
Defines functions dist.ktab ldist.ktab kdist.cor

Documented in dist.ktab kdist.cor ldist.ktab

dist.ktab <-
function(x, type, option = c("scaledBYrange", "scaledBYsd", "noscale"), scann = FALSE, tol = 1e-8) {

     # Parameters are checked                               #

     if(!inherits(x, "ktab"))
         stop("x is not an object of class ktab")
     if(any(is.na(match(type, c("Q", "O", "N", "D", "F", "B", "C")))))
         stop("incorrect type: available values for type are O, Q, N, D, F, B and C")
     if(length(x$blo) != length(type))
         stop("incorrect length for type")
         stop("tol is not a numeric")

     # If scann is TRUE, the functions of distance         #

     if(scann == TRUE){
         if(any(type == "F")){
             cat("Choose your metric for fuzzy variables\n")
             cat("1 = d1 Manly\n")
             cat("d1 = Sum|p(i)-q(i)|/2\n")
             cat("2 = Overlap index Manly\n")
             cat("d2 = 1-Sum(p(i)q(i))/sqrt(Sum(p(i)^2))/sqrt(Sum(q(i)^2))\n")
             cat("3 = Rogers 1972 (one locus)\n")
             cat("d3 = sqrt(0.5*Sum(p(i)-q(i)^2))\n")
             cat("4 = Edwards 1971 (one locus)\n")
             cat("d4 = sqrt(1-(Sum(sqrt(p(i)q(i)))))\n")
             cat("Selec an integer (1-4): ")
             methodF <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
             if (methodF == 4)
                 methodF <- 5
         if(any(type == "B")){
             cat("Choose your metric for binary variables\n")
             cat("1 = JACCARD index (1901) S3 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s1 = a/(a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("2 = SOCKAL & MICHENER index (1958) S4 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE \n")
             cat("s2 = (a+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("3 = SOCKAL & SNEATH(1963) S5 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s3 = a/(a+2(b+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("4 = ROGERS & TANIMOTO (1960) S6 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s4 = (a+d)/(a+2(b+c)+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("5 = CZEKANOWSKI (1913) or SORENSEN (1948) S7 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s5 = 2*a/(2*a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("6 = S9 index of GOWER & LEGENDRE (1986)\n")
             cat("s6 = (a-(b+c)+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("7 = OCHIAI (1957) S12 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s7 = a/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("8 = SOKAL & SNEATH (1963) S13 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s8 = ad/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(d+b)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("9 = Phi of PEARSON = S14 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s9 = (ad-bc)/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(b+d)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 -
             cat("10 = S2 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s10 =  a/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s) and unit
             cat("Select an integer (1-10): ")
             methodB <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
         methodO <- 0
         if(any(type == "O")){
             cat("Choose your metric for ordinal variables\n")
             cat("1 = ranked variables treated as quantitative variables\n")
             cat("2 = Podani (1999)'s formula\n")
             cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
             methodO <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
         if(any(c(type == "Q", methodO == 1))){
             cat("Choose your metric for quantitative variables\n")
             cat("1 = Euclidean\n")
             cat("d1 = Sum((x(i)-y(i))^2)/n\n")
             cat("2 = Manhattan\n")
             cat("d2= Sum(|x(i)-y(i)|)/n\n")
             cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
             methodQ <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))

         methodQ <- 1
         methodF <- 2
         methodB <- 1
         methodO <- 1

     nlig <- nrow(x[[1]])
     ntype <- length(unique(type))
     if(any(type=="D")) napres <- TRUE
         napres <- any(is.na(unlist(x[(1:length(x$blo))])))
     d.names <- rownames(x[[1]])

     treatment <- function(i)

         # Ordinal data                                        #

         if(type[i] == "O"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             transrank <- function(u){
                 return(rank(u, na.last = "keep"))
             df <- apply(x[[i]], 2, transrank)


             if(methodO == 1){
                    cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                    cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                    df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = (cmax - cmin)))
                    if(methodQ == 1){
                        thedis <- dist.quant(df, method = 1)
                        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                        fun1.OQ <- function(tab){
                            fun2.OQ <- function(u) {
                            # start
                                return(sqrt(sum(abs(tab[u[1], ] - tab[u[2], ]))))
                            # end
                            d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.OQ))
                            attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                            attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                            attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                            attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                            attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                            attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                            class(d) <- "dist"
                         thedis <- fun1.OQ(df)
                    thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                    nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
                        ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
                    cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                    cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                    df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                        1, cmax - cmin)))
                    mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                    index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])

                    fun1.ONA <- function(vect){
                        fun2.ONA <- function(u) {
                            if(methodQ ==1)
                            return((vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])^2)

                            return(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))
                        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.ONA))
                        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                        class(d) <- "dist"
                    if(ncol(df) == 1)
                        lis <- list(df[, 1])
                        lis <- as.list(df)
                    listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.ONA)

                    listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                    funfin1.ONA <- function(u){
                        u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                        u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                    interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.ONA)
                    mat <- interm[[1]]
                    if(length(interm) > 1){
                        for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                            mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                    ntvar <- mat
                    # calculation of the sum of distances
                    funfin2.ONA <- function(u){
                        u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                    res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.ONA)
                    mat <- res[[1]]
                    if(length(res) > 1){
                        for (k in 2:length(res)){
                            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                    thedis <- mat
                    thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                    thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
             # Podani's distance                                 #

                df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
                if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
                if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                    warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative or ordinal data set ", i)
                    df <- as.data.frame(df2)
                if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                    stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")

                    cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                    cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                        granks <- apply(df, 2, table)
                        granks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, table)))
                    grankmax <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[length(u)])))
                    grankmin <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[1])))
                        uranks <- apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))
                        uranks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))))
                    mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                    index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                    fun1.OP <- function(k){
                        r <- df
                        fun2.OP <- function(u){
                            if(any(is.na(c(r[u[1], k], r[u[2], k])))){
                                if(r[u[1], k] == r[u[2], k]){
                                    val <- (abs(r[u[1], k] - r[u[2], k]) - (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]] == r[u[1], k]] - 1)/2 -
                                    (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]] == r[u[2], k]] - 1)/2) / ((cmax[k] - cmin[k]) - 
                                    (grankmax[k] - 1)/2 - (grankmin[k] - 1)/2)
                        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.OP))
                        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                        class(d) <- "dist"
                    lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                    listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.OP)
                        listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                        funfin1.OP <- function(u){
                            u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                            u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                        interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.OP)
                        mat <- interm[[1]]
                        if(length(interm) > 1){
                            for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                                mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                        ntvar <- mat
                        nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
                    # calculation of the sum of distances
                    funfin2.OP <- function(u){
                        u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                    res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.OP)
                    mat <- res[[1]]
                    if(length(res) > 1){
                        for (k in 2:length(res)){
                            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                    thedis <- mat
                    thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                    thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Quantitative data                                   #

