
Defines functions nndd nndd_reshape nndd_reshape_other plot.nndd predict_fun_glm predict.nndd print.nndd nndd_ttest t.test.nndd tapply2 vcov.nndd vcov.lmc cluster.vcov_nndd waldtest.nndd getSummary.lm

Documented in getSummary.lm nndd nndd_reshape nndd_reshape_other nndd_ttest plot.nndd predict_fun_glm predict.nndd print.nndd t.test.nndd vcov.nndd

# nndd_data2 <- function(treated = 1)
# {
#   m <- matrix(NA, nrow = 100, ncol = 50)
#   m[,1] <- rep(x = seq(1997,2006),10 )
#   m[,3] <- treated
#   for(k in seq(1,100,10))
#   {
#     if(m[k,3] == 1)
#     {
#       m[k:(k+4),4] <- rnorm(5, mean = rnorm(n = 1,20,7/10), sd =abs(rnorm(1,0.5,4)))
#       m[(k+5):(k+9),4] <- rnorm(5, mean = rnorm(n = 1,23,7/10), sd =abs(rnorm(1,0.5,4)))
#     }
#     if(m[k,3] == 0)
#     {
#       m[k:(k+4),4] <- rnorm(5, mean = rnorm(n = 1,25,7/10), sd =abs(rnorm(1,0.5,4)))
#       m[(k+5):(k+9),4] <- rnorm(5, mean = rnorm(n = 1,25,7/10), sd =abs(rnorm(1,0.5,4)))
#     }
#     for(i in 5:40)
#     {
#       m[k:(k+9),i] <-  rnorm(10, mean = rnorm(n = 1,3*sqrt(i)*sqrt(k),5*i/10), sd =abs(rnorm(1,0.5,4*sqrt(i))))
#     }
#   }
#   if(treated == 1)
#   {
#     for(k in seq(1,100,10))
#     {
#       for(i in 41:50)
#       {
#         m[k:(k+9),i] <-  rnorm(10, mean = rnorm(n = 1,i*0.5,10), sd =abs(rnorm(1,0.5,4)))
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   if(treated == 0)
#   {
#     for(k in seq(1,100,10))
#     {
#       for(i in 41:50)
#       {
#         m[k:(k+9),i] <-  rnorm(10, mean = rnorm(n = 1,i*1.2,10), sd =abs(rnorm(1,0.5,4)))
#       }
#     }
#   }
#   m <- data.frame(m)
#   colnames(m)[1:4] <- c("year", "firm_id", "tg", "outcome") 
#   return(m)
# }
# nndd_dgp <- function(treated.n = 1, control.n = 3)
# {
#   fd <- nndd_data2( )
#   if(treated.n > 1)
#   {
#     for(i in 2:treated.n)
#     {
#       fd <- rbind(fd, nndd_data2())
#     }
#   }
#   for(i in 1:control.n)
#   {
#     fd <- rbind(fd, nndd_data2(treated = 0))
#   }
#   fid <- rep(1:((treated.n+control.n)*10),10)
#   fid <- fid[order(fid)]
#   fd[,2] <- fid
#   return(fd)
# }

#fix Example! will not work without fiexed values in fuction! now fixed t_time and nn_time are excluded

#fix what is cleaner set clustervariables to NA or not to define this variable if no variables are called 
#later on the difference is to use length() or is.na... 

#include in print clustering 
#DOne: allow only to change the link not the full family 

