
# Adapted from gWidgets2tcltk::tablelist.R
# https://github.com/jverzani/gWidgets2tcltk/blob/master/R/tablelist.R
# Copyright 2013 John Verzani. License: GPL >= 2.

## Events are: <<TablelistCellUpdated>> <<TablelistSelect>>

## Configure tbl
.tl_configure_columns <- function(tbl, nms) {
  .Tcl(sprintf("%s configure -columns {%s}",
               paste(sprintf("0 {%s} left", nms), collapse="\n")
  sapply(seq_along(nms), function(j) .tl_set_column_editable(tbl, j))

## Load Data
## helper to load a row
.tl_insert_row <- function(tbl, row) {
  if(length(row) == 1 && grepl(" ", row))
    row <- paste("{", row, "}", sep="")
  tcl(tbl, "insert", "end", unlist(lapply(row, as.character)))

.tl_clear_data <- function(tbl) {
  tcl(tbl, "delete", "0", "end")

.tl_load_data <- function(tbl, items) {
  ## need to clear old first!
  sapply(seq_len(nrow(items)), function(i)
         .tl_insert_row(tbl, items[i,,drop=TRUE]))

## return tcl cell index
.tl_get_cellindex <- function(tbl, i, j) {
  tcl(tbl, "cellindex", sprintf("%s, %s", i-1, j-1))

## Get Data
## get cell infor -- raw = text
.tl_get_cell_raw <- function(tbl, i, j) {
  raw <- tcl(tbl, "cellcget", .tl_get_cellindex(tbl, i, j), "-text")

## returns text value for column -- must coerce to ...
.tl_get_column_raw1 <- function(tbl, j) {
  m <- .tl_no_rows(tbl)
  sapply(seq_len(m), function(i) .tl_get_cell_raw(tbl, i, j))

.tl_get_column_raw <- function(tbl, j) {
  tcl(tbl, "getcolumns", j-1)

## return character matrix
.tl_get_raw <- function(tbl) {
  do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_len(.tl_no_cols(tbl)), function(j) .tl_get_column_raw(tbl, j)))

## coerce
.coerce_raw <- function(x, values) UseMethod(".coerce_raw")
.coerce_raw.default <- function(x, values) as.character(values)
.coerce_raw.integer <- function(x, values) as.integer(values)
.coerce_raw.numeric <- function(x, values) as.numeric(values)
.coerce_raw.logical <- function(x, values) as.logical(values)
.coerce_raw.factor <- function(x, values) factor(as.character(values))

## names
.tl_set_column_name <- function(tbl, j, nm) {
  tcl(tbl, "columnconfigure", j-1, title=nm)

..tl_set_column_names <- function(tbl, nms) {
  for(j in seq_along(nms)) .tl_set_column_name(tbl, j, nms[j])

.tl_get_column_name <- function(tbl, j) {
  tail(as.character(tcl(tbl, "columnconfigure", j-1, title=NULL)), n=1)

..tl_get_column_names <- function(tbl) {
  sapply(seq_len(.tl_no_cols(tbl)), function(j) .tl_get_column_name(tbl, j))

## remove column
.tl_remove_column <- function(tbl, j) {
  tcl(tbl, "deletecolumns", j-1, j-1)

## sort by column
.tl_sort_bycolumn <- function(tbl, j, decreasing=FALSE) {
  dir <- if(decreasing) "decreasing" else "increasing"
  tcl(tbl, "sortbycolumn", j-1, sprintf("-%s", dir))

## size
.tl_no_rows <- function(tbl) as.numeric(tcl(tbl, "childcount", "root"))
.tl_no_cols <- function(tbl) as.numeric(tcl(tbl, "columncount"))

.tl_set_focus_on_cell <- function(tbl, i, j) {
  tcl(tbl, "see", sprintf("%s, %s", i-1, j-1))

## show/hide column
.tl_hide_row <- function(tbl, i, hide=TRUE) {
  hide <- if(hide) 1 else 0
  tcl(tbl, "rowconfigure", i-1, hide=hide)

.tl_hide_column <- function(tbl, j, hide=TRUE) {
  hide <- if(hide) 1 else 0
  tcl(tbl, "columnconfigure", j-1, hide=hide)

