###### Gaussian distribution
dist_gaussian <- function() {
# parnames <- c("mu", "sigma")
# etanames <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
val <- -1/2 * (log(2*pi) + 2*eta[2] + exp(log((y-eta[1])^2) - 2*eta[2]))
if(!log) val <- exp(val)
# par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# val <- dnorm(y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val, na.rm = TRUE)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
score <- cbind(exp(-2*eta[2]) * (y-eta[1]),
-1 + exp(-2*eta[2] + log((y-eta[1])^2)))
# par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# score <- cbind(1/par[2]^2 * (y-par[1]),
# (-1/par[2] + ((y - par[1])^2)/(par[2]^3)) * exp(eta[2]))
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN -> gradient is NaN
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score, na.rm = TRUE)
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights **eta[2]), ny))
d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * (-2)*(y-eta[1]) * exp(-2*eta[2]), na.rm = TRUE) # should be 0 for exact parameters (here: observed hess)
d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (-2)*exp(log((y-eta[1])^2) - 2*eta[2]), na.rm = TRUE)
# par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights *[2]^2, ny))
# d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * (-2)*(y-par[1])/par[2]^2), na.rm = TRUE) # should be 0 for exact parameters (here: observed hess)
# d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (-2)*(y-par[1])^2/par[2]^2, na.rm = TRUE)
hess <- matrix(c(d2ld.etamu2, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etasigma2), nrow = 2)
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link scale
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) pnorm(q, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qnorm(p, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
rdist <- function(n, eta) rnorm(n, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]))
link <- c("identity", "log")
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- c(par[1], log(par[2]))
names(eta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
names(par) <- c("mu", "sigma")
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
dpardeta <- c(1, exp(eta[2]))
names(dpardeta) <- c("mu", "sigma")
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL){
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) {
mu <- mean(y)
sigma <- sqrt(1/length(y) * sum((y - mu)^2))
} else {
mu <- weighted.mean(y, weights)
sigma <- sqrt(1/sum(weights) * sum(weights * (y - mu)^2))
starteta <- c(mu, log(sigma))
names(starteta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
mle <- TRUE
dist_list_gaussian <- list( = "Normal Distribution",
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
pdist = pdist,
qdist = qdist,
rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = mle,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = FALSE
# Return family object
class(dist_list_gaussian) <- ""
###### censored gaussian or logistic distributions
dist_crch <- function(dist = c("gaussian","logistic"),
truncated = FALSE,
type = c("left", "right", "interval"),
censpoint = 0)
if(dist == "normal") dist <- "gaussian"
if(length(dist) > 1) dist <- dist[1]
if(length(type) > 1) type <- type[1]
if((type == "interval") && !(length(censpoint) == 2)) stop("for type 'intervall' two censoring points have to be set")
if((type %in% c("left", "right")) && !(length(censpoint) ==1)) stop("for type 'left' or 'right' one censoring point has to be set")
if(truncated) <- if(dist == "gaussian") "truncated Normal Distribution" else "truncated Logistic Distribution"
if(!truncated) <- if(dist == "gaussian") "censored Normal Distribution" else "censored Logistic Distribution"
if(type == "interval") {
if(truncated) <- paste("dist_list_trunc", type, censpoint[1], censpoint[2], sep = "_")
if(!truncated) <- paste("dist_list_cens", type, censpoint[1], censpoint[2], sep = "_")
left <- censpoint[1]
right <- censpoint[2]
} else {
if(truncated) <- paste("dist_list_trunc", type, censpoint, sep = "_")
if(!truncated) <- paste("dist_list_cens", type, censpoint, sep = "_")
if(type == "left") {
left <- censpoint
right <- Inf
if(type == "right"){
left <- -Inf
right <- censpoint
# parnames <- c("mu", "sigma")
# etanames <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
if(truncated) {
if(dist == "gaussian") {
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
val <- crch::dtnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], left = left, right = right, log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <- if(is.matrix(y)), dim(y)[1]) else, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val, na.rm = TRUE)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
score_m <- crch:::stnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
score_s <- crch:::stnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right) * exp(eta[2]) # inner derivation exp(eta[2])
score <- cbind(score_m, score_s)
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y)[1])
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN (0 in weights)
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score, na.rm = TRUE)
#if(any(is.nan(score))) print(c(eta, "y", y))
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
d2mu <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
d2sigma <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
dmudsigma <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu.sigma", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigmadmu <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigma <- crch:::stnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights * d2mu, na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * dmudsigma * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu <- sum(weights * dsigmadmu * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (d2sigma * exp(2*eta[2]) + dsigma * par[2]), na.rm = TRUE)
hess <- matrix(c(d2ld.etamu2, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu, d2ld.etasigma2), nrow = 2)
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link scale
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::ptnorm(q, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = left, right = right)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::qtnorm(p, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = left, right = right)
rdist <- function(n, eta) crch::rtnorm(n, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]), left = left, right = right)
if(dist == "logistic") {
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
val <- crch::dtlogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], left = left, right = right, log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <- if(is.matrix(y)), dim(y)[1]) else, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val, na.rm = TRUE)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
score_m <- crch:::stlogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
score_s <- crch:::stlogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right) * exp(eta[2]) # inner derivation exp(eta[2])
score <- cbind(score_m, score_s)
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y)[1])
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN (0 in weights)
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score, na.rm = TRUE)
#if(any(is.nan(score))) print(c(eta, "y", y))
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
d2mu <- crch:::htlogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
d2sigma <- crch:::htlogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
dmudsigma <- crch:::htlogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "mu.sigma", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigmadmu <- crch:::htlogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigma <- crch:::stlogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights * d2mu, na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * dmudsigma * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu <- sum(weights * dsigmadmu * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (d2sigma * exp(2*eta[2]) + dsigma * par[2]), na.rm = TRUE)
hess <- matrix(c(d2ld.etamu2, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu, d2ld.etasigma2), nrow = 2)
