
Defines functions build.colony.input

Documented in build.colony.input

build.colony.input <- function(wd=getwd(), name = "Colony2.DAT", delim = ""){
#   wd = getwd()
#  name = "Colony2.DAT"
# delim = ""
  colonyfile = NULL
  cat("This function will construct a Colony input file.\nPLEASE REFER TO THE HELP FILE ?build.colony.input.\n\n")
  cat(paste("It will be called", name, "and be placed in", wd, "...\n\n\n"))
  #Functions used here
  is.whole <- function(a) {floor(a) == a}
  #  ! C, Dataset name, Length<51
  while(length(colonyfile$datasetname) == 0){
    cat("Enter dataset name (must be <51 characters).\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$datasetname = scan(n = 1, what = "character")
    write(paste(colonyfile$datasetname, "! C, Dataset name, Length<51"), name, append = FALSE)
  #  ! C, Main output file name, Length<21
  while(length(colonyfile$outfile) == 0){
    cat("Enter main output file name (must be <21 characters).\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$outfile = scan(n = 1, what = "character")
    write(paste(colonyfile$outfile, "! C, Main output file name, Length<21"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! C, Note to the project
  while(length(colonyfile$note) == 0){
    cat("Enter one sentence to describe your dataset (no carriage returns!).\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$note = scan(n = 1, what = "character")
  #  ! I, Number of offspring in the sample
  while(length(colonyfile$n.offspring) == 0){
    cat("Enter number of offspring in the sample.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$n.offspring = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
    write(paste(colonyfile$n.offspring, "! I, Number of offspring in the sample"), name, append = TRUE)
    if(length(colonyfile$n.offspring) != 0){
      #Whole number warning 
      if(is.whole(colonyfile$n.offspring) == FALSE){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "n.offspring")]
        warning("The number of offspring must be a whole number!\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  #  ! I, Number of loci
  while(length(colonyfile$n.loci) == 0){
    cat("Enter number of loci.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$n.loci = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
    write(paste(colonyfile$n.loci, "! I, Number of loci"), name, append = TRUE)
    if(length(colonyfile$n.loci) != 0){
      #Whole number warning 
      if(is.whole(colonyfile$n.loci) == FALSE){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "n.loci")]
        warning("The number of loci must be a whole number!\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  #  ! I, Seed for random number generator
  while(length(colonyfile$rseed) == 0){
    cat("Enter seed for random number generator.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$rseed = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
    write(paste(colonyfile$rseed, "! I, Seed for random number generator"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! B, 0/1=Not updating/updating allele frequency
  cat("Should allele frequency be updated?\n\n\n")
  switch(menu(c("Not updating allele frequency", "Updating allele frequency")) + 1, 
         cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$updateallelefreq <- 0, colonyfile$updateallelefreq <- 1)
  write(paste(colonyfile$updateallelefreq, "! B, 0/1=Not updating/updating allele frequency"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! 2/1=Dioecious/Monoecious
  cat("What kind of species is it?\nSee help for definitions.\n\n")
  switch(menu(c("Dioecious species", "Monoecious species")) + 1,
         cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$diomonoecy <- 2, colonyfile$diomonoecy <- 1)
  write(paste(colonyfile$diomonoecy, "! 2/1=Dioecious/Monoecious"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! B, 0/1=Diploid species/HaploDiploid species
  cat("What kind of species is it?\nSee help for definitions.\n\n")
  switch(menu(c("Diploid species", "HaploDiploid species")) + 1,
         cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$ploidy <- 0, colonyfile$ploidy <- 1)
  write(paste(colonyfile$ploidy, "! B, 0/1=Diploid species/HaploDiploid species"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! B, 0/1=Polygamy/Monogamy for males & females
  cat("Are males monogamous or polygamous?\nSee help for definitions.\n\n")
  switch(menu(c("Males monogamous", "Males polygamous")) + 1,
         cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$malepolygamy <- 1, colonyfile$malepolygamy <- 0)
  cat("Are females monogamous or polygamous?\nSee help for definitions.\n\n")
  switch(menu(c("Females monogamous", "Females polygamous")) + 1,
         cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$femalepolygamy <- 1, colonyfile$femalepolygamy <- 0)
  write(paste(colonyfile$malepolygamy, colonyfile$femalepolygamy, "! B, 0/1=Polygamy/Monogamy for males & females"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! B, R, R : Use sibship prior, Y/N=1/0. If Yes, give mean paternal, maternal sibship size
  cat("Use sibship prior?\n\n\n")
  switch(menu(c("Yes", "No")) + 1,
         cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$sibship.prior <- 1, colonyfile$sibship.prior <- 0)
    colonyfile$sibship.prior.paternal = 0
    colonyfile$sibship.prior.maternal = 0
    write(paste(colonyfile$sibship.prior, colonyfile$sibship.prior.paternal, colonyfile$sibship.prior.maternal, "! B, R, R : Use sibship prior, Y/N=1/0. If Yes, give mean paternal, maternal sibship size"), name, append = TRUE)
      while(length(colonyfile$sibship.prior.paternal) == 0){
        cat("Enter the paternal sibship size (number of sibships).\n\n\n")
        colonyfile$sibship.prior.paternal = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
    while(length(colonyfile$sibship.prior.maternal) == 0){
      cat("Enter the maternal sibship size (number of sibships).\n\n\n")
      colonyfile$sibship.prior.maternal = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
      write(paste(colonyfile$sibship.prior, colonyfile$sibship.prior.paternal, colonyfile$sibship.prior.maternal, "! B, R, R : Use sibship prior, Y/N=1/0. If Yes, give mean paternal, maternal sibship size"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! B, 0/1=Unknown/Known population allele frequency
