
Defines functions printInitialDescription

# * SIENA: Simulation Investigation for Empirical Network Analysis
# *
# * Web: http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~snijders/siena
# *
# * File: printInitialDescription.r
# *
# * Description: This module contains the code to print details of the project.
# *
# *****************************************************************************/
##@printInitialDescription Reporting
printInitialDescription <- function(data, effects, modelName="Siena",
	##@initialNetworks internal printInitialDescription
	initialNetworks <- function()
		Heading(2, outf,'Change in networks:')
		difficult <- FALSE
		for (net in which(types %in% c("oneMode", "bipartite")))
			bipartite <- types[net] == "bipartite"
			if ((nOneMode + nBipartite) > 1)
				Heading(3, outf, c("Network: ", netnames[net]))

			Report(c("For the following statistics, missing values (if any)",
					"are not counted.\n"), outf)
			if (any(attr(data, "structural")))
				Report(c("Further, structurally determined entries are",
						"treated as observed entries,\n"), outf)
				Report(c("except for calculating the distances, where missings",
						"and structurally determined entries\n"), outf)
				Report(c("at the beginning or end of a period",
						"are disregarded.\n"), outf)
				Report(c("This may imply that the columns 0 => 1 and 1 => 0",
						"do not add up to the distance column.\n"), outf)
			## is this network symmetric?
			if (gpatts$symmetric[net])
				Report(c(ifelse(nobs == 2, "Both", c("All ", nobs)),
						" observed networks are symmetric.\n"), outf)
				Report(c("Therefore, it is assumed that this is an",
						"analysis of an non-directed relation.\n"), outf)
			Report("\nNetwork density indicators:\n", outf)
			density <- rep(NA, nobs)
			degree <- rep(NA, nobs)
			nties <- rep(NA, nobs)
			missings <- rep(NA, nobs)
			periodFromStart <- 0
			for (group in 1:nData)
				j <- match(netnames[net], names(data[[group]]$depvars))
				if (is.na(j))
					stop("network names not consistent")
				depvar <- data[[group]]$depvars[[j]]
				atts <- attributes(depvar)
				subs <- 1:data[[group]]$observations + periodFromStart
				density[subs] <- atts$density
				if (any(atts$ones >= atts$nval, na.rm = TRUE))
					difficult <- TRUE
				degree[subs] <- atts$degree
				missings[subs] <-atts$missings
				nties[subs] <- atts$ones
				if (gpatts$symmetric[net])
					nties <- nties / 2
				periodFromStart <- periodFromStart + data[[group]]$observations
			## now do the format
			tmp <- rbind(format(round(density, 3), nsmall=3, width=7),
				format(round(degree, 3), nsmall=3, width=7),
				format(nties, width=7),
				format(round(missings, 3), nsmall=3, width=7))
			startCol <- 1
			text <- c("observation time", "density", "average degree",
				"number of ties", "missing fraction")
			text <- c(format(text[1], width=24), format(text[-1], width=25))
			eols <- rep("\n", length(text))
				endCol <- startCol + 6
				endCol <- min(endCol, nobs)
				tmp3 <- rbind(format(startCol:endCol, width=7),
					tmp[, startCol:endCol, drop=FALSE])
				tmp2 <- cbind(text, tmp3, eols)
				Report(t(tmp2), sep="", outf)
				startCol <- startCol + 7
				if (startCol > nobs)
			averageOutDegree <- rep(NA, nData)
			for (group in 1:nData)
				j <- match(netnames[net], names(data[[group]]$depvars))
				if (is.na(j))
					stop("network names not consistent")
				depvar <- data[[group]]$depvars[[j]]
				atts <- attributes(depvar)
				averageOutDegree[group] <- atts$"averageOutDegree"
			Report("\n", outf)
			if (nData > 1)
				Report("The average degrees over all waves are: \n ", outf)
				Report(paste(names(data), round(averageOutDegree, 3), "\n",
						sep=': '), outf)
				Report("\n", outf)
				Report(c("The average degree is",
						round(averageOutDegree, 3), "\n"), outf)
			Report("\n\n", outf)
			Report(c(ifelse(gpatts$symmetric[net], "Edge", "Tie"),
					"changes between subsequent observations:\n"), outf)
			valmin <- gpatts$netRanges[1, net]
			valmax <- gpatts$netRanges[2, net]
			tmp <- expand.grid(valmin:valmax, valmin:valmax)
			heads <- paste(tmp[, 2], "=> ", tmp[,1])
			Report(c(format(" periods", width=16),
					format(heads, width=10),
					ifelse(valmin == 0 && valmax == 1,
						"Distance Jaccard   Missing\n",
						"Distance     Missing\n")), sep = "", outf)
			periodFromStart <- 0