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link scale
# FIX ME: better par instead of eta?
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::ptlogis(q, location = eta[1], scale = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = left, right = right)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::qtlogis(p, location = eta[1], scale = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = left, right = right)
rdist <- function(n, eta) crch::rtlogis(n, location = eta[1], scale = exp(eta[2]), left = left, right = right)
if(!truncated) {
if(dist == "gaussian") {
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
val <- crch::dcnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], left = left, right = right, log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <- if(is.matrix(y)), dim(y)[1]) else, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val, na.rm = TRUE)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
score_m <- crch:::scnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
score_s <- crch:::scnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right) * exp(eta[2]) # inner derivation exp(eta[2])
score <- cbind(score_m, score_s)
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y)[1])
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN (0 in weights)
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score, na.rm = TRUE)
#if(any(is.nan(score))) print(c(eta, "y", y))
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
d2mu <- crch:::hcnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
d2sigma <- crch:::hcnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
dmudsigma <- crch:::hcnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu.sigma", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigmadmu <- crch:::hcnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigma <- crch:::scnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights * d2mu, na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * dmudsigma * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu <- sum(weights * dsigmadmu * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (d2sigma * exp(2*eta[2]) + dsigma * par[2]), na.rm = TRUE)
hess <- matrix(c(d2ld.etamu2, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu, d2ld.etasigma2), nrow = 2)
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link scale
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::pcnorm(q, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = left, right = right)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::qcnorm(p, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = left, right = right)
rdist <- function(n, eta) crch::rcnorm(n, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]), left = left, right = right)
if(dist == "logistic") {
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
val <- crch::dclogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], left = left, right = right, log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <- if(is.matrix(y)), dim(y)[1]) else, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val, na.rm = TRUE)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
score_m <- crch:::sclogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
score_s <- crch:::sclogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right) * exp(eta[2]) # inner derivation exp(eta[2])
score <- cbind(score_m, score_s)
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y)[1])
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN (0 in weights)
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score, na.rm = TRUE)
#if(any(is.nan(score))) print(c(eta, "y", y))
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
d2mu <- crch:::hclogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
d2sigma <- crch:::hclogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
dmudsigma <- crch:::hclogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "mu.sigma", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigmadmu <- crch:::hclogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigma <- crch:::sclogis(x = y, location = par[1], scale = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights * d2mu, na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * dmudsigma * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu <- sum(weights * dsigmadmu * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (d2sigma * exp(2*eta[2]) + dsigma * par[2]), na.rm = TRUE)
hess <- matrix(c(d2ld.etamu2, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu, d2ld.etasigma2), nrow = 2)
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link scale
# FIX ME: better par instead of eta?
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::pclogis(q, location = eta[1], scale = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = left, right = right)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::qclogis(p, location = eta[1], scale = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = left, right = right)
rdist <- function(n, eta) crch::rclogis(n, location = eta[1], scale = exp(eta[2]), left = left, right = right)
link <- c("identity", "log")
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- c(par[1], log(par[2]))
names(eta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
names(par) <- c("mu", "sigma")
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
dpardeta <- c(1, exp(eta[2]))
names(dpardeta) <- c("mu", "sigma")
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL){
# alternative version using for mle = TRUE
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
# observations with positive weights
y_posweights <- y[weights>0]
# if only one observation or only equal observations (with positive weights)
# set mu to the value of this one observation
# and sigma to 1e-10
if(length(unique(y_posweights)) == 1) {
starteta <- c(unique(y_posweights), log(1e-10))
} else {
# if only one positive observation error in optim (non-finite values)
if(sum(y_posweights>0) < 2){
starteta <- c(0, log(1e-10))
} else {
x <- cbind(rep(1, length(y)))
colnames(x) <- "(Intercept)"
starteta <- try(unlist( = x, z = x, y = y, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = truncated, weights = weights, dist = dist,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "L-BFGS-B",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")){
warning("Error for method L-BFGS-B in optim, applied method BFGS instead")
starteta <- try(unlist( = x, z = x, y = y, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = truncated, weights = weights, dist = dist,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "BFGS",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")){
warning("Error for method BFGS in optim, applied method Nelder-Mead instead")
starteta <- try(unlist( = x, z = x, y = y, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = truncated, weights = weights, dist = dist,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "Nelder-Mead",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
#maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")){
warning("Error for method Nelder-Mead in optim, applied method SANN instead")
starteta <- try(unlist( = x, z = x, y = y, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = truncated, weights = weights, dist = dist,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "SANN",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
#maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")) {
print("ERROR for all optimization methods")
print(c("summary y:", summary(y)))
print(c("summary weights:", summary(weights)))
save(y, file = "~/svn/partykit/pkg/disttree/demo/error_examples/y.rda")
save(weights, file = "~/svn/partykit/pkg/disttree/demo/error_examples/weights.rda")