nndd <- function(formula, data,
                     index = c("firm_id", "year"),  t_time , nn_time,
                     time_ids = c("year", ""),
                     link = "logit",
                     subset , na.action, clustervariables, 
                     model = TRUE, y = TRUE, x = FALSE, displ_coefs,
  #fdata <- data
  # nn_time <- c("2001","2001")
  # t_time <- "2002"
  # x <- "X6+X9+X10+X11+X12"
  #formu <- "tg | outcome ~ X6+X9+X10+X11+X12 | X6+X9+X10+X11+X12"
  #formula <- Formula(tg | outcome ~ X6+X9+X10+X11+X12 | X6+X9+X10+X11+X12)
  #Where to put in code? 
    #maybe save t_time as numeric variable if existing 
        #can cause trouble if t_time is not numeric!
        nn_time <- c(paste(as.numeric(t_time)-1), paste(as.numeric(t_time)-1))
  cl <- match.call()
    data <- environment(formula)
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  ## formula
  oformula <- as.formula(formula)
  formula <- as.Formula(formula)
  if(length(formula)[1L] < 2L) {
    stop("formula must have two LHS parts (outcomes) specified")
  if(length(formula)[2L] < 2L) {
      formula <- as.Formula(formula(formula), ~ 1)
    } else {
      if(length(formula)[2L] > 2L) {
        formula <- Formula(formula(formula, rhs = 1L:2L))
        warning("formula must not have more than two RHS parts, only the first two parts were used")
  ##define index
  time_id <- index[2]
  firm_id <- index[1]
  tg_id <- paste(formula(formula, lhs = 1, rhs = 0)[[2]])
  mf$formula <- formula(formula,lhs = 2, rhs = 1)
  ## evaluate model.frame
  mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf <- eval(mf, parent.frame())
  #nn_fdata <- subset(data, year >= as.numeric(nn_time[1]) & year <= as.numeric(nn_time[2]))
  start <- as.numeric(nn_time[1])
  end <- as.numeric(nn_time[2])
  if(start > end) stop('"nn_time" is wrong: start date is after end date')
  nn_fdata <- data[data[,index[2]] >= as.numeric(nn_time[1]) & data[,index[2]] <= as.numeric(nn_time[2]), ]
  if(end - start > 0)
    nn_fdata_lag <- data[data[,index[2]] <= end, ]
    nam <- names(table(nn_fdata_lag[,index[2]]))
    data_lag <- nn_fdata_lag
    formula_lags <- update(formula(formula,lhs = 1, rhs = 2), paste("~. +",paste( index[1:2], collapse = "+") ))
    mf_lags <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m_lags <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
    mf_lags <- mf_lags[c(1L, m_lags)]
    mf_lags$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    mf_lags$formula <- formula(formula_lags)
    mf_lags$data <- as.name("nn_fdata_lag")
    ## evaluate model.frame
    mf_lags[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    #mf_lags[[3L]] <- as.name("nn_fdata_lag")
    mf_lags <- eval(mf_lags)
    mf_lags <- reshape(mf_lags, timevar = index[2], idvar = index[1], direction = "wide" )
    exclude <- grep(paste(tg_id, "." ,sep = ""), names(mf_lags))
    mf_lags <- mf_lags[,- exclude[-1]]
    colnames(mf_lags)[exclude[1]] <- tg_id
    gml_fomula_lags <-update(formula(formula,lhs = 1, rhs = 0), paste("","~. +",paste( names(mf_lags)[-c(1:2)], collapse = "+") ))
    get_nn_pscore <- predict_fun_glm( pformula = gml_fomula_lags, link = link, data = mf_lags)
    nn_pscore <- get_nn_pscore(mf_lags)
  else {
    get_nn_pscore <- predict_fun_glm( pformula = formula(formula,lhs = 1, rhs = 2), link = link , data = nn_fdata)
    nn_pscore <- get_nn_pscore(nn_fdata)
  nn_fdata <- data[ data[,index[2]] == as.numeric(nn_time[2]), ]
  #mf <- model.frame(formula, data = nn_fdata)
  #y <- model.part(formula,lhs = 1, rhs = 0, data = mf)
  nn_fdata <- cbind(nn_fdata, nn_pscore)
  nn_tg <- nn_fdata[nn_fdata[,tg_id] == 1,]
  nn_cg <- nn_fdata[nn_fdata[,tg_id] == 0,]
  #get nn
  nn_tg[,"nn_pscore_min"] <- NA
  for(i in 1:nrow(nn_tg))
    #now we assume that we only have on nn!
    nn_cg[, "nn_pscore_dif"] <- NA
    nn_cg[, "nn_pscore_dif"] <- abs(nn_cg[,"nn_pscore"]-nn_tg[i,"nn_pscore"])
    nn_tg[i,"nn_pscore_dif"] <- min(nn_cg[, "nn_pscore_dif"])
    #is not clean! i take only first NN, shoud be a random one or take all nn
    nn_tg[i,"nn_pscore_min"] <- nn_cg[which(nn_cg[,"nn_pscore_dif"] == nn_tg[i,"nn_pscore_dif"]), "nn_pscore" ][[1]]
  nn_cg[, "nn_pscore_dif"] <- NA
  nn_tg_short <- nn_tg[,c(index[1], "nn_pscore_min")]
  colnames(nn_tg_short)[1] <- paste(index[1], "_", tg_id, sep = "")
  mnn_cg <- merge(nn_tg_short, nn_cg , by.x = "nn_pscore_min", by.y = "nn_pscore")
  mnn_cg[ ,"nn_pscore"] <- mnn_cg[,"nn_pscore_min"]
  nn_tg[ ,paste(index[1],"_",tg_id, sep="")] <- nn_tg[ ,index[1]]
  mnn_fdata_singel <- rbind(nn_tg, mnn_cg)
  mnn_fdata_singel <- mnn_fdata_singel[, c(index[1],paste(index[1],"_", tg_id, sep=""), "nn_pscore_min", "nn_pscore")]
  mnn_fdata <- merge(mnn_fdata_singel, data, by = index[1])
  mnn_fdata$nn_pscore_dif <- mnn_fdata$nn_pscore - mnn_fdata$nn_pscore_min
  mnn_fdata$post <- NA
  mnn_fdata$post[which(mnn_fdata[,index[2]] < as.numeric(t_time))] <- 0
  mnn_fdata$post[which(mnn_fdata[,index[2]] >= as.numeric(t_time))] <- 1
  ## extract terms, model matrix, response
  # mt <- terms(formula, data = data)
  # mtX <- terms(formula, data = data, rhs = 1L)
  # mtZ <- delete.response(terms(formula, data = data, rhs = 2L))
  # Y <- model.response(mf, "numeric")
  # X <- model.matrix(mtX, mf)
  # Z <- model.matrix(mtZ, mf)
  formula_dd <- as.Formula(update(formula(formula,lhs = 2, rhs = 1), paste("~. + post*", tg_id, sep = "")))
  mf <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
  mf <- mf[c(1L, m)]
  mf$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf$formula <- formula(formula_dd)
  ## evaluate model.frame
  mf[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf[[3L]] <- as.name("mnn_fdata")
  mf <- eval(mf)
  #mfDD <- model.frame(formula, lhs = 2L,  rhs = 1L, data = data)
  #mt <- terms(formula, lhs = 2L, rhs = 1L, data = mnn_fdata )
  mt <- terms(formula_dd, data = mnn_fdata )
  #mtDD <- terms(formula, data = mnn_fdata, rhs = 1L)
  #mf <- model.frame(formula, data = fdata)
  Y <- as.numeric(model.part(formula_dd,  lhs = 1L, rhs = 0L, data = mf)[[1]])
  X <- model.matrix(mt, mf)
  reg <- lm.fit(X,Y)
  reg$xlevels <- .getXlevels(mt, mf)
  #adapt call 
  cl$formula <- formula
  cl$index <- index
  cl$nn_time <-  nn_time
  cl$t_time <- t_time
  cl$time_ids <- time_ids 
  cl$link <- link
  reg$call <- cl
  reg$terms <- mt
  #reg$model <- mf
  reg$contrasts <- attr(X, "contrasts")
  if(y) reg$y <- Y
  if(x) reg$x <- X
  ###fix vcov
    reg$clustervariables <- clustervariables
    reg$displ_coefs <- displ_coefs

