
Defines functions readNmData .readNmData.nmSubset .readNmData.nmTranslate .readNmData.nmRecords

Documented in readNmData

#' Read NONMEM dataset removing any "IGNORE" rows and dealing with (possibly repeated) headers 
#' This function is designed to import either output table or raw input data
#' The ignore string can optionally be added to remove rows from the data
#' Any table file headers found are removed from the data - repeated headers are also removed
#' @param file Name of the file
#' @param ignore [C,1] - ignore option, see NM?$DATA[IGNORE]
#' @param accept [C,1] - accept option, see NM?$DATA[ACCEPT]
#' @param translate [C,1] - translate option, see NM?$DATA[TRANSLATE]
#' @param records [CN,1] - number of records, see NM?$DATA[RECORDS]
#' @param null [C,1] - value to replace NA, see NM?$DATA[NULL]
#' @param sep character that seperates fields
#' @return A data.frame of the contents of the tables in the file
#' @examples 
#'  \dontrun{ 
#'      inData <- readNmData(file =  "examples/theoph/data.csv") 
#'      print(head(inData))
#'      outData <- readNmData(file = "examples/theoph/Outtable" )
#'      print(head(outData))
#'  }
#' @keywords IO
#' @author Mango Solutions

readNmData <- function(
		file, ignore = NULL, accept = NULL, translate = NULL,   
		records = NULL, null = NA, sep = NULL
	if( is.character(ignore) && ignore == "" ) ignore <- NULL
	if( is.character(accept) && accept == "" ) accept <- NULL
	if( is.character(translate) && translate == "" ) translate <- NULL
	### find the most appropriate separator
	if(missing(sep) || length(sep) > 1){ # then have a guess
		possSeps <- if( missing(sep)) c("", ",") else sep # see ?read.table for how "" is used
		countFields <- lapply(possSeps, count.fields, file = file)
		maxFields <- sapply(countFields, median)
		whichSep <- (1:length(possSeps))[maxFields == max(maxFields)][1]
		sep <- possSeps[whichSep]
	allScan <- scanFile( file )	
	### Initialise rows to skip:
	#     tabRows    - Rows with "TABLE NO." string in first 10 characters
	#     theHeadRow - The actual header row to use
	#     headRows   - Repeated header rows
	#     igRows     - Rows to ignore (as in, using IGNORE statements for raw data files)
	skipRows <- theHeadRow <- otherHeaderRows <- headRows <- igRows <- numeric(0)
	### Work out all the "table*" rows (which we want to drop)
	tabRows <- grep("TABLE NO\\.", allScan)
	### Look for table headers
	# To define header row, look for proportion of letters in the row
	propScan <- nchar(gsub("[^[:alpha:]]+", "", allScan)) / nchar( gsub( "[[:space:]]+", "", allScan ))
	if( length(tabRows) ) propScan[tabRows] <- 0
	if(any(propScan > 0.5)){
		theHeadRow      <- which.max(propScan)
	} else theHeadRow <- NULL 
	### If we have found a header row, look for other header rows
	if(!is.null(theHeadRow)) {
		headRows <- which( allScan == allScan[theHeadRow] )
		headRows <- setdiff(headRows, theHeadRow)
	###  Work out rows to skip
	colHeaders <- NULL
	### Deal with "ignore" string          
	if(any(nchar(ignore) > 1)) RNMImportStop("readNmData cannot handle IGNORE tokens with more than one character", match.call())
	ignoreMod <- replace(ignore, ignore == "@", "[[:alpha:]@]")
	if(length(ignoreMod > 0)) {
		ignoreMod <- sprintf("^[[:space:]]*%s", ignoreMod)
		rx <- paste(ignoreMod, collapse = "|")
		igRows <- c(igRows, grep( rx, allScan )) 
	### Need to work out which rows we want to omit here
	skipRows <- unique(c(igRows, headRows, tabRows, theHeadRow))
	dataCall <- list( na.strings = ".", header = FALSE, sep = sep, comment.char = "")
	if(!length(skipRows)) {
		dataCall$file <- file
	} else {
		if(all(diff(skipRows) == 1) & any(skipRows == 1) ) { # rows to skip are at the beginning
			dataCall$file <- file
			dataCall$skip <- max(skipRows)
		} else {  # Need to do something with the scanned data - write to a file and retrieve
			tmpFile <- tempfile( )
			write(x=allScan[-skipRows], file=tmpFile)
			dataCall$file <- tmpFile
	myData <- try( do.call( read.table, dataCall ), silent = TRUE )
	try( unlink( tmpFile ), silent = TRUE )     
	### apply the header as the names of the data
	if(length(theHeadRow) != 0 && theHeadRow != 0) {

