
Defines functions HMMPlotSerie plotSerie.distributionClass PlotSerie.default PlotSerie HMMGraphicDiag GraphicDiag.discreteClass GraphicDiag.mixtureUnivariateNormalClass GraphicDiag.univariateNormalClass GraphicDiag.distributionClass GraphicDiag.HMMClass GraphicDiag.HMMFitClass GraphicDiag.default GraphicDiag myDoCall argValue viterbi inc forwardbackward forwardBackward print.HMMFitClass HMMFit BaumWelch HMMKMeans incr HMMSim sim.HMMClass sim.markovChainClass sim.distributionClass sim.discreteClass rdiscrete sim.mixtureMultivariateNormalClass sim.mixtureUnivariateNormalClass dmixt rmultimixt rmixt trouve_indice sim.multivariateNormalClass sim.univariateNormalClass sim print.HMMClass HMMSet print.distributionClass print.mixtureMultivariateNormalClass print.mixtureUnivariateNormalClass print.discreteClass print.multivariateNormalClass print.univariateNormalClass distributionSet multivariateMixtureSet univariateMixtureSet discreteSet multivariateNormalSet univariateNormalSet MakeLabels is_list_list_positive_definite is_list_positive_definite is_positive_definite s_list_list_proba_vector is_list_proba_vector is_proba_vector is_list_var is_var is_list_numeric_matrix is_numeric_matrix is_list_list_numeric_vector is_list_list is_list_numeric_vector is_numeric_vector min_eigen_value

Documented in distributionSet forwardbackward forwardBackward HMMFit HMMGraphicDiag HMMPlotSerie HMMSet HMMSim viterbi

 #### RHmm package                             
 #### File: RHmm.R 
 #### Author: Ollivier TARAMASCO <Ollivier.Taramasco@imag.fr>
 #### Author: Sebastian BAUER <sebastian.bauer@charite.de>

tol <- .Machine$double.eps

min_eigen_value <- function(x)

is_numeric_vector <- function(x)
{   if (!is.vector(x))
    if (!is.numeric(x))

is_list_numeric_vector <- function(x)
    if (!is.list(x))

    if (!all(sapply(x, is_numeric_vector)))


is_list_list <- function(x)
    if (!is.list(x))
    if (!all(sapply(x, is.list)))

is_list_list_numeric_vector <- function(x)
    if (!is.list(x))
    if (!all(sapply(x, is_list_numeric_vector)))

is_numeric_matrix <- function(x)
   if (!is.matrix(x))
    if (!is.numeric(x))

is_list_numeric_matrix <- function(x)
   if (!is.list(x))
    if (!all(sapply(x, is_numeric_matrix)))

is_var <- function(x)
{   return(all(x>=0))

is_list_var <- function(x)
    return(all(sapply(x, is_var)))

is_proba_vector <- function(x)
    if (!all(x >=0))
    return(abs(sum(x)-1) <= 100*tol)

is_list_proba_vector <- function(x)
    return(all(sapply(x, is_proba_vector)))

s_list_list_proba_vector <- function(x)
    return(all(sapply(x, is_list_proba_vector)))

is_positive_definite <- function(x)
   return( min_eigen_value(x) > 0 )

is_list_positive_definite <- function(x)
{   if (is.null(x))

is_list_list_positive_definite <- function(x)
    if (is.null(x))
    if (!is.list(x))
    if (!all(sapply(x, is_list_numeric_matrix)))
    if(!all(sapply(x, is_list_positive_definite)))

MakeLabels <- function(nStates, labels="State")
    cNames <- NULL
    for (i in 1:nStates)
    {   cNames <- c(cNames, sprintf("%s %d", labels, i))

univariateNormalSet <- function(mean, var, verif=TRUE)
{   if (verif)
    {   if (!is_numeric_vector(mean))
            return("'mean' must be a vector for univariate normal distributions.\n")
        if (!is_numeric_vector(var))
            return("'var' must be a vector for univariate normal distributions.\n")
        nStates <- length(mean)
        if (nStates != length(var))
            return("'mean' and 'var' parameters must have the same length, which is the number of hidden states.\n")
        if ( !is_var(var) )
            return("all variances must be positive\n")
        nStates <- length(mean)

    value <- list(dis="NORMAL", nStates=nStates, dimObs=as.integer(1), mean=mean, var=var)
    class(value) <- c("distributionClass", "univariateNormalClass")

multivariateNormalSet <- function(mean, cov, verif=TRUE)
{   if (verif)
    {   if (!is_list_numeric_vector(mean))
            return("'mean' must be a list of vectors for multivariate normal distributions.\n")
        if (!is_list_numeric_matrix(cov))
            return("'cov' must be a list of matrices for multivariate normal distributions.\n")
        nStates <- length(mean)
        if (nStates != length(cov))
            return("'mean' and 'cov' parameters must have the same length, which is the number of hidden states.\n")
        dimObs <- length(mean[[1]])
        Aux <- as.integer(lapply(mean, length)) - dimObs
        if (sum(abs(Aux)) != 0)
            return("Each element of 'mean' must have the same length, which is the dimension of the observations.\n")
        Aux <- as.integer(lapply(cov, ncol)) - dimObs
        if (sum(abs(Aux)) != 0)
            return("The number of columns of each element of 'cov' must be equal to the dimension of the observations.\n")
        Aux <- as.integer(lapply(cov, nrow)) - dimObs
        if (sum(abs(Aux)) != 0)
            return("The number of row of each element of 'cov' must be equal to the dimension of the observations.\n")
        if (!is_list_positive_definite(cov))
            return("Each element of 'cov' must be a semi definite positive matrix\n")
    {   nStates <- length(mean)
        dimObs <- length(mean[[1]])
    Res <- list(dis="NORMAL", nStates = nStates, dimObs=dimObs, mean=mean, cov=cov)
    class(Res) <- c("distributionClass", "multivariateNormalClass")

discreteSet <- function(proba, labels=NULL, verif = TRUE)
    if (verif)
        inhomogeneous.emissions <- is_list_numeric_matrix(proba)

                # if proba is a list of vectors, then a list element correspond to the emission probability distribution given
                # a hidden state (hence the vector of each element is as large as the number of emission states is, and the
                # list contains as many elements as their are hidden states)
                # we also accept here that proba is a list of matrices. Each matrix describes the emission probabilities
                # of a given time point. Rows indicate the given hidden state, while columns indicate the emission state.
                if (!is_list_numeric_vector(proba) && !inhomogeneous.emissions)
            return("'proba' parameter for discrete distributions must be a list of vectors or a list of matrices.\n")

                if (!inhomogeneous.emissions)
                nStates <- length(proba)
                nLevels <- length(proba[[1]])
                Aux <- as.integer(lapply(proba, length)) - nLevels
                if (sum(abs(Aux)) != 0)
                    return("Each element of 'proba' must have the same length, which is the number of the different discrete observations.\n")
                if (!is_list_proba_vector(proba) )
                    return("The sum of each element of 'proba' must be equal to 1.\n")
                } else
                nStates <- nrow(proba[[1]])
                nLevels <- ncol(proba[[1]])
    } else
        if (!is.matrix(proba[[1]]))
                        nStates <- length(proba)
                nLevels <- length(proba[[1]])
        }       else
                nStates <- nrow(proba[[1]])
                nLevels <- ncol(proba[[1]])

    if (!is.null(labels))
       Aux <- as.integer(lapply(labels, is.character))
        if ( (sum(Aux) != length(Aux)) && verif )
            return("'labels' must be a vector of characters.\n")
        if ( (length(labels) != nLevels) && verif )
            return("wrong number of labels\n")
        labels <- MakeLabels(nLevels, labels="p")

    if (!is.matrix(proba[[1]]))
        # setting names for list
            for (i in 1:nStates)
            names(proba[[i]]) <- labels
        } else
                for (i in 1:length(proba))
                        names(proba[[i]]) <- labels

