# new version of disttree using extree directly without applying ctree #
disttree <- function(formula,
na.action = na.pass,
family = NO(),
control = disttree_control(...),
converged = NULL,
scores = NULL,
doFit = TRUE,
...) {
## Clean up control
type.hessian <- control$type.hessian
decorrelate <- control$decorrelate
method <- control$method
optim.control <- control$optim.control
lower <- control$lower
upper <- control$upper
ocontrol <- control
control$type.hessian <- control$decorrelate <- control$method <- control$optim.control <- NULL
control$lower <- control$upper <- NULL
if(control$saveinfo == FALSE){
control$saveinfo <- TRUE
warning("'control$saveinfo' set to TRUE, needed for distributional tree.")
## Keep call
cl <- = TRUE)
if(missing(data)) data <- environment(formula)
# Check formula
oformula <- as.formula(formula)
formula <- Formula::as.Formula(formula)
if(length(formula)[2L] > 1L) {
formula <- Formula::Formula(formula(formula, rhs = 2L))
# NOTE: (LS) if rhs has more than 1 element it is here assumed that partitioning variables are handed over on 2nd slot
warning("formula must not have more than one RHS parts (only partitioning variables allowed)")
## Set up model.frame() call
mf <- = FALSE)
m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action", "weights",
"offset", "cluster", "scores"), names(mf), 0L)
mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
mf$yx <- "matrix"
mf$nmax <- control$nmax
mf$ytype <- control$ytype
## Evaluate model.frame
mf[[1L]] <- quote(partykit::extree_data)
d <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
subset <- partykit:::.start_subset(d)
weights <- model.weights(model.frame(d))
if (is.null(control$update)) control$update <- TRUE
# Set up family
if(!inherits(family, ""))
family <- distfamily(family)
#Y <- d$yx[[1]]
# (LS) check whether d$yx really contains only the response (and no covariates)
if(length(d$yx) > 1) stop("covariates can only be used as split variables") # NOTE: (ML) can this happen after formula creation?
if(NCOL(d$yx[[1]]) > 1) stop("response variable has to be univariate") # TODO: (ML) adapt for multidimensional responses
if(inherits(d$yx[[1]], "interval")) stop("can not deal with binned intervals yet")
## Set up wrapper function for distfit
ytrafo <- function(subset, weights, estfun = FALSE, object = FALSE, info = NULL) {
ys <- d$yx[[1]][subset] # necessary to get response data into the function
subweights <- if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights else weights[subset]
model <- disttree::distfit(ys, family = family, weights = subweights, start = info$coefficients, start.eta = NULL,
vcov = (decorrelate == "vcov"), type.hessian = type.hessian,
method = method, estfun = estfun, optim.control = optim.control,
lower = lower, upper = upper)
if(estfun) {
ef <- as.matrix(model$estfun) # distfit returns weighted scores!
if(decorrelate != "none") {
n <- NROW(ef)
ef <- ef/sqrt(n)
vcov <- if(decorrelate == "vcov") {
vcov(model, type = "link") * n
} else {
root.matrix <- function(X) {
if((ncol(X) == 1L)&&(nrow(X) == 1L)) return(sqrt(X)) else {
X.eigen <- eigen(X, symmetric = TRUE)
if(any(X.eigen$values < 0)) stop("Matrix is not positive semidefinite")
sqomega <- sqrt(diag(X.eigen$values))
V <- X.eigen$vectors
return(V %*% sqomega %*% t(V))
ef <- as.matrix(t(root.matrix(vcov) %*% t(ef)))
estfun <- matrix(0, ncol = ncol(ef), nrow = nrow(d$data))
estfun[subset,] <- ef
### now automatically if(!(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L))) estfun <- estfun / weights
} else {
estfun <- NULL
rval <- list(estfun = estfun,
unweighted = FALSE, # (LS) unweighted = TRUE would prevent estfun / w in extree_fit
coefficients = coef(model, type = "parameter"),
objfun = -logLik(model), # (LS) optional function to be minimized
object = if(object) model else NULL,
nobs = nobs(model), # TODO: (ML) check if ok, added to get nobs right
converged = model$converged # TODO: (LS) warnings if distfit does not converge
## Set up default 'converged' function
# checking whether all response values are equal in one node, if so return FALSE
converged_default <- function(data, weights, control){
#if(is.null(weights)) weights <-, NROW(data$yx[[1]]))
convfun <- function(subset, weights){
ys <- data$yx[[1]][subset]
ws <- if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)), NROW(ys)) else weights[subset]
conv <- length(unique(ys[ws > 0])) > 1
if (is.function(converged)) {
stopifnot(all(c("data", "weights", "control") %in% names(formals(converged))))
converged <- converged(d, weights, control = control) &
converged_default(d, weights, control = control)
} else {
converged <- converged_default(d, weights, control = control)
## Set up wrapper for extree_fit with predefined fit function
update <- function(subset, weights, control, doFit = TRUE) {
partykit::extree_fit(data = d, trafo = ytrafo, converged = converged, partyvars = d$variables$z,
subset = subset, weights = weights, ctrl = control, doFit = doFit)
if (!doFit) return(list(d = d, update = update))
