
Defines functions pairsRosenblatt pairsColList heatHCLgap .pairsCond

Documented in pairsColList .pairsCond pairsRosenblatt

## Copyright (C) 2012-2013 Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
## the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software
## Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later
## version.
## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
## ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more
## details.
## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
## this program; if not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

### Pairs plot for a cu.u object ###############################################

##' Pairs plot for a cu.u object
##' @title Pairs plot for a cu.u object
##' @param gcu.u (n,d,d)-array of pairwise Rosenblatt-transformed u's
##'	   as returned by \code{pairwiseCcop()}
##' @param panel pairs() argument
##' @param colList list of colors and information as returned by pairsColList()
##' @param col \emph{instead} of \code{colList}, specifying the points' color
##' @param bg \emph{instead} of \code{colList}, specifying the constant background color
##' @param labels pairs() argument; can be missing (in which case a suitable
##'	   default is chosen or can be "none" [or something else])
##' @param ... pairs() argument (can contain font.main, cex.main, line.main,
##'	   adj.main for title adjustments)
##' @param text.panel pairs() argument
##' @param label.pos pairs() argument
##' @param cex.labels pairs() argument
##' @param font.labels pairs() argument
##' @param gap pairs() argument
##' @param axes logical indicating whether axes are drawn
##' @param panel.border logical indicating whether a border is drawn around the
##'	   pairs (to mimic the behavior of image())
##' @param key logical indicating whether a color key is drawn
##' @param keyOpt a list of options for the color key,
##'  \item\code{space} white space in height of characters in inch to specify the
##'	   the distance of the key to the pairs plot
##'  \item\code{width} key width in height of characters in inch
##'  \item\code{axis} logical indicating whether an axis for the color key is
##'	   drawn
##'  \item\code{rug.at} values where rugs are plotted at the key
##'  \item\code{title} key title
##'  \item\code{line} key placement (horizontal distance from color key in lines)
##' @param main title
##' @param main.centered logical indicating if the title should be centered or not;
##'	   the default (FALSE) centers it according to the pairs plot, not the whole
##'	   plotting region
##' @param line.main title placement (vertical distance from pairs plot in lines)
##' @param sub sub-title
##' @param sub.centered logical indicating if the sub-title should be centered or not;
##'	   the default (FALSE) centers it according to the pairs plot, not the whole
##'	   plotting region
##' @param line.sub sub-title placement (vertical distance from pairs plot in lines)
##' @return invisible()
##' Note: - based on pairs.default() and filled.contour() from R-2.14.1
##'       - used in Hofert and Maechler (2013)
.pairsCond <- function(gcu.u,
                       panel=points, colList, col = par("col"), bg = par("bg"),
                       labels, ..., text.panel=textPanel,
                       label.pos=0.5, cex.labels=NULL, font.labels=1, gap=0,
                       axes=TRUE, panel.border=TRUE,
                       key=TRUE, keyOpt=list(space=2.5, width=1.5, axis=TRUE,
                                             rug.at = numeric(), title=NULL, line=5),
                       main=NULL, main.centered=FALSE,
                       line.main= if(is.list(main)) 5/4*par("cex.main")*rev(seq_along(main)) else 2,
                       sub=NULL, sub.centered=FALSE,
    ## checking
    stopifnot(is.array(gcu.u), is.numeric(gcu.u), length(dc <- dim(gcu.u)) == 3,
	      dc == c(dc[1], (d <- dc[2]), d), d >= 2)

    panel <- match.fun(panel)
    if(d * d > 500 - 3 && getRversion() < "3.0.0")
	stop("Currently, layout() only allows 500 different plot areas. This limit\n  ",
	     "is reached for d=",d,".  It will be extended for R 3.0.0 (and later).")

    ## preliminaries ###########################################################

    ## for plotting text on the diagonal panels
    textPanel <- function(x=0.5, y=0.5, txt, cex, font, col)
	    text(x, y, txt, cex=cex, font=font, col=col)

    ## function for drawing the (local) axes
    localAxis <- function(side, x, y, xpd, bg, col=NULL, main, sub, oma, ...) {
	## Explicitly ignore any color argument passed in as
	## it was most likely meant for the data points and
	## not for the axis.
	if(side %%2 == 1) Axis(x, side=side, xpd=NA, ...)
	else Axis(y, side=side, xpd=NA, ...)

