# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - NAME: server.R
# - AUTHOR: Reto Stauffer
# - DATE: 2015-05-01
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - DESCRIPTION: This is the shiny guitar server script here.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - EDITORIAL: 2015-05-01, RS: Created file on thinkreto.
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# - L@ST MODIFIED: 2019-01-13 10:05 on marvin
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
#options( shiny.trace = TRUE )
bpy <- eval(parse(text = "colorspace:::bpy"))
# Define server logic required to draw a histogram
shinyServer(function(input, output, session) {
if (["nodename"] == "" ) {
delay(0, toggleState("closeapp", condition = F))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# The different slider elements. Used later to show/hide or
# set the sliders.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
sliderElements <- c("H1", "H2", "C1", "CMAX", "C2", "L1", "L2", "P1", "P2")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Loading PAL palette information and examples
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
palettes <- colorspace:::GetPaletteConfig(gui = TRUE)
choices = colorspace:::example.plots[!colorspace:::example.plots %in% c("HCL Plot","Spectrum")])
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Package version information
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
output$version_info <- shiny::renderText(sprintf("<a href=\"%s\">R colorspace %s</a>",
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper function. Input: character vectors to show/hide.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
showHideElements <- function(show,hide) {
for ( elem in hide ) shinyjs::addClass( elem, "hcl-is-hidden")
for ( elem in show ) shinyjs::removeClass(elem, "hcl-is-hidden")
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Used in different functions: returns the current settings for all
# Parameters
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
getCurrentPalette <- function() {
pal <- list()
for ( elem in sliderElements ) {
eval(parse(text = sprintf("pal$%s <- as.numeric(input$%s)", elem, elem)))
pal$N <- input$N
if ( ! "register" %in% names(pal) ) pal$register <- ""
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Change PAL (palettes to chose) whenever the typ changes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
observeEvent(input$typ, {
x <- list()
if ( grepl("^base$", input$typ) ) {
} else {
for ( i in which(palettes$typ == input$typ) )
x[[sprintf("%s", rownames(palettes)[i])]] <- rownames(palettes)[i]
updateSelectInput(session, "PAL", choices = x)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Switch between dark mode (black background) and normal mode
# (white background). Also used for the demo plots.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
observeEvent(input$darkmode, {
if ( ! input$darkmode ) {
shinyjs::removeClass(selector = "body", class = "darkmode")
} else {
shinyjs::addClass(selector = "body", class = "darkmode")
colors <- getColors()
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Change palettes whenever the palette "typ" changes
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
observeEvent(input$PAL, {
# Getting settings of the choosen color palette
idx <- which(palettes$typ == input$typ & rownames(palettes) == input$PAL)
if ( length(idx) == 0 ) { return(FALSE); }
name <- input$PAL
curPAL <- as.list(palettes[idx,])
# In this case we have to set the slider values as
# the user selected a new scheme!
for (elem in sliderElements) {
if ([idx, elem]) ) next
updateSliderInput(session, elem, value = curPAL[[elem]])
# Show or hide sliders depending on the palette typ configuration
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# When the user changes the slider settings
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
sliderChanged <- function(elem) {
# Load color palette
pal <- getCurrentPalette()
# Show new color map
observeEvent(input$N, { sliderChanged("N") })
observeEvent(input$H1, { sliderChanged("H1") })
observeEvent(input$H2, { sliderChanged("H2") })
observeEvent(input$C1, { sliderChanged("C1") })
observeEvent(input$CMAX, { sliderChanged("CMAX") })
observeEvent(input$C2, { sliderChanged("C2") })
observeEvent(input$L1, { sliderChanged("L1") })
observeEvent(input$L2, { sliderChanged("L2") })
observeEvent(input$P1, { sliderChanged("P1") })
observeEvent(input$P2, { sliderChanged("P2") })
# Do the same whenever the example changes
observeEvent(input$EXAMPLE, { sliderChanged("EXAMPLE") })
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# When the user changes the options (like setting visual