names(starteta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
## for mle = FALSE (to use optim())
## FIX ME: in case the data is censored with other censoring points, optional ?
#if(type == "interval"){
# yc[yc<censpoint[1]] <- censpoint[1]
# yc[yc>censpoint[2]] <- censpoint[2]
#if(type == "left") yc <- pmax(censpoint,y)
#if(type == "right") yc <- pmin(censpoint,y)
#if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) {
# mu <- mean(yc)
# sigma <- sqrt(1/length(yc) * sum((yc - mu)^2))
#} else {
# mu <- weighted.mean(yc, weights)
# sigma <- sqrt(1/sum(weights) * sum(weights * (yc - mu)^2))
#starteta <- c(mu, log(sigma))
#names(starteta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
#mle <- FALSE
mle <- TRUE
dist_list_crch <- list( =, =,
type = type,
dist = dist,
censpoint = censpoint,
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
pdist = pdist,
qdist = qdist,
rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = mle,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = !truncated,
truncated = truncated
# Return family object
class(dist_list_crch) <- ""
###### Weibull distribution
## FIX ME: adapt initial values for Weibull distribution
dist_weibull <- function() {
# parnames <- c("mean", "scale")
# etanames <- c("mean", "log(scale)")
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
if(any(par==Inf)) {
print(c(eta,"initial values are Inf"))
#par[2] <- 1
# par <- c(2,1)
return(1.7e308) ### FIX
# val <- 1/(par[2]*exp(par[1])) * (y/exp(par[1]))^(1/par[2]-1) * exp(-(y/exp(par[1]))^(1/par[2]))
# if(log) val <- log(val)
val <- -eta[2] + expm1(-eta[2]) * log(y) - eta[1]*exp(-eta[2]) - exp(exp(-eta[2]) * (log(y) - eta[1]))
# (y/exp(eta[1]))^exp(-eta[2]) = exp(exp(-eta[2]) * (log(y) - eta[1]))
if(!log) val <- exp(val)
# val <- survival::dsurvreg(y, mean = par[1], scale = par[2])
# val <- dweibull(y, shape = 1/par[2], scale = exp(par[1]), log = log)
# if(val<=0) print(c("negative val", eta)) ### FIX
#if(any(val == -Inf)) print(c("infinite values in ddist",par, y))
#if(any( print(c("NAs in ddist", par, y))
#if(any(val == -Inf)) print(c("infinite values in ddist",par))
#if(any( print(c("NAs in ddist", par))
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val, na.rm = TRUE)
if(any(abs(val) == Inf) || any( return(1.7e308)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
score_m <- exp(-eta[2]) * (exp(exp(-eta[2]) * (log(y) - eta[1])) -1)
score_s <- -1 - (log(y) - eta[1]) * (exp(-eta[2])) * (1 - exp(exp(-eta[2]) * (log(y) - eta[1])))
# par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# score_m <- (1/par[2]) * (-1 + (y/exp(par[1]))^(1/par[2]))
# score_s <- ((-1/par[2]) - (log(y)-par[1])/(par[2]^2) * (1 - (y/exp(par[1]))^(1/par[2]))) * par[2]
score <- cbind(score_m, score_s)
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("mean", "log(scale)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN -> gradient is NaN
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score, na.rm = TRUE)
# if(any(is.null(score)) || any( print(c("gr is NULL or NA", score, "y", y, eta, weights))
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights *
(-exp(-2*eta[2]) * exp(exp(-eta[2]) * (log(y) - eta[1]))),
na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights *
exp(-eta[2]) * (1 - exp(exp(-eta[2]) * (log(y) - eta[1])) * (1 + exp(-eta[2]) * (log(y) - eta[1]))),
na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights *
(log(y) - eta[1]) * exp(-eta[2]) * (1 - exp(exp(-eta[2]) * (log(y) - eta[1])) * (1 + (log(y) - eta[1]) * exp(-eta[2]))),
na.rm = TRUE)
# par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights * (-1/par[2]^2) * ((y/exp(par[1]))^(1/par[2])))
# d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * (1/par[2]) * (1 - (y/exp(par[1]))^(1/par[2]) * (1 + (log(y)-par[1])/par[2])))
# d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights *
# ((log(y)-par[1])/par[2]) *
# (1 - (y/exp(par[1]))^(1/par[2]) * (1 + ((log(y)-par[1])/par[2]))))
# d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights *
# (log(y)-par[1])/par[2] - ((log(y)-par[1])/par[2]) * (y/exp(par[1]))^(1/par[2])
# - ((log(y)-par[1])/par[2])^2 * (y/exp(par[1]))^(1/par[2]))
hess <- matrix(c(d2ld.etamu2, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etasigma2), nrow = 2)
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("mean", "log(scale)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link scale
# FIX ME: par instead of eta better?
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) pweibull(q, shape = 1/exp(eta[2]), scale = exp(eta[1]), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qweibull(p, shape = 1/exp(eta[2]), scale = exp(eta[1]), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
rdist <- function(n, eta) rweibull(n, shape = 1/exp(eta[2]), scale = exp(eta[1]))
link <- c("identity", "log")
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- c(par[1], log(par[2]))
names(eta) <- c("mean", "log(scale)")
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
names(par) <- c("mean", "scale")
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
dpardeta <- c(1, exp(eta[2]))
names(dpardeta) <- c("mean", "scale")
## FIX ME: adapt starting values for Weibull distribution
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL){
# the 0.632 quantile of the distribution is an estimator for lambda
# with lambda being the scale parameter in the rweibull parametrization
# -> mean = log(lambda)
# lambda <- if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) quantile(y, p=0.632) else quantile(rep(y, round(weights)), p=0.632)
# mean <- log(lambda)
# using the initial values for the exponential distribution (scale_survreg = 1)
# mean = log(1/lambda) with lambda being the rate parameter of the Exp. distribution
# (lambda = 1/scale_dweibull)
lambda <- if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) length(y)/sum(y) else sum(weights)/sum(weights * y)
mean <- log(1/lambda)
scale <- 1
starteta <- c(mean, log(scale))
names(starteta) <- c("mean", "log(scale)")
mle <- FALSE
dist_list_weibull <- list( = "Weibull Distribution",
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
pdist = pdist,
qdist = qdist,
rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = mle,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = FALSE
# Return family object
class(dist_list_weibull) <- ""
###### Poisson distribution
dist_poisson <- function() {
# parnames <- c("mu")
# etanames <- c("log(mu)")
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- exp(eta)
#val <- par^y / gamma(y+1) * exp(-par)
#if(log) val <- log(val)
val <- dpois(x = y, lambda = par, log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- exp(eta)
score <- (y - par)
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("log(mu)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN -> gradient is NaN
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score)
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
par <- exp(eta)
hess <- rep(-par, length(y))
hess <- as.matrix(sum(weights * hess))
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("log(mu)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link scale