		headLine <- allScan[theHeadRow]
		ignoreMod <- replace(ignore, ignore == "@", "[[:alpha:]@]")
		if(length(ignoreMod > 0)) {
			ignoreMod <- sprintf("^[[:space:]]*%s", ignoreMod)
			rx <- paste(ignoreMod, collapse = "|")
			if(length(grep(headLine, pattern = rx)) > 0)
				headLine <- ""
		colHeaders <- .readValues( headLine, sep = sep, what = "character" )
		if(length(colHeaders) <= length(myData))  {
#		 	browser()                             
			names(myData)[seq_along(colHeaders)] <- colHeaders
	### deal with the list accept declaration
	.readNmData.nmSubset( accept, myData, method = "accept")
	### deal with the translate delaration
	.readNmData.nmTranslate( translate, myData )
	### deal with the records option
	.readNmData.nmRecords( records, myData)

#' convert lists usch as IGNORE or ACCEPT from a control file (see ?$DATA) into an R subset
#' @param nmCode Extract from "IGNORE" or "ACCEPT" statement to be used for subsetting 
#' @param data A data frame of NONMEM input and/or output data
#' @param method "ignore" or "accept"
#' @param na.keep Logical flag.  Keep data that is has NAs?
#' @param link Token that joins statements together 
#' @return Subsetted data as a data.frame
#' @author Mango Solutions

# Based on code by R. Francois

.readNmData.nmSubset <- function( nmCode, data, 
		method = c("accept", "ignore"), na.keep = FALSE, 
		link = ".OR."  ){
	if( !is.null( nmCode) && any(regexMatches(nmCode, "^\\(")) ) 
	#	nmCode <- convertFortran95Ops(nmCode)
		method <- match.arg( method )
		dname <- deparse(substitute(data))
		nmCode <- gsub( "," , ".OR.", nmCode)   # see ?$DATA
		# if the ignore or accept statement has NONMEM "code", we need to convert this to R subsetting code
		nmCode <- convertNmOperators( nmCode )  # .LT.   <, ...
		nmCode <- sprintf( "(%s)", nmCode )     
		if( method == "ignore" ) nmCode <- sprintf("!(%s)", nmCode)
		subs <- eval(parse(text = nmCode), data)
		subs <- ifelse( is.na(subs), na.keep, subs )
		assign( dname, data[ subs , , drop = FALSE], parent.frame() )

### function to deal with the translate option in $DATA
.readNmData.nmTranslate <- function( nmCode, data )
	if(!is.null(nmCode) )
	#	nmCode <- convertFortran95Ops(nmCode)
		dname <- deparse(substitute(data))
		nmCode <- strsplit( nmCode, "," )[[1]]
		left  <- gsub( "/.*$","", nmCode  )       # after the first /
		right <- gsub( "^[^/]*/","", nmCode  )    # before the first /
		for( i in seq(along = nmCode) ){
			data[[ left[i] ]] <- data[[ left[i] ]] / as.numeric( right[i] ) 
		assign( dname, data, parent.frame( ) )

.readNmData.nmRecords <- function( records, data ){
	if( !is.null(records) && any(records != "") ){
		dname <- deparse(substitute(data))
		### first try to use the records as numeric values
		nrec <- try( as.numeric(records) , silent = TRUE)
		if( !inherits(nrec, "try-error") & !is.na(nrec)){
			assign( dname, head( data, nrec ), parent.frame( ) )
		} else {
			# in this case records refers to a column in the data, and we want to take the rows  whose 
			# records column matches the first element of that column AND appear in a contiguous block
			firstLevel <- data[[records]][1] 
			# use the rle function to find contiguous blocks
			x <- rle(data[[records]] == firstLevel)
			assign(dname, data[1:x$lengths[1],], parent.frame())

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RNMImport documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:21 p.m.