
Defines functions nb2listw can.be.simmed similar.listw_Matrix similar.listw_spam similar.listw nb2WB listw2WB minmax.listw

Documented in can.be.simmed listw2WB nb2listw nb2WB similar.listw

# Copyright 2001-10 by Roger S. Bivand and Virgilio Gomez-Rubio

nb2listw <- function(neighbours, glist=NULL, style="W", zero.policy=NULL)
	if(!inherits(neighbours, "nb")) stop("Not a neighbours list")
        if (is.null(zero.policy))
            zero.policy <- get("zeroPolicy", envir = .spdepOptions)
	if (!(style %in% c("W", "B", "C", "S", "U", "minmax")))
		stop(paste("Style", style, "invalid"))
	n <- length(neighbours)
	if (n < 1) stop("non-positive number of entities")
	cardnb <- card(neighbours)
	if (!zero.policy)
		if (any(cardnb == 0)) stop("Empty neighbour sets found")
	vlist <- vector(mode="list", length=n)
	if (is.null(glist)) {
		glist <- vector(mode="list", length=n)
		for (i in 1:n)
			if(cardnb[i] > 0) {
				glist[[i]] <- rep(1, length=cardnb[i])
				mode(glist[[i]]) <- "numeric"
		attr(vlist, "mode") <- "binary"
	} else {
		if (length(glist) != n) stop("glist wrong length")
		if (any(cardnb != unlist(lapply(glist, length))))
			stop("neighbours and glist do not conform")
		if (any(is.na(unlist(glist))))
			stop ("NAs in general weights list")
		if (any(sapply(glist, function(x) 
			isTRUE(all.equal(sum(x), 0)))))
			warning("zero sum general weights") 
		glist <- lapply(glist, function(x) {mode(x) <- "numeric"; x})
		attr(vlist, "mode") <- "general"
		attr(vlist, "glist") <- deparse(substitute(glist))
		attr(vlist, "glistsym") <- is.symmetric.glist(neighbours, glist)
	attr(vlist, as.character(style)) <- TRUE
	if (zero.policy) {
		eff.n <- n - length(which(cardnb == 0))
		if (eff.n < 1) stop("No valid observations")
	} else eff.n <- n
	if (style == "W") {
		d <- unlist(lapply(glist, sum))
		for (i in 1:n) {
			if (cardnb[i] > 0) {
			    if (d[i] > 0) vlist[[i]] <- (1/d[i]) * glist[[i]]
			    else vlist[[i]] <- 0 * glist[[i]]
		attr(vlist, "comp") <- list(d=d)
	if (style == "B") {
		for (i in 1:n) {
			if (cardnb[i] > 0) vlist[[i]] <- glist[[i]]
	if (style == "C" || style == "U" || style == "minmax") {
		D <- sum(unlist(glist))
		if (is.na(D) || !(D > 0))
			stop(paste("Failure in sum of weights:", D))
		for (i in 1:n) {
			if (cardnb[i] > 0) {
				if (style == "C")
					vlist[[i]] <- (eff.n/D) * glist[[i]]
				else if(style == "U")
                                        vlist[[i]] <- (1/D) * glist[[i]]
                                else vlist[[i]] <- glist[[i]]
	if (style == "S") {
		glist2 <- lapply(glist, function(x) x^2)
		q <- sqrt(unlist(lapply(glist2, sum)))
		for (i in 1:n) {
			if (cardnb[i] > 0) {
			    if (q[i] > 0) glist[[i]] <- (1/q[i]) * glist[[i]]
			    else glist[[i]] <- 0 * glist[[i]]
		Q <- sum(unlist(glist))
		if (is.na(Q) || !(Q > 0))
		    stop(paste("Failure in sum of intermediate weights:", Q))
		for (i in 1:n) {
			if (cardnb[i] > 0)
				vlist[[i]] <- (eff.n/Q) * glist[[i]]
		attr(vlist, "comp") <- list(q=q, Q=Q, eff.n=eff.n)
	style <- style
	if (!zero.policy)
		if (any(is.na(unlist(vlist))))
			stop ("NAs in coding scheme weights list")
        if (style == "minmax") {
            res <- list(style=style, neighbours=neighbours, weights=vlist)
	    class(res) <- c("listw", "nb")
            mm <- minmax.listw(res)
            vlist <- lapply(vlist, function(x) (1/c(mm)) * x)
	res <- list(style=style, neighbours=neighbours, weights=vlist)
	class(res) <- c("listw", "nb")
	attr(res, "region.id") <- attr(neighbours, "region.id")
	attr(res, "call") <- match.call()
	if (!is.null(attr(neighbours, "GeoDa")))
		attr(res, "GeoDa") <- attr(neighbours, "GeoDa")
	if (!is.null(attr(res, "GeoDa")$dist)) 
		attr(res, "GeoDa")$dist <- NULL