			for (group in 1:nData)
				j <- match(netnames[net], names(data[[group]]$depvars))
				if (is.na(j))
					stop("network names not consistent")
				depvar <- data[[group]]$depvars[[j]]
				if (bipartite)
					tmp <- getBipartiteStartingVals(depvar)
					tmp <- getNetworkStartingVals(depvar)
				atts <- attributes(depvar)
				matchange <- tmp$tmp[-c(1:2), , drop=FALSE]
				## if symmetric: divide by 2
				if (gpatts$symmetric[net])
					tmp$tmp <- tmp$tmp %/% 2
					matchange <- matchange %/% 2
				for (per in 1:(atts$netdims[3] - 1))
					ntot <- tmp$tmp["matcnt", per]
					if (gpatts$symmetric[net])
						misd <- atts$netdims[1] * (atts$netdims[1] - 1) / 2 -
					else if (bipartite)
						misd <- atts$netdims[1] * atts$netdims[2] - ntot
						misd <- atts$netdims[1] * (atts$netdims[1] - 1) - ntot
					if (valmin == 0 && valmax == 1)
						jaccard <- format(round(matchange[4, per] /
								(matchange[4, per] +
									matchange[3, per] +
									matchange[2, per]), 3), nsmall=3,

						Report(c(format(per + periodFromStart, width=3),
								" ==> ",
								format(per + 1 + periodFromStart, width=3),
								format(matchange[, per], width=10),
								format(attr(depvar, "distance")[per],
								jaccard, format(misd, width=10), " (",
								round(100 * misd/(ntot + misd)), "%)\n"),
							sep="", outf)
						Report(c(per + periodFromStart, " ==> ",
								format(per + 1 + periodFromStart, width=3),
								format(matchange[, per], width=10),
								format(attr(depvar,"distance")[per], width=10),
								format(misd, width=10), " (",
								round(100 * misd/(ntot + misd)), "%)\n"),
							sep="", outf)

					if (valmin == 0 && valmax == 1)
						if (matchange[4, per]*
							(matchange[2, per] + matchange[1, per])
						matchange[2, per] *
							(matchange[3, per] + matchange[4, per]) )
							Report(c("\nThis means that in period ", per,
									", proportionately fewer 1-ties stayed 1,\n",
									" than 0-ties became 1. A great reversal",
									" of the network pattern!\n",
									"For some model specifications this may",
									" lead to problems in estimation.\n"), outf)
				periodFromStart <- periodFromStart + atts$netdims[3]
				Report("\n", outf)
			if (gpatts$symmetric[net])
				Report(c("The distances reported in the output file",
						"for conditional estimation\n",
						"for the network variable refer to the total",
						"symmetric adjacency matrix,\n",
						"and therefore are double the distance",
						"reported above.)\n\n"), outf)
			if (!bipartite)
				Report("Directed dyad Counts:\n", outf)
				if (valmin == 0 & valmax == 1)
					Report(" observation    total    mutual    asymm.     null\n",
					Report(" observation    total \n", outf)
					heads <- expand.grid(valmin:valmax, valmin:valmax)
					heads <- heads[, c(2, 1)] ## reverse the column order
					heads <- heads[heads[,2] >= heads[,1], ] ## remove col2 < col1
					heads <- paste("(", heads[, 1], ",", heads[, 2], ")", sep="")
					Report(heads, outf)
					Report("\n", outf)
					## this one needs more work!
				periodFromStart <- 0
				for (group in 1:nData)
					j <- match(netnames[net], names(data[[group]]$depvars))
					if (is.na(j))
						stop("network names not consistent")
					depvar <- data[[group]]$depvars[[j]]
					atts <- attributes(depvar)