## toggle editabbility of column
.tl_set_column_editable <- function(tbl, j, editable=TRUE) {
  editable <- if(editable) "yes" else "no"
  tcl(tbl, "columnconfigure", j-1, editable=editable)
## names
.tl_set_column_name <- function(tbl, j, nm) {
  tcl(tbl, "columnconfigure", j-1, title=nm)

..tl_set_column_names <- function(tbl, nms) {
  for(j in seq_along(nms)) .tl_set_column_name(tbl, j, nms[j])

.tl_get_column_name <- function(tbl, j) {
  tail(as.character(tcl(tbl, "columnconfigure", j-1, title=NULL)), n=1)

..tl_get_column_names <- function(tbl) {
  sapply(seq_len(.tl_no_cols(tbl)), function(j) .tl_get_column_name(tbl, j))

## remove column
.tl_remove_column <- function(tbl, j) {
  tcl(tbl, "deletecolumns", j-1, j-1)

## sort by column
.tl_sort_bycolumn <- function(tbl, j, decreasing=FALSE) {
  dir <- if(decreasing) "decreasing" else "increasing"
  tcl(tbl, "sortbycolumn", j-1, sprintf("-%s", dir))

## size
.tl_no_rows <- function(tbl) as.numeric(tcl(tbl, "childcount", "root"))
.tl_no_cols <- function(tbl) as.numeric(tcl(tbl, "columncount"))

.tl_set_focus_on_cell <- function(tbl, i, j) {
  tcl(tbl, "see", sprintf("%s, %s", i-1, j-1))

## show/hide column
.tl_hide_row <- function(tbl, i, hide=TRUE) {
  hide <- if(hide) 1 else 0
  tcl(tbl, "rowconfigure", i-1, hide=hide)

.tl_hide_column <- function(tbl, j, hide=TRUE) {
  hide <- if(hide) 1 else 0
  tcl(tbl, "columnconfigure", j-1, hide=hide)

## toggle editabbility of column
.tl_set_column_editable <- function(tbl, j, editable=TRUE) {
  editable <- if(editable) "yes" else "no"
  tcl(tbl, "columnconfigure", j-1, editable=editable)

# Adapted from gdf.R
.tl_new <- function(parent) {
    if(!inherits(tclRequire("tablelist", warn = FALSE), "tclObj"))
        stop(.gettext("Tk widget 'tablelist' could not be loaded"))

    block <- ttkframe(parent)
#block <- parent
    xscr <- ttkscrollbar(block, orient="horizontal",
                         command=function(...) tkxview(widget,...))
    yscr <- ttkscrollbar(block, orient="vertical",
                         command=function(...) tkyview(widget,...))

    widget <- tkwidget(block, "tablelist::tablelist",
                       xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(xscr,...),
                       yscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(yscr,...))

    tcl(widget, "configure", selecttype="cell")

    tkgrid(widget, row=0, column=0, sticky="news")
    tkgrid(yscr, row=0, column=1, sticky="ns")
    tkgrid(xscr, row=1, column=0, sticky="ew")
    tkgrid.columnconfigure(block, 0, weight=1)
    tkgrid.rowconfigure(block, 0, weight=1)

    tcl("autoscroll::autoscroll", xscr)
    tcl("autoscroll::autoscroll", yscr)

    tkgrid(block, sticky="news")
    tkgrid.columnconfigure(top, 0, weight=1)
    tkgrid.rowconfigure(top, 0, weight=1)

    tkgrid.propagate(block, FALSE)


.tl_set_items <- function(widget, value, i,j,...) {
    if(!missing(i) || !missing(j)) {
      tmp <- .get_items(widget)
      tmp[i,j] <- value
      value <- tmp
    .tl_load_data(widget, value)

.tl_save_data <- function(widget, nm, where) {
    assign(make.names(nm), .get_items(widget), where)

.get_dim <- function(widget) c(.tl_no_rows(widget), .tl_no_cols(widget))

.get_items <- function(widget, i, j, ...) {
    opar <- options("warn"); on.exit(options(opar))
    options(list(warn=-1)) # quiet for .coerce_raw
    d <- .get_dim(widget)
    l <- lapply(seq_len(d[2]), function(j) {
      .coerce_raw(head[[j]], .tl_get_column_raw(widget, j))

    m <- structure(l,

    m[i,j, ...]

