## some additional functions to help plotting
## g.drop.labels <- function(breaks, labels) {
## ind <- breaks %in% labels
## breaks <- as.character(breaks)
## breaks[!ind] <- ''
## breaks
## }
g.scale_y_log10_0.05 <- function(breaks = c(0.00001, 0.0001, 0.001, 0.01,
0.02, 0.03, 0.05, 0.07, 0.1, 0.14,
0.2, 0.4, 0.8),
minor_breaks = seq(0,1,by = 0.01), ...)
## Purpose: add nice breaks and labels
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: just like scale_y_log10
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Manuel Koller, Date: 11 Nov 2009, 11:52
scale_y_log10(breaks = breaks, minor_breaks = minor_breaks, ...)
## the same for lattice:
g.scale_y_log10_0.05_lattice <- list(at = log10(c(seq(0.1, 0.01, by = -0.01), 0.001,
0.0001, 0.00001)),
labels = c("", 0.09, "", 0.07, "", 0.05, "", 0.03,
"", 0.01, 0.001, 0.0001, 0.00001))
g.scale_y_log10_1 <- function(breaks = c(seq(0,1,by=0.1), seq(1.2, 3.5,by=0.2)),
minor_breaks = seq(0,10,by = 0.1), ...)
## Purpose: add nice breaks and labels
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: just like scale_y_log10
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Manuel Koller, Date: 11 Nov 2009, 11:52
scale_y_log10(breaks = breaks, minor_breaks = minor_breaks, ...)
g.scale_y_log10_1_l <- function(breaks = c(seq(0,.4,by=0.1), seq(0.6,1.4,by=0.2),
seq(1.6, 3.4, by = 0.4)),
minor_breaks = seq(0,10,by = 0.1), ...)
## Purpose: add nice breaks and labels
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: just like scale_y_log10
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Manuel Koller, Date: 11 Nov 2009, 11:52
scale_y_log10(breaks = breaks, minor_breaks = minor_breaks, ...)
g.scale_shape_defaults = c(16, 17, 15, 3, 7, 8)
g.scale_shape_defaults2 = c(g.scale_shape_defaults,9,1,2,4)
g.scale_linetype_defaults = c("solid", "22", "42", "44", "13", "1343", "73",
"2262", "12223242", "F282", "F4448444", "224282F2", "F1")
g.scale_shape <- function(..., values=g.scale_shape_defaults2)
scale_shape_manual(..., values = values)
g.get_colors <- function(n, h=c(0,360) + 15, l=65, c=100, start=0, direction = 1) {
rotate <- function(x) (x + start) %% 360 * direction
if ((diff(h) %% 360) < 1) {
h[2] <- h[2] - 360 / n
grDevices::hcl(h = rotate(seq(h[1], h[2], length = n)),
c = c, l = l)
g.get_colors_brewer <- function(n, name='Dark2') {
idx <- 1:n
if (name=='Dark2') {
idx <- c(6,2:5,1,7,8)[idx]
RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(n, name)[idx]
g.scale_colour <- function(..., n=8, values=g.get_colors_brewer(n=n))
scale_colour_manual(..., values=values)
## some useful helper functions
f.range.xy <- function(x,...) UseMethod("f.range.xy")
## Purpose: get plot range for x and y axis and return as a data.frame
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Manuel Koller, Date: 6 Oct 2009, 13:42
f.range.xy.default <- function(x, ...)
data.frame(x = range(x$x), y = range(x$y)) <- function(x, names = c('x','y'), ...)
f.range.xy.matrix <- function(x, names = c('x','y'), ...)
f.range.xy.list <- function(x,...)
data.frame(x = range(sapply(x, function(x) x$x)),
y = range(sapply(x, function(x) x$y)))
f.range.xy.histogram <- function(x,...)
data.frame(x = range(sapply(x, function(x) x$breaks)),
y = range(sapply(x, function(x) x$counts)))
f.trim <- function(data, trim = 0.05)
## Purpose: trim alpha observations
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: data and trim
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Manuel Koller, Date: 19 Nov 2009, 14:33
n <- length(data)
lo <- floor(n * trim) + 1
hi <- n + 1 - lo, partial = unique(c(lo, hi)))[lo:hi]
f.seq <- function(x, ...)