    ## determine the labels on the diagonal
    has.labs <- TRUE
    if(missing(labels)) { ## if no labels are giving, choose a reasonable default:
	## the jth column in the pairs plot corresponds to the plot of (u_j, C(u_i|u_j)) => choose  .|u_j
	labels <- as.expression( lapply(1:d, function(j)
	    substitute(phantom()%.%"|"* italic(u)[ind], list(ind=j))) )
    else { # labels are given (possibly == "none")
	labels <- match.arg(labels, "none")
	stopifnot(length(labels) == d || !(has.labs <- !(labels=="none")))
    if(key) { ## fix up  keyOpt, if user has not specified full list
	keyL <- eval(formals()$keyOpt)# list of default options
	## replace those that are specified:
	keyL[names(keyOpt)] <- keyOpt ## and use keyL below
    xls <- vapply(1:d, function(j) range(gcu.u[,j, j]), numeric(2))# those in the diag.
    yls <- vapply(1:d, function(i) range(gcu.u[,i,-i]), numeric(2))# those not in diag

    ## get ... and setup plot options
    op <- par(no.readonly = TRUE) # get the whole list of settable par's.
    on.exit(par(op)) # on exit of this function, restore previous settings
    dots <- list(...) # list of ... arguments
    nmdots <- names(dots)
    oma <- if("oma" %in% nmdots) dots$oma else
	c(if(!is.null(sub)) 6 else 4, # below
	  4, # left
	  if(!is.null(main)) 6 else 4, # top
	  if(key) 6 else 4) # right
    par(mar=rep.int(gap/2,4), oma=oma, las=1)
    ##.. on.exit(dev.flush(), add=TRUE)
    ##.. not sufficient, as we care about *order* of exit calls:
    on.exit({dev.flush(); par(op)})

    ## determine layout
    pc <- d*d # plot counter
    layout.mat <- matrix(1:pc, ncol=d) # first d^2 many plots for the pairs plot
    if(key) {
	pc <- pc+1
	## d^2 + 1 plot for color key;
	## bind column of white space and the plot region for the color key to the layout:
	layout.mat <- cbind(layout.mat, rep(0, d), rep(pc, d))
    nLineAdded <- 0 # for subtraction later on (in heights.)
    if(!is.null(main)) { # we have a title
	## Idea: If main.centered, create a full-width bar at the top of the plotting
	##	 region. If !main.centered, create such a bar only on top of the pairs
	##	 plot. Note that the height + distance do not play a role since we
	##	 turn off the clipping later anyway.
	pc <- pc+1
	layout.mat <- rbind(c(rep(pc, d), rep(if(main.centered) pc else 0, 2)),
			    layout.mat) # d^2 + 2 plot
	nLineAdded <- nLineAdded+1
    if(!is.null(sub)) { # as for main
	pc <- pc+1 # d^2 + 3 plot
	layout.mat <- rbind(layout.mat,
			    c(rep(pc, d), rep(if(sub.centered) pc else 0, 2)))
	nLineAdded <- nLineAdded+1

    ## set the layout
    unit <- par("csi")*2.54
    widths. <- c(rep(1,d), if(key) lcm(c(keyL$space, keyL$width)*unit))
    heights. <- rep(1, nrow(layout.mat)-nLineAdded)
    ## add space for main (size does not matter since we will turn off clipping anyway)
    if(!is.null(main)) heights. <- c(lcm(1*unit), heights.)
    if(!is.null(sub)) heights. <- c(heights., lcm(1*unit)) # similarly for sub
    layout(layout.mat, respect=TRUE, widths=widths., heights=heights.)
    if(getOption("copula:debug.pairsCond", FALSE)) {## for debugging:
	layout.show(pc) ; browser()