         if(type[i] == "Q"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative or ordinal data set ", i)
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)
             if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")


             if(option[1] == "scaledBYsd"){
                df <- as.data.frame(scale(df))
                if(length(unique(type)) > 1)
                warning("the option scaledBYsd should not be chosen in case of mixed variables")
             if(option[1] == "scaledBYrange")
                cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                    1, cmax - cmin)))

                 if(methodQ == 1){
                    thedis <- dist.quant(df, method = methodQ)
                        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                        fun1.Q <- function(tab){
                            fun2.Q <- function(u) {
                            # start
                                return(sqrt(sum(abs(tab[u[1], ] - tab[u[2], ]))))
                            # end
                            d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.Q))
                            attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                            attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                            attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                            attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                            attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                            attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                            class(d) <- "dist"
                         thedis <- fun1.Q(df)                 
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
                     ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])

                 fun1.QNA <- function(vect){
                     fun2.QNA <- function(u) {
                         if(methodQ == 1)
                             return((vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])^2)
                             return(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.QNA))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.QNA)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.QNA <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.QNA)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.QNA <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.QNA)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Nominal data                                        #

         if(type[i] == "N"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the nominal data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

             verif <- function(u){
                     stop("Incorrect definition of the nominal variables")

             lapply(df, verif)


                 FUN <- function(u){
                     m <- model.matrix(~-1 + as.factor(u))
                     return(dist(m) / sqrt(2))
                 lis <- as.list(df)
                 res <- lapply(lis, FUN)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
                 nbvar <- ncol(df)
                     ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                 fun1.NNA <- function(vect){
                     fun2.NNA <- function(u) {
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
                             else return(1)
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.NNA))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.NNA)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.NNA <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.NNA)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.NNA <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.NNA)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Dichotomous data                                    #

         if(type[i] == "D"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the dichotomous data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

             verif <- function(u){
                 if(any(is.na(match(u, c(0, 1)))))
                     stop("Dichotomous variables should have only 0, and 1")

             lapply(df, verif)


                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                 fun1.D <- function(vect){
                     fun2.D <- function(u) {
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
                                 if(vect[u[1]] == 1)
                                 else return(NA)
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.D))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.D)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.D <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.D)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.D <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.D)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Fuzzy data                                          #

         if(type[i] == "F"){

             # Data are checked                                    #
             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the fuzzy data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 stop("a column full of NA in the fuzzy data sets")

             if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the fuzzy variables")

                 stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")

             if(!all(abs(apply(df, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) - floor(apply(df, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE))) < tol, na.rm = TRUE))
                 stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")


             blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
             fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
             lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
             lis <- lapply(lis, t)
             lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)

                 if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
                     res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF))
                     res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF)^2)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
                 nbvar <- length(blocs)
                     ntvar <- matrix(length(blocs), nrow(df), nrow(df))
                 fun1.FNA <- function(mtflo){
                     res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                     positions <- apply(mtflo, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
                     dfsansna <- mtflo[!positions, ]
                     if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
                         resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF))
                         resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF)^2)
                     res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
                     res[positions, ] <- NA
                     res[, positions] <- NA
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.FNA)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.FNA <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.FNA)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.FNA <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.FNA)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Binary data                                         #

         if(type[i] == "B"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             if(!all(unlist(lapply(x[[i]], is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the binary variables")

                 stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")

             if(any(is.na(match(as.vector(as.matrix(x[[i]])), c(0, 1, NA)))))
                 stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")


             blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
             fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
             lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
             lis <- lapply(lis, t)
             lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)

                 res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.binary(u, method = methodB)^2)
                     stop("Rows of zero for binary variables")
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
                 nbvar <- length(blocs)
                     ntvar <- matrix(length(blocs), nlig, nlig)
                 fun1.BNA <- function(mtbin){
                     res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                     positions <- apply(mtbin, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
                     dfsansna <- mtbin[!positions, ]
                     resdis <- as.matrix(dist.binary(dfsansna, method = methodB)^2)
                     res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
                     res[positions, ] <- NA
                     res[, positions] <- NA
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.BNA)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.BNA <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.BNA)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.BNA <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.BNA)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Circular data                                       #

         if(type[i] == "C"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, 
                 function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("the circular data frames ", i, " is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the circular data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

                 stop("The circular data sets must be prepared with the function prep.circular")

             verif <- function(u){
                 if(any(u[!is.na(u)] < 0)) stop("negative values in circular variables")
             lapply(df, verif)


             d.names <- row.names(x[[i]])
             nlig <- nrow(x[[i]])
             mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
             index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)],
                row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
             odd <- function(u){
                 ifelse(abs(u/2 - floor(u/2)) < 1e-08, FALSE, TRUE)
                 fun1.C <- function(nucol){
                     vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
                     maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
                     vect <- vect / maxi
                     fun2.C <- function(u) {
                             return((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                                 min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE))
                             return(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.C))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                 res <- lapply(lis, fun1.C)

                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
                 nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
                     ntvar <- matrix(ncol(x[[i]]), nrow(df), nrow(df))
                 fun1.CNA <- function(nucol){
                     vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
                     maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
                     vect <- vect / maxi
                     fun2.CNA <- function(u){
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             return((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                                 min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE))
                             return(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.CNA))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.CNA)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.CNA <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.CNA)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.CNA <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.CNA)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

             return(list(nbvar, thedis))
             return(list(ntvar, thedis))