##' Class to provide means to edit data frames
##' The \code{GDf} class provides a means to edit a data frame. We
##' use the add on TK code provided by tablelist as the underlying
##' widget
##' Simply click on a row and the editor pops up as a modal
##' dialog. The shortcut Shift+Enter will go onto the next case,
##' saving changes provided the auto save featuer is employed.
##' There is no undo/redo support here. There is no support for
##' editing rownames (just lazy at the moment, holler if you would
##' like that). No support to change the dimensions of the data frame
##' or edit factors, ...
##' @rdname gWidgets2tcltk-package
.GDf <- setRefClass("GDf",
                      initialize=function(parent, items, ...) {
                        if(!inherits(tclRequire("tablelist", warn = FALSE), "tclObj"))
                            stop(.gettext("Tk widget 'tablelist' could not be loaded"))

                        if(!inherits(tclRequire("autoscroll", warn = FALSE), "tclObj"))
                            stop(.gettext("Tk widget 'autoscroll' could not be loaded"))

                        ## what is
                        items <- as.data.frame(items)
                        .tl_configure_columns(widget, names(items))

                        ## populate
                        head <<- head(items, n=1) # store types

                        ## change handler is row updated
# handler_id <<- add_handler_changed(handler, action)
                      init_widget=function(parent) {
                        block <<- ttkframe(parent)
                        xscr <- ttkscrollbar(block, orient="horizontal",
                                             command=function(...) tkxview(widget,...))
                        yscr <- ttkscrollbar(block, orient="vertical",
                                             command=function(...) tkyview(widget,...))

                        widget <<- tkwidget(block, "tablelist::tablelist",
                                            xscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(xscr,...),
                                            yscrollcommand=function(...) tkset(yscr,...))

                        tcl(widget, "configure", selecttype="cell")

                        tkgrid(widget, row=0, column=0, sticky="news")
                        tkgrid(yscr, row=0, column=1, sticky="ns")
                        tkgrid(xscr, row=1, column=0, sticky="ew")
                        tkgrid.columnconfigure(block, 0, weight=1)
                        tkgrid.rowconfigure(block, 0, weight=1)
                        tcl("autoscroll::autoscroll", xscr)
                        tcl("autoscroll::autoscroll", yscr)

                        tkgrid.propagate(block, FALSE)
                      set_items=function(value, i,j,...) {
                        if(!missing(i) || !missing(j)) {
                          tmp <- .get_items()
                          tmp[i,j] <- value
                          value <- tmp
                        .tl_load_data(widget, value)
                      save_data=function(nm, where) {
                        "Save data set"
                        tcl(widget, "finishediting")
                        assign(make.names(nm), .get_items(), where)
                      .get_items=function(i, j, ...) {
                        opar <- options("warn"); on.exit(options(opar))
                        options(list(warn=-1)) # quiet for .coerce_raw
                        d <- .get_dim()
                        l <- lapply(seq_len(d[2]), function(j) {
                          .coerce_raw(head[[j]], .tl_get_column_raw(widget, j))

                        m <- structure(l,

                        m[i,j, ...]
                      get_names=function() ..tl_get_column_names(widget),
                      set_names=function(values, ...) ..tl_set_column_names(widget,values),
                      .get_dim=function() c(.tl_no_rows(widget), .tl_no_cols(widget)),
                      get_length=function() .get_dim()[2],
                      ## some extras
                      hide_row=function(i, hide=TRUE) .tl_hide_row(widget, i, hide),
                      hide_column=function(j, hide=TRUE) .tl_hide_column(widget, j, hide),
                      set_editable=function(j, value=TRUE) .tl_set_column_editable(widget, j, value),
                      focus_cell=function(i,j) tl_set_focus_on_cel(widget, i, j),
                      sort_bycolumn=function(j, decreasing=FALSE) {
                        .tl_sort_bycolumn(widget, j, decreasing)

editDictionary <- function(df) {
    top <- tktoplevel()
    tkwm.geometry(top, tkwm.geometry(CommanderWindow()))

    df <- cbind(rownames(df), df)
    names(df)[[1]] <- .gettext("Original.Word")

    tl <- .GDf(top, df)
    tkgrid(tl$block, sticky="news")
    tkgrid.columnconfigure(top, 0, weight=1)
    tkgrid.rowconfigure(top, 0, weight=1)
    tl$set_editable(1, FALSE)
    tl$set_editable(2, FALSE)
    tl$set_editable(4, FALSE)

