
## Returns capture trap numbers.
trapvec <- function(capthist){
    x <- apply(capthist, 3, function(x) sum(x > 0))
    rep(1:length(x), times = x)

## Returns capture animal ID numbers.
animalIDvec <- function(capthist){
    x <- c(apply(capthist, 3, function(x) which(x > 0)), recursive = TRUE)
    names(x) <- NULL

#' Assigning ID numbers to sounds.
#' Identifies recaptures and assigns ID numbers to sounds recorded for
#' an SECR model.
#' Detected sounds are assumed to come from the same animal if times
#' of arrival at different microphones are closer together than the
#' time it would take for sound to travel between these microphones.
#' @param mics a matrix containing the coordinates of trap locations.
#' @param dets a data frame containing (at least): (i) \code{$toa},
#' the precise time of arrival of the received sound, and (ii)
#' \code{$trap} the trap at which the sound was recorded.
#' @param sound.speed the speed of sound in metres per second.
#' @return A data frame. Specifically, the \code{dets} dataframe,
#' now with a new variable, \code{ID}.
#' @author David Borchers
make.acoustic.captures <- function(mics, dets, sound.speed){
    mics <- as.matrix(mics)
    dists <- distances(mics, mics)
    dt <- dists/sound.speed
    K <- dim(mics)[1]
    captures <- dets
    ct <- rep(-Inf, K)
    ID <- 1
    ct[dets$trap[1]] <- dets$toa[1]
    new <- FALSE
    ndets <- length(dets$toa)
    for (i in 2:ndets){
        if (ct[dets$trap[i]] > -Inf){
            nd <- length(which(ct > -Inf))
            captures$ID[(i - nd):(i - 1)] <- ID
            ct <- rep(-Inf, K)
            ct[dets$trap[i]] <- dets$toa[i]
            ID <- ID + 1
            if(i == ndets) captures$ID[i] <- ID
        else {
            ct[dets$trap[i]] <- dets$toa[i]
            ctset <- which(ct > -Inf)
            dts <- dt[ctset, dets$trap[i]]
            cts <- -(ct[ctset] - dets$toa[i])
            if (any((cts - dts) > 0)) new <- TRUE
            if (new) {
                nd <- length(which(ct > -Inf)) - 1
                captures$ID[(i - nd):(i - 1)] <- ID
                ct <- rep(-Inf, K)
                ct[dets$trap[i]] <- dets$toa[i]
                ID <- ID + 1
                new <- FALSE
                if (i == ndets) captures$ID[i] <- ID
            } else if(i == ndets){
                nd <- length(which(ct > -Inf))
                captures$ID[(i - nd + 1):i] <- ID

## Adapted from R2admb.
read.admbsecr <- function(fn, verbose = FALSE, checkterm = TRUE){
    if (verbose)
        cat("reading output ...\n")
    parfn <- paste(fn, "par", sep = ".")
    if (!file.exists(parfn))
        stop("couldn't find parameter file ", parfn)
    L <- c(list(fn = fn), read_pars(fn))
    if (checkterm) {
        v <- with(L, vcov[seq(npar), seq(npar)])
        ev <- try(eigen(solve(v))$value, silent = TRUE)
        L$eratio <- if (inherits(ev, "try-error"))
        else min(ev)/max(ev)
    class(L) <- "admb"

#' Extract estimated or fixed parameter values from an \code{admbsecr} model fit
#' Extracts, estimated, derived, and fitted parameters from a model
#' fitted using \link{admbsecr}.
#' This is a similar function to \link{coef.admbsecr}, however
#' \code{get.par} also allows for extraction of parameters that have
#' been fixed using \code{admbsecr}'s \code{fix} argument.
#' @param pars A character vector containing names of parameter values
#' to be extracted. Alternatively, the character string \code{"all"}
#' will extract all parameters, fixed or otherwise, and the character
#' string \code{"fitted"} extracts only fitted parameters (i.e., not
#' the effective survey area). See the 'Details' section for the
#' \link{admbsecr} function's documentation for information on the
#' parameters that are fitted.
#' @param cutoff Logical, if \code{TRUE}, the cutoff value for an
#' acoustic fit is included.
#' @param as.list Logical, if \code{TRUE}, each parameter value is
#' returned as the component of a list, where component names give the
#' parameter names. In this case, the returned object is suitable as
#' the argument of a variety of functions (e.g., \code{sv} or
#' \code{fix} for the \link{admbsecr} function, or \code{pars} for the
#' \link{sim.capt} function). If \code{FALSE}, parameter values are
#' returned as part of a named vector.
#' @inheritParams locations
#' @return See above information about the argument \code{as.list}. If
#' \code{as.list} is \code{TRUE}, then a list is returned. If
#' \code{as.list} is \code{FALSE}, then a named character vector is
#' returned.
#' @examples
#' get.par(fit = example$fits$simple.hn, pars = "all")
#' get.par(fit = example$fits$bearing.hn, pars = c("D", "kappa", "esa"), as.list = TRUE)
#' @export
get.par <- function(fit, pars = "all", cutoff = FALSE, as.list = FALSE){
    allpar.names <- c("D", fit$detpars, fit$suppars, "esa")
    if (length(pars) == 1){
        if (pars == "all"){
            pars <- allpar.names
        } else if (pars == "fitted"){
            pars <- allpar.names[allpar.names != "esa"]
    ## Error checking.
    legal.names <- pars %in% allpar.names
    if (!all(legal.names)){
        illegal.pars <- pars[!legal.names]
        if (sum(!legal.names) == 1){
            msg <- paste(illegal.pars, "is not a parameter in the model provided.")
        } else if (sum(!legal.names) == 2){
            msg <- paste(paste(illegal.pars, collapse = " and "),
                         "are not parameters in the model provided.")
        } else if (sum(!legal.names) > 2){
            n.illegal <- length(illegal.pars)
            msg <- paste(paste(illegal.pars[-n.illegal], collapse = ", "),
                         ", and", illegal.pars[n.illegal],
                         "are not parameters in the model provided.")
    if (!fit$fit.types["ss"] & cutoff){
        warning("The cutoff is not being provided as 'fit' does not use signal strength information.")
        cutoff <- FALSE
    out <- numeric(length(pars))
    names(out) <- pars
    det.index <- which(fit$detpars %in% pars)
    supp.index <- which(fit$suppars %in% pars)
    ## Logical vector indicating parameters that weren't estimated.
    phases <- fit$phases
    phases$esa <- 0
    fixed.pars <- phases[pars] == -1
    ## Putting in fixed parameter values.
    if (sum(fixed.pars) > 0){
        out[fixed.pars] <- c(fit$args$sv[pars[fixed.pars]], recursive = TRUE)
    ## Working out parameter groups for parameters in 'pars'.
    det.index <- which(pars %in% fit$detpars)
    supp.index <- which(pars %in% fit$suppars)
    admb.pars <- pars
    ## Putting in estimated parameter values.
    out[!fixed.pars] <- fit$coefficients[admb.pars[!fixed.pars]]
    ## Adding the cutoff if necessary.
    if (cutoff){
        out <- c(out, fit$args$cutoff)
        names(out) <- c(pars, "cutoff")
    if (as.list){
        out.vec <- out
        out <- vector("list", length = length(out.vec))
        names(out) <- names(out.vec)
        names(out.vec) <- NULL
        for (i in 1:length(out.vec)){
            out[[i]] <- out.vec[i]