# FIX ME: par instead of eta better?
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) ppois(q, lambda = exp(eta), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qpois(p, lambda = exp(eta), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
rdist <- function(n, eta) rpois(n, lambda = exp(eta))
link <- c("log")
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- log(par)
names(eta) <- c("log(mu)")
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- exp(eta)
names(par) <- c("mu")
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
dpardeta <- exp(eta)
names(dpardeta) <- c("mu")
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL){
mu <- if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) mean(y) else weighted.mean(y, weights)
starteta <- log(mu)
names(starteta) <- c("log(mu)")
mle <- TRUE
dist_list_poisson <- list( = "Poisson Distribution",
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
pdist = pdist,
qdist = qdist,
rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = mle,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = FALSE
# Return family object
class(dist_list_poisson) <- ""
###### Exponential distribution
dist_exponential <- function() {
# parnames <- c("lambda")
# etanames <- c("log(lambda)")
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- exp(eta)
#val <- par * exp(-par * y)
#if(log) val <- log(val)
val <- dexp(x = y, rate = par, log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- exp(eta)
score <- 1 - y * par
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("log(lambda)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN -> gradient is NaN
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score)
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
par <- exp(eta)
hess <- -y * par
hess <- as.matrix(sum(weights * hess))
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("log(lambda)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link-scale
# FIX ME: par instead of eta better?
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) pexp(q, rate = exp(eta), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qexp(p, rate = exp(eta), lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
rdist <- function(n, eta) rexp(n, rate = exp(eta))
link <- c("log")
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- log(par)
names(eta) <- c("log(lambda)")
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- exp(eta)
names(par) <- c("lambda")
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
dpardeta <- exp(eta)
names(dpardeta) <- c("lambda")
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL){
lambda <- if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) length(y)/sum(y) else sum(weights)/sum(weights * y)
starteta <- log(lambda)
names(starteta) <- c("log(lambda)")
mle <- TRUE
dist_list_exponential <- list( = "Exponential Distribution",
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
pdist = pdist,
qdist = qdist,
rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = mle,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = FALSE
# Return family object
class(dist_list_exponential) <- ""
###### Gamma distribution
dist_gamma <- function() {
## auxilary function wtd.var from the R-package Hmisc
## link:
## license: published under GPL-3 License
## authors: Frank E Harrell Jr, with contributions from Charles Dupont and many others.
wtd.var <- function(x, weights=NULL, normwt=FALSE, na.rm=TRUE,
method = c('unbiased', 'ML'))
## By Benjamin Tyner <> 2017-0-12
method <- match.arg(method)
if(! length(weights)) {
if(na.rm) x <- x[!]
if(na.rm) {
s <- ! + weights)
x <- x[s]
weights <- weights[s]
weights <- weights * length(x) / sum(weights)
if(normwt || method == 'ML')
return(as.numeric(stats::cov.wt(cbind(x), weights, method = method)$cov))
# the remainder is for the special case of unbiased frequency weights
sw <- sum(weights)
if(sw <= 1)
warning("only one effective observation; variance estimate undefined")
xbar <- sum(weights * x) / sw
sum(weights*((x - xbar)^2)) / (sw - 1)
# parnames <- c("shape", "scale")
# etanames <- c("log(shape)", "log(scale)")
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(exp(eta[1]), exp(eta[2]))
# val <- -par[1] * log(par[2]) + (par[1]-1) * log(y) - y / par[2] - lgamma(par[1])
# if(!log) val <- exp(val)
val <- dgamma(x = y, shape = par[1], scale = par[2], log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(exp(eta[1]), exp(eta[2]))
score <- cbind((-log(par[2]) + log(y) - 1/lgamma(par[1]) * digamma(par[1])) * par[1],
(-par[1]/par[2] + y/par[2]^2) * par[2])
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("log(shape)", "log(scale)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN -> gradient is NaN
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score)
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
par <- c(exp(eta[1]), exp(eta[2]))
d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights * ((1/lgamma(par[1])^2 * digamma(par[1])^2 - 1/lgamma(par[1]) * trigamma(par[1])) * par[1]^2 + (-log(par[2]) + log(y) - 1/lgamma(par[1]) * digamma(par[1])) * par[1]))
d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * (-par[1])) # FIX ME: should be ... for exact parameters (here ~ e-17 due to calculations)
d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (par[1]/par[2]^2 - 2*y/par[2]^3) * par[2]^2 + (-par[1]/par[2] + y/par[2]^2) * par[2])
hess <- matrix(c(d2ld.etamu2, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etasigma2), nrow = 2)
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("log(shape)", "log(scale)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link-scale