     # Last calculations

     interm <- as.list(1:length(x$blo))
     names(interm) <- paste("iteration", 1:length(x$blo), sep="")
     res <- lapply(interm, treatment)
         nbvar <- sum(unlist(lapply(res, function(u) u[[1]])))
         listntvar <- lapply(res, function(u) u[[1]])
         mat <- listntvar[[1]]
         if(length(listntvar) > 1){
             for (k in 2:length(listntvar)){
                 mat <- listntvar[[k]] + mat
         ntvar <- mat + diag(rep(1, nlig))
     dis <- lapply(res, function(u) u[[2]])
     mat <- dis[[1]]^2
     if(length(dis) > 1){
         for (k in 2:length(dis)){
             mat <- dis[[k]]^2 + mat
         disglobal <- sqrt(mat / nbvar)
         disglobal <- as.dist(sqrt(as.matrix(mat) / ntvar))

     attributes(disglobal)$Labels <- d.names


prep.binary <- function (df, col.blocks, labels = paste("B", 1:length(col.blocks), sep = ""))
    if (!is.data.frame(df)) 
        stop("data.frame expected")

    if (sum(col.blocks) != ncol(df)) {
        stop("non convenient data in col.blocks")

    if (is.null(names(col.blocks))) {
        names(col.blocks) <- paste("FV", as.character(1:length(col.blocks)), 
            sep = "")
    df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
    bloc <- rep(1:length(col.blocks), col.blocks)
    bloc <- as.factor(bloc[apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
    col.blocks <- as.vector(table(bloc))
    df <- df2
    if (any(df[!is.na(df)] < 0)) 
        stop("non negative value expected in df")
    d.names <- row.names(df)
    nlig <- nrow(df)
    df <- as.matrix(1 * (df > 0))
    f1 <- function(x, k) {
        a <- sum(x)
        if (is.na(a)) {
            return(rep(NA, length(x)))
        cat("missing data found in block", k, "\n")
        if (a == 0) 
            return(rep(NA, length(x)))
    k2 <- 0
    for (k in 1:(length(col.blocks))) {
        k1 <- k2 + 1
        k2 <- k2 + col.blocks[k]
        X <- df[, k1:k2]
        X <- t(apply(X, 1, f1, k = k))
        df[, k1:k2] <- X
    df <- as.data.frame(df)
    attr(df, "col.blocks") <- col.blocks
    col.num <- factor(rep((1:length(col.blocks)), col.blocks))
    attr(df, "col.num") <- col.num
    attr(df, "Labels") <- labels

prep.circular <-
function (df, rangemin = apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE), rangemax = apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)) 
    if (!is.data.frame(df)) 
        stop("data.frame expected")
    veriffun <- function(i){
       if(rangemin[i] > min(df[i], na.rm = TRUE)) stop("Incorrect minimum in rangemin")
       if(rangemax[i] < max(df[i], na.rm = TRUE)) stop("Incorrect maximum in rangemax")
    sapply(1:ncol(df), veriffun)
    df1 <- sweep(df, 2, rangemin, "-")
    max2 <- rangemax - rangemin
    attr(df1, "max") <- max2 + 1

prep.fuzzy <-
function (df, col.blocks, row.w = rep(1, nrow(df)), labels = paste("F", 1:length(col.blocks), sep = "")) 
    if (!is.data.frame(df)) 
        stop("data.frame expected")
    if (!is.null(row.w)) {
        if (length(row.w) != nrow(df)) 
            stop("non convenient dimension")
    if (sum(col.blocks) != ncol(df)) {
        stop("non convenient data in col.blocks")
    df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
    bloc <- rep(1:length(col.blocks), col.blocks)
    bloc <- as.factor(bloc[apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
    col.blocks <- as.vector(table(bloc))
    df <- df2
    if (is.null(row.w)) 
        row.w <- rep(1, nrow(df))/nrow(df)
    row.w <- row.w/sum(row.w)
    if (is.null(names(col.blocks))) {
        names(col.blocks) <- paste("FV", as.character(1:length(col.blocks)), 
            sep = "")
    f1 <- function(x, k) {
        a <- sum(x)
        if (is.na(a)) {
            return(rep(NA, length(x)))
        cat("missing data found in block", k, "\n")
        if (a == 0) 
            return(rep(NA, length(x)))
    k2 <- 0
    col.w <- rep(1, ncol(df))
    for (k in 1:(length(col.blocks))) {
        k1 <- k2 + 1
        k2 <- k2 + col.blocks[k]
        X <- df[, k1:k2]
        X <- t(apply(X, 1, f1, k = k))
        X.marge <- apply(X, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE)

        X.marge <- X.marge * row.w
        X.marge <- X.marge/sum(X.marge, na.rm = TRUE)
        X.mean <- apply(X * X.marge, 2, sum)
        df[, k1:k2] <- X
        col.w[k1:k2] <- X.mean
    attr(df, "col.blocks") <- col.blocks
    attr(df, "row.w") <- row.w
    attr(df, "col.freq") <- col.w
    attr(df, "Labels") <- labels
    col.num <- factor(rep((1:length(col.blocks)), col.blocks))
    attr(df, "col.num") <- col.num

ldist.ktab <- function(x, type, option = c("scaledBYrange", "scaledBYsd", "noscale"), scann = FALSE, tol = 1e-8) {

     # Parameters are checked                               #

     if(!inherits(x, "ktab"))
         stop("x is not an object of class ktab")
     if(any(is.na(match(type, c("Q", "O", "N", "D", "F", "B", "C")))))
         stop("incorrect type: available values for type are O, Q, N, D, F, B and C")
         stop("incorrect length for type")
         stop("tol is not a numeric")

     # If scann is TRUE, the functions of distance         #

     if(scann == TRUE){
         if(any(type == "F")){
             cat("Choose your metric for fuzzy variables\n")
             cat("1 = d1 Manly\n")
             cat("d1 = Sum|p(i)-q(i)|/2\n")
             cat("2 = Overlap index Manly\n")
             cat("d2 = 1-Sum(p(i)q(i))/sqrt(Sum(p(i)^2))/sqrt(Sum(q(i)^2))\n")
             cat("3 = Rogers 1972 (one locus)\n")
             cat("d3 = sqrt(0.5*Sum(p(i)-q(i)^2))\n")
             cat("4 = Edwards 1971 (one locus)\n")
             cat("d4 = sqrt(1 - (Sum(sqrt(p(i)q(i)))))\n")
             cat("Selec an integer (1-4): ")
             methodF <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
             if (methodF == 4)
                 methodF <- 5
         if(any(type == "B")){
             cat("Choose your metric for binary variables\n")
             cat("1 = JACCARD index (1901) S3 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s1 = a/(a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("2 = SOCKAL & MICHENER index (1958) S4 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE \n")
             cat("s2 = (a+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("3 = SOCKAL & SNEATH(1963) S5 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s3 = a/(a+2(b+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("4 = ROGERS & TANIMOTO (1960) S6 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s4 = (a+d)/(a+2(b+c)+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("5 = CZEKANOWSKI (1913) or SORENSEN (1948) S7 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s5 = 2*a/(2*a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("6 = S9 index of GOWER & LEGENDRE (1986)\n")
             cat("s6 = (a-(b+c)+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("7 = OCHIAI (1957) S12 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s7 = a/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("8 = SOKAL & SNEATH (1963) S13 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s8 = ad/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(d+b)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("9 = Phi of PEARSON = S14 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s9 = (ad-bc)/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(b+d)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 -
             cat("10 = S2 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s10 =  a/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s) and unit
             cat("Select an integer (1-10): ")
             methodB <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
         methodO <- 0
         if(any(type == "O")){
             cat("Choose your metric for ordinal variables\n")
             cat("1 = ranked variables treated as quantitative variables\n")
             cat("2 = Podani (1999)'s formula\n")
             cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
             methodO <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
         if(any(c(type == "Q", methodO == 1))){
             cat("Choose your metric for quantitative variables\n")
             cat("1 = Euclidean\n")
             cat("d1 = Sum((x(i)-y(i))^2)/n\n")
             cat("2 = Manhattan\n")
             cat("d2= Sum(|x(i)-y(i)|)/n\n")
             cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
             methodQ <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))

