
Defines functions .rsolnpArguments solveRsolnp

Documented in solveRsolnp

# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
# License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
# version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Library General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General
# Public License along with this library; if not, write to the
# Free Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA

# FUNCTION:                DESCRIPTION:
#  solveRsolnp              Portfolio interface to solver Rsolnp
#  .rsolnpArguments         Returns arguments for solver

solveRsolnp <-
    function(data, spec, constraints)
    # Description:
    #   Portfolio interface to solver Rsolnp
    # Arguments;
    #   data - an object of class timeSeries
    #   spec - an object of class fPFOLIOSPEC
    #   constraints - an object of class character
    # FUNCTION:   

    # Settings:
    Data <- portfolioData(data, spec)
    nAssets <- getNAssets(Data)
    mu <- getMu(Data)
    Sigma <- getSigma(Data)
    # Compose Arguments for Solver:
    args <- .rsolnpArguments(data, spec, constraints)
     optim <- Rsolnp::solnp(
        pars = args$par, 
        fun = args$fun, 
        grad = NULL, 
        eqfun = args$eqfun, 
        eqB = args$B, 
        eqgrad = NULL, 
        ineqfun = args$ineqfun, 
        ineqLB = args$ineqLB, 
        ineqUB = args$ineqUB, 
        ineqgrad = NULL, 
        LB = args$LB, 
        UB = args$UB,
        control = list())   
    # Extract Weights:
    weights <- .checkWeights(optim$par)
    attr(weights, "invest") <- sum(weights)
    # Check Messages and Get Status:
    #   ... unfortunately solnp has no status variable, 
    #       so we have to analyze the messages
    Status = 1
    # Result:
    ans <- list(
        type = "MV",
        solver = "solveRsolnp",
        optim = optim,
        weights = weights, 
        targetReturn = NA,
        targetRisk = NA,
        objective = optim$fx, 
        status = Status, 
        message = optim$message)    
    returnFun <- match.fun(getObjective(spec)[2])
    ans$targetReturn <- returnFun(ans$weights)
    riskFun <- match.fun(getObjective(spec)[3])
    ans$targetRisk <- riskFun(ans$weights)
    # Return Value:
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------

.rsolnpArguments <-
    function(data, spec, constraints)
    # Description:
    #   Create Arguments for Rsolnp
    # Details:
    #       min:                    fun(x)
    #       subject to: 
    #                        g_i(x) = eqB
    #                  ineqLB <= h_i(x) <= ineqUB
    #                       LB <= x <= UB  
    # FUNCTION:  

    # Settings:
    Data <- portfolioData(data)
    nAssets <- getNAssets(Data)  
    mu <- getMu(Data)
    Sigma <- getSigma(Data)
    fn <- match.fun(getObjective(spec)[1])
    # Box Constrains:
    LB <- minWConstraints(data, spec, constraints)
    UB <- maxWConstraints(data, spec, constraints)
    if(DEBUG) print(rbind(LB, UB))
    # Linear / Group Constraints:
    # ... targetReturn may be not defined,then set it to NA
    if (is.null(getTargetReturn(spec))) setTargetReturn(spec) <- NA
    # ... has in the first line the return constraint, if NA then ignore  it
    eqsumW <- eqsumWConstraints(data, spec, constraints)
    if (is.na(eqsumW[1, 1])) eqsumW = eqsumW[-1, , drop= FALSE]
    Aeqsum <- eqsumW[, -1]
    aeqsum <- eqsumW[, 1]
    minsumW <- minsumWConstraints(data, spec, constraints)
    if (is.null(minsumW)) {
        Aminsum <- aminsum <- NULL
    } else {
        Aminsum <- minsumW[, -1]
        aminsum <- minsumW[, 1]
    maxsumW = maxsumWConstraints(data, spec, constraints)
    if (is.null(maxsumW)) {
        Amaxsum <- amaxsum <- NULL
    } else {
        Amaxsum <- maxsumW[, -1]
        amaxsum <- maxsumW[, 1]
    A <- rbind(Aeqsum, Aminsum, Amaxsum)
    lin.lower <- c(aeqsum, aminsum, rep(-Inf, length(amaxsum)))
    lin.upper <- c(aeqsum, rep(Inf, length(aminsum)), amaxsum)
    if(DEBUG) print(cbind(lin.lower, A, lin.upper))
    # Nonlinear Constraints - Here Covariance Risk Budgets:
    nlin <- list()
    nlin.lower <- NULL
    nlin.upper <- NULL
    # Check Constraints Strings for Risk Budgets:
    # Example: constraints = c("minB[2:3]=0.1", "maxB[3:5]=0.9")
    validStrings <- c("minB", "maxB")
    usedStrings <- unique(sort(sub("\\[.*", "", constraints)))
    checkStrings <- sum(usedStrings %in% validStrings)
    includeRiskBudgeting <- as.logical(checkStrings)
    if (DEBUG) print(includeRiskBudgeting)
    if (includeRiskBudgeting) {
        # Compose Non-Linear (Cov Risk Budget) Constraints Functions:
        nlcon <- function(x) {
            B1 = as.vector(x %*% Sigma %*% x)
            B2 = as.vector(x * Sigma %*% x)
            B = B2/B1
        if(DEBUG) print(nlcon)
        # Compose non-linear functions now for each asset ...
        for (I in 1:nAssets)
            eval( parse(text = paste(
                "nlcon", I, " = function(x) { nlcon(x)[", I, "] }", sep = "")) )
        nlinFunctions = paste("nlcon", 1:nAssets, sep = "", collapse = ",")
        nlinFunctions = paste("list(", nlinFunctions, ")")
        nlin = eval( parse(text = nlinFunctions) )
        if(DEBUG) print(nlin)
        # ... and finally Compose Constraints Vectors:
        nlin.lower = minBConstraints(data, spec, constraints)
        nlin.upper = maxBConstraints(data, spec, constraints)
        if(DEBUG) print(rbind(nlin.lower, nlin.upper))
    # General non-lin Portfolio Constraints:
    # ... todo: currently overwrites previous selection
    nlin = listFConstraints(data, spec, constraints)
    if(DEBUG) print(nlin)
    nlin.lower = minFConstraints(data, spec, constraints)
    nlin.upper = maxFConstraints(data, spec, constraints)
    if(DEBUG) print(cbind(nlin.lower, nlin.upper))
    # Return Value:
        pars = rep(1/nAssets, nAssets), 
        fun = fn,
        grad = NULL,
        eqfun = NULL,
        eqB = NULL,
        eqgrad = NULL,
        ineqfun = nlinFunctions,
        ineqLB = nlin.lower, 
        ineqUB = nlin.upper, 
        ineqgrad = NULL, 
        LB = LB, 
        UB = UB)


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fPortfolio documentation built on Jan. 14, 2024, 8:21 p.m.