### -*- mode: R ; delete-old-versions: never -*-
##' Computes the MCD estimator of a multivariate data sets in a \emph{deterministic}
##' way.
##' The MCD estimator is given by the subset of h observations with smallest
##' covariance determinant. The MCD location estimate is then
##' the mean of those h points, and the MCD scatter estimate is
##' their covariance matrix. The default value of h is roughly
##' 0.75n (where n is the total number of observations), but the
##' user may choose each value between n/2 and n. Based on the
##' raw estimates, weights are assigned to the observations such
##' that outliers get zero weight. The reweighted MCD estimator
##' is then given by the mean and covariance matrix of the cases
##' with non-zero weight.
##' To compute an approximate MCD estimator deterministically, six initial robust h-subsets are
##' constructed based on robust transformations of variables or robust and
##' fast-to-compute estimators of multivariate location and shape. Then
##' C-steps are applied on these h-subsets until convergence. Note that the
##' resulting algorithm is not fully affine equivariant, but it is often
##' faster than the FAST-MCD algorithm which is affine equivariant
##' (see covMcd()).
##' Note that this function can not handle exact fit situations: if the
##' raw covariance matrix is singular, the program is stopped. In that
##' case, it is recommended to apply the covMcd() function.
##' The MCD method is intended for continuous variables, and assumes that
##' the number of observations n is at least 5 times the number of variables p.
##' If p is too large relative to n, it would be better to first reduce
##' p by variable selection or robust principal components (see the functions
##' robust principal components in package 'rrcov').
##' @title Compute the MCD estimator of multivariate data in a deterministic way
##' @references
##' Hubert, M., Rousseeuw, P.J. and Verdonck, T. (2012),
##' "A deterministic algorithm for robust location and scatter", Journal of
##' Computational and Graphical Statistics, in press.
##' @param x a numerical matrix. The columns represent variables, and rows represent observations.
##' @param h The quantile of observations whose covariance determinant will
##' be minimized. Any value between n/2 and n may be specified.
##' @param hsets.init If one gives here already a matrix with for each column an
##' ordering of the observations (first the one with smallest statistical
##' distance), then the initial shape estimates are not calculated.
##' Default value = NULL.
##' @param save.hsets
##' @param full.h
##' @param scalefn function (or "rule") to estimate the scale.
##' @param maxcsteps
##' @param warn.nonconv.csteps
##' @param warn.wrong.obj.conv
##' @param trace
##' @param names
##' @return
##' @author Valentin Todorov; many tweaks by Martin Maechler
.detmcd <- function(x, h, hsets.init=NULL,
save.hsets = missing(hsets.init), full.h = save.hsets,
scalefn, maxcsteps = 200,
warn.nonconv.csteps = getOption("robustbase:warn.nonconv.csteps", TRUE),
warn.wrong.obj.conv = getOption("robustbase:warn.wrong.obj.conv",FALSE),
trace = as.integer(trace), names = TRUE)
stopifnot(length(dx <- dim(x)) == 2, h == as.integer(h), h >= 1)
n <- dx[1]
p <- dx[2]
stopifnot(p >= 1, n >= 1)
scalefn <- robScalefn(scalefn, n)
## kmini <- 5 # number of sub-data sets(if we use them some day)
## # for now we use it as number of rows in the returned
## # matrix 'coeff' for exact fit (also not used currently).
## cutoff <- qchisq(0.975, p)
## chimed <- qchisq(0.5, p)
## Center and scale the data
vnms <- colnames(x) # speedup only: store and put back at end
z <- doScale(unname(x), center=median, scale=scalefn) <- z$center
z.scale <- z$scale
z <- z$x
## Assume that 'hsets.init' already contains h-subsets: the first h observations each
if(is.null(hsets.init)) {
hsets.init <- r6pack(z, h=h, full.h=full.h, scaled=TRUE, scalefn=scalefn)
dh <- dim(hsets.init)
} else { ## user specified, (even just *one* vector):
if(is.vector(hsets.init)) hsets.init <- as.matrix(hsets.init)
dh <- dim(hsets.init)
if(dh[1] < h || dh[2] < 1)
stop("'hsets.init' must be a h' x L matrix (h' >= h) of observation indices")
## TODO?: We could *extend* the sets to large h, even all n
## ====> could input the 'best' sets, also e.g. from fastmcd
if(full.h && dh[1] != n)
warning("'full.h' is true, but 'hsets.init' has less than n rows")
## stop("When 'full.h' is true, user specified 'hsets.init' must have n rows")
if(min(hsets.init) < 1 || max(hsets.init) > n)
stop("'hsets.init' must be in {1,2,...,n}; n = ", n)
