padf <- function(x, exo = c("none", "intercept", "trend"), p.approx = NULL, ...){
# p-value approximation for tau distribution of (augmented) Dickey-Fuller test
# as used in some panel unit root tests in purtest().
# argument 'x' must be a numeric (can be length == 1 or >= 1)
# p-values approximation is performed by the method of MacKinnon (1994) or
# MacKinnon (1996), the latter yielding better approximated p-values but
# requires package 'urca'.
# Default is NULL: check for availability of 'urca' and, if available, perform
# MacKinnon (1996); fall back to MacKinnon (1994) if 'urca' is not available.
# User can demand a specific method by setting the argument 'p.approx' to either
# "MacKinnon1994" or "MacKinnon1996".
exo <- match.arg(exo)
# check if ellipsis (dots) has p.approx (could be passed from purtest()'s dots)
# and if so, use p.approx from ellipsis
dots <- list(...)
if (!is.null(dots$p.approx)) p.approx <- dots$p.approx
if (!is.null(p.approx) && !p.approx %in% c("MacKinnon1994", "MacKinnon1996"))
stop(paste0("unknown 'p.approx' argument: ", p.approx))
# Check if package 'urca' is available on local machine. We placed 'urca'
# in 'Suggests' rather than 'Imports' so that it is not an absolutely
# required dependency.)
## Procedure for pkg check for pkg in 'Suggests' as recommended in
## Wickham, R packages (
urca <- if(!requireNamespace("urca", quietly = TRUE)) FALSE else TRUE
# default: if no p.approx specified by input (NULL),
# use MacKinnon (1996) if 'urca' is available, else MacKinnon (1994)
p.approx <- if(is.null(p.approx)) { if (urca) "MacKinnon1996" else "MacKinnon1994" } else p.approx
if (!is.null(p.approx) && p.approx == "MacKinnon1996" && !urca) {
# catch case when user demands MacKinnon (1996) per argument but 'urca' is unavailable
warning("method MacKinnon (1996) requested via argument 'p.approx' but requires non-installed package 'urca'; falling back to MacKinnon (1994)")
p.approx <- "MacKinnon1994"
if(p.approx == "MacKinnon1996") {
# translate exo argument to what urca::punitroot expects
punitroot.exo <- switch (exo,
"none" = "nc",
"intercept" = "c",
"trend" = "ct")
res <- urca::punitroot(x, N = Inf, trend = punitroot.exo) # return asymptotic value
if(p.approx == "MacKinnon1994") {
# values from MacKinnon (1994), table 3, 4
small <- matrix(c(0.6344, 1.2378, 3.2496,
2.1659, 1.4412, 3.8269,
3.2512, 1.6047, 4.9588),
nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
small <- t(t(small) / c(1, 1, 100))
large <- matrix(c(0.4797, 9.3557, -0.6999, 3.3066,
1.7339, 9.3202, -1.2745, -1.0368,
2.5261, 6.1654, -3.7956, -6.0285),
nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
large <- t(t(large) / c(1, 10, 10, 100))
limit <- c(-1.04, -1.61, -2.89)
rownames(small) <- rownames(large) <- names(limit) <- c("none", "intercept", "trend")
c.x.x2 <- rbind(1, x, x ^ 2)
psmall <- colSums(small[exo, ] * c.x.x2)
plarge <- colSums(large[exo, ] * rbind(c.x.x2, x ^ 3))
res <- as.numeric(pnorm(psmall * (x <= limit[exo]) + plarge * (x > limit[exo])))
attr(res, "p.approx") <- p.approx
} ## END padf
## IPS (2003), table 3 for Wtbar statistic
# x1: means without time trend from table 3 in IPS (2003)
adj.ips.wtbar.x1 <- c(
NA, NA,-1.313,-1.351,-1.384,-1.421,-1.451,-1.454,-1.467,-1.494,
NA, NA, NA,-1.289,-1.331,-1.380,-1.418,-1.427,-1.444,-1.476,
NA, NA, NA,-1.273,-1.319,-1.371,-1.411,-1.423,-1.441,-1.474,
NA, NA, NA,-1.212,-1.266,-1.329,-1.377,-1.393,-1.415,-1.456
# x2: variances without time trend from table 3 in IPS (2003)
adj.ips.wtbar.x2 <- c(
NA, NA,1.171,1.055,0.980,0.912,0.863,0.839,0.814,0.781,
NA, NA, NA,1.114,1.023,0.942,0.886,0.858,0.834,0.795,
NA, NA, NA,1.164,1.062,0.968,0.910,0.875,0.851,0.806,
NA, NA, NA,1.217,1.105,0.996,0.929,0.896,0.871,0.818
# x3: means with time trend from table 3 in IPS (2003)
adj.ips.wtbar.x3 <- c(
NA, NA,-1.888,-1.955,-1.998,-2.051,-2.087,-2.101,-2.111,-2.135,
NA, NA, NA,-1.868,-1.923,-1.995,-2.042,-2.065,-2.081,-2.113,
NA, NA, NA,-1.851,-1.912,-1.986,-2.036,-2.063,-2.079,-2.112,
NA, NA, NA,-1.761,-1.835,-1.925,-1.987,-2.024,-2.046,-2.088
# x4: variances with time trend from table 3 in IPS (2003)
adj.ips.wtbar.x4 <- c(
NA, NA,1.165,0.991,0.899,0.792,0.730,0.705,0.673,0.638,
NA, NA, NA,1.055,0.945,0.828,0.753,0.725,0.689,0.650,
NA, NA, NA,1.145,1.009,0.872,0.786,0.747,0.713,0.661,
NA, NA, NA,1.208,1.063,0.902,0.808,0.766,0.728,0.670
adj.ips.wtbar <- c(adj.ips.wtbar.x1, adj.ips.wtbar.x2,
adj.ips.wtbar.x3, adj.ips.wtbar.x4)
adj.ips.wtbar <- array(adj.ips.wtbar, dim = c(10, 9, 2, 2),
dimnames = list(
c(10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 100),
c("mean", "var"),
c("intercept", "trend"))
adj.ips.wtbar <- aperm(adj.ips.wtbar, c(2, 1, 3, 4))
## IPS (2003), table 2 (obvious typos (missing minus signs) corrected)
# intercept 1% critical values
critval.ips.tbar.int1 <- c(
-3.79, -2.66, -2.54, -2.50, -2.46, -2.44, -2.43, -2.42, -2.42, -2.40, -2.40,
-3.45, -2.47, -2.38, -2.33, -2.32, -2.31, -2.29, -2.28, -2.28, -2.28, -2.27,
-3.06, -2.32, -2.24, -2.21, -2.19, -2.18, -2.16, -2.16, -2.16, -2.16, -2.15,
-2.79, -2.14, -2.10, -2.08, -2.07, -2.05, -2.04, -2.05, -2.04, -2.04, -2.04,
-2.61, -2.06, -2.02, -2.00, -1.99, -1.99, -1.98, -1.98, -1.98, -1.97, -1.97,
-2.51, -2.01, -1.97, -1.95, -1.94, -1.94, -1.93, -1.93, -1.93, -1.93, -1.92,
-2.20, -1.85, -1.83, -1.82, -1.82, -1.82, -1.81, -1.81, -1.81, -1.81, -1.81,
-2.00, -1.75, -1.74, -1.73, -1.73, -1.73, -1.73, -1.73, -1.73, -1.73, -1.73)
# intercept 5% critical values
critval.ips.tbar.int5 <- c(
-2.76, -2.28, -2.21, -2.19, -2.18, -2.16, -2.16, -2.15, -2.16, -2.15,-2.15,