    .env <- environment()

    onImport <- function() {
        file <- tclvalue(tkgetOpenFile(filetypes=sprintf('{"%s" {".csv" ".CSV"}}',
                                                         .gettext("Comma-separated values (CSV) file")),

        if (file == "") {

        # Try to guess the separator from the most common character of ; and ,
        # This should work in all cases where text is not too long
        excerpt <- readLines(file, 50)
        n1 <- sum(sapply(gregexpr(",", excerpt), length))
        n2 <- sum(sapply(gregexpr(";", excerpt), length))

        if(n1 > n2)
            df2 <- read.csv(file)
            df2 <- read.csv2(file)

        if(!.gettext("Original.Word") %in% names(df2) ||
           !.gettext("Stemmed.Term") %in% names(df2)) {
            .Message(sprintf(.gettext("Data set must contain columns named \"%s\" and \"%s\"."),
                            .gettext("Original.Word"), .gettext("Stemmed.Term")),
                     type="error", parent=top)


        # make.names() is needed because "Stopwords" must be translated both with an without space in French
        df2 <- merge(df[make.names(c(.gettext("Original.Word"), .gettext("Occurrences"), .gettext("Stopword")))],
                     df2[!names(df2) %in% make.names(c(.gettext("Occurrences"), .gettext("Stopword")))],
                     all.x=TRUE, all.y=FALSE)

        df2[[.gettext("Stemmed.Term")]] <- as.character(df2[[.gettext("Stemmed.Term")]])
        df2[is.na(df2[[.gettext("Stemmed.Term")]]), .gettext("Stemmed.Term")] <- ""

        rownames(df2) <- df2[[.gettext("Original.Word")]]
        df2 <- df2[!names(df2) %in% .gettext("Original.Word")]
        df2 <- df2[unique(c(make.names(c(.gettext("Occurrences"), .gettext("Stemmed.Term"), .gettext("Stopword"))), names(df2)))]

        df <<- editDictionary(df2)

    onExport <- function() {
        tl$save_data("df", .env)
        rownames(.env$df) <- .env$df[[1]]
        .env$df <- .env$df[-1]

        file <- tclvalue(tkgetSaveFile(filetypes=sprintf('{"%s" {".csv" ".CSV"}}',
                                                         .gettext("Comma-separated values (CSV) file")),

        if (file == "") {

        .env$df <- cbind(rownames(.env$df), .env$df)
        names(.env$df)[[1]] <- .gettext("Original.Word")

        write.csv(.env$df, file=file)
        .Message(.gettext(sprintf("Stemming dictionary saved to \"%s\".", file)))

    onOK <- function() {
        tl$save_data("df", .env)
        rownames(.env$df) <- .env$df[[1]]
        .env$df <- .env$df[-1]


    buttonsFrame <- tkframe(top)
    leftButtonsBox <- tkframe(buttonsFrame)
    rightButtonsBox <- tkframe(buttonsFrame)

    importButton <- buttonRcmdr(leftButtonsBox, text=.gettext("Import stemming dictionary"), command=onImport)
    exportButton <- buttonRcmdr(leftButtonsBox, text=.gettext("Export stemming dictionary"), command=onExport)
    OKbutton <- buttonRcmdr(rightButtonsBox, text=gettextRcmdr("OK"), width=12, command=onOK, default="active",
                            image="::image::okIcon", compound="left")
    tkgrid(importButton, exportButton, sticky="ew", padx=6)
    tkgrid(OKbutton, sticky="e", padx=6)
    tkgrid.configure(leftButtonsBox, rightButtonsBox, pady=6, sticky="ew")
    tkgrid.configure(buttonsFrame, sticky="ew")
    tkgrid.columnconfigure(buttonsFrame, 0, weight=1)
    tkgrid.columnconfigure(buttonsFrame, 1, weight=1)
    tkgrid.configure(leftButtonsBox, sticky="w")
    tkgrid.configure(rightButtonsBox, sticky="e")



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RcmdrPlugin.temis documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:21 p.m.