  cat("Unknown/Known population allele frequency?\n\n\n")
  switch(menu(c("Unknown", "Known")) + 1,
         cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$knownAFreq <- 0, colonyfile$knownAFreq <- 1)
  write(paste(colonyfile$knownAFreq, "! B, 0/1=Unknown/Known population allele frequency\n"), name, append = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$knownAFreq == 1){
    while(length(colonyfile$AlleleFreqPATH) == 0){
      cat("Select the ALLELE FREQUENCY file.\n\n\n")
      colonyfile$AlleleFreqPATH = file.choose()
      colonyfile$allele.frequency = read.table(colonyfile$AlleleFreqPATH, header = FALSE, colClasses = c("character"), sep = delim, fill = TRUE, flush = TRUE, na.strings = "", col.names = 1:max(count.fields(colonyfile$AlleleFreqPATH)))
    x = count.fields(colonyfile$AlleleFreqPATH)[seq(2, length(count.fields(colonyfile$AlleleFreqPATH)), 2)]
    x = paste(paste(x, collapse = " "), "!Number of alleles per locus", collapse=" ")
    write.table(x, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, na="")
    write.table(colonyfile$allele.frequency, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, na = "")
    write("\n", name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! I, Number of runs
  while(length(colonyfile$n.runs) == 0){
    cat("Number of runs.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$n.runs = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
    write(paste(colonyfile$n.runs, "! I, Number of runs"), name, append = TRUE)
    if(length(colonyfile$n.runs) != 0){
      #Whole number warning
      if(is.whole(colonyfile$n.runs) == FALSE){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "n.runs")]
        warning("The number of runs must be a whole number!\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  #  ! I, Length of Run (1, 2, 3) = (Short, Medium, Long)
  while(length(colonyfile$runlength) == 0){
    cat("Length of run?\n\n\n")
    switch(menu(c("Short", "Medium", "Long")) + 1,
           cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$runlength <- 1, colonyfile$runlength <- 2, colonyfile$runlength <- 3)
    write(paste(colonyfile$runlength, "! I, Length of Run (1, 2, 3) = (Short, Medium, Long)"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! B, 0/1=Monitor method by Iterate#/Time in second
  cat("Monitor method by Iterate/Time in second?\n\n\n")
  switch(menu(c("Monitor by iterate", "Monitor by time in seconds")) + 1,
         cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$monitortype <- 0, colonyfile$monitortype <- 1)
  write(paste(colonyfile$monitortype, "! B, 0/1=Monitor method by Iterate#/Time in second"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! I, Monitor interval in Iterate#/Seconds
  while(length(colonyfile$interval) == 0){
    cat("Monitor interval (in iterate number or seconds) depending on how you have chosen to monitor progress.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$interval = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
    write(paste(format(colonyfile$interval, scientific = FALSE), "! I, Monitor interval in Iterate#/Seconds"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! B, 0/1=Other platform/Windows execution
  cat("What platform is this to be executed on?\n\n\n")
  switch(menu(c("Microsoft Windows system", "Other system (e.g. Mac/Unix)")) + 1,
         cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$sys <- 1, colonyfile$sys <- 0)
  write(paste(colonyfile$sys, "! B, 0/1=Other platform/Windows execution"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! 1/0=Full-likelihood/pair-likelihood score method
  cat("Which likelihood method should be used?\n\n\n")
  switch(menu(c("Full likelihood", "Pairwise likelihood")) + 1,
         cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$likelihood.method <- 1, colonyfile$likelihood.method <- 0)
  write(paste(colonyfile$likelihood.method, "! 1/0=Full-likelihood/pairwise-likelihood score method"), name, append = TRUE)
  #  ! 1/2/3=low/medium/high precision
  cat("What level of precision should be used?\n\n\n")
  switch(menu(c("Low", "Medium", "High")) + 1,
         cat("Nothing done\n\n\n"), colonyfile$precision <- 1, colonyfile$precision <- 2, colonyfile$precision <- 3)
  write(paste(colonyfile$precision, "! 1/2/3=low/medium/high precision"), name, append = TRUE)
  write("\n", name, append = TRUE)
  #Marker file import
  #Give the path to the marker types and error rate file. This should be a file with a number of columns equal to the number of markers used.
  #There should be 4 rows, 1) marker ID, 2) marker type, 3) marker specific allelic dropout rate, 4) marker specific other typing error rate.
  while(length(colonyfile$MarkerPATH) == 0){
    cat("Provide the path to the Marker Types and Error Rate file.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$MarkerPATH = file.choose()
    colonyfile$Markers = read.table(colonyfile$MarkerPATH, header = FALSE, colClasses = c("character"), sep = delim) 
    if(colonyfile$n.loci != dim(colonyfile$Markers)[2]){
      colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "MarkerPATH")]
      warning(paste("The number of defined loci ", "(",  colonyfile$n.loci, ") does not equal the number of markers provided in the file selected (", dim(colonyfile$Markers)[2], ").\n\n", sep = ""), immediate. = TRUE)
  colonyfile$Markers[, 1 + dim(colonyfile$Markers)[2]] = c("!Marker IDs", "!Marker types, 0/1=Codominant/Dominant", "!Marker-specific allelic dropout rate", "!Other marker-specific typing-error rate")
  write.table(colonyfile$Markers, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
  write("\n", name, append = TRUE)
  #Offspring genotype import
  #Give the path to the offpring ID and genotype file
  #This should have a first column giving the ID, then 2 columns for each locus (1 for each allele at that locus), at least for diploid species.
  #Therefore, with 4 loci, there should be 9 columns.
  cat("\nProvide the path to the offspringID and genotype file.\n\n\n")
  while(length(colonyfile$OSGenotypePATH) == 0){
    colonyfile$OSGenotypePATH = file.choose()
    colonyfile$Offspring = read.table(colonyfile$OSGenotypePATH, header = FALSE, colClasses = c("character"), sep = delim) 