-2.57, -2.17, -2.11, -2.09, -2.08, -2.07, -2.07, -2.06, -2.06, -2.06,-2.05,
-2.42, -2.06, -2.02, -1.99, -1.99, -1.99, -1.98, -1.98, -1.97, -1.98,-1.97,
-2.28, -1.95, -1.92, -1.91, -1.90, -1.90, -1.90, -1.89, -1.89, -1.89,-1.89,
-2.18, -1.89, -1.87, -1.86, -1.85, -1.85, -1.85, -1.85, -1.84, -1.84,-1.84,
-2.11, -1.85, -1.83, -1.82, -1.82, -1.82, -1.81, -1.81, -1.81, -1.81,-1.81,
-1.95, -1.75, -1.74, -1.73, -1.73, -1.73, -1.73, -1.73, -1.73, -1.73,-1.73,
-1.84, -1.68, -1.67, -1.67, -1.67, -1.67, -1.67, -1.67, -1.67, -1.67,-1.67)
# intercept 10% critical values
critval.ips.tbar.int10 <- c(
-2.38, -2.10, -2.06, -2.04, -2.04, -2.02, -2.02, -2.02, -2.02, -2.02, -2.01,
-2.27, -2.01, -1.98, -1.96, -1.95, -1.95, -1.95, -1.95, -1.94, -1.95, -1.94,
-2.17, -1.93, -1.90, -1.89, -1.88, -1.88, -1.88, -1.88, -1.88, -1.88, -1.88,
-2.06, -1.85, -1.83, -1.82, -1.82, -1.82, -1.81, -1.81, -1.81, -1.81, -1.81,
-2.00, -1.80, -1.79, -1.78, -1.78, -1.78, -1.78, -1.78, -1.78, -1.77, -1.77,
-1.96, -1.77, -1.76, -1.75, -1.75, -1.75, -1.75, -1.75, -1.75, -1.75, -1.75,
-1.85, -1.70, -1.69, -1.69, -1.69, -1.69, -1.68, -1.68, -1.68, -1.68, -1.69,
-1.77, -1.64, -1.64, -1.64, -1.64, -1.64, -1.64, -1.64, -1.64, -1.64, -1.64)
# trend 1% critical values
critval.ips.tbar.trend1 <- c(
-8.12, -3.42, -3.21, -3.13, -3.09, -3.05, -3.03, -3.02, -3.00, -3.00, -2.99,
-7.36, -3.20, -3.03, -2.97, -2.94, -2.93, -2.90, -2.88, -2.88, -2.87, -2.86,
-6.44, -3.03, -2.88, -2.84, -2.82, -2.79, -2.78, -2.77, -2.76, -2.75, -2.75,
-5.72, -2.86, -2.74, -2.71, -2.69, -2.68, -2.67, -2.65, -2.66, -2.65, -2.64,
-5.54, -2.75, -2.67, -2.63, -2.62, -2.61, -2.59, -2.60, -2.59, -2.58, -2.58,
-5.16, -2.69, -2.61, -2.58, -2.58, -2.56, -2.55, -2.55, -2.55, -2.54, -2.54,
-4.50, -2.53, -2.48, -2.46, -2.45, -2.45, -2.44, -2.44, -2.44, -2.44, -2.43,
-4.00, -2.42, -2.39, -2.38, -2.37, -2.37, -2.36, -2.36, -2.36, -2.36, -2.36)
# trend 5% critical values
critval.ips.tbar.trend5 <- c(
-4.66, -2.98, -2.87, -2.82, -2.80, -2.79, -2.77, -2.76, -2.75, -2.75, -2.75,
-4.38, -2.85, -2.76, -2.72, -2.70, -2.69, -2.68, -2.67, -2.67, -2.66, -2.66,
-4.11, -2.74, -2.66, -2.63, -2.62, -2.60, -2.60, -2.59, -2.59, -2.58, -2.58,
-3.88, -2.63, -2.57, -2.55, -2.53, -2.53, -2.52, -2.52, -2.52, -2.51, -2.51,
-3.73, -2.56, -2.52, -2.49, -2.48, -2.48, -2.48, -2.47, -2.47, -2.46, -2.46,
-3.62, -2.52, -2.48, -2.46, -2.45, -2.45, -2.44, -2.44, -2.44, -2.44, -2.43,
-3.35, -2.42, -2.38, -2.38, -2.37, -2.37, -2.36, -2.36, -2.36, -2.36, -2.36,
-3.13, -2.34, -2.32, -2.32, -2.31, -2.31, -2.31, -2.31, -2.31, -2.31, -2.31)
# trend 10% critical values
critval.ips.tbar.trend10 <- c(
-3.73, -2.77, -2.70, -2.67, -2.65, -2.64, -2.63, -2.62, -2.63, -2.62, -2.62,
-3.60, -2.68, -2.62, -2.59, -2.58, -2.57, -2.57, -2.56, -2.56, -2.55, -2.55,
-3.45, -2.59, -2.54, -2.52, -2.51, -2.51, -2.50, -2.50, -2.50, -2.49, -2.49,
-3.33, -2.52, -2.47, -2.46, -2.45, -2.45, -2.44, -2.44, -2.44, -2.44, -2.44,
-3.26, -2.47, -2.44, -2.42, -2.41, -2.41, -2.41, -2.40, -2.40, -2.40, -2.40,
-3.18, -2.44, -2.40, -2.39, -2.39, -2.38, -2.38, -2.38, -2.38, -2.38, -2.38,
-3.02, -2.36, -2.33, -2.33, -2.33, -2.32, -2.32, -2.32, -2.32, -2.32, -2.32,
-2.90, -2.30, -2.29, -2.28, -2.28, -2.28, -2.28, -2.28, -2.28, -2.28, -2.28)
critval.ips.tbar <- c(critval.ips.tbar.int1,
critval.ips.tbar <- array(critval.ips.tbar, dim = c(11, 8, 3, 2),
dimnames = list(
c(5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 100),
c(5, 7, 10, 15, 20, 25, 50, 100),
c("1%", "5%", "10%"),
c("intercept", "trend"))
critval.ips.tbar <- aperm(critval.ips.tbar, c(2, 1, 3, 4))
## IPS (2003), table 1
# right hand pane of table 1 for Ztbar statistic
adj.ips.zbar.time <- c(6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 40, 50, 100, 500, 1000, 2000)
adj.ips.zbar.means <- c(-1.520, -1.514, -1.501, -1.501, -1.504, -1.514, -1.522, -1.520, -1.526, -1.523, -1.527, -1.532, -1.531, -1.529, -1.533)
adj.ips.zbar.vars <- c(1.745, 1.414, 1.228, 1.132, 1.069, 0.923, 0.851, 0.809, 0.789, 0.770, 0.760, 0.735, 0.715, 0.707, 0.706)
names(adj.ips.zbar.time) <- names(adj.ips.zbar.means) <- names(adj.ips.zbar.vars) <- adj.ips.zbar.time
# left pane of table 1 [not used]
adj.ips.zbarL.means <- c(-1.125, -1.178, -1.214, -1.244, -1.274, -1.349, -1.395, -1.423, -1.439, -1.463, -1.477, -1.504, -1.526, -1.526, -1.533)
adj.ips.zbarL.vars <- c(0.497, 0.506, 0.506, 0.527, 0.521, 0.565, 0.592, 0.609, 0.623, 0.639, 0.656, 0.683, 0.704, 0.702, 0.706)
# table 2 in LLC (2002): mean and standard deviation adjustments
Tn <- c( 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100, 250, 500)
v <- c(c( 0.004, 0.003, 0.002, 0.002, 0.001, 0.001, 0.001, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000, 0.000),
c( 1.049, 1.035, 1.027, 1.021, 1.017, 1.014, 1.011, 1.008, 1.007, 1.006, 1.005, 1.001, 1.000),
c(-0.554, -0.546, -0.541, -0.537, -0.533, -0.531, -0.527, -0.524, -0.521, -0.520, -0.518, -0.509, -0.500),
c( 0.919, 0.889, 0.867, 0.850, 0.837, 0.826, 0.810, 0.798, 0.789, 0.782, 0.776, 0.742, 0.707),
c(-0.703, -0.674, -0.653, -0.637, -0.624, -0.614, -0.598, -0.587, -0.578, -0.571, -0.566, -0.533, -0.500),
c( 1.003, 0.949, 0.906, 0.871, 0.842, 0.818, 0.780, 0.751, 0.728, 0.710, 0.695, 0.603, 0.500)
adj.levinlin <- array(v, dim = c(13, 2, 3),
dimnames = list(Tn,
c("mu", "sigma"),
c("none", "intercept", "trend")))
purtest.names.exo <- c(none = "None",
intercept = "Individual Intercepts",
trend = "Individual Intercepts and Trend")
purtest.names.test <- c(levinlin = "Levin-Lin-Chu Unit-Root Test",
ips = "Im-Pesaran-Shin Unit-Root Test",