    Res <- list(dis="DISCRETE", nStates=nStates, nLevels=nLevels, proba=proba, dimObs=1)
    class(Res) <- c("distributionClass", "discreteClass")

univariateMixtureSet <- function(mean, var, proportion, verif = TRUE)
    if (verif)
    {    if (!is_list_numeric_vector(mean))
            return("'mean' parameter must be a list of vectors.\n")
        nStates <- length(mean)
        if (!is_list_numeric_vector(var))
            return("'var' parameter must be a list of vectors.\n")
        if (!is_list_var(var))
            return("all 'var' elements must be positive\n")
        if (!is_list_numeric_vector(proportion))
            return("'proportion' parameter must be a list of vectors.\n")
        if (!is_list_proba_vector(proportion))
            return("The sum of any elements of 'proportion' must be 1\n")
        if (length(var) != nStates)
            return("length of 'var' parameter must be equal to length of 'mean' which is the number of hidden states.\n")
        if (length(proportion) != nStates)
            return("length of 'proportion' parameter must be equal to length of 'mean' which is the number of hidden states.\n")

        nMixt <- length(mean[[1]])
        Aux1 <- as.integer(lapply(mean, length)) - nMixt
        Aux2 <- as.integer(lapply(var, length)) - nMixt
        Aux3 <- as.integer(lapply(proportion, length)) - nMixt
        if (sum(abs(Aux1)+abs(Aux2)+abs(Aux3)) != 0)
            return("The number of mixtures must be the same for every hidden states.\n")
    {   nStates <- length(mean)
        Aux <- mean[[1]]
        nMixt <- length(Aux)
    Res <- list(dis="MIXTURE", nStates=nStates, nMixt=nMixt, dimObs = as.integer(1), mean=mean, var=var, proportion=proportion)
    class(Res) <- c("distributionClass", "mixtureUnivariateNormalClass")

multivariateMixtureSet <- function(mean, cov, proportion, verif = TRUE)
     if (verif)
    {    if (!is_list_list_numeric_vector(mean))
            return("'mean' parameter must be a list of list of vectors.\n")
        nStates <- length(mean)
        if (!is_list_list_positive_definite(cov))
            return("'cov' parameter must be a list of list of positive definite matrices.\n")
        if (!is_list_numeric_vector(proportion))
            return("'proportion' parameter must be a list of vectors.\n")
        if (!is_list_proba_vector(proportion))
            return("The sum of any elements of 'proportion' must be 1\n")
        if (length(cov) != nStates)
            return("length of 'cov' parameter must be equal to length of 'mean' which is the number of hidden states.\n")
        if (length(proportion) != nStates)
            return("length of 'proportion' parameter must be equal to length of 'mean' which is the number of hidden states.\n")
        nMixt <- length(mean[[1]])
        Aux1 <- sum(abs(as.integer(lapply(mean, length)) - nMixt))
        #Aux2 <- sum(abs(as.integer(lapply(cov, dim)) - nMixt))
        Aux3 <- sum(abs(as.integer(lapply(proportion, length)) - nMixt))
        if (Aux1+Aux3 != 0)
            return("The number of mixtures must be the same for every hidden states.\n")
        Aux <- mean[[1]]
        dimObs = length(Aux[[1]])
    {   nStates <- length(mean)
        Aux <- mean[[1]]
        nMixt <- length(Aux)
        dimObs <- length(Aux[[1]])
    Res <- list(dis="MIXTURE", nStates=nStates, nMixt=nMixt, dimObs=dimObs, mean=mean, cov=cov, proportion=proportion)
    class(Res) <- c("distributionClass", "mixtureMultivariateNormalClass")

#' Dispatches distribution
distributionSet <- function(dis, ...)
# DEBUT de distributionSet

    if (is.na(match(dis, c('NORMAL', 'MIXTURE', 'DISCRETE'))))
        stop("dis must be in 'NORMAL', 'MIXTURE', 'DISCRETE'\n")
    args <- list(...)
    mcall <- list(as.name("toto"))
    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$... # pour recupererer les noms
    lextras <- length(extras)
    for (i in 1:lextras)
    {   mcall <- c(mcall, args[i])
        names(mcall[i+1]) <- names(extras[i])

    if (dis=="NORMAL")
    {   if ( (lextras == 2) || (lextras == 3) )
        {   if (!any(sapply(args, is.list)))
            {   mcall[[1]] <- as.name("univariateNormalSet")
                nmcall <- names(mcall)
                for (i in 1:length(nmcall))
                    if ( (!is.null(nmcall[i])) && (nmcall[i] !='') )
                        if ( !(nmcall[i] %in% c("mean", "var", "verif")) )
                        {   mess <- sprintf("'%s' parameter unknown", nmcall[i])
            {   mcall[[1]] <- as.name("multivariateNormalSet")
                nmcall <- names(mcall)
                for (i in 1:length(nmcall))
                    if ( (!is.null(nmcall[i])) && (nmcall[i] !='') )
                        if ( !(nmcall[i] %in% c("mean", "cov", "verif")) )
                        {   mess <- sprintf("'%s' parameter unknown", nmcall[i])
            value <- (eval(as.call(mcall)))
            if (is.character(value))
            stop("Wrong number of parameters.\n")

    if (dis == "MIXTURE")
    {   if ( (lextras == 3) || (lextras == 4) )
        {   if (any(sapply(args, is_list_list)))
            {   mcall[[1]] <- as.name("multivariateMixtureSet")
                nmcall <- names(mcall)
                 for (i in 1:length(nmcall))
                    if ( (!is.null(nmcall[i])) && (nmcall[i] !='') )
                        if (! (nmcall[i] %in% c("mean", "cov", "proportion", "verif")))
                        {   mess <- sprintf("'%s' parameter unknown", nmcall[i])
                value <- (eval(as.call(mcall)))
                if (is.character(value))
            {   mcall[[1]] <- as.name("univariateMixtureSet")
                nmcall <- names(mcall)
                for (i in 1:length(nmcall))
                    if ( (!is.null(nmcall[i])) && (nmcall[i] !='') )
                        if (! (nmcall[i] %in% c("mean", "var", "proportion", "verif")))
                        {   mess <- sprintf("'%s' parameter unknown", nmcall[i])
                value <- (eval(as.call(mcall)))
                if (is.character(value))
            stop("wrong number of parameters.\n")

    if (dis == "DISCRETE")
        if  ( (lextras == 1) || (lextras == 2) || (lextras == 3) )
            mcall[[1]] <- as.name("discreteSet")
            nmcall <- names(mcall)

            for (i in 1:length(nmcall))
                if ( (!is.null(nmcall[i])) && (nmcall[i] !='') )
                    if (! (nmcall[i] %in% c("proba", "labels", "verif")))
                    {   mess <- sprintf("'%s' parameter unknown", nmcall[i])
            value <- eval(as.call(mcall))
            if (is.character(value))
            {    stop(value)
            {    return(value)
            stop("wrong number of parameters.\n")

print.univariateNormalClass <- function(x, ...)
    Aux <- cbind(x$mean, x$var)
    Aux <- as.data.frame(Aux, row.names=" ")
    names(Aux) <- c("mean", "var")
    rnames <- MakeLabels(x$nStates)
    rownames(Aux) <- rnames
    print.data.frame(Aux, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)