# constraints or the desaturate option).
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
observeEvent(input$reverse, { showColorMap() });
observeEvent(input$fixup, { showColorMap() });
observeEvent(input$desaturate, { showColorMap() });
observeEvent(input$constraint, { showColorMap() });
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# When the user changes one of the values
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
setValueByUser <- function(elem) {
value = eval(parse(text = sprintf("input$%sval", elem)))
if ( nchar(value) > 0 ) {
updateSliderInput(session,elem,value = value)
updateTextInput(session, sprintf("%sval", elem), value = "")
observeEvent(input$H1set, { setValueByUser("H1") })
observeEvent(input$H2set, { setValueByUser("H2") })
observeEvent(input$C1set, { setValueByUser("C1") })
observeEvent(input$CMAXset, { setValueByUser("CMAX") })
observeEvent(input$C2set, { setValueByUser("C2") })
observeEvent(input$L1set, { setValueByUser("L1") })
observeEvent(input$L2set, { setValueByUser("L2") })
observeEvent(input$P1set, { setValueByUser("P1") })
observeEvent(input$P2set, { setValueByUser("P2") })
observeEvent(input$Nset, { setValueByUser("N") })
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Register custom palette by user-defined name
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
observeEvent(input$registerpalettebutton, {
if ( nchar(input$registerpalettename) > 0 ) {
cmd <- function_to_string(input$N, register = input$registerpalettename)
eval(parse(text = cmd))
showNotification(sprintf("Custom palette \"%s\" registered in current R session.",
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Getting currently selected color scheme
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
getColors <- function(N = NULL, fun = FALSE) {
# Current palette settings
curtyp <- input$typ
curPAL <- getCurrentPalette()
if ( ! is.null(N) ) curPAL$N <- N
fixup <- input$fixup
# Getting palette function
if ( input$typ == "base" ) {
# Avoids running into shiny errors when the palette
# switches faster than the type.
if ( ! exists(input$PAL) ) return(NULL)
base_pal <- eval(parse(text = input$PAL))
pal <- function(..., fixup = FALSE) if(input$reverse) rev(base_pal(...)) else base_pal(...)
} else {
# Set elements of curPAL to "NA" for those elements which are
# NA in the palettes (palette config). Same is used to hide
# the sliders, if a value in palettes is NA the slider should
# also be hidden on the UI.
cnf <- which(palettes$typ == curtyp & rownames(palettes) == input$PAL)
if ( length(cnf) > 0 ) {
cnf <- as.list(palettes[cnf,])
for ( elem in names(cnf) ) {
if ( elem %in% names(curPAL) &[[elem]]) ) curPAL[[elem]] = NA
# Calling GetPalette with args list
args <- curPAL
names(args) <- tolower(names(args))
args$fixup <- input$fixup
args$type <- input$typ
args$reverse <- input$reverse
pal <-, args)
# If fun is set to FALSE: return values
if ( ! fun ) {
# Remove alpha (base color maps)
colors <- substr(pal(curPAL$N, fixup = input$fixup), 0, 7)
# Add desaturation or constraints
if ( input$desaturate ) colors <- colorspace::desaturate(colors)
if ( any(tolower(input$constraint) %in% c("protan", "deutan", "tritan")) ) {
cvdfun <- switch(tolower(input$constraint),
"protan" = colorspace::protan,
"deutan" = colorspace::deutan,
"tritan" = colorspace::tritan)
colors <-, list("col" = colors))
# Reverse if required
#if ( input$reverse ) colors <- rev(colors)
} else {
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Show color map
# Note that showColorMap also controls the output in the main
# panel. Depending on the user view (if the user is on the
# export or plotexample tab) we have to update the export
# tab or the image. Not both.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
showColorMap <- function() {
colors <- getColors()
output$colormap <- renderPlot({
bg <- ifelse(input$darkmode, "black", "white") # background
fg <- ifelse(input$darkmode, "white", "black") # foreground
par(mar = rep(0,4), xaxt = "n", yaxt = "n", oma = rep(0,4), bty = "n",
bg = bg, fg = fg)
image(matrix(1:length(colors),ncol = 1),col = colors)
}, width = 500, height = 5)
