# Author for TraMineR 2: Pierre-Alexandre Fonta (2016-2017)
## Fixes by Gilbert Ritschard (2017-2020)
seqdist <- function(seqdata, method, refseq = NULL, norm = "none", indel = "auto",
sm = NULL, with.missing = FALSE, full.matrix = TRUE,
kweights = rep(1.0, ncol(seqdata)), tpow = 1.0, expcost = 0.5, context,
link = "mean", h = 0.5, nu, transindel = "constant", otto,
previous = FALSE, add.column = TRUE, breaks = NULL, step = 1, overlap = FALSE,
weighted = TRUE, global.pdotj=NULL, prox = NULL, check.max.size=TRUE,
opt.args = list()) {
ptime.begin <- proc.time()
tol <- .Machine$double.eps^0.5 # Precision
#### Check arguments with deprecated values ####
# method
# TODO Deprecated: remove in future versions.
deprecated.methods <- c("OMopt", "LCSopt")
if (method %in% deprecated.methods) {
msg.warn(method, "is deprecated")
if (method == "OMopt") {
method <- "OM"
msg("'method' is set to \"OM\" which is equivalent")
} else if (method == "LCSopt") {
method <- "LCS"
msg("'method' is set to \"LCS\" which is equivalent")
# norm
if (is.logical(norm)) {
norm <- if (isTRUE(norm)) "auto" else "none"
msg.warn("'norm' has a deprecated value, TRUE changed into \"auto\", FALSE into \"none\"")
#### Check for arguments that need to be defined ####
# method
if (missing(method))
#### Check argument types ####
# seqdata
if (!inherits(seqdata, "stslist"))
msg.stop("'seqdata' must be a state sequence object created with seqdef()")
nseqs <- nrow(seqdata)
alphabet <- alphabet(seqdata)
nstates <- length(alphabet)
seqs.dlens <- unique(seqlength(seqdata)) ## should we account for with.missing value (FALSE by default)? <- attr(seqdata, "nr")
# method
# Add here new method names
om.methods <- c("OM", "OMloc", "OMslen", "OMspell", "OMstran")
methods <- c(om.methods, "HAM", "DHD", "CHI2", "EUCLID", "LCS", "LCP",
"RLCP", "NMS", "NMSMST", "SVRspell", "TWED")
if (! method %in% methods)"method", methods)
# refseq
# refseq.type: "none", "sequence", "most frequent", "index", "sets"
if (!is.null(refseq)) {
## if list of two sets of indexes, we will compute pairwise distances between the two sets
if (inherits(refseq, "list") & length(refseq) > 1) {
#if (method %in% c("OMstran"))
# msg.stop("refseq as a list not supported for 'OMstran'")
if (length(refseq) > 2)
msg.warn("Only first two elements of the 'refseq' list are used!")
for (i in 1:2) {
if (!is.positive.integers(refseq[[i]]))
msg.stop("When a list, 'refseq' must contain two sets of indexes, ie of positive integer values.")
if (max(refseq[[i]]) > nseqs)
msg.stop("Some indexes in 'refseq' out of range.")