can.be.simmed <- function(listw) {
	res <- is.symmetric.nb(listw$neighbours, FALSE)
	if (res) {
		if (attr(listw$weights, "mode") == "general")
			res <- attr(listw$weights, "glistsym")
	} else return(res)

similar.listw_Matrix <- function(listw) {
	nbsym <- attr(listw$neighbours, "sym")
	if(is.null(nbsym)) nbsym <- is.symmetric.nb(listw$neighbours, FALSE)
	if (!nbsym) 
		stop("Only symmetric nb can yield similar to symmetric weights")
	if (attr(listw$weights, "mode") == "general")
		if (!attr(listw$weights, "glistsym"))
			stop("General weights must be symmetric")
	n <- length(listw$neighbours)
	if (n < 1) stop("non-positive number of entities")
	ww <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
	if (listw$style == "W") {
		d <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$d
		d1 <- 1/(sqrt(d))
		dd <- as(as(Diagonal(x=d), "symmetricMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")
		dd1 <- as(as(Diagonal(x=d1), "symmetricMatrix"),
		ww1 <- dd %*% ww
		res <- dd1 %*% ww1 %*% dd1
	} else if (listw$style == "S") {
		q <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$q
		Q <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$Q
		eff.n <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$eff.n
		q1 <- 1/(sqrt(q))
		qq <- as(as(Diagonal(x=q), "symmetricMatrix"), "CsparseMatrix")
		qq1 <- as(as(Diagonal(x=q1), "symmetricMatrix"),
		ww0 <- (Q/eff.n) * ww
		ww1 <- qq %*% ww0
		sim0 <- qq1 %*% ww1 %*% qq1
		res <- (eff.n/Q) * sim0
	} else stop("Conversion not suitable for this weights style")

similar.listw_spam <- function(listw) {
    if (requireNamespace("spam", quietly = TRUE)) {
#        if (!require(spam)) stop("spam not available")
	nbsym <- attr(listw$neighbours, "sym")
	if(is.null(nbsym)) nbsym <- is.symmetric.nb(listw$neighbours, FALSE)
	if (!nbsym) 
		stop("Only symmetric nb can yield similar to symmetric weights")
	if (attr(listw$weights, "mode") == "general")
		if (!attr(listw$weights, "glistsym"))
			stop("General weights must be symmetric")
	n <- length(listw$neighbours)
	if (n < 1) stop("non-positive number of entities")
	sww <- as.spam.listw(listw)
	if (listw$style == "W") {
		sd <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$d
		sd1 <- 1/(sqrt(sd))
                if (any(!is.finite(sd1))) {
                    sd1[!is.finite(sd1)] <- 0
                    warning("non-finite inverse diagonal values set to zero")
		sdd <- spam::diag.spam(sd, n, n)
		sdd1 <- spam::diag.spam(sd1, n, n)
		sww1 <- sdd %*% sww
		res <- sdd1 %*% sww1 %*% sdd1
	} else if (listw$style == "S") {
		q <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$q
		Q <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$Q
		eff.n <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$eff.n
		q1 <- 1/(sqrt(q))
                if (any(!is.finite(q1))) {
                    sd1[!is.finite(q1)] <- 0
                    warning("non-finite inverse diagonal values set to zero")
		qq <- spam::diag.spam(q, n, n)
		qq1 <- spam::diag.spam(q1, n, n)
		ww0 <- (Q/eff.n) * sww
		ww1 <- qq %*% ww0
		sim0 <- qq1 %*% ww1 %*% qq1
		res <- (eff.n/Q) * sim0
	} else stop("Conversion not suitable for this weights style")
    } else {
        stop("spam not available")

