
Defines functions samplesacf samples

Documented in samples

samples <- function(object, model = NULL, term = NULL, coda = TRUE, acf = FALSE, ...)
  if(is.null(object) || length(object) < 2L)
    stop("nothing to do!")
  is.fit <- FALSE
  if(inherits(object, "data.frame")) {
    if(is.null(xn <- attr(object, "specs")$term))
      xn <- paste(xn, collapse = ".", sep = "")
    else xn <- names(object)[1L]
    object <- list(object)
    names(object) <- xn
    object <- list(list(effects = object))
    term <- 1L
    is.fit <- TRUE
  if(inherits(object, "fit.bayesx") && !is.fit) {
    is.fit <- TRUE
    if(any(grepl("bayesx", class(object[[1L]]))))
      object <- list(object)
    k <- length(object)
    tmp <- list()
    for(i in 1L:k)
      tmp[[i]] <- list(effects = object[[i]])
    object <- tmp
      term <- 1L
  if(is.null(term) && !is.fit)
    term <- "linear-samples"
    object <- get.model(object, model)
  rval <- list()
  k <- length(object)
  mn <- rep("model", length.out = k)
  for(i in 1L:k) {
    rval[[i]] <- list()
    for(j in 1:length(term)) {
      if(is.character(term[j]) & !is.null(neff <- names(object[[i]]$effects))) {
        if(!(term[j] %in% c("linear-samples", "var-samples"))) {
          term[j] <- gsub("[[:space:]]", "", term[j])
          term[j] <- neff[pmatch(term[j], neff)]
          if(is.na(term[j])) stop(paste("term", term[j], "does not exist, no samples available!"))
      } else {
        if(term[j] > length(object[[i]]$effects))
          stop("term does not exist, no samples available!")
      if(is.na(pmatch(term[j], "linear-samples")) && is.na(pmatch(term[j], "var-samples"))) {
        xn <- NULL
        if(!is.null(attr(object[[i]]$effects[[term[j]]], "specs")) &&
          !is.null(attr(object[[i]]$effects[[term[j]]], "specs")$is.factor) && 
          attr(object[[i]]$effects[[term[j]]], "specs")$is.factor) {
          linhead <- colnames(attr(object[[i]]$fixed.effects, "sample"))
          sattr <- attr(object[[i]]$fixed.effects, "sample")[, grepl(term[j], linhead)]
          attr(object[[i]]$effects[[term[j]]], "sample") <- sattr
          xn <- term[j]
        } else {
          if(!is.null(xn <- attr(object[[i]]$effects[[term[j]]], "specs")$term))
            xn <- paste(xn, collapse = ".", sep = "")
            xn <- term[j]
        tmp <- list()
        if(!is.null(attr(object[[i]]$effects[[term[j]]], "sample")))
          tmp$Coef <- attr(object[[i]]$effects[[term[j]]], "sample")
        if(!is.null(attr(object[[i]]$effects[[term[j]]], "variance.sample")))
          tmp$Var <- attr(object[[i]]$effects[[term[j]]], "variance.sample")
        if(acf) {
          tmp2 <- list()
            tmp2$Coef <- samplesacf(tmp$Coef, ...)
            tmp2$Var <- samplesacf(tmp$Var, ...)
          tmp <- tmp2
        eval(parse(text = paste("rval[[i]]$'", xn, "' <- tmp", sep = "")))
      if(!is.na(pmatch(term[j], "linear-samples"))) {
        if(acf) {
          if(!is.null(attr(object[[i]]$fixed.effects, "sample"))) {
            tmp <- samplesacf(attr(object[[i]]$fixed.effects, "sample"), ...)
          } else tmp <- NULL
        } else tmp <- attr(object[[i]]$fixed.effects, "sample")
          colnames(tmp) <- gsub("(Intercept)", "Intercept", colnames(tmp), fixed = TRUE)
        eval(parse(text = paste("rval[[i]]$'Param' <- tmp", sep = "")))
      if(!is.na(pmatch(term[j], "var-samples"))) {
        if(acf) {
          if(!is.null(attr(object[[i]]$variance, "sample"))) {
            tmp <- samplesacf(attr(object[[i]]$variance, "sample"), ...)
          } else tmp <- NULL
        } else tmp <- attr(object[[i]]$variance, "sample")
        eval(parse(text = paste("rval[[i]]$'Var' <- tmp", sep = "")))
    if(!is.null(object[[i]]$bayesx.setup$model.name) && k > 1L)
      mn[i] <- object[[i]]$bayesx.setup$model.name
  if(k > 1L) {
    mn[duplicated(mn)] <- paste(mn[duplicated(mn)], 1:length(mn[duplicated(mn)]) + 1L, sep = "")
    names(rval) <- if(is.null(names(object))) mn else names(object)
  } else rval <- rval[[1L]]
  if(is.null(rval) || length(rval) < 1L)
    rval <- NA
    warning("samples are missing in object!")
  rval <- delete.NULLs(rval)
  if(!is.null(dim(rval)) & all(dim(rval) == 1))
    rval <- as.numeric(rval)
  if(coda) {
    nc <- if(inherits(object[[1]], "bayesx")) length(object) else 1
    if(nc < 2)
      rval <- list(rval)
    crval <- list()
    for(i in 1:nc) {
      st <- NULL
      for(j in rval[[i]]) {
          j <- as.data.frame(j)
        st <- cbind(st, as.matrix(j))
      crval[[i]] <- coda::mcmc(st, start = 1, end = nrow(st), thin = 1)
    if(nc > 1) {
      crval <- coda::mcmc.list(crval)
      for(j in 1:nc) {
        colnames(crval[[j]]) <- gsub("Coef.C", "Coef.", colnames(crval[[j]]), fixed = TRUE)
      names(crval) <- names(object)
    } else {
      crval <- crval[[1]]
      colnames(crval) <- gsub("Coef.C", "Coef.", colnames(crval), fixed = TRUE)
    rval <- crval
  } else {
    rval <- as.data.frame(rval)


samplesacf <- function(x, ...) 
  if(is.matrix(x)) {
    rval <- NULL
    for(j in 1L:ncol(x))
      rval <- cbind(rval, stats::acf(stats::ts(x[,j]), plot = FALSE, ...)$acf)
    rval <- rval[2L:nrow(rval),]
      rval <- matrix(rval, ncol = 1L)
    colnames(rval) <- colnames(x)
    rownames(rval) <- paste("lag-", 1L:nrow(rval), sep = "")
  } else {
    rval <- as.vector(stats::acf(stats::ts(x), plot = FALSE, ...)$acf)
    rval <- rval[2L:length(rval)]
    names(rval) <- paste("lag-", 1L:length(rval), sep = "")


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R2BayesX documentation built on Aug. 2, 2024, 3 a.m.