
 mDerivs <-
function(expr, xlim=c(0,10), ...) {
# packages 
  if (!require("manipulate")) stop("Must run in a manipulate compatible system, e.g. RStudio")
  if (!require("mosaic")) stop("Must install mosaic package.")
# functions
  vals = list(...)
  .f = mosaic:::.createMathFun( sexpr=substitute(expr), from=0, ...)
  f <- .f$fun
  # Use the expression in the calculating the derivative so that 
  # it can be done symbolically, if possible
  dfdx <- mosaic:::.doD( .f, from=0,...)
  # Try to do the second derivative symbolically, also
  .ff = .f
  .ff$RHS = c("+", .f$RHS, .f$RHS)
  # That the next variable must be global, suggests that mosaic:::.doD should be changed
  # to include its own environment as an (formal) argument to the returned function.
  # must be global to work with derivative evaluation prgm. That's a bug!  -- danny
  # Note: seems to work with out global assignment -- rjp on 2011/12/27
  d2fd2x <- mosaic:::.doD( .ff, from=0,...) 
  d3fd3x <- D(d2fd2x(x)~x, ...)
  antiF <- antiD(f(x)~x,...)
  fset = list(d3fd3x,d2fd2x,dfdx,f,antiF)
  # Labels for the graph
  f.labels = list(expression(partialdiff^3*f/partialdiff^3*x),
  # colors used in the display
  deriv.color2 = rgb(1,0,0,.2) # red, transparent
  deriv.color = "red" 
  integral.color2 = "blue"
  integral.color= rgb(0,0,1,1)
  integral.color.trans = rgb(0,0,1,.3)
  neg.integral.color2 = "darkslateblue"
  neg.integral.color = rgb(.4,0,1,.3)
  neg.integral.line.color = rgb(.4,0,1,.3)
  gray = rgb(0,0,0,.3)
# vplayout for easier layout movement
    vplayout = function(x,y){
    viewport(layout.pos.row = x, layout.pos.col = y)
get.aspect.ratio = function() {
   y = convertUnit( unit(1,"native"),"cm",typeFrom="dimension", axisFrom="y",axisTo="y",valueOnly=TRUE)
   x = convertUnit( unit(1,"native"),"cm",typeFrom="dimension", axisFrom="x",axisTo="x",valueOnly=TRUE) 
get.text.pos = function(xc, yc, ang, max.dist = unit(.3, "npc")) {
    #xc yc coordinates of the tangent point of the line, ang is slope in radians, max.dist is in "npc"
   yc = convertY( unit(yc, "native"), "npc", valueOnly=TRUE)
   xc = convertX( unit(xc, "native"), "npc", valueOnly=TRUE)
   try.dist = seq(-max.dist, max.dist, by = .05)
   x.to.y = convertUnit( unit(1,"npc"),"npc",typeFrom="dimension", axisFrom="x",axisTo="y",valueOnly=TRUE)
   try.y = yc + sin(ang)*try.dist*x.to.y
   try.x = xc + cos(ang)*try.dist
   inds = which((0.05<try.y)&(try.y<.95)&(0.05<try.x)&(try.x<.95))
   xvals = try.dist[inds]
   dist = xvals[which.max(abs(xvals))] # pick the one furthest away
   x = xc+cos(ang)*dist
   y = yc+sin(ang)*dist*x.to.y
   just = ifelse( dist>0,"right","left")
   return( list(x=x,y=y,just=just))
   #return(list(x = convertX(unit(x,"native"),"npc", valueOnly=TRUE), 
   #              y = convertY(unit(y,"native"),"npc", valueOnly=TRUE)))
# ====================
myplot= function(xpos, from, der, anti, fixed, middleFun=NULL){
  # choose the functions to display from the set
  dfdx = fset[[middleFun-1]]
  f = fset[[middleFun+0]]
  antiF = fset[[middleFun+1]]
  vals = list(...)
  dfpanel = function(x, y){
    panel.xyplot(x, y, type="l", lwd = 2, col = deriv.color, ...)
    panel.points(xpos, dfdx(xpos))
    panel.abline(h=0, lty = "dotted")
    panel.lines(x=c(xpos, -9000000), y = c(dfdx(xpos),dfdx(xpos)), col=deriv.color2, lwd = 11)
    grid.text(label=signif(dfdx(xpos), 3), x = unit(0, "npc")+unit(10,"mm"), y = unit(dfdx(xpos),"native"), just = "right", gp = gpar(col = deriv.color, fontsize =10))
              x=unit(0.075,"npc"), y=unit(0.9,"npc"), just="left", gp = gpar(cex = 1.7) )
  # =============
  fpanel = function(x, y){
   newx = x[x < max(xpos, from) & x>min(xpos,from)]
   xpts = c(min(xpos,from),newx,max(xpos,from))
   ypts = c(0,f(newx),0)
   ypos = pmax(0, ypts)
   yneg = pmin(0, ypts)
     panel.polygon(xpts,ypos,col=neg.integral.color, border = FALSE)
     panel.polygon(xpts,yneg,col=integral.color.trans, border = FALSE)
      panel.polygon(xpts,ypos,col=integral.color.trans, border = FALSE)
