
Defines functions panel.loa panel.loaGrid panel.loaPlot panel.loaPlot2

Documented in panel.loa panel.loaGrid panel.loaPlot panel.loaPlot2

#in development code
#[1 -TBC] functions 

#loaPlot - main function

##might want to make 
##own space for conds

#formulaHandler - handles the x formula

#to dos


loaPlot <- function (x, data = NULL, panel = panel.loaPlot, ..., 
     local.scales = FALSE, reset.xylims = TRUE, load.lists = NULL,
     by.group = NULL, by.zcase = NULL, preprocess = TRUE) 

#and adding loa.settings = NULL
#to allow user reset of loa.settings

#then need the same in panelPal 

#also need to update panelPal for 
#group process and group plot
#need to think about 

    #set up

    extra.args <- list(...)

    #from lattice
    ##groups <- eval(substitute(groups), data, environment(x))
    #env <- environment(x)

#test for matrix input

        extra.args <- do.call(matrixHandler, listUpdate(list(x=x, data=data), extra.args))
        x <- extra.args$x
        data <- extra.args$data
        extra.args <- extra.args[!names(extra.args) %in% c("x", "data")]

    #check for any panel defaults
    loa.settings <- loaHandler(panel)

##this bit could be tidier

    group.args <- if(is.null(extra.args$group.args))
                      NULL else extra.args$group.args



        temp <- loa.settings$default.settings


##this needs fixing 
##currently formals below are ignored
##then set by panel

##think about because this is not great

            if("local.scales" %in% names(temp)){
                local.scales <- temp$local.scales
            if("reset.xylims" %in% names(temp)){
                reset.xylims <- temp$reset.xylims
            if("load.lists" %in% names(temp)){
                load.lists <- temp$load.lists
            extra.args <- listUpdate(temp, extra.args)

#check next bit 
#might not be needed any more
            group.args <- loa.settings$group.args


#colRegionsHandler add-in

#    if("col.regions" %in% names(extra.args))
        extra.args$col.regions <- do.call(colRegionsHandler, extra.args[!names(extra.args) %in% c("alpha","alpha.regions")])

#if needed because col expanded to col.regions

        for(i in load.lists)
            extra.args <- do.call(listLoad, listUpdate(extra.args, list(load = i)))

#new addition
#par.settings handling
   extra.args <- do.call(listLoad, listUpdate(extra.args, list(load="par.settings")))
   extra.args$par.settings <- do.call(parHandler, extra.args)



    reset.aspect = FALSE
        if(is.character(extra.args$aspect) && extra.args$aspect == "loa.iso"){
            extra.args$aspect <- 1
            reset.aspect <- TRUE


    #key test
    legend <- do.call(keyHandler, listUpdate(extra.args, list(output = "legend")))
    extra.args <- do.call(keyHandler, listUpdate(extra.args, list(output = "other.args")))

    #local scales

#could strip out the localscaleshandler args 
#after we run this?

        temp <- listUpdate(list(remove.box = TRUE), extra.args)
        extra.args <- listUpdate(extra.args, do.call(localScalesHandler, temp))


        extra.args$xlab = ""
        extra.args$ylab = "" 

    #main routine

    temp <- listUpdate(list(x=x, data = data),

    #d1 <- do.call(formulaHandler, temp)

#the preprocess bit

#was#    extra.args <- do.call(formulaHandler, temp)

#this could be simplified
#not documented because not finalised version

    if("loa.preprocess" %in% names(extra.args)){

        lattice.like <- do.call(formulaHandler, listUpdate(temp, list(output="lattice.like")))
        lattice.like <- do.call(extra.args$loa.preprocess, 
                                listUpdate(list(lattice.like=lattice.like), temp))
        extra.args <- do.call(formulaHandler, listUpdate(temp, list(lattice.like=lattice.like$lattice.like, 
        extra.args <- listUpdate(extra.args, lattice.like, ignore="lattice.like")
    } else extra.args <- do.call(formulaHandler, temp)
#ends the new preprocess bit


#could this go into formulaHandler?

#temp fix for conditioning labels
#    extra.args <- do.call(stripHandler,
#                          listUpdate(list(striplab = names(d1$panel.condition)), extra.args)
#                         )

#    ..loa.x <- d1$x
#    ..loa.y <- d1$y

#     extra.args$z <- d1$z
#     extra.args$ref <- d1$x
#     extra.args <- listUpdate(list(xlab = d1$x.name, ylab = d1$y.name, zlab = if(is.null(extra.args$z)) NULL else d1$z.name),
#                              extra.args)

#    if("zcases" %in% names(d1))
#        extra.args$zcases <- d1$zcases

#    x <- "..loa.y~..loa.x"
#    if(!is.null(d1$panel.condition) && length(d1$panel.condition)>0){
#        ..loa.cond <- d1$panel.condition
#        temp <- paste("..loa.cond[[" , 1:length(..loa.cond), sep="")
#        temp <- paste(temp, "]]", sep="", collapse="+")
#        x <- paste(x, temp, sep="|")

