mdpcoa <- function(msamples, mdistances = NULL, method = c("mcoa", "statis", "mfa"), option = c("inertia", "lambda1", "uniform", "internal"), scannf = TRUE, nf = 3, full = TRUE, nfsep = NULL, tol = 1e-07)
if(length(msamples) != length(mdistances)) stop("uncorrect data")
method <- method[1]
nbloci <- length(msamples)
npop <- ncol(msamples[[1]])
if(nbloci == 1) stop("multiloci data are needed")
if(any(nfsep < 2)) stop("The number of axes kept for the separated analyses should be higher than 1")
YesY <- list()
YesX <- list()
option <- option[1]
valoption <- rep(0, nbloci)
if (option == "internal") {
if (is.null(msamples$tabw) && is.null(mdistances$tabw)) {
warning("Internal weights not found: uniform weigths are used")
option <- "uniform"
if (is.null(msamples$tabw) || is.null(mdistances$tabw))
valinternal <- c(msamples$tabw, mdistances$tabw)
valinternal <- msamples$tabw
if(full == TRUE || !is.null(nfsep))
scansep <- FALSE
scansep <- TRUE
for(i in 1:nbloci)
nf1 <- nfsep[i]
nf1 <- 2
dpcoasep <- dpcoa(data.frame(t(msamples[[i]])), mdistances[[i]], scannf = scansep, full = full, nf = nf1, tol = tol)
YesY[[i]] <- dpcoasep$li
YesX[[i]] <- dpcoasep$dls
if (option == "lambda1")
valoption[i] <- 1/(dpcoasep$eig[1])
else if (option == "inertia") {
valoption[i] <- 1/sum(dpcoasep$eig)
else if (option == "uniform") {
valoption[i] <- 1
else if (option == "internal")
valoption[i] <- valinternal[i]
names(YesY) <- names(msamples)
names(YesX) <- names(msamples)
weig1 <- as.vector(apply(msamples[[1]], 2, sum))
sum1 <- sum(msamples[[1]])
for(i in 2:nbloci)
weig1 <- weig1 + as.vector(apply(msamples[[i]], 2, sum))
sum1 <- sum1 + sum(msamples[[i]])
weig1 <- weig1/sum1
YesY <- ktab.list.df(YesY, w.row = weig1, w.col = lapply(YesY, function(x) rep(1, ncol(x))))
coord <- list()
if(method == "mcoa")
mdpcoa1 <- mcoa(YesY, option[1], scannf = scannf, nf = nf)
nf <- mdpcoa1$nf
increm <- lapply(YesY, ncol)
increm <- c(0, cumsum(as.vector(unlist(increm))))
for(i in 1:nbloci)
X <- mdpcoa1$Tli[(1:npop) + npop * (i - 1), ]
norm <- apply(X * X * YesY$lw, 2, sum)
norm[norm <= tol * max(norm)] <- 1
coord[[i]] <- sqrt(valoption[i]) * (as.matrix(YesX[[i]]) %*% as.matrix(mdpcoa1$axis[(increm[i]+1):increm[i+1], ])) %*% diag(1/sqrt(norm))
coordX <- t(,t)))
mdpcoa1$cosupX <- coordX
mdpcoa1$nX <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(YesX, nrow)))
class(mdpcoa1) <- c("mdpcoa", "mcoa")
if(method == "statis")
mdpcoa1 <- statis(YesY, scannf = scannf, nf = nf)
nf <- mdpcoa1$
coY <- list()
coX <- list()
norm <- apply(mdpcoa1$ * mdpcoa1$ * YesY$lw, 2, sum)
norm[norm <= tol * max(norm)] <- 1
for(i in 1:nbloci)
coY[[i]] <- as.matrix(YesY[[i]])%*%t(YesY[[i]])%*%diag(YesY$lw)%*%as.matrix(mdpcoa1$[, 1:nf])%*%diag(1/norm)
coX[[i]] <- as.matrix(YesX[[i]])%*%t(YesY[[i]])%*%diag(YesY$lw)%*%as.matrix(mdpcoa1$[, 1:nf])%*%diag(1/norm)
coordY <- t(,t)))
coordX <- t(,t)))
mdpcoa1$cosupY <- coordY
mdpcoa1$cosupX <- coordX
mdpcoa1$nX <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(YesX, nrow)))
class(mdpcoa1) <- c("mdpcoa", "statis")
if(method == "mfa")