					for (per in 1:(atts$netdims[3]))
						## find the dyad tables
						if (atts$sparse)
							##  require(Matrix)
							mymat <- depvar[[per]]
							diag(mymat) <- 0
							mymat1 <- mymat@i
							mymat2 <- mymat@j
							mymat3 <- mymat@x
							if (any(duplicated(paste(mymat1, mymat2))))
								stop("sparse matrix has duplicate triples")
							mymat3[mymat3==10] <- 0
							mymat3[mymat3==11] <- 1
							mymat1 <- mymat1[is.na(mymat3) | mymat3 != 0]
							mymat2 <- mymat2[is.na(mymat3) | mymat3 != 0]
							mymat3 <- mymat3[is.na(mymat3) | mymat3 != 0]
							## for not 0/1 need to tabulate the equivs to mutuals
							## and asymms by
							## the non zero one.
							if (valmin == 0 && valmax ==1)
								ij <- paste(mymat1[!is.na(mymat3)],
								ji <- paste(mymat2[!is.na(mymat3)],
								missij <- paste(mymat1[is.na(mymat3)],
								missji <- paste(mymat2[is.na(mymat3)],
								mutual <- sum(ij %in% ji) / 2
								## nondyads are ones where we have a link and
								## its partner is missing
								nondyads <- sum(ji %in% missij)
								asymm <- length(ij) - nondyads - mutual * 2
								missdyads <- sum(!(missij %in% missji)) +
									sum(missij %in% missji) / 2
								nulls <- atts$netdims[1] *
									(atts$netdims[2] - 1) / 2 -
									missdyads - mutual - asymm
								totDyad <- nulls + mutual + asymm
							mymat <- depvar[, , per]
							mymat[mymat == 10] <- 0
							mymat[mymat == 11] <- 1
							diag(mymat) <- NA
							tmymat <- t(mymat)
							# dyadTable <- table(mymat, t(mymat))
							# Changed to protect against zero rows or columns
							nulls <- sum((1 - mymat)*(1 - tmymat), na.rm=TRUE)
							asymm <- sum(mymat*(1 - tmymat), na.rm=TRUE) +
								sum((1 - mymat)*tmymat, na.rm=TRUE)
							mutual <- sum(mymat*tmymat, na.rm=TRUE)
							# diag(dyadTable) <- diag(dyadTable) / 2
							#if (valmin == 0 && valmax ==1)
							#    mutual <- dyadTable[2, 2]
							#    asymm <- dyadTable[2, 1]
							#    nulls <- dyadTable[1, 1]
							totDyad <- nulls + asymm + mutual
						if (valmin == 0 && valmax == 1)
							Report(c(format(per + periodFromStart, width=6),
									".", format(totDyad, width=14),
									format(mutual, width=9),
									format(asymm, width=10),
									format(nulls, width=10), "\n"),
								sep="", outf)
					periodFromStart <- periodFromStart + atts$netdims[3]
			if (difficult)
				Report(c("There is a density equal to 0.0 or 1.0.\n",
						"This may lead to difficulties.\n"), outf)
			Report("\n", outf)
			Report(c("Standard values for initial parameter values\n",
				sep = "", outf)
			myeff <- effects[effects$name == netnames[net],]
			myrate <- myeff[myeff$shortName == "Rate",]
			for (i in 1:nrow(myrate))
				Report(c(format(myrate$effectName[i], width=35),
						format(round(myrate$initialValue[i], 4), nsmall=4,
							width=10), "\n"), outf)
			myobj <- myeff[myeff$shortName == "density" &
				myeff$type == "eval",]
			if (nrow(myobj) > 0)
				untrimmed <- myobj$untrimmedValue
				Report(c(format(myobj$effectName, width=46),
						format(round(untrimmed, 4), nsmall=4, width=10),
						"\n"), outf)
				if (untrimmed > 3)
					Report(c("The initial parameter value is very low.",
							"It is truncated to -3. \n"), outf)
					if (untrimmed < -3)
						Report(c("The initial parameter value is very high.",
								"It is truncated to 3.\n"), outf)
		Report("\n", outf)