print.multivariateNormalClass <- function(x, ...)
    for (i in 1:x$nStates)
    {   cat(sprintf("  State %d\n", i), sep="")
        Aux <- cbind(x$mean[[i]], x$cov[[i]])
        Aux <- as.data.frame(Aux)
        rnames <- rep("    ", x$dimObs)
        cnames <- c("    ", rnames)
        cnames[1] <- "mean"
        cnames[2] <- "cov matrix"
        names(Aux) <- cnames
        Aux <- as.matrix(Aux)
        row.names(Aux) <- rnames
        #print.matrix(Aux, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)
        print(Aux, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)

print.discreteClass <- function(x, ...)
    # FIXME: Implement me for time-dependent emissions
    proba <- x$proba
    Aux <- matrix(nrow=x$nStates, ncol=x$nLevels)
    for (i in 1:x$nStates)
        Aux[i, ]<- t(proba[[i]])
    rnames <- MakeLabels(x$nStates)
    Aux <- as.data.frame(Aux)
    if (is.null(names(proba[[1]])))
        cnames <- MakeLabels(x$nLevels, labels="p")
        cnames <- names(proba[[1]])

    names(Aux) <- cnames
    rownames(Aux) <- rnames
    print.data.frame(Aux, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)

print.mixtureUnivariateNormalClass <- function(x, ...)
{   rnames <- MakeLabels(x$nMixt, labels="mixt. ")
    for (i in 1:x$nStates)
    {   cat(sprintf("  State %d\n", i), sep="")
        Aux <- matrix(c(x$mean[[i]], x$var[[i]], x$proportion[[i]]), ncol=3)
        Aux <- as.data.frame(Aux)
        names(Aux) <- c("mean", "var", "prop")
        rownames(Aux) <- rnames
        print.data.frame(Aux, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)

print.mixtureMultivariateNormalClass <- function(x, ...)
     for (i in 1:x$nStates)
    {   cat(sprintf("  State %d\n", i), sep="")
        for (j in 1:x$nMixt)
        {   cat(sprintf("Mixt. %d\n", j), sep="")
            prop <- c(x$proportion[[i]][j], rep('', x$dimObs -1))
            Aux <- cbind(x$mean[[i]][[j]], x$cov[[i]][[j]], prop)
            colnames(Aux) <- c("mean", "cov", rep(" ", x$dimObs-1), "prop.")
            Aux <- as.data.frame(Aux)
             print.data.frame(Aux, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE, check.names=FALSE)

print.distributionClass <- function(x, ...)
    call <- match.call()
    if (is.null(call$doNotAffiche))
    {   if (x$dis == "NORMAL")
        {    if (x$dimObs==1)
                nomloi <- "univariate gaussian"
                nomloi <- sprintf("%d-D gaussian", x$dimObs)
        if (x$dis == "DISCRETE")
            nomloi <- "discrete"
        if (x$dis == "MIXTURE")
        {    if (is.null(x$dimObs))
                nomloi <- sprintf("mixture of %d gaussian", x$nMixt)
                nomloi <- sprintf("mixture of %d %d-d gaussian", x$nMixt, x$dimObs)
        Model <- sprintf("%d states HMM with %s distributions", x$nStates, nomloi)
        cat("\nModel:\n", Model, "\n", sep = "")
    cat("\nDistribution parameters:\n", sep="")
    NextMethod("print", x)

HMMSet <- function(initProb, transMat, ...)
    args <- list(...)
    extras <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)$...
    lextras <- length(extras)
    if (lextras == 0)
        stop("Wrong number of parameters")

    if (lextras == 1)
        distribution <- args[[1]]
       mcall <- list(1)
        for (i in 2:lextras)
            mcall <- c(mcall, list(1))
        for (i in 1:lextras)
            mcall[i] <- args[i]
        names(mcall) <- names(extras)
        mcall <- c(as.name("distributionSet"), mcall)
        mcall <- as.call(mcall)
        distribution <- eval(mcall)

    if (is.na(match("distributionClass", class(distribution))))
        stop("'distribution' must be a distributionClass object\n")

    if (!is.vector(initProb))
        stop('initProb must be a vector\n')

    if (is.list(transMat))
        if (!all(sapply(transMat,is.matrix)))
            stop('MatTrans must be a matrix or list of matrices\n')

        nColTransMat <- ncol(transMat[[1]]);
        nRowTransMat <- nrow(transMat[[1]]);

        if (!all(sapply(transMat, function(x) ncol(x)== nColTransMat)))
            stop('Number of colums of matrix must match.\n')

        if (!all(sapply(transMat, function(x) nrow(x)== nRowTransMat)))
            stop('Number of rows of matrix must match.\n')
    } else
        if (!is.matrix(transMat))
            stop('MatTrans must be a matrix or list of matrices\n')

        nColTransMat <- ncol(transMat);
        nRowTransMat <- nrow(transMat);
    nStates <- length(initProb)
    if ( (nColTransMat != nStates) || (nRowTransMat != nStates) || (distribution$nStates != nStates) )
        stop('length of initProb, dim of transMat or dim of distribution parameters do not match\n')

    Res <- list(initProb = initProb, transMat = transMat, distribution = distribution)
    class(Res) <- 'HMMClass'

print.HMMClass <- function(x, ...)
{   y <- x$distribution
    if (y$dis == "NORMAL")
    {   if (y$dimObs==1)
        {   nomloi <- "univariate gaussian"
        {   nomloi <- sprintf("%d-d gaussian", y$dimObs)
    if (y$dis == "DISCRETE")
        nomloi <- "discrete"
    if (y$dis == "MIXTURE")
    {   if ( y$dimObs==1)
        {    nomloi <- "gaussian mixture"
        {   nomloi <- sprintf("%d-d gaussian mixture", y$dimObs)
    if (!is.null(arg))
    {   if (is.null(arg$doNotAffiche))
            doNotAffiche <- FALSE
            doNotAffiche <- arg$doNotAffiche
    {   doNotAffiche <- FALSE

    if (!doNotAffiche)
        Model <- sprintf("%d states HMM with %s distribution", y$nStates, nomloi)
        cat("\nModel:", sep="\n")
        cat("------", sep="\n")
        cat(Model, "\n", sep = "")

    cat("\nInitial probabilities:\n", sep="")
    Aux <- t(x$initProb)
    Aux <- as.data.frame(Aux)
    cnames <- MakeLabels(x$distribution$nStates, labels="Pi")
    names(Aux) <- cnames
    row.names(Aux) <- " "
    print.data.frame(Aux, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)

        Aux <- as.data.frame(mat)
        cnames <- MakeLabels(x$distribution$nStates)
        names(Aux) <- cnames
        rownames(Aux) <- cnames
        print.data.frame(Aux, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE)


    if (is.list(x$transMat))
        cat("\nTransition matrices:\n", sep="")
    }   else
        cat("\nTransition matrix:\n", sep="")

    cat("\nConditionnal distribution parameters:\n", sep="")
    print(x$distribution, quote=FALSE, right=TRUE, doNotAffiche=TRUE)

sim <- function(object, nSim, lastState=NULL) UseMethod("sim")

sim.univariateNormalClass <- function(object, nSim, lastState)
{   value <- NULL
    for (i in 1:object$nStates)
        value <- cbind(value, rnorm(nSim, object$mean[i], sqrt(object$var[i])))

sim.multivariateNormalClass <- function(object, nSim, lastState)
{   value <- array(dim=c(nSim, object$dimObs, object$nStates))
    for (i in 1:object$nStates)
            value[, , i] <- mvrnorm(nSim, mu=object$mean[[i]], Sigma=object$cov[[i]])

trouve_indice <- function(x, probaCum)
{   Aux <- rank(c(x, probaCum))