# Update the export tabs
if ( input$maintabs == "export" ) {
# Show image (plot)
} else if ( input$maintabs == "plotexample" & nchar(input$PAL) > 0 ) {
# Show spectrum
} else if ( input$maintabs == "spectrum" ) {
# Show color plane
} else if ( input$maintabs == "colorplane" ) {
# Save color set to parent environment as we use it to generate
# the output on the export tabs on demand.
colormap <<- colors
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Display spectrum
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
showSpectrum <- function() {
colors <- getColors(100)
fn <- sprintf(paste("fn <- function(colors, ...) {\n",
" par(bg = \"%1$s\", fg = \"%2$s\", col.axis = \"%2$s\")\n",
" colorspace::specplot(colors, cex = 1.4, plot = TRUE, rgb = TRUE, ...)\n",
ifelse(input$darkmode, "black", "white"), # background
ifelse(input$darkmode, "white", "black")) # foreground, col.axis
fn <- eval(parse(text = fn))
output$spectrum <- renderPlot(
fn(colors), width = 800, height = 800
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Display colorplane
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
showColorplane <- function(colors) {
if ( missing(colors) ) colors <- getColors( input$N )
# dimension to collapse. If autohclplot option has been set to TRUE: take NULL.
if ( colorspace:::.colorspace_get_info("hclwizard_autohclplot") ) {
plot_type <- NULL
} else if ( grepl("^qual", input$typ) ) {
plot_type <- "qualitative"
} else if ( grepl("^dive", input$typ) ) {
plot_type <- "diverging"
} else if ( grepl("^(seqm|seqs)", input$typ) ) {
plot_type <- "sequential"
} else {
plot_type <- NULL # Let the plotting function decide
fn <- sprintf(paste("fn <- function(colors, type, ...) {\n",
" par(bg = \"%1$s\", fg = \"%2$s\", col.axis = \"%2$s\")\n",
" colorspace::hclplot(colors, type = type, cex = 1.4, ...)\n",
ifelse(input$darkmode, "black", "white"), # background
ifelse(input$darkmode, "white", "black")) # foreground, col.axis
fn <- eval(parse(text = fn))
output$colorplane <- renderPlot(
fn(colors, plot_type), width = 800, height = 800
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Plotting example
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
plotExample <- function(colors) {
if ( nchar(input$EXAMPLE) > 0 ) {
fn <- sprintf(paste("fn <- function(x, type, ...) {\n",
" par(bg = \"%1$s\", fg = \"%2$s\", col.axis = \"%2$s\")\n",
" colorspace::demoplot(x, type, ...)\n",
ifelse(input$darkmode, "black", "white"), # background
ifelse(input$darkmode, "white", "black")) # foreground, col.axis
fn <- eval(parse(text = fn))
cmd <- sprintf(paste("output$plot <- renderPlot({fn(colors, \"%s\")},",
"width = 800, height = 600)"),
eval(parse(text = cmd))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Getting currently selected color scheme and draws the
# corresponding color bar using shiny
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
showColorSliders <- function(curtyp) {
idx <- which(palettes$typ == curtyp & rownames(palettes) == input$PAL)
show <- hide <- c()
for ( elem in sliderElements ) {
if ([idx,elem]) ) { hide <- c(hide, sprintf("%s-wrapper", elem)) }
else { show <- c(show, sprintf("%s-wrapper", elem)) }
if ( any(grepl("^CMAX-wrapper$", show)) ) {
updateSliderInput(session, "C1", max = 180)
updateSliderInput(session, "C2", max = 180)
updateSliderInput(session, "CMAX", max = 180)
} else {
updateSliderInput(session, "C1", max = 100)
updateSliderInput(session, "C2", max = 100)
updateSliderInput(session, "CMAX", max = 100)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Returns the R function call of the current palette as specified
# by the user.
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
function_to_string <- function(n, register = "") {
# It is possible that the function cannot be evaluated
# at the moment shiny changes the palette typ. In these
# cases "getColors" returns NULL. In these cases return
# "..."
pal <- getColors(fun = TRUE)
if ( is.null(pal) ) return("...")
arglist <- list()
for ( arg in names(formals(pal)) ) {
if ( arg == "..." ) break;
arglist[[arg]] <- formals(pal)[[arg]]
arglist[["n"]] <- sprintf("%d", n)
if ( nchar(register) > 0 )
arglist[["register"]] <- sprintf("\"%s\"", register)
# Remove defaults
if ( "fixup" %in% names(arglist) )
if ( arglist[["fixup"]] == TRUE ) arglist[["fixup"]] <- NULL
if ( "alpha" %in% names(arglist) )
if ( arglist[["alpha"]] == 1 ) arglist[["alpha"]] <- NULL
if ( "rev" %in% names(arglist) )
if ( arglist[["rev"]] == FALSE ) arglist[["rev"]] <- NULL
# Name of the method
if ( input$typ %in% c("Qualitative", "qual") ) {
fname <- "qualitative_hcl"
} else if ( grepl("^seq", tolower(input$typ)) ) {
fname <- "sequential_hcl"
} else if ( grepl("^div", tolower(input$typ)) ) {
fname <- "diverging_hcl"
} else {
fname <- input$PAL
if ( nchar(register) > 0 ) {
if ( grepl("^base$", input$typ ) ) return("# Not possible for legacy schemes.")