## Purpose: make seq callable with an vector x = c(from, to)
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: x: vector of length two (from, to)
## ...: other arguments to seq
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Manuel Koller, Date: 20 Nov 2009, 08:55
seq(from = x[1], to = x[2],...)
curves <- function(expr, from = NULL, to = NULL, n = 101, add = FALSE,
type = "l", ylab = 'values', xlab = 'x', log = NULL,
xlim = NULL, xcol = NULL, geom = geom_path, wrap = TRUE,
## Purpose: curves: does the same as curve, but for multivariate output
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: same as curve
## xcol: column of data.frame to use for x instead of default
## geom: what geom function to use, defaults to geom_path
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Manuel Koller, Date: 15 Jan 2010, 08:48
sexpr <- substitute(expr)
if ( {
fcall <- paste(sexpr, "(x)")
expr <- parse(text = fcall)
if (is.null(ylab))
ylab <- fcall
else {
if (!( && match("x", all.vars(sexpr), nomatch = 0L)))
stop("'expr' must be a function or an expression containing 'x'")
expr <- sexpr
if (is.null(ylab))
ylab <- deparse(sexpr)
if (is.null(xlim))
delayedAssign("lims", {
pu <- par("usr")[1L:2L]
if (par("xaxs") == "r")
pu <- extendrange(pu, f = -1/27)
if (par("xlog"))
else pu
else lims <- xlim
if (is.null(from))
from <- lims[1L]
if (is.null(to))
to <- lims[2L]
lg <- if (length(log))
else paste(if (add && par("xlog"))
"x", if (add && par("ylog"))
"y", sep = "")
if (length(lg) == 0)
lg <- ""
x <- if (lg != "" && "x" %in% strsplit(lg, NULL)[[1L]]) {
if (any(c(from, to) <= 0))
stop("'from' and 'to' must be > 0 with log=\"x\"")
exp(, log(to), length.out = n))
else, to, length.out = n)
y <- eval(expr, envir = list(x = x), enclos = parent.frame())
## up this was an exact copy of curve
if (length(dim(y)) == 1) {
ydf <- data.frame(x = x, values = y)
gl <- geom(data = ydf, aes(x = x, y = values), ...)
ret <- if (add) gl
else ggplot(ydf) + gl
} else {
## check whether we have to transpose y
if (NCOL(y) != n) {
if (NROW(y) == n) y <- t(y)
else stop(paste('output should have n =',n,' columns'))
## add dimnames
dm <- dimnames(y)
if (is.null(dm)) dm <- list(1:NROW(y), 1:NCOL(y))
if (is.null(names(dm))) names(dm) <- c('rows', 'cols')
if (is.null(dm[[1]])) dm[[1]] <- 1:NROW(y)
if (is.null(dm[[2]])) dm[[2]] <- 1:NCOL(y)
dimnames(y) <- dm
## restructure the output matrix to a data.frame
ydf <- melt(y)
## un-factor the first two columns
for (i in 1:2) {
if (is.factor(ydf[[i]]))
ydf[[i]] <-[[i]]))[ydf[[i]]]
## add x column
ydf$x <- rep(x, each = NROW(y))
if (is.null(xcol)) {
xcol <- 'x'
} else {
## get desired x column
lx <- ydf[idx <- ydf[,1] == xcol,3]
## remove it from the values
ydf <- ydf[!idx,]
## add as additional column
ydf[[xcol]] <- rep(lx, each = NROW(y) - 1)
if (missing(xlab)) xlab <- xcol
if (wrap) { ## use facet wrap, or assume it was used before
## there seems to be a bug in ggplot that requires sorting for the rows variable
ydf <- ydf[order(ydf[,1],ydf[,2]),]
gl <- geom(data = ydf, aes_string(x = xcol, y = 'value'), ...)
ret <- if (add) gl
else ggplot(ydf) + gl + xlab(xlab) +
facet_wrap(substitute(~ rows, list(rows =[1]))))
} else {
## factor 'rows' again
ydf[, 1] <- factor(ydf[, 1], levels = unique(ydf[, 1]))
ret <- if (add) geom(data = ydf, aes_string(x = xcol, y = 'value',
color = names(dm)[1]), ...)