rmixt <- function(nSim, mean, sd, prop)
{   nMixt <- length(mean)
    YAux <- matrix(ncol=nMixt, nrow=nSim)
    for (i in 1:nMixt)
        YAux[,i] <- rnorm(nSim, mean=mean[i], sd=sd[i])
    probaCum <- rep(0, nMixt)
    for (i in 1:nMixt)
        probaCum[i] <- sum(prop[1:i])
    Eps <- runif(nSim)
    value <- rep(0, nSim)
    for (i in 1:nSim)
        value[i] <- YAux[i, trouve_indice(Eps[i], probaCum)]

rmultimixt <- function(nSim, mean, cov, prop)
{   nMixt <- length(mean)
    dimObs <- length(mean[[1]])
    YAux <- array(dim=c(nSim, dimObs, nMixt))
    for (i in 1:nMixt)
        YAux[ , , i] <- mvrnorm(nSim, mu=mean[[i]], Sigma=cov[[i]])

    probaCum <- rep(0, nMixt)
    for (i in 1:nMixt)
        probaCum[i] <- sum(prop[1:i])
    Eps <- runif(nSim)
    value <- matrix(0, nSim, dimObs)
    for (n in 1:nSim)
    {   j <-  trouve_indice(Eps[n], probaCum)
        value[n, ] <- YAux[n, , j]

dmixt <- function(x, mean, var, prop)
{   nMixt <- length(mean)
    YAux <- matrix(0, length(x), nMixt)
    for (i in 1:nMixt)
        YAux[, i] <- dnorm(x, mean=mean[i], sd=sqrt(var[i]))
    value <- YAux %*% prop

sim.mixtureUnivariateNormalClass <- function(object, nSim, lastState)
{   value <- NULL
    for (i in 1:object$nStates)
        value<- cbind(value, rmixt(nSim, object$mean[[i]], sqrt(object$var[[i]]), object$proportion[[i]]))

sim.mixtureMultivariateNormalClass <-  function(object, nSim, lastState)
    value <- array(dim=c(nSim, object$dimObs, object$nStates))
    for (i in 1:object$nStates)
            value[, , i] <- rmultimixt(nSim, object$mean[[i]], object$cov[[i]], object$proportion[[i]])

rdiscrete <- function(nSim, proba)
        nProba <- length(proba)
        probaCum <- rep(0, nProba)
    for (i in 1:nProba)
        probaCum[i] <- sum(proba[1:i])
    Aux <- runif(nSim)
    value <- rep(0, nSim)
    for (i in 1:nSim)
        value[i] <- trouve_indice(Aux[i], probaCum)

#rdiscrete <- function(nSim, proba)
#   probaCum <- proba
#    nLevels <- length(proba)
#    for (i in 1:nLevels)
#        probaCum[i] <- sum(proba[1:i])
#    Eps <- runif(nSim)
#    Res <- rep(0,nSim)
#    for (i in 1:nSim)
#    {   k <- 1
#        while (Eps[i] > probaCum[k])
#            k <- k+1
#        Res[i] <- k
#    }
#    return(Res)

sim.discreteClass <- function(object, nSim, lastState)
    value <- NULL

        if (!is.matrix(object$proba[[1]]))
            for (i in 1:object$nStates)
                value <- cbind(value, rdiscrete(nSim, object$proba[[i]]))
        } else
                for (j in 1:nSim)
                        row <- NULL
                        for (i in 1:object$nStates)
                                row <- cbind(row, rdiscrete(1, object$proba[[((j-1)%%length(object$proba))+1]][i,]))
                        value <- rbind(value,row);


sim.distributionClass <- function(object, nSim, lastState)
    return(NextMethod("sim", object, lastState))

sim.markovChainClass <- function(object, nSim, lastState)
    value <- as.integer(rep(0, nSim))
    Aux <- runif(nSim)
    if (is.null(lastState))
    {   probaCum <- rep(0, object$nStates)
        for (i in 1:object$nStates)
            probaCum[i] <- sum(object$initProb[1:i])
        val <- trouve_indice(Aux[1], probaCum)
        value[1] <- val
        k <- 2
    {   val <- lastState
        k <- 1

        cummat<-matrix(0, nrow=nrow(mat), ncol=ncol(mat))

        for (i in 1:nrow(mat))
            cummat[i,] <- cumsum(mat[i,])


    if (is.list(object$transMat))
    } else

    for (tt in k:nSim)
        val <- value[tt] <- trouve_indice(Aux[tt], probaCumList[[((tt-1)%%length(probaCumList))+1]][val,])


sim.HMMClass <- function(object, nSim, lastState)
    mc <- list(nStates = object$distribution$nStates, initProb=object$initProb, transMat=object$transMat)
    class(mc) <- "markovChainClass"
    Eps <- sim(mc, nSim, lastState)
    obs <- sim(object$distribution, nSim)
    if (all(is.na(match(c("multivariateNormalClass","mixtureMultivariateNormalClass"), class(object$distribution)))))
        value <- rep(0, nSim)
        for (t in 1:nSim)
            value[t] <- obs[t,Eps[t]]

        if (!is.na(match("discreteClass", class(object$distribution))))
            value <- as.factor(value)
                        if (!is.matrix(object$distribution$proba[[1]]))
                    levels(value) <- names(object$distribution$proba[[1]])

                        # FIXME: Also use labels for time-dependent emissions
    {   value <- matrix(0, nrow=nSim, ncol=object$distribution$dimObs)
        for (t in 1:nSim)
            value[t, ] <- obs[t, ,Eps[t]]

    return(list(obs=value, states=Eps))


HMMSim <- function(nSim, HMM, lastState=NULL)
    if (nSim %% 1 != 0)
        stop("nSim must be a positive integer\n")
    if (nSim < 0)
        stop('nSim must be a positive integer')
    if (class(HMM) != "HMMClass")
        stop("HMM be be a HMMClass object. See HMMSet")

    return(sim(HMM, nSim, lastState))

incr <- function(x)


HMMKMeans <- function(obs, nClass)
{   if (is.data.frame(obs))
    {   dimObs <- dim(obs)[2]
        if (dimObs == 1)
            obs <- obs[,1]
            obs <- as.matrix(obs[,1:dimObs])

    if (is.list(obs))
    {   x <- obs[[1]]
        dimObs <- dim(x)[2]
        if (!is.null(dimObs))
        {   for (i in 2:length(obs))
                x <- rbind(x, obs[[i]])
        {   for (i in 2:length(obs))
                x <- c(x, obs[[i]])
            dimObs <- 1
    {   x <- obs
        dimObs <- dim(x)[2]
        if (is.null(dimObs))
            dimObs <- 1
    z <- kmeans(x, centers=nClass)
     if (dimObs > 1)
    {   CovAux <- matrix(0, dimObs, dimObs)
        Cov <- list(rep(0, nClass))
         for (i in 1:nClass)
        {   Cov[[i]]  <- CovAux
        Var <- rep(0, nClass)
    if (dimObs > 1)
        Mean <- list(rep(0, nClass))
        Mean <- rep(0, nClass)
    for (i in 1:nClass)
    {   if (dimObs > 1)
        {   Cov[[i]] <- cov(x[z$cluster==i, ])
            Mean[[i]] <- z$centers[i,]
        {   Var[i] <- var(x[z$cluster==i])
            Mean[i] <- z$center[i]

    TT <- length(z$cluster)
    transMat <- matrix(0, nClass, nClass)
    for (tt in 2:TT)
        transMat[z$cluster[tt-1], z$cluster[tt]]<-transMat[z$cluster[tt-1], z$cluster[tt]]+1
    for (j in 1:nClass)
        transMat[j,] <- transMat[j, ]/sum(transMat[j,])
    initProb <- rep(1/nClass, nClass)

    if (dimObs > 1)
#        Res <- list(Mean=Mean, Cov=Cov, transMat=transMat, initProb=initProb)
        Res <- HMMSet(dis='NORMAL', transMat=transMat, initProb=initProb, mean=Mean, cov = Cov)
#    Res <- list(Mean=Mean, Var = Var, transMat=transMat, initProb=initProb)
        Res <- HMMSet(dis='NORMAL', transMat=transMat, initProb=initProb, mean=Mean, var = Var)