#    }
##         ..loa.for <- paste(..loa.for, d1$panel.condition, sep ="|")

#    extra.args$x <- as.formula(x)


    extra.args$panel <- function(..., subscripts) panel.xyplot(..., subscripts=subscripts)
    ans <- do.call(xyplot, extra.args)

    ans <- panelPal(ans, panel=panel, preprocess = preprocess,
                    by.group = by.group, by.zcase = by.zcase, 
                    reset.xylims = reset.xylims, legend = legend)

        temp <- (max(ans$y.limits) - min(ans$y.limits))/
                (max(ans$x.limits) - min(ans$x.limits))
        ans$aspect.ratio <- temp

#tidy this bit

    #handle pch
#    temp <- unique(unlist(lapply(ans$panel.args, names)))

#    temp <- unique(c(names(ans$panel.args.common), temp))

#    if(!"pch" %in% temp)
#        ans$panel.args.common$pch <- pchHandler()

#use GoogleMap output method?
#check output reports?




#working on this
#issue with condPanelHandler
#so reset from ...loaPlot to ...loaPlot2

panel.loaPlot2 <- function(..., loa.settings = FALSE){

#panel to link 
#cex and col to 
#colorkey and z

#think about
#update from list(output="col") for colHandler?
#to make more robust

    #return safe.mode info
        return(list(group.args= c("col"),
                    zcase.args= c("pch"),
                    default.settings = list(grid=TRUE, scheme="loa.scheme",
                                            load.lists = c("grid"),
                                            key = "draw.loaPlotZKey")))

    plot.fun <- function(...){
                    extra.args <- list(...)
#                    if(length(extra.args$x)>0 & length(extra.args$y)>0){
                        extra.args$col <- do.call(colHandler, extra.args)
                        extra.args$cex <- do.call(cexHandler, extra.args)
                        extra.args$pch <- do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(extra.args, list(z=NULL)))
                        do.call(panel.xyplot, extra.args)
#                    } else print("HO")
    do.call(groupsAndZcasesPanelHandler, listUpdate(list(...), list(panel=plot.fun)))


#working on other version
#issue with condPanelHandler
#so reset from ...loaPlot2 to ...loaPlot
#this now default

panel.loaPlot <- function(..., loa.settings = FALSE){

#panel to link 
#cex and col to 
#colorkey and z

#think about
#update from list(output="col") for colHandler?
#to make more robust

    #return safe.mode info
        return(list(group.args= c("col"),
                    zcase.args= c("pch"),
                    default.settings = list(key.fun = "draw.loaPlotZKey", 
#replaced bit
#                                            grid = FALSE)))
#suggested new bits
# new col.regions default
# blues or spectral or others
#                                             col.regions = colorRampPalette(colHandler(1:14, col.regions="Blues", 
#                                                                            output = "col")[3:14])(100),
#or maybe???
#  col.regions = colHandler(10:130, col.regions="Blues", output = "col")[31:130]),
#or maybe??? send default scheme...
# grid default is TRUE
# load.list grid 
# so you can send it list abbreviations
                                             grid = TRUE, load.lists = c("grid"))))

    extra.args <- list(...)

    if("groups" %in% names(extra.args)){
        if("group.args" %in% names(extra.args) && length(extra.args$group.args)>0){

#group.ids might not always be there

            temp <- as.numeric(factor(extra.args$groups, levels = extra.args$group.ids))
            for(i in extra.args$group.args){
                extra.args[[i]] <- extra.args[[i]][temp]
        extra.args$groups <- NULL

    if("zcases" %in% names(extra.args)){
        if("zcase.args" %in% names(extra.args) && length(extra.args$zcase.args)>0){

#zcase.ids might not always be there

            temp <- as.numeric(factor(extra.args$zcases, levels = extra.args$zcase.ids))
            for(i in extra.args$zcase.args){
                extra.args[[i]] <- extra.args[[i]][temp]
        extra.args$zcases <- NULL

        panel.loaGrid(panel.scales = extra.args$panel.scales, grid = extra.args$grid, 
                      xlim = extra.args$xlim, ylim = extra.args$ylim) 

    extra.args$col <- do.call(colHandler, extra.args)
    extra.args$cex <- do.call(cexHandler, extra.args)
    extra.args$pch <- do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(extra.args, list(z=NULL)))

#dissable xyplot(..., grid)
#stop panel.xyplot reapplying alpha, etc.
    extra.args <- listHandler(extra.args, 
                      ignore = c("grid", "col.regions", "alpha", "alpha.regions"))

    do.call(panel.xyplot, extra.args)


panel.loaGrid <- function(grid.x = NULL, grid.y = NULL,
         xlim = NULL, ylim = NULL, ..., 
         grid = NULL, panel.scales = NULL){