  #add information from matching#
  reg$get_nn_pscore <- get_nn_pscore
  #formula_dd <- as.Formula(update(formula(formula,lhs = 2, rhs = 1), ~. + post*tg))
  #include variables of both sides in model frame
  formula_compl <- as.Formula(update(formula_dd, ~ . + formula(formula,lhs = 0, rhs = 2)+ 
                                       paste(index[1],"_", tg_id , sep = "") + nn_pscore_min + nn_pscore + nn_pscore_dif ))
  mf_compl <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m_compl <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"), names(mf), 0L)
  mf_compl <- mf_compl[c(1L, m_compl)]
  mf_compl$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf_compl$formula <- formula(formula_compl)
  ## evaluate model.frame
  mf_compl[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  mf_compl[[3L]] <- as.name("mnn_fdata")
  mf_compl <- eval(mf_compl)
  reg$model <- mf_compl
  #add NdDd class info
  class(reg) <- c("nndd", "lm")
  reg$index <- index
  reg$nn_time <- nn_time
  reg$t_time <- t_time
  reg$time_ids <- time_ids
  #a <- lm(formula(paste(index[4],"~",x, "+ tg*post")), data = mnn_fdata)


#Future: make one function ot of nn_dd_tab and nndd_reshape_other with newdata agrument!