    ## Pairs plot ##############################################################

    ## go over all panels (from top to bottom, left to right)
    if(!(has.colList <- !missing(colList))) {
	fg <- col
	## and use the 'bg' argument which defaults to par("bg")
    for(j in 1:d) { # column
	x <- gcu.u[,j,j]
	for(i in 1:d) { # row

	    ## start a new plot
	    mfg <- par("mfg") # for checking afterwards

	    ## everything ok for plotting (especially if method="none" in pairsRosenblatt())?
	    ok <- !(anyNA(xls[,j]) || anyNA(yls[,i]))
	    if(ok) { ## set up coordinate system
		if(i!=j) {
		    plot.window(xlim=xls[,j], ylim=yls[,i])
		    y <- gcu.u[,i,j]
		} else {
		    plot.window(xlim=0:1, ylim=0:1)
	    ## draw the colored background (rectangle)
	    if(has.colList) {
		fg <- colList$fgColMat[i,j]
		bg <- colList$bgColMat[i,j]
	    ## set background color; xleft, ybottom, xright, ytop
	    ll <- par("usr")
	    rect(ll[1], ll[3], ll[2], ll[4], col=bg,
		 border = if(!panel.border) NA)
	    ## draw labels
	    if(i==j) {
		if(has.labs) {
		    ## determine the label sizes
		    if(is.null(cex.labels)) { # default
			l.wid <- strwidth(labels, "user")
			cex.labels <- max(0.8, min(2, .9/max(l.wid)))
		    ## draw the labels
		    text.panel(0.5, label.pos, labels[i], cex=cex.labels,
			       font=font.labels, col=fg)
	    } else { # i!=j
		## actual panel plot
		if(ok) panel(x, y, col=fg, ...)
		##     =====

	    ## check
	    if(any(par("mfg")!=mfg)) stop("the 'panel' function made a new plot")

	    ## Now draw the axes (if required); reason for doing it here instead of
	    ## (as pairs()) above: since we have colored backgrounds, the colors would
	    ## overwrite parts of the axes if panel.border=TRUE
	    if(axes && ok) {
		if(i==1 && !(j %% 2)) localAxis(1 + 2, x=x, y=y, ...)
		if(i==d &&   j %% 2)  localAxis(3 - 2, x=x, y=y, ...)
		if(j==1 && !(i %% 2)) localAxis(2,     x=x, y=y, ...)
		if(j==d &&   i %% 2)  localAxis(4,     x=x, y=y, ...)

	    ## determine whether we draw boxes around the panels (also leading to a
	    ## global box) or just one global box
	    if(panel.border) { # a border is drawn (easy case)
		box() # draw it by simply drawing boxes around each panel
	    } else { # no border is drawn around the panels, but we still want to have a "global" box
		ll <- par("usr") # note: this changes if par(usr=c(0, 1, 0, 1)) is used above
		## note: par("usr") = c(x1, x2, y1, y2) for lower left point (x1, y1)
		##	 and upper right point (x2, y2)

		## rough idea in the following: use axis() in order to make a box
		## nicely aligned with (possibly) other axes drawn above; also tried
		## to work with segments but line thickness etc. is not the same.

		## upper border for 1st row
		if(i==1) axis(x, side=3, lwd.ticks=0, labels=FALSE,
		   at=c(ll[1], ll[2]), ...)
		## left border for 1st column
		if(j==1) axis(x, side=2, lwd.ticks=0, labels=FALSE,
		   at=c(ll[3], ll[4]), ...)
		## right border for last column
		if(j==d) axis(x, side=4, lwd.ticks=0, labels=FALSE,
		   at=c(ll[3], ll[4]), ...)
		## lower border for last row
		if(i==d) axis(x, side=1, lwd.ticks=0, labels=FALSE,
		   at=c(ll[1], ll[2]), ...)

