}
#'@return \item{ClusterSize}{numeric, the cluster size}
#'@return \item{NResp.1--NResp.K+1}{numeric, the number of responses for each of the K+1 outcome types}
#'@return \item{Freq}{numeric, number of clusters with the same values}
#'@author Aniko Szabo
#'@seealso \code{\link{read.CMData}} for creating a \code{CMData} object
#'directly from a file.
#'@keywords classes manip
#'dehp <- CMData(dehp, trt="Trt", nresp=c("NResp.1","NResp.2","NResp.3"))

CMData <- function(x, trt, nresp, clustersize=NULL, freq=NULL){
  if (!is.data.frame(x)) stop("x has to be a data frame")
  nms <- names(x)
  K <- if (is.null(clustersize)) length(nresp)-1 else length(nresp)
  process.var <- function(var){
    if (is.character(var)){
       if (var %in% nms) res <- x[[var]]
       else stop(paste("Variable '", var, "' not found"))
    else {
      if (is.numeric(var)){
         if (var %in% seq(along=nms)) res <- x[[var]]
         else stop(paste("Column", var, " not found"))
      else stop(paste("Invalid variable specification:",var))
  trtvar <- factor(process.var(trt))
  nrespvar <- sapply(nresp, process.var)
  if (is.null(freq)) freqvar <- rep(1, nrow(x))
  else freqvar <- process.var(freq)
  if (!is.null(clustersize)){
     csvar <- process.var(clustersize) # read cluster sizes
     nrespvar <- cbind(nrespvar, csvar - rowSums(nrespvar))  # calculate last category
  else {
    csvar <- rowSums(nrespvar) #calculate sample sizes
  colnames(nrespvar) <- 1:(K+1)
  d <- data.frame(Trt=trtvar, ClusterSize=csvar, NResp=nrespvar, Freq=freqvar)
  nrespnames <- grep("NResp", names(d), value=TRUE)
  d <- aggregate(d$Freq, d[,c("Trt", "ClusterSize", nrespnames)], sum)
  names(d)[length(names(d))] <- "Freq"
  attr(d, "ncat") <- K+1
  class(d) <- c("CMData", "data.frame")

#'Read data from external file into a CMData object
#'A convenience function to read data from specially structured file directly
#'into a \code{CMData} object. There are two basic data format options:  etiher the counts of responses of all categories are given (and the
#'cluster size is the sum of these counts), or  the total cluster size is given with the counts of all but one category.
#'The first column should always give the treatment group, then either the counts for each category (first option, chosen by setting 
#'\code{with.clustersize = FALSE}), or the size of the cluster followed by the counts for all but one category (second option,
#'chosen by setting \code{with.clustersize = TRUE}). Optionally, a last column could
#'give the number of times the given combination occurs in the data.
#'@importFrom utils read.table
#'@param file name of file with data. The data in the file should be structured as described above.
#'@param with.clustersize logical indicator of whether a cluster size variable is present
#'in the file
#'@param with.freq logical indicator of whether a frequency variable is present
#'in the file
#'@param ... additonal arguments passed to \code{\link[utils]{read.table}}
#'@return a \code{CMData} object
#'@author Aniko Szabo
#'@seealso \code{\link{CMData}}
#'@keywords IO file

read.CMData <- function(file, with.clustersize=TRUE, with.freq=TRUE, ...){
  d <- read.table(file, ...)
  K <- ncol(d) - with.freq - 2  #subtracting Trt & either ClusterSize or last category column
  if (with.clustersize){
    d2 <- CMData(d, trt=1, clustersize=2, nresp=3:(K+2), freq=if (with.freq) "Freq" else NULL) 
  else {
    d2 <- CMData(d, trt=1, nresp=2:(K+2), freq=if (with.freq) "Freq" else NULL)

#'@rdname Extract
#'str(dehp[1:5, 2:4])

"[.CMData" <- function(x, i, j, drop){
  res <- NextMethod("[")
  if (NCOL(res) == ncol(x)){
    res <- "[.data.frame"(x, i, )
    if (is.factor(res$Trt)) res$Trt <- droplevels(res$Trt)
    attr(res, "ncat") <- attr(x, "ncat")
  else {
    class(res) <- setdiff(class(res), "CMData")