nndd_reshape <- function(object_nndd)

if(length(grep("nndd",class(object_nndd))) == 0) stop("Need to be class nndd")

time_id <- object_nndd$call$index[2]
firm_id <- object_nndd$call$index[1]
tg_id <-paste(formula(object_nndd$call$formula, lhs = 1, rhs = 0)[[2]])

start <- as.numeric(object_nndd$nn_time[1])
end <- as.numeric(object_nndd$nn_time[2])
data <- object_nndd$model
index <- object_nndd$call$index
formula <- object_nndd$call$formula  
if(start > end) stop('"nn_time" is wrong: start date is after end date')
nn_fdata <- data[data[,time_id] >= start & data[,time_id] <= end, ]
if(end - start > 0)
  nn_fdata_lag <- data[data[,time_id] <= end, ]
  nam <- names(table(nn_fdata_lag[,time_id]))
  data_lag <- nn_fdata_lag
  formula_lags <- update(formula(formula,lhs = 1, rhs = 2), paste("~. +",paste( index[1:2], collapse = "+"),"+", paste(index[1],"_", tg_id ,sep = "") ))
  mf_lags <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
  m_lags <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"), names(mf_lags), 0L)
  mf_lags <- mf_lags[c(1L, m_lags)]
  mf_lags$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
  mf_lags$formula <- formula(formula_lags)
  mf_lags$data <- as.name("nn_fdata_lag")
  ## evaluate model.frame
  mf_lags[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
  #mf_lags[[3L]] <- as.name("nn_fdata_lag")
  mf_lags <- eval(mf_lags)
  mf_lags <- reshape(mf_lags, timevar = index[2], idvar = c(index[1],paste(index[1],"_", tg_id ,sep = "")), direction = "wide" )
  exclude <- grep(paste(tg_id , ".", sep = ""), names(mf_lags))
  mf_lags <- mf_lags[,- exclude[-1]]
  colnames(mf_lags)[exclude[1]] <- tg_id
else {


##alles ist auf year definiert & tg muss vorhanden sein!!!
nndd_reshape_other <- function(call, data)
  time_id <- call$index[2]
  firm_id <- call$index[1]
  tg_id <-paste(formula(call$formula, lhs = 1, rhs = 0)[[2]])
  start <- as.numeric(call$nn_time[1])
  end <- as.numeric(call$nn_time[2])
  index <- call$index
  formula <- call$formula
  if(start > end) stop('"nn_time" is wrong: start date is after end date')
  nn_fdata <- data[data[,time_id] >= start & data[,time_id] <= end, ]
  if(end - start > 0)
    nn_fdata_lag <- data[data[,time_id] <= end, ]
    nam <- names(table(nn_fdata_lag[,time_id]))
    data_lag <- nn_fdata_lag
    formula_lags <- update(formula(formula,lhs = 1, rhs = 2), paste("~. +",paste( index[1:2], collapse = "+") ))
    mf_lags <- match.call(expand.dots = FALSE)
    m_lags <- match(c("formula", "data", "subset", "na.action"), names(mf_lags), 0L)
    mf_lags <- mf_lags[c(1L, m_lags)]
    mf_lags$drop.unused.levels <- TRUE
    mf_lags$formula <- formula(formula_lags)
    mf_lags$data <- as.name("nn_fdata_lag")
    ## evaluate model.frame
    mf_lags[[1L]] <- as.name("model.frame")
    #mf_lags[[3L]] <- as.name("nn_fdata_lag")
    mf_lags <- eval(mf_lags)
    mf_lags <- reshape(mf_lags, timevar = index[2], idvar = index[1], direction = "wide" )
    exclude <- grep(paste(tg_id,".", sep = ""), names(mf_lags))
    mf_lags <- mf_lags[,- exclude[-1]]
    #Fixme sollte auf index definiert werden! auch in anderen funktionen! 
    colnames(mf_lags)[exclude[1]] <- tg_id
  else {