BaumWelch<-function(paramHMM, obs, paramAlgo)
    paramAlgo1 <-paramAlgo[1:7]
    class(paramAlgo1) <- "paramAlgoBW"
    paramAlgo1 <- setStorageMode(paramAlgo1)
    maListe <- TransformeListe(paramHMM, obs)
    nLevels <- maListe$nLevels
    paramHMM1 <- list(nStates=paramHMM$nStates, dimObs=paramHMM$dimObs, nMixt = paramHMM$nMixt, nLevels = nLevels,
    class(paramHMM1) <- "paramHMM"

    paramHMM1 <- setStorageMode(paramHMM1)
    Res1 <- .Call("RBaumWelch", paramHMM1, maListe$Zt, paramAlgo1)

    if (paramHMM$dis=="NORMAL")
    {   if (paramHMM$dimObs == 1)
            distribution <- distributionSet(dis="NORMAL", mean=Res1[[3]], var=Res1[[4]], verif=FALSE)
            distribution <- distributionSet(dis="NORMAL", mean=Res1[[3]], cov=Res1[[4]], verif=FALSE)
        Autres <- Res1[[5]]

    if (paramHMM$dis == "DISCRETE")
    {   distribution <- distributionSet(dis="DISCRETE", proba=Res1[[3]], labels=maListe$labels, verif=FALSE)
        Autres <- Res1[[4]]

    if (paramHMM$dis == "MIXTURE")
    {   if (paramHMM$dimObs==1)
            distribution <- distributionSet(dis="MIXTURE", mean=Res1[[3]], var=Res1[[4]], proportion=Res1[[5]], verif=FALSE)
            distribution <- distributionSet(dis="MIXTURE", mean=Res1[[3]], cov=Res1[[4]], proportion=Res1[[5]], verif=FALSE)
        Autres <- Res1[[6]]

    Res2 <- HMMSet(initProb=Res1[[1]], transMat=Res1[[2]], distribution=distribution)

    Res2 <- HMMSort(Res2)

    LLH <- Autres[1]
    if (is.nan(LLH))
        convergence <- FALSE
    {   if (relVariation > paramAlgo$tol)
            convergence <- FALSE
            convergence <- TRUE

    Res3 <- NULL
    if ( (convergence) && (paramAlgo$asymptCov))
    {   #cat(sprintf("... Computing the asymptotic covariance matrix ...\n"))
        Res3 <- asymptoticCov(Res2, obs)
    Res <- list(HMM=Res2, LLH=Autres[1], BIC=Autres[2], AIC=Autres[5], nIter=as.integer(Autres[3]), relVariation=relVariation, convergence=convergence, asymptCov=Res3, obs=obs)

    class(Res) <- "HMMFitClass"

HMMFit <- function(obs, dis="NORMAL", nStates = 2, asymptCov=FALSE, ... )
    if (is.data.frame(obs))
    {   dimObs <- dim(obs)[2]
        if (dimObs == 1)
            obs <- obs[,1]
            obs <- as.matrix(obs[,1:dimObs])

    if (is.list(obs))
    {   Aux <- dim(obs[[1]])
        if (is.null(Aux))
        {    dimObs <- 1
        {    dimObs <- Aux[2]
        for (i in 1:length(obs))
        {   if (is.data.frame(obs[[i]]))
            {   if (dimObs > 1)
                    obs[[i]] <- as.matrix(obs[[i]])
                    obs[[i]] <- as.vector(obs[[i]])

    nMixt <- NULL
    Levels <- NULL
    control <- NULL
    args <- list(...)

    extras <- match.call(expand.dots=FALSE)$...

    lextras <- 0
    if (!is.null(extras))
        lextras <- length(extras)
    if (dis == "MIXTURE")
    {    if (lextras == 0)
            stop("HMMFit with gaussian MIXTURE distributions needs a 'nMixt' parameter.\n")
        if (lextras > 2)
            stop("too many parameters.\n")
        if (is.list(args[[1]]))
        {   control <- args[[1]]
            if (lextras != 2)
                stop("HMMFit with gaussian MIXTURE distributions needs an integer ('nMixt') parameter.\n")
                nMix <- args[[2]]
        {   nMixt <- args[[1]]
            if (lextras == 2)
                control <- args[[2]]

        nextras <- names(extras)
        for (nn in nextras)
            if ( !(nn %in% c("nMixt", "control")) && (nn != '') )
                {   nerror <- sprintf("unknown '%s' parameter.\n", nn)
        if ( !(is.null(control)) && (!is.list(control)) )
            stop("'control' parameter must be a list.\n")

    if (dis == 'DISCRETE')
    {   if (lextras > 2)
            stop("too many parameters.\n")
        if (lextras == 0)
        {   Levels <- NULL
            if (is.list(args[[1]]))
            {   control <- args[[1]]
                if (lextras != 2)
                    Levels <- NULL # Pas de vecteur des niveaux entres
                    Levels <- args[[2]]
            {   Levels <- args[[1]]
                if (lextras == 2)
                    control <- args[[2]]

            nextras <- names(extras)
            for (nn in nextras)
                if ( !(nn %in% c("Levels", "control")) && (nn != '') )
                    {   nerror <- sprintf("unknown '%s' parameter.\n", nn)
            if ( !(is.null(control)) && (!is.list(control)) )
                stop("'control' parameter must be a list.\n")

    if ( (dis != "MIXTURE") && (dis != 'DISCRETE') )
    {   if (lextras > 1)
            stop("too many parameters.\n")

        if (lextras == 1)
        {   control <- args[[1]]
            nnames <- names(extras)
            if ( !is.null(nnames) )
                if ( (nnames != '') && (nnames != 'control') )
                {   nerror <- sprintf("unknown '%s' parameter.\n", nnames)
            if (!is.list(control))
                stop("'control' parameter must be a list.\n")

    if (is.null(control))
        control <- list(init="RANDOM", iter=500, tol=1e-6, verbose=0, nInit=5, nIterInit=5, initPoint=NULL)

    nnames <- names(control)
    lnames <- length(nnames)
    rnames <- c("init", "iter", "tol", "verbose", "nInit", "nIterInit", "initPoint")
    for (i in 1:lnames)
    {   if ( (is.null(nnames[i])) || (nnames[i] == '') )
            names(control)[i] <- rnames[i]
            if (is.na(match(nnames[i], rnames)))
            {   nerror <- sprintf("unknown '%s' element of 'control' parameter", nnames[i])

    if (is.null(control$init))
        control$init <- "RANDOM"
    if (is.null(control$iter))
        control$iter <- 500
    if (is.null(control$tol))
        control$tol <- 1e-6
    if (is.null(control$verbose))
        control$verbose <- 0
    if (is.null(control$nInit))
        control$nInit <- 5
    if (is.null(control$nIterInit))
        control$nIterInit <- 5

    if (is.na(match(dis, c('NORMAL', 'MIXTURE', 'DISCRETE'))))
        stop("'dis' parameter must be in 'NORMAL', 'MIXTURE', 'DISCRETE'\n")

    if (!is.numeric(nStates))
        stop('nStates must be a positive number\n')
    nStates <- as.integer(nStates)
    if (nStates <= 0)
        stop("nStates must be a positive number\n")