else ggplot(ydf) + geom(aes_string(x = xcol, y = 'value',
linetype = names(dm)[1]), ...) +
if (!add && !is.null(log)) {
ret <- ret + switch(log,
xy = coord_trans(x = 'log', y='log'),
x = coord_trans(x = 'log'),
y = coord_strans(y = 'log'),
f.get.range <- function(p, axis)
## Purpose: get range of axis from ggplot object
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: p: ggplot return object
## axis: 'x' or 'y'
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Manuel Koller, Date: 27 Jan 2010, 09:37
lr <- NULL
## get range in from base mapping, if available
if (!is.null(p$mapping[[axis]]))
lr <- range(p$data[[as.character(p$mapping[[axis]])]], na.rm = TRUE)
## walk layers
for (llayer in p$layers) {
lvar <- as.character(llayer$mapping[[axis]])
if (!is.null(lvar) && length(lvar) > 0) {
## check if the variable is available in custom data.frame
if (!is.null(llayer$data) && NCOL(llayer$data) > 0 &&
lvar %in% colnames(llayer$data)) ## if so, update range
lr <- range(c(llayer$data[[lvar]], lr), na.rm = TRUE)
else ## try to update range with data from global data.frame
if (!is.null(p$data) && NCOL(p$data) > 0 &&
lvar %in% colnames(p$data)) ## if so, update range
lr <- range(c(p$data[[lvar]], lr), na.rm = TRUE)
## makeFootnote: add footnote to plot (like stamp)
## from:
makeFootnote <- function(footnoteText=
format(Sys.time(), "%d %b %Y"),
size= .7, color="black")
## require(grid)
grid.text(label= footnoteText ,
x = unit(1,"npc") - unit(2, "mm"),
y= unit(2, "mm"),
just=c("right", "bottom"),
gp=gpar(cex= size, col=color))
## ## Example ##
## plot(1:10)
## makeFootnote(footnote)
## using this and multicore results in segmentation fault
## print.ggplot <- function(..., footnote)
## {
## ## Purpose: print ggplot and add a footnote
## ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## ## Arguments: see ?print.ggplot
## ## footnote: text to be added as footnote
## ## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## ## Author: Manuel Koller, Date: 25 Jan 2010, 16:32
## ggplot2::print.ggplot(...)
## ## if (!missing(footnote)) grid.text(footnote, x = unit(1, 'npc') - unit(2, 'mm'),
## ## y = unit(2, 'mm'),
## ## just = c('right', 'bottom'),
## ## gp=gpar(cex=.7, col=grey(.5)))
## if (!missing(footnote)) makeFootnote(footnote)o
## }
## ## modify print.ggplot: update legend automatically
## print.ggplot <- function (x, newpage = is.null(vp), vp = NULL, ...)
## {
## set_last_plot(x)
## lg <- ggplotGrob(x, ...)
## ## edit grob: change legends
## ## get all legend texts
## lls <- getGrob(lg, gPath='legend.text.text', grep = TRUE, global = TRUE)
## for(le in lls) {
## print(le$label)
## if (!is.expression(le$label) && le$label %in% names(legend.mod)) {
## lg <- editGrob(lg, gPath=le$name, label = legend.mod[[le$label]])
## }
## }
## if (newpage)
## grid.newpage()
## if (is.null(vp)) {
## grid.draw(lg)
## }
## else {
## if (is.character(vp))
## seekViewport(vp)
## else pushViewport(vp)
## grid.draw(lg)
## upViewport()
## }
## }
print.ggplot <- function(x, newpage = is.null(vp), vp = NULL, ...,
footnote = NULL, footnote.col = 'black', footnote.size = .7,
footnote.just = c("right", "bottom"),
legend.mod = NULL)
## Purpose: print ggplot and add footnote
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: x, newpage, vp, ...: see ?print.ggplot
## footnote: text to be added as footnote
## footnote.col: color of footnote
## .size: size of footnote text (cex)
## .just: justification of footnote
## legend.mod: named list on what legend entries to replace
## by value
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Manuel Koller, Date: 26 Jan 2010, 09:01
if ((missing(footnote) && missing(legend.mod)) ||
packageVersion("ggplot2") > "0.9.1")
return(ggplot2:::print.ggplot(x, newpage, vp, ...))
## this is mostly a copy of ggplot2::print.ggplot
if (newpage)
grob <- ggplotGrob(x, ...)