         methodQ <- 1
         methodF <- 2
         methodB <- 1
         methodO <- 1

     nlig <- nrow(x[[1]])
     ntype <- length(unique(type))
     if(any(type=="D")) napres <- TRUE
         napres <- any(is.na(unlist(x[(1:length(x$blo))])))
     d.names <- rownames(x[[1]])
     treatment <- function(i)

         # Ordinal data                                        #

         if(type[i] == "O"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             transrank <- function(u){
                 return(rank(u, na.last = "keep"))
             df <- apply(x[[i]], 2, transrank)


             if(methodO == 1){
                    cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                    cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                    df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                        1, cmax - cmin)))
                    mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                    index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])

                    fun1.O <- function(vect){
                        fun2.O <- function(u) {
                            if(methodQ ==1)
                            return(ifelse(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]) < tol, 0, abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])))

                            return(ifelse(sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])) < tol, 0, sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))))
                        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.O))
                        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                        class(d) <- "dist"
                    if(ncol(df) == 1)
                        lis <- list(df[, 1])
                        lis <- as.list(df)
                    thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.O)
                    names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
             # Podani's distance                                 #

                df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
                if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the ordinal data frames is full of NA")
                if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                    warning("a column full of NA in the ordinal data set ", i)
                    df <- as.data.frame(df2)
                if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                    stop("Incorrect definition of the ordinal variables")

                    cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                    cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                        granks <- apply(df, 2, table)
                        granks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, table)))
                    grankmax <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[length(u)])))
                    grankmin <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[1])))
                        uranks <- apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))
                        uranks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))))
                    mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                    index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                    fun1.OP <- function(k){
                        r <- df
                        fun2.OP <- function(u){
                            if(any(is.na(c(r[u[1], k], r[u[2], k])))){
                                if(r[u[1], k] == r[u[2], k]){
                                    val <- (abs(r[u[1], k] - r[u[2], k]) - (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]] == r[u[1], k]] - 1)/2 -
                                    (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]] == r[u[2], k]]-1)/2) / ((cmax[k] - cmin[k]) - 
                                    (grankmax[k] - 1)/2 - (grankmin[k] - 1)/2)
                                    return(ifelse(sqrt(val) < tol, 0, sqrt(val)))
                        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.OP))
                        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                        class(d) <- "dist"
                    lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                    thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.OP)
                    names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])

         # Quantitative data                                   #

         if(type[i] == "Q"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative data set ", i)
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)
             if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")


             if(option[1] == "scaledBYsd")
             df <- as.data.frame(scale(df))
             if(option[1] == "scaledBYrange")
                cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                    1, cmax - cmin)))

                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])

                 fun1.Q <- function(vect){
                     fun2.Q <- function(u) {
                         if(methodQ == 1)
                             return(ifelse(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]) < tol, 0, abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])))
                             return(ifelse(sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])) < tol, 0, sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.Q))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.Q)
                 names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])

         # Nominal data                                        #

         if(type[i] == "N"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the nominal data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

             verif <- function(u){
                     stop("Incorrect definition of the nominal variables")

             lapply(df, verif)


                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                 fun1.N <- function(vect){
                     fun2.N <- function(u) {
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
                             else return(1)
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.N))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.N)
                 names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])

         # Dichotomous data                                    #

         if(type[i] == "D"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the dichotomous data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

             verif <- function(u){
                 if(any(is.na(match(u, c(0, 1)))))
                     stop("Dichotomous variables should have only 0, and 1")

             lapply(df, verif)


                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                 fun1.D <- function(vect){
                     fun2.D <- function(u) {
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
                                 if(vect[u[1]] == 1)
                                 else return(NA)
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.D))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.D)
                 names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])

         # Fuzzy data                                          #

         if(type[i] == "F"){

             # Data are checked                                    #
             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the fuzzy data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 stop("a column full of NA in the fuzzy data sets")

             if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the fuzzy variables")

                 stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")

             if(!all(abs(apply(df, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) - floor(apply(df, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE))) < tol, na.rm = TRUE))
                 stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")


             blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
             fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
             lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
             lis <- lapply(lis, t)
             lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)

                 if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
                     res <- lapply(lis, function(u) sqrt(dist.prop(u, method = methodF)))
                     res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF))
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0) 
                 names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
                 fun1.F <- function(mtflo){
                     res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                     positions <- apply(mtflo, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
                     dfsansna <- mtflo[!positions, ]
                     if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
                         resdis <- as.matrix(sqrt(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF)))
                         resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF))
                     res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
                     res[positions, ] <- NA
                     res[, positions] <- NA
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.F)
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(listdis, funfor0)
                 names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels

         # Binary data                                         #

         if(type[i] == "B"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             if(!all(unlist(lapply(x[[i]], is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the binary variables")

                 stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")

             if(any(is.na(match(as.vector(as.matrix(x[[i]])), c(0, 1, NA)))))
                 stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")


             blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
             fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
             lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
             lis <- lapply(lis, t)
             lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)

                 res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.binary(u, method = methodB))
                     stop("Rows of zero for binary variables")
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0)
                 names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
                 fun1.B <- function(mtbin){
                     res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                     positions <- apply(mtbin, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
                     dfsansna <- mtbin[!positions, ]
                     resdis <- as.matrix(dist.binary(dfsansna, method = methodB))
                     res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
                     res[positions, ] <- NA
                     res[, positions] <- NA
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.B)
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(listdis, funfor0)
                 names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels

