Man pages for HIBAG
HIBAG -- HLA Genotype Imputation with Attribute Bagging

HapMap_CEU_GenoSNP genotypes of a study simulated from HapMap CEU genotypic...
HIBAG-packageHLA Genotype Imputation with Attribute Bagging
hlaAlleleA list of HLA types
hlaAlleleClassClass of HLA Type
hlaAlleleDigitTrim HLA alleles
hlaAlleleSubsetGet a subset of HLA types
hlaAttrBagClassThe class of HIBAG model
hlaAttrBaggingBuild a HIBAG model
hlaAttrBagObjThe class of HIBAG object
hlaBED2GenoConvert from PLINK BED format
hlaCheckSNPsCheck the SNP predictors in a HIBAG model
hlaCloseDispose a model object
hlaCombineAlleleCombine two datasets of HLA types
hlaCombineModelObjCombine two HIBAG models together
hlaCompareAlleleEvaluate prediction accuracies
hlaErrMsgThe last error message
hlaFlankingSNPSNP IDs in Flanking Region
hlaGDS2GenoConvert from SNP GDS format
hlaGeno2PEDConvert to PLINK PED format
hlaGenoAFreqAllele Frequency
hlaGenoCombineCombine two genotypic data sets into one
hlaGenoLDComposite Linkage Disequilibrium
hlaGenoMFreqMinor Allele Frequency
hlaGenoMRateMissing Rates Per SNP
hlaGenoMRate_SampMissing Rates Per Sample
hlaGenoSubsetGet a subset of genotypes
hlaGenoSwitchStrandAllele switching
hlaHaplo2GenoGet a genotype object from a specified haplotype object
hlaHaploSubsetGet a subset of haplotypes
hlaLociInfoHLA Locus Information
hlaMakeSNPGenoMake a SNP genotype object
hlaMakeSNPHaploMake a SNP haplotype object
hlaModelFilesLoad a model object from files
hlaModelFromObjBuild a model from "hlaAttrBagObj"
hlaModelToObjConvert "hlaAttrBagClass" to "hlaAttrBagObj"
hlaOutOfBagOut-of-bag estimation of overall accuracy, per-allele...
hlaParallelAttrBaggingBuild a HIBAG model via parallel computation
hlaPredMergeMerge prediction results from multiple HIBAG models
hlaPublishFinalize a HIBAG model
hlaReportFormat a report
hlaResourceModel Resource Information
hlaSampleAlleleGet sample IDs from HLA types with a filter
hlaSNPGenoClassThe class of SNP genotypes
hlaSNPHaploClassThe class of SNP haplotypes
hlaSNPIDGet SNP IDs and positions
hlaSplitAlleleDivide the samples randomly
hlaSubModelObjGet a subset of individual classifiers
HLA_Type_TableFour-digit HLA types of a study simulated from HapMap CEU
hlaUniqueAlleleGet unique HLA alleles
plot.hlaAttrBagClassPlot a "hlaAttrBagClass" object
plot.hlaAttrBagObjPlot a "hlaAttrBagObj" object
predict.hlaAttrBagClassHIBAG model prediction (in parallel)
print.hlaAttrBagClassSummarize a "hlaAttrBagClass" object
print.hlaAttrBagObjSummarize a "hlaAttrBagObj" object
summary.hlaAlleleClassSummarize a "hlaAlleleClass" object
summary.hlaAttrBagClassSummarize a "hlaAttrBagClass" object
summary.hlaAttrBagObjSummarize a "hlaAttrBagObj" object
summary.hlaSNPGenoClassSummarize the genotypic dataset
summary.hlaSNPHaploClassSummarize the haplotypic dataset
HIBAG documentation built on May 2, 2019, 4:50 p.m.