    ## color key ###############################################################

    ## Note: font.main, cex.main are also needed below (if key is true)
    font.main <- if("font.main" %in% nmdots) dots$font.main else par("font.main")
    cex.main  <- if("cex.main"  %in% nmdots) dots$cex.main  else par("cex.main")
    if(key) {
	## pick out color info
	cols <- colList$bucketCols # colors of the colorkey
	levels <- colList$pvalueBuckets # levels of the color key
	## checks (also that levels > 0 due to log-scale (e)axis)
	stopifnot((nl <- length(levels)) >= 2, length(cols) == nl-1)
	if(min(levels) <= 0)
	    stop("pvalueBuckets has to be > 0; most likely you want to specify pmin0 (> 0)") # longer error message

	## go to the space reserved for plotting the key
	plot.window(xlim=c(0,1), ylim=range(levels), log="y", xaxs="i", yaxs="i")

	## plot rectangles that build the color key
	rect(0, levels[-nl], 1, levels[-1L], col=cols)

	## plot color key axis
	if(keyL$axis) sfsmisc::eaxis(4)

	## draw "data" ticks at left side of key
	if(length(keyL$rug.at) > 0)
	    axis(2, at=keyL$rug.at, labels=FALSE, tcl = -0.25)

	## plot color key title
	if(!is.null(keyL$title)) {
	    par(las=0) # label axis parallel to the axis
	    mtext(keyL$title, side=4, line=keyL$line, outer=FALSE, cex=cex.main,

    ## title ###################################################################

    adj <- if("adj" %in% nmdots) dots$adj else par("adj") # also for sub
    if(!is.null(main)) {
	plot.window(xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1))
	## xpd: turn clipping off so that title is visible if broader than plot region
	if(!is.list(main)) { # title
	    mtext(main, side=3, line=line.main, adj=adj, cex=cex.main, font=font.main, xpd=NA)
	} else { # for multi-line titles we accept a list
	    stopifnot(length(main) == length(line.main))
	    for(i in seq_along(main))
		mtext(main[[i]], side=3, line=line.main[i], adj=adj,
		      cex=cex.main, font=font.main, xpd = NA)

    ## sub-title ###############################################################

    if(!is.null(sub)) {
	plot.window(xlim=c(0,1), ylim=c(0,1))
	## xpd: turn clipping off so that the sub title is visible if broader than plot region
	mtext(sub, side=3, line=-line.sub, adj=adj, xpd = NA,
	      cex=0.75*cex.main, font=0.75*font.main) # title

    ## return invisibly
} # end{.pairsCond}

### colors #####################################################################

##' @title Compute HCL heat colors with a gap
##' @param beg HCL color at the beginning of the path
##' @param end HCL color at the end of the path
##' @param nBeg number of colors in the beginning of the path
##' @param nEnd number of colors in the end of the path
##' @param ngap number of colors left out as "gap" between beg and end; ignored
##'        if nBeg==0 or nEnd==0
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to heat_hcl()
##' @return vector of colors in hex code
##' @author Marius Hofert
heatHCLgap <- function(beg, end, nBeg, nEnd, ngap, ...){
    stopifnot(requireNamespace("colorspace"), length(beg)==3, length(end)==3)
    stopifnot(nBeg >=0, nEnd >=0, nBeg+nEnd >= 1, ngap >=0)
    hexPol <- function(...) colorspace::hex(colorspace::polarLUV(...))
    ## number of colors to generate on the path (ignore gap if nBeg==0 || nEnd==0):
    n <- if(nBeg==0) nEnd else if(nEnd==0) nBeg else nBeg + nEnd + ngap
    heatHCL <- if(n==1){ # only one color: pick the right one of beg and end
	if     (nBeg==0) hexPol(H=end[1], C=end[2], L=end[3])
	else if(nEnd==0) hexPol(H=beg[1], C=beg[2], L=beg[3])
        else stop("impossible case")
    } else { # more than one color: interpolate in HCL space
	colorspace::heat_hcl(n, h = c(beg[1], end[1]), c. = c(beg[2], end[2]),
                             l = c(beg[3], end[3]), ...) # all colors on the path
    if(nBeg==0 || nEnd==0) heatHCL # colors without gap
    else c(heatHCL[seq_len(nBeg)], heatHCL[n-nEnd+seq_len(nEnd)]) # build in gap