#'@rdname unwrap
#'@method unwrap CMData
#'@importFrom stats reshape
#'@return For \code{unwrap.CMData}: a data frame with one row for each cluster element (having a multinomial
#'outcome) with the following standardized column names
#'@return \item{Trt}{factor, the treatment group}
#'@return \item{ClusterSize}{numeric, the cluster size}
#'@return \item{ID}{factor, each level representing a different cluster}
#'@return \item{Resp}{numeric with integer values giving the response type of the cluster
#'dehp.long <- unwrap(dehp)

unwrap.CMData <- function(object,...){
  #unwrap Freq variable
  freqs <- rep(1:nrow(object), object$Freq)
  cm1 <- object[freqs,]
  cm1$Freq <- NULL
  #create ID
  cm1$ID <- factor(1:nrow(cm1))
  ncat <- attr(object, "ncat")
  nrespvars <- paste("NResp", 1:ncat, sep=".")
  #reshape to have one row per category within cluster
  cm2 <- reshape(cm1, direction="long", varying=list(nrespvars), v.names="Count",
                 idvar="ID", timevar="Resp", times=1:ncat)
  #unwrap categories
  counts <- rep(1:nrow(cm2), cm2$Count)
  res <- cm2[counts,]
  res$Count <- NULL
  class(res) <- "data.frame"
  res <- res[order(res$ID),c("Trt","ID","ClusterSize","Resp")]
  rownames(res) <- NULL


#' Generate a random CMData object
#' Generates random exchangeably correlated multinomial data based on a parametric
#' distribution or using resampling. The Dirichlet-Multinomial, Logistic-Normal multinomial,
#' and discrete mixture multinomial parametric distributions are implemented.
#' All observations will be assigned to the same treatment group, and there is no
#' guarantee of a specific order of the observations in the output.
#'@param n number of independent clusters to generate
#'@param ncat number of response categories
#'@param clustersize.gen either an integer vector specifying the sizes of the clusters, 
#' which will be recycled to achieve the target number of clusters \code{n}; or
#' a function with one parameter that returns an integer vector of cluster sizes when
#' the target number of clusters n is passed to it as a parameter
#'@param distribution a list with two components: "multinom.gen" and "param" that specifies
#' the generation process for each cluster. The "multinom.gen" component should be a function
#' of three parameters: number of clusters, vector of cluster sizes, and parameter list, that
#' a matrix of response counts where each row is a cluster and each column is the number of
#' responses of a given type. The "param" component should specify the list of parameters
#' needed by the multinom.gen function.
#'@return a \code{CMData} object with randomly generated number of responses with
#' sample sizes specified in the call
#'@author Aniko Szabo
#'@seealso \code{\link{CMData}} for details about \code{CMData} objects; \code{\link{multinom.gen}} for built-in generating functions
#'@keywords distribution
#'# Resample from the dehp dataset
#' data(dehp)
#' ran.dehp <- ran.CMData(20, 3, 10, list(multinom.gen=mg.Resample, param=list(data=dehp)))
#'# Dirichlet-Multinomial distribution with two treatment groups and random cluster sizes
#' binom.cs <- function(n){rbinom(n, p=0.3, size=10)+1}
#' dm1 <- ran.CMData(15, 4, binom.cs, 
#'                   list(multinom.gen=mg.DirMult, param=list(shape=c(2,3,2,1))))
#' dm2 <- ran.CMData(15, 4, binom.cs, 
#'                   list(multinom.gen=mg.DirMult, param=list(shape=c(1,1,4,1))))
#' ran.dm <- rbind(dm1, dm2)
#'# Logit-Normal multinomial distribution
#' ran.ln <- ran.CMData(13, 3, 3, 
#'                      list(multinom.gen=mg.LogitNorm,
#'                           param=list(mu=c(-1, 1), sigma=matrix(c(1,0.8,0.8,2), nr=2))))
#'# Mixture of two multinomial distributions
#' unif.cs <- function(n){sample(5:9, size=n, replace=TRUE)}
#' ran.mm <- ran.CMData(6, 3, unif.cs, 
#'                      list(multinom.gen=mg.MixMult,
#'                           param=list(q=c(0.8,0.2), m=rbind(c(-1,0), c(0,2)))))