refseq.type <- "sets"
} else if (inherits(refseq, "stslist")) {
if (nrow(refseq) != 1)
msg.stop("'refseq' must contain a (single) sequence")
if (!identical(alphabet(refseq), alphabet))
msg.stop("'refseq' and 'seqdata' must have the same alphabet") <- attr(refseq, "nr")
if (!identical(,
msg.stop("'refseq' and 'seqdata' must have same 'nr' attribute for missing values")
refseq.type <- "sequence"
} else if (is.a.positive.integer(refseq)) {
if (refseq > nseqs)
msg.stop("'refseq' must be less than the number of sequences in 'seqdata'")
refseq.type <- if (refseq == 0) "most frequent" else "index"
} else {"refseq")
} else {
refseq.type <- "none"
# checking for empty sequences
sdur <- seqdur(seqdata, with.missing=with.missing)
emptyseq <- which([,1]))
if (length(emptyseq) > 0){
if (method == "OMloc")
msg.stop.sempty("OMloc", emptyseq)
# with.missing
has.seqdata.missings <- any(seqdata ==
has.refseq.missings <- if (refseq.type == "sequence" && any(refseq == TRUE else FALSE
if (isTRUE(with.missing) && !has.seqdata.missings && !has.refseq.missings) {
with.missing <- FALSE
msg.warn("seqdist: 'with.missing' set as FALSE as 'seqdata' has no non-void missing values")
if (!isTRUE(with.missing) && (has.seqdata.missings || has.refseq.missings))
msg.stop("'with.missing' must be TRUE when 'seqdata' or 'refseq' contain missing values")
if (isTRUE(with.missing)) {
nstates <- nstates + 1
msg("including missing values as an additional state")
msg(nseqs, "sequences with", nstates, "distinct states")
# norm
# "auto" must be the first element
# Add here new normalization method names
norms <- c("auto", "none", "maxlength", "gmean", "maxdist", "YujianBo")
if (! norm %in% norms)"norm", norms)
# indel
# indel.type: "number", "vector", "auto"
# Must be after including missing values as an additional state (nstates)
if (is.a.number(indel)) {
indel.type <- "number"
} else if (is.vector(indel, mode = "numeric")) {
if (length(indel) != nstates)
msg.stop("when a vector, 'indel' must contain a cost for each state")
indel.type <- "vector"
} else if (length(indel)==1 && indel=="auto"){
indel.type <- "auto"
} else {"indel")
# sm
# Must be after sanity checks on 'indel'
# Add here new seqcost() method names
sm.methods <- c("TRATE", "CONSTANT", "INDELS", "INDELSLOG")
# sm.type: "none", "matrix", "array", "method"
if (!is.null(sm)) {
if (is.matrix(sm)) {
sm.type <- "matrix"
} else if (is.array(sm)) {
sm.type <- "array"
} else if (is.character(sm)) {
if (! sm %in% sm.methods)"sm", sm.methods)
sm.type <- "method"
} else {"sm")
} else {
sm.type <- "none"
# prox
# prox.type: "none", "matrix"
if (!is.null(prox)) {
if (is.matrix(prox)) {
prox.type <- "matrix"
} else {"prox")
} else {
prox.type <- "none"
# link
# Add here new link method names
links <- c("none", "mean", "gmean")
if (! link %in% links)"link", links)
# step
if (!is.a.positive.integer(step))
msg.stop("'step' must be a positive integer")
#### Check arguments not yet implemented ####
# method
#if (sm.type == "method" && sm %in% c("INDELS", "INDELSLOG") && method == "DHD")
## msg.stop.impl("sm", method, values = c("INDELS", "INDELSLOG")) # See seqcost()
# refseq
#if (refseq.type != "none" && method %in% c("OMstran", "CHI2", "EUCLID"))
#if (refseq.type != "none" && method %in% c("CHI2", "EUCLID"))
# msg.stop.impl("refseq", method)
#if (refseq.type == "sequence" && ! method %in% c("OM", "OMstran", "HAM", "DHD", "LCS", "LCP", "RLCP", "CHI2", "EUCLID"))
# msg.stop.impl("refseq", method, when = "it is an external sequence object")
# norm: all but SVRspell, NMS, NMSMST
if (norm != "none" && ! method %in% c("OM", "OMloc", "OMstran", "OMspell", "OMslen", "TWED", "HAM", "DHD", "CHI2", "EUCLID", "LCS", "LCP", "RLCP"))