fname <- sprintf("colorspace::%s", fname)
# Create the result
argstr <- paste(names(arglist), arglist, sep = " = ", collapse = ", ")
result <- sprintf("%s(%s)", fname, argstr)
# Default palette, reversed?
if ( input$typ == "base" & input$reverse )
result <- sprintf("rev(%s)", result)
# If visual constraints are selected: add wrapping function
if ( nchar(register) == 0 ) {
if ( input$desaturate )
result <- sprintf("colorspace::desaturate(%s)", result)
if ( input$constraint == "Deutan" ) {
result <- sprintf("colorspace::deutan(%s)", result)
} else if ( input$constraint == "Protan" ) {
result <- sprintf("colorspace::protan(%s)", result)
} else if ( input$constraint == "Tritan" ) {
result <- sprintf("colorspace::tritan(%s)", result)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Generates the call for Python colorspace
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
function_to_pythoncolorspace <- function(n) {
# It is possible that the function cannot be evaluated
# at the moment shiny changes the palette typ. In these
# cases "getColors" returns NULL. In these cases return
# "..."
pal <- getColors(fun = TRUE)
if ( is.null(pal) ) return("...")
arglist <- list()
for (arg in names(formals(pal))) {
if (arg == "...") break;
arglist[[arg]] <- formals(pal)[[arg]]
# Remove n, alpha, and register entries
arglist$n <- arglist$alpha <- arglist$register <- NULL
for (tmp in c("h", "c", "l", "power")) {
if (tmp %in% names(arglist)) {
arglist[[tmp]] <- as.vector(na.omit(arglist[[tmp]]))
# Remove defaults
if ("fixup" %in% names(arglist))
if (arglist[["fixup"]] == TRUE) arglist[["fixup"]] <- NULL
if ("rev" %in% names(arglist))
if (arglist[["rev"]] == FALSE) arglist[["rev"]] <- NULL
# Name of the method
if (input$typ %in% c("Qualitative", "qual")) {
fname <- "qualitative_hcl"
} else if (grepl("^seq", tolower(input$typ))) {
fname <- "sequential_hcl"
} else if (grepl("^div", tolower(input$typ))) {
fname <- "diverging_hcl"
} else {
fname <- input$PAL
# Deparse arguments and convert to python-style strings;
# * 'c(1, 2)' gets `[1, 2]`.
# * `NA` = `None` (if it occurs)
# * `TRUE` = `True`
# * `FALSE` = `False`
arglist <- lapply(arglist, function(x) {
x <- gsub("\\)$", "]", gsub("^c\\(", "[", deparse(x)))
x <- gsub("FALSE", "False", gsub("TRUE", "True", x))
gsub("NA", "None", x)
# Create the result
argstr <- paste(names(arglist), arglist, sep = " = ", collapse = ", ")
palcmd <- sprintf("%s(%s)", fname, argstr)
# Imports list used for "from colorspace import *"
imports <- fname
# Default palette, reversed?
if (input$typ == "base" & input$reverse) palcmd <- sprintf("rev(%s)", palcmd)
palcmd <- paste0("pal = ", palcmd)
# Command to extract N colors
colcmd <- sprintf("pal.colors(%s)", n)
# If visual constraints are selected: add wrapping function
if (input$desaturate)
colcmd <- sprintf("desaturate(%s)", colcmd)
imports <- c(imports, "desaturate")
if (input$constraint == "Deutan") {
colcmd <- sprintf("%s(%s)", tolower(input$constraint), colcmd)
imports <- c(imports, tolower(input$constraint))
} else if (input$constraint == "Protan") {
colcmd <- sprintf("%s(%s)", tolower(input$constraint), colcmd)
imports <- c(imports, tolower(input$constraint))
} else if (input$constraint == "Tritan") {
colcmd <- sprintf("%s(%s)", tolower(input$constraint), colcmd)
imports <- c(imports, tolower(input$constraint))
# Creating final result
pystr <- c("<comment>## Import and define palette</comment>",
sprintf("<code>from colorspace import %s</code>", paste(imports, collapse = ", ")),
sprintf("<code>%s</code>", palcmd),
sprintf("<comment>## To get %s colors simply call</comment>", input$N),
sprintf("<code>%s</code>", colcmd))
return(paste(pystr, collapse = "\n"))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Export colors: generate export content