##' Create a list containing information about colors for a given matrix of p-values
##' @title Create a list containing information about colors for a given matrix of
##'	   p-values
##' @param P (d,d) matrix of p-values
##' @param pdiv vector of strictly increasing p-values in (0,1) that determine the
##'	   "buckets" for the background colors of .pairsCond()
##' @param signif.P significance level (must be an element of pdiv)
##' @param pmin0 a numeric indicating the lower endpoint of pvalueBuckets if pmin=0.
##'	   If set to 0, the lowest pvalueBucket will also be 0 (as pmin). If you want
##'	   to use pairsColList() for .pairsCond(), pmin0 should be in (0, min(pdiv))
##' @param bucketCols vector of length as pdiv containing the colors for the buckets.
##'        If not specified, either bg.col.bottom and bg.col.top are used (if provided)
##'        or bg.col (if provided)
##' @param fgColMat (d,d) matrix with foreground colors (the default
##'        will be black if the background color is bright and white if it is dark)
##' @param bgColMat (d,d) matrix of background colors (kids, don't try this at home!)
##' @param col foreground color (defaults to "B&W.contrast" which switches black/white
##'        according to BWcutoff
##' @param BWcutoff number in (0, 255) for switching black/white foreground color
##'        *if* col="B&W.contrast"
##' @param bg.col background color scheme
##' @param bg.ncol.gap number of colors left out as "gap" for color buckets
##'        below/above signif.P
##' @param bg.col.bottom vector of length 3 containing a HCL color specification. If
##'        provided and bucketCols is not, it is used as the color for the bucket of
##'        smallest p-values
##' @param bg.col.top vector of length 3 containing a HCL color specification. If
##'        provided and bucketCols is not, it is used as the color for the bucket of
##'        largest p-values
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to heat_hcl()
##' @return a named list with components
##'	    $fgColMat: matrix of foreground colors
##'	    $bgColMat: matrix of background colors (colors corresponding to P)
##'	    $bucketCols: vector containing the colors corresponding to pvalueBuckets
##'	    $pvalueBuckets: vector containing the endpoints of the p-value buckets
##' @author Marius Hofert
##' Note: used in Hofert and Maechler (2013)
pairsColList <- function(P, pdiv=c(1e-4, 1e-3, 1e-2, 0.05, 0.1, 0.5),
			 signif.P=0.05, pmin0=1e-5, bucketCols=NULL, fgColMat=NULL,
			 bgColMat=NULL, col="B&W.contrast", BWcutoff=170,## 127.5 = (0+255)/2
			 bg.col=c("ETHCL", "zurich", "zurich.by.fog", "baby",
			 "heat", "greenish"), bg.ncol.gap=floor(length(pdiv)/3),
			 bg.col.bottom=NULL, bg.col.top=NULL, ...)
    ## 0) Checks
    stopifnot(is.na(P) | (0 <= P & P <= 1), is.matrix(P), (d <- ncol(P))==nrow(P),
	      (lp <- length(pdiv)) >= 1, 0 < pdiv, pdiv < 1, all(diff(pdiv) > 0),
	      length(signif.P)==1, any(is.Pv <- (signif.P == pdiv)),
	      length(pmin0)==1, 0 <= pmin0, pmin0 <= 1,
	      0 <= bg.ncol.gap, bg.ncol.gap < lp)
    if(!(is0bucketCols <- is.null(bucketCols))) stopifnot(is.vector(bucketCols), length(bucketCols)==lp)
    if(!(is0fgColMat <- is.null(fgColMat))) stopifnot(is.matrix(fgColMat), dim(fgColMat)==dim(P))
    if(!(is0bgColMat <- is.null(bgColMat))) stopifnot(is.matrix(bgColMat), dim(bgColMat)==dim(P))
    if(!(is0bg.col.bottom <- is.null(bg.col.bottom))) stopifnot(length(bg.col.bottom)==3)
    if(!(is0bg.col.top <- is.null(bg.col.top))) stopifnot(length(bg.col.top)==3)
    ## Note: We allow bucketCols to overwrite bg.col.bottom -- bg.col.top on color key
    ##       and bgColMat to overwrite bg.col