nsets <- ncol(hsets.init)# typically 6, currently
## Some initializations.
hset.csteps <- integer(nsets)
bestobj <- Inf
for(i in 1:nsets)
if(trace) {
if(trace >= 2)
cat(sprintf("H-subset %d = observations c(%s):\n-----------\n",
i, pasteK(hsets.init[1:h,i])))
cat(sprintf("H-subset %d: ", i))
for(j in 1:maxcsteps)
if(j == 1) {
obs_in_set <- hsets.init[1:h,i] # start with the i-th initial set
} else { # now using 'svd' from last step
score <- (z - rep(svd$center, each=n)) %*% svd$loadings
mah <- mahalanobisD(score, center=FALSE, sd = sqrt(abs(svd$eigenvalues)))
obs_in_set <- sort.list(mah)[1:h] #, partial = 1:h not yet
## [P,T,L,r,centerX,meanvct] = classSVD(data(obs_in_set,:));
svd <- classPC(z[obs_in_set, ,drop=FALSE], signflip=FALSE)
obj <- sum(log(svd$eigenvalues))
if(svd$rank < p) { ## FIXME --> return exact fit property rather than stop() ??
stop('More than h of the observations lie on a hyperplane.')
exactfit <- TRUE
## coeff <- ...
if(j >= 2 && obj == prevdet) {
## MM:: 2014-10-25: objective function check is *not* good enough:
if(identical(obs_in_set, prevobs))
## else :
"original detmcd() wrongly declared c-step convergence (obj=%g, i=%d, j=%d)",
obj, i,j))
prevdet <- obj
prevobs <- obs_in_set
hset.csteps[i] <- j # how many csteps necessary to converge.
if(trace) cat(sprintf("%3d csteps, obj=log(det|.|)=%g", j, obj))
if(obj < bestobj) {
if(trace) cat(" = new optim.\n")
## bestset : the best subset for the whole data.
## bestobj : objective value for this set.
## initmean, initcov : the mean and covariance matrix of this set
bestset <- obs_in_set
bestobj <- obj
initmean <- svd$center
L <- svd$loadings
## MM speedup: was L Diag L' = L %*% diag(svd$eigenvalues) %*% t(L)
initcov <- tcrossprod(L * rep(svd$eigenvalues, each=nrow(L)), L)
## raw.initcov <- initcov
## rew.Hsubsets.Hopt <- bestset <- i # to determine which subset gives best results.
} else if(obj == bestobj) ## store as well: <- c(, i)
else if(trace) cat("\n")
} ## for(i in 1:nsets)
if(warn.nonconv.csteps && any(eq <- hset.csteps == maxcsteps)) {
p1 <- paste(ngettext(sum(eq), "Initial set", "Initial sets"),
warning(sprintf("%s did not converge in maxcsteps=%d concentration steps",
p1, maxcsteps), domain=NA)
## reweighting <- FALSE # it happens in covMcd()
## if(reweighting) {
## svd <- classPC(z[bestset, ], signflip=FALSE) # [P,T,L,r,centerX,meanvct] = classSVD(data(bestset,:));
## mah <- mahalanobisD((z - rep(svd$center, each=n)) %*% svd$loadings,
## FALSE, sqrt(abs(svd$eigenvalues)))
## sortmah <- sort(mah)
## }
## factor <- sortmah[h]/qchisq(h/n, p)
## raw.cov <- factor*initcov
## raw.cov <- initcov
## We express the results in the original units [restoring var.names]:
raw.cov <- initcov * tcrossprod(z.scale) <- initmean * z.scale +
if(names) {
dimnames(raw.cov) <- list(vnms, vnms)
names( <- vnms
raw.objective <- bestobj + 2*sum(log(z.scale)) # log(det = * prod(z.scale)^2)
## raw.mah <- mahalanobis(x,, raw.cov, tol=1E-14)
## medi2 <- median(raw.mah)
list(initcovariance = raw.cov,
initmean =,
best = bestset,
mcdestimate = raw.objective, # determinant (goes to crit)
## , weights=NULL# FIXME - goes to raw.weights
iBest =,
n.csteps = hset.csteps,
initHsets = if(save.hsets) hsets.init,
exactfit = 0 # <- FIXME