if (!missing(legend.mod)) {
## edit grob: change legends and strip text
lls <- getGrob(grob, gPath='(xlab-|ylab-|title-|label-|legend.text.text|strip.text.x.text|strip.text.y.text)',
grep=TRUE, global=TRUE)
## walk all legend texts
for(le in lls) {
if (!is.null(le$label) && !is.expression(le$label) &&
length(le$label) > 0 && le$label %in% names(legend.mod)) {
grob <- editGrob(grob, gPath=le$name, label = legend.mod[[le$label]])
## also: remove alpha in legend key points
lls <- getGrob(grob, gPath='key.points', grep=TRUE, global=TRUE)
for (le in lls) {
if (is.character(le$gp$col) && grepl('^\\#', le$gp$col)) {
lgp <- le$gp
lgp$col <- substr(lgp$col, 1, 7)
grob <- editGrob(grob, gPath=le$name, gp=lgp)
## also: change spacing of legends
grob$children$legends$framevp$layout$heights <-
grob$children$legends$framevp$layout$heights * .91
if (missing(footnote))
else {
if (is.null(vp)) {
## add footnote to grob
grob$children$footnote <- grid.text(label=footnote,
x = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "mm"),
y = unit(2, "mm"), just = footnote.just,
gp=gpar(cex = footnote.size,
col = footnote.col), draw = FALSE)
llen <- length(grob$childrenOrder)
grob$childrenOrder[llen+1] <- 'footnote'
} else {
if (is.character(vp))
else pushViewport(vp)
## add footnote to plot (from makeFootnote)
x = unit(1, "npc") - unit(2, "mm"),
y = unit(2, "mm"), just = footnote.just,
gp=gpar(cex = footnote.size,
col = footnote.col))
## guide_legends_box <- function (scales, layers, default_mapping, horizontal = FALSE,
## theme)
## {
## print('hello')
## legs <- guide_legends(scales, layers, default_mapping, theme = theme)
## n <- length(legs)
## if (n == 0)
## return(zeroGrob())
## if (!horizontal) {
## width <-"max", lapply(legs, widthDetails))
## heights <-"unit.c", lapply(legs, function(x) heightDetails(x) *
## 10))
## fg <- frameGrob(grid.layout(nrow = n, 1, widths = width,
## heights = heights, just = "centre"), name = "legends")
## for (i in 1:n) {
## fg <- placeGrob(fg, legs[[i]], row = i)
## }
## }
## else {
## height <-"sum", lapply(legs, heightDetails))
## widths <-"unit.c", lapply(legs, function(x) widthDetails(x) *
## 1.1))
## fg <- frameGrob(grid.layout(ncol = n, 1, widths = widths,
## heights = height, just = "centre"), name = "legends")
## for (i in 1:n) {
## fg <- placeGrob(fg, legs[[i]], col = i)
## }
## }
## fg
## }
### viewport test
## data <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = 1:10)
## tg <- ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) + geom_line() +
## geom_text(data=data.frame(x=10, y=1), label='test')
## print(tg)
## tgrob2 <- ggplotGrob(tg)
## str(tgrob, max.level = 2)
## str(tgrob2, max.level = 2)
## tgrob$children$footnote <- grid.text(label= 'test haha2', x = unit(1,"npc") - unit(2, "mm"),
## y= unit(2, "mm"), just=c("right", "bottom"),
## gp=gpar(cex= .7, col=grey(.5)), draw=FALSE)
## tgrob$childrenOrder[7] <- 'footnote'
## grid.draw(tgrob)
## print(tg, footnote = 'footnote test text')
## ggplot 0.8.7 bugfix
## require(ggplot2)
## data <- data.frame(x = 1:10, y = exp(0:9))
## ggplot(data, aes(x, y)) + geom_point() +
## geom_hline(yintercept = 9) + geom_vline(xintercept = 2)
## last_plot() + coord_trans(y = 'log', x = 'sqrt')
## GeomVline$draw <- function(., data, scales, coordinates, ...) {
## data$y <- if(coordinates$objname=="trans" &&
## coordinates$ytr$objname%in%c("log", "sqrt")) 0 else -Inf
## data$yend <- Inf
## GeomSegment$draw(unique(data), scales, coordinates)
## }
## GeomHline$draw <- function(., data, scales, coordinates, ...) {
## data$x <- if(coordinates$objname=="trans" &&
## coordinates$xtr$objname%in%c("log", "sqrt")) 0 else -Inf
## data$xend <- Inf
## GeomSegment$draw(unique(data), scales, coordinates)
## }
## Coord$munch_group <- function(., data, details, npieces=50) {
## n <- nrow(data)
## if(n==2 && (all(data$x==c(-Inf,Inf)) || all(data$y==c(-Inf,Inf)))) npieces=1
## x <- approx(data$x, n = npieces * (n - 1) + 1)$y
## y <- approx(data$y, n = npieces * (n - 1) + 1)$y
## cbind(
## .$transform(data.frame(x=x, y=y), details),
## data[c(rep(1:(n-1), each=npieces), n), setdiff(names(data), c("x", "y"))]
## )
## }
cs <- function(x, y, ..., if.col)
## Purpose: make aes dependent on global variable color
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Arguments: same arguments as for aes
## if.col: list of arguments that are only applied if
## color = TRUE
## ----------------------------------------------------------------------
## Author: Manuel Koller, Date: 7 Sep 2010, 08:36
aes <- structure(as.list([-1]), class = "uneval")
if (globalenv()$color) {
aes2 <- as.list(aes$if.col[-1])
for (item in names(aes2)) {
aes[[item]] <- aes2[[item]]
aes$if.col <- NULL
## replace levels by legend.mod
lab <- function(..., lm=legend.mod) {
factors <- list(...)
lev <- unlist(lapply(factors, levels))
if (length(factors) > 1)
lev <- sort(lev)
ret <- as.list(lev)
idx <- lev %in% names(lm)
ret[idx] <- lm[lev[idx]]
## my labeller
mylabel <- function(name, value, lm) {
if (value %in% names(lm)) lm[[value]] else value
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