    ## 1) Determine the p-value buckets
    rP <- range(P, na.rm=TRUE) # range of p-values
    pmin <- rP[1] # minimal attained p-value
    pmax <- rP[2] # maximal attained p-value
    pvalueBuckets <- pdiv # p-value buckets endpoints
    if(pmin < pvalueBuckets[1]){ # if pmin < min(pvalueBuckets), extend pvalueBuckets to include pmin
	## Note: pmin could be 0 (due to simulation-based p-values, for example).
	##	 In this case, if pmin.adjust = TRUE, we adjust pmin to
	##	 (min(P, na.rm=TRUE) + min(pdiv))/2. This is useful when using
	##	 pairsColList for .pairsCond() and plotting the color key in log-scale;
	##	 there we have to avoid 0
	pvalueBuckets <- if(pmin > 0){
	    c(pmin, pvalueBuckets)
	} else { # pmin=0; if we are working in log-scale, we can't allow pmin=0
	    if(pmin0 >= pdiv[1]) stop("pmin0 must be smaller than min(pdiv)")
	    c(pmin0, pvalueBuckets) # note: this contains indeed 0 iff pmin0=0
	lp <- lp+1
    if(pmax > pvalueBuckets[lp]){ # if pmax > max(pvalueBuckets), extend pvalueBuckets to include pmax
	pvalueBuckets <- c(pvalueBuckets, pmax)
	lp <- lp+1
    ## => pvalueBuckets now is typically in (0,1] and contains p_min and p_max.
    ##	  Note that 0 is included iff pmin0=0.

    ## Deal with the degenerate case that all p-values (entries of P) are equal to
    ## a single given pdiv. In this case, use (pdiv, 1) as single p-value bucket.
    ## This should rarely happen but it could (if d=1 and p-values are simulation
    ## based [=> grid], for example).
    if(lp == 1){
	pvalueBuckets <- c(pdiv, 1)
	lp <- lp+1

    ## From here on it is guaranteed that length(pvalueBuckets) >= 2, which means
    ## we can use this "span" (determined by the (at least) two values) as proper
    ## endpoints of a bucket.

    ## 2) Determine colors for buckets
    if(is0bucketCols){ # no bucketCols available
	## 2.1) Determine which of the values of pvalueBuckets is signif.P
	is.Pv <- (signif.P == pvalueBuckets)
	if(!any(is.Pv)) stop("signif.P is not in pvalueBuckets (= extended pdiv)")
	num.signif.P <- which(is.Pv) # => num.signif.P can be all of {1,..,lp}

	## 2.2) Determine number of different colors
	nColsBel <- num.signif.P - 1 # number of different colors below signif.P
	nb <- lp-1 # number of buckets; lp = length(pvalueBuckets)
	nColsAbo <- nb - nColsBel  # number of different colors above signif.P
	## => Can both be 0, but not simultaneously:
	##	  Example: if pdiv <- 0.05 = signif.P and all p-values (entries of P)
	##		   are > 0.05 => no colors below signif.P.