plot.nndd<- function(x, data, which = c(1L:7L, 8L), ask = prod(par("mfcol")) < length(which) && dev.interactive(), ...)
  #stop("FixMe: Somthing is wrong if no data is added")
#   colnames(x$model)[which(colnames(x$model)== x$index[1])] <- "year"
#   colnames(x$model)[which(colnames(x$model)== x$index[2])] <- "firm_id"
#   colnames(x$model)[which(colnames(x$model)== paste(formula(x$call$formula, lhs = 2, rhs = 0)[[1]]))] <- "tg"
  if (!is.numeric(which) || any(which < 1) || any(which > 10)) 
    stop("'which' must be in 1:8")
  show <- rep(FALSE, 8)
  show[which] <- TRUE
  one.fig <- prod(par("mfcol")) == 1
  if (ask) {
    oask <- devAskNewPage(TRUE)
  time_id <- x$index[2]
  firm_id <- x$index[1]
  tg_id <-paste(formula(x$call$formula, lhs = 1, rhs = 0)[[2]])
  x$model <- x$model[order(x$model[,x$call$index[2]],x$model[,x$call$index[1]]),]
  start <- x$call$nn_time[[1]]
  end <- x$call$nn_time[[2]]
  my_ylim <- c(NA, NA)
  #data[which(data[,x$call$index[2]] == as.numeric(x$call$nn_time[2])), 
  #    c(x$call$index[1])]
  x$model$pscore <- as.numeric(predict.nndd(x, prediction = "Nn")[[1]])
  #make restriction if data is vorhanden or not
  #par(mfrow = c(4,2) )
    warning("No data for pre NN overlap given; Plot omitted")
    #data[which(data[,x$call$index[2]] == as.numeric(x$call$nn_time[2])), 
    #    c(x$call$index[1])]
    data <- data[order(data[,x$call$index[2]],data[,x$call$index[1]]),]
    data$pscore <- as.numeric(predict.nndd(x, prediction = "Nn", newdata =  data)[[1]])
    dref <- density(data[data[,tg_id] == 0 & (data[,time_id] >= start & data[,time_id] <= end), "pscore"], from = 0 ,to = 1)
    my_ylim <- c(min(dref$y), max(dref$y))
   plot(dref, ylim = my_ylim, lty = 5, main = "Pre NN", col = "red")
   lines(density(data[data[,tg_id] == 1 & (data[,time_id] >= start & data[,time_id] <= end), "pscore"], from = 0 ,to = 1), lty = 3, col = "blue")
      plot(density(x$model$pscore[x$model[,tg_id] == 1 & (x$model[,time_id] >= start & x$model[time_id] <= end)], from = 0 ,to = 1), main = "Post NN", col = "blue")
      plot(density(x$model$pscore[x$model[,tg_id] == 1 & (x$model[,time_id] >= start & x$model[time_id] <= end)], from = 0 ,to = 1), main = "Post NN", col = "blue")
      #plot(density(x$model$pscore[x$model[,tg_id] == 1 & (x$model[,time_id] >= start & x$model[,time_id] <= end)],   from = 0 ,to = 1), ylim = my_ylim, main = "Post NN", col = "blue", lty = 3)
    lines(density(x$model$pscore[x$model[,tg_id] == 0 & (x$model[,time_id] >= start & x$model[,time_id] <= end)], from = 0 ,to = 1), col = "red", lty = 5)
    plot(density(x$model$nn_pscore_dif[x$model[,tg_id]== 0 & (x$model[,time_id] >= start & x$model[,time_id] <= end)],   from = 0 ,to = 1), main = "NN Differences", lty = 3)
    ag <- aggregate( formula(paste(formula(x$call$formula, lhs = 2, rhs = 0)[[2]], "~", x$index[2], "+", formula(x$call$formula, lhs = 1, rhs = 0)[[2]]))
                     ,FUN = mean, data =x$model)
    plot(formula(paste(formula(x$call$formula,lhs=2, rhs= 0)[[2]], "~", x$index[2] )), 
         data = ag[ag[paste(formula(x$call$formula, lhs = 1, rhs = 0)[[2]])] == 1,], 
         main = "Observed Outcome")
    lines(formula(paste(formula(x$call$formula,lhs=2, rhs= 0)[[2]], "~", x$index[2] )) , 
          data = ag[ag[,tg_id] == 0,], col = "red")
    lines(formula(paste(formula(x$call$formula,lhs=2, rhs= 0)[[2]], "~", x$index[2] )), 
          data = ag[ag[paste(formula(x$call$formula, lhs = 1, rhs = 0)[[2]])] == 1,], col = "blue")
#   x$model$lm_prediction <- predict(x, prediction = "Dd")
#   ag <- aggregate(lm_prediction~year+tg, FUN = mean, data =x$model)
#   plot(lm_prediction~year, data = ag[ag$tg == 1,], ylim = c(15,30), main = "Predicted Outcome")
#   lines(lm_prediction ~ year, data = ag[ag$tg == 0,], col = "red")
#   lines(lm_prediction ~ year, data = ag[ag$tg == 1,], col = "blue")
  class(x) <- "lm"
  which <- which[which(which > 4)]-4
  plot(x, which = which)
  invisible("NN DD Plot")

predict_fun_glm <- function(pformula, link = "logit", data)
  nn <- glm(pformula, family = binomial(link = link), data = data)
  return(function(data) predict.glm(nn,data, type = "response"))
  # nn$pscore_nn <-  function(data) predict.glm(nn,data, type = "response")

predict.nndd <- function(object, prediction = c("nn", "dd"), newdata, ...)