madwu = "Maddala-Wu Unit-Root Test",
Pm = "Choi's modified P Unit-Root Test",
invnormal = "Choi's Inverse Normal Unit-Root Test",
logit = "Choi's Logit Unit-Root Test",
hadri = "Hadri Test")
## General functions to transform series:
YClags <- function(object, k = 3){
if (k > 0)
sapply(1:k, function(x) c(rep(NA, x), object[1:(length(object)-x)]))
YCtrend <- function(object) 1:length(object)
YCdiff <- function(object){
c(NA, object[2:length(object)] - object[1:(length(object)-1)])
selectT <- function(x, Ts){
## This function selects the length of the series as it is tabulated
if (x %in% Ts) return(x)
if (x < Ts[1L]){
warning("the time series is short")
if (x > Ts[length(Ts)]){
warning("the time series is long")
pos <- which((Ts - x) > 0)[1L]
return(Ts[c(pos - 1, pos)])
lagsel <- function(object, exo = c("intercept", "none", "trend"),
method = c("Hall", "AIC", "SIC"), pmax = 10,
dfcor = FALSE, fixedT = TRUE, ...){
# select the optimal number of lags using Hall method, AIC, or SIC
method <- match.arg(method)
y <- object
Dy <- YCdiff(object)
Ly <- c(NA, object[1:(length(object)-1)])
if (exo == "none") m <- NULL
if (exo == "intercept") m <- rep(1, length(object))
if (exo == "trend") m <- cbind(1, YCtrend(object))
LDy <- YClags(Dy, pmax)
decreasei <- TRUE
i <- 0
narow <- 1:(pmax+1)
if (method == "Hall"){
lags <- pmax - i
if (!fixedT) narow <- 1:(lags+1)
X <- cbind(Ly, LDy[ , 0:lags], m)[-narow, , drop = FALSE]
y <- Dy[-narow]
sres <-, y, dfcor = dfcor)
tml <- sres$coef[lags+1]/sres$se[lags+1]
if (abs(tml) < 1.96 && lags > 0)
i <- i + 1
decreasei <- FALSE
l <- c()
while(i <= pmax){
lags <- pmax - i
if (!fixedT) narow <- 1:(lags+1)
X <- cbind(Ly, LDy[ , 0:lags], m)[-narow, , drop = FALSE]
y <- Dy[-narow]
sres <-, y, dfcor = dfcor)
AIC <- if (method == "AIC") {
log(sres$rss / sres$n) + 2 * sres$K / sres$n
} else {
log(sres$rss / sres$n) + sres$K * log(sres$n) / sres$n
l <- c(l, AIC)
i <- i + 1
lags <- pmax + 1 - which.min(l)
} ## END lagsel
adj.levinlin.value <- function(l, exo = c("intercept", "none", "trend")){
## extract the adjustment values for Levin-Lin-Chu test
theTs <- as.numeric(dimnames(adj.levinlin)[[1L]])
Ts <- selectT(l, theTs)
if (length(Ts) == 1L){
return(adj.levinlin[as.character(Ts), , exo])
low <- adj.levinlin[as.character(Ts[1L]), , exo]
high <- adj.levinlin[as.character(Ts[2L]), , exo]
return(low + (l - Ts[1L])/(Ts[2L] - Ts[1L]) * (high - low))
} ## END adj.levinlin.value
adj.ips.wtbar.value <- function(l = 30, lags = 2, exo = c("intercept", "trend")){
## extract the adjustment values for Im-Pesaran-Shin test for Wtbar statistic (table 3 in IPS (2003))
if (!lags %in% 0:8) warning("lags should be an integer between 0 and 8")
lags <- min(lags, 8)
theTs <- as.numeric(dimnames(adj.ips.wtbar)[[2L]])
Ts <- selectT(l, theTs)
if (length(Ts) == 1L){
# take value as in table
return(adj.ips.wtbar[as.character(lags), as.character(Ts), , exo])
# interpolate value from table
low <- adj.ips.wtbar[as.character(lags), as.character(Ts[1L]), , exo]
high <- adj.ips.wtbar[as.character(lags), as.character(Ts[2L]), , exo]
return(low + (l - Ts[1L])/(Ts[2L] - Ts[1L]) * (high - low))
} ## END adj.ips.wtbar.value
adj.ips.ztbar.value <- function(l = 30L, time, means, vars){
## extract the adjustment values for Im-Pesaran-Shin test's Ztbar statistic
## from table 1, right hand pane in IPS (2003) fed by arguments means and vars
Ts <- selectT(l, time)
if (length(Ts) == 1L){
# take value as in table
return(c("mean" = means[as.character(Ts)], "var" = vars[as.character(Ts)]))
# interpolate value from table
low <- c("mean" = means[as.character(Ts[1L])], "var" = vars[as.character(Ts[1L])])
high <- c("mean" = means[as.character(Ts[2L])], "var" = vars[as.character(Ts[2L])])
return(low + (l - Ts[1L])/(Ts[2L] - Ts[1L]) * (high - low))
} ## END adj.ips.ztbar.value
critval.ips.tbar.value <- function(ind = 10L, time = 19L, critvals, exo = c("intercept", "trend")){
## extract and interpolate 1%, 5%, 10% critical values for Im-Pesaran-Shin test's
## tbar statistic (table 2 in IPS (2003))
## Interpolation is based on inverse distance weighting (IDW) of
## L1 distance (1d case) and L2 distance (euclidean distance) (2d case)
## (optical inspections shows this method is a good approximation)
theInds <- as.numeric(dimnames(critvals)[[1L]])
theTs <- as.numeric(dimnames(critvals)[[2L]])
Inds <- selectT(ind, theInds)
Ts <- selectT(time, theTs)
exo <- match.arg(exo)
if(length(Inds) == 1L && length(Ts) == 1L) {
# exact hit for individual AND time: take value as in table
return(critvals[as.character(Inds), as.character(Ts), , exo])
if(length(Inds) == 1L || length(Ts) == 1L) {
# exact hit for individual (X)OR time: interpolate other dimension
if(length(Inds) == 1L) {
low <- critvals[as.character(Inds), as.character(Ts[1L]), , exo]
high <- critvals[as.character(Inds), as.character(Ts[2L]), , exo]
# L1 distances and inverse weighting for time dimension
dist1 <- abs(time - Ts[1L])
dist2 <- abs(time - Ts[2L])
weight1 <- 1/dist1
weight2 <- 1/dist2
return ((weight1 * low + weight2 * high ) / (weight1 + weight2))
if(length(Ts) == 1L) {
# L1 distances and inverse weighting for individual dimension
low <- critvals[as.character(Inds[1L]), as.character(Ts), , exo]
high <- critvals[as.character(Inds[2L]), as.character(Ts), , exo]
dist1 <- abs(ind - Inds[1L])
dist2 <- abs(ind - Inds[2L])
weight1 <- 1/dist1
weight2 <- 1/dist2
return ((weight1 * low + weight2 * high ) / (weight1 + weight2))
} else {