    if(colonyfile$n.offspring != dim(colonyfile$Offspring)[1]){
      colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "OSGenotypePATH")]
      warning(paste("The number of defined offspring ", "(", colonyfile$n.offspring, ") does not equal the number of offspring provided in the file selected (", dim(colonyfile$Offspring)[1], ").\n\n", sep = ""), immediate. = TRUE)
    fileloci = (dim(colonyfile$Offspring)[2] - 1) / 2
    if(colonyfile$ploidy == 0){
      if((colonyfile$n.loci) != fileloci){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "OSGenotypePATH")]
        warning(paste("The number of defined loci ", "(", colonyfile$n.loci, ") does not appear to equal the number of loci provided in the file selected (", fileloci, ").\n\n", sep = ""), immediate. = TRUE)
  colonyfile$Offspring[, 1 + dim(colonyfile$Offspring)[2]] = c("!Offspring ID and genotypes", rep("", dim(colonyfile$Offspring)[1] - 1))
  write.table(colonyfile$Offspring, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
  write("", name, append = TRUE)
  #Sampling of candidate parents
  #FATHERS - probability of inclusion in candidate set
  while(length(colonyfile$fatherprob) == 0){
    cat("What is the probability that the FATHER of an offpring is included in the candidate set?\n\n\n E.g. 0.5\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$fatherprob = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))

    if(colonyfile$fatherprob > 1){
      cat("Probabilities must be less than or equal to 1.\n")
      colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "fatherprob")]
  #FATHERS - number of candidate fathers
  while(length(colonyfile$n.father) == 0){
    cat("How many candidate FATHERS are there?\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$n.father = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
    if(length(colonyfile$n.father) != 0){

      #Whole number warning 
      if(is.whole(colonyfile$n.father) == FALSE){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "n.fathers")]
        warning("The number of fathers must be a whole number!\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  #FATHERS - Import candidate FATHERS file
  if(colonyfile$n.father != 0){
    while(length(colonyfile$fathersPATH) == 0){
      cat("Provide the path to the candidate FATHERS file.\n\n\n")
      colonyfile$fathersPATH = file.choose()
      colonyfile$fathers = read.table(colonyfile$fathersPATH, header = FALSE, sep = delim, colClasses = c("character"))
      if(colonyfile$n.father != dim(colonyfile$fathers)[1]){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "fathersPATH")]
        warning(paste("The number of defined FATHERS ", "(", colonyfile$n.father, ") does not equal the number of FATHERS provided in the file selected (", dim(colonyfile$fathers)[1], ").\n\n", sep=""), immediate. = TRUE)
    colonyfile$fathersPATH = NA
    colonyfile$fathers = matrix(nrow = 1, ncol = 1)
  #MOTHERS - probability of inclusion in candidate set
  while(length(colonyfile$motherprob) == 0){
    cat("What is the probability that the MOTHER of an offpring is included in the candidate set?\n\n\n E.g. 0.5\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$motherprob = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
    if(colonyfile$motherprob > 1){
      cat("Probabilities must be less than or equal to 1.\n")
      colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "motherprob")]
  #MOTHERS - Number of candidate mothers
  while(length(colonyfile$n.mother) == 0){
    cat("How many candidate MOTHERS are there?\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$n.mother = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
    if(length(colonyfile$n.mother) != 0){

      #Whole number warning 
      if(is.whole(colonyfile$n.mother) == FALSE){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "n.mothers")]
        warning("The number of mothers must be a whole number!\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  #MOTHERS - Import candidate MOTHERS
  if(colonyfile$n.mother != 0){
    while(length(colonyfile$mothersPATH) == 0){
      cat("Provide the path to the candidate MOTHERS file.\n\n\n")
      colonyfile$mothersPATH = file.choose()
      colonyfile$mothers = read.table(colonyfile$mothersPATH, header = FALSE, sep = delim, colClasses = c("character"))
      if(colonyfile$n.mother != dim(colonyfile$mothers)[1]){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "mothersPATH")]
        warning(paste("The number of defined MOTHERS ", "(", colonyfile$n.mother, ") does not equal the number of MOTHERS provided in the file selected (", dim(colonyfile$mothers)[1], ").\n\n", sep = ""), immediate. = TRUE)
    colonyfile$mothersPATH = NA
    colonyfile$mothers = matrix(nrow=1, ncol = 1)
  write(paste(colonyfile$fatherprob, colonyfile$motherprob, "!Probabilities that the father and mother of an offspring included in candidates"), name, append = TRUE)

  write(paste(colonyfile$n.father, colonyfile$n.mother, "!Numbers of candidate males and females"), name, append = TRUE)

  write("", name, append = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$n.father != 0){
    colonyfile$fathers[, 1 + dim(colonyfile$fathers)[2]] = c("!Candidate M ID and genotypes", rep("", dim(colonyfile$fathers)[1] - 1))
    write.table(colonyfile$fathers, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)