         # Circular data                                       #

         if(type[i] == "C"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, 
                 function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("the circular data frames ", i, " is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the circular data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

                 stop("The circular data sets must be prepared with the function prep.circular")

             verif <- function(u){
                 if(any(u[!is.na(u)] < 0)) stop("negative values in circular variables")
             lapply(df, verif)


             d.names <- row.names(x[[i]])
             nlig <- nrow(x[[i]])
             mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
             index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)],
                row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
             odd <- function(u){
                 ifelse(abs(u/2 - floor(u/2)) < 1e-08, FALSE, TRUE)
                 fun1.C <- function(nucol){
                     vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
                     maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
                     vect <- vect / maxi
                     fun2.C <- function(u) {
                             return(sqrt((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                                 min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE)))
                             return(sqrt(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE)))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.C))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                 res <- lapply(lis, fun1.C)
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0)
                 names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
                 fun1.CNA <- function(nucol){
                     vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
                     maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
                     vect <- vect / maxi
                     fun2.CNA <- function(u){
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             return(sqrt((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                                 min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE)))
                             return(sqrt(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE)))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.CNA))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.CNA)
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(listdis, funfor0)
                 names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])

     # Last calculations

     interm <- as.list(1:length(x$blo))
     names(interm) <- paste("iteration", 1:length(x$blo), sep="")
     dispervar <- lapply(interm, treatment)
     namesv <- unlist(lapply(dispervar, names))
     dispervar <- do.call("c", dispervar)
     names(dispervar) <- namesv

kdist.cor <- function(x, type, option = c("scaledBYrange", "scaledBYsd", "noscale"), scann = FALSE, tol = 1e-8, squared = TRUE){

     # Parameters are checked                               #

     if(!inherits(x, "ktab"))
         stop("x is not an object of class ktab")
     if(any(is.na(match(type, c("Q", "O", "N", "D", "F", "B", "C")))))
         stop("incorrect type: available values for type are O, Q, N, D, F, B and C")
     if(length(x$blo) != length(type))
         stop("incorrect length for type")
         stop("tol is not a numeric")

     # If scann is TRUE, the functions of distance         #

     if(scann == TRUE){
         if(any(type == "F")){
             cat("Choose your metric for fuzzy variables\n")
             cat("1 = d1 Manly\n")
             cat("d1 = Sum|p(i)-q(i)|/2\n")
             cat("2 = Overlap index Manly\n")
             cat("d2 = 1-Sum(p(i)q(i))/sqrt(Sum(p(i)^2))/sqrt(Sum(q(i)^2))\n")
             cat("3 = Rogers 1972 (one locus)\n")
             cat("d3 = sqrt(0.5*Sum(p(i)-q(i)^2))\n")
             cat("4 = Edwards 1971 (one locus)\n")
             cat("d4 = sqrt(1 - (Sum(sqrt(p(i)q(i)))))\n")
             cat("Selec an integer (1-4): ")
             methodF <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
             if (methodF == 4)
                 methodF <- 5
         if(any(type == "B")){
             cat("Choose your metric for binary variables\n")
             cat("1 = JACCARD index (1901) S3 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s1 = a/(a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("2 = SOCKAL & MICHENER index (1958) S4 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE \n")
             cat("s2 = (a+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("3 = SOCKAL & SNEATH(1963) S5 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s3 = a/(a+2(b+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("4 = ROGERS & TANIMOTO (1960) S6 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s4 = (a+d)/(a+2(b+c)+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("5 = CZEKANOWSKI (1913) or SORENSEN (1948) S7 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s5 = 2*a/(2*a+b+c) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("6 = S9 index of GOWER & LEGENDRE (1986)\n")
             cat("s6 = (a-(b+c)+d)/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("7 = OCHIAI (1957) S12 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s7 = a/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("8 = SOKAL & SNEATH (1963) S13 coefficient of GOWER &
             cat("s8 = ad/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(d+b)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 - s)\n")
             cat("9 = Phi of PEARSON = S14 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s9 = (ad-bc)/sqrt((a+b)(a+c)(b+d)(d+c)) --> d = sqrt(1 -
             cat("10 = S2 coefficient of GOWER & LEGENDRE\n")
             cat("s10 =  a/(a+b+c+d) --> d = sqrt(1 - s) and unit
             cat("Select an integer (1-10): ")
             methodB <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
         methodO <- 0
         if(any(type == "O")){
             cat("Choose your metric for ordinal variables\n")
             cat("1 = ranked variables treated as quantitative variables\n")
             cat("2 = Podani (1999)'s formula\n")
             cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
             methodO <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))
         if(any(c(type == "Q", methodO == 1))){
             cat("Choose your metric for quantitative variables\n")
             cat("1 = Euclidean\n")
             cat("d1 = Sum((x(i)-y(i))^2)/n\n")
             cat("2 = Manhattan\n")
             cat("d2= Sum(|x(i)-y(i)|)/n\n")
             cat("Select an integer (1-2): ")
             methodQ <- as.integer(readLines(n = 1))

         methodQ <- 1
         methodF <- 2
         methodB <- 1
         methodO <- 1

     nlig <- nrow(x[[1]])
     ntype <- length(unique(type))
     if(any(type=="D")) napres <- TRUE
         napres <- any(is.na(unlist(x[(1:length(x$blo))])))
     d.names <- rownames(x[[1]])

ldist.ktab2 <- function(x, type, option = c("scaledBYrange", "scaledBYsd", "noscale"), tol = 1e-8) {
     treatment <- function(i)

         # Ordinal data                                        #

         if(type[i] == "O"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             transrank <- function(u){
                 return(rank(u, na.last = "keep"))
             df <- apply(x[[i]], 2, transrank)


             if(methodO == 1){
                    cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                    cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                    df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                        1, cmax - cmin)))
                    mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                    index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])

                    fun1.O <- function(vect){
                        fun2.O <- function(u) {
                            if(methodQ ==1)
                            return(ifelse(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]) < tol, 0, abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])))