mdpcoa1 <- mfa(YesY, option[1], scannf = scannf, nf = nf)
nf <- mdpcoa1$nf
for(i in 1:nbloci)
interm <- (valoption[i]* t(YesY[[i]]))
interm2 <- as.matrix(mdpcoa1$l1) * mdpcoa1$lw
coord[[i]] <- (as.matrix(YesX[[i]])%*% interm)%*% interm2
coordX <- t(,t)))
mdpcoa1$nX <- as.vector(unlist(lapply(YesX, nrow)))
mdpcoa1$cosupX <- coordX
class(mdpcoa1) <- c("mdpcoa", "mfa")
kplotX.mdpcoa <- function(object, xax = 1, yax = 2, mfrow = NULL, = 1:length(object$nX), includepop = FALSE, clab = 0.7, cpoi = 0.7,
unique.scale = FALSE, csub = 2, possub = "bottomright")
if (!inherits(object, "mdpcoa"))
stop("Object of type 'mdpcoa' expected")
opar <- par(ask = par("ask"), mfrow = par("mfrow"), mar = par("mar"))
if (is.null(mfrow))
mfrow <- n2mfrow(length(
par(mfrow = mfrow)
if (length( > prod(mfrow))
par(ask = TRUE)
nbloc <- length(object$nX)
increm <- rep(1:nbloc, object$nX)
nf <- ncol(object$cosupX)
if (xax > nf)
stop("Non convenient xax")
if (yax > nf)
stop("Non convenient yax")
cootot <- object$cosupX[, c(xax, yax)]
label <- TRUE
if(inherits(object, "mcoa"))
namloci <- rownames(object$cov2)
namloci <- object$tab.names
for (ianal in {
coocol <- cootot[increm == ianal, ]
if (unique.scale)
s.label(cootot, clabel = 0, cpoint = 0, sub = namloci[ianal],
possub = possub, csub = csub)
else s.label(coocol, clabel = 0, cpoint = 0, sub = namloci[ianal],
possub = possub, csub = csub)
if (label)
s.label(coocol, clabel = ifelse(includepop, 0, clab), cpoint = cpoi, add.plot = TRUE)
if (includepop)
if(inherits(object, "mcoa"))
s.label(object$Tl1[object$TL[, 1] == levels(object$TL[,1])[ianal], c(xax, yax)], clabel = clab, cpoint = 0, add.plot = TRUE)
else if (inherits(object, "statis")){
npop <- nrow(object$
s.label(object$cosupY[(1:npop) + npop * (ianal - 1), c(xax, yax)], clabel = clab, cpoint = 0, add.plot = TRUE)
else if (inherits(object, "mfa")){
npop <- nrow(object$li)
s.label(object$lisup[(1:npop) + npop * (ianal - 1), c(xax, yax)], clabel = clab, cpoint = 0, add.plot = TRUE)
prep.mdpcoa <- function(dnaobj, pop, model, ...)
if(!is.factor(pop)) stop("pop should be a factor")
fun1 <- function(x){
sam1 <- model.matrix(~ -1 + pop)
colnames(sam1) <- levels(pop)
sam1 <-
dis1 <- ape::dist.dna(dnaobj[[x]], model[x], ...)
prep <- lapply(dnaobj[[x]], paste, collapse= "")
prep <- unlist(prep)
lprep <- length(prep)
prepind <- (1:lprep)[!duplicated(prep)]
fprep <- factor(prep, levels = unique(prep))
sam1 <- apply(sam1, 2, function(x) tapply(x, fprep, sum))
sam1 <-
rownames(sam1) <- paste("a", 1:nrow(sam1), sep="")
dis1 <- as.dist(as.matrix(dis1)[prepind, prepind])
attributes(dis1)$Labels <- rownames(sam1)
alleleseq <- dnaobj[[x]][!duplicated(prep)]
names(alleleseq) <- rownames(sam1)
res <- list(pop = sam1, dis = dis1, alleleseq = alleleseq)
sauv <- lapply(1:length(dnaobj), fun1)
sam <- lapply(sauv, function(x) x[[1]])
dis <- lapply(sauv, function(x) x[[2]])
alleleseq <- lapply(sauv, function(x) x[[3]])
names(dis) <- names(alleleseq) <- names(sam) <- names(dnaobj)
return(list(sam = sam, dis = dis, alleleseq = alleleseq))
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