	## 2.3) Determine colors
	##	Note: As for the default, the larger the index, the brighter the color
	##	      vector should be, so that the plot makes small p-values visible by
	##	      dark colors.
	if(is0bg.col.bottom && is0bg.col.top) { # use default color schemes
	    bg.col <- match.arg(bg.col)
	    hex2pLUV <- function(cc) {
		stopifnot(requireNamespace("colorspace")) # also for as(.,.) method
		rev(as(colorspace::hex2RGB(cc), "polarLUV")@coords) # default
		   "ETHCL"={ # blue to yellow/white
		       bel <- hex2pLUV("#0066CC") # default
		       bel[1] <- bel[1]-360 # map correctly to not run over green
		       abo <- c(80, 30, 94) # yellow/white
		   "zurich"={ # sequential blue
		       bel <- hex2pLUV("#0066CC") # (Zurich coat of arms) blue
		       bel[1] <- bel[1]-360 # map correctly to not run over green
		       abo <- c(-100, 0, 94) # blue/white
		   "zurich.by.fog"={ # grayscale
		       bel <- c(0, 0, 40) # gray
		       abo <- c(0, 0, 94) # gray/white
		       bel <- hex2pLUV("#0066CC")
		       bel[1] <- bel[1]-360 # map correctly to not run over green
		       abo <- c(0, 40, 100) # pink/white
		   "heat"={ # default HCL heat
		       bel <- c(0, 100, 50) # red
		       abo <- c(90, 30, 90) # yellow
		   "greenish"={ # self-constructed greenish color scheme
		       bel <- hex2pLUV("#283B4B") # "rgb2hcl"
		       abo <- hex2pLUV("#EFEE69")
		   stop("wrong color scheme"))
	} else { # use the provided HCL color vectors
	    if(is0bg.col.bottom && nColsBel > 0)
		stop("specify 'bg.col.bottom' or none of 'bg.col.bottom' and 'bg.col.top'")
	    if(is0bg.col.top && nColsAbo > 0)
		stop("specify 'bg.col.top' or none of 'bg.col.bottom' and 'bg.col.top'")
	    bel <- bg.col.bottom # color *bel*ow signif.P
	    abo <- bg.col.top # color *abo*ve signif.P
	bucketCols <- heatHCLgap(beg=bel, end=abo, nBeg=nColsBel,
				 nEnd=nColsAbo, ngap=bg.ncol.gap, ...) # colors for all buckets (for increasing p-values)

    ## 3) find colors according to p-values
	ind <- findInterval(P, pvalueBuckets, all.inside=TRUE)
	## Note:
	## - findInterval can only return 0 if there is an entry in P which is smaller
	##	 than the smallest value of pvalueBuckets. Due to the way pvalueBuckets is
	##	 created, this can only happen if pmin=0 and pmin0>0. But in this case,
	##	 all.inside=TRUE forces findInterval to return 1 instead of 0 which is what
	##	 we need for an index
	## - ind should now all be in {1,..,nb} or NA (diag(P))
	## - if P[i,j] == pvalueBuckets[k] for some k, then the bucket with
	##	 upper endpoint pvalueBuckets[k] is returned
	bgColMat <- matrix(bucketCols[ind], d,d)
	diag(bgColMat) <- "transparent"

    ## 4) determine default foreground color
    if(is0fgColMat) {
	cols <- if(is.null(col) || col == "B&W.contrast") {
		z <- col2rgb(bgColMat) # vector of rgb colors
		bgBright <- colMeans(z) > BWcutoff # indicator for a bright background
		cc <- rep("#FFFFFF", ncol(z)) # sensation white :-)
		cc[bgBright] <- "#000000" # use black on a bright background
	    } else col
	fgColMat <- matrix(cols, nrow=d, ncol=d) # create a matrix again

    ## 5) return a list containing the matrix of colors, the p-value "buckets"
    ##    and corresponding colors
    list(fgColMat=fgColMat, bgColMat=bgColMat,
	 bucketCols=bucketCols, pvalueBuckets=pvalueBuckets)