ran.CMData <- function(n, ncat, clustersize.gen, distribution){
  respnames <- paste("NResp", 1:ncat, sep=".")
  if (is.numeric(clustersize.gen)){
    cs <- rep(clustersize.gen, length.out=n)
  else if (is.function(clustersize.gen)){
    cs <- clustersize.gen(n)
  else stop("clustersize.gen should be either numeric or a function.")
  counts <- distribution$multinom.gen(n, cs, distribution$param)
  colnames(counts) <- respnames
  dd <- data.frame(counts, ClusterSize=cs, Trt=0)  
  res <- CMData(dd, trt="Trt", nresp=respnames)


#' Functions for generating multinomial outcomes
#'These are built-in functions to be used by \code{\link{ran.CMData}} for generating
#' random multinomial data.
#'@name multinom.gen
#'@param n number of independent clusters to generate
#'@param clustersizes an integer vector specifying the sizes of the clusters
#'@param param a list of parameters for each specific generator

#'@details For \bold{mg.Resample}: the \code{param} list should be \code{list(param=...)}, in which
#' the CMData object to be resampled is passed.
#'@importFrom stats rmultinom
#'@rdname multinom.gen 

mg.Resample <- function(n, clustersizes, param){
  dd <- param$data
  nc <- attr(dd, "ncat")
  nrespvars <- paste("NResp", 1:nc, sep=".")
  datamat <- data.matrix(dd[, nrespvars])
  res <- matrix(NA, nrow=n, ncol=nc)
  #sample clusters
  idx <- sample(1:nrow(dd), size=n, replace=TRUE, prob=dd$Freq)
  #sample observations from clusters for target clustersize
  for (i in 1:n){
    res[i,] <- rmultinom(1, size=clustersizes[i], prob=datamat[idx[i],])

#'@details For \bold{mg.DirMult}: the \code{param} list should be \code{list(shape=...)}, in which
#' the parameter vector of the Dirichlet distribution is passed 
#' (see \link[dirmult]{rdirichlet}).
#'@import dirmult
#'@rdname multinom.gen 

mg.DirMult <- function(n, clustersizes, param){
  p <- rdirichlet(n, alpha=param$shape)
  ssize <- rep(clustersizes, length.out=n)
  x <- sapply(1:n, function(i)rmultinom(1, size=ssize[i], prob=p[i,]))

#'@details For \bold{mg.LogitNorm}: the \code{param} list should be \code{list(mu=...,sigma=...)}, 
#'in which the mean vector and covariance matrix of the underlying Normal distribution 
#'are passed. If \code{sigma} is NULL (or missing), then an identity matrix is assumed.
#'They should have \emph{K-1} dimensions for a \emph{K}-variate multinomial.
#'@import mvtnorm
#'@rdname multinom.gen 

mg.LogitNorm <- function(n, clustersizes, param){
  if (is.null(param$sigma)) sigma <- diag(rep(1,length(param$mu)))
  z <- rmvnorm(n, mean=param$mu, sigma=param$sigma)
  z <- cbind(z, 0)
  p <- exp(z) / rowSums(exp(z))
  ssize <- rep(clustersizes, length.out=n)
  x <- sapply(1:n, function(i)rmultinom(1, size=ssize[i], prob=p[i,]))

#'@details For \bold{mg.MixMult}: the \code{param} list should be \code{list(q=...,m=...)}, 
#'in which the vector of mixture probabilities \code{q} and the matrix \code{m}
#' of logit-transformed means of each component are passed.
#'For a \emph{K}-variate multinomial, the matrix{m} should have \emph{K-1} columns
#' and \code{length(q)} rows.
#'@rdname multinom.gen 

mg.MixMult <- function(n, clustersizes, param){

  class <- sample.int(length(param$q), size=n, prob=param$q, replace=TRUE)
  z <- cbind(param$m, 0)
  p <- apply(z, 1, function(zz){
    if (any(zz==Inf)){ 
      res <- rep(0, length(zz))
      res[zz==Inf] <- 1
    else {
  p <- t(p)  # apply transposes

  ssize <- rep(clustersizes, length.out=n)
  x <- sapply(1:n, function(i)rmultinom(1, size=ssize[i], prob=p[class[i],]))

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