## Set minsize to 10 * number of parameters, if NULL ## TODO: (ML) n_coef could be get from family?!
if (is.null(control$minbucket) | is.null(control$minsplit)) {
ctrl <- control
N <- sum(complete.cases(model.frame(d, yxonly = TRUE)))
ctrl$minbucket <- ctrl$minsplit <- N
ctrl$logmincriterion <- Inf
ctrl$stump <- TRUE
tree <- update(subset = subset, weights = weights, control = ctrl)
cf <- tree$trafo(subset = subset, weights = weights, info = NULL)$coefficient
if (is.null(cf)) {
n_coef <- 1
} else {
n_coef <- length(cf)
minsize <- as.integer(ceiling(10L * n_coef / NCOL(d$yx$y)))
if (is.null(control$minbucket)) control$minbucket <- minsize
if (is.null(control$minsplit)) control$minsplit <- minsize
## Call the actual workhorse
tree <- update(subset = subset, weights = weights, control = control)
trafo <- tree$trafo
### Prepare as modelparty/constpary
mf <- model.frame(d)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <- rep(1, nrow(mf))
fitted <- data.frame("(fitted)" = fitted_node(tree$nodes, mf),
"(weights)" = weights,
check.names = FALSE)
fitted[[3]] <- y <- mf[, d$variables$y, drop = TRUE] # NOTE: (ML) y added, necessary?
names(fitted)[3] <- "(response)"
control$ytype <- ifelse(is.vector(y), "vector", class(y)) # NOTE: (ML) needed? (from mob)
control$xtype <- "matrix" # TODO: (AZ) find out when to use data.frame NOTE: (ML) needed (from mob)
rval <- partykit::party(tree$nodes,
data = if(control$model) mf else mf[0,],
fitted = fitted,
terms = d$terms$all,
info = list(
call = cl,
formula = formula,
family = family,
fit = distfit,
#nobs = nrow(fitted),
control = ocontrol
class(rval) <- c("modelparty", class(rval)) # FIXME: either model or constparty object!
# TODO: (AZ) check if this can be done prettier
which_terminals <- nodeids(rval, terminal = TRUE)
which_all <- nodeids(rval)
idx <- lapply(which_all, partykit:::.get_path, obj = tree$nodes)
names(idx) <- which_all
tree_ret <- unclass(rval)
subset_term <- predict(rval, type = "node")
for (i in which_all) {
ichar <- as.character(i)
iinfo <- tree_ret[[c(1, idx[[ichar]])]]$info
if (i %in% which_terminals) winfo <- control$terminal else
winfo <- control$inner
if (is.null(winfo)) {
iinfo$object <- NULL
iinfo$estfun <- NULL
} else {
if (is.null(iinfo) | any(is.null(iinfo[[winfo]])) |
any(! winfo %in% names(iinfo))) {
iinfo <- trafo(subset = which(subset_term == i), weights = weights, info = NULL,
estfun = ("estfun" %in% winfo),
object = ("object" %in% winfo))
tree_ret[[c(1, idx[[ichar]])]]$info <- iinfo
tree_ret$update <- update
class(tree_ret) <- c("disttree", class(rval))
disttree_control <- function(type.tree = NULL, #c("mob", "ctree", "guide"),
type.hessian = c("checklist", "analytic", "numeric"),
decorrelate = c("none", "opg", "vcov"),
method = "L-BFGS-B",
optim.control = list(),
lower = -Inf,
upper = Inf,
minsplit = NULL, # NOTE: (ML) currently use mob default
minbucket = NULL, # NOTE: (ML) currently use mob default
splittry = 1L, # NOTE: (ML) currently use mob default
## Arguments need for disttree
splitflavour = c("ctree", "exhaustive"),
testflavour = c("ctree", "mfluc", "guide"),
terminal = "object",
model = TRUE,
inner = "object",
## Additional arguments for exhaustive/mobster
restart = TRUE,
breakties = FALSE,
parm = NULL,
dfsplit = TRUE,
vcov = c("opg", "info", "sandwich"),
ordinal = c("chisq", "max", "L2"),
ytype = c("vector", "data.frame", "matrix"),
trim = 0.1,
#nrep = 10000L, #FIXME: (ML) Is in mob included, needed for dt?