# only get to this part when both dimensions are not an exact hit:
# 2d interpolate
# extract the 4 critical values as basis of interpolation interpolate ("corners of box")
crit4 <- critvals[as.character(Inds), as.character(Ts), , exo]
dot <- c(ind, time) # point of interest
m <- as.matrix(expand.grid(Inds, Ts))
colnames(m) <- c("ind", "time")
dist <- lapply(1:4, function(x) m[x, ] - dot)
dist <- vapply(dist, function(x) sqrt(as.numeric(crossprod(x))), 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
weight <- 1/dist
res <- (
crit4[as.character(Inds[1L]), as.character(Ts[1L]), ] * weight[1L] +
crit4[as.character(Inds[2L]), as.character(Ts[1L]), ] * weight[2L] +
crit4[as.character(Inds[1L]), as.character(Ts[2L]), ] * weight[3L] +
crit4[as.character(Inds[2L]), as.character(Ts[2L]), ] * weight[4L]) / sum(weight)
} ## END critval.ips.tbar.value
tsadf <- function(object, exo = c("intercept", "none", "trend"),
lags = NULL, dfcor = FALSE, comp.aux.reg = FALSE, ...){
# compute some ADF regressions for each time series
y <- object
L <- length(y)
Dy <- YCdiff(object)
Ly <- c(NA, object[1:(length(object) - 1)])
if(exo == "none") m <- NULL
if(exo == "intercept") m <- rep(1, length(object))
if(exo == "trend") m <- cbind(1, YCtrend(object))
narow <- 1:(lags+1)
LDy <- YClags(Dy, lags)
X <- cbind(Ly, LDy, m)[-narow, , drop = FALSE]
y <- Dy[- narow]
result <-, y, dfcor = dfcor)
sigma <- result$sigma
rho <- result$coef[1L]
sdrho <- result$se[1L]
trho <- rho/sdrho
p.trho <- padf(trho, exo = exo, ...)
result <- list(rho = rho,
sdrho = sdrho,
trho = trho,
sigma = sigma,
T = L,
lags = lags,
p.trho = p.trho)
# for Levin-Lin-Chu test only, compute the residuals of the auxiliary
# regressions
X <- cbind(LDy[ , 0:lags], m)[-narow, , drop = FALSE]
if(lags == 0 && exo == "none"){
resid.diff <- Dy[-narow]/sigma
resid.level <- Ly[-narow]/sigma
y <- Dy[-narow]
resid.diff <-, y)$residuals/sigma
y <- Ly[-narow]
resid.level <-, y)$residuals/sigma
result$resid <- data.frame(resid.diff = resid.diff,
resid.level = resid.level)
longrunvar <- function(x, exo = c("intercept", "none", "trend"), q = NULL){
# compute the long run variance of the dependent variable
# q: lag truncation parameter: default (q == NULL) as in LLC, p. 14
# it can be seen from LLC, table 2, that round() was used to get an
# integer from that formula (not, e.g., trunc)
T <- length(x)
if (is.null(q)) q <- round(3.21 * T^(1/3))
dx <- x[2:T] - x[1:(T-1)]
if(exo == "intercept") dx <- dx - mean(dx)
if(exo == "trend") dx <-, 1:length(dx)), dx)$residuals
dx <- c(NA, dx)
res <- 1/(T-1)*sum(dx[-1]^2)+
sum(dx[2:(T-L)] * dx[(L+2):T]) / (T-1) *
(1 - L / (q+1))
hadritest <- function(object, exo, Hcons, dfcor, method,
cl, args,, ...) {
## used by purtest(<.>, test = "hadri"); non-exported function
## Hadri's test is applicable to balanced data only
## input 'object' is a list with observations per individual
if(!is.list(object)) stop("argument 'object' in hadritest is supposed to be a list")
if(exo == "none") stop("exo = \"none\" is not a valid option for Hadri's test")
# determine L (= time periods), unique for balanced panel and number of individuals (n)
if(length(L <- unique(vapply(object, length, FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE))) > 1L)
stop("Hadri test is not applicable to unbalanced panels")
n <- length(object)
if(exo == "intercept"){
# can use here as NAs are dropped in beginning of 'purtest'
resid <- lapply(object, function(x), nrow = length(x)), x)$residuals)
adj <- c(1/6, 1/45) # xi, zeta^2 in eq. (17) in Hadri (2000)
if (exo == "trend"){
resid <- lapply(object, function(x) {
lx <- length(x)
dmat <- matrix(c(rep(1, lx), 1:lx), nrow = lx)
# can use here as NAs are dropped in beginning of 'purtest', x)$residuals
adj <- c(1/15, 11/6300) # xi, zeta^2 in eq. (25) in Hadri (2000)
cumres2 <- lapply(resid, function(x) cumsum(x)^2)
if (!dfcor) {
sigma2 <- mean(unlist(resid, use.names = FALSE)^2)
sigma2i <- vapply(resid, function(x) mean(x^2), FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
} else {
# df correction as suggested in Hadri (2000), p. 157
dfcorval <- switch(exo, "intercept" = (L-1), "trend" = (L-2))
# -> apply to full length residuals over all individuals -> n*(L-1) or n*(L-2)
sigma2 <- as.numeric(crossprod(unlist(resid, use.names = FALSE))) / (n * dfcorval)
# -> apply to individual residuals' length, so just L -> L-1 or L-2
sigma2i <- vapply(resid, function(x) crossprod(x)/dfcorval, FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
Si2 <- vapply(cumres2, function(x) sum(x), FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
numerator <- 1/n * sum(1/(L^2) * Si2)
LM <- numerator / sigma2 # non-het consist case (Hcons == FALSE)
LMi <- 1/(L^2) * Si2 / sigma2i # individual LM statistics
if (Hcons) {
LM <- mean(LMi)
method <- paste0(method, " (Heterosked. Consistent)")
stat <- c(z = sqrt(n) * (LM - adj[1L]) / sqrt(adj[2L])) # eq. (14), (22) in Hadri (2000)
pvalue <- pnorm(stat, lower.tail = FALSE) # is one-sided! was until rev. 572: 2*(pnorm(abs(stat), lower.tail = FALSE))
htest <- structure(list(statistic = stat,
parameter = NULL,
alternative = "at least one series has a unit root", # correct alternative (at least one unit root) =,
method = method,
p.value = pvalue),
class = "htest")
idres <- mapply(list, LMi, sigma2i, SIMPLIFY = F)
idres <- lapply(idres, setNames, c("LM", "sigma2"))
result <- list(statistic = htest,
call = cl,
args = args,
idres = idres)
class(result) <- "purtest"
} # END hadritest
#' Unit root tests for panel data
#' `purtest` implements several testing procedures that have been proposed
#' to test unit root hypotheses with panel data.