# FIX ME: par instead of eta better?
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) pgamma(q, shape = exp(eta[1]), scale = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qgamma(p, shape = exp(eta[1]), scale = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
rdist <- function(n, eta) rgamma(n, shape = exp(eta[1]), scale = exp(eta[2]))
link <- c("log", "log")
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- c(log(par[1]), log(par[2]))
names(eta) <- c("log(shape)", "log(scale)")
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- c(exp(eta[1]), exp(eta[2]))
names(par) <- c("shape", "scale")
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
dpardeta <- c(exp(eta[1]), exp(eta[2]))
names(dpardeta) <- c("shape", "scale")
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL){
y.m <- if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) mean(y) else weighted.mean(y, weights) <- if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) sd(y) else sqrt(wtd.var(y, weights))
shape <- (y.m/^2
scale <- y.m/shape # <-^2/y.m
starteta <- c(log(shape), log(scale))
names(starteta) <- c("log(shape)", "log(scale)")
mle <- FALSE
dist_list_gamma <- list( = "Gamma Distribution",
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
pdist = pdist,
qdist = qdist,
rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = mle,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = FALSE
# Return family object
class(dist_list_gamma) <- ""
###### Zero truncated negative binomial
dist_ztnbinom <- function() {
## parnames <- c("mu", "sigma")
## etanames <- c("log(mu)", "log(sigma)")
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
rval <- countreg::dztnbinom(y, mu = exp(eta[1]), sigma = exp(eta[2]), log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
rval <- sum(weights * rval, na.rm = TRUE)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- c(exp(eta[1]), exp(eta[2]))
rval <- countreg::sztnbinom(y, mu = par[1], sigma = par[2], drop = FALSE)
rval <- cbind(rval[,1] * par[1], rval[,2] * par[2])
colnames(rval) <- c("log(mu)", "log(sigma)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
rval[rval==Inf] = 1.7e308 ## Taken from dist_gaussian
rval <- colSums(weights * rval, na.rm = TRUE)
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
par <- c(exp(eta[1]), exp(eta[2]))
s <- countreg::sztnbinom(y, mu = weights * par[1], sigma = weights * par[2],
drop = FALSE)
h <- countreg::hztnbinom(y, mu = weights * par[1], sigma = weights * par[2],
drop = FALSE, parameter = c("mu", "sigma", "mu.sigma"))
par <- as.matrix(par)
hess <- -s * par + h[c("mu", "sigma"), ] * par^2
hess <- cbind(hess, h["mu.sigma", ] * par[1, ] * par[2, ])
hess <- colSums(hess)
rval <- matrix(c(hess[1], rep(hess[3], 2), hess[2]), ncol = 2)
colnames(rval) <- rownames(rval) <- c("log(mu)", "log(sigma)")
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
countreg::pztnbinom(q, mu = exp(eta[1]), sigma = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
countreg::qztnbinom(p, mu = exp(eta[1]), sigma = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
rdist <- function(n, eta) {
countreg::rztnbinom(n, mu = exp(eta[1]), sigma = exp(eta[2]))
link <- c("log", "log")
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- c(log(par[1]), log(par[2]))
names(eta) <- c("log(mu)", "log(sigma)")
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- c(exp(eta[1]), exp(eta[2]))
names(par) <- c("mu", "sigma")
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
dpardeta <- c(exp(eta[1]), exp(eta[2]))
names(dpardeta) <- c("mu", "sigma")
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL) {
## I guess there are better starting values than those.
## However, MoMs are hart du calculate analytically.
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) {
mu <- mean(y) - 1 + 0.00001
sigma <- 1
} else {
mu <- weighted.mean(y, weights) - 1 + 0.00001
sigma <- 1
starteta <- c(log(mu), log(sigma))
names(starteta) <- c("log(mu)", "log(sigma)")
dist_list_ztnbinom <- list( = "ztnbinom",
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
pdist = pdist,
qdist = qdist,
rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = FALSE,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = FALSE
# Return family object
class(dist_list_ztnbinom) <- ""
###### Binomial
dist_binomial <- function() {
# parnames <- "mu"
# etanames <- "logit(mu)"
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- 1 / (1 + exp(-eta))
rval <- dbinom(y, size = 1, prob = par, log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
rval <- sum(weights * rval, na.rm = TRUE)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
par <- 1 / (1 + exp(-eta))
rval <- matrix(y - par, ncol = 1)
colnames(rval) <- "logit(mu)"
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
rval[rval==Inf] = 1.7e308
rval <- colSums(weights * rval, na.rm = TRUE)
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
par <- 1 / (1 + exp(-eta))
rval <- matrix(par * (1 - par), ncol = 1, nrow = 1,
dimnames = list(colnames = "logit(mu)",
rownames = "logit(mu)"))
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
par <- 1 / (1 + exp(-eta))
pbinom(q, size = 1, prob = par, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) {
par <- 1 / (1 + exp(-eta))
qbinom(p, size = 1, prob = par, lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
rdist <- function(n, eta) {
par <- 1 / (1 + exp(-eta))
rbinom(n, size = 1, prob = par)
link <- "logit"
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- log(par) - log(1 - par)
names(eta) <- "logit(mu)"
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- 1 / (1 + exp(-eta))
names(par) <- "mu"
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
expeta <- exp(-eta)
dpardeta <- expeta / (1 + expeta)^2
names(dpardeta) <- "mu"
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL) {
if(is.logical(y)) y <- as.numeric(y)
if(is.factor(y)) {
if(length(levels(y)) > 2) stop("factor variable can only have 2 levels for binomial distribution")
y <- as.numeric(y)-1
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) {
par <- mean(y)
} else {
par <- weighted.mean(y, weights)
starteta <- log(par) - log(1 - par)
names(starteta) <- "logit(mu)"
dist_list_binomial <- list( = "Binomial",
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
pdist = pdist,
qdist = qdist,
rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = TRUE,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = FALSE
# Return family object
class(dist_list_binomial) <- ""
#complete distribution lists
#### dist_list_normal
dist_list_normal <- list()
# parnames <- c("mu", "sigma")
# etanames <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
val <- -1/2 * (log(2*pi) + 2*eta[2] + exp(log((y-eta[1])^2) - 2*eta[2]))
if(!log) val <- exp(val)
# par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# val <- dnorm(y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val, na.rm = TRUE)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE) {
score <- cbind(exp(-2*eta[2]) * (y-eta[1]),
-1 + exp(-2*eta[2] + log((y-eta[1])^2)))
# par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# score <- cbind(1/par[2]^2 * (y-par[1]),
# (-1/par[2] + ((y - par[1])^2)/(par[2]^3)) * exp(eta[2]))
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN -> gradient is NaN
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score, na.rm = TRUE)
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights **eta[2]), ny))
d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * (-2)*(y-eta[1]) * exp(-2*eta[2]), na.rm = TRUE) # should be 0 for exact parameters (here: observed hess)
d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (-2)*exp(log((y-eta[1])^2) - 2*eta[2]), na.rm = TRUE)
# par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights *[2]^2, ny))
# d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * (-2)*(y-par[1])/par[2]^2), na.rm = TRUE) # should be 0 for exact parameters (here: observed hess)
# d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (-2)*(y-par[1])^2/par[2]^2, na.rm = TRUE)
hess <- matrix(c(d2ld.etamu2, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etasigma2), nrow = 2)
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link scale
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) pnorm(q, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) qnorm(p, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p)
rdist <- function(n, eta) rnorm(n, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]))
link <- c("identity", "log")
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- c(par[1], log(par[2]))
names(eta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
names(par) <- c("mu", "sigma")
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