#catsplit = "binary", #FIXME: (ML) Is in mob included, needed for dt?
#numsplit = "left", #FIXME: (ML) Is in mob included, needed for dt?
#minsize = NULL, #FIXME: (ML) Is in mob included, needed for dt?
#minprob = 0.01, #FIXME: (ML) Is in mob included, needed for dt?
#nmax = Inf, #FIXME: (ML) Is in mob included, needed for dt?
## Additonal arguments for GUIDE
guide_interaction = FALSE,
interaction = FALSE,
#guide_unweighted = FALSE,
guide_parm = NULL, # a vector of indices of the parameters (incl. intercept) for which estfun should be considered
guide_testtype = c("max", "sum", "coin"),
guide_decorrelate = "vcov", # needs to be set to other than "none" for testtype max and sum
xgroups = NULL, # number of categories for split variables (optionally breaks can be handed over)
ygroups = NULL, # number of categories for scores (optionally breaks can be handed over)
weighted.scores = FALSE, # logical, should scores be weighted in GUIDE
...) {
ctrl <- partykit::ctree_control(minsplit = minsplit, minbucket = minbucket, splittry = splittry, ...)
## Add parameters needed to return coefficient, etc.
ctrl$terminal <- terminal
ctrl$model <- model
ctrl$inner <- inner
## Add additional parameters needed within disttree
ctrl$type.hessian <- match.arg(type.hessian)
ctrl$decorrelate <- match.arg(decorrelate)
ctrl$method <- method
ctrl$optim.control <- optim.control
ctrl$lower <- lower
ctrl$upper <- upper
ctrl$dfsplit <- dfsplit # FIXME: (ML) Added to all types of tree, to get df within logLik.modelparty
## Check the kind of tree
if (length(testflavour) == 3 & is.null(type.tree)) testflavour <- testflavour[1]
if (length(splitflavour) == 2 & is.null(type.tree)) splitflavour <- splitflavour[1]
if(!is.null(type.tree)) {
if(!type.tree %in% c("ctree", "mob")) {
stop("type.tree can only be set to 'ctree' or 'mob'")
} else {
if(type.tree == "ctree"){
if(!("ctree" %in% splitflavour & "ctree" %in% testflavour)){
stop("for type.tree = 'ctree' testflavour and splitflavour can not be set to other than 'ctree'")
} else {
testflavour <- "ctree"
splitflavour <- "ctree"
if(type.tree == "mob"){
if(!("exhaustive" %in% splitflavour & "mfluc" %in% testflavour)){
stop("for type.tree = 'mob' testflavour can not be set to other than 'mfluc' and splitflavour can not be set to other than 'exhaustive'")
} else {
testflavour <- "mfluc"
splitflavour <- "exhaustive"
if(testflavour == "mfluc" | splitflavour == "exhaustive") {
ctrl <- c(ctrl, list(restart = restart,
breakties = breakties,
parm = parm,
#dfsplit = dfsplit, FIXME: (ML) Added to all tree types, see comment above
vcov = vcov,
ordinal = match.arg(ordinal),
ytype = ytype,
trim = trim))
if(testflavour == "guide") {
if(!(ctrl$criterion == "p.value") && guide_interaction){
stop("For testflavour GUIDE with interaction tests only 'p.value' can be selected as criterion")
ctrl <- c(ctrl, list(guide_parm = guide_parm, # LS: a vector of indices of parameters for which estfun should be considered