  nn_pscore <- NA
  lm_predict <- NA
  t_time <- object$call$t_time
  index <- object$call$index
  if(length(prediction) > 2) stop('The argument "prediction" may not contain more than two values')
  prediction <- tolower(prediction)
  if(length(grep("nn",prediction)) == 1)
    data <- nndd_reshape(object)
    data <- nndd_reshape_other(call = object$call, 
                               data = newdata)
nn_pscore <- object$get_nn_pscore(data)
  if(length(grep("dd",prediction)) == 1)
      lm_predict <- predict.lm(object, ...)
          newdata$post <- NA
          newdata$post[which(newdata[,index[2]] < as.numeric(t_time))] <- 0
          newdata$post[which(newdata[,index[2]] >= as.numeric(t_time))] <- 1
        lm_predict <- predict.lm(object,  newdata = newdata, ...)
  if(length(grep("nn",prediction)) == 0 & length(grep("dd",prediction)) == 0){
    stop('"prediction" is specified in a wrong way; only "nn" or "dd" (case-insensitive) is allowed' )
  if(length(grep("nn",prediction)) == 1 & length(grep("dd",prediction)) == 1)
    return(as.data.frame(cbind("nn_pscore" = nn_pscore, "lm_predict" = lm_predict)))
    }else {
      if(length(grep("dd",prediction)) == 1){

print.nndd <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...)
  time_id <- x$index[2]
  firm_id <- x$index[1]
  tg_id <-paste(formula(x$call$formula, lhs = 1, rhs = 0)[[2]])
  outcome_id <- paste(formula(x$call$formula, lhs = 2, rhs = 0)[[2]])
  cat("Nearest Neighbour Matching (NN) followed by a Linear Model with Difference in Differences (DD)\n\n")
  cat("DD was computed as follows\n\n")

  cat(paste("The id variable was:                                                         ", firm_id,"\n"))
  cat(paste("The time variable was:                                                       ", time_id,"\n"))
  cat(paste("The outcome variable was:                                                    ", outcome_id,"\n"))
  cat(paste("The variable identifying the treatment group was:                            ", tg_id,"\n"))
  cat("The variable categorizing the pre and post treatment period was generated as: post\n\n")
  cat(paste("The timing of the treatment was set as ", x$time_ids[1]," ", x$t_time, ".\n\n", sep = ""))
  if(length(x$coefficients)) {
    cat("Coefficients in linear model (DD):\n")
    print.default(format(x$coefficients, digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  } else {
    cat("No coefficients of the linear model\n\n")
  cat("NN was computed as follows\n\n")
  cat(paste("The time interval for Nn was:\n", "Start time:", x$nn_time[1], "\n" ,"End time:  ", x$nn_time[2], "\n"))
  print(binomial(link= x$call$link))
  cat(paste("Summary statistics of the pscore\n"))
  tab <- tapply2(x$model$nn_pscore, x$model[,tg_id], f = summary)
  tab2 <- tab[,1]
  tab[,1] <- tab[,2]
  tab[,2] <- tab2
  cn <- colnames(tab)
  colnames(tab) <- colnames(tab) <- c(paste("Treated (", cn[2], ")", sep = ""), paste("Control (", cn[1], ")", sep = ""))
  print(format(t(tab), digits = digits), print.gap = 2, quote = FALSE)
  cat(paste("\nSummary statistics of the pscore difference between treated and control \n"))
  tab <- tapply2(x$model$nn_pscore_dif, x$model[,tg_id], f = summary)

  print(summary(x$model$nn_pscore_dif[x$model[,tg_id] == 1]))

nndd_ttest <- function(ttest_data, index = c("firm_id", "year", "tg"), nn_time, ...){
  time_id <- index[2]
  firm_id <- index[1]
  tg_id <- index[3]
    start <- nn_time[1]
    end <- nn_time[2]
    if(start > end) stop('"nn_time" is wrong: start date is after end date')
    ttest_data <- ttest_data[ttest_data[,index[2]] >= start & ttest_data[,index[2]] <= end,   ]
  l <- names(ttest_data[,-which(colnames(ttest_data) == tg_id)])
  d <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(l), ncol = 3)
  for(i in 1:length(l))
    f <- formula(paste(l[i],"~",tg_id))
    reg <- lm(f, data = ttest_data, ...)
    alpha_sqrt <- sqrt(vcov(reg)[1,1])
    beta_sqrt <- sqrt(vcov(reg)[2,2])
    alpha <- coef(reg)[1]
    beta <- coef(reg)[2]
    alpha_treated <- alpha + beta
    d[i,1] <- alpha_treated
    d[i,2] <- alpha
    d[i,3] <-  2 * pt(abs(beta/beta_sqrt), 
                      reg$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE) 
  d <- as.data.frame(d)
  rownames(d) <- l
  colnames(d) <- c("Treated", "Control", "Pr(>|t|)")