  write("", name, append = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$n.mother != 0){
    colonyfile$mothers[, 1 + dim(colonyfile$mothers)[2]] = c("!Candidate F ID and genotypes", rep("", dim(colonyfile$mothers)[1] - 1))
    write.table(colonyfile$mothers, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
  write("", name, append = TRUE)
  #Define known PATERNAL dyads and sibships

  while(length(colonyfile$n.known.paternities.and.sibships) == 0){
    cat("Enter the number of known PATERNAL sibships or paternities.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$n.known.paternities.and.sibships = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
    if(length(colonyfile$n.known.paternities.and.sibships) != 0){      
      #Whole number warning 
      if(is.whole(colonyfile$n.known.paternities.and.sibships) == FALSE){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "n.known.paternal.dyads")]
        warning("The number of known paternities and sibships must be a whole number!\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$n.known.paternities.and.sibships > 0){
    #If there are some known paternal dyads... 
    #Get the path, and delimiter, to the file...
    while(length(colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships.PATH) == 0){
      cat("Provide the path to the PATERNAL sibships file.\n\n\n")
      colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships.PATH = file.choose()
      colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships = read.table(colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships.PATH, header = FALSE, colClasses = c("character"), sep = delim, fill = TRUE, flush = TRUE, na.strings = "", col.names = 1:max(count.fields(colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships.PATH)))
      #split the file up
      colonyfile$paternal.dyads = subset(colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships, colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships$X1 != 0)
      dyad = NULL
      if(dim(colonyfile$paternal.dyads)[1] != 0){
        for(i in 1:dim(colonyfile$paternal.dyads)[1]){
          dyad1 = na.omit(expand.grid(colonyfile$paternal.dyads[i, 1], unlist(colonyfile$paternal.dyads[i, 2:dim(colonyfile$paternal.dyads)[2]])))
          dyad = rbind(dyad, dyad1)
        colonyfile$paternal.dyads = dyad
      colonyfile$paternal.sibships = subset(colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships, colonyfile$X1 == 0)
      colonyfile$paternal.sibships[, 2:dim(colonyfile$paternal.sibships)[2]]
      if(dim(colonyfile$paternal.sibships)[1] != 0){
        for(i in 1:dim(colonyfile$paternal.sibships)[1]){
          colonyfile$paternal.sibships[i, 1] = sum(as.vector(is.na(colonyfile$paternal.sibships[i, ]) == FALSE)) - 1
      #Check the data      
      #1) Do the number of sibships and paternities match up with the data provided?
      if(colonyfile$n.known.paternities.and.sibships != dim(colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships)[1]){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "paternities.and.sibships.PATH")]
        warning(paste("The number of defined paternities and sibships ", "(", colonyfile$n.known.paternities.and.sibships, ") does not equal the number of paternal dyads provided in the file selected (", dim(colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships)[1], ").\n\n", sep = ""), immediate. = TRUE)
      #2) Are the fathers in the paternities and sibship file file present in the dataset?
      fathersinfile = colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships[, 1][colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships[, 1] != "0"] #fathers in file
      offspringinfile = as.vector(na.omit(as.vector(unlist(colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships[, 2:ncol(colonyfile$paternities.and.sibships)]))))

      #must check these against the paternal and offpring genotype files
        if(sum(fathersinfile %in% colonyfile$fathers[, 1]) != length(fathersinfile)){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "paternities.and.sibships.PATH")]
        warning(paste("Fathers in the file you provided are not present in the paternal genotype data:", paste(fathersinfile[fathersinfile %in% colonyfile$fathers[, 1] == FALSE], collapse = ", ")), immediate. = TRUE)
      if(sum(offspringinfile %in% colonyfile$Offspring[, 1]) != length(offspringinfile)){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "paternities.and.sibships.PATH")]
        warning(paste("Offspring in the file you provided are not present in the offspring genotype data:", paste(offspringinfile[offspringinfile %in% colonyfile$Offspring[, 1] == FALSE], collapse=", ")), immediate. = TRUE)
    colonyfile$paternal.dyads = NA
    colonyfile$paternal.sibships = NA
  #Define known MATERNAL dyads and sibships
  while(length(colonyfile$n.known.maternities.and.sibships) == 0){
    cat("Enter the number of known MATERNAL sibships or maternities.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$n.known.maternities.and.sibships = as.numeric(scan(n = 1, what = "integer"))
    if(length(colonyfile$n.known.maternities.and.sibships) != 0){
      #Whole number warning 
      if(is.whole(colonyfile$n.known.maternities.and.sibships) == FALSE){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "n.known.maternal.dyads")]
        warning("The number of known maternities and sibships must be a whole number!\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$n.known.maternities.and.sibships > 0){
    #If there are some known maternal dyads...
    #Get the path, and delimiter, to the file...
    while(length(colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships.PATH) == 0){
      cat("Provide the path to the MATERNAL sibships file.\n\n\n")
      colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships.PATH = file.choose()
      #Read in the data...
      colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships = read.table(colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships.PATH, header = FALSE, colClasses = c("character"), sep = delim, fill = TRUE, flush = TRUE, na.strings = "", col.names = 1:max(count.fields(colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships.PATH)))
      #split the file up
      colonyfile$maternal.dyads = subset(colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships, colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships$X1 != 0)
      dyad = NULL