similar.listw <- function(listw) {
	nbsym <- attr(listw$neighbours, "sym")
	if(is.null(nbsym)) nbsym <- is.symmetric.nb(listw$neighbours, FALSE)
	if (!nbsym) 
		stop("Only symmetric nb can yield similar to symmetric weights")
	if (attr(listw$weights, "mode") == "general")
		if (!attr(listw$weights, "glistsym"))
			stop("General weights must be symmetric")
	n <- length(listw$neighbours)
	if (n < 1) stop("non-positive number of entities")
	cardnb <- card(listw$neighbours)
	if (listw$style == "W") {
		d <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$d
		glist <- vector(mode="list", length=n)
		for (i in 1:n) glist[[i]] <- d[i] * listw$weights[[i]]
		sd1 <- 1/sqrt(d)
		for (i in 1:n) {
			inb <- listw$neighbours[[i]]
			icd <- cardnb[i]
			if (icd > 0) {
				for (j in 1:icd) {
					glist[[i]][j] <- sd1[i] * 
						glist[[i]][j] * sd1[inb[j]]
		res <- listw
		res$weights <- glist
		attr(res$weights, "mode") <- "sim"
		attr(res$weights, "W") <- TRUE
		attr(res$weights, "comp") <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")
		res$style <- "W:sim"
	} else if (listw$style == "S") {
		q <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$q
		Q <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$Q
		eff.n <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")$eff.n
		glist <- vector(mode="list", length=n)
		for (i in 1:n) {
			glist[[i]] <- (Q/eff.n) * listw$weights[[i]]
			glist[[i]] <- q[i] * glist[[i]]
		sq1 <- 1/sqrt(q)
		for (i in 1:n) {
			inb <- listw$neighbours[[i]]
			icd <- cardnb[i]
			if (icd > 0) {
				for (j in 1:icd) {
					glist[[i]][j] <- sq1[i] * 
						glist[[i]][j] * sq1[inb[j]]
				glist[[i]] <- (eff.n/Q) * glist[[i]]
		res <- listw
		res$weights <- glist
		attr(res$weights, "mode") <- "sim"
		attr(res$weights, "S") <- TRUE
		attr(res$weights, "comp") <- attr(listw$weights, "comp")
		res$style <- "S:sim"
	} else stop("Conversion not suitable for this weights style")
	sym_out <- is.symmetric.glist(res$neighbours, res$weights)
	if (!sym_out) {
	    if (attr(sym_out, "d") < .Machine$double.eps ^ 0.5)
		res <- listw2U(res)
	    else stop("defective similarity")

#This code converts a "nb" object into a list of three elements 
#(adj, weights, num) in the format required by WinBUGS
#The weights assigned are 1's always, which is the standard for
#most models

nb2WB <- function(nb)
# class to inherits Jari Oksanen 080603
  	if (!inherits(nb, "nb")) stop("not a neighbours list")
        num <- card(nb)
        if (any(num == 0)) nb[num == 0] <- NULL
        adj <- unlist(nb)
        weights <- rep(1, sum(num))

        list(adj=adj, weights=weights, num=num)

listw2WB <- function(listw)
	if (!inherits(listw, "listw")) stop("not listw class object")
        num <- card(listw$neighbours)
        if (any(num == 0)) listw$neighbours[num == 0] <- NULL
        adj <- unlist(listw$neighbours)
        weights <- unlist(listw$weights)

        list(adj=adj, weights=weights, num=num)

minmax.listw <- function(listw) {
    W <- as(listw, "CsparseMatrix")
    rm <- max(rowSums(W))
    cm <- max(colSums(W))
    res <- min(c(rm, cm))
    attr(res, "rowmax") <- rm
    attr(res, "colmax") <- cm

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