dpardeta <- c(1, exp(eta[2]))
names(dpardeta) <- c("mu", "sigma")
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL){
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) {
mu <- mean(y)
sigma <- sqrt(1/length(y) * sum((y - mu)^2))
} else {
mu <- weighted.mean(y, weights)
sigma <- sqrt(1/sum(weights) * sum(weights * (y - mu)^2))
starteta <- c(mu, log(sigma))
names(starteta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
mle <- TRUE
dist_list_normal <- list( = "Normal Distribution",
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
pdist = pdist,
qdist = qdist,
rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = mle,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = FALSE
# Turn into family object
class(dist_list_normal) <- ""
#### dist_list_cens_normal
dist_list_cens_normal <- list()
# parnames <- c("mu", "sigma")
# etanames <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE, left = 0, right = Inf) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
val <- crch::dcnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], left = left, right = right, log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <- if(is.matrix(y)), dim(y)[1]) else, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val, na.rm = TRUE)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE, left = 0, right = Inf) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
score_m <- crch:::scnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
score_s <- crch:::scnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right) * exp(eta[2]) # inner derivation exp(eta[2])
score <- cbind(score_m, score_s)
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y)[1])
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN (0 in weights)
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score, na.rm = TRUE)
#if(any(is.nan(score))) print(c(eta, "y", y))
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, left = 0, right = Inf) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
d2mu <- crch:::hcnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
d2sigma <- crch:::hcnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
dmudsigma <- crch:::hcnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu.sigma", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigmadmu <- crch:::hcnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigma <- crch:::scnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights * d2mu, na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * dmudsigma * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu <- sum(weights * dsigmadmu * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (d2sigma * exp(2*eta[2]) + dsigma * par[2]), na.rm = TRUE)
hess <- matrix(c(d2ld.etamu2, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu, d2ld.etasigma2), nrow = 2)
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link-scale
# FIX ME: par instead of eta better?
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::pcnorm(q, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = 0, right = Inf)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::qcnorm(p, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = 0, right = Inf)
rdist <- function(n, eta) crch::rcnorm(n, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]), left = 0, right = Inf)
link <- c("identity", "log")
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- c(par[1], log(par[2]))
names(eta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
names(par) <- c("mu", "sigma")
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
dpardeta <- c(1, exp(eta[2]))
names(dpardeta) <- c("mu", "sigma")
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL){
## alternative version using for mle = TRUE
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
# observations with positive weights
y_posweights <- y[weights>0]
# if only one observation or only equal observations (with positive weights)
# set mu to the value of this one observation
# and sigma to 1e-10
if(length(unique(y_posweights)) == 1) {
starteta <- c(unique(y_posweights), log(1e-10))
} else {
# if only one positive observation error in optim (non-finite values)
if(sum(y_posweights>0) < 2){
starteta <- c(0, log(1e-10))
} else {
x <- cbind(rep(1, length(y)))
colnames(x) <- "(Intercept)"
starteta <- try(unlist( = x, z = x, y = y, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = FALSE, weights = weights,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "L-BFGS-B",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")){
warning("Error for method L-BFGS-B in optim, applied method BFGS instead")
starteta <- try(unlist( = x, z = x, y = y, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = FALSE, weights = weights,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "BFGS",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")){
warning("Error for method BFGS in optim, applied method Nelder-Mead instead")
starteta <- try(unlist( = x, z = x, y = y, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = FALSE, weights = weights,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "Nelder-Mead",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
#maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")){
warning("Error for method Nelder-Mead in optim, applied method SANN instead")
starteta <- try(unlist( = x, z = x, y = y, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = FALSE, weights = weights,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "SANN",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
#maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")) {
print("ERROR for all optimization methods")
print(c("summary y:", summary(y)))
print(c("summary weights:", summary(weights)))
save(y, file = "~/svn/partykit/pkg/disttree/demo/error_examples/y.rda")
save(weights, file = "~/svn/partykit/pkg/disttree/demo/error_examples/weights.rda")
names(starteta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
## for mle = FALSE (to use optim())
#yc <- pmax(0,y) # optional ?
#if(is.null(weights)) {
# mu <- mean(yc)
# sigma <- sqrt(1/length(yc) * sum((yc - mu)^2))
#} else {
# mu <- weighted.mean(yc, weights)
# sigma <- sqrt(1/sum(weights) * sum(weights * (yc - mu)^2))
#starteta <- c(mu, log(sigma))
#names(starteta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
mle <- TRUE
#mle <- FALSE
dist_list_cens_normal <- list( = "censored Normal Distribution",
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
pdist = pdist,
qdist = qdist,
rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = mle,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = TRUE
# Turn into family object
class(dist_list_cens_normal) <- ""
#### dist_list_trunc_normal
dist_list_trunc_normal <- list()
# parnames <- c("mu", "sigma")
# etanames <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE, left = 0, right = Inf) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
val <- crch::dtnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], left = left, right = right, log = log)
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <- if(is.matrix(y)), dim(y)[1]) else, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val, na.rm = TRUE)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE, left = 0, right = Inf) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
score_m <- crch:::stnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
score_s <- crch:::stnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right) * exp(eta[2]) # inner derivation exp(eta[2])
score <- cbind(score_m, score_s)
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y)[1])
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN (0 in weights)
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score, na.rm = TRUE)
#if(any(is.nan(score))) print(c(eta, "y", y))
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, left = 0, right = Inf) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
d2mu <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
d2sigma <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
dmudsigma <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu.sigma", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigmadmu <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigma <- crch:::stnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights * d2mu, na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * dmudsigma * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu <- sum(weights * dsigmadmu * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (d2sigma * exp(2*eta[2]) + dsigma * par[2]), na.rm = TRUE)
hess <- matrix(c(d2ld.etamu2, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu, d2ld.etasigma2), nrow = 2)