      if(!nrow(colonyfile$maternal.dyads) == 0){
        for(i in 1:nrow(colonyfile$maternal.dyads)){
          dyad1  = na.omit(expand.grid(colonyfile$maternal.dyads[i, 1], unlist(colonyfile$maternal.dyads[i, 2:dim(colonyfile$maternal.dyads)[2]])))
          dyad = rbind(dyad, dyad1)
        colonyfile$maternal.dyads = dyad
      colonyfile$maternal.sibships = subset(colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships, colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships$X1 == 0)
      if(!nrow(colonyfile$maternal.sibships) == 0){
        for(i in 1:nrow(colonyfile$maternal.sibships)){
          colonyfile$maternal.sibships[i, 1] = sum(as.vector(!is.na(colonyfile$maternal.sibships[i, ]))) - 1
      if(colonyfile$n.known.maternities.and.sibships != nrow(colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships)){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "maternities.and.sibships.PATH")]
        warning(paste("The number of defined maternities and sibships ", "(", colonyfile$n.known.maternities.and.sibships, ") does not equal the number of maternal dyads provided in the file selected (", dim(colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships)[1], ").\n\n", sep=""), immediate. = TRUE)

      mothersinfile = colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships[, 1][colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships[, 1] != "0"]
      offspringinfile = as.vector(na.omit(as.vector(unlist(colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships[, 2:ncol(colonyfile$maternities.and.sibships)]))))
      #must check these against the maternal and offpring genotype files
      if(sum(mothersinfile %in% colonyfile$mothers[, 1]) != length(mothersinfile)){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "maternities.and.sibships.PATH")]
        warning(paste("Mothers in the file you provided are not present in the maternal genotype data:", paste(mothersinfile[mothersinfile %in% colonyfile$mothers[, 1] == FALSE], collapse = ", ")), immediate. = TRUE)
      if(sum(offspringinfile %in% colonyfile$Offspring[, 1]) != length(offspringinfile)){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "maternities.and.sibships.PATH")]
        warning(paste("Offspring in the file you provided are not present in the offspring genotype data:", paste(offspringinfile[offspringinfile %in% colonyfile$Offspring[, 1] == FALSE], collapse = ", ")), immediate. = TRUE)
    colonyfile$maternal.dyads = NA
    colonyfile$maternal.sibships = NA
  #Paternal Dyads
    write.table("0 !Number of known paternities", name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
      write.table(paste(dim(colonyfile$paternal.dyads)[1], "!Number of known paternities"), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
      colonyfile$paternal.dyads = colonyfile$paternal.dyads[2:1]
      colonyfile$paternal.dyads[, 1+dim(colonyfile$paternal.dyads)[2]] = c("!IDs of known offspring-father dyad", rep("", dim(colonyfile$paternal.dyads)[1] - 1))
      write.table(colonyfile$paternal.dyads, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
      write("", name, append = TRUE)
  #Maternal Dyads
    write.table("0 !Number of known maternities", name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
      write.table(paste(dim(colonyfile$maternal.dyads)[1], "!Number of known maternities"), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
      colonyfile$maternal.dyads = colonyfile$maternal.dyads[2:1]
      colonyfile$maternal.dyads[, 1 + dim(colonyfile$maternal.dyads)[2]] = c("!IDs of known offspring-mother dyad", rep("", dim(colonyfile$maternal.dyads)[1] - 1))
      write.table(colonyfile$maternal.dyads, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
      write("", name, append = TRUE)
  #Paternal sibships
    write.table("0 !Number of known paternal sibships with unknown fathers", name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
      write.table(paste(dim(colonyfile$paternal.sibships)[1], "!Number of known paternal sibships with unknown fathers "), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
      write.table(colonyfile$paternal.sibships, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, na = " ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
      write("", name, append = TRUE)
  #Maternal sibships
    write.table("0  !Number of known maternal sibships with unknown mothers", name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
      write.table(paste(dim(colonyfile$maternal.sibships)[1], "!Number of known maternal sibships with unknown mothers "), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
      write.table(colonyfile$maternal.sibships, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, na=" ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
      write("", name, append = TRUE)
  #Define excluded PATERNITIES
  while(length(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternities) == 0){
    cat("Enter the number of offspring with known excluded PATERNITY.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$n.excluded.paternities = as.numeric(scan(n=1, what="integer"))
    if(length(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternities) != 0){
      #Whole number warning 
      if(is.whole(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternities) == FALSE){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "n.excluded.paternities")]
        warning("The number of excluded paternities must be a whole number!\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternities > 0){
    #Get the path, and delimiter, to the file...
    while(length(colonyfile$excluded.paternities.PATH) == 0){
      cat("Provide the path to the excluded PATERNITY file.\n\n\n")
      colonyfile$excluded.paternities.PATH = file.choose()
      #Read in the data...
      colonyfile$excluded.paternities = read.table(colonyfile$excluded.paternities.PATH, header = FALSE,
                                                  sep=delim, colClasses=c("character"), fill = TRUE, flush = TRUE, na.strings="")
      if(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternities > 0){#Write ExcludedPaternity.txt file
        temp1 = as.data.frame(colonyfile$excluded.paternities)
        names(temp1) = c("OffspringID", paste("ExcludedFatherID", 1:(dim(temp1)[2] - 1), sep=""))
        write.table(temp1, "ExcludedPaternity.txt", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
      #Check the data
      if(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternities != dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternities)[1]){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "excluded.paternities.PATH")]
        warning(paste("The number of defined excluded paternities ", "(", colonyfile$n.excluded.paternities, ") does not equal the number provided in the file selected (", dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternities)[1], ").\n\n", sep=""), immediate. = TRUE)
      #Further checks
      #if this is true, then all offspring in the dyad file are present in the offspring genotype file
      if(sum(colonyfile$excluded.paternities$V1 %in% colonyfile$Offspring[, 1]) == length(colonyfile$excluded.paternities$V1)){
      #Do nothing.
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "excluded.paternities.PATH")]
        warning(paste("Offspring in excluded paternities file are not present in the offspring genotype data:", paste(colonyfile$excluded.paternities$V1[which(colonyfile$excluded.paternities$V1%in%colonyfile$fathers[, 1] == FALSE)], collapse=", ")), immediate. = TRUE)
      os = na.omit(as.vector(as.matrix(colonyfile$excluded.paternities[, 2:dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternities)[2]])))
      if(sum(os%in%colonyfile$fathers[, 1]) == length(os)){
      #Do nothing
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "excluded.paternities.PATH")]
        warning(paste("Fathers in excluded paternities file are not present in the fathers genotype data:", paste(os[which(os%in%colonyfile$fathers[, 1] == FALSE)], collapse=", ")), immediate. = TRUE)
    csum = NULL
    for (i in 1:dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternities)[1]){
      csum[i] = length(colonyfile$excluded.paternities[i, ][!is.na(colonyfile$excluded.paternities[i, ])])