      panel.polygon(xpts,yneg,col=neg.integral.color, border = FALSE)
    panel.points(from, f(from))
    place.x = mean(c(xpos,from))
    val = f(place.x)
    grid.text(paste("Area =",signif(antiF(xpos,from=from),3)),
              x=unit(place.x,"native"), y=unit(val/2,"native"), just="center",
              gp = gpar(
                col= integral.color, fontsize=10))
    panel.xyplot(x, y, type="l", col = "black", lwd = 2, ...)
    panel.points(xpos, f(xpos))
    panel.abline(h=0, lty = "dotted") 
    grid.text(f.labels[[middleFun+0]], x=0.075, y=0.9, just="left", gp = gpar(cex = 1.4 ))
    yline = f(xpos)+ dfdx(xpos)*(x - xpos)
    segEndsX = xpos + halfwidth*c(-1,1)
    segEndsY = f(xpos) + dfdx(xpos)*halfwidth*c(-1,1)
    panel.lines(x=c(xpos, -9000000), y = c(f(xpos),f(xpos)), col=gray, lwd = 11)
    # Sloping line
    if( der ){
     panel.lines(segEndsX, segEndsY, col=deriv.color2, lwd=10)
     slope = dfdx(xpos)
     ang.slope = atan(slope*get.aspect.ratio())
     text.pos = get.text.pos(xpos, f(xpos), ang.slope, max.dist = .2)
     grid.text(label=paste("Slope = ", signif(dfdx(xpos), 3)), 
              x = text.pos$x, y = text.pos$y, 
              rot = ang.slope*180/pi, just=text.pos$just,
              gp = gpar(col = deriv.color, fontsize =10))
    grid.text(label=round(f(xpos), 3), 
              x = unit(0, "npc")+unit(10,"mm"), y = unit(f(xpos),"native"), 
              gp = gpar(col = "black", fontsize =10), just = "right",)
  #======== end of Fpanel =============== 
  antiFpanel = function(x, y){
    panel.xyplot(x, y, type="l", lwd = 2, col =integral.color, ...)
    tupac = subset(data.frame(x,y,pos = y>0), pos==FALSE)
    #tupac = subset(tupac, pos == FALSE)
    panel.xyplot(tupac$x, tupac$y, type = "p", pch = ".", cex = 2, col = "purple")
    at.val = antiF(xpos, from=from)
    from.val = antiF( from, from=from)
    panel.points(xpos, antiF(xpos, from = from))
    panel.points(from, antiF(from, from = from), col = "black")
    panel.abline(h=0, lty = "dotted")
    # Change this to draw the line over the whole y-scale, 
    # maybe going a little bit past FIX FIX FIX FIX
    segEndsX = xpos + halfwidth*c(-1,1)
    segEndsY = antiF(xpos, from = from) + f(xpos)*halfwidth*c(-1,1)
    panel.lines(segEndsX, segEndsY, col=gray, lwd = 10)
    if(at.val < 0)
    panel.lines(x=c(xpos, -9000000), y = c(at.val, at.val), col=neg.integral.line.color, lwd = 11)
    panel.lines(x=c(xpos, -9000000), y = c(at.val, at.val), col=rgb(0,0,1,.3), lwd = 11)
              x=unit(0.075,"npc"), y=unit(0.9,"npc"), 
              just="left", gp = gpar(cex = 1.7 ))
    slope = f(xpos)
    ang.slope = atan(slope*get.aspect.ratio())
    text.pos = get.text.pos(xpos, antiF(xpos,from=from), ang.slope, max.dist = .2)
    grid.text(label=paste("Slope = ", signif(f(xpos), 3)), 
              x = text.pos$x, 
              y = text.pos$y, 
              rot = ang.slope*180/pi, just=text.pos$just,
              gp = gpar(col = "black", fontsize =10))
    grid.text(label=round(at.val, 3), x = unit(0, "npc")+unit(10,"mm"), y = unit(at.val,"native"), gp = gpar(col = integral.color, fontsize =10))
    # parabola to give second derivative
    if( der ){
      curve.xvals = seq(segEndsX[1],segEndsX[2],length=100)
      curve.yvals = antiF(xpos,from=from) + (curve.xvals-xpos)*(f(xpos) + 0.5*dfdx(xpos)*(curve.xvals-xpos))
      panel.lines(curve.xvals, curve.yvals, col=deriv.color2, lwd=11)
      # Figure out where to put the label.
      # Endpoint
      xlabel = ifelse( max(segEndsX) < max(xlim),  max(segEndsX), min(segEndsX) )
      ind = which( xlabel==curve.xvals)
      ylabel = curve.yvals[ind]
      slope = f(xpos) + (xlabel-xpos)*dfdx(xpos)
      ang.slope = atan(slope*get.aspect.ratio())
      grid.text(label=paste("2nd deriv = ", signif(dfdx(xpos), 3)), 
              x = unit(xlabel,"native"), y = unit(ylabel,"native"), 
              rot = ang.slope*180/pi, just="center",
              gp = gpar(col = deriv.color, fontsize =10))
  #========== end of antiFpanel =========== 