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
generateExport <- function() {
# Setting "NA" colors if fixup=FALSE to white and
# store the indizes on Replacement required
# to be able to convert hex->RGB, index required to
# create proper output (where NA values should be displayed).
colors <- getColors() <- which(
colors[] <- "#ffffff"
# --------------------------
# --------------------------
# Generate RGB coordinates
sRGB <- colorspace::hex2RGB(colors)
RGB <- attr( sRGB, "coords" )
HCL <- round(attr( as( sRGB, "polarLUV" ), "coords" ))
# Generate output string
append <- function(x,new) c(x,new)
raw1 <- raw2 <- raw3 <- raw4 <- list()
# RGB 0-1
raw1 <- append(raw1, "<div style=\"clear: both;\">")
raw1 <- append(raw1, "<span class=\"output-raw\">")
raw1 <- append(raw1, "HCL values")
for ( i in 1:nrow(HCL) )
raw1 <- append(raw1,ifelse(i %in%,
gsub(" ", " ", sprintf("<code>%5s %5s %5s</code>", "NA", "NA", "NA")),
gsub(" ", " ", sprintf("<code>%4d %4d %4d</code>", HCL[i,"H"], HCL[i,"C"], HCL[i,"L"]))))
raw1 <- append(raw1, "</span>")
# RGB 0-255
raw2 <- append(raw2, "<span class=\"output-raw\">")
raw2 <- append(raw2, "RGB values [0-255]")
RGB <- round(RGB * 255)
for ( i in 1:nrow(RGB) )
raw2 <- append(raw2,ifelse(i %in%,
gsub(" ", " ", sprintf("<code>%4s %4s %4s</code>", "NA", "NA", "NA")),
gsub(" ", " ", sprintf("<code>%4d %4d %4d</code>", RGB[i,1], RGB[i,2], RGB[i,3]))))
raw2 <- append(raw2,"</span>")
# HEX colors
raw3 <- append(raw3,"<span class=\"output-raw\">")
raw3 <- append(raw3,"HEX colors, no alpha")
for ( i in seq_along(colors) )
raw3 <- append(raw3,ifelse(i %in%,
gsub(" "," ",sprintf("<code>%7s</code>","NA")),
raw3 <- append(raw3, "</span>")
# Color boxes (visual bar)
raw4 <- append(raw4, "<span class=\"output-raw\">")
raw4 <- append(raw4, "Color Map")
for ( col in colors )
raw4 <- append(raw4, sprintf("<cbox style='background-color: %s'></cbox>", col))
raw4 <- append(raw4, "</span>")
raw4 <- append(raw4, "</div>")
output$exportRAW1 <- renderText(paste(raw1, collapse = "\n"))
output$exportRAW2 <- renderText(paste(raw2, collapse = "\n"))
output$exportRAW3 <- renderText(paste(raw3, collapse = "\n"))
output$exportRAW4 <- renderText(paste(raw4, collapse = "\n"))
# The corresponding R call
output$exportFun <- renderText(sprintf("<code>%s</code>",
output$exportFunReg2 <- output$exportFunReg <- renderText(
function_to_string(input$N, register = "Custom-Palette")))
# -----------------------------
# For GrADS
# -----------------------------
gastr <- c()
gastr <- append(gastr, "<div class=\"output-grads\">")
gastr <- append(gastr, "<comment>** Define colors palette</comment>")
if ( length( > 0 )
gastr <- append(gastr, "<comment>** WARNING undefined colors in color map!</comment>")
for ( i in 1:nrow(RGB) ) {
gastr <- append(gastr,ifelse(i %in%,
gsub(" ", " ",sprintf("<code>'set rgb %02d %4s %4s %4s'</code>",
i + 19, "NA", "NA", "NA")),
gsub(" ", " ",sprintf("<code>'set rgb %02d %4d %4d %4d'</code>",
i + 19, RGB[i,1], RGB[i,2], RGB[i,3]))))
gastr <- append(gastr, sprintf("<code>'set ccols %s'</code>",
paste(1:nrow(RGB) + 19, collapse = " ")))
gastr <- append(gastr, sprintf("<code>'set clevs %s'</code>",
paste(round(seq(0, 100, length.out=nrow(RGB) - 1), 1), collapse=" ")))
gastr <- append(gastr, "<comment>** Open data set via DODS</comment>")
gastr <- append(gastr, "<comment>** Open data set via DODS</comment>")
gastr <- append(gastr, strftime(Sys.Date() - 1, "<code>'sdfopen'</code>"))
output$exportGrADS <- renderText(paste(gastr, collapse = "\n"))