                            return(ifelse(sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])) < tol, 0, sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))))
                        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.O))
                        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                        class(d) <- "dist"
                    if(ncol(df) == 1)
                        lis <- list(df[, 1])
                        lis <- as.list(df)
                    thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.O)
                    names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
             # Podani's distance                                 #

                df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
                if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the ordinal data frames is full of NA")
                if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                    warning("a column full of NA in the ordinal data set ", i)
                    df <- as.data.frame(df2)
                if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                    stop("Incorrect definition of the ordinal variables")

                    cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                    cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                        granks <- apply(df, 2, table)
                        granks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, table)))
                    grankmax <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[length(u)])))
                    grankmin <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[1])))
                        uranks <- apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))
                        uranks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))))
                    mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                    index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                    fun1.OP <- function(k){
                        r <- df
                        fun2.OP <- function(u){
                            if(any(is.na(c(r[u[1], k], r[u[2], k])))){
                                if(r[u[1], k] == r[u[2], k]){
                                    val <- (abs(r[u[1], k] - r[u[2], k]) - (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]]==r[u[1], k]] - 1)/2 -
                                    (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]]==r[u[2], k]]-1)/2) / ((cmax[k]-cmin[k]) - 
                                    (grankmax[k] - 1)/2 - (grankmin[k] - 1)/2)
                                    return(ifelse(sqrt(val) < tol, 0, sqrt(val)))
                        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.OP))
                        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                        class(d) <- "dist"
                    lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                    thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.OP)
                    names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])

         # Quantitative data                                   #

         if(type[i] == "Q"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative data set ", i)
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)
             if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")


             if(option[1] == "scaledBYsd")
             df <- as.data.frame(scale(df))
             if(option[1] == "scaledBYrange")
                cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                    1, cmax - cmin)))

                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])

                 fun1.Q <- function(vect){
                     fun2.Q <- function(u) {
                         if(methodQ == 1)
                             return(ifelse(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]) < tol, 0, abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])))
                             return(ifelse(sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])) < tol, 0, sqrt(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.Q))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.Q)
                 names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])

         # Nominal data                                        #

         if(type[i] == "N"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the nominal data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

             verif <- function(u){
                     stop("Incorrect definition of the nominal variables")

             lapply(df, verif)


                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                 fun1.N <- function(vect){
                     fun2.N <- function(u) {
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
                             else return(1)
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.N))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.N)
                 names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])

         # Dichotomous data                                    #

         if(type[i] == "D"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the dichotomous data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

             verif <- function(u){
                 if(any(is.na(match(u, c(0,1)))))
                     stop("Dichotomous variables should have only 0, and 1")

             lapply(df, verif)


                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                 fun1.D <- function(vect){
                     fun2.D <- function(u) {
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
                                 if(vect[u[1]] == 1)
                                 else return(NA)
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.D))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 thedis <- lapply(lis, fun1.D)
                 names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])

         # Fuzzy data                                          #

         if(type[i] == "F"){

             # Data are checked                                    #
             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the fuzzy data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 stop("a column full of NA in the fuzzy data sets")

             if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the fuzzy variables")

                 stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")

             if(!all(abs(apply(df, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) - floor(apply(df, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE))) < tol, na.rm = TRUE))
                 stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")


             blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
             fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
             lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
             lis <- lapply(lis, t)
             lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)

                 if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
                     res <- lapply(lis, function(u) sqrt(dist.prop(u, method = methodF)))
                     res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF))
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0) 
                 names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
                 fun1.F <- function(mtflo){
                     res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                     positions <- apply(mtflo, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
                     dfsansna <- mtflo[!positions, ]
                     if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
                         resdis <- as.matrix(sqrt(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF)))
                         resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF))
                     res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
                     res[positions, ] <- NA
                     res[, positions] <- NA
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.F)
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(listdis, funfor0)
                 names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels

         # Binary data                                         #

         if(type[i] == "B"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             if(!all(unlist(lapply(x[[i]], is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the binary variables")

                 stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")

             if(any(is.na(match(as.vector(as.matrix(x[[i]])), c(0, 1, NA)))))
                 stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")


             blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
             fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
             lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
             lis <- lapply(lis, t)
             lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)

                 res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.binary(u, method = methodB))
                     stop("Rows of zero for binary variables")
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0)
                 names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels
                 fun1.B <- function(mtbin){
                     res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                     positions <- apply(mtbin, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
                     dfsansna <- mtbin[!positions, ]
                     resdis <- as.matrix(dist.binary(dfsansna, method = methodB))
                     res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
                     res[positions, ] <- NA
                     res[, positions] <- NA
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.B)
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0)
                 names(thedis) <- attributes(x[[i]])$Labels

         # Circular data                                       #

         if(type[i] == "C"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, 
                 function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("the circular data frames ", i, " is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the circular data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

                 stop("The circular data sets must be prepared with the function prep.circular")

             verif <- function(u){
                 if(any(u[!is.na(u)] < 0)) stop("negative values in circular variables")
             lapply(df, verif)


             d.names <- row.names(x[[i]])
             nlig <- nrow(x[[i]])
             mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
             index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)],
                row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
             odd <- function(u){
                 ifelse(abs(u/2 - floor(u/2)) < 1e-08, FALSE, TRUE)
                 fun1.C <- function(nucol){
                     vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
                     maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
                     vect <- vect / maxi
                     fun2.C <- function(u) {
                             return(sqrt((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                                 min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE)))
                             return(sqrt(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE)))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.C))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                 res <- lapply(lis, fun1.C)
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0)
                 names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])
                 fun1.CNA <- function(nucol){
                     vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
                     maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
                     vect <- vect / maxi
                     fun2.CNA <- function(u){
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             return(sqrt((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                                 min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE)))
                             return(sqrt(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE)))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.CNA))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.CNA)
                 funfor0 <- function(x){
                    x[x < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- lapply(res, funfor0)
                 names(thedis) <- names(x[[i]])

     # Last calculations

     interm <- as.list(1:length(x$blo))
     names(interm) <- paste("iteration", 1:length(x$blo), sep="")
     dispervar <- lapply(interm, treatment)
     namesv <- unlist(lapply(dispervar, names))
     dispervar <- do.call("c", dispervar)
     names(dispervar) <- namesv

dist.ktab2 <-
function(x, type, option = c("scaledBYrange", "scaledBYsd", "noscale"), tol = 1e-8) {

     treatment <- function(i)

         # Ordinal data                                        #

         if(type[i] == "O"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             transrank <- function(u){
                 return(rank(u, na.last = "keep"))
             df <- apply(x[[i]], 2, transrank)


             if(methodO == 1){
                    cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                    cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                    df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = (cmax - cmin)))
                    if(methodQ == 1){
                        thedis <- dist.quant(df, method = 1)
                        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                        fun1.O <- function(tab){
                            fun2.O <- function(u) {
                            # start
                                return(sqrt(sum(abs(tab[u[1], ] - tab[u[2], ]))))
                            # end
                            d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.O))
                            attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                            attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                            attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                            attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                            attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                            attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                            class(d) <- "dist"
                         thedis <- fun1.O(df)
                    thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                    nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
                        ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
                    cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                    cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                    df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                        1, cmax - cmin)))
                    mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                    index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])

                    fun1.ONA <- function(vect){
                        fun2.ONA <- function(u) {
                            if(methodQ ==1)
                            return((vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])^2)