# ttest <- function(x) UseMethod("ttest")

t.test.nndd <- function(x, ...){
  time_id <- x$index[2]
  firm_id <- x$index[1]
  tg_id <-paste(formula(x$call$formula, lhs = 1, rhs = 0)[[2]])
  index <- x$call$index
  start <- x$call$nn_time[1]
  end <- x$call$nn_time[2]
  if(start > end) stop('"nn_time" is wrong: start date is after end date')
  ttest_data <- x$model
  ttest_data <- ttest_data[ttest_data[,index[2]] >= start & ttest_data[,index[2]] <= end,]
  l <- names(ttest_data[,-which(colnames(ttest_data) == tg_id|colnames(ttest_data) == index[1]|colnames(ttest_data) == index[2])])
  d <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(l), ncol = 3)
  for(i in 1:length(l))
    f <- formula(paste(l[i],"~",tg_id))
    reg <- lm(f, data = ttest_data, ...)
    alpha_sqrt <- sqrt(vcov(reg)[1,1])
    beta_sqrt <- sqrt(vcov(reg)[2,2])
    alpha <- coef(reg)[1]
    beta <- coef(reg)[2]
    alpha_treated <- alpha + beta
    d[i,1] <- alpha_treated
    d[i,2] <- alpha
    d[i,3] <-  2 * pt(abs(beta/beta_sqrt), 
                      reg$df.residual, lower.tail = FALSE) 
  d <- as.data.frame(d)
  rownames(d) <- l
  colnames(d) <- c("Treated", "Control", "Pr(>|t|)")

tapply2 <- function(x, group, f, ..., simplify = TRUE) {
  pieces <- split(x, group)
  sapply(pieces, f, simplify = simplify)

vcov.nndd <- function(object, ...){
  if(length(object$clustervariables)!= 0)
    cluster.vcov_nndd(object, object$clustervariables)
    vcov.lm2(object, ...)

vcov.lmc <- function(object, ...){
  if(length(object$clustervariables)!= 0)
    cluster.vcov_nndd(object, object$clustervariables)
    vcov.lm2(object, ...)

vcov.lm2 <- function (object, ...) 
  so <- summary.lm(object, use_displcoef = FALSE)
  so$sigma^2 * so$cov.unscaled

cluster.vcov_nndd <- function(model, cluster)
  cl = formula(paste("~", paste(cluster, collapse = " + "), sep = " "))
  mf <- model.frame(cl, data = model$model)
  return(cluster.vcov(model, mf))

summary.lm <- function (object, correlation = FALSE, symbolic.cor = FALSE, use_displcoef = TRUE,
    s1 <- stats::summary.lm(object, ...)

    if(length(object$displ_coefs) > 0)
      s1$coefficients <- as.matrix(s1$coefficients[which(rownames(s1$coefficients) %in% object$displ_coefs),])
      if(ncol(s1$coefficients) == 1)
        s1$coefficients <- t(s1$coefficients)
      rownames(s1$coefficients) <- object$displ_coefs
      #colnames(s1$coefficients) <- c( "est", "se", "stat", "p", "lwr", "upr")

summary.lmc <- function (object, correlation = FALSE, symbolic.cor = FALSE, use_displcoef = TRUE,
  if(length(object$clustervariables) == 0)
    s1 <- summary.lm(object, ...)
    s1 <- summary.lm(object, use_displcoef = FALSE)
    s1$call$clustervariables <- object$clustervariables 
    s1$coefficients[,2:4] <- coeftest(object)[,2:4]
    #s1$fstatistic[[1]] <- waldtest(object)[2,3]
  if(length(object$displ_coefs) > 0)
    s1$coefficients <- as.matrix(s1$coefficients[which(rownames(s1$coefficients) %in% object$displ_coefs),])
    if(ncol(s1$coefficients) == 1)
      s1$coefficients <- t(s1$coefficients)
    rownames(s1$coefficients) <- object$displ_coefs
    #colnames(s1$coefficients) <- c( "est", "se", "stat", "p", "lwr", "upr")