    csum = csum - 1
    write.table(paste(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternities, "!Number of offspring with known excluded paternity"), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    colonyfile$excluded.paternities = cbind(as.character(colonyfile$excluded.paternities[, 1]), csum, colonyfile$excluded.paternities[, 2:dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternities)[2]])
    colonyfile$excluded.paternities[, 1 + dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternities)[2]] = c("!Offspring ID, number of excluded males, the IDs of excluded males", rep("", dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternities)[1] - 1))
    write.table(colonyfile$excluded.paternities, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, na=" ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
    #If there are no excluded paternities
    write.table(paste(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternities, " !Number of offspring with known excluded paternity"), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
  #Define excluded MATERNITIES
  while(length(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternities) == 0){
    cat("Enter the number of offspring with known excluded MATERNITY.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$n.excluded.maternities = as.numeric(scan(n=1, what="integer"))
    if(length(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternities) != 0){
      #Whole number warning 
      if(is.whole(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternities) == FALSE){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "n.excluded.maternities")]
        warning("The number of excluded maternities must be a whole number!\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternities > 0){ 
    #Get the path, and delimiter, to the file...
    while(length(colonyfile$excluded.maternities.PATH) == 0){
      cat("Provide the path to the excluded MATERNITY file.\n\n\n")
      colonyfile$excluded.maternities.PATH = file.choose()
      #Read in the data...
      colonyfile$excluded.maternities = read.table(colonyfile$excluded.maternities.PATH, header = FALSE,
                                                  sep=delim, colClasses=c("character"), fill = TRUE, flush = TRUE, na.strings="")
      #Check the data
      if(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternities != dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternities)[1]){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "excluded.maternities.PATH")]
        warning(paste("The number of defined excluded maternities ", "(", colonyfile$n.excluded.maternities, ") does not equal the number provided in the file selected (", dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternities)[1], ").\n\n", sep=""), immediate. = TRUE)
      if(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternities > 0){#Write ExcludedMaternity.txt file
        temp1 = as.data.frame(colonyfile$excluded.maternities)
        names(temp1) = c("OffspringID", paste("ExcludedMotherID", 1:(dim(temp1)[2] - 1), sep = ""))
        write.table(temp1, "ExcludedMaternity.txt", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
      #Futher checks
      #if this is true, then all offspring in the dyad file are present in the offspring genotype file
      if(sum(colonyfile$excluded.maternities$V1%in%colonyfile$Offspring[, 1]) == length(colonyfile$excluded.maternities$V1)){
      #Do nothing.
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "excluded.maternities.PATH")]
        warning(paste("Offspring in excluded maternities file are not present in the offspring genotype data:", paste(colonyfile$excluded.maternities$V1[which(colonyfile$excluded.maternities$V1%in%colonyfile$mothers[, 1] == FALSE)], collapse=", ")), immediate. = TRUE)
      os = na.omit(as.vector(as.matrix(colonyfile$excluded.maternities[, 2:dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternities)[2]])))
      if(sum(os%in%colonyfile$mothers[, 1]) == length(os)){
      #Do nothing
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "excluded.maternities.PATH")]
        warning(paste("Mothers in excluded maternities file are not present in the mothers genotype data:", paste(os[which(os%in%colonyfile$mothers[, 1] == FALSE)], collapse=", ")), immediate. = TRUE)
    csum = NULL
    for (i in 1:dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternities)[1]){
      csum[i] = length(colonyfile$excluded.maternities[i, ][!is.na(colonyfile$excluded.maternities[i, ])])