## once we'd test for exact fit, we'd return:
## , coeff=matrix(rep(0, kmini*p), nrow=kmini)
## , kount=0 # FIXME
} ## .detmcd()
robScalefn <- function(scalefn, n) {
if(missing(scalefn) || is.null(scalefn))
scalefn <- .scalefn.default
## Hubert, Rousseeuw, Verdonck, JCGS 2012 :
"hrv2012" = if(n < 1000) Qn else scaleTau2,
## Version of 2014:
"v2014" = if(n < 5000) Qn else scaleTau2,
## otherwise
stop(gettextf("Invalid scalefn='%s': must be function or a valid string",
doScale <- function (x, center, scale)
stopifnot(is.numeric(p <- ncol(x)))
## MM: follow standard R's scale.default() as much as possible
centerFn <- is.function(center)
doIt <- if(centerFn) {
centerName <- deparse(substitute(center)) # "median" typically
center <- apply(x, 2L, center)
} else {
if(length(center) == p && is.numeric(center))
else if(missing(center) || is.null(center)) {
center <- 0; FALSE
} else
stop(gettextf("'%s' must be a function, numeric vector of length p, or NULL",
"center"), domain=NA)
x <- sweep(x, 2L, center, `-`, check.margin=FALSE)
scaleFn <- is.function(scale)
doIt <- if(scaleFn) {
scale <- apply(x, 2L, scale)
} else {
if(length(scale) == p && is.numeric(scale))
else if(missing(scale) || is.null(scale)) {
scale <- 1
} else
stop(gettextf("'%s' must be a function, numeric vector of length p, or NULL",
"scale"), domain=NA)
if(doIt) {
if(any( || any(scale < 0))
stop("provide better scale; must be all positive")
if(any(s0 <- scale == 0)) {
### Better and easier alternative (and as "FAST MCD"): return "singular cov.matrix"
### since scale 0 ==> more than 50% points are on hyperplane x[,j] == const.
## find scale if there is any variation; otherwise use s := 1
S <- if(centerFn && centerName == "median")
abs else function(.) abs(. - median(.))
non0Q <- function(u) {
alph <- c(10:19, 19.75)/20 # not all the way to '1' {=> finite qnorm()}
qq <- quantile(S(u), probs=alph, names=FALSE)
if(any(pos <- qq != 0)) { ## the first non-0 if there is one
i <- which.max(pos)
qq[i] / qnorm((alph[i] + 1)/2)
} else 1
scale[s0] <- apply(x[,s0, drop=FALSE], 2L, non0Q)
x <- sweep(x, 2L, scale, `/`, check.margin = FALSE)
## return
list(x=x, center=center, scale=scale)
##' @title Robust Distance based observation orderings based on robust "Six pack"
##' @param x n x p data matrix
##' @param h integer
##' @param full.h full (length n) ordering or only the first h?
##' @param scaled is 'x' is already scaled? otherwise, apply doScale(x, median, scalefn)
##' @param scalefn function to compute a robust univariate scale.
##' @return a h' x 6 matrix of indices from 1:n; if(full.h) h' = n else h' = h
r6pack <- function(x, h, full.h, scaled=TRUE,
scalefn = rrcov.control()$scalefn)
## As the considered initial estimators Sk may have very
## inaccurate eigenvalues, we try to 'improve' them by applying
## a transformation similar to that used in the OGK algorithm.
## After that compute the corresponding distances, order them and
## return the indices
initset <- function(data, scalefn, P, h)
stopifnot(length(d <- dim(data)) == 2, length(h) == 1, h >= 1)
n <- d[1]
stopifnot(h <= n)
lambda <- doScale(data %*% P, center=median, scale=scalefn)$scale
sqrtcov <- P %*% (lambda * t(P)) ## == P %*% diag(lambda) %*% t(P)
sqrtinvcov <- P %*% (t(P) / lambda) ## == P %*% diag(1/lambda) %*% t(P)