##if (norm != "none" && ! method %in% c("OM", "HAM", "DHD", "LCS", "LCP", "RLCP"))
msg.stop.impl("norm", method)
#### Check method specific arguments ####
# OMloc, OMspell
if (method %in% c("OMloc", "OMspell") && expcost < 0)
msg.stop("'expcost' must be positive")
# OMloc
if (method == "OMloc") {
if (missing(context)) {
context <- 1 - 2 * expcost # Does not work in the function declaration
msg("context set to 1 - 2 * expcost =", context)
if (context < 0)
msg.stop("'context' must be positive ('expcost' must be in [0, 0.5])")
msg("2 * expcost + context =", 2 * expcost + context)
# OMslen
else if (method == "OMslen") {
##if (isTRUE(with.missing)) ## GR Feb 2020 Now works with missings
## msg.stop("'with.missing' is not supported for OMslen")
if (link == "none")
if (! link %in% c("mean", "gmean"))"link")
# According to Marteau, we should have h >= 0
if (!is.a.number(h) || h < 0)
msg.stop("'h' must be a number greater than or equal to 0")
# OMstran
else if (method == "OMstran") {
##if (isTRUE(with.missing))
## msg.stop("'with.missing' is not supported for OMstran")
if (missing(otto))
else if (!is.a.number(otto) || otto < 0 || otto > 1)
msg.stop("'otto' must be a number in ]0, 1]")
# TODO Implement in future versions
##if (length(seqs.dlens) > 1)
## msg.stop(method, "currently works only with sequences of equal length")
else if (method == "DHD") {
if (sm.type == "method" && sm == "CONSTANT")
msg.stop("'sm = \"CONSTANT\"' is not relevant for DHD, consider HAM instead")
else if (method %in% c("CHI2", "EUCLID")) {
if (!is.null(breaks)) {
msg.warn.ign2("step", "breaks")
msg.warn.ign2("overlap", "breaks")
} else if (isTRUE(overlap) && step %% 2 != 0) {
msg.stop("'step' must be even when 'overlap = TRUE'")
# NMS + NMSMST + SVRspell
else if (method %in% c("NMS", "NMSMST", "SVRspell")) {
if (!is.vector(kweights, mode = "numeric") || any(kweights < 0))
msg.stop("'kweights' must be a vector of positive numbers")
if (length(kweights) == 1){
kweights <- rep(kweights, ncol(seqdata))
msg.warn("scalar kweights transformed into vector rep(kweights, ncol(seqdata))")
if (length(kweights) < ncol(seqdata))
msg.warn("length(kweights) < ncol(seqdata), longer subsequences will be ignored!")
else if (method == "TWED") {
if (missing(nu))
# According to Marteau, we should have h >= 0 and nu > 0
if (!is.a.number(h) || h < 0)
msg.stop("'h' must be a number greater than or equal to 0")
if (!is.a.number(nu) || nu <= 0)
msg.stop("'nu' must be a number strictly greater than 0")
if (method %in% c("HAM", "DHD")) {
if (length(seqs.dlens) > 1)
msg.stop(method, "is not defined for sequences of different length")
# NMS, SVRspell
if (method %in% c("NMS", "SVRspell") && sm.type != "none")
msg.stop("use 'prox' instead of 'sm'")
##if (! method %in% c("OM", "OMstran") && indel.type == "vector")
##if (method %in% c("OMslen","OMspell", "TWED") && indel.type == "vector"){
if (method == "TWED" && indel.type == "vector"){
msg.warn("indel vector not supported by the chosen method, max(indel) used instead!")
indel <- max(indel)
indel.type <- "number"
#### Configure norm ####
# OMslen
#if (method == "OMslen" && ! norm %in% c("none", "auto", "maxdist", "YujianBo"))
# msg.stop("For",method,"norm can only be one of 'none', 'auto', 'maxdist', or 'YujianBo'")
if (method %in% c("EUCLID","CHI2") && ! norm %in% c("auto", "none"))
msg.stop("For",method,"norm can only be one of 'none' or 'auto'")
if (norm == "auto") {
if (method %in% c("OM", "HAM", "DHD"))
norm <- "maxlength"
else if (method %in% c("LCS", "LCP", "RLCP"))
norm <- "gmean"
else if (method %in% c("OMloc", "OMstran", "OMspell", "OMslen", "TWED"))
norm <- "YujianBo"
else if (! method %in% c("CHI2", "EUCLID"))"no known normalization method to select automatically for", method)