    csum = csum - 1
    write.table(paste(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternities, "!Number of offspring with known excluded maternity"), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    colonyfile$excluded.maternities = cbind(as.character(colonyfile$excluded.maternities[, 1]), csum, colonyfile$excluded.maternities[, 2:dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternities)[2]])
    colonyfile$excluded.maternities[, 1 + dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternities)[2]] = c("!Offspring ID, number of excluded females, the IDs of excluded females", rep("", dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternities)[1] - 1))
    write.table(colonyfile$excluded.maternities, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, na=" ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
    #If there are no excluded maternities
    write.table(paste(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternities, " !Number of offspring with known excluded maternity"), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
  #Define EXCLUDED PATERNAL sibships
  while(length(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternal.sibships) == 0){
    cat("Enter the number of offspring with known excluded PATERNAL sibships.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$n.excluded.paternal.sibships = as.numeric(scan(n=1, what="integer"))
    if(length(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternal.sibships) != 0){
      #Whole number warning 
      if(is.whole(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternal.sibships) == FALSE){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "n.excluded.paternal.sibships")]
        warning("The number of excluded paternal sibships must be a whole number!\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternal.sibships > 0){
    #Get the path, and delimiter, to the file...
    while(length(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships.PATH) == 0){
      cat("Provide the path to the excluded PATERNAL sibships file.\n\n\n")
      colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships.PATH = file.choose()
      #Read in the data...
      colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships = read.table(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships.PATH, header = FALSE,
                                                        sep=delim, colClasses=c("character"), fill = TRUE, flush = TRUE, na.strings="")
      #Check the data
      if(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternal.sibships != dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships)[1]){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "excluded.paternal.sibships.PATH")]
        warning(paste("The number of defined excluded paternal sibships ", "(", colonyfile$n.excluded.paternal.sibships, ") does not equal the number provided in the file selected (", dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships)[1], ").\n\n", sep=""), immediate. = TRUE)
      #Further checks - do excluded sibs appear in offspring file
      os = na.omit(as.vector(as.matrix(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships[, 2:dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships)[2]])))
      if(!sum(os%in%colonyfile$Offspring[, 1]) == length(os)){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "excluded.paternal.sibships.PATH")]
        warning(paste("Offspring in excluded paternal sibships file are not present in the offspring genotype data:", paste(os[which(os%in%colonyfile$Offspring[, 1] == FALSE)], collapse=", ")), immediate. = TRUE)
    colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships[, 1 + dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships)[2]] = c("!Size of known excluded paternal sibship, and IDs of excluded offspring in the sibship", rep("", dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships)[1] - 1))
    csum = NULL
    for (i in 1:dim(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships)[1]){
      csum[i] = length(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships[i, ][!is.na(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships[i, ])])
    csum = csum - 1
    colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships = cbind(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships[, 1], csum, colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships[, 2:ncol(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships)])
    write.table(paste(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternal.sibships, "!Number of offspring with known excluded paternal sibships"), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write.table(colonyfile$excluded.paternal.sibships, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, na=" ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
    #If there are no excluded sibships
    write.table(paste(colonyfile$n.excluded.paternal.sibships, " !Number of offspring with known excluded paternal sibships"), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
  #Define EXCLUDED MATERNAL sibships
  while(length(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternal.sibships) == 0){
    cat("Enter the number of offspring with known excluded MATERNAL sibships.\n\n\n")
    colonyfile$n.excluded.maternal.sibships = as.numeric(scan(n=1, what="integer"))
    if(length(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternal.sibships) != 0){
      #Whole number warning 
      if(is.whole(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternal.sibships) == FALSE){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "n.excluded.maternal.sibships")]
        warning("The number of excluded maternal sibships must be a whole number!\n", immediate. = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternal.sibships > 0){
    #Get the path, and delimiter, to the file...
    while(length(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships.PATH) == 0){
      cat("Provide the path to the excluded MATERNAL sibships file.\n\n\n")
      colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships.PATH = file.choose()
      #Read in the data...
      colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships = read.table(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships.PATH, header = FALSE,
                                                        sep=delim, colClasses = c("character"), fill = TRUE, flush = TRUE, na.strings="")
      #Check the data
      if(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternal.sibships != dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships)[1]){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "excluded.maternal.sibships.PATH")]
        warning(paste("The number of defined excluded maternal sibships ", "(", colonyfile$n.excluded.maternal.sibships, ") does not equal the number provided in the file selected (", dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships)[1], ").\n\n", sep=""), immediate. = TRUE)
      #Further checks - do excluded sibs appear in offspring file