#' All these tests except `"hadri"` are based on the estimation of
#' augmented Dickey-Fuller (ADF) regressions for each time series. A
#' statistic is then computed using the t-statistics associated with
#' the lagged variable. The Hadri residual-based LM statistic is the
#' cross-sectional average of the individual KPSS statistics
#' \insertCite{KWIA:PHIL:SCHM:SHIN:92;textual}{plm}, standardized by their
#' asymptotic mean and standard deviation.
#' Several Fisher-type tests that combine p-values from tests based on
#' ADF regressions per individual are available:
#' - `"madwu"` is the inverse chi-squared test
#' \insertCite{MADDA:WU:99;textual}{plm}, also called P test by
#' \insertCite{CHOI:01;textual}{plm}.
#' - `"Pm"` is the modified P test proposed by
#' \insertCite{CHOI:01;textual}{plm} for large N,
#' - `"invnormal"` is the inverse normal test by \insertCite{CHOI:01;textual}{plm}, and
#' - `"logit"` is the logit test by \insertCite{CHOI:01;textual}{plm}.
#' The individual p-values for the Fisher-type tests are approximated
#' as described in \insertCite{MACK:96;textual}{plm} if the package \CRANpkg{urca}
#' (\insertCite{PFAFF:08;textual}{plm}) is available, otherwise as described in
#' \insertCite{MACK:94;textual}{plm}.
#' For the test statistic tbar of the test of Im/Pesaran/Shin (2003)
#' (`ips.stat = "tbar"`), no p-value is given but 1%, 5%, and 10% critical
#' values are interpolated from paper's tabulated values via inverse distance
#' weighting (printed and contained in the returned value's element
#' `statistic$ips.tbar.crit`).
#' Hadri's test, the test of Levin/Lin/Chu, and the tbar statistic of
#' Im/Pesaran/Shin are not applicable to unbalanced panels; the tbar statistic
#' is not applicable when `lags > 0` is given.
#' The exogeneous instruments of the tests (where applicable) can be specified
#' in several ways, depending on how the data is handed over to the function:
#' - For the `formula`/`data` interface (if `data` is a `data.frame`,
#' an additional `index` argument should be specified); the formula
#' should be of the form: `y ~ 0`, `y ~ 1`, or `y ~ trend` for a test
#' with no exogenous variables, with an intercept, or with individual
#' intercepts and time trend, respectively. The `exo` argument is
#' ignored in this case.
#' - For the `data.frame`, `matrix`, and `pseries` interfaces: in
#' these cases, the exogenous variables are specified using the `exo`
#' argument.
#' With the associated `summary` and `print` methods, additional
#' information can be extracted/displayed (see also Value).
#' @aliases purtest
#' @param object,x Either a `"data.frame"` or a matrix containing the
#' time series (individuals as columns), a `"pseries"` object, a formula;
#' a `"purtest"` object for the print and summary methods,
#' @param data a `"data.frame"` or a `"pdata.frame"` object (required for
#' formula interface, see Details and Examples),
#' @param index the indexes,
#' @param test the test to be computed: one of `"levinlin"` for
#' \insertCite{LEVIN:LIN:CHU:02;textual}{plm}, `"ips"` for
#' \insertCite{IM:PESAR:SHIN:03;textual}{plm}, `"madwu"` for
#' \insertCite{MADDA:WU:99;textual}{plm}, `"Pm"` , `"invnormal"`,
#' or `"logit"` for various tests as in
#' \insertCite{CHOI:01;textual}{plm}, or `"hadri"` for
#' \insertCite{HADR:00;textual}{plm}, see Details,
#' @param exo the exogenous variables to introduce in the augmented
#' Dickey--Fuller (ADF) regressions, one of: no exogenous
#' variables (`"none"`), individual intercepts (`"intercept"`), or
#' individual intercepts and trends (`"trend"`), but see Details,
#' @param lags the number of lags to be used for the augmented
#' Dickey-Fuller regressions: either a single value integer (the number of
#' lags for all time series), a vector of integers (one for each
#' time series), or a character string for an automatic
#' computation of the number of lags, based on the AIC
#' (`"AIC"`), the SIC (`"SIC"`), or on the method by
#' \insertCite{HALL:94;textual}{plm} (`"Hall"`); argument is irrelevant
#' for `test = "hadri"`,
#' @param pmax maximum number of lags (irrelevant for `test = "hadri"`),
#' @param Hcons logical, only relevant for `test = "hadri"`,
#' indicating whether the heteroskedasticity-consistent test of
#' \insertCite{HADR:00;textual}{plm} should be computed,
#' @param q the bandwidth for the estimation of the long-run variance
#' (only relevant for `test = "levinlin"`, the default (`q = NULL`)
#' gives the value as suggested by the authors as round(3.21 * T^(1/3))),
#' @param dfcor logical, indicating whether the standard deviation of
#' the regressions is to be computed using a degrees-of-freedom
#' correction,
#' @param fixedT logical, indicating whether the individual ADF
#' regressions are to be computed using the same number of
#' observations (irrelevant for `test = "hadri"`),
#' @param ips.stat `NULL` or character of length 1 to request a specific
#' IPS statistic, one of `"Wtbar"` (also default if `ips.stat = NULL`),
#' `"Ztbar"`, `"tbar"`,
#' @param \dots further arguments (can set argument `p.approx` to be passed on
#' to non-exported function `padf` to either `"MacKinnon1994"` or `"MacKinnon1996"`
#' to force a specific method for p-value approximation, the latter only being
#' possible if package 'urca' is installed).
#' @return For purtest: An object of class `"purtest"`: a list with the elements
#' named:
#' - `"statistic"` (a `"htest"` object),
#' - `"call"`,
#' - `"args"`,
#' - `"idres"` (containing results from the individual regressions),
#' - `"adjval"` (containing the simulated means and variances needed to compute
#' the statistic, for `test = "levinlin"` and `"ips"`, otherwise `NULL`),
#' - `"sigma2"` (short-run and long-run variance for `test = "levinlin"`, otherwise NULL).