estloc <- colMedians(data %*% sqrtinvcov) %*% sqrtcov
centeredx <- (data - rep(estloc, each=n)) %*% P
sort.list(mahalanobisD(centeredx, FALSE, lambda))[1:h]# , partial = 1:h
## Compute the raw OGK estimator. For m(.) and s(.) (robust
## univariate estimators of location and scale) use the median
## and Qn for reasons of simplicity (no choice of tuning parameters)
## and to be consistent with the other components of DetMCD.
ogkscatter <- function(Y, scalefn, only.P = TRUE)
stopifnot(length(p <- ncol(Y)) == 1, p >= 1)
U <- diag(p)
for(i in seq_len(p)[-1L]) {# i = 2:p
sYi <- Y[,i]
ii <- seq_len(i - 1L)
for(j in ii) {
sYj <- Y[,j]
U[i,j] <- (scalefn(sYi + sYj)^2 - scalefn(sYi - sYj)^2) / 4
## also set the upper triangle
U[ii,i] <- U[i,ii]
## now done above: U <- lower.tri(U) * U + t(U) # U <- tril(U, -1) + t(U)
P <- eigen(U, symmetric=TRUE)$vectors
## else :
Z <- Y %*% t(P)
sigz <- apply(Z, 2, scalefn)
lambda <- diag(sigz^2)
list(P=P, lambda=lambda)
stopifnot(length(dx <- dim(x)) == 2)
n <- dx[1]
p <- dx[2]
## If scalefn is missing or is NULL, use Qn for smaller data sets (n < 1000)
## and tau-scale of Yohai and Zamar (1988) otherwise.
scalefn <- robScalefn(scalefn, n)
## If the data was not scaled already (scaled=FALSE), center and scale using
## the median and the provided function 'scalefn'.
if(!scaled) { ## Center and scale the data to (0, 1) - robustly
x <- doScale(x, center=median, scale=scalefn)$x
nsets <- 6
hsets <- matrix(integer(), h, nsets)
## Determine 6 initial estimates (ordering of obs)
## 1. Hyperbolic tangent of standardized data
y1 <- tanh(x)
R1 <- cor(y1)
P <- eigen(R1, symmetric=TRUE)$vectors
hsets[,1] <- initset(x, scalefn=scalefn, P=P, h=h)
## 2. Spearmann correlation matrix
R2 <- cor(x, method="spearman")
P <- eigen(R2, symmetric=TRUE)$vectors
hsets[,2] <- initset(x, scalefn=scalefn, P=P, h=h)
## 3. Tukey normal scores
y3 <- qnorm((apply(x, 2L, rank) - 1/3)/(n + 1/3))
R3 <- cor(y3, use = "complete.obs")
P <- eigen(R3, symmetric=TRUE)$vectors
hsets[,3] <- initset(x, scalefn=scalefn, P=P, h=h)
## 4. Spatial sign covariance matrix
znorm <- sqrt(rowSums(x^2))
ii <- znorm > .Machine$double.eps
x.nrmd <- x
x.nrmd[ii,] <- x[ii, ] / znorm[ii]
SCM <- crossprod(x.nrmd)# / (n-1) not needed for e.vectors
P <- eigen(SCM, symmetric=TRUE)$vectors
hsets[,4] <- initset(x, scalefn=scalefn, P=P, h=h)
## 5. BACON
ind5 <- order(znorm)
half <- ceiling(n/2)
Hinit <- ind5[1:half]
covx <- cov(x[Hinit, , drop=FALSE])
P <- eigen(covx, symmetric=TRUE)$vectors
hsets[,5] <- initset(x, scalefn=scalefn, P=P, h=h)
## 6. Raw OGK estimate for scatter
P <- ogkscatter(x, scalefn, only.P = TRUE)
hsets[,6] <- initset(x, scalefn=scalefn, P=P, h=h)
## Now combine the six pack :
if(full.h) hsetsN <- matrix(integer(), n, nsets)
for(k in 1:nsets) ## sort each of the h-subsets in *increasing* Mah.distances
xk <- x[hsets[,k], , drop=FALSE]
svd <- classPC(xk, signflip=FALSE) # [P,T,L,r,centerX,meanvct] = classSVD(xk)
if(svd$rank < p) ## FIXME: " return("exactfit") "
stop('More than half of the observations lie on a hyperplane.')
score <- (x - rep(svd$center, each=n)) %*% svd$loadings
ord <- order(mahalanobisD(score, FALSE, sqrt(abs(svd$eigenvalues))))
hsetsN[,k] <- ord
else hsets[,k] <- ord[1:h]
## return
if(full.h) hsetsN else hsets
} ## {r6pack}
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