# Must be after checking the valid values of norm for CHI2 and EUCLID
if (method %in% c("CHI2", "EUCLID"))
norm.chi2euclid <- switch(norm, auto = TRUE, none = FALSE)
#### Configure prox ####
# NMS, SVRspell
if (method %in% c("NMS", "SVRspell")) {
if (prox.type == "matrix") {
if (nrow(prox) != nstates || ncol(prox) != nstates)
msg.stop("'prox' must be of size", nstates, "x", nstates)
eg <- eigen(prox)
if (any(eg$values < -tol))
msg.warn("'prox' is not positive semi-definite. Eigen values: ",
paste(round(eg$values, 3), collapse = " "))
} else if (prox.type == "none") {
if (method == "SVRspell") {
# Autogenerate prox (neutral)
msg("creating a neutral 'prox' (identity matrix)")
prox.type <- "matrix"
prox <- diag(nstates)
} else {
#### Configure sm and indel ####
if (indel.type =="auto" && sm.type == "matrix"){
if (method == "TWED")
indel <- 2*max(sm) + nu + h
indel <- max(sm)/2
indel.type <- "number"
if (method == "LCS") {
# Autogenerate sm
msg("creating a 'sm' with a substitution cost of 2")
sm.type <- "matrix"
sm <- seqsubm(seqdata, "CONSTANT", with.missing=with.missing, cval = 2, miss.cost = 2)
# OM, OMloc, OMslen, OMspell, OMstran, HAM, DHD, TWED
else if (method %in% c(om.methods, "HAM", "DHD", "TWED")) {
# matrix
if (sm.type == "matrix") {
if (method %in% c(om.methods, "TWED"))
checkcost(sm, seqdata, with.missing, indel)
else if (method == "HAM")
checkcost(sm, seqdata, with.missing)
# array
else if (sm.type == "array") {
if (method == "DHD")
checkcost(sm, seqdata, with.missing)
# method
else if (sm.type == "method") {
tv <- FALSE
cost <- NULL
if (sm %in% c("INDELS", "INDELSLOG")) {
# cost <- NULL
if(method == "DHD") tv <- TRUE
} else if (sm == "TRATE") {
if (method == "OM") {
cost <- 2
#tv <- FALSE
} else if (method == "HAM") {
cost <- 2
#tv <- FALSE
} else if (method == "DHD") {
cost <- 4
tv <- TRUE
#sm.type <- "array" # Not used. Should be here if it changes.
} # else {
} else if (sm == "CONSTANT") { ## method cannot be DHD, message issued above
if (method == "HAM") {
cost <- 1
#tv <- FALSE
} else {
cost <- 2
#tv <- FALSE
} #else {
} #else {"sm")
msg("Computing sm with seqcost using ",sm)
sm <- seqcost(seqdata, sm, with.missing = with.missing, cval = cost, miss.cost = cost, time.varying = tv, weighted = weighted)
if (indel.type=="auto"){
indel <- sm$indel
indel.type <- ifelse (length(indel) > 1, "vector", "number")
#if (method %in% c("OMslen", "OMspell", "TWED") && indel.type == "vector")
if (method == "TWED" ){
indel <- 2*max(sm$sm) + nu + h
indel.type <- "number"
msg("generated an indel of type ",indel.type)
sm <- sm$sm
# none
else {
if (method == "HAM") {
# Autogenerate sm
msg("creating a 'sm' with a single substitution cost of 1")
sm <- seqsubm(seqdata, "CONSTANT", with.missing=with.missing, cval = 1, miss.cost = 1)
} else if (method == "DHD") {
# Autogenerate sm
msg("creating a 'sm' with the costs derived from the transition rates")
#sm.type <- "array" # Not used. Should be here if it changes.
sm <- seqsubm(seqdata, "TRATE", with.missing=with.missing, cval = 4, miss.cost = 4, time.varying = TRUE, weighted = weighted)
} else {
} # CHI2, EUCLID, LCP, RLCP, NMS, NMSMST, SVRspell do not use sm
else if (! method %in% c("CHI2", "EUCLID", "LCP", "RLCP", "NMS", "NMSMST", "SVRspell")) {"no known 'sm' preparation for", method)
#### Pre-process data (part 1/2) ####
# TODO Temporary fix because stringdist C++ code uses a sequence index, not a sequence object!
if (refseq.type == "sequence") {
seqs.lens.max <- max(seqs.dlens)
refseq.len <- seqlength(refseq)[1, 1]
##refseq.mat <- as.matrix(refseq)
if (refseq.len > seqs.lens.max)
msg.stop("'refseq' cannot be longer than the longest 'seqdata' sequence!")