	##@initialBehaviors internal printInitialDescription
	initialBehaviors <- function()
		Report("\n", outf)
     		Heading(2, outf,"Dependent discrete actor variables:")
		if (nBehav == 1)
			Report(c(netnames[types == "behavior"], "\n\n"), outf)
			Heading(3, outf, "Marginal distribution")
			Heading(3, outf, "Marginal distributions")
		for (net in which(types=="behavior"))
			if (nBehav > 1)
				Report(c("Dependent actor variable ", net, ": ",
						netnames[net], "\n"), sep="", outf)
			Report(c(rep(" ", 3*nobs + 7), "Observations\n"), sep="", outf)
			Report(c(format("values", width=16),
					format(1 : nobs, width=6), "\n"), sep="", outf)
			Report(c(rep(" ", 16), rep("------", nobs), "\n"), sep="", outf)
			periodFromStart <- 0
			bRange <- gpatts$bRange[net]
			minval <- gpatts$behRange[, net][1]
			vals <- matrix(0, ncol=nobs, nrow=bRange + 1)
			missings <- rep(0, nobs)
			missingN <- rep(NA, nobs)
			for (group in 1:nData)
				j <- match(netnames[net], names(data[[group]]$depvars))
				if (is.na(j))
					stop("network names not consistent")
				depvar <- data[[group]]$depvars[[j]]
				atts <- attributes(depvar)
				for (i in 1: atts$netdims[3])
					mytab <- table(round(depvar[, 1, i]))
					vals[as.numeric(names(mytab)) + 1 - minval,
						periodFromStart + i] <- mytab
					# vals[factor(names(mytab)), periodFromStart + i] <- mytab
					missings[periodFromStart + i] <- sum(is.na(depvar[, 1, i]))
					missingN[periodFromStart + i] <- atts$netdims[1]
				periodFromStart <- periodFromStart + atts$netdims[3]
			for (i in 1:nrow(vals))
				Report(c(format(i - 1 + minval, width=3), rep(" ", 13),
						format(vals[i, ], width=6), "\n"), sep="", outf)
			if (gpatts$anyMissing[net])
				Report(c(format("missing", width=16),
						format(missings, width=6), "\n\n"), sep="", outf)
				Report(c(format("(fraction missing"),
						format(round(missings / missingN, 2), nsmall=2,
							width=6), "  )\n"), sep="", outf)
				Report("No missings\n", outf)