summary.nndd <- function (object, correlation = FALSE, symbolic.cor = FALSE, use_displcoef = TRUE,  
  if(length(object$clustervariables) == 0)
    s1 <- summary.lm(object, ...)
    s1 <- summary.lm(object, use_displcoef =  FALSE)
    s1$call$clustervariables <- object$clustervariables 
    s1$coefficients[,2:4] <- coeftest(object)[,2:4]
    #s1$fstatistic[[1]] <- waldtest(object)[2,3]
    if(length(object$displ_coefs) > 0)
      s1$coefficients <- as.matrix(s1$coefficients[which(rownames(s1$coefficients) %in% object$displ_coefs),])
      if(ncol(s1$coefficients) == 1)
        s1$coefficients <- t(s1$coefficients)
      rownames(s1$coefficients) <- object$displ_coefs
      #colnames(s1$coefficients) <- c( "est", "se", "stat", "p", "lwr", "upr")

waldtest.nndd <- function(object, ..., test = c("F", "Chisq"))
  vcov <- vcov(object)
  tg_id <-paste(formula(object$call$formula, lhs = 1, rhs = 0)[[2]])
  object$call$formula <- as.Formula(update(formula(object$call$formula,lhs = 2, rhs = 1), paste("~. + post*", tg_id, sep = "")))
  cl <- call("lm")
  cl[c("formula", "data")] <- object$call[c("formula", "data")]
  object$call <- cl
  IRCA <- object$model
  class(object) <- "lm"
    waldtest.default(object, vcov = vcov , test = "F" )

# lmc <- function(formula, data, subset, weights, na.action, method = "qr", 
# model = TRUE, x = FALSE, y = FALSE, qr = TRUE, singular.ok = TRUE, 
# contrasts = NULL, offset, clustervariables, ...)
# {
#   lm(..., data = data)
# #     cl <- cl[-which(names(cl) == "clustervariables" )]
# #          if(!missing(formula)) cl$formula <- as.formula(formula)
# #     cl[[1]] <- lm
# #    eval(cl,.GlobalEnv)
# #      
# #   if(!missing(data)) cl$data <- as.name("data")
# #   if(!missing(subset)) cl$subset <- as$call("subset")
# #         
#   #m <- lm(cl)
# }

getSummary.lm <- function(obj, alpha = 0.05, report , ...) 
  smry <- summary(obj)
  coef <- smry$coef
  numdf <- unname(smry$fstatistic[2])
  dendf <- unname(smry$fstatistic[3])
  lower <- coef[, 1] + coef[, 2] * qt(p = alpha/2, df = dendf)
  upper <- coef[, 1] + coef[, 2] * qt(p = 1 - alpha/2, df = dendf)
  coef <- cbind(coef, lower, upper)
  colnames(coef) <- c("est", "se", "stat", "p", "lwr", "upr")
  sigma <- smry$sigma
  r.squared <- smry$r.squared
  adj.r.squared <- smry$adj.r.squared
  F <- unname(smry$fstatistic[1])
  p <- pf(F, numdf, dendf, lower.tail = FALSE)
  N <- sum(smry$df[1:2])
  ll <- logLik(obj)
  deviance <- deviance(obj)
  AIC <- AIC(obj)
  BIC <- AIC(obj, k = log(N))
  sumstat <- c(sigma = sigma, r.squared = r.squared, adj.r.squared = adj.r.squared, 
               F = F, numdf = numdf, dendf = dendf, p = p, logLik = ll, 
               deviance = deviance, AIC = AIC, BIC = BIC, N = N)
  if(length(obj$displ_coef) > 0)
  coef <- as.matrix(coef[which(rownames(coef) %in% obj$displ_coefs),])
  rownames(coef) <- obj$displ_coefs
  colnames(coef) <- c( "est", "se", "stat", "p", "lwr", "upr")
  #rownames(coef) <- gsub("_", "." , rownames(coef))
  list(coef = coef, sumstat = sumstat, contrasts = obj$contrasts, 
       xlevels = obj$xlevels, call = obj$call)


#nicht notwendig weil vcov.nnd waldtest.nnd und/oder summary.nndd machen den job irgendwie automatisch... 
# getSummary.nndd <- function(obj, alpha = 0.05, ...) {
#   ## get original summary
#   s <- getSummary.lm(obj, alpha = alpha, ...)
#   ## replace Wald tests of coefficients
#   s$coef[,1:4] <- coeftest(obj)
#   ## replace confidence intervals
#   crit <- qt(alpha/2, obj$df.residual)
#   s$coef[,5] <- s$coef[,1] + crit * s$coef[,2]
#   s$coef[,6] <- s$coef[,1] - crit * s$coef[,2]
#    s$sumstat["F"] <- waldtest(obj)[2,3]
#    s$sumstat["p"] <- waldtest(obj)[2,4]
#   return(s)
# }

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nndd documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:52 p.m.