# -----------------------------
# For Python colorspacd
# -----------------------------
if (input$typ != "base") {
output$exportPython <- renderText(function_to_pythoncolorspace(input$N))
} else {
output$exportPython <- renderText("<comment>## No equivalent to base R colors in Python colorspace</comment>")
# -----------------------------
# For Matlab
# -----------------------------
RGB <- attr(colorspace::hex2RGB(colors), "coords")
mstr <- c()
mstr <- append(mstr, "<div class=\"output-matlab\">")
mstr <- append(mstr, "<comment>%% Define rgb matrix first (matrix size ncolors x 3)</comment>")
if ( length( > 0 )
mstr <- append(mstr, "<comment>%% WARNING undefined colors in color map!</comment>")
vardef <- "colors = ["
for ( i in 1:nrow(RGB) ) {
if ( i == 1 ) { pre <- vardef; post <- ";" }
else if ( i < nrow(RGB) ) { pre <- paste(rep(" ", nchar(vardef)), collapse = ""); post <- ";" }
else { pre <- paste(rep(" ", nchar(vardef)), collapse = ""); post <- "]" }
if ( i %in% ) {
tmp <- sprintf("<code>%s%5s,%5s,%5s%s</code>",
pre, "NaN", "NaN", "NaN", post)
} else {
tmp <- sprintf("<code>%s%5.3f,%5.3f,%5.3f%s</code>",
pre, RGB[i, 1], RGB[i, 2], RGB[i, 3], post)
mstr <- append(mstr, gsub(" ", " ", tmp))
mstr <- append(mstr, "</div>")
output$exportMatlab <- renderText(paste(mstr, collapse="\n"))
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Update main tabs (show export output, spectrum, or example plot)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
updateMainTabContent <- function() {
# Update the export tabs
if ( input$maintabs == "export" ) {
# Show image (plot)
} else if ( input$maintabs == "plotexample" & nchar(input$PAL) > 0 ) {
# Spectrum plot
} else if ( input$maintabs == "spectrum" ) {
# Color plane plot
} else if ( input$maintabs == "colorplane" ) {
observeEvent(input$maintabs, updateMainTabContent());
# downloadHandler() takes two arguments, both functions.
# The content function is passed a filename as an argument, and
# it should write out data to that filename.
getRGB <- function(int=FALSE) {
colors <- getColors()
NAidx <- which(
if (length(NAidx) > 0) colors[NAidx] <- "#FFFFFF"
if (int) { scale = 255; digits = 0 } else { scale = 1; digits = 3 }
RGB <- round(attr(colorspace::hex2RGB(colors), "coords") * scale, digits)
if (length(NAidx) > 0) RGB[NAidx,] <- NA
getHCL <- function() {
colors <- getColors()
NAidx <- which(
if (length(NAidx) > 0) colors[NAidx] <- "#FFFFFF"
HCL <- colorspace::coords(as(colorspace::hex2RGB(colors), "polarLUV"))
if (length(NAidx) > 0) HCL[NAidx,] <- NA
output$downloadRAW1 <- downloadHandler(
file <- "colormap_HCL.txt",
content = function(file) {
write.table(getHCL(), file, sep = ",", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
output$downloadRAW2 <- downloadHandler(
file <- "colormap_RGB.txt",
content = function(file) {
write.table(getRGB(TRUE), file, sep = ",", col.names = TRUE, row.names = FALSE)
output$downloadRAW3 <- downloadHandler(
file <- "colormap_hex.txt",
content = function(file) {
write.table(getColors(), file, sep = ",",
col.names = FALSE, row.names = FALSE)
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Returns color function
# ----------------------------------------------------------------
observeEvent(input$closeapp, stopApp(invisible(getColors(fun = TRUE))));
# - Configuration
ticks <- FALSE # to show ticks or not to show ticks
Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.
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For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.