#' Extracting mask point locations
#' Extracts the mask used in an admbsecr fit.
#' @inheritParams locations
#' @return A mask object.
#' @export
get.mask <- function(fit){

#' Extracting trap locations
#' Extracts the trap locations used in an admbsecr fit.
#' @inheritParams locations
#' @return A traps object.
#' @export
get.traps <- function(fit){

## Error function.
erf <- function(x){
    2*pnorm(x*sqrt(2)) - 1

## Capture probability density surface from a model fit.
p.dot <- function(fit = NULL, esa = FALSE, points = get.mask(fit), traps = NULL,
                  detfn = NULL, ss.link = NULL, pars = NULL){
    if (!is.null(fit)){
        traps <- get.traps(fit)
        detfn <- fit$args$detfn
        pars <- get.par(fit, fit$detpars, cutoff = fit$fit.types["ss"], as.list = TRUE)
        ss.link <- fit$args$ss.link
    dists <- distances(traps, points)
    probs <- calc.detfn(dists, detfn, pars, ss.link)
    out <- aaply(probs, 2, function(x) 1 - prod(1 - x))
    if (esa){
        A <- attr(points, "area")
        if (is.null(A)){
            stop("The argument 'points' must be a mask object if ESA is to be calculated.")
        out <- A*sum(out)

## Link functions for admbsecr() function.
log.link <- function(x){
    x <- pmax(x, .Machine$double.eps)

logit.link <- function(x){
    x <- pmax(x, .Machine$double.eps)
    x <- pmin(x, 1 - .Machine$double.neg.eps)
    log(x/(1 - x))

scaled.logit.link <- function(x){

inv.logit <- function(x){
    exp(x)/(exp(x) + 1)

inv.scaled.logit.link <- function(x){
    x <- inv.logit(x)
    2*1e8*x - 1e8

scaled.log.link <- function(x){
    x <- x + 1e8

#' Extracting Monte Carlo error
#' Extracts calculated Monte Carlo errors from a bootstrap procedure
#' carried out by \link{boot.admbsecr}.
#' @param estimate A character string, either \code{"bias"} or
#' \code{"se"}, which determines whether Monte Carlo errors for bias
#' estimates or standard errors are reported.
#' @inheritParams locations
#' @seealso \link{boot.admbsecr} for the bootstrap procedure.
#' @seealso \link{stdEr.admbsecr.boot} for standard errors.
#' @seealso \link{get.bias} for estimated biases.
#' @export
get.mce <- function(fit, estimate){
    if (estimate == "bias"){
        out <- fit$boot$bias.mce
    } else if (estimate == "se"){
        out <- fit$boot$se.mce
    } else {
        stop("The argument 'estimate' must be either \"bias\" or \"se\"")

#' Extracting estimated biases
#' Extracts bias in parameter estimates, calculated using the
#' bootstrap procedure carried out by \link{boot.admbsecr}.
#' @inheritParams locations
#' @inheritParams coef.admbsecr
#' @seealso \link{boot.admbsecr} for the bootstrap procedure.
#' @seealso \link{get.mce} for Monte Carlo error the biases are
#' subject to.
#' @export
get.bias <- function(fit, pars = "fitted"){
    if ("all" %in% pars){
        pars <- c("fitted", "derived", "linked")
    par.names <- names(fit$coefficients)
    if (!all(pars %in% c("fitted", "derived", "linked", par.names))){
        stop("Argument 'pars' must either contain a vector of parameter names, or a subset of \"fitted\", \"derived\", \"linked\", and \"all\".")
    if (any(c("fitted", "derived", "linked") %in% pars)){
        which.linked <- grep("_link", par.names)
        linked <- fit$boot$bias[which.linked]
        which.derived <- which(par.names == "esa" | par.names == "Da")
        derived <- fit$boot$bias[which.derived]
        fitted <- fit$boot$bias[-c(which.linked, which.derived)]
        out <- mget(pars)
        names(out) <- NULL
        out <- c(out, recursive = TRUE)
    } else {
        out <- fit$boot$bias[pars]

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admbsecr documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:21 p.m.