### Pairwise Rosenblatt / copula Q-Q plot ######################################

##' Compute pairs plot based on pairwise Rosenblatt-transformed data
##' @title Compute pairs plot based on pairwise Rosenblatt-transformed data
##' @param cu.u (n,d,d)-array of pairwise Rosenblatt-transformed u's
##'	   as returned by \code{pairwiseCcop()}
##' @param pvalueMat (d,d)-matrix of p-values
##' @param method string indicating the plot method
##' @param g1 function [0,1]^n -> [0,1]^n (n = length(u)); "x" for plotting
##'	   in one panel
##' @param g2 function [0,1]^{n x 2} -> [0,1]^n; "y" for plotting in one panel
##' @param col passed on to .pairsCond(); if colList is not specified, this color is
##'        used to construct the points' color.
##' @param colList list of colors and information as returned by pairsColList()
##' @param main title
##' @param sub sub-title with a smart default
##' @param panel
##' @param do.qqline
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to .pairsCond()
##' @return invisible
##' @author Marius Hofert and Martin Maechler
##' Note: used in Hofert and Maechler (2013)
pairsRosenblatt <- function(cu.u, pvalueMat=pviTest(pairwiseIndepTest(cu.u)),
			    method = c("scatter", "QQchisq", "QQgamma",
			    "PPchisq", "PPgamma", "none"),
			    g1, g2, col = "B&W.contrast",
			    colList = pairsColList(pvalueMat, col=col),
                            sub = gpviString(pvalueMat, name="pp-values"),
			    panel = NULL, do.qqline = TRUE,
                            keyOpt = list(title="pp-value", rug.at=pvalueMat),
    stopifnot(is.array(cu.u), length(dc <- dim(cu.u)) == 3,
	      dc == c((n <- dc[1]),(d <- dc[2]), d),
	      is.matrix(pvalueMat), dim(pvalueMat) == c(d,d))
    if(!missing(method)) {		# method given
	method <- match.arg(method)
	if(!missing(g1)) warning("'g1' will be ignored")
	if(!missing(g2)) warning("'g2' will be ignored")
	       "scatter" = {
		   g1 <- function(u) u
		   g2 <- function(u, v) v
	       "QQchisq" = {
		   g1 <- function(u) qchisq(ppoints(length(u)), df=2)
		   g2 <- function(u, v) sort(qnorm(u)^2 + qnorm(v)^2)
	       "QQgamma" = {
		   g1 <- function(u) qgamma(ppoints(length(u)), shape=2)
		   g2 <- function(u, v) sort(-log(u) -log(v))
	       "PPchisq" = {
		   g1 <- function(u) ppoints(length(u))
		   g2 <- function(u, v) pchisq(sort(qnorm(u)^2 + qnorm(v)^2), df=2)
	       "PPgamma" = {
		   g1 <- function(u) ppoints(length(u))
		   g2 <- function(u, v) pgamma(sort(-log(u) -log(v)), shape=2)
	       "none" = {
		   g1 <- g2 <- NA
	       stop("unsupported method: ", method))
    } else {				# no method given
	if(!missing(g1) && !missing(g1)) {
	    ## check if they are functions and "look" reasonable:
	    stopifnot(is.function(g1), is.function(g2), length(formals(g2)) >= 2)
	} else { ## no method, no g1, no g2
	    if(!missing(g1) || !missing(g2)) stop("specify both 'g1' and 'g2' or none")
	    method <- "scatter"
	    g1 <- function(u) u
	    g2 <- function(u, v) v
    ## cu.u : (n,d,d)-array cu with cu[,i,j] containing C(u[,i]|u[,j]) for i!=j
    ##	       and u[,j] for i=j
    ## gcu.u: (n,d,d)-array gcu with gcu[,i,j] containing g2(u[,j], C(u[,i]|u[,j])) for i!=j
    ##	       and g1(u[,j]) for i=j
    gcu.u <- array(NA_real_, dim=c(n,d,d))
    if(is.function(g1)) {
	for(j in 1:d) {			# column
	    cuj <- cu.u[,,j]
	    uj <- cuj[,j]
	    gcu.u[,j,j] <- g1(uj)
	    for(i in (1:d)[-j])		# row
		gcu.u[,i,j] <- g2(uj, cuj[,i])

	panel <- if(do.qqline && substr(method, 1,2) == "QQ") {
	    qFUN <- switch(method,
			   "QQchisq" = function(p) qchisq(p, df=2),
			   "QQgamma" = function(p) qgamma(p, shape=2),
			   stop("unsupported QQ.. method: ", method))
	    F <- eval(substitute(
		function(x, y, col=par("col"), lwd=par("lwd"), ...) {
		    points(x, y, col=col, lwd=lwd, ...)
		    qqline(y, distribution = Q.FUNCTION,
			   col=adjustcolor(col, 0.6), lwd=lwd/2, ...)
		}, list(Q.FUNCTION = qFUN)))
	    attr(F, "srcref") <- NULL
	else points

    ## plot
    .pairsCond(gcu.u, colList=colList, main=main, sub=sub, panel=panel,
               keyOpt=keyOpt, ...)

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