#this needs fixing so it works like panel.polarPlot, etc
#also for grid and ....
#grid.x/y could be dropped?

    extra.args <- list(...)

    if (!is.list(panel.scales)) panel.scales <- list()
    if (!is.list(grid)) grid <- list()

    panel.scales <- listUpdate(list(draw = TRUE, arrows = FALSE, tick.number = 5, 
                                    abbreviate = FALSE, minlength = 4, tck = 1, 
                                    col = "lightgrey", col.line = 1, cex = 0.8), 

#this needs tidying
#it works but could be more stable

    temp <- listUpdate(grid, grid.x)
    temp$v = -1
    temp$h = 0

    x.par <- getPlotArgs("axis.line", local.resets = panel.scales, 
        user.resets = temp, elements = "x", defaults.only = FALSE)
    x.par$col.line <- x.par$col
    x.par$x <- xlim
    do.call(panel.grid, x.par)

    temp <- listUpdate(grid, grid.y)
    temp$v = 0
    temp$h = -1

    y.par <- getPlotArgs("axis.line", local.resets = panel.scales, 
        user.resets = temp, elements = "y", defaults.only = FALSE)
    y.par$col.line <- y.par$col
    y.par$y <- ylim
    do.call(panel.grid, y.par)



panel.loa <- function(..., loa.settings = FALSE){
    #return safe.mode info
        return(list(group.args= c("col", "type"),
                    zcase.args= c("pch", "lty", "type"),
                    default.settings = list(key.fun = "draw.loaKey02", 
                                            grid = TRUE, load.lists = c("grid"))))
    extra.args <- list(...)
    #b -> lp needs to be done by key as well...
    extra.args$type <- gsub("b", "lp", extra.args$type)
    if("groups" %in% names(extra.args)){
        if("group.args" %in% names(extra.args) && length(extra.args$group.args)>0){
            #group.ids might not always be there
            temp <- as.numeric(factor(extra.args$groups, levels = extra.args$group.ids))
            for(i in extra.args$group.args){
                extra.args[[i]] <- extra.args[[i]][temp]
        #extra.args$groups <- NULL
    if("zcases" %in% names(extra.args)){
        if("zcase.args" %in% names(extra.args) && length(extra.args$zcase.args)>0){
            #zcase.ids might not always be there
            temp <- as.numeric(factor(extra.args$zcases, levels = extra.args$zcase.ids))
            for(i in extra.args$zcase.args){
                extra.args[[i]] <- extra.args[[i]][temp]
        #extra.args$zcases <- NULL
    extra.args$type <- zHandler(extra.args$type, ref=extra.args$x)
        panel.loaGrid(panel.scales = extra.args$panel.scales, grid = extra.args$grid, 
                      xlim = extra.args$xlim, ylim = extra.args$ylim) 
    extra.args$col <- do.call(colHandler, extra.args)
    extra.args$cex <- do.call(cexHandler, extra.args)
    extra.args$pch <- do.call(pchHandler, listUpdate(extra.args, list(z=NULL)))
    extra.args$lwd <- do.call(zHandler, listUpdate(extra.args, list(z=extra.args$lwd)))
    extra.args$lty <- do.call(zHandler, listUpdate(extra.args, list(z=extra.args$lty)))


    for(i in 1:length(extra.args$x)){
    #for(i in 1:10){
        if(grepl("p", extra.args$type[i])){ 
        if(grepl("h", extra.args$type[i])){
            llines(x=extra.args$x[c(i, i)],
                    y=c(max(min(extra.args$ylim, na.rm=TRUE), 0, na.rm=TRUE),
        if(i > 1){
            #this is only linked to groups at the moment 
            #not groups and zcases
            test <- FALSE
            if(is.null(extra.args$groups) & is.null(extra.args$zcases)) test <- TRUE
            if(!is.null(extra.args$groups) && is.null(extra.args$zcases) &&
                   isTRUE(extra.args$groups[i]==extra.args$groups[i-1])) test <- TRUE
            if(is.null(extra.args$groups) && !is.null(extra.args$zcases) &&
               isTRUE(extra.args$zcases[i]==extra.args$zcases[i-1])) test <- TRUE
            if(!is.null(extra.args$groups) && !is.null(extra.args$zcases) &&
               isTRUE(extra.args$groups[i]==extra.args$groups[i-1]) &&
               isTRUE(extra.args$zcases[i]==extra.args$zcases[i-1])) test <- TRUE

                if(grepl("l", extra.args$type[i]) & 
                    grepl("l", extra.args$type[i-1])){
                    llines(x=extra.args$x[c(i, i-1)],
                        y=extra.args$y[c(i, i-1)],

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loa documentation built on Sept. 20, 2024, 3 p.m.