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats setNames
#' @author Yves Croissant and for "Pm", "invnormal", and "logit" Kevin Tappe
#' @seealso [cipstest()], [phansi()]
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @keywords htest
# TODO: add more examples / interfaces
#' @examples
#' data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
#' y <- data.frame(split(Grunfeld$inv, Grunfeld$firm)) # individuals in columns
#' purtest(y, pmax = 4, exo = "intercept", test = "madwu")
#' ## same via pseries interface
#' pGrunfeld <- pdata.frame(Grunfeld, index = c("firm", "year"))
#' purtest(pGrunfeld$inv, pmax = 4, exo = "intercept", test = "madwu")
#' ## same via formula interface
#' purtest(inv ~ 1, data = Grunfeld, index = c("firm", "year"), pmax = 4, test = "madwu")
purtest <- function(object, data = NULL, index = NULL,
test = c("levinlin", "ips", "madwu", "Pm" , "invnormal", "logit", "hadri"),
exo = c("none", "intercept", "trend"),
lags = c("SIC", "AIC", "Hall"),
pmax = 10, Hcons = TRUE, q = NULL, dfcor = FALSE,
fixedT = TRUE, ips.stat = NULL, ...) { <- paste(deparse(substitute(object)))
id <- NULL
if (inherits(object, "formula")){
# exo is derived from specified formula:
terms <- terms(object)
lab <- labels(terms)
if(length(lab) == 0L){
if(attr(terms, "intercept")) exo <- "intercept"
else exo <- "none"
if(length(lab) > 1L || lab != "trend") stop("incorrect formula")
exo <- "trend"
object <- paste(deparse(object[[2L]]))
if(exists(object) && is.vector(get(object))){
# is.vector because, eg, inv exists as a function
object <- get(object)
if(is.null(data)) stop("unknown response")
if(!inherits(data, "data.frame")) stop("'data' does not specify a data.frame/pdata.frame")
if(object %in% names(data)){
object <- data[[object]]
if(!inherits(data, "pdata.frame")){
if(is.null(index)) stop("the index attribute is required")
else data <- pdata.frame(data, index)
id <- unclass(attr(data, "index"))[[1L]]
stop(paste0("unknown response (\"", object, "\" not in data)"))
} # END object is a formula
exo <- match.arg(exo)
if(inherits(object, "pseries")){
id <- unclass(attr(object, "index"))[[1L]]
else stop("the individual dimension is undefined") # cannot derive individual dimension from a vector if not pseries
if(is.matrix(object) || {
if(!is.null(data)) stop("object is data.frame or matrix but argument 'data' is not NULL")
if(is.matrix(object)) object <-
# by now, object is either a pseries to be split or a data.frame, code continues with list
object <- na.omit(object)
if(!is.null(attr(object, "na.action")))
warning("NA value(s) encountered and dropped, results may not be reliable")
if(!inherits(object, "data.frame")){
if(is.null(id)) stop("the individual dimension is undefined")
# adjust 'id' to correspond data in 'object' after NA dropping:
if(!is.null(attr(object, "na.action"))) id <- id[-attr(object, "na.action")]
object <- split(object, id)
} else {
if(!ncol(object) > 1L) warning("data.frame or matrix specified in argument object does not contain more than one individual (individuals are supposed to be in columns)")
object <- as.list(object)
cl <-
test <- match.arg(test)
ips.stat <- if (is.null(ips.stat)) "Wtbar" else ips.stat # set default for IPS test
if (is.character(lags)) lags <- match.arg(lags) # if character, select one possible value
args <- list(test = test, exo = exo, pmax = pmax, lags = lags,
dfcor = dfcor, fixedT = fixedT, ips.stat = ips.stat)
n <- length(object) # number of individuals, assumes object is a list
sigma2 <- NULL
pvalues.trho <- NULL
ips.tbar.crit <- NULL
alternative <- "stationarity"
method <- paste0(purtest.names.test[test], " (ex. var.: ",
# If Hadri test, call function and exit early
if(test == "hadri") return(hadritest(object, exo, Hcons, dfcor,
method, cl, args,, ...))
# compute the lags for each time series if necessary
if(length(lags) == 1L) lags <- rep(lags, n)
if(length(lags) != n) stop("lags should be of length 1 or n")
else lags <- as.list(lags)
else{ # lag selection procedure SIC, AIC, or Hall
lag.method <- match.arg(lags)
lags <- sapply(object, function(x)
lagsel(x, exo = exo, method = lag.method,
pmax = pmax, dfcor = dfcor, fixedT = fixedT))
# compute the augmented Dickey-Fuller regressions for each time series
comp.aux.reg <- (test == "levinlin")
idres <- mapply(function(x, y)
tsadf(x, exo = exo, lags = y, dfcor = dfcor, comp.aux.reg = comp.aux.reg, ...),
object, as.list(lags), SIMPLIFY = FALSE)
if (test == "levinlin"){
if (length(T.levinlin <- unique(vapply(object, length, FUN.VALUE = 0.0))) > 1L)
stop("test = \"levinlin\" is not applicable to unbalanced panels")
# get the adjustment parameters for the mean and the variance
adjval <- adj.levinlin.value(T.levinlin, exo = exo)
mymu <- adjval[1L]
mysig <- adjval[2L]
# calculate the ratio of LT/ST variance
sigmaST <- sapply(idres, function(x) x[["sigma"]])
sigmaLT <- sqrt(sapply(object, longrunvar, exo = exo, q = q))
si <- sigmaLT/sigmaST # LLC (2002), formula 6
sbar <- mean(si)
# stack the residuals of each time series and perform the pooled
# regression
res.level <- unlist(lapply(idres, function(x) x$resid[["resid.level"]]), use.names = FALSE)
res.diff <- unlist(lapply(idres, function(x) x$resid[["resid.diff"]]), use.names = FALSE)
z <-, res.diff, dfcor = dfcor)
# compute the Levin-Lin-Chu statistic
tildeT <- T.levinlin - mean(lags) - 1
sigmaeps2 <- z$rss / (n * tildeT)
rho <- z$coef
sdrho <- z$se
trho <- rho/sdrho
stat <- (trho - n * tildeT * sbar / sigmaeps2 * sdrho * mymu)/mysig # LLC (2002), formula 12
names(stat) <- "z" # avoids a concatenated name like z.x1
pvalue <- pnorm(stat, lower.tail = TRUE) # need lower.tail = TRUE (like ADF one-sided to the left)
parameter <- NULL
sigma2 <- cbind(sigmaST^2, sigmaLT^2)
colnames(sigma2) <- c("sigma2ST", "sigma2LT")
pvalues.trho <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["p.trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0)
if(test == "ips"){
if(exo == "none") stop("exo = \"none\" is not a valid option for the Im-Pesaran-Shin test")
if(!is.null(ips.stat) && !any(ips.stat %in% c("Wtbar", "Ztbar", "tbar"))) stop("argument 'ips.stat' must be one of \"Wtbar\", \"Ztbar\", \"tbar\"")
lags <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["lags"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
L.ips <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["T"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE) - lags - 1
trho <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
pvalues.trho <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["p.trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