      os = na.omit(as.vector(as.matrix(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships[, 2:dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships)[2]])))
      if(!sum(os%in%colonyfile$Offspring[, 1]) == length(os)){
        colonyfile = colonyfile[which(names(colonyfile) != "excluded.maternal.sibships.PATH")]
        warning(paste("Offspring in excluded maternal sibships file are not present in the offspring genotype data:", paste(os[which(os%in%colonyfile$Offspring[, 1] ==  FALSE)], collapse=", ")), immediate. = TRUE)
    colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships[, 1 + dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships)[2]] = c("!Size of known excluded maternal sibship, and IDs of excluded offspring in the sibship", rep("", dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships)[1] - 1))
    csum = NULL
    for (i in 1:dim(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships)[1]){
      csum[i] = length(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships[i, ][!is.na(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships[i, ])])
    csum = csum - 1
    colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships = cbind(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships[, 1], csum, colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships[, 2:ncol(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships)])
    write.table(paste(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternal.sibships, "!Number of offspring with known excluded maternal sibships"), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write.table(colonyfile$excluded.maternal.sibships, name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, na=" ", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
    #If there are no excluded sibships
    write.table(paste(colonyfile$n.excluded.maternal.sibships, " !Number of offspring with known excluded maternal sibships"), name, append = TRUE, quote = FALSE, row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
    write("", name, append = TRUE)
  #Other outputs
  temp1 = as.data.frame(colonyfile$Markers)
  temp1 = temp1[, 1:dim(temp1)[2] - 1]
  names(temp1) = paste("Locus-", 1:dim(temp1)[2], sep="")
  write.table(temp1, "MarkerTypeErrorRate.txt", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$knownAFreq == 1){
    temp1 = as.data.frame(colonyfile$allele.frequency)
    temp1 = temp1[, 1:dim(temp1)[2] - 1]
    names(temp1) = paste(paste("Locus-", rep(1:(dim(temp1)[2] / 2), each = 2), sep = ""), rep(1:2, (dim(temp1)[2]/2)), sep=".")
    write.table(temp1, "MarkerTypeErrorRate.txt", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
  temp1 = as.data.frame(colonyfile$Offspring)
  temp1 = temp1[, 1:dim(temp1)[2] - 1]
  n = (dim(temp1)[2])-1
  names(temp1) = c("Offspring", paste(paste("Marker", rep(1:(n / 2), each = 2), sep=""), rep(1:2, (n/2)), sep = "-"))
  write.table(temp1, "OffspringGenotype.txt", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$n.father != 0){
    temp1 = as.data.frame(colonyfile$fathers)
    temp1 = temp1[, 1:dim(temp1)[2]-1]
    n = (dim(temp1)[2])-1
    names(temp1) = c("Male", paste(paste("Marker", rep(1:(n / 2), each = 2), sep=""), rep(1:2, (n / 2)), sep = "-"))
    write.table(temp1, "MaleGenotype.txt", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
  if(colonyfile$n.mother != 0){
    temp1 = as.data.frame(colonyfile$mothers)
    temp1 = temp1[, 1:dim(temp1)[2] - 1]
    n = (dim(temp1)[2]) - 1
    names(temp1) = c("Female", paste(paste("Marker", rep(1:(n / 2), each=2), sep = ""), rep(1:2, (n / 2)), sep = "-"))
    write.table(temp1, "FemaleGenotype.txt", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
    temp1 = colonyfile$paternal.dyads[c(2, 1)]
    names(temp1) = c("OffspringID", "Father")
    write.table(temp1, "KnownPaternalDyads.txt", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)}
    temp1 = colonyfile$maternal.dyads[c(2, 1)]
    names(temp1) = c("OffspringID", "Mother")
    write.table(temp1, "KnownMaternalDyads.txt", row.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)}
  #KnownPaternity.txt - see earlier
  #KnownMaternity.txt - see earlier
  #ExcludedPaternity.txt - see earlier
  #ExcludedMaternity.txt - see earlier
  #Produce summary information text file.
  write.table(paste("Output file path & name : ", wd, name, "\n",
                    "Number of loci : ", colonyfile$n.loci, "\n",
                    "Number of offspring in the sample : ", colonyfile$n.offspring, "\n",
                    "Number of male candidates : ", colonyfile$n.father, "\n",
                    "Number of female candidates : ", colonyfile$n.mother, "\n",
                    "Number of known paternal sibships : ", colonyfile$n.paternal.sibs.or.paternities, "\n",
                    "Number of known maternal sibships : ", colonyfile$n.maternal.sibs.or.maternities, "\n",
                    "Number of offspring with excluded fathers : ", colonyfile$n.excluded.paternities, "\n",
                    "Number of offspring with excluded mothers : ", colonyfile$n.excluded.maternities, "\n",
                    "Male mating system : ", if(colonyfile$malepolygamy == 0){"Polygamous"}else{"Monogamous"}, "\n",
                    "Female mating system : ", if(colonyfile$femalepolygamy == 0){"Polygamous"}else{"Monogamous"}, "\n",
                    "Dioecious/Monoecious : ", if(colonyfile$diomonoecy == 1){"Monoecious"}else{"Dioecious"}, "\n",
                    "Number of threads : ", "nA", "\n",
                    "Number of Excluded Paternal Sibships : ", colonyfile$n.excluded.paternal.sibships, "\n",
                    "Number of Excluded Maternal Sibships : ", colonyfile$n.excluded.paternal.sibships, "\n",
                    "Seed for random number generator : ", colonyfile$rseed, "\n",
                    "Allele frequency : ", if(colonyfile$updateallelefreq == 1){"Updating by accounting for the inferred relationship"}else{"No updating by accounting for the inferred relationship"}, "\n",
                    "Species : ", if(colonyfile$ploidy == 1){"HaploDiploid"}else{"Diploid"}, "\n",
                    "Known population allele frequency : ", if(colonyfile$knownAFreq == 1){"Yes"}else{"No"}, "\n",
                    "Number of run : ", colonyfile$n.runs, "\n",
                    "Length of run : ", if(colonyfile$runlength == 1){"Small"}else{if(colonyfile$runlength == 2){"Medium"}else{"Long"}}, "\n",
                    "Monitor intermiediate results by : ", if(colonyfile$monitortype == 1){paste("Every", colonyfile$interval, "seconds")}else{paste("Every", colonyfile$interval, "iterations")}, "\n",
                    "Project data input produced : ", date(), "\n",
                    "NOTE to the Project: ", colonyfile$note, "\n", sep=""), "ProjectInformation.txt", row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE, quote = FALSE)
  cat(paste("Your file is called", name, "and is placed in", wd, "...\n\n\n"))
  #This could be useful at some point.

Try the rcolony package in your browser

Any scripts or data that you put into this service are public.

rcolony documentation built on May 2, 2019, 6:42 p.m.