# if (refseq.len < seqs.lens.max) {
# void <- attr(seqdata, "void")
#refseq.mat.ext <- matrix(void, nrow = 1, ncol = seqs.lens.max)
#for (i in 1:refseq.len)
# refseq.mat.ext[i] <- refseq.mat[i]
#refseq.mat <- refseq.mat.ext
# Tell seqdef() that the code is the one for missing values
##seqdata <- suppressMessages(seqdef(rbind(as.matrix(seqdata), refseq.mat),
## alphabet=alphabet(seqdata),
## missing =
## We use the rbind method available since v2.0-16
## and set a zero weight for refseq
if (is.null(attr(seqdata,"weights")) || !weighted) {
attr(seqdata,"weights") <- rep(1,nrow(seqdata))
weighted <- TRUE
attr(refseq,"weights") <- 0
rownames.ori <- rownames(seqdata)
seqdata <- rbind(seqdata,refseq)
refname <- if ("ref" %in% rownames.ori) rownames(seqdata)[nrow(seqdata)] else "ref"
rownames(seqdata) <- c(rownames.ori,refname)
# Transform the alphabet into numbers
seqdata.num <- seqnum(seqdata, with.missing)
# Keep only distinct sequences
if (refseq.type == "sets") {
dseqs.num1 <- unique(seqdata.num[refseq[[1]],])
nunique1 <- nrow(dseqs.num1)
dseqs.num2 <- unique(seqdata.num[refseq[[2]],])
nunique2 <- nrow(dseqs.num2)
dseqs.num <- rbind(dseqs.num1,dseqs.num2)
} else {
dseqs.num <- unique(seqdata.num)
# Check that dseqs.num does not exceed the max allowed number
if (check.max.size){
max.allowed.seq <- ifelse(refseq.type == "none",
.Machine$integer.max - 1)
if (refseq.type == "sets") {
if((sqrt(nunique1) * sqrt(nunique2)) > max.allowed.seq)
msg.stop("number of ",nunique1, " and ", nunique2, " unique sequences too large for max allowed distances ", max.allowed.seq)
} else if (nrow(dseqs.num) > max.allowed.seq) {
msg.stop(nrow(dseqs.num), " unique sequences exceeds max allowed of ", max.allowed.seq)
#### Handle reference sequence ####
# Find the index of the corresponding representative (distinct) sequence
# Note: Must be before dseqs.num modification for OMspell, NMSMST, SVRspell
if (refseq.type == "sets") {
seqdata.didxs1 <- match(seqconc(seqdata.num[refseq[[1]],]), seqconc(dseqs.num1))
seqdata.didxs2 <- match(seqconc(seqdata.num[refseq[[2]],]), seqconc(dseqs.num2))
} else {
seqdata.didxs <- match(seqconc(seqdata.num), seqconc(dseqs.num))
if (refseq.type != "none") {
# sets
if (refseq.type == "sets") {
refseq.raw <- refseq
if (method %in% c("OMstran","CHI2", "EUCLID")) <- refseq ## list of the two sets
else <- c(nunique1, nunique1 + nunique2) ## vector of sets sizes
# sequence
else if (refseq.type == "sequence") {
# TODO Temporary fix because stringdist C++ code uses a sequence index, not a sequence object!
refseq.raw <- refseq
if (method %in% c("OMstran","CHI2", "EUCLID")) <- nseqs + 1
else <- seqdata.didxs[nseqs + 1]
# most frequent
else if (refseq.type == "most frequent") {
mfseq.freq <- seqtab(seqdata.num, idxs = 1)
mfseq.idxs <- suppressMessages(seqfind(mfseq.freq, seqdata.num))
msg("the most frequent sequence appears", length(mfseq.idxs), "time(s)")
mfseq.idx <- mfseq.idxs[1]
refseq.raw <- seqdata[mfseq.idx, ]
if (method %in% c("OMstran","CHI2", "EUCLID")) <- mfseq.idx
else <- seqdata.didxs[mfseq.idx]
# index
else if (refseq.type == "index") {
refseq.raw <- seqdata[refseq, ] <- seqdata.didxs[refseq]
else {"no known preparation for this 'refseq' type")
if (refseq.type == "sets") {
msg("pairwise measures between two subsets of sequences of sizes ",length(refseq[[1]])," and ",length(refseq[[2]]))
} else {
refseq.sps <- suppressMessages(seqformat(refseq.raw, from = "STS", to = "SPS", compress = TRUE))
msg("using reference sequence", refseq.sps)
#### Compute method specific values ####
if (method %in% c("OMslen","OMspell") && indel.type == "number"){
indel <- rep(indel, nstates)
indel.type <- "vector"
# OMslen
if (method == "OMslen") {
dseqs.dur <- seqdur(dseqs.num, with.missing=with.missing)
dur.mat <- matrix(0, nrow = nrow(dseqs.num), ncol = ncol(dseqs.num))
for (i in 1:nrow(dseqs.num)) {
y <- dseqs.dur[i, ![i, ])]
if(length(y) > 0) dur.mat[i, 1:sum(y)] <- rep(y, times = y)
dur.mat <- dur.mat ^ (-1 * h)
# OMspell, NMSMST (part 1/2), SVRspell (part 1/2)
# Redefined dseqs.num
else if (method %in% c("OMspell", "NMSMST", "SVRspell")) {
dseqs.dur <- seqdur(seqdata, with.missing) ^ tpow # Do not use dseqs.num
dseqs.oidxs <- match(seqconc(dseqs.num), seqconc(seqdata.num))
c <- if (method == "OMspell") 1 else 0
dseqs.dur <- dseqs.dur[dseqs.oidxs,,drop=FALSE] - c
seqdata.dss <- seqdss(seqdata, with.missing)
dseqs.num <- seqnum(seqdata.dss[dseqs.oidxs,,drop=FALSE], with.missing)
if (method == "OMspell") {
seqlength <- seqlength(seqdata, with.missing)
seqlength <- seqlength[dseqs.oidxs]
else if (method %in% c("HAM", "DHD")) {
if (method == "HAM")
#sm.type <- "array" # Not used. Should be here if it changes.