    if (is.null(nMixt))
        nMixt <- as.integer(0)
    {   if (!is.numeric(nMixt))
            stop('nMixt must be a a positive integer\n')
        nMixt <- as.integer(nMixt)
        if (nMixt < 0)
            stop("nMixt must be a positive integer\n")

    if ( (dis == 'MIXTURE') && (nMixt < 2) )
    {   nMixt <- as.integer(2)
        warning("gaussian MIXTURE conditionnal distribution with nMixt < 2. nMixt = 2 used instead.\n")

    if (!is.null(control$initPoint))
    {    if (class(control$initPoint) != "HMMClass")
            stop("control$initPoint class must be HMMClass. See HMMSet\n")
         control$init <- "USER"
         initPoint <- control$initPoint
    {   initPoint <- NULL
        if (control$init == 'USER')
        {   control$init <- 'RANDOM'
            warning("'USER' initialization and no initPoint. 'RANDOM' initialization used instead.\n")

    if ( (control$init == 'KMEANS') && (dis != 'NORMAL') )
    {   warning("'KMEANS' initialization only for 'NORMAL' conditionnal distribution. 'RANDOM' init used instead.\n")
        control$init <- 'RANDOM'

    if (is.na(match(control$init, c("RANDOM", "KMEANS", "USER"))))
        stop("control$init must be in 'RANDOM', 'KMEANS', 'USER'")

    init <- control$init

    if (!is.numeric(control$iter))
        stop('control$iter must be a positive integer\n')
    iter <- as.integer(control$iter)
    if (iter <= 0)
        stop('control$iter must be a positive integer\n')

    if (!is.numeric(control$tol))
        stop('control$tol must be a positive real\n')
    tol <- as.double(control$tol)
    if (tol < 0)
        stop('control$tol must be a positive double\n')

    if (!is.numeric(control$verbose))
        stop('control$verbose must be 0 or 1\n')
    verbose <- as.integer(control$verbose)
    if (is.na(match(verbose, c(0,1,2))))
        stop('control$verbose must be 0 or 1\n')

    if (!is.numeric(control$nInit))
        stop('control$nInit must be a positive integer\n')
    nInit <- as.integer(control$nInit)
    if  (nInit < 0)
        stop('control$nInit must be a positive integer\n')

    if (!is.numeric(control$nIterInit))
        stop('control$nIterInit must be a positive integer\n')
    nIterInit <- as.integer(control$nIterInit)
    if  (nIterInit < 0)
        stop('control$nIterInit must be a positive integer\n')

    if (control$init == 'KMEANS')
    {   initPoint <- HMMKMeans(obs, nStates)

    if (! is.logical(asymptCov))
    {   stop('asymptCov must be a boolean (TRUE if the asymptotic covariance matrix must be computed)')

    paramAlgo <- list(init=init, iter=iter, tol=tol, verbose=verbose, nInit=nInit, nIterInit=nIterInit, initPoint=initPoint, asymptCov=asymptCov)

    class(paramAlgo) <- "paramAlgoBW"
    if (is.list(obs))
        dimObs <- ncol(as.matrix(obs[[1]]))
        dimObs <- ncol(as.matrix(obs))

    paramHMM <- list(nStates=nStates, dimObs=dimObs, nMixt = nMixt, Levels = Levels, dis=dis)
    class(paramHMM) <- "paramHMM"

    Res<-BaumWelch(paramHMM, obs, paramAlgo)
    Res$call <- match.call()

print.HMMFitClass <- function(x, ...)
   # Call and Model:
    cat("\nCall:", sep="\n")
    cat("----", sep="\n")
    cat(deparse(x$call), "\n", sep = "")
    y <- x$HMM$distribution
    if (y$dis == "NORMAL")
    {    if (y$dimObs==1)
            nomloi <- "univariate gaussian"
            nomloi <- sprintf("%d-d gaussian", y$dimObs)
    if (y$dis == "DISCRETE")
        nomloi <- "discrete"
    if (y$dis == "MIXTURE")
    {   if (y$dimObs == 1)
            nomloi <- sprintf("mixture of %d gaussian", y$nMixt)
            nomloi <- sprintf("mixture of %d %d-d gaussian", y$nMixt, y$dimObs)

    Model <- sprintf("%d states HMM with %s distribution", y$nStates, nomloi)

    cat("\nModel:", sep="\n")
    cat("------", sep="\n")
    cat(Model, "\n", sep = "")
    # Algorithm

    cat("\nBaum-Welch algorithm status:", sep="\n")
    cat("----------------------------", sep="\n")
    if (! x$convergence)
        cat(sprintf("\nNO CONVERGENCE AFTER %d ITERATIONS\n", x$nIter), sep="")
        cat(sprintf("Number of iterations : %d\n", x$nIter), sep="")
    if (is.nan(x$relVariation))
        cat(sprintf("\nPROBLEM IN BAUM-WELCH'S ALGORITHM\n"), sep="")
        cat(sprintf("Last relative variation of LLH function: %f\n", x$relVariation), sep="")

   # Estimation
   if (x$convergence)
   {    cat("\nEstimation:", sep="\n")
        cat("-----------", sep="\n")
   {    cat("\nLast Estimation:", sep="\n")
        cat("----------------", sep="\n")
   print(x$HMM, doNotAffiche=TRUE)
   cat("\nLog-likelihood: ",format(round(x$LLH, 2)), "\n", sep="")
   cat("BIC criterium: ",format(round(x$BIC, 2)), "\n", sep="")
   cat("AIC criterium: ",format(round(x$AIC, 2)), "\n", sep="")

forwardBackward<-function(HMM, obs, logData = TRUE)
{   if ( ( class(HMM) != "HMMFitClass" ) && (class(HMM) != "HMMClass") )
        stop("class(HMM) must be 'HMMClass' or 'HMMFitClass'\n")
    if (class(HMM) == "HMMFitClass")
        HMM <- HMM$HMM

    if (length(obs) < 1) stop("'obs' needs to contain at least a single element!")

    if (is.data.frame(obs))
    {   dimObs <- dim(obs)[2]
        if (dimObs == 1)
            obs <- obs[,1]
            obs <- as.matrix(obs[,1:dimObs])

   if (is.list(obs))
    {   Aux <- dim(obs[[1]])
        if (is.null(Aux))
        {    dimObs <- 1
        {    dimObs <- Aux[2]
        for (i in 1:length(obs))
        {   if (is.data.frame(obs[[i]]))
            {   if (dimObs > 1)
                    obs[[i]] <- as.matrix(obs[[i]])
                    obs[[i]] <- as.vector(obs[[i]])

    HMM <- setStorageMode(HMM)
    maListe <- TransfListe(HMM$distribution, obs)
    logDataInt <- as.integer(1*logData)
    storage.mode(logDataInt) <- "integer"
    Res1 <- .Call("Rforwardbackward", HMM, maListe$Zt, logDataInt)
    names(Res1) <- c("Alpha", "Beta", "Delta", "Gamma", "Xsi", "Rho", "LLH")
    if (!is.list(obs))
    {   Res1$Alpha <- t(Res1$Alpha[[1]])
        Res1$Beta <- t(Res1$Beta[[1]])
        Res1$Delta <- t(Res1$Delta[[1]])
        Res1$Gamma <- t(Res1$Gamma[[1]])
        Res1$Xsi <- Res1$Xsi[[1]]
        Res1$Xsi[[length(Res1$Xsi)]] <- NaN
        Res1$Rho <- Res1$Rho[[1]]
        Res1$LLH <- Res1$LLH[[1]]
    {   for (n in 1:length(obs))
        {   Res1$Alpha[[n]] <- t(Res1$Alpha[[n]])
            Res1$Beta[[n]] <- t(Res1$Beta[[n]])
            Res1$Delta[[n]] <- t(Res1$Beta[[n]])
            Res1$Gamma[[n]] <- t(Res1$Gamma[[n]])
            Res1$Xsi[[n]][length(Res1$Xsi[[n]])] <- NaN


forwardbackward<-function(HMM, obs, logData=TRUE)
    return(forwardBackward(HMM, obs, logData))

inc <- function(x)
    if (is.list(x))
    {   for (i in 1:length(x))
            x[[i]] <- x[[i]]+1
        x <- x + 1

viterbi<-function(HMM, obs)
{   if ( ( class(HMM) != "HMMFitClass" ) && (class(HMM) != "HMMClass") )
        stop("class(HMM) must be 'HMMClass' or 'HMMFitClass'\n")

    if (length(obs) < 1) stop("'obs' needs to contain at least a single element!")