                            return(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))
                        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.ONA))
                        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                        class(d) <- "dist"
                    if(ncol(df) == 1)
                        lis <- list(df[, 1])
                        lis <- as.list(df)
                    listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.ONA)

                    listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                    funfin1.ONA <- function(u){
                        u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                        u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                    interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.ONA)
                    mat <- interm[[1]]
                    if(length(interm) > 1){
                        for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                            mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                    ntvar <- mat
                    # calculation of the sum of distances
                    funfin2.ONA <- function(u){
                        u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                    res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.ONA)
                    mat <- res[[1]]
                    if(length(res) > 1){
                        for (k in 2:length(res)){
                            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                    thedis <- mat
                    thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                    thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
             # Podani's distance                                 #

                df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
                if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
                if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                    warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative or ordinal data set ", i)
                    df <- as.data.frame(df2)
                if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                    stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")

                    cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                    cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                        granks <- apply(df, 2, table)
                        granks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, table)))
                    grankmax <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[length(u)])))
                    grankmin <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(granks, function(u) u[1])))
                        uranks <- apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))
                        uranks <- list(as.vector(apply(df, 2, function(u) sort(unique(u)))))
                    mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                    index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                    fun1.OP <- function(k){
                        r <- df
                        fun2.OP <- function(u){
                            if(any(is.na(c(r[u[1], k], r[u[2], k])))){
                                if(r[u[1], k] == r[u[2], k]){
                                    val <- (abs(r[u[1], k] - r[u[2], k]) - (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]]==r[u[1], k]] - 1)/2 -
                                    (granks[[k]][uranks[[k]]==r[u[2], k]]-1)/2) / ((cmax[k]-cmin[k]) - 
                                    (grankmax[k] - 1)/2 - (grankmin[k] - 1)/2)
                        d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.OP))
                        attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                        attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                        attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                        attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                        attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                        class(d) <- "dist"
                    lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                    listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.OP)
                        listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                        funfin1.OP <- function(u){
                            u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                            u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                        interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.OP)
                        mat <- interm[[1]]
                        if(length(interm) > 1){
                            for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                                mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                        ntvar <- mat
                        nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
                    # calculation of the sum of distances
                    funfin2.OP <- function(u){
                        u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                    res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.OP)
                    mat <- res[[1]]
                    if(length(res) > 1){
                        for (k in 2:length(res)){
                            mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                    thedis <- mat
                    thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                    thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Quantitative data                                   #

         if(type[i] == "Q"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the quantitative data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the quantitative or ordinal data set ", i)
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)
             if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the quantitative variables")


             if(option[1] == "scaledBYsd")
             df <- as.data.frame(scale(df))
             if(option[1] == "scaledBYrange")
                cmax <- apply(df, 2, max, na.rm = TRUE)
                cmin <- apply(df, 2, min, na.rm = TRUE)
                df <- as.data.frame(scale(df, center = cmin, scale = ifelse((cmax - cmin)<tol, 
                    1, cmax - cmin)))

                 if(methodQ == 1){
                    thedis <- dist.quant(df, method = methodQ)
                        mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                        index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                        fun1.Q <- function(tab){
                            fun2.Q <- function(u) {
                            # start
                                return(sqrt(sum(abs(tab[u[1], ] - tab[u[2], ]))))
                            # end
                            d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.Q))
                            attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                            attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                            attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                            attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                            attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                            attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                            class(d) <- "dist"
                         thedis <- fun1.Q(df)                 
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
                     ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])

                 fun1.QNA <- function(vect){
                     fun2.QNA <- function(u) {
                         if(methodQ == 1)
                             return((vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]])^2)
                             return(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.QNA))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "quantitative"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.QNA)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.QNA <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.QNA)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.QNA <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.QNA)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Nominal data                                        #

         if(type[i] == "N"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the nominal data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

             verif <- function(u){
                     stop("Incorrect definition of the nominal variables")

             lapply(df, verif)


                 FUN <- function(u){
                     m <- model.matrix(~-1 + as.factor(u))
                     return(dist(m) / sqrt(2))
                 lis <- as.list(df)
                 res <- lapply(lis, FUN)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
                 nbvar <- ncol(df)
                     ntvar <- matrix(ncol(df), nrow(df), nrow(df))
                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                 fun1.NNA <- function(vect){
                     fun2.NNA <- function(u) {
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
                             else return(1)
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.NNA))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.NNA)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.NNA <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.NNA)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.NNA <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.NNA)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Dichotomous data                                    #

         if(type[i] == "D"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the nominal data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the dichotomous data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

             verif <- function(u){
                 if(any(is.na(match(u, c(0,1)))))
                     stop("Dichotomous variables should have only 0, and 1")

             lapply(df, verif)


                 mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                 index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)], row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
                 fun1.D <- function(vect){
                     fun2.D <- function(u) {
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             if(vect[u[1]] == vect[u[2]]){
                                 if(vect[u[1]] == 1)
                                 else return(NA)
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.D))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "nominal"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 if(ncol(df) == 1)
                     lis <- list(df[, 1])
                     lis <- as.list(df)
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.D)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.D <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.D)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.D <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.D)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Fuzzy data                                          #

         if(type[i] == "F"){

             # Data are checked                                    #
             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- df[, apply(df, 2, function(u) !all(is.na(u)))]
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("one of the fuzzy data frames is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 stop("a column full of NA in the fuzzy data sets")

             if(!all(unlist(lapply(df, is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the fuzzy variables")

                 stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")

             if(!all(abs(apply(df, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE) - floor(apply(df, 1, sum, na.rm = TRUE))) < tol, na.rm = TRUE))
                 stop("The fuzzy data set must be prepared with the function prep.fuzzy")


             blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
             fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
             lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
             lis <- lapply(lis, t)
             lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)

                 if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
                     res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF))
                     res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.prop(u, method = methodF)^2)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
                 nbvar <- length(blocs)
                     ntvar <- matrix(length(blocs), nrow(df), nrow(df))
                 fun1.F <- function(mtflo){
                     res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                     positions <- apply(mtflo, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
                     dfsansna <- mtflo[!positions, ]
                     if(methodF!=3 & methodF!=4)
                         resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF))
                         resdis <- as.matrix(dist.prop(dfsansna, method = methodF)^2)
                     res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
                     res[positions, ] <- NA
                     res[, positions] <- NA
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.F)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.F <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.F)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.F <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.F)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Binary data                                         #