sm <- adaptSmForHAM(sm, nstates, ncol(seqdata))
# Maximum possible cost of the Hamming distance
max.cost <- 0
for (i in 1:max(seqs.dlens)) ## actually seqs.dlens has here only one value
max.cost <- max.cost + max(sm[, , i])
# NMS, NMSMST (part 2/2), SVRspell (part 2/2)
# Modified dseqs.num for NMSMST and SVRspell
if (method %in% c("NMS", "NMSMST", "SVRspell")) {
ncols <- ncol(dseqs.num)
nmin <- min(ncols, length(kweights))
kweights2 <- double(ncols)
kweights2[1:nmin] <- kweights[1:nmin]
#### Pre-process data (part 2/2) ####
# Modified dseqs.num for OMspell, NMSMST, SVRspell
ndn <- nrow(dseqs.num)
# TODO Temporary fix because seqdist2 C++ code use a sequence index, not a sequence object!
#ndn <- if (refseq.type == "sequence") dn-1 else dn
incl.refseq <- if (refseq.type == "sequence") "(including refseq)" else ""
seq.or.spell <- if (method %in% c("OMspell", "SVRspell")) "spell sequences" else "sequences"
msg(ndn, "distinct ", seq.or.spell, incl.refseq)
# Compute the sequence lengths
# Modified dseqs.num for OMspell, NMSMST, SVRspell
dseqs.lens <- seqlength(dseqs.num) ## dseqs.lens length of dss
ds <- if (method %in% c("OMspell", "NMSMST", "SVRspell")) "spell " else ""
# TODO Temporary fix because seqdist2 C++ code use a sequence index, not a sequence object!
dl <- if (refseq.type == "sequence" & length(dseqs.lens)>1) dseqs.lens[-length(dseqs.lens)] else dseqs.lens
msg0("min/max ", ds, "sequence lengths: ", min(dl), "/", max(dl))
#### Configure params ####
if (method=="OMspell" & is.list(opt.args)){
if (!is.null(opt.args[["tokdep.coeff"]])){
tokdep.coeff <- opt.args[["tokdep.coeff"]]
if (length(tokdep.coeff) != length(indel))
msg.stop("tokdep.coeff should be a vector of same length as indel")
else method <- "OMtspell"
params <- list()
nstates <- as.integer(nstates)
# OM
if (method == "OM") {
params[["alphasize"]] <- nstates
params[["scost"]] <- sm
if (indel.type == "number") {
params[["indel"]] <- indel
} else if (indel.type == "vector") {
# Also executed when 'method = "OMstran"' (no matter the type of 'indel')
params[["indels"]] <- indel
params[["indelmethod"]] <- as.integer(0)
params[["indel"]] <- max(indel) # GR for normalization. TODO Remove from C++ code. Not used. Avoid a NPE.