guide_testtype = guide_testtype,
interaction = interaction,
guide_decorrelate = guide_decorrelate, # (LS) needs to be set to other than "none" for testtype max and sum
# (LS) unless ytrafo returns decorrelated scores
# FIXME: (LS) c("none","vcov","opg")
xgroups = xgroups, # (LS) number of categories for split variables (optionally breaks can be handed over)
ygroups = ygroups, # (LS) number of categories for scores (optionally breaks can be handed over)
weighted.scores = weighted.scores)) # (LS) logical, should scores be weighted
## Overwrite the split- and selectfun according to the split- and testflavour
if (splitflavour == "ctree") ctrl$splitfun <- partykit:::.ctree_split()
if (splitflavour == "exhaustive") ctrl$splitfun <- partykit:::.objfun_split()
if (testflavour == "ctree") ctrl$selectfun <- partykit:::.ctree_select()
if (testflavour == "mfluc") ctrl$selectfun <- partykit:::.mfluc_select()
if (testflavour == "guide") ctrl$selectfun <- .guide_select()
# FIXME: (LS) argumets numsplit in mob and intersplit in ctree/extree
# intersplit <- numsplit == "center"
## FIXME: adapt methods (class disttree?)
print.disttree <- function(x, title = NULL, objfun = "negative log-likelihood", ...)
familyname <- if(inherits(x$info$family, "")) {
paste(x$info$family[[1]][2], "Distribution")
} else {x$info$family$}
if(is.null(title)) title <- sprintf("Distributional regression tree (%s)", familyname)
partykit::print.modelparty(x, title = title, objfun = objfun, ...)
predict.disttree <- function (object, newdata = NULL, type = c("parameter", "response", "node"), OOB = FALSE, ...)
# per default 'type' is set to 'parameter'
type <- match.arg(type)
## get nodes
## if ctree was applied # FIXME: currently class constparty can not be obtained from disttree
#if(inherits(object, "constparty")) pred.nodes <-, newdata = newdata,
# type = "node", OOB = OOB, ...)
# if mob was applied
if(inherits(object, "modelparty")) pred.nodes <- partykit::predict.modelparty(object, newdata = newdata,
type = "node", OOB = OOB, ...)
if(type == "node") return(pred.nodes)
## get parameters
groupcoef <- coef(object)
# only 1 subgroup or 1-parametric family
if(is.vector(groupcoef)) {
# 1-parametric family
if(length(object$family$link) == 1){
groupcoef <- as.matrix(groupcoef)
colnames(groupcoef) <- "mu"
} else {
# only 1 subgroup
groupcoef <- t(as.matrix(groupcoef))
rownames(groupcoef) <- "1"
pred.par <- groupcoef[paste(pred.nodes),]
# 1-parametric family
if(length(object$family$link) == 1) {
pred.par <- as.matrix(pred.par)
colnames(pred.par) <- "mu"
} else {
# only 1 new observation
pred.par <- t(as.matrix(pred.par))
rownames(pred.par) <- c(1: (NROW(pred.par)))
pred.par <-
if(type == "parameter") return(pred.par)
if(type == "response") return(get_expectedvalue(object, pred.par))
coef.disttree <- function(object, ...){
fitted.disttree <- function(object, ...){
rval <- predict.disttree(object, newdata = NULL, type = "response", OOB = FALSE, ...)