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link-scale
# FIX ME: par instead of eta better?
pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::ptnorm(q, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = 0, right = Inf)
qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::qtnorm(p, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
left = 0, right = Inf)
rdist <- function(n, eta) crch::rtnorm(n, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]), left = 0, right = Inf)
link <- c("identity", "log")
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- c(par[1], log(par[2]))
names(eta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]))
names(par) <- c("mu", "sigma")
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
dpardeta <- c(1, exp(eta[2]))
names(dpardeta) <- c("mu", "sigma")
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL){
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
ypos <- y[y > 0]
y_posweights <- y[y>0 & weights>0]
# if only one or none positive observation or only equal positive observations
# set mu to the value of this one observation or 0 for no positive observations
# and sigma to 1e-10
if(length(unique(y_posweights)) < 2){
if(length(unique(y_posweights)) == 1) {
starteta <- c(unique(y_posweights), log(1e-10))
} else {
starteta <- c(0, log(1e-10))}
} else {
xpos <- cbind(rep(1, length(ypos)))
colnames(xpos) <- "(Intercept)"
wpos <- weights[y>0]
# calculate starteta using
starteta <- try(unlist( = xpos, z = xpos, y = ypos, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = TRUE, weights = wpos,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "L-BFGS-B",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")){
warning("Error for method L-BFGS-B in optim, applied method BFGS instead")
starteta <- try(unlist( = xpos, z = xpos, y = ypos, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = TRUE, weights = wpos,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "BFGS",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")){
warning("Error for method BFGS in optim, applied method Nelder-Mead instead")
starteta <- try(unlist( = xpos, z = xpos, y = ypos, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = TRUE, weights = wpos,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "Nelder-Mead",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
#maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")){
warning("Error for method Nelder-Mead in optim, applied method SANN instead")
starteta <- try(unlist( = xpos, z = xpos, y = ypos, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = TRUE, weights = wpos,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "SANN",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
#maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")) {
print("ERROR for all optimization methods")
print(c("summary y:", summary(y)))
print(c("summary ypos:", summary(ypos)))
print(c("summary weights:", summary(weights)))
print(c("summary wpos:", summary(wpos)))
save(y, file = "~/svn/partykit/pkg/disttree/demo/error_examples/y.rda")
save(weights, file = "~/svn/partykit/pkg/disttree/demo/error_examples/weights.rda")
names(starteta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)")
mle <- TRUE
dist_list_trunc_normal <- list( = "truncated Normal Distribution",
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
pdist = pdist,
qdist = qdist,
rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = mle,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = FALSE ## FIX ME: new argument 'truncated'?
# Turn into family object
class(dist_list_trunc_normal) <- ""
#### dist_list_hurdle_normal
dist_list_hurdle_normal <- list()
# parnames <- c("mu", "sigma", "nu")
# etanames <- c("mu", "log(sigma)", "log(nu/(1-nu))")
ddist <- function(y, eta, log = TRUE, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE, left = 0, right = Inf) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]), exp(eta[3])/(1 + exp(eta[3])))
if(log) {
val <- (y>0) * (crch::dtnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], left = left, right = right, log = TRUE) + log(par[3])) +
(y==0) * log(1-par[3])
} else {
val <- (y>0) * (crch::dtnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], left = left, right = right, log = FALSE) * par[3]) +
(y==0) * (1-par[3])
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <- if(is.matrix(y)), dim(y)[1]) else, length(y))
val <- sum(weights * val, na.rm = TRUE)
sdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, sum = FALSE, left = 0, right = Inf) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]), exp(eta[3])/(1 + exp(eta[3])))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
## score / estfun (first-order partial derivatives of the (positive) log-likelihood function by eta)
score_m <- crch:::stnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
score_s <- crch:::stnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right) * exp(eta[2]) # inner derivation exp(eta[2])
score_p <- (y>0) * 1/(1+exp(eta[3])) + (y==0) * (-exp(eta[3]/(1+exp(eta[3]))))
score <- cbind(score_m, score_s, score_p)
score <- as.matrix(score)
colnames(score) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)", "log(nu/(1-nu))")
if(sum) {
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y)[1])
# if score == Inf replace score with 1.7e308 because Inf*0 would lead to NaN (0 in weights)
score[score==Inf] = 1.7e308
score <- colSums(weights * score, na.rm = TRUE)
#if(any(is.nan(score))) print(c(eta, "y", y))
hdist <- function(y, eta, weights = NULL, left = 0, right = Inf) {
ny <- length(y)
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, ny)
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]), exp(eta[3])/(1 + exp(eta[3])))
# y[y==0] <- 1e-323
d2mu <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu", left = left, right = right)
d2sigma <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
d2nu <- (y>0) * (-1/(par[3]^2)) + (y==0) * (-1/((1-par[3])^2))
dmudsigma <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "mu.sigma", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dmudnu <- 0
dsigmadmu <- crch:::htnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "", left = left, right = right) # FIX: order?