} else {"no known configuration for this 'indel' type for OM")
# OMloc
else if (method == "OMloc") {
params[["alphasize"]] <- nstates
params[["indel"]] <- max(sm) * expcost + context ## for normalization, indels computed in C++
params[["indelmethod"]] <- as.integer(1)
params[["scost"]] <- sm
params[["localcost"]] <- context
params[["timecost"]] <- expcost
# OMslen
else if (method == "OMslen") {
params[["alphasize"]] <- nstates
params[["indel"]] <- max(indel)
params[["indels"]] <- indel
params[["seqdur"]] <- as.double(dur.mat)
if (link == "mean") {
params[["scost"]] <- sm / 2
params[["sublink"]] <- as.integer(1)
} else if (link == "gmean") {
params[["scost"]] <- sm
params[["sublink"]] <- as.integer(0)
} else {"no known configuration for this 'link' value for OMslen")
# OMspell
else if (method == "OMspell") {
params[["alphasize"]] <- nstates
params[["indel"]] <- max(indel)
params[["indels"]] <- indel
params[["scost"]] <- sm
params[["seqdur"]] <- as.double(dseqs.dur)
params[["timecost"]] <- expcost
params[["seqlength"]] <- as.integer(seqlength)
# OMtspell
else if (method == "OMtspell") {
params[["alphasize"]] <- nstates
params[["indel"]] <- max(indel)
params[["indels"]] <- indel
params[["scost"]] <- sm
params[["seqdur"]] <- as.double(dseqs.dur)
params[["timecost"]] <- expcost
params[["seqlength"]] <- as.integer(seqlength)
params[["tokdepcoeff"]] <- tokdep.coeff
else if (method %in% c("HAM", "DHD")) {
params[["alphasize"]] <- nstates
params[["maxdist"]] <- max.cost
params[["scost"]] <- sm
else if (method == "LCS") {
params[["alphasize"]] <- nstates
params[["indel"]] <- 1
params[["scost"]] <- sm
else if (method == "LCP") {
params[["sign"]] <- as.integer(1)
else if (method == "RLCP") {
params[["sign"]] <- as.integer(-1)
# NMS + NMSMST + SVRspell
else if (method %in% c("NMS", "NMSMST", "SVRspell")) {
params[["distMethod"]] <- as.integer(2)
params[["distTransform"]] <- as.integer(0) # TODO Remove from C++ code
params[["kweights"]] <- as.double(kweights2)
if (method != "NMS") {
params[["seqdur"]] <- as.double(dseqs.dur)
if (method != "NMSMST" && prox.type == "matrix") {
params[["alphasize"]] <- nstates
params[["softmatch"]] <- prox
else if (method == "TWED") {
params[["alphasize"]] <- nstates
params[["indel"]] <- max(indel)
params[["lambda"]] <- h
params[["nu"]] <- nu
params[["scost"]] <- sm
#### Configure method.num ####
# TODO Assign a number after integration with C++ code for OMstran, CHI2, EUCLID
method.num <-
OM = if (indel.type == "vector") 7 else 1, # TODO Align C++ logic with the theory
OMloc = 7,
OMslen = 10,
OMspell = 8,
#OMstran = ,
HAM = 4,
DHD = 4,
#CHI2 = ,
LCS = 1,
LCP = 2,
RLCP = 2,
NMS = if (prox.type == "matrix") 12 else 5,
SVRspell = 13,
TWED = 14,
OMtspell = 15
# Transform the sequence object into a matrix
# Modified dseqs.num for OMspell, NMSMST, SVRspell
dseqs.mat <- seqasnum(dseqs.num, with.missing)
#### Compute distances ####
nm <- if (norm != "none") paste("", norm,"normalized") else ""
msg0("computing distances using the ", method, nm, " metric")
if (method %in% c("CHI2", "EUCLID")) {
# TODO Integrate into C++ code instead of using CHI2()
is.EUCLID <- if (method == "EUCLID") TRUE else FALSE
if (refseq.type == "none") {
distances <- CHI2(seqdata, breaks = breaks, step = step,
with.missing = with.missing, norm = norm.chi2euclid, weighted = weighted,
overlap = overlap, euclid = is.EUCLID, global.pdotj=global.pdotj)
if (full.matrix) {
result <- dist2matrix(distances)
dimnames(result) <- list(rownames(seqdata),rownames(seqdata))
} else {
result <- distances
} else { ## dist to ref
result <- CHI2(seqdata, breaks = breaks, step = step,
with.missing = with.missing, norm = norm.chi2euclid, weighted = weighted,
overlap = overlap, euclid = is.EUCLID, global.pdotj=global.pdotj,
##names(result) <- rownames(seqdata)
if (refseq.type == "sets") {
dimnames(result) <- list(rownames(seqdata)[refseq[[1]]],rownames(seqdata)[refseq[[2]]])
} else {
names(result) <- rownames(seqdata)
if (refseq.type == "sequence") result <- result[-length(result)]
# OMstran
else if (method == "OMstran") {
# TODO Integrate into C++ code instead of using OMstran()
# OMstran() calls seqdist() with 'method = "OM"'
if (length(seqstatl(seqdata))==1){ ## only identical constant sequences
## dist is 0 as with "HAM"
refseq.arg <- if (refseq.type == "none") refseq else
result <- suppressMessages(seqdist(seqdata, method="HAM", refseq = refseq.arg))
result <- result[-length(result)]
else {
# Dissimilarities with a reference sequence
if (refseq.type != "none") {
result <- OMstran(seqdata, indel = indel, sm = sm,
full.matrix = full.matrix, transindel = transindel, otto = otto,
previous = previous, add.column = add.column, with.missing=with.missing,
weighted = weighted, refseq =, norm = norm)
#names(result) <- rownames(seqdata)