tbar <- mean(trho)
parameter <- NULL
adjval <- NULL
if(is.null(ips.stat) || ips.stat == "Wtbar") {
# calc Wtbar - default
adjval <- mapply(function(x, y) adj.ips.wtbar.value(x, y, exo = exo),
as.list(L.ips), as.list(lags))
Etbar <- mean(adjval[1L, ])
Vtbar <- mean(adjval[2L, ])
stat <- c("Wtbar" = sqrt(n) * (tbar - Etbar) / sqrt(Vtbar)) # (3.13) = (4.10) in IPS (2003) [same generic formula for Ztbar and Wtbar]
pvalue <- pnorm(stat, lower.tail = TRUE) # need lower.tail = TRUE (like ADF one-sided to the left), was until rev. 577: 2*pnorm(abs(stat), lower.tail = FALSE)
if(!is.null(ips.stat) && ips.stat == "Ztbar") {
# calc Ztbar
adjval <- adjval.ztbar <- sapply(L.ips, adj.ips.ztbar.value,
adj.ips.zbar.time, adj.ips.zbar.means, adj.ips.zbar.vars)
rownames(adjval) <- rownames(adjval.ztbar) <- c("mean", "var")
Etbar.ztbar <- mean(adjval.ztbar[1L, ])
Vtbar.ztbar <- mean(adjval.ztbar[2L, ])
stat <- stat.ztbar <- c("Ztbar" = sqrt(n) * (tbar - Etbar.ztbar) / sqrt(Vtbar.ztbar)) # (3.13) = (4.10) in IPS (2003) [same generic formula for Ztbar and Wtbar]
pvalue <- pvalue.ztbar <- pnorm(stat.ztbar, lower.tail = TRUE)
if(!is.null(ips.stat) && ips.stat == "tbar") {
# give tbar
T.tbar <- unique(vapply(object, length, FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE))
if(length(T.tbar) > 1L) stop("tbar statistic is not applicable to unbalanced panels")
if(any(lags > 0L)) stop("tbar statistic is not applicable when 'lags' > 0 is specified")
L.tbar <- T.tbar - 1
stat <- tbar
names(stat) <- "tbar"
pvalue <- NA
ips.tbar.crit <- critval.ips.tbar.value(ind = n, time = L.tbar, critval.ips.tbar, exo = exo)
adjval <- NULL
if(test == "madwu"){
# Maddala/Wu (1999), pp. 636-637; Choi (2001), p. 253; Baltagi (2013), pp. 283-285
## does not require a balanced panel
trho <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
pvalues.trho <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["p.trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
stat <- c(chisq = - 2 * sum(log(pvalues.trho)))
n.madwu <- length(trho)
parameter <- c(df = 2 * n.madwu)
pvalue <- pchisq(stat, df = parameter, lower.tail = FALSE)
adjval <- NULL
if(test == "Pm"){
## Choi Pm (modified P) [proposed for large N]
trho <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
pvalues.trho <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["p.trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
n.Pm <- length(trho)
# formula (18) in Choi (2001), p. 255:
stat <- c( "Pm" = 1/(2 * sqrt(n.Pm)) * sum(-2 * log(pvalues.trho) - 2) ) # == -1/sqrt(n.Pm) * sum(log(pvalues.trho) +1)
pvalue <- pnorm(stat, lower.tail = FALSE) # one-sided
parameter <- NULL
adjval <- NULL
if(test == "invnormal"){
# inverse normal test as in Choi (2001)
trho <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
pvalues.trho <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["p.trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
n.invnormal <- length(trho)
stat <- c("z" = sum(qnorm(pvalues.trho)) / sqrt(n.invnormal)) # formula (9), Choi (2001), p. 253
pvalue <- pnorm(stat, lower.tail = TRUE) # formula (12), Choi, p. 254
parameter <- NULL
adjval <- NULL
if(test == "logit"){
# logit test as in Choi (2001)
trho <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
pvalues.trho <- vapply(idres, function(x) x[["p.trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
n.logit <- length(trho)
l_stat <- c("L*" = sum(log(pvalues.trho / (1 - pvalues.trho)))) # formula (10), Choi (2001), p. 253
k <- (3 * (5 * n.logit + 4)) / (pi^2 * n.logit * (5 * n.logit + 2))
stat <- sqrt(k) * l_stat # formula (13), Choi (2001), p. 254
parameter <- c("df" = 5 * n.logit + 4)
pvalue <- pt(stat, df = parameter, lower.tail = TRUE)
adjval <- NULL
htest <- structure(list(statistic = stat,
parameter = parameter,
alternative = alternative, =,
method = method,
p.value = pvalue,
ips.tbar.crit = ips.tbar.crit),
class = "htest")
result <- list(statistic = htest,
call = cl,
args = args,
idres = idres,
adjval = adjval,
sigma2 = sigma2)
class(result) <- "purtest"
#' @rdname purtest
#' @export
print.purtest <- function(x, ...){
print(x$statistic, ...)
if (x$args$test == "ips" && x$args$ips.stat == "tbar"){
cat("tbar critival values:\n")
print(x$statistic$ips.tbar.crit, ...)
#' @rdname purtest
#' @export
summary.purtest <- function(object, ...){
if (!object$args$test == "hadri"){
lags <- vapply(object$idres, function(x) x[["lags"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
L <- vapply(object$idres, function(x) x[["T"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
rho <- vapply(object$idres, function(x) x[["rho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
trho <- vapply(object$idres, function(x) x[["trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
p.trho <- vapply(object$idres, function(x) x[["p.trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
sumidres <- cbind(
"lags" = lags,
"obs" = L - lags - 1,
"rho" = rho,
"trho" = trho,
"p.trho" = p.trho)
if (object$args$test == "ips" && !object$args$ips.stat == "tbar") {
sumidres <- cbind(sumidres, t(object$adjval))
if (object$args$test == "levinlin") {
sumidres <- cbind(sumidres, object$sigma2)
} else {
# hadri
LM <- vapply(object$idres, function(x) x[["LM"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
sigma2 <- vapply(object$idres, function(x) x[["sigma2"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
sumidres <- cbind("LM" = LM, "sigma2" = sigma2)
nam <- names(object$idres)
rownames(sumidres) <- nam
object$sumidres <- sumidres
class(object) <- c("summary.purtest", "purtest")
#' @rdname purtest
#' @export
print.summary.purtest <- function(x, ...){
cat(paste(purtest.names.test[x$args$test], "\n"))
cat(paste("Exogenous variables:", purtest.names.exo[x$args$exo], "\n"))
if (x$args$test != "hadri") {
thelags <- vapply(x$idres, function(x) x[["lags"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
if (is.character(x$args$lags)){
lagselectionmethod <- if (x$args$lags == "Hall") "Hall's method" else x$args$lags
cat(paste0("Automatic selection of lags using ", lagselectionmethod, ": ",
min(thelags), " - ", max(thelags), " lags (max: ", x$args$pmax, ")\n"))
cat("User-provided lags\n")
if (x$args$test == "ips") {
cat(paste(paste0("statistic (", x$args$ips.stat,"):"), round(x$statistic$statistic, 3), "\n"))
} else {
cat(paste("statistic:", round(x$statistic$statistic, 3), "\n"))
cat(paste("p-value:", round(x$statistic$p.value, 3), "\n"))
if (x$args$test == "ips" && x$args$ips.stat == "tbar"){
cat("tbar critival values:\n")
print(x$statistic$ips.tbar.crit, ...)
print(x$sumidres, ...)