## FIXME: Should we allow for newdata in logLik ?
logLik.disttree <- function(object, newdata = NULL, weights = NULL, ...) {
if(is.null(newdata)) {
if(!is.null(weights)) stop("for weighted loglikelihood hand over data as newdata")
if(!is.null(object$loglik)) return(structure(object$loglik, df = ncol(coef(object))*width(object) + width(object)-1 , class = "logLik"))
newdata <- object$data
if(!is.null(weights)) stopifnot(NROW(newdata) == nrow(weights))
ll <- 0
# predicted nodes for the new dataset
pred.node <- predict(object, newdata = newdata, type = "node")
# coefficients in the terminal nodes
coef_tn <- coef(object)
# number of terminal nodes
n_tn <- width(object) # <- nrow(coef_tn)
# id of terminal nodes
id_tn <- rownames(coef_tn)
# get link fun and ddist from distribution list
linkfun <- object$info$family$linkfun
ddist <- object$info$family$ddist
if(object$info$family$gamlssobj && object$info$family$censored) {
censtype <- object$info$censtype
censpoint <- object$info$censpoint
for(i in 1:n_tn){
par <- coef_tn[i,]
eta <- as.numeric(linkfun(par))
# response variable and weights of the observations that end up in this terminal node
nobs_tn <- newdata[pred.node == id_tn[i], paste(object$info$formula[[2]])]
weights_tn <- if(!is.null(weights)) weights[pred.node == id_tn[i]] else, length(nobs_tn))
if(length(nobs_tn) > 0L){
if(!survival::is.Surv(nobs_tn)) {
if(censtype == "left") ll <- ll + ddist(survival::Surv(nobs_tn, nobs_tn > censpoint, type = "left"), eta = eta, log = TRUE, sum = TRUE, weights = weights_tn)
if(censtype == "right") ll <- ll + ddist(survival::Surv(nobs_tn, nobs_tn < censpoint, type = "right"), eta = eta, log = TRUE, sum = TRUE, weights = weights_tn)
## FIX ME: interval censored
} else ll <- ll + ddist(nobs_tn, eta = eta, log=TRUE, sum = TRUE)
} else {
for(i in 1:n_tn){
par <- coef_tn[i,]
eta <- as.numeric(linkfun(par))
# response variable and weights of the observations that end up in this terminal node
nobs_tn <- newdata[pred.node == id_tn[i], paste(object$info$formula[[2]])]
weights_tn <- if(!is.null(weights)) weights[pred.node == id_tn[i]] else, length(nobs_tn))
if(length(nobs_tn) > 0L) ll <- ll + ddist(nobs_tn, eta = eta, log=TRUE, sum = TRUE, weights = weights_tn)
return(structure(ll, df = ncol(coef(object))*width(object) + width(object)-1 , class = "logLik"))
if(TRUE) { ##TODO: (ML) Needed for guide, delete if guide tests should not be included
# use different version of .select than partykit:::select for GUIDE as selectfun
# (returns p.values from curvature and interaction tests instead of p.value and teststatistic)
.select_g <- function(model, trafo, data, subset, weights, whichvar, ctrl, FUN) {
ret <- list(criteria = matrix(NA, nrow = 2L, ncol = ncol(model.frame(data))))
rownames(ret$criteria) <- c("statistic", "p.value")
colnames(ret$criteria) <- names(model.frame(data))
if (length(whichvar) == 0) return(ret)
### <FIXME> allow joint MC in the absense of missings; fix seeds
### write ctree_test / ... with whichvar and loop over variables there
### </FIXME>
for (j in whichvar) {
tst <- FUN(model = model, trafo = trafo, data = data,
subset = subset, weights = weights, j = j,
SPLITONLY = FALSE, ctrl = ctrl)
ret$criteria["statistic",j] <- - as.numeric(tst["p.curv"])
ret$criteria["p.value",j] <- - as.numeric(tst["p.min"])
# for testflavour = "guide" only "p.value" can be chosen as criterion
# because 2 p.values need to be returned (from curvature test and the min from curvature and interaction test)
# the min is stored as 'p.value' in the returned matrix
# if this min is from an interaction test, two covariates will have the same p.value
# in this case the one with the lower p.value from the curvature test should be chosen
# in extree: among the two covariates with the lowest p.value (highest negativ p.value) the one with the higher test statistic is chosen (ranked)
# -> the negative p.value from the curvature test is stored as "statistic"
.guide_select <- function(...)
function(model, trafo, data, subset, weights, whichvar, ctrl) {
args <- list(...)