    if (class(HMM) == "HMMFitClass")
        HMM <- HMM$HMM

    if (is.data.frame(obs))
    {   dimObs <- dim(obs)[2]
        if (dimObs == 1)
            obs <- obs[,1]
            obs <- as.matrix(obs[,1:dimObs])

    if (is.list(obs))
    {   nList <- length(obs)
        obs1 <- rep(list(NULL), nList)
        for (i in 1:nList)
        {   obs2 <- obs[[i]]
            if (is.data.frame(obs2))
            {   dimObs <- dim(obs2)[2]
                if (dimObs == 1)
                    obs2 <- obs2[,1]
                    obs2 <- as.matrix(obs2[,1:dimObs])
            obs1[[i]] <- obs2
        obs <- obs1

    maListe <- TransfListe(HMM$distribution, obs)
    HMM <- setStorageMode(HMM)

    Res1 <- .Call("RViterbi", HMM, maListe$Zt)
    names(Res1) <- c("states", "logViterbiScore")
    Res1$states <- inc(Res1$states)
    Aux <- forwardBackward(HMM, obs)
    LLH <- Aux$LLH

    if (is.list(obs))
    {   probSeq <- sapply(Res1$logViterbiScore, sum) - sapply(LLH, sum)
        Res<-list(states=Res1$states, logViterbiScore = Res1$logViterbiScore, logProbSeq=as.list(probSeq))
        Res <- list(states=Res1$states[[1]], logViterbiScore = Res1$logViterbiScore[[1]], logProbSeq=Res1$logViterbiScore[[1]]-LLH)
    class(Res) <- "viterbiClass"

argValue <- function(argList, argName, default)
    argListNames <- names(argList)
    Ind <- match(argName, argListNames)
    if (is.na(Ind))
    {   return(default)
    {   return(argList[Ind])

myDoCall <- function(fun, arg, defaultDotArg, dotArg)
    N1 <- length(defaultDotArg)
    defaultDotArgNames <- names(defaultDotArg)
    for (i in 1:N1)
    {   defaultDotArg[i] <- argValue(dotArg, defaultDotArgNames[i], defaultDotArg[i])
    N2 <- length(dotArg)
    dotArgNames <- names(dotArg)

    if (N2 > 0)
    {   for (i in 1:N2)
        {   Ind <- match(dotArgNames[i], defaultDotArgNames)
            if (is.na(Ind))
                defaultDotArg <- c(defaultDotArg, dotArg[i])
    do.call(fun, c(arg, defaultDotArg))

GraphicDiag <- function(object, vit, obs, color = "green", ...) UseMethod("GraphicDiag")

GraphicDiag.default <- function(object, vit, obs, color = "green", ...) {
    cat("Not yet implemented for this kind of distribution\n")

GraphicDiag.HMMFitClass <- function(object, vit, obs, color = "green", ...) {
    GraphicDiag(object$HMM$distribution, vit, obs, color)

GraphicDiag.HMMClass <- function(object, vit, obs, color = "green", ...) {
    GraphicDiag(object$distribution, vit, obs, color)

GraphicDiag.distributionClass <- function(object, vit, obs, color = "green",
    ...) {
    if (is.na(match(color, colours())))
        stop(sprintf("unknown %s color\n", color))
    # x11()
    if (is.list(obs)) {
        if (!is.list(vit$states))
            return("incompatibilty beetween 'vit' and 'obs' parameters\n")
        if (length(vit$states) != length(obs))
            return("incompatibilty beetween 'vit' and 'obs' parameters\n")
        states <- NULL
        Aux <- NULL
        for (n in 1:length(vit$states)) {
            states <- c(states, vit$states[[n]])
            Aux <- c(Aux, obs[[n]])
        obs <- Aux
        vit$states <- states

    NextMethod(generic = "GraphicDiag", object = object)

GraphicDiag.univariateNormalClass <- function(object, vit, obs, color = "green") {

    # x11()
    nStates <- max(vit$states)
    nScreens <- floor(nStates/4)
    if (nScreens * 4 - nStates != 0) {
        nScreens <- nScreens + 1
    k <- 1
    while (k <= nStates) {
        split.screen(c(2, 1))
        split.screen(c(1, 2), screen = 1)
        split.screen(c(1, 2), screen = 2)
        par(bg = "white")
        i <- 3
        while ((i <= 6) && (k <= nStates)) {
            y <- obs[vit$states == k]
            m <- object$mean[k]
            sig <- sqrt(object$var[k])
            from <- m - 3 * sig
            to <- m + 3 * sig
            x0 <- seq(from, to, (to - from)/512)
            y0 <- dnorm(x0, mean = m, sd = sig)
            z <- density(y, from = from, to = to)
            if (max(z$y) > max(y0)) {
                plot(z$x, z$y, col = color, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "Density",
                  lwd = 2)
                lines(x0, y0)
            } else {
                plot(x0, y0, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "Density")
                lines(z$x, z$y, col = color, lwd = 2)
            sub <- sprintf("Estimated Density (%s) \n Normal density (black)\n",
            titre <- sprintf("Graphic diagnostic for state %d", k)
            k <- k + 1
            title(main = titre, sub = sub)
            i <- i + 1
        invisible(close.screen(all.screens = TRUE))
        if (k <= nStates)

GraphicDiag.mixtureUnivariateNormalClass <- function(object, vit, obs, color = "green") {
    # x11()
    nStates <- max(vit$states)
    nScreens <- floor(nStates/4)
    if (nScreens * 4 - nStates != 0) {
        nScreens <- nScreens + 1
    k <- 1
    while (k <= nStates) {
        split.screen(c(2, 1))
        split.screen(c(1, 2), screen = 1)
        split.screen(c(1, 2), screen = 2)
        par(bg = "white")
        i <- 3
        while ((i <= 6) && (k <= nStates)) {
            y <- obs[vit$states == k]
            m <- object$mean[[k]]
            var <- object$var[[k]]
            prop <- object$proportion[[k]]
            xbarre <- mean(y)
            sig <- sd(y)
            from <- xbarre - 3 * sig
            to <- xbarre + 3 * sig
            x0 <- seq(from, to, (to - from)/512)
            y0 <- dmixt(x0, mean = m, var = var, prop = prop)
            z <- density(y, from = from, to = to)
            if (max(z$y) > max(y0)) {
                plot(z$x, z$y, col = color, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "Density",
                  lwd = 2)
                lines(x0, y0)
            } else {
                plot(x0, y0, type = "l", xlab = "", ylab = "Density")
                lines(z$x, z$y, col = color, lwd = 2)
            sub <- sprintf("Estimated Density (%s) \n Mixture of univariate normal density (black)\n",
            titre <- sprintf("Graphic diagnostic for state %d", k)
            title(main = titre, sub = sub)
            i <- i + 1
            k <- k + 1
        invisible(close.screen(all.screens = TRUE))
        if (k <= nStates)