#' Simes Test for unit roots in panel data
#' Simes' test of intersection of individual hypothesis tests
#' (\insertCite{SIMES:86;textual}{plm}) applied to panel unit root tests as suggested by
#' \insertCite{HANCK:13;textual}{plm}.
#' Simes' approach to testing is combining p-values from single hypothesis tests
#' with a global (intersected) hypothesis. \insertCite{HANCK:13;textual}{plm}
#' mentions it can be applied to any panel unit root test which yield a p-value
#' for each individual series.
#' The test is robust versus general patterns of cross-sectional dependence.
#' Further, this approach allows to discriminate between individuals for which
#' the individual H0 (unit root present for individual series) is rejected/is
#' not rejected by Hommel's procedure (\insertCite{HOMM:88;textual}{plm}) for
#' family-wise error rate control (FWER) at pre-specified significance level
#' alpha via argument `alpha` (defaulting to `0.05`), i.e., it controls for the
#' multiplicity in testing.
#' The function `phansi` takes as main input `object` either a plain numeric
#' containing p-values of individual tests or a `purtest` object which holds
#' a suitable pre-computed panel unit root test (one that produces p-values per
#' individual series).
#' The function's return value (see section Value) is a list with detailed
#' evaluation of the applied Simes test.
#' The associated `print` method prints a verbal evaluation.
#' @aliases phansi
#' @param object either a numeric containing p-values of individual unit root
#' test results (does not need to be sorted) or a suitable `purtest` object
#' (as produced by `purtest()` for a test which gives p-values of the individuals
#' (Hadri's test in `purtest` is not suitable)),
#' @param alpha numeric, the pre-specified significance level (defaults to `0.05`),
#' @param x an object of class `c("phansi", "list")` as produced by `phansi` to be printed,
#' @param cutoff integer, cutoff value for printing of enumeration of individuals with
#' rejected individual H0, for print method only,
#' @param \dots further arguments (currently not used).
#' @return For `phansi`, an object of class `c("phansi", "list")` which is a list with the elements:
#' - `id`: integer, the identifier of the individual (integer sequence referring to
#' position in input),
#' - `name`: character, name of the input's individual (if it has a name,
#' otherwise "1", "2", "3", ...),
#' - `p`: numeric, p-values as input (either the numeric or extracted from
#' the purtest object),
#' - `p.hommel`: numeric, p-values after Hommel's transformation,
#' - `rejected`: logical, indicating for which individual the individual null
#' hypothesis is rejected (`TRUE`)/non-rejected (`FALSE`) (after controlling
#' for multiplicity),
#' - ``: integer, giving the total number of rejected individual series,
#' - `alpha`: numeric, the input `alpha`.
#' @export
#' @importFrom stats p.adjust
#' @author Kevin Tappe
#' @seealso [purtest()], [cipstest()]
#' @references
#' \insertAllCited{}
#' @keywords htest
#' @examples
#' ### input is numeric (p-values)
#' #### example from Hanck (2013), Table 11 (left side)
#' pvals <- c(0.0001,0.0001,0.0001,0.0001,0.0001,0.0001,0.0050,0.0050,0.0050,
#' 0.0050,0.0175,0.0175,0.0200,0.0250,0.0400,0.0500,0.0575,0.2375,0.2475)
#' countries <- c("Argentina","Sweden","Norway","Mexico","Italy","Finland","France",
#' "Germany","Belgium","U.K.","Brazil","Australia","Netherlands",
#' "Portugal","Canada", "Spain","Denmark","Switzerland","Japan")
#' names(pvals) <- countries
#' h <- phansi(pvals)
#' print(h) # (explicitly) prints test's evaluation
#' print(h, cutoff = 3L) # print only first 3 rejected ids
#' h$rejected # logical indicating the individuals with rejected individual H0
#' ### input is a (suitable) purtest object
#' data("Grunfeld", package = "plm")
#' y <- data.frame(split(Grunfeld$inv, Grunfeld$firm))
#' obj <- purtest(y, pmax = 4, exo = "intercept", test = "madwu")
#' phansi(obj)
phansi <- function(object, alpha = 0.05) {
is.purtest <- if(inherits(object, "purtest")) TRUE else FALSE
if(!is.purtest) {
if(is.numeric(object)) {
if(anyNA(object)) stop("input p-values 'p' contain at least one NA/NaN value")
n <- length(object)
p <- object
} else {
stop("argument 'p' needs to specify either a 'purtest' object or a numeric")
} else {
# purtest object
if(object$args$test == "hadri") stop("phansi() [Hanck/Simes' test] not possible for purtest objects based on Hadri's test")
p <- vapply(object$idres, function(x) x[["p.trho"]], FUN.VALUE = 0.0, USE.NAMES = FALSE)
n <- length(p)
id <- seq_len(n)
names(id) <- if(!is.null(names(p))) names(p) else id
p.hommel <- p.adjust(p, method = "hommel")
rejected.ind <- p.hommel <= alpha # TRUE for individual-H0-rejected individuals <- sum(rejected.ind) # number of rejected individuals
res <- structure(list(id = id,
name = names(id),
p = p,
p.hommel = p.hommel,
rejected = rejected.ind, =,
alpha = alpha),
class = c("phansi", "list"))
#' @rdname phansi
#' @export
print.phansi <- function(x, cutoff = 10L, ...) {
if(round(cutoff) != cutoff) stop("Argument 'cutoff' has to be an integer")
id <- x$id
alpha <- x$alpha
rej.ind <- x$rejected <- x$
n <- length(rej.ind)
H0.txt <- "H0: All individual series have a unit root\n"
HA.txt <- "HA: Stationarity for at least some individuals\n"
H0.rej.txt <- "H0 rejected (globally)"
H0.not.rej.txt <- "H0 not rejected (globally)"
test.txt <- " Simes Test as Panel Unit Root Test (Hanck (2013))"
cat(paste0(" ", test.txt, "\n"))
cat(paste0("Alpha: ", alpha, "\n"))
cat(paste0("Number of individuals: ", n, "\n"))
if( > 0L) {
cat(paste0(" ", H0.rej.txt, "\n"))
if( <= cutoff) {
ind10 <- paste0(paste0(id[rej.ind], collapse = ", "))
ind.txt <- paste0("Individual H0 rejected for ",, " individual(s) (integer id(s)):\n")
cat(paste0(" ", ind.txt))
cat(paste0(" ", ind10, "\n"))
else { # cut off enumeration of individuals if more than specified in cutoff
ind10 <- paste0(paste0(id[rej.ind][1L:cutoff], collapse = ", "), ", ...")
ind.txt <- paste0("Individual H0 rejected for ", ," individuals, only first ", cutoff , " printed (integer id(s)):\n")
cat(paste0(" ", ind.txt))
cat(paste0(" ", ind10, "\n"))
} else {
cat(paste0(" ", H0.rej.txt, "\n"))
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