ctrl[names(args)] <- args
.select_g(model, trafo, data, subset, weights, whichvar, ctrl, FUN = .guide_test) # optional: use
.guide_test <- function(model, trafo, data, subset, weights, j, SPLITONLY = FALSE, ctrl) {
## TO DO: include SPLITONLY, MIA, ... ?
ix <- data$zindex[[j]] ### data[[j, type = "index"]]
iy <- data$yxindex ### data[["yx", type = "index"]]
Y <- model$estfun ## model from distfit, returns wheigthed scores
if(ctrl$guide_unweighted) Y <- Y/weights ## FIX ME: influence of weights only on categorization
x <- data[[j]]
if(!is.null(subset)) {
Y <- if(is.vector(Y)) Y[subset] else Y[subset,]
x <- x[subset]
# if all values of the selected covariate are equal return highest possible p.value
if(length(unique(x))<2) return(c(p.min = 1, p.curv = 1))
# only select those other covariates which are also in partyvars
ix_others <- c(1:NCOL(data$data))[data$variables$z + ctrl$partyvars == 2]
ix_others <- ix_others[!ix_others == j]
# split Y into 2 parts based on whether residuals (here: scores) are positive or negative
# separately for each parameter
for(k in 1:model$object$npar){
respos <- (Y[,k]>0)
#respos <- factor((Y[,k]>0), levels = c(FALSE,TRUE), labels = c(0,1))
Y <- cbind(Y, respos)
colnames(Y)[(model$object$npar + k)] <- paste0("rp",k)
x_cat <-, length(x))
q1 <- quantile(x, 0.25)
q2 <- quantile(x, 0.50)
q3 <- quantile(x, 0.75)
for(l in 1: length(x)){
if(x[l] > q1 & x[l] <= q2) x_cat[l] <- 2
if(x[l] > q2 & x[l] <= q3) x_cat[l] <- 3
if(x[l] > q3) x_cat[l] <- 4
x_cat <- factor(x_cat, levels = c(1:4))
} else {
x_cat <- x
## compute curvature test (for each parameter separately)
p.curv <- chisq.test(x = x_cat, y = Y[,(model$object$npar+1)])$p.value
if(model$object$npar > 1){
for(k in 2:model$object$npar){
p <- chisq.test(x = x_cat, y = Y[,(model$object$npar+k)])$p.value
if(p < p.curv) p.curv <- p
p.min <- p.curv
## compute interaction test (for each parameter and for each of the other covariates separately)
# only keep test if p.value is smaller than the one resulting from the curvature test
if(ctrl$guide_interaction & length(ix_others)>0){
for(v in ix_others){
xo <- data[[v]]
if(!is.null(subset)) xo <- xo[subset]
# only consider other covariate for interaction test if not all of its values are equal
x_cat_2d <-, length(x))
if(is.factor(x) & is.factor(xo)){
c1 <- length(levels(x))
c2 <- length(levels(xo))
for(l in 1:length(x)){
for(m in 1:c1){
for(n in 1:c2){
if(x[l] == levels(x)[m] & xo[l] == levels(xo)[n]) x_cat_2d[l] <- (m-1)*c2+n
if(is.factor(x) & is.numeric(xo)){
c1 <- length(levels(x))
med_xo <- median(xo)
for(l in 1:length(x)){
for(m in 1:c1){
if(x[l] == levels(x)[m]){
x_cat_2d[l] <- if(xo[l] > med_xo) c1+m else m
if(is.numeric(x) & is.factor(xo)){
c2 <- length(levels(xo))
med_x <- median(x)
for(l in 1:length(x)){
for(n in 1:c2){
if(xo[l] == levels(xo)[n]){
x_cat_2d[l] <- if(x[l] > med_x) c2+n else n
if(is.numeric(x) & is.numeric(xo)){
med_x <- median(x)
med_xo <- median(xo)
for(l in 1:length(x)){
if(x[l] <= med_x) {
x_cat_2d[l] <- if(xo[l] <= med_x) 1 else 2
} else {
x_cat_2d[l] <- if(xo[l] <= med_x) 3 else 4
} <- chisq.test(x = x_cat_2d, y = Y[,(model$object$npar+1)])$p.value
if(model$object$npar > 1){
for(k in 2:model$object$npar){
p <- chisq.test(x = x_cat_2d, y = Y[,(model$object$npar+k)])$p.value
if(p < <- p
if( < p.min) p.min <-
ret <- c(p.min = p.min, p.curv = p.curv)
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