  ##create dataframe of plotting values:
  x = seq(min(xlim), max(xlim),length=1000)          
  dat = data.frame(x=x, 
                   f = f(x), 
                   dfdx = dfdx(x), 
                   antiF = antiF(x, from = from))
top.plot = if( diff(range(dat$dfdx))< .001){ # just the ylim part differs
  xyplot(dfdx~x, data = dat, type = "l",   
          ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL, scales = list(x = list(draw = FALSE)), 
          col = deriv.color, panel = dfpanel,
else {
   xyplot(dfdx~x, data = dat, type = "l", 
          ylab = NULL, xlab = NULL, scales = list(x = list(draw = FALSE)), 
          col = deriv.color, panel = dfpanel)
middle.plot = xyplot(f~x, data = dat, type = "l", 
                     ylab = NULL,
                     xlab = NULL, scales = list(x = list(draw = FALSE)), 
                     col = "black", panel = fpanel)
bottom.plot = xyplot(antiF~x, data = dat, type = "l", 
                     ylab = NULL,  # see indiv. panel functions
                     panel = antiFpanel)  

if(fixed == TRUE)
    yparam = c(max(antiF(x, from = min(xlim))), min(antiF(x, from=min(xlim))))
    diff = diff(range(yparam))
    yparam = c((min(antiF(x, from = min(xlim))))-diff/3, (max(antiF(x, from = min(xlim))))+diff/3)
    cc = xyplot(antiF~x, data = dat, type = "l", ylim = yparam, ylab = "Antiderivative of f", panel = antiFpanel)  

if(der == TRUE){
  print(top.plot, position = c(0.0, 0.66, 1, 1), more = TRUE)
# Always plot out the function itself                  
print(middle.plot, position = c(0.0, 0.345, 1, 0.68), more = anti) 
  # The more=anti handles the case when anti is FALSE, 
  # and we don't want to continue drawing
if(anti == TRUE){
  print(bottom.plot, position = c(0.0,0,1,0.38))
 #Making the plot
  manipulate(myplot(xpos, from, der, anti, fixed,middleFun=cfun),
    cfun = picker( "Second Deriv"=2,"First Deriv"=3,"Given Function"=4,
                   initial="Given Function",label="Display in middle"),
    from = slider(min(xlim),max(xlim), initial = min(xlim), step = diff(xlim)/100),
    der = checkbox(FALSE, "Display Derivative"),
    anti = checkbox(FALSE, "Display Antiderivative"),
    fixed = checkbox(FALSE, "Fix Antiderivative y axis")

 #Red Parabola for antideriv - curvature - SHORT
 #Slope labels, in bounds using aspect ratio function
 #Eventually (last step after all debugging) make der and anti checkboxes initial FALSE

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mosaicManip documentation built on May 2, 2019, 5:48 p.m.