dsigmadnu <- 0
dnudmu <- 0
dnudsigma <- 0
dsigma <- crch:::stnorm(x = y, mean = par[1], sd = par[2], which = "sigma", left = left, right = right)
d2ld.etamu2 <- sum(weights * d2mu, na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma <- sum(weights * dmudsigma * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu <- sum(weights * dsigmadmu * par[2], na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etasigma2 <- sum(weights * (d2sigma * exp(2*eta[2]) + dsigma * par[2]), na.rm = TRUE)
d2ld.etamu.d.etanu <- 0
d2ld.etasigma.d.etanu <- 0
d2ld.etanu.d.etamu <- 0
d2ld.etanu.d.etasigma <- 0
d2ld.etanu2 <- sum(weights * (-exp(eta[3])/((1+exp(eta[3]))^2)), na.rm = TRUE)
hess <- matrix(c(d2ld.etamu2, d2ld.etamu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etamu.d.etanu,
d2ld.etasigma.d.etamu, d2ld.etasigma2, d2ld.etasigma.d.etanu,
d2ld.etanu.d.etamu, d2ld.etanu.d.etasigma, d2ld.etanu2),
nrow = 3)
colnames(hess) <- rownames(hess) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)", "log(nu/(1-nu))")
## additional functions pdist, qdist, rdist on link-scale
# FIX ME: par instead of eta better?
# FIX ME: adaption to distribution with third parameter correct?
#pdist <- function(q, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::ptnorm(q, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
# lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
# left = left, right = right) * pbinom(q, 1, prob = exp(eta[3])/(1+exp(eta[3])))
#qdist <- function(p, eta, lower.tail = TRUE, log.p = FALSE) crch::qtnorm(p, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]),
# lower.tail = lower.tail, log.p = log.p,
# left = left, right = right) * qbinom(p, 1, prob = exp(eta[3])/(1+exp(eta[3])))
#rdist <- function(n, eta) crch::rtnorm(n, mean = eta[1], sd = exp(eta[2]), left = left, right = right) * rbinom(n, 1, prob = exp(eta[3])/(1+exp(eta[3])))
link <- c("identity", "log", "logit")
linkfun <- function(par) {
eta <- c(par[1], log(par[2]), log(par[3]/(1-par[3])))
names(eta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)", "log(nu/(1-nu))")
linkinv <- function(eta) {
par <- c(eta[1], exp(eta[2]), exp(eta[3])/(1 + exp(eta[3])))
names(par) <- c("mu", "sigma", "nu")
linkinvdr <- function(eta) {
dpardeta <- c(1, exp(eta[2]), exp(eta[3])/(1 + exp(eta[3]))^2)
names(dpardeta) <- c("mu", "sigma", "nu")
startfun <- function(y, weights = NULL){
if(is.null(weights) || (length(weights)==0L)) weights <-, length(y))
ypos <- y[y > 0]
y_posweights <- y[y>0 & weights>0]
# if only one or none positive observation or only equal positive observations
# set mu to the value of this one observation or 0 for no positive observations
# and sigma to 1e-10
if(length(unique(y_posweights)) < 2){
if(length(unique(y_posweights)) == 1) {
starteta <- c(unique(y_posweights), log(1e-10), qlogis(weighted.mean(y > 0, w = weights)))
} else {
starteta <- c(0, log(1e-10), qlogis(weighted.mean(y > 0, w = weights)))}
} else {
xpos <- cbind(rep(1, length(ypos)))
colnames(xpos) <- "(Intercept)"
wpos <- weights[y>0]
# calculate starteta using
starteta <- try(c(unlist( = xpos, z = xpos, y = ypos, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = TRUE, weights = wpos,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "L-BFGS-B",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
if(any(y[weights>0]==0)) qlogis(weighted.mean(y > 0, w = weights)) else qlogis(1-1e-16)),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")){
warning("Error for method L-BFGS-B in optim, applied method BFGS instead")
starteta <- try(c(unlist( = xpos, z = xpos, y = ypos, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = TRUE, weights = wpos,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "BFGS",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
if(any(y[weights>0]==0)) qlogis(weighted.mean(y > 0, w = weights)) else qlogis(1-1e-16)),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")){
warning("Error for method BFGS in optim, applied method Nelder-Mead instead")
starteta <- try(c(unlist( = xpos, z = xpos, y = ypos, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = TRUE, weights = wpos,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "Nelder-Mead",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
#maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
if(any(y[weights>0]==0)) qlogis(weighted.mean(y > 0, w = weights)) else qlogis(1-1e-16)),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")) {
warning("Error for method Nelder-Mead in optim, applied method SANN instead")
starteta <- try(c(unlist( = xpos, z = xpos, y = ypos, left = 0, right = Inf,
truncated = TRUE, weights = wpos,
control = crch::crch.control(method = "SANN",
reltol = 1e-8, factr = 1e7,
#maxit = 100,
hessian = FALSE))$coefficients),
if(any(y[weights>0]==0)) qlogis(weighted.mean(y > 0, w = weights)) else qlogis(1-1e-16)),
silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(starteta, "try-error")) {
print("ERROR for all optimization methods")
print(c("summary y:", summary(y)))
print(c("summary ypos:", summary(ypos)))
print(c("summary weights:", summary(weights)))
print(c("summary wpos:", summary(wpos)))
save(y, file = "~/svn/partykit/pkg/disttree/demo/error_examples/y.rda")
save(weights, file = "~/svn/partykit/pkg/disttree/demo/error_examples/weights.rda")
names(starteta) <- c("mu", "log(sigma)", "log(nu/(1-nu))")
mle <- TRUE
dist_list_hurdle_normal <- list( = "hurdle Normal Distribution",
ddist = ddist,
sdist = sdist,
hdist = hdist,
#pdist = pdist,
#qdist = qdist,
#rdist = rdist,
link = link,
linkfun = linkfun,
linkinv = linkinv,
linkinvdr = linkinvdr,
startfun = startfun,
mle = mle,
gamlssobj = FALSE,
censored = FALSE ## FIX ME: new argument 'truncated'?
# Turn into family object
class(dist_list_hurdle_normal) <- ""
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