GraphicDiag.discreteClass <- function(object, vit, obs, color = "green") {
    nStates <- max(vit$states)
    nScreens <- floor(nStates/4)
    if (nScreens * 4 - nStates != 0) {
        nScreens <- nScreens + 1
    k <- 1
    while (k <= nStates) {
        split.screen(c(2, 1))
        split.screen(c(1, 2), screen = 1)
        split.screen(c(1, 2), screen = 2)
        par(bg = "white")
        i <- 3
        while ((i <= 6) && (k <= nStates)) {
            y <- obs[vit$states == k]
            ny <- length(y)
            y <- table(y)/ny
            y0 <- object$proba[[k]]

            if (max(y) > max(y0)) {
                plot(y, col = color, xlab = "", ylab = "Probability", lwd = 2)
                lines(y0, type = "p", lwd = 3)
            } else {
                plot(y, col = color, xlab = "", ylab = "Probability", lwd = 2, type = "n")
                lines(y0, type = "p", lwd = 3)
                lines(y, col = color, lwd = 2, type = "h")

            sub <- sprintf("Frequency (%s) \n Estimated parameters (black)\n", color)
            titre <- sprintf("Graphic diagnostic for state %d", k)
            title(main = titre, sub = sub)
            k <- k + 1
            i <- i + 1
        invisible(close.screen(all.screens = TRUE))
        if (k <= nStates)

HMMGraphicDiag <- function(vit, HMM, obs, color = "green") {
    if (class(vit) != "viterbiClass")
        stop("vit must be a viterbiClass object. See viterbi\n")
    if ((class(HMM) != "HMMClass") && (class(HMM) != "HMMFitClass") && is.na(match("distributionClass",
        stop("distribution must be a distributionClass, HMMClass or a HMMFitClass object\n")

    if (is.data.frame(obs)) {
        dimObs <- dim(obs)[2]
        if (dimObs == 1)
            obs <- obs[, 1] else obs <- as.matrix(obs[, 1:dimObs])

    GraphicDiag(HMM, vit, obs, color)


PlotSerie <- function(object, vit, obs, color="black", ...) UseMethod("PlotSerie")
PlotSerie.default <- function(object, vit, obs, color="black", ...)
{   cat("Not yet implemented for this kind of distribution\n")

plotSerie.distributionClass <- function(object, vit, obs, color="black", ...)
{   args <- list(...)
    if (is.na(match(color, colours())))
        stop(sprintf("unknown %s color\n", color))
    if (is.list(obs))
    {   if (!is.list(vit$states))
            return("incompatibilty beetween 'vit' and 'obs' parameters\n")
        if (length(vit$states) != length(obs))
            return("incompatibilty beetween 'vit' and 'obs' parameters\n")
        states <- NULL
        Aux <- NULL
        for (n in 1:length(vit$states))
        {   states <- c(states, vit$states[[n]])
            Aux <- c(Aux, obs[[n]])
        obs <- Aux
        vit$states <- states

    NextMethod(generic="plotSerie", object=object, args)

HMMPlotSerie <- function(obs, states, dates = NULL, dis = "NORMAL", color="green", oneFig=FALSE, ...)
    if ( (class(states) !="viterbiClass") && (!is_numeric_vector(states)) && (!is_list_numeric_vector(states)))
        stop("states must be a viterbiClass object, a numeric vector or a list of numeric vector.\n")
    if (class(states) == "viterbiClass")
        states <- states$states

    if (is.data.frame(obs))
    {   dimObs <- dim(obs)[2]
        if (dimObs == 1)
            obs <- obs[,1]
            obs <- as.matrix(obs[,1:dimObs])

    if (is.list(obs))
    {   if (!is.list(states))
            stop("incompatibilty beetween 'states' and 'obs' parameters\n")
        if (length(states) != length(obs))
            stop("incompatibilty beetween 'states' and 'obs' parameters\n")
        statesN <- NULL
        Aux <- NULL
        for (n in 1:length(states))
        {   statesN <- c(statesN, states[[n]])
            Aux <- c(Aux, obs[[n]])
        states <- statesN
    {   Aux <- obs

    if (!is.null(dim(obs)))
        if (dim(obs)[2] > 1)
            stop("Not yet implemented for multivariate distribution\n")

    nStates <- max(states)
    if (dis == 'NORMAL')
    {    distribution<-distributionSet(dis, rep(0,nStates), rep(1, nStates))
    {   if (dis == 'MIXTURE')
        {   distribution<-distributionSet(dis, rep(0,nStates), rep(1, nStates), c(1,rep(0,nStates-1)))
        {   proba <- rep(list(1), nStates)
            labels <- levels(factor(Aux))
            nLevels <- length(levels(factor(Aux)))
            for (j in 1:nStates)
                proba[[j]] <- rep(1,nLevels)/as.double(nLevels)
            distribution<-distributionSet(dis="DISCRETE", proba, labels)

    dotArgs <- list(...)
    defaultDotArgs <- list(xlab="", ylab="Serie", lwd=1,  col=color)
    if (is.null(dates))
    {   xx <- seq(1,length(Aux))
    {   xx <- dates
    if (!oneFig)
    {   nScreens <- floor(nStates/3)
        if (nScreens * 3 - nStates != 0)
        {   nScreens <- nScreens+1
         while (k <= nStates)
        {   par(bg="white")
            split.screen(c(min(3, nStates),1))
            while ((i <= 3) && (i <= nStates) && (k <= nStates))
            {   screen(i)
                z <- TransformeListe(distribution, Aux)
                y <- (z$Zt[[1]])*(states==k)
                if (dis != 'DISCRETE')
                {   args <- list(x=xx, y=y)
                    myDoCall("plot", args, defaultDotArgs, dotArgs)
                {   args <- list(x=xx, y=y+1)
                    myDoCall("plot", args, defaultDotArgs, dotArgs)

                titre <- sprintf("Serie for state %d", k)
                k <- k + 1
                i <- i + 1
            if (k <= nStates)
            invisible(close.screen(all.screens = TRUE))
       coul <- c("blue", "red", "green", "yellow", "grey", "pink", "orange", "purple", "turquoise", "tomatoe")
        k <- 1
        kc <- 1
        titre <- ""
        z <- TransformeListe(distribution, Aux)
        y <- z$Zt[[1]]
        ymin <- min(y)
        ymax <- max(y)
        if (dis == 'DISCRETE')
        {   ymin <- ymin + 1
            ymax <- ymax + 1
        ylim <- c(ymin, ymax)
        defaultDotArgs <- c(defaultDotArgs, list(ylim=ylim))
        args <- list(x=xx, y=y)
        myDoCall("plot", args, defaultDotArgs, dotArgs)

         while ( k <= nStates)
        {   y <- (z$Zt[[1]])*(states==k)
            if (dis != 'DISCRETE')
            {   defaultDotArgs$col <- coul[kc]
                args <- list(x=xx, y=y)
                myDoCall("lines", args, defaultDotArgs, dotArgs)
            {   defaultDotArgs$col <- coul[kc]
                args <- list(x=xx, y=y+1)
                myDoCall("lines", args, defaultDotArgs, dotArgs)
            titre <- sprintf("%sState %d (%s)", titre, k, coul[kc])
            if (k < nStates)
            {   titre <- sprintf("%s - ", titre)
            k <- k + 1
            kc <- kc + 1
            if (kc == 11)
                kc <- 1
        lines(xx, rep(0, length(xx)), col='black', lwd=1)
        if (sum(names(dotArgs)== "main") == 0)
        {   title(main=titre)
        {   title(main=dotArgs$main)

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RHmm documentation built on Nov. 30, 2023, 7:22 p.m.