         if(type[i] == "B"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             if(!all(unlist(lapply(x[[i]], is.numeric))))
                stop("Incorrect definition of the binary variables")

                 stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")

             if(any(is.na(match(as.vector(as.matrix(x[[i]])), c(0, 1, NA)))))
                 stop("The binary data set must be prepared with the function prep.binary")


             blocs <- attributes(x[[i]])$col.blocks
             fac <- as.factor(rep(1:length(blocs), blocs))
             lis <- split(as.data.frame(t(x[[i]])), fac)
             lis <- lapply(lis, t)
             lis <- lapply(lis, cbind.data.frame)

                 res <- lapply(lis, function(u) dist.binary(u, method = methodB)^2)
                     stop("Rows of zero for binary variables")
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
                 nbvar <- length(blocs)
                     ntvar <- matrix(length(blocs), nlig, nlig)
                 fun1.BNA <- function(mtbin){
                     res <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
                     positions <- apply(mtbin, 1, function(u) any(is.na(u)))
                     dfsansna <- mtbin[!positions, ]
                     resdis <- as.matrix(dist.binary(dfsansna, method = methodB)^2)
                     res[!positions, !positions] <- as.vector(resdis)
                     res[positions, ] <- NA
                     res[, positions] <- NA
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.BNA)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.BNA <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.BNA)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.BNA <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.BNA)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

         # Circular data                                       #

         if(type[i] == "C"){

             # Data are checked                                    #

             df <- x[[i]]
             df2 <- cbind.data.frame(df[, apply(df, 2, 
                 function(u) !all(is.na(u)))])
             if(ncol(df2) == 0) stop("the circular data frames ", i, " is full of NA")
             if(ncol(df) != ncol(df2)){
                 warning("a column full of NA in the circular data sets")
                 df <- as.data.frame(df2)

                 stop("The circular data sets must be prepared with the function prep.circular")

             verif <- function(u){
                 if(any(u[!is.na(u)] < 0)) stop("negative values in circular variables")
             lapply(df, verif)


             d.names <- row.names(x[[i]])
             nlig <- nrow(x[[i]])
             mat <- matrix(0, nlig, nlig)
             index <- cbind(col(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)],
                row(mat)[col(mat) < row(mat)])
             odd <- function(u){
                 ifelse(abs(u/2 - floor(u/2)) < 1e-08, FALSE, TRUE)
                 fun1.C <- function(nucol){
                     vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
                     maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
                     vect <- vect / maxi
                     fun2.C <- function(u) {
                             return((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                                 min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE))
                             return(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.C))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                 res <- lapply(lis, fun1.C)

                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)
                 nbvar <- ncol(x[[i]])
                     ntvar <- matrix(ncol(x[[i]]), nrow(df), nrow(df))
                 fun1.CNA <- function(nucol){
                     vect <- x[[i]][, nucol]
                     maxi <- attributes(df)$max[nucol]
                     vect <- vect / maxi
                     fun2.CNA <- function(u){
                         if(any(is.na(c(vect[u[1]], vect[u[2]])))) return(NA)
                             return((2 * maxi /(maxi - 1)) * 
                                 min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE))
                             return(2 * min(c(abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]),
                                 (1 - abs(vect[u[1]] - vect[u[2]]))), 
                                 na.rm = TRUE))
                     d <- unlist(apply(index, 1, fun2.CNA))
                     attr(d, "Size") <- nlig
                     attr(d, "Labels") <- d.names
                     attr(d, "Diag") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "Upper") <- FALSE
                     attr(d, "method") <- "circular"
                     attr(d, "call") <- match.call()
                     class(d) <- "dist"
                 lis <- as.list(1:ncol(df))
                 listdis <- lapply(lis, fun1.CNA)

                 listmat <- lapply(listdis, as.matrix)
                 funfin1.CNA <- function(u){
                     u[!is.na(u)] <- 1
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 interm <- lapply(listmat, funfin1.CNA)
                 mat <- interm[[1]]
                 if(length(interm) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(interm)){
                         mat <- interm[[k]] + mat
                 ntvar <- mat
                 # calculation of the sum of distances
                 funfin2.CNA <- function(u){
                     u[is.na(u)] <- 0
                 res <- lapply(listdis, funfin2.CNA)
                 mat <- res[[1]]
                 if(length(res) > 1){
                     for (k in 2:length(res)){
                         mat <- res[[k]] + mat
                 thedis <- mat
                 thedis[thedis < tol] <- 0
                 thedis <- sqrt(thedis)

             return(list(nbvar, thedis))
             return(list(ntvar, thedis))

     # Last calculations

     interm <- as.list(1:length(x$blo))
     names(interm) <- paste("iteration", 1:length(x$blo), sep="")
     res <- lapply(interm, treatment)
         nbvar <- sum(unlist(lapply(res, function(u) u[[1]])))
         listntvar <- lapply(res, function(u) u[[1]])
         mat <- listntvar[[1]]
         if(length(listntvar) > 1){
             for (k in 2:length(listntvar)){
                 mat <- listntvar[[k]] + mat
         ntvar <- mat + diag(rep(1, nlig))
     dis <- lapply(res, function(u) u[[2]])
     mat <- dis[[1]]^2
     if(length(dis) > 1){
         for (k in 2:length(dis)){
             mat <- dis[[k]]^2 + mat
         disglobal <- sqrt(mat / nbvar)
         disglobal <- as.dist(sqrt(as.matrix(mat) / ntvar))

     attributes(disglobal)$Labels <- d.names

     ldis <- ldist.ktab2(x, type, option, tol = 1e-8)
     disglob <- dist.ktab2(x, type, option, tol = 1e-8)
     tabvec <- cbind.data.frame(lapply(ldis, as.vector))
     vecglo <- as.vector(disglob)
         paircov <- cov(tabvec^2, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
         paircor <- cor(tabvec^2, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
         glocor <- cor(tabvec^2, vecglo^2, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
         colnames(glocor) <- "global distance"
         paircov <- cov(tabvec, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
         paircor <- cor(tabvec, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")
         glocor <- cor(tabvec, vecglo, use = "pairwise.complete.obs")     
         colnames(glocor) <- "global distance"
     return(list(paircov = paircov, paircor = paircor, glocor = glocor))


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