		Report("\n\n", outf)
		Heading(3, outf, "Changes")
		for (net in which(types=="behavior"))
			if (nBehav > 1)
				Report(c("Dependent actor variable ", net, ": ",
						netnames[net], "\n"), sep="", outf)
			Report(c(" periods    actors:  down   up   constant  missing  ;",
					"   steps:   down    up  total\n"), sep="", outf)
			periodFromStart <- 0
			for (group in 1:nData)
				j <- match(netnames[net], names(data[[group]]$depvars))
				if (is.na(j))
					stop("network names not consistent")
				depvar <- data[[group]]$depvars[[j]]
				atts <- attributes(depvar)
				for (i in 1:(atts$netdims[3] - 1))
					mytab <- table(round(depvar[, 1, i + 1]) - 
						round(depvar[, 1, i]))
					numvals <- as.numeric(names(mytab))
					ups <- mytab[numvals > 0]
					downs <- mytab[numvals < 0]
					constants <- mytab[numvals == 0]
					stepsup <- sum(ups * numvals[numvals > 0])
					stepsdown <- sum(-1 * downs * numvals[numvals < 0])
					Report(c(format(i + periodFromStart, width=3),
							"  =>", format(i + 1 + periodFromStart, width=3),
							format(sum(downs), width=14),
							format(sum(ups), width=6),
							format(sum(constants), width=8),
							format(sum(is.na(depvar[, 1, i + 1]) |
									is.na(depvar[, 1, i])), width=10),
							format(stepsdown, width=21),
							format(stepsup, width=6),
							format(stepsup + stepsdown, width=6), "\n"),
						sep="", outf)
				Report("\n", outf)
				periodFromStart <- periodFromStart + atts$netdims[3]
			myeff <- effects[effects$name == netnames[net],]
			myobj <- myeff[myeff$shortName == "linear" &
				myeff$type == "eval",]
			Report(c("For this variable, the standard initial ",
					"behavioral tendency parameter is ",
					format(round(myobj$initialValue,4), nsmall=4,width=8),
					"\n"), sep="",

		Report("\n", outf)
	##@initialContinuous internal printInitialDescription
	initialContinuous <- function()
		Report("\n", outf)
		Heading(2, outf,"Dependent continuous actor variables:")
		Report("\n", outf)
		Heading(3, outf, "Changes")
		for (net in which(types=="continuous"))
			Report(c("Dependent actor variable: ",
				netnames[net], "\n"), sep="", outf)
			Report(c(" periods    actors:  down   up   constant  missing  ;",
				" average:   down    up  total\n"), sep="", outf)
			periodFromStart <- 0
			for (group in 1:nData)
				j <- match(netnames[net], names(data[[group]]$depvars))
				if (is.na(j))
					stop("network names not consistent")
				depvar <- data[[group]]$depvars[[j]]
				atts <- attributes(depvar)
				for (i in 1:(atts$netdims[3] - 1))
					mytab <- table(depvar[, 1, i + 1] - depvar[, 1, i])
					numvals <- as.numeric(names(mytab))
					ups <- mytab[numvals > 0]
					downs <- mytab[numvals < 0]
					constants <- mytab[numvals == 0]
					averageup <- sum(ups * numvals[numvals > 0]) / length(ups)
					averagedown <- sum(downs * numvals[numvals < 0]) /
					averagechange <- sum(numvals) / length(numvals != 0) 
					Report(c(format(i + periodFromStart, width=3),
						"  =>", format(i + 1 + periodFromStart, width=3),
						format(sum(downs), width=14),
						format(sum(ups), width=6),
						format(sum(constants), width=8),
						format(sum(is.na(depvar[, 1, i + 1]) |
						is.na(depvar[, 1, i])), width=10),
						format(round(averagedown,2), width=21),
						format(round(averageup,2), width=6),
						format(round(averagechange,2), width=6), "\n"),
						sep="", outf)
					Report("\n", outf)
					periodFromStart <- periodFromStart + atts$netdims[3]

		Report("\n", outf)
	##### start of printInitialDescription function
	if (getDocumentation)
	if (!inherits(data, "sienaGroup"))
		nData <- 1
		data <- sienaGroupCreate(list(data), singleOK=TRUE)
		nData <- length(data)
	Report("\n\n", outf)
	Heading(1, outf, "Initial data description.")
	gpatts <- attributes(data)
	types <- gpatts$types
	netnames <- gpatts$netnames
	nobs <- gpatts$observations + length(data)
	nOneMode <- sum(types == "oneMode")
	nBehav <- sum(types == "behavior")
	nContinuous <- sum(types == "continuous")
	nBipartite <- sum(types == "bipartite")
	if (nOneMode  + nBipartite > 0)
	if (nBehav > 0)
	if (nContinuous > 0)
	Report(c("Initialisation of project <<", modelName,
			">> executed succesfully.\n"), sep="", outf)

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RSiena documentation built on Sept. 24, 2020, 3 p.m.