# TODO Temporary fix because seqdist2 C++ code use a sequence index, not a sequence object!
if (refseq.type == "sequence")
result <- result[-length(result)]
else {
distances <- OMstran(seqdata, indel = indel, sm = sm,
full.matrix = full.matrix, transindel = transindel, otto = otto,
previous = previous, add.column = add.column, with.missing=with.missing,
weighted = weighted, refseq = refseq, norm = norm)
result <- distances
# Other methods
else {
# Preparation for C code
method.num <- as.integer(method.num)
norm.num <- as.integer(match(norm, norms[-1]) - 1) # Starts at zero
dseqs.mat.vect <- as.integer(dseqs.mat)
dseqs.mat.dim <- as.integer(dim(dseqs.mat))
dseqs.lens.vect <- as.integer(dseqs.lens)
# Dissimilarities with a reference sequence
if (refseq.type != "none") {
if (length( <- c(,
distances <- .Call(C_cstringrefseqdistance, dseqs.mat.vect, dseqs.mat.dim,
dseqs.lens.vect, params, norm.num, method.num, as.integer(
if (method %in% c("NMS", "NMSMST", "SVRspell"))
distances <- sqrt(distances)
if (refseq.type == "sets") {
distances <- matrix(distances, nrow=nunique1, ncol=nunique2, byrow=FALSE)
result <- distances[seqdata.didxs1,seqdata.didxs2,drop=FALSE]
dimnames(result) <- list(rownames(seqdata)[refseq[[1]]],rownames(seqdata)[refseq[[2]]])
} else {
result <- distances[seqdata.didxs]
# TODO Temporary fix because C++ code uses a sequence index, not a sequence object!
names(result) <- rownames(seqdata)
if (refseq.type == "sequence") result <- result[-length(result)]
# Pairwise dissimilarities between sequences
else {
magic.idxs <- as.integer(c(unique(rank(seqdata.didxs, ties.method = "min")) - 1, nseqs))
magic.seqs <- as.integer(order(seqdata.didxs))
distances <- .Call(C_cstringdistance, dseqs.mat.vect, dseqs.mat.dim,
dseqs.lens.vect, params, norm.num, magic.idxs, magic.seqs, method.num)
# TODO Integrate into C++ code
if (method %in% c("NMS", "NMSMST", "SVRspell"))
distances <- sqrt(distances)
# Attributes for the dist object
class(distances) <- "dist"
attr(distances, "Size") <- length(magic.seqs)
attr(distances, "Labels") <- dimnames(seqdata)[[1]]
attr(distances, "Diag") <- FALSE
attr(distances, "Upper") <- FALSE
attr(distances, "method") <- method
if (full.matrix) {
result <- dist2matrix(distances)
dimnames(result) <- list(rownames(seqdata),rownames(seqdata))
} else {
result <- distances
#### Display elaspsed time ####
ptime.end <- proc.time()
time.begin <- as.POSIXct(sum(ptime.begin[1:2]), origin = "1960-01-01")
time.end <- as.POSIXct(sum(ptime.end[1:2]), origin = "1960-01-01")
time.elapsed <- format(round(difftime(time.end, time.begin), 3))
msg("elapsed time:", time.elapsed)
# Adapt 'sm' for HAM (implementation requirement).
adaptSmForHAM <- function(sm, nstates, ncols) {
costs <- array(0, dim = c(nstates, nstates, ncols))
for (i in 